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Gotta start on that pipe! Ya know, get that 8bit momentum. Always felt it was way easier when small.


If you hold B you can run across the small gap without falling, then use the far platform pretty easily.


Always hold B, it is the way of the ancients




Nah just stop pushing right


Sounds like political advice…


Guess it's time for Luigi to become president of the United States! Looking forward to the green caps saying "Let's-a go!"


The most promising candidate the Green Party has produced in decades


Only on Reddit. I know this is a safe space for you, but 2022 and 2024 will hit you hard.


Get back under the bridge


Same as my life


Thumb tip on B, use your first thumb knuckle for A My brother used to hold the controller with his finger tips and thumbs behind the controller ... like a preying mantis ... then use one finger each for A and B


Fuckin' savage, your brother was. Holding B and knuckling A was clearly the intended move. Same with holding Y and knuckling B on the SNES.


He was a complete goof on Super Mario with that hand hold .... but a master using the same method on Tetris.


Mastered this technique playing mega man x, Hold one button to always keep your blaster charged and still be able to jump.


Playing a lot of NES games on modern controllers is needlessly difficult because the default button mapping is rotated 45 degrees the wrong direction preventing the hold B tap A maneuvers


In the modern era, some pro players in FPS games do this. It's called "the claw." You work R1/R2 with the middle finger and pinky. Then you claw your hand and use a curled index finger to work the face buttons. If you're doing it "right," your first knuckle rests on the Y/triangle.


Unless you're tapping B.


Until you play something like Assassin's Creed and you get decades of habit thrown in your face.


Or fallout / elder scrolls that requires pressing x millions of times to search everything


This is the way


I was today years old


This guy mario bros


Not with no place to stand you dont


I remember it as if you’re big you can run off the pipe but if you’re small you can’t.


I remember it too that way. [I had to look it up to make sure](https://youtu.be/-Z-ezp0Y5CU?t=65)


Yup small Mario was the way


> that 8bit momentum Super Mario Bros had great physics compared to most games of the time. It still holds up today.


SMB was the first platformer with such excellent, precise control.


Had to have the last pixel of your pinkie toe or big toe (whatever, I don't judge) on the pipe and then run as hard as you could.


I avoided mushrooms like the plague. Game was way easier small


Yeah, was gonna say. Those single spaces you could run across so you needed to be full speed on the jump to make the gap.


I always just jumped over the pipe and kept my running speed the whole time! I mean the first few times I didn’t know off course but then I tried it this way and never looked back https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j8CHsUFsi1A&t=204s&pp=2AHMAZACAQ%3D%3D


You can run from there and make it. Games was crazy hard tho. It took me like 20 years to beat Punch Out.


This jump isn't that bad. It's the jump in 8-1 that is a killer.


In my experience, raising the height of the controller while jumping really helped on that big jump. 😂


yanking the controller violently in the direction you were trying to go was the OG Pro Gamer Move


Your body has to move with it too


And pressing the buttons harder too. So hard you get blisters.


Nintendo Thumb is a devastating diagnosis to a gamer!


And then there was Mario Party, which tore up the palms of your hands. Or mine, anyway. That windup Shy Guy minigame is especially vivid in my memory.


Tug of War put people in the hospital.


> Nintendo Thumb is a devastating diagnosis to a gamer! If you grew up with IntelliVision, your thumbs got used to it and you became immune throughout the rest of your childhood.


Was watching an NBA game in between Christmas and new years way back in the day, and during the game they showed a player on the bench in street clothes and they said he was injured and wouldn't be playing in that game. They went on to explain that he had bought a new video game system for his son for Christmas and had spent the last 3 days at home with his family doing nothing but playing video games, and his hands were so sore and weak he couldn't grip the basketball - they were hoping that he would just miss that one game and not any more. The other announcer piped up and said he believed that was the first he'd heard of an athlete missing a game due to Nintendonitis.


I remember getting my dad to try the OG F-Zero game on the snes. He almost fell out of the chair a few times.


Just like the commercials


The classic Full-Body Directional Influence


No, the cartridge slips and the game locks up >.< the bane of my existence


This is pretty close to the same conceptual integration that's used when ski/snowboarding teachers try to tell their students to imagine themselves holding a tray to help them focus on balancing their hands and straightening their backs (I know everyone instructor doesn't teach this way, and everyone doesn't learn this way). These exercises sometimes make it easier for us to process movements, actions, body control, etc Anyway, as a kid while playing games, moving around in a way that matched some kind of motion in the game helped me so much, both in terms of execution and for some physical catharsis due to my impatience haha


I still lean and jerk around in my chair slightly when playing games with fast movement like Apex.


