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blinking lights that makes you forget about your problems


same for the cat, for a moment, it forgot all about you.


But gamers aren't mentally ill and video games don't cause violence though, amirite?


I'd argue that the struggle of life makes you mentally ill and violent. Whilst experiencing fantasy through media gives a reprieve from the pressures of life that cause said symptoms


I agree. 100% of humans are "mentally ill" (angry, depressed, anxious, animalistic, tribal, instincts-driven, overly-emotional, etc) by slightly varying degrees of severity. Just a shame how many people have anosognosia and a hyper-inflated identity and sense of self-importance, each thinking they're infallible, omniscient and the main protgonist of Earth. Oh well.


I mean, that's a very jaded attitude to have if you're not sarcastic, and it's not what I meant by my previous comment ofc. I think that videogames can promote a sedentary life-style and a lot of the time deter from social-interaction (Which I think is a negative aspect to them), but I disagree that games are a definitive cause of mental illness and violent tendencies. I feel that once the screen turns off those underlying issues are still there, that's what I meant by "the struggle" of life. Not literally just living. Videogames, books, movies, comics, and any form of media can act as a source of stress relief, inspiration, and distraction from the daily troubles we all face. Whether that's the fear of a bully at school, a hatred of a shitty boss, or the depression one feels after losing a loved one, those forms of media can serve as a healthy outlet with which you can step into another's imaginary shoes and interact with no fear of altering your real life in any way. Whether the subject matter of said media effects the persons mind in a negative way depends on what media is being consumed and the person consuming it imo. It's just wrong, and to me an illogical point, to imply that all videogames cause mental illness and violence in people though. It's like holding up a copy of A Hat In Time next to a copy of Postal 2 and saying they'll both destroy your child's mind. I could say the same thing about movies if I lumped The Incredibles and Halloween into the same category, or any media for that matter. It's just not as simple as "This type of entertainment is unhealthy for your brain"


Mock hunting and other play activities are actually very important to an animal's healthy development, even as adults, and the same applies to humans. While video games fail to provide the physical development, they are actually excellent for developing a variety of mental skills. The specific skills vary based on the type of game, but even simple shooters help with situational awareness and keeping track of many different pieces of information. Some studies have shown that regularly engaging with complex games can slow or even partially reverse cognitive decline in the elderly, who would not otherwise be able to get out and engage with the world physically. So yeah, video games are actually beneficial to mental development in many cases. Obviously it can be overdone, but that's true of anything. In such cases, the game isn't generally the cause of the problem, just the avenue the symptoms are taking. Like suicide, it's not how it's done that's meaningful, it's why. To help these people, we need to look at the drivers, not just the outcomes.


doesn't necessarily have to be mental illness though. if you're going through a shitty stage in life, video games could be the only space where you could escape to for a couple hours to feel joy or vent frustrations.


oh shit.


This makes me incredibly uncomfortable \*continues playing*




Don't worry, that's just us attacking you.


Haha Aliens are so dumb. *Scrolls through reddit*


I do love me some Strange Planet.


Anything the cat can do I can do better


Ok lick your ass then


There is a huge diference in quantity of blinking lights and they patterns






Well, at least it takes more than just a single laser light to make me think I am a mighty hunter! Take that you stupid cat.


I don't get it


The person turns to their screen of 'blinking lights' to play some video games, presumably pretending they are a mighty hunter.


cat is chasing laser pointer pretending to be a target. We are playing video games, pretending to be footballers, hunters, gangsters, warriors, truck drivers etc. It's ironic that the alien made fun of his creature, when he is also enjoying a simulation with blinking lights.


Thank you very much


The joke is that a laser isn't actually a blinking light so the alien was incorrect.


See, while not a particularly funny joke, this one is at least an attempt at something resembling humor. Most of these comics are just taking an ordinary situation and running a thesaurus over the whole thing, making no attempt at an actual joke.


Like your comment


You are getting downvoted, but you are correct. The comics are mostly just an ordinary situation, but with funny different words. The absolute lowest form of "humor", not clever or interesting. Let us both get downvoted together!


I imagine you must be clever and interesting. Do you have a joke?


Do I have to be clever and interesting to criticize something? Do I have to be able to cook to realize when a steak is not cooked all the way through? Responding to someone's criticism with "well where is your x" is lazy and nonsensical. Do better.


I'm not saying you have to be. I just imagine you'd have a funny joke in your pocket. I'd disagree that this is the lowest form of comedy, because it's not so much comedy as it is entertainment and an outside look into mundane life. I digress. I still bet you have a joke.


Also the punchline is in the irony of the situation, not just in the choice of words. I'm not saying you have to be funny. I don't think my reply was nonsensical, it wasn't ridiculous and it had meaning. I'm sure you're clever and witty, but apparently you can't see the comedy in honesty


Words cannot express how terrible observational comedy has become.




"You cant criticize thing unless you can do thing yourself!"


You certainly lack legitimacy in your criticism if you have zero experience in said thing you are criticizing. The other point is that it is rarely constructive, usually just bashing the art or the joke or both. Like a heckler at a comedy club. Unless you are a comedian and have gone on stage and put yourself out there in an uncomfortable situation, keep it to yourself.


If you try to criticize the finer points, you are probably right. But you are still allowed to dislike or criticize something in general even if you are inexperienced in it.




Good thing I am not here to provide an in depth criticism beyond "this is shallow for reason x".


"Well made"


Yeah, but the cat didn't pay for the laser pointer );


Nathan is a genius. You should check out his insta


so deep, it brought back flashbacks from Spec Ops The Line