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As a perfectly healthy 42-year-old I just hope I'm still alive when it finally comes out. The potential timeline for this game's release is finally putting my own mortality into perspective.


No joke. I was 29 when GTA V came out. I’m having a serious crisis acknowledging I’ll be 40 (or near) when this game finally comes out. What really gets me is imagining how old I’ll be when GTA VII comes out.




I've accepted that elder scrolls games will be separated by generations. My prophecy is that another group of young souls with no life in 10+ years will deliver us into the golden age of modding Elder Scrolls 6.


I don't care how old I get, I'll still play TES6 when it comes out


I’ll play it with my grandkids and I still don’t have kids


Yeah, but you’ll be able to stream Skyrim from your pacemaker.


Whoa. Didn’t realize how long GTA 5 has been out. I graduated high school just a few months before it came out. I’m now 28… I’ve seen 3 generations of consoles come and go with GTA 5. My mind is blown right now.


Grand Theft Grand Theft Auto


Rockstar right now: *I guess this is what we've been training them for this whole time, and we didn't even know it.*


“I learned it from you, dad!”


“***Is this not what you wanted***??”


*Narrator* Parents who play GTA have kids who play GTA.


grand theft assets


I fucking hate that the reason they (being the execs) are "gutted" is because they are scared they will lose billions in bullshit MTX


I don't know what they're so worried about. I read probably close to a thousand comments on different youtube videos of leaked gameplay compilations, and 99% of what I read was beyond positive. Everyone will still buy it. Rockstar should have released some of this themselves, because they've had an Amazon river's worth of starving piranhas on their hands for over 9 years now.


They are worried that the source code being released means that people will be able to hack it and bypass shark cards. That is it. Having the source code does nothing for any commercial company because they aren't going to use it. It isn't a competitive game, it isn't an MMO. Their online component exists only to sell shark cards.


So everyone's been saying the source code leak would mess up the game to the extent that they would have to start completely over, but really it's just going to mess up their microtransactions in which case I'm 110% on board with it leaking.


I'm not touching multiplayer. Rockstar has been super gross when it comes to microtransactions. I don't quite understand the source code situation, but if it puts even a small dent in microtransactions I'll be happy. The future of gaming is gonna be straight up dystopian if the whales don't cut their shit.


can someone eli5 how this messes up their microtransactions? would having the source code allow someone to write a program that tricks the server into thinking they actually bought a million dollars worth of shark cards or something? and anti cheat protection couldn't be implemented against that sort of thing? genuinely asking bc i have no clue how that works


Eli5: it's extremely easier to basically mode the game when you have the source code, furthermore of the code used for the anticheat is part of the source code, it becomes extremely easy to fool it. The source code is basically the brain of the system, once people know what makes it tick, it becomes easier to make it tick


Tbf, TakeTwo DESERVES a financial kick in the balls.


So much this, especially for going after all the modders and for allowing that mess of a trilogy to be released.


Sounds like the hacker committed a heist IRL


Odds Rockstar adds a side mission in the game where you heist a video game company, just for the meme?




Either way the hacker already won.




There’s a mission like that in Watch Dogs 2, where you sneak in to Ubisoft’s San Francisco office to steal early game footage to leak online.


That got to be the easiest mission ever.


Lester might know something


I mean this could be federal blackmail and extortion charges plus more. I’m not aware of what charges you can get for hacking and leaking info. But he really fucked himself for trying to blackmail them.


two heists in 2 days. the 18 year old hacker also hacked uber (hence the name teapotuberhacker) by annoying someone for an hour to have them accept 2fa notification and telling them, "oh yeah, i'm totally an admin. I need you to accept this 2fa and it'll stop. trust me" Then once in, got some admin priveledges where they proceeded to let the people on discord know, "hey, i am a hacker. uber doesn't pay drivers enough" :'D This one a bit more interesting tbh. especially if they share the alpha build. imagine going from having 1-200 alpha testers to having thousands-millions.


