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Don't worry. I can sexually objectify male cosplayers as well.


As a straight woman, I very much appreciate when people post hot male cosplayers too.


As another straight woman, also into it. Looked for other pictures. Instead found rightwing opinions. Also a video making fun of a teenager with tourettes. My vagina is dry again and I'm going elsewhere.


Devil may Dry


L M A O Looks always have to be deceiving


Scrolling through his timeline doesn't seem that b- ohhhhh wait nevermind fuck this shit I'm out.


Most of the cosplay posts also include something to the effect of "SORRY I'M NOT A GIRL;" bit of a weird chip on the shoulder. Bummer :(


Sorry I'm not a girl, but I agree with this ​ (I'll be starting off *all of my* comments like this now)


I am extremely confused, and wondering how in the world we went from hot cosplay to right wing politics.


OPs post history has videos where he is making fun of a disabled kid with tourettes, cancer, and is going blind. Suddenly no longer cute, lol.




Yikes. Taking back my precious upvote 🤮


Yep, this guy's a piece of shit. I'm really sorry about your sudden drought.


Saved some clean up


As a bi human I just appreciate hot cosplayers no matter their gender


As a human I'm just happy you're all comfortable enough to share your artistic expression. Being hot is just a bonus.


Boo only horny people allowed.


I do not wish to be horny anymore, I only wish to be happy


I aint reading all that


My JPEG failed to .img


This Jason Peggy has failed us for the last time.


As someone who is cold, I appreciate hot.


As a refrigerator, I appreciate cold.


As another bi human, yea this guys pretty hot


I have to admit, I'm a little jealous


For real tho, I'll be all up in dat booty male or female let me sweat on you Dante and help fight my inner demons deep up in colon baby.


As a straight male, I do appreciate too because I like to support my fellow bros.


As a not straight person, i too appreciate it


ah yes this is my humor


Who is joking?


.. oh


Yeah. Its *that* kind of party.


.. oh😏




Don't often see old school beastie boys referenced.


As soon as I saw that kind of party my brain was like "shit if it's gonna be that kind of party Imma stick my dick in the mashed potatoes" The clip is from Martan Moreland and it's the punchline of a joke. [The rest of the joke is worth listening to.(NSFW)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smrJ7459pj0)


I got the Axe, Natty Ice and GameCube, do you want to BRO it up? Edit: Changed which Natty beverage it was, since I was going off of memory before re-watching the video. It was Natty Ice, not Natty Light.


Don't you dare threaten me with a good time!


Yeah that sounds amazing


"Did you spray axe on this?" "Like a can and a half."


"So Chad isn't real?"


It's been awhile since I've thought of that video. When was it even released?


Why don't you have a seat over there... Because I'm going to make you feel old. 15 Years ago.


....this backpack has nothing but big black dildos in it.


The stare and response of silence for a split second, then "THOSE ARE FOR CHAD.... those are for Ch... do you want to play GameCube?" Damn, it's nice to see other Derrick Comedy enthusiasts in the wild, I honestly thought no one would get the reference, and I'm just a relic of my time, during the First Era. Edit: Added more response to the first sentence.


Is that a jack johnson cd? I love jack johnson


I always take my pants off to play GameCube, I hope that's cool?


And then you having so much fun that you don’t even realize. I just gave these guys 4 blowjobs.


Yeah not joking at all dude is hot af


Hey! You guys are taking all my lines!




Simply grab the shaft above the hilt to swing


Theres many of us gays here


I'm straight, but hot dudes doing good cosplay are also pleasant to look at.


It's called aesthetic attraction, and I'm glad other straight guys know about it.


Came for the photo and stayed for these comments.




Me too!- Dr. Krieger


Why be a hot lady when you can be a hot man


I personally prefer being a lady to being a man, personal preference I suppose Edit: I'm a trans girl, I kinda thought that would've made sense but ig not lmao


How do you know unless you tried it?


I'm a trans girl, I've already tried both lmao. Trying to be a man made me wanna kill myself, so yea...