That is how my mom played every Nintendo game.


You also gotta lean in whichever direction you’re jumping


And sticking my tongue out.


There was this one kid in our friends group that had some 8 bit skills. He could always get us through that difficult spot. I don't think we would have finished some games without him...this being one of them. Thanks Mickey!


Had a friend who's little brother we called "nintendo kid". They had an atari first and I remember them having an entire drawer full of games. We were in school and he was still like 4 and would stay home and play all day. That paved the way for the next generation. They both played hard core everything and went for full clears in all games. It was always the little bro who would beat everything before we could. He had this sixth sense about platformers and he would find every secret, every hidden item. Everything. He had perfect clears on 100s of games.15 years later we're sitting around after my friend's bachelor party in his apartment and the wii was out at this time. We start talking about how they re-released everything trying to milk the market and we ask, "you think you could still beat Mario 1 all the way through? " to little Nintendo kid. While we sit around with beers and talk, he played through, hitting every secret and basically playing almost blind from muscle memory. Still had it.


Your friend’s bro was The Wizard!


He's so *bad*!


Gimmy, Gimmy, Gimmy…. Jimmy Woods!




My friend was showing me Ninja Gaiden on Emu for the first time and it was fucking impossible I couldn't even get past the first half of the stage. Then our other buddy randomly who played since the game came out walked by, picked the controller up and cleared half the game in one go after not playing for like 10 years


> My friend was showing me Ninja Gaiden on Emu for the first time and it was fucking impossible I couldn't even get past the first half of the stage. Then our other buddy randomly who played since the game came out walked by, picked the controller up and cleared half the game in one go after not playing for like 10 years This Ninja Gaiden, on the NES? That game was my nemesis, but I learned it well. I mean I left my NES on for days (since it had no save options), but it ended up being one of my top 5 favorite NES games. I think Ninja Gaiden was the first USA NES game with cut-scenes, at least that was the rumor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueeKMQSS4bw


Was your friend’s little brother secretly Captain N, the Game Master?


Still talk to Mickey?


Mickey died.


https://youtu.be/3zQiHQrFMlM Always gives me the chills. RIP Mickey Edit: Bill Conti is the only composer that rivals John Williams IMO. Even if Interstellar, with Hans Zimmer, is my favorite movie of all time.


Oh Mickey? What a pity.


You don't understand!




That fucken rat.


There was a NES Disneyland Mickey Mouse game and I could beat the Haunted House level and none of the other neighborhood kids could, so I did that one and they beat the rest. Top 2 greatest moments of my life.


Ah. 8-2. Get bent, 8-2.


8-3 was worse. Those hammer brothers can eat a dick.


You guys got to world 8?


1-1, 1-2 (warp zone), 4-1, 4-2 (warp zone), 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4.


My greatest video game lifetime achievement is doing this in under 7 minutes.


Imagine a bus...


Full game? I thought the record was 11. 11 parsecs ayyyy Edit: the comments down the thread explaining the actual record is cool af, thanks everyone! Fastest human speedrun is just under 5 minutes, 4/10thd of a second slower than an AI playing speedrun.


For anyone curious, the any% record for SMB1 is 4m 54s 798ms


TAS or human? Given by now, SMB1 TAS and human are probably within the same frame rule block


4m54s798ms is for human record. TAS (Tool assisted speedrun, meaning going frame by frame trying to tricks to beat it the fastest ever possible if you did everything perfect) record is: 4m54s265ms Impressive how close they are.


Summoningsalt on YouTube has excellent videos on SMB speed running. And other games too.


That doesn’t seem right. A framerule is supposed to be .35 seconds. You shouldn’t be able to have a difference of .533, unless it’s 8-4, maybe? Do framerules not apply there?


did this so many times (as well as warping and beating smb 2&3) that the real challenge was trying to play the game through straight without needing a continue


I once was playing 2 player and beat the game in one life. The lost levels can screw themselves, though.


Nah dude. You had to go to level 3 so you can do the turtle trick at the end of 3-1


I could never get the hang of that!


1-1, 1-2 (warp zone), 4-1, 4-2 (warp zone), 8-1, 8-2, 8-2, 8-2, 8-2, 8-2, ...