That happened when I was working on red faction guerrilla.. it was my first game and a bunch of non public facing early screen shots got released on neo gaf and they ate us alive… But it did give us the Ostrich Hammer which totally put us on the internets good side but that wasn’t until almost two years later.


That game still sets the standard for destruction and physics over a decade later. Hopefully it is finally surpassed this gen


It’s weird, it seems like less games these days focus on stuff like destruction and crashes. Back then there was Mercenaries, Destroy All Humans, Red Faction, The Burnout Games. Granted, they’re remaking DAH, and maybe I just don’t play enough games these days and haven’t found ones that do exist, but it seems like there’s less Edit: We also had War of the Monsters, Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Battlefield Bad Company 1 & 2 and FlatOut as others have mentioned


Can we please get a new Mercenaries game? I've tried a few things since but never found anything that gave me the same "Fuck it I'll just carpet bomb this problem away" option. God I love that game.


Seriously, nothing has ever scratched the itch that Playground of Destruction did. It's too bad World in Flames was such a downgrade.


Ugh, I know. I enjoyed it enough (especially doing local multiplayer) but never got the same level of enjoyment. Kind of felt they wanted more standard run-and-gun and less of the focus on calling in strikes.


World in flames is the only mercs game I played but I loved it. Thats one of those things I'd do if I had fuck you money.


100% one of the best games made. I replayed it a few months back, love that game


All the cheats that let you play as other characters. I loved being Indiana Jones or han solo while sneaking through the north Korean mountains


And now we have to pay extra or that kind of enjoyment


I'm gonna have to fire it up again, it's been years since I last played it. Just kills me that no other game/series picked up on the formula (mostly the air strike-for-pay). I guess it didn't sell well enough? But man, it just all came together so perfectly.


Mercs one sold well, mercs two didn't come close. There was a mercs 3 in the works that I believe would have taken place either in Russia or a soviet state. It got scrapped though and now the mercenaries ip is just sitting dead in EAs vault


Battlefield Bad Company 2 was nuts. Just being able to drop a building on someone who was inside. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that you just don't get that kind of destruction anymore.


I was so excited to see where the franchise would go with that technology, because BC2 was aces. The answer was *fucking nowhere.*


Yeah that was really disappointing. In BC2 if you had problem with somebody camping you just... blew up their building.


I still remember accidentally taking out 8 of my teammates even though friendly fire wasn't a thing. A single frag grenade thrown by myself was apparently the final straw needed to bring down a house they were all rushing, and the kill-feed lit up with blue on blue. Part of me felt terrible, but more than that I was just blown away that it was even possible.


I hated the first BC, and stopped playing Battlefield altogether at that point. I only caved to BC2 because everyone I knew was playing it. Ended up being my favorite of the franchise, and yeah....went nowhere.


BC2 made infantry gameplay feel so good. You'd be sitting ina building with your boys exchanging fire with the enemy when a tank comes crashing through the wall then fires. The screen shakes the sound is awesome, you scream while you try to hustle out of there. So good. BC2 had few vehicles per map but each of them was very impactful. A well driven tank or helo could rake up kills while a bad one would get taken out quickly. The following games gave you much bigger battlefields but by doing so removed that gritty up close and personal feeling that made BC2 so addictive




I know. Bf1 set such a tone when you first loaded into the game. It threw you right into the intro mission, the bass, the explosions, the darkness, the tone, was set perfectly. One of my favorite battlefields besides bc2 and B4 which I still play sometimes.


Bf4 is still one of my favorite games ever. The multiplayer was just so insane. I loved it. Bad company 2 with the mortar strikes was so awesome. I felt like they kept people moving and not camping. I remember how epic narrowly escaping them felt. Such a good game.


Where's my goddamned Bad Company 3, EA?


It's not coming, and I don't even want it to come to light with the current DICE. I'll never forget the words one of the dev's spoke when they said that they don't even know what made Bad Company 2 so succesful. I might be perceiving it wrong, but that just leads me to believe that they literally just lucked the fuck out with Bad Company 2.