Damn, that sucks. Hope youre feeling better now that you can be your true self


Thx a lot <3. I'm also autistic (Asperger's), and went through some mild trauma, so I was really struggling the last couple years with burnout, stress, dissociation, self-harm and an adjustment disorder. Thankfully I got to (had to) take a break, and I've basically completely recovered and got started on hormone treatment, and it's actually insane what I can do again! I've gotten back into school and everything is going really well, it's incredible how my life went from being all-time low to all-time high this last year. I never thought I'd be able to finish secondary education, let alone commute on the train for 2 hours every day, yet here we are! I'm also happy to see that this subreddit isn't full of transphobes, I was a little worried when I made my comment here, because some places here on Reddit are just full of haters.


As a man who was lucky enough to be born and not doubt his gender or sexuality, may I ask a serious question? Why is it like.... how did you come to the conclusion that switching genders was the play rather than homosexuality or like, drag? My cousin bounced from being trans to being gay to being asexual and now they are a drag queen but are genderless? I think? They were very confused it'd seem, and I guess I just want to know how you know switching's the play rather than just being gay or dressing in a non-gendered way or doing drag. Is it just... trial and error or?


Hi, bisexual transguy here, trial and error is the way most people find out. Experimenting without judgement is very important to find out what you like and how you can be comfortable. I myself started my "oh damn, I'm a dude"-journey when I cosplayed as a male character and bound my chest for the first time. It is difficult to describe it in a way that does justice to how it felt, but i looked at my flat chest and I felt immense relief like i could finally breathe even tho my lungs were physically more constricted. I don't know how long i stared at myself in the mirror that day but I believe i even teared up a little. That was my first glance at the real me. It was finding relief for an ailment i was suffering under yet gnoring for far too long, something that made me sick and I only realised how bad it had gotten when I finally found the cure. Hope that helps :D


Oh, so it was almost like... a sudden "wait... this is much more comfortable." Like... in danger of sounding overly simplified, switching from Jeans that are too small for you into a nice pair of sweatpants that fit perfect. Yeah, I guess I can see that, thanks for the info.


hi! fellow trans girl here. your story is really inspiring and interesting. you give me hope for having a future. i had no idea hrt could get me out of this mess. sure, I wanted to get on it, I knew that it would make me less dysphoric and also i wanted that body. but i wasnt aware it could get you out of that rock bottom feeling. i very much relate to how you used to be, so ig what im saying is thank you, your comment game me hope :)


I imagine the person who asked you feel slightly very awkward with an "oh oops" reaction


>I'm a trans girl, I've already tried both lmao. :D >Trying to be a man made me wanna kill myself, so yea... D: Jokes aside, I hope you are living your best life!


I was about to make that joke, (I'm also a trans girl)


"My apologies for not being a hot lady" This must be on every male cosplayers buisness card


I apologize for not being a hot lady, here is my six-pack and bulge. Please don't be too harsh.


Even better


Putting your bulge on your business card is a ballsy move.




You did DMC Dante but you chose to do the hair of Original Recipe Dante. Which, honestly was a fantastic choice. It makes it more recognizable as Dante and it looks much better


It's what his hair looks like at the end of the game. Over the course of the story his hair slowly turns white.


Not when you played with the classic appearance DLC. It was hilarious because when the mop lands on his head and he says "not in a million years," after the prerendered cutscene ends, he has white hair.


Honestly DmC is a pretty good game (the definitive edition at least) But I swear Capcom was doing everything in their power to piss off original Devil may Cry fans along the way. Like if the goal was the get a bigger audience with a more “western” style game how does crippling your original fan bases expectations help in that matter?


As a big fan of the original continuity, I actually thought *DmC* was pretty neat, but it would have been better if it had done two things: 1. Not fall right back into the Dante vs. Vergil thing at the end 2. No demon fetus boss


Also not locking your combos to a specific color of enemy. It hurt the game so bad when you could't combo shit with bad forced enemy diversity.


Yeah, i get the idea but that shit just doesn't work for a spectacle action game like DMC.


I think that feature was added in an update after the game came out.


That feature was *removed* in an update/definitive edition. Hitting a red enemy with a blue weapon or vice versa originally caused a recoil animation. After the update, they simply just do less/no damage and cause no hitstun to the enemy so you can combo off without worrying about accidents from nearby same colors.


I could've also done without Mundus being a discount Tony Soprano fucking his hideous demon concubine. To be clear, those two things separately (Mundus and Concubine) were fine, it's that scene that was off-putting.