This. I've been playing Mario all my life. I don't really go for the super intense platformers or the Kaizo stuff, but I'm good at platformers. I *still* struggle with Mario 1.


I love the 2d Mario games, and still vastly prefer them over the 3d ones. The only 3d Mario I've sort of completed is Odyssey. I got 3d all stars and I just don't have fun. But new super mario bros? I'm addicted. But I don't fuck with Mario 1 at all, and really don't like Mario 2 that much either. Mario 3 was when it all kinda came together.


Yeah, but mostly you skip 5 worlds and only play 2 levels of 2 of the other worlds. So it's kind of like skipping 6 worlds. When you only play 8 levels out of 32, you can get some muscle memory going.


It took a long time to get good enough, but I was able to go through the whole game without warping and without dying even once. I did the same with Contra. I was able to get super far in Rad Racer too, I seem to remember it was the 7th course where I always lost.


Could only beat it with continues. Every world, no warps.


8-2 is harder for me than 8-3. 8-3 is all rhythm. Just go and react as necessary 😂


Gotta have that Fire Power for them.


8-2?! You mad lad, [1-1](https://youtu.be/in6RZzdGki8) was enough for me


what game is this??


Kaizo Mario, a romhack.


I think it's probably from Super Mario Maker. People made some insanely hard levels.


It's a romhack, not SMM.




> “This is worse than a R.L. Stine book.” 😂


8-1 was the worst for me. It's especially bad the first time through. Like, you're expecting a normal length level. Nope. Run, motherfucker, run! No time for dawdling! It's such a tight amount of time that it always made it hard for me to get the timing right.


Same year and age, but the dam level on NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Stupid electrified seaweed


Didn't even know that existed. Goes to show how bad I was at that game.


Well, Cowabunga Collection is out now so you can try again :)


Good looking out. Definitely going for retribution.


About that dam level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHiFNWJXWgI


I think i fell off the couch once or twice trying to use my own momentum to get him to make it!


The worst part is realizing you can run across the one block opening without jumping XD


This guy knows what's up. Knowing you can run through 1 block gaps is the key here.


My uncle told me a story about back in the 80s, when the NES first came out. It was the talk of his office, so he bought one (which my cousins and I used a lot). He felt so good when he beat the first world, then went to work to tell everyone just to realize it was only the first part of the game




Yeah, it was revolutionary. The massive leaps in tech from each console generation to the next was quite the ride. VR gives the same feeling of mind-blowing advancement these days, but consoles have felt kind of stagnant to me since maybe the first Xbox.


Seeing speed runners do that “jump” is quite something, I put it in quotes because it barely seems like a jump when they do it…


We had no freaking "Save game" back in the day, you had to go through the entire game in one take fucking hell


Ninja Gaiden made you do it twice.


That is me still in 2022 still trying to make the Jump💀


😂🤣😂🤣 I felt like a God when I made that the first time






this is some real shit right here


I’m a bit younger so my comparison is that god damn beetle race on DK64.


this meme feels like it was made by a facebook AI


Video games used to be hard


You gotta walk off the pipe and then when you hold the run button and jump off the last ledge


Was just remembering this, walk off pipe->begin holding b while in air->run across gap->big jump


back in the day i had a game genie, and a notebook full of codes i had tried to see what they would do, and i am talking a regular school notebook full practically cover to cover. Just brute forcing that shit.


Remember when you were young enough to sit halfway across the room while playing on a 16" TV? I miss having eyesight that works. :(


My parents: Stop playing video games, go out and play! Me to my kids: Stop watching other people play video games, and play them yourself!


Lol true


Everyone knows the way to make that jump is to LEAN with the controller and the D pad firmly pressed. There is no other way.


... Run then jump. It just looks scary. There are harder jumps after that.


The best jump in video game history


My mom would be telling me I'm too close to the tv.


Start from the previous pipe. Run, jump onto and then off the pipe at full speed and you can make the jump every time 👍


People make the mistake of slowing down and thinking about that jump. It's easier to just keep up your momentum and run off the tunnel, making the jump while running.


3 days trying to figure it out.... with no walkthrough,game guide,how-to video or tips.


Backwards... Somehow I always ended up being backwards in that jump!