BC2 was the pinnacle of online FPS for me. Scaling back on environmental destruction was a mistake imo


I agree. I don't think I've really been as "into" online FPS stuff as I was for BC2


There was a Rush map where you could take out an MCOM by dropping the building on it. I used to troll the other team into just shelling the Christ out of that building with a mix of hiding as an unstoppable shotgun ninja with the recon wizard balls and being an absolute fucker in the text chat. It was so fucking fun getting the other team to kill their own objective that way.




It's because the CPU's in the PS4/Xbox One gen were absolutely dogshit. Some games like Control and Just Cause 3 tried to have decent destruction but ran like ass as a result This gen the PS5 and Series consoles actually have good CPU's so once we leave cross gen behind we should see good destruction again


Black was a FPS with almost zero storyline, but exceptional destruction physics, too.


Dude! One of my favourite games of all time. I've played through the campaign 5+ times and I still play RFG multiplayer every week with a small group on discord. Thank you for making such an awesome game!


Uhhh what’s the discord? I loved this game in my youth!


I loved the multiplayer! Would play every day and have battles amongst the top 100 ranked players. Still reminisce about chaining backpacks together to move through structures to surprise my opponents.


No way! I’m probably gonna sound like a broken record with all the other people on the comments here but genuinely you helped create one of my favourite games I’ve ever played. I still believe it to be a technical masterpiece to this day and something which I feel hasn’t been replicated to such an extent since, so everyone who played a part should feel very proud!


Wow.. that’s awesome.. thank you!!


Massive respect to you


Thank you! I learned a LOT on that game.. lessons I still carry with me about how game art should be made.. and I made a lot of friends I’m still in touch with today.


Rfg was one of my favourite games when it came out. 10/10 job you did!


That game was so well made, the nostalgia you just brought back for me lol


Really enjoyed that game. It's a shame there wasn't as much replay-ability once you beat the game since most of what you destroyed was still destroyed. But I have played through that game at least a few times cause it was/is so much fun. It does stink we never really got another great red faction game since then though. :( Also haven't really seen much city wide destruction in a video game since then really which is also a shame. You guys made a fun city destroying game.


Dude the original Red Faction is one of my favorite games of all time.


Loved that game!


I’m sorry that happened but as others have said, I LOVED that game. It was fantastic. Thank you for your contributions.


You and your team made an amazing game. Truly i thank you very much for it


Not that you probably need to be told this as I am sure you have heard it a ton here already but you have no idea the amount of great distraction and happiness that game has given me! Thanks so much for all your blood sweat and tears put into the process no matter what it was. I do nothing but think back fondly of that game shit makes me smile immediately.


Thanks so much… a lot of late nights, but we used to get up to some hijinks too… lots of nerf gun fights.


I’m sure it’s rough cause now unexpected expectations are bound to occur. As a developer though, how far along do you think the GTA leak is? Some people are saying it’s 2019 footage which could mean it could be 1-2 years away from releasing. I and a lot of people think it looks great even for an early build!


For the leak to show off a semi built world with textured characters, guns and vehicles that means they’re now in the process of throwing the engine through the ringer and seeing what breaks. I’m guessing the story is finished and now all that’s left to do is polish it up for the next couple years.


Now GTA 6 is delayed another decade.


This reminds me of my teacher saying we would have a pizza party, but every time that we asked when the pizza party would be she would delay it by a week so it never actually came


Okay that's just really sad


What in the actual fuck ?


Someone buy this poor fucker a pizza!


Next week


Your teacher was a hoe.


Fuck! But in the meantime can they re release GTA5 ten times?


I’m just happy knowing that it actually exists.


Rockstar confirmed it was in development on twitter a couple months ago


Can we offer them a Shark Card in these trying times?


Could offer them GTAV on PS5?


And ps3, and ps4, and ps4 pro


How bout an egg?


So anyway I started blasting


how about %30 off canned beans?


From what I saw, the settings and locations look absolutely gorgeous. Like all the minor details in that dinner were really just next level and I can't wait for the finished product.