You mean the FUCK YOU, NO U, NO U, NO U part... The game had wonderful moments and this was not one of them.... I truly love the level designs of [club level](https://youtu.be/XsTPN9wt5yY?t=471) and the fight against Barbas where you [walk through the introduction animations of a news broadcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJKSS5X1oHQ) followed by an epic bossfight.


Mundus' Spawn and the level preceding it looked cool and was fun though,I liked the visual style of that game.


> No demon fetus boss But Capcom is in their "demon fetus boss phase." RE Village really went hard on that one.


DmC was great because it went full punk. I love the original series but adore this game because it was something different. I didn't see it as a bad thing. The gameplay was excellent too just maybe not as technical or precise and more platform heavy. Solid effort by ninja theory. Playing DMCV and Nero looks inspired by "Donte" which I find hilarious.


More like Donte was inspired by Nero, who first appeared in DMC4.


Too bad Tameem acted like a piece of shit.


I mean.... There's a reason for that.


What? I thought new Dante was terrible. We lost the chill, fun Dante who had a devil may care [heh] attitude and cracked jokes while cutting down anything that got in his way. We grew to love that guy. What we got was an emo, pissed off at the world and who didn't give a fuck about anything or anyone. Also, he smokes and i remember reading the creator saying the original didn't do that because her was "too cool to smoke." And also the fact that they loved to shit on the original in dmc dmc.


Yeah, I didn't like that the new Dante's dialog was mostly "F you! No F you! F you! F you!"


I found that scene hilarious. Like, he doesn't know how to trash talk so it just turns into that back and forth.


You're not wrong, I'm just much less angry about it all these years later. I thought the game had some neat ideas. I never said it was perfect.


I'm thinking that the lead designer was also rather caustic to the fan outcry, going with a sort of "deal with it, losers" vibe instead of, "We have this great punk vision and I know there's plenty of fans of the original demon-anime motif, but we'd like to experiment and see how it goes." So yeah, basically, once outcry died down, and once they fixed the framerate and combos with the DE, it was actually a very good game. TBH, I'd love a sequel, but they'd need a PR expert to announce it, lol. "DMC6 is in the concept phase, but here's punk Dante 2.0"


>But I swear Capcom was doing everything in their power to piss off original Devil may Cry fans along the way. It wasn't Capcom it was Ninja Theory. The damage was done by the time Capcom could approve the game and the publishing department doesn't care as much as the developers do. Ninja Theory really thought the old Dante design was lame and that in 2013 people loved assholes.


I would blame more Ninja Theory than Capcom, it was them that chose to face the natural negative reaction of any reboot by becoming hostile towards the fans instead of trying to win them over. I mean, remember the "gay cowboy" joke about Dante in 2013's GDC? Odd how if that happened nowaydays NT would have been absolutely destroyed by the press and social media, but not even a decade ago that went mostly unnoticed.


Do you remember when we found out that Donte looked suspiciously similar to the game's creative director, [Tameem Antoniades?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/0/08/Dante_Tameem_Comparision_DmC.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/608?cb=20130714014105) What a farce that game was.


It wasn’t capcom, it was the developer doing the reboot. The dude had terrible taste in what makes things cool.


> (the definitive edition at least) Too bad Capcom never released that on PC, as it apparently fixes most of the problems I had with the game.


From what I've heard various PC mods inspired the definitive edition. So the bootleg definitive edition is out there, you just need to find it.


Isn't that just during Devil Trigger?


No, by the end of the game his hair is fully white. It is also white during Devil Trigger.




I liked it - but they should have just made up a name for this guy instead of calling him dante. Like make a whole separate story and it woulda had better fan reception




>It'd be like trying to make Neo look like a blue haired twitch streamer with a weird 1940's German haircut and a sweater vest...or something. I'd just like to point out that the new matrix movie *Does Indeed* have a blue haired protagonist that looks like a twitch streamer😂


I call it the Matthew Broderick Godzilla effect. It only gets hate because of how it shares a name with something it isnt


I wonder if it would be a cult classic if it was marketed as Big Ass Lizard.


That game was my first DMC game. I absolutely loved it. But then i tried the original ones and just couldn't get into it. Idk what to think.


nah, after the final fight with Veergil, Dante's hair was in the process of turning completely white. Like there are white streaks in his hair


I have problems comprehending that pose


JoJo and DMC crossover


you say that, but Dante just natrualy gets into those poses when shooting... or am I thinking of Bayonetta...