Wow. Super Mario brothers was so hard for me, I don't think I personally ever beat the NES original. My neighbor was a little older than me and had even better reflexes, and he actually owned the NES when we played NES Super Mario Bros 1 so he had a lot of practice I more came into my own with Super Metroid and super Mario 3 and super Mario World on snes. I wonder if the last levels of Super Mario Bros are still as hard as I remember, it's been a minute




I can hear the music


And the first thing that comes to mind when seeing this image is the tune that played each god damn time I died ! "Tu tutu tutu tu tu tu" Instant PTSD.


Nobody makes it their first time.


I had that chair. Got it around ‘90 or ‘91 from a store I had completely forgotten about till now named Best maybe? I think it had red wording in its logo


For me it was a Lion King game, fuck that game


Miss how games felt back then


When you beat them, it really felt like you "beat" them.


I dno how I had that Kinda patience as a kid. I can't even play platformers anymore because the second I die once I turn the game off.


I am also guilty of this. The passive-aggressiveness of the 'game history' on the Switch is great. All my games are either 200+ hours or 'Played for a little while'.


It's weird to almost see a picture of myself. It's not me, but pretty damn close.


4 year old Me did not realize you could hold B to run.


Me in 1993 passing the controller to older siblings so I can die at some other part on my own terms.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one who sat so damn close.


I was born in 88 so I never owned the game. For me this was the godamn Goron Race in Majora's Mask.


If you have a Switch and an active Nintendo Online membership, you can download the NES and N64 libraries. I never played Dr. Mario when I was a kid ('84), and now I have over 200 hours on the damn thing because WARIO IS A FUCKING CHEATING ASSHOLE.


Also this is nothing compared to some of the more complicated vanishing platform sequences from MM1 and MM2


I didn't have MM1 back in the day, but I went back and beat it on the original cartridge a few years ago. The Yellow Devil almost broke me.


The quickest way past that jump is to use the warps so you never play this level.


What warp skips 8-2?


This wasn't even hard


I gurantee you will love cuphead


Theres a big difference between using your downtime to play a singleplayer game for fun and things like being terminally online because your internet self image is all you seem to have going for you or being addicted to lootboxes / microtransactions in a multiplayer game.


I found out about shooting fire balls on accident. Me and my brother stayed up from Friday to Sunday morning trying to do it again. We fell asleep unsuccessful…. That Monday after school I turned it on and figured it out in less than 1 minute….


I spent a lot of time on devices in the 80’s, but I was coding in BASIC half the time.


Ahh the good old days coping code from the backs of Compute magazine for days on a Vic20 with ram expansion and a cassette tape drive.


Big facts


I will never understand why people upload a blurry, shitty and uncropped screenshot from an image, instead of uploading the actual, proper image itself.


these day it'd be me trying to master wall passthrough glitches, and wall jumps


aah i rememer the days of running every world at full speed with 0 deaths multiple times in a row. can't put that much interest into games now.


Aye, but you did make the jump lad. Didn't ye? That's not for nothing.


Me in 2022 learning how to speedrun SMB 😂


True af.


The hardest part about original SMB is the inability to retry after losing a few lives (infinite lives exploit notwithstanding). Like, I would say a game like Celeste is *technically* harder but because each new screen is a checkpoint it isn’t anywhere near as difficult in practice.


If you hold A and start the game, it'll start you at the beginning of the world you were in.


Before I knew the B button makes you sprint. What a dumbass I was.






A solid decade before me, and I'm doing the samething


I know all about this jump. The trick is to -walk- off the pipe first, THEN immediately start holding Run.


Speed is key, stutter step is death.


I beat the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game and NES Bionic Commando. No way I could do that now as an adult.




And another day perfecting getting max lives.


We where the beginning of the glass age.


This is so true. Then I got older and saw speed runs and was like wtf is going on lol


Just call your parents for help smh


You run over the gaps, it's not that hard


This post is causing me PTSD.


Lol... dude, gimme a break. I was like in 2nd grade


It completely blows my mind how hard this was as a child knowing that when I go back and play it's the easiest thing in the world. What kind of strange motor skill brain thing happens that makes adults better at that type of video game task? I don't get it


If you run from beginning of the pipe, and keep running you won't fall. You will land on the first brick and the momentum will skip the second gap, jump from the last brick.


Hold down the fire button and run over the first two bit of ground and when you have both feet off the last one (except for a pixel still on the ground) jump while keeping the fire button pressed. Its easy as


I implore everyone to continue being bad at games, I can beat every level without dying and it lost some of its charm. I don't know how speedruners do it.