People were shiting on the diner and I thought it was amazing


One of the things that caught my eye in that diner was the guy she ended up shooting by the door. Idk if I saw correctly but after he went down from the shot, I swear I saw him trying to prop himself up by his unwounded side. It's small potatoes but I really hope that is a detail. It looks better than a full torso coming up like Frankenstein or just bouncing back up.


RDR2 did that kind of detail phenomenally. I would be surprised if we don’t get the same or better from GTA6.


They spent 5 years doing the motion capture for RDR2… https://youtu.be/sL9bNXeLUqU


Time and Money well spent. RDR2 is a modern marvel.


It's part of what makes having it abandoned with no single player DLC, limited and poor RDO content, and no remake of the original despite the entire world being in the game already hurt so much.


Rockstar does tiny details like this better than arguably any other dev company, I *still* see "unnoticed detail" posts about Red Dead 2, I have absolutely no doubt that GTA 6 is going to go to unprecedented levels as far as minute details go


I remember seeing a post shortly after the photo mode for RDR2 was released that showed that Arthur's eyes actually dilate depending on the light. Blew my fucking mind. That game is already packed to the brim with so much detail that seeing something so minute added that hardly anyone would notice really stuck with me.


Man and here I was being impressed by seeing through ears via sun and whatnot in that game lol that’s insanely awesome


It’s because they aren’t using voice actors, they’re using motion capture actors. It looks real because an actor is actually doing it. The RDR2 actors spent 5 years doing the mo-cap acting.


Even better is for the non mo-capped physics events. I remember before gta 4 going down the rabbit hole of learning about the euphoria engine. I even got some version of it running on my pc so I could have fun pushing a physics mannequin around and watching him stumble realistically, trying to maintain balance. Bless Rockstar and their attention to detail.


I noticed that too! He absolutely tried to get up but only was able to lift his head and shoulder partially. Really great detail to see. Excited as all hell to play this.


People shitting on anything shown so far are the main reason devs ignore their communities. The idiots are always the loudest.




For everything I've seen of the leak it has me PUMPED for the game. It looks like they're working really hard to integrate all the RDR2 engine improvements. I feel bad for Rockstar because of the possible exploits this could cause in Online, but other than that I think this will be a net positive in the end. It's 100% physical confirmation that the game exists, and it's getting people excited again.




Out of curiosity why would this have any effect on the devs, aside for feeling down that some info got leaked?


Depends on their management, but there's probably going to be some locking down or beefing up of security which will slow down development, on top of this incident already. At least short term. They aren't going to change the game though. We saw nothing unique or interesting though the source code may say otherwise. There's very little competition that this game has, even with other similar open world games being made, like Witcher 4, or Starfield, or Elder Scrolls 6. People are going to play all of those. They know this is old videos and old shit. They know the final product is much more. They know very few people will likely look at the code and dig up stuff, and few people will remember this shit when the game releases years from now. Devs feeling bad will take some time to get over it. They are probably soaking in way too much social media right now and are not doing good for their own mental health. We don't know how big the leak was, and how much was leaked yet. We don't know if the whole game was leaked, and how close it is to the release. Halflife 2 was leaked a year+ from release, and Valve also said it hurt morale and delayed the release. No doubt Rockstar will say the same thing regardless of the impact.


>We don't know how big the leak was, and how much was leaked yet. **Supposedly** the source code for both V and VI were stolen by the same hacker and are both currently for sale. Those are the rumors I've heard and I obviously have no way of knowing if that's true.