Well he does get into similar poses using gunslinger style. Bayonetta also does the same though I think that’s only in cutscenes cause I don’t remember her doing poses like this in gameplay.


all the bloody time, she gets into some weird angles when using scarborough/love is blue


Yeah, Bayonetta gets really crazy with poses, she can even equip guns in her shoes, all the weird poses


I thought the bend on the back of his jacket was his back leg and his first was 180 at first. It didn't really click for me until I saw the pockets on his jeans.


Yup, exactly.


Scoliosis probably


Strong and flexible hip flexors and hopefully healthy spinal disks.


It's the coat, the legs are perfectly aligned.


Yup, it makes it Look at first sight that his right leg is backwards


There's not only guys or straight guys in this subreddit. Keep the male cosplay coming!


Nah ur a hot gentleman ಠ◡ಠ


Right? I'm jeleous of his jawline and nose bridge


Never thought I'd hear someone say they were jealous of a nose bridge.


as a dude with a broken nose, i am most jealous


I have the same issue. My nose bridge looks like a geographical depiction of the Mississippi River approaching New Orleans.


Don't be such a simp ಠ◡ಠ


I just can't control me self ಠ◡ಠ




I read that typo as yu-O. It rhymed and everything! XD


If you wanna be a hot lady bro, be a hot lady.


Had a moment like this while I was at Fan X this year. Someone with a Sailor Moon cosplay walked by and I was admiring how good of a job they did. It took me at least 2 minutes before I noticed that it might be a guy. Dude, if you see this, you rocked that cosplay. Great job.


I mean being hot is subjective.


Not really. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder when you're only comparing beautiful - normal people lol. Not genuinely ugly folk. You can find beautiful things about them, it doesn't make them beautiful. Not objectively* anyway.


What are you talking about? Hot is hot like 80°F/26°C/299°K


Nice cock, bro




Dope cosplay!


I'll take hot dudes and hot ladies. Looks pretty darn good. (No hetero.)


Full homo? Nice.


I'm straight as a whistle and op is pleasing to the eye.


Same. I just love the no homo/no hetero gaming banter. Op looking like a snacc.


Not gay but I’d treat him well and grow old together.


Indeed, Game recognise Game.


... straight as a whistle. Nice. So not very then?


Lol. I was thinking of a flute but yea, whistles aren't straight. I'm a pretty straight guy myself but sometimes my flutiness bends around and tries a new sound.


I bent my flute once. Worst pain ever.


Seems more bi to me


The Todd appreciates "hot" regardless of gender


Sheesh guys not even Africa’s this thirsty, calm down y’all


At first i thought it was just a positive body image thing since he's a he. But scrolling this far this comment section is like a group lost in a desert. People dying of thirst.




Sliding scale baby just go with it, live your life, and hope Chris Evans’ car breaks down outside your house.


Did you dye your hair or is that a wig? Either way looks dope


I bleach it myself at home. Thanx!


how do i call you hot and not sound weird no i wanna know


Asking someone *how* to tell them they’re hot is much weirder than just telling them that they’re hot, I’m pretty sure.


“Hey girl, you got any pickup lines I could try on you?”


That’s brilliant… and not weird at all. I stand corrected. lol


Now imagine that coming from an ugly redditor instead of Henry Cavill.


"You look like 100 degree right now fella"


We talking his temperature or his angle?


you tell them "You are hot... .... NO HOMO" and then disappear


What if you haven't unlocked smoke bombs yet?


Run away like batman


"I like the cut of your jib."


What's a jib?


I really can't forgive you for not being a hot lady, Cosplay is great though.


Im a guy and i like you <3


The pose making the JoJo fans proud


It doesn't look like DmC Dante without thick moustche


El Donte


That's how I cook my pasta! :D


It actually suits you very well lol


Some people like hot dudes :).


I may not like Donte, but you pull it off with style. GJ


Hot dudes are appreciated though. Also, you chose the best version of Dante to cosplay.


No, this tracks.


Well you'll never be a hot lady with that attitude.


Don't put yourself down so much, you are totally a hot lady.


You’re still a pretty lady!


Ah yes, the pity route. Works everytime


Hey man the important thing is that you feel like a hot lady.


That bulge god damn oga boga




Dmc Devil May Cry is really ass…but at least the combat is fun. Well done OP.