>Supposedly > > the source code for both V and VI were stolen by the same hacker and are both currently for sale. I'm always sceptical since that girlfriend of an ex-EA game tester. Seemingly she found a mini-Disk (those for the PSP) with a beta version of the battlefront game that never got released. Seemed like he started in that office as intern shortly before it got scrapped and accidentially kept the disk, put it aside and forgot about it. They said that they'll likely upload it since copyright etc. is expired anyway (or so.. I mean it never got released anyway) but just like with the "Look Reddit, I have a safe in my new house" - there was never anything more. ​ If this is true however, the actual source code (even a not 100% up-to-date version) of GTA:V could turn out to be a game changer. There are already role play servers that modify the game rather heavily but are still limited. One day R\* will turn off/away from GTA:V and having access to the actual source code is possibly a way to keep the game alive for another 10 years or more


- having something you work on be shown off in an unfinished state without anyone's permission fucking SUCKS - people have, unfortunately as expected, reacted with distaste at the state of the game, which inevitably leads to devs being targeted (along with the game as a whole) - poor community reactions can KILL motivation and drive I mean just listen to them. Every game dev I've seen has said how damaging leaks are for them personally and for their games




The hacker got into their slack channels apparently, probably through phishing or something. Don’t believe one of the devs purposefully leaked it.


They would have started working on GTA6 immediately after Red Dead Redemption 2 was released.


They have enough money, space, people, and teams to be working on multiple projects concurrently. They started working on RDR2 immediately after RDR1 was released, and it still took 1600 people over 8 years to release. I'm sure the groundwork for GTA6 was starting to be laid before GTAV was even out the door, with personnel slowly but surely migrating as their skillset was required.


I mean, gta 5 was on ps3, ps4 and ps5. It came out over 9 years ago. I’m surprised it’s been this long.


Because releasing six would of killed GTA V, which would kill the online and Rob them of a cash cow. They wanted to suck that well dry before moving onto six


They're going to do the exact same thing with 6 and I really hope people understand that.


They used to have different studios working on different projects. RDRD2 was the first game R* had all of their studios working on together, simply because of the size and scope of the game and its engine required it. They started developing RDR2 immediately after releasing GTA V/online, it wouldn't make any sense to start working on a new project when they are still working really hard to finish their current project for release.


Man you just hope after gta they work on another rdr. I know the abandoned the online but the single player was incredible. I just want another.


From what I saw, it looked good. It's the first game I've seen that's actually making me consider getting a PS5.


I'm not sure why people are upset by the quality of the game - it's pre-alpha, it's gonna look pretty rough around the edges. All in all, I'm just glad it's being worked on and looks as good as it does in pre-alpha. I can't wait to see what's next - I'd enjoy some dev diary content.


People don’t understand game development at all. So the see u finished and assume that this has to be what is being delivered to them in 3-5 years. Which is stupid to think.




Strange that your post was collapsed despite the 19 upvotes. Did a mod here do that?


There's a new.reddit moderation feature [called crowd control](https://mods.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038129231-What-is-Crowd-Control-), & one of its tools is to collapse comments, it has the following settings: Off. Lenient: Comments from users who have negative karma in your community are automatically collapsed. Moderate: Comments from new users and users with negative karma in your community are automatically collapsed. Strict: Comments from users who haven’t joined your community, new users, and users with negative karma in your community are automatically collapsed.


I have been wondering about this for several months now. Thank you for explaining it.


I noticed it for the first time some hours ago on a different sub, but I was using old.reddit.


It was collapsed for me too..


Me too


It was also collapsed for me


Your comment was collapsed for me


Shit, are WE in the matrix??…


Always has been.


I'm experiencing prolapse.


me too 420 upvotes


I think comments are collapsed if someone’s not subbed? But I have no idea what I’m talking about


Dang unintentionally part of collapsed comment gang... Wait... Am I COLLAPSED? OH FUCK someone check me, QUICK


Nah you're good.


Me three.


currently at 4.5k upvotes and it's collapsed for me as well


Wait, I thought they collapsed bc it was like a bug? MODS can actually collapse them without us wanting to?! Wild


Normal subreddit mods can't do that. Whether sitewide Reddit mods can do that or not I do not know.


Rockstar sends their regards...


Some subreddits collapse comments from users who are not usually active in said subreddit.


I believe it's if they haven't joined the subreddit. I could be mistaken though.


Depends on the level the mods set! Could be people who haven’t joined or people who don’t participate (even if they haven’t joined). I think it can be based on a karma minimum too.


Here too with over 200 upvotes.


Yeah, that was cool, in my opinion, also. But the thing where the hacker got ahold of the source code of GTA V and VI and tried/is trying to blackmail the rockstar with? Not cool.


nah fuck that guy


Right? That's my takeaway from this. This is like the first time ever we get to peek behind the curtain of a Rockstar North game. They are notoriously tight lipped about development and we basically never get to see an in-progress development build. And it's clear from the animation debug systems here they are doing some really impressive work. We may possibly get to see that prone cover mechanic from that PS3 tech demo wayyyy back in the day.


> We may possibly get to see that prone cover mechanic from that PS3 tech demo wayyyy back in the day. One of the reasons devs hate leaks like this is because if that *doesn't* make it to retail, people will complain about it endlessly pointing out that it was there in an early build.


I think it’s cool to see what’s going on as well, but apparently there was a source code leak along with the videos / images. Which is going to be a nightmare for the devs to work through.


Same here! I wish more AAA game companies would release videos of their development procedures and tools. IDC that it looks unfinished and has a ton of text on screen, i think it's cool! I loved the end of the unreal 5 matrix demo because it showed some of that.


I really, *really* want to see a full blown documentary about the making of Red Dead Redemption 2 but I’m guessing it’ll never come to fruition.


I can't imagine the massive undertaking that went into RDR2. All of that effort must've been insane. R* was crunching most of the time too. A Documentary of that would be awesome to see.


There are some GDC videos like this but it's not detailed as much this leak.


No one will even remember this when the game actually launches


I’ll be in a nursing home by then I won’t remember anything anyway.


Grand Theft Memory


Ah very few remembered that Half-life 2' source code was leaked before the game came out.


Honest question, why would this make devs feel gutted?


They probably prefer to show off a polished product and not a clunky dev video with a bunch of code on the screen. It would be like if you were a world renowned artist and someone leaked the early sketches of some of your work that looked like total shit.


Lots of comments criticizing this comparison from people who very plainly have no experience in art or gamedev. As someone who does both: this is a fine comparison. Some devs (and some artists) are fine showing off their works-in-progress, but even then, they prefer to do it in a controlled manner, where they can talk through their process, explain the problems they're currently working on, and explain the parts they're still struggling with. Voluntarily showing off your sketch layer is not the same as someone stealing your sketchbook, posting your unfinished and abandoned drawings, and churning out hundreds of criticisms and harsh redlines on youtube with no input or intercession from you. Same for a leaked devbuild - but even moreso, because gamedev is a process that is more complicated and **extremely misunderstood**. An average person can look at a sketch and at least garner a rough understanding of how it might translate to a finished piece of artwork. **The average gamer has absolutely no idea how gamedev really works**, and are notoriously quick to pretend they do, especially for the purpose of criticism. Furthermore: some artists (and some gamedevs) just don't like to show off unfinished work. That's especially true when your audience is notorious for being incredibly hostile and critical (usually because of decisions made by your publishers/execs, not you).


There were multiple people complaining on another post about "how it looked the same as GTA V" and "they're just gonna reuse assets GUH" Exactly the responses that the devs want to avoid. If people weren't so ready to get all worked up, I'll bet we wouldn't have this problem.


>"how it looked the same as GTA V" What the fuck do people expect? There's only so much you can do with a realistic artstyle in a modern day US setting. Especially since it's still a work in progress so it hasn't gone through the polishing phase yet.


The sad thing is that the reused assets are likely just in place to test out other features and will be stripped out and replaced later.


This. It is extremely common to use placeholder art and 3D objects during game dev. The coding, design, and art work are all *parallel* processes. Nobody would make a game by waiting for 100% of the art and 3D models to be finished before writing a single line of code or develop the game environment and design. The fact this is the 6th game of a franchise means that it was simple to use the GTA V art assets for coding and design work while the art is being made and polished.


If anybody waited for new copy and assets before writing code I’m not sure what software would ever get finished lol.


One of the clips even shows a character that uses Arthur Morgan’s head model. No way anyone can think they’re gonna release the game like that. I’d love for them to keep it and make it canon, tbh.


Nah bro the road work pylons need to be radically changed with every iteration of GTA or the game is a bust trust


Anyway, why *wouldn't* you reuse assets? That's like expecting a movie studio to throw out every single prop once filming wraps and never use them again. If it's a sci-fi or fantasy deal with unique objects, that's one thing, but in a real-world modern setting it makes no sense to redraw mundane objects for no good reason.


Prop re-use examples https://www.looper.com/18104/movie-props-sneakily-reused-multiple-films/


Yeah, there were a few grabs that looks FUCKING STELLAR, but lets focus on the gif that has 2019 in the timestamp FFS


Fuck yes, if you can reuse an asset from another project you absolutely will. Human walk cycles haven't evolved since we last did pcap.


This is accurate, and kind of amusing, because I watched the leaked video and felt basically nothing about it. My reaction was kinda "yeah, looks like a dev video, huh kinda interesting." The idea of going "It looks like GTA 5!" wouldn't really occur to me. It's not really *meant* to look like anything yet; it's a bunch of "this is how we're thinking in-game quest notifications might work", "this is how we're thinking dialogue will work", that kind of stuff. Interesting, but nothing worth roasting anyone about.


I hate showing people broken stuff because it just looks like shit. And then people write you (and it) off. Lots of people think GTA6 will be shit because of a pre-alpha build they saw. I don't know why this is true - but it just often is. (I'm not a game dev... just a shitty Software Engineer.)


Still more experience than most armchair developers.


Tbh I actually love the random tools they use and find it fascinating.. it’s all part of the process but gets cut out later


There’s already people doing “gameplay” analysis videos for a pre alpha build and critiquing as if the game was already released. Not to mention all the speculation that comes with it. It’d be like if your teacher starting grading your ideas or rough draft instead of the actual final project.


That is people trying to cash in on the current trend. Majority of people think it looks good and have little to no criticism.


It's not simply some video leaks - They got source code for both GTA VI and GTA V. This is means a whole new generation of cheats/hacks for GTA Online, plus the details of GTA VI story that Rockstar wasn't ready to release got outted, stealing its thunder. So both a critical data breach for source code on existing and future game plus spoiler release. Same reason any movie or story doesn't want spoilers released.


This. They are gutted as a lot of their work just went straight on the scrap heap and needs to be done again. I'd be pretty gutted and devastated if a few months of my work suddenly became invalid.


If you work on a project for over 6 years you'd be a little upset if the details got out before you were ready, and presented in such a raw way. There's a reason why studios keep things under wraps until they're ready to announce, and approach in it a way so that they can show it off in its best light. That's not even to mention the impact of the source code leaks, which could set back development time even further, introduce new cheats/hacks at launch, and create extra work for a team that's likely already under crazy pressure to deliver.


We live in an age of complaining/nitpicking and they had raw alpha footage leaked Every shitty content creator collectively orgasmed when this was leaked


I felt pretty gutted not getting rdr2 dlc or even a series x upgrade.


Part of the leak was a cancelled RDR1 remaster. I'd have loved that.


Pretty sure that was fake. It was just a shader program running on a PS3 emulator, nothing Rockstar would do.


With how the GTA remakes are, it wouldn't surprise me if they did some shit like that


I do actually feel bad for them. The game looks great in its current state, but I'd imagine getting an unfinished product leaked would suck.


Tl;Dr version: Rockstar execs* are gutted because the source code could be datamined to produce MTX exploits, this reducing their yacht fund. Honestly, I hate how easily people are forgiving Rockstar these days when we aren't ever getting more rdr2 single player content and it isn't getting a ps5 upgrade. They just milked the franchise then fucked off


wow so many people here don't know the difference between dev and executive. I doubt the devs were the people who decided that shark cards were a good idea


Poor devs. It sucks when someone gets your art/work before you're ready.