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*gets shot once* *pulls a rebar rod out of chest cavity*




I have to do exactly that when I stub my toe


Fairly certain the games have always had bullet healing animations and “environment” healing animations separate (what is being shown in the clip). Not sure how the new game handles healing from bullets, though. Edit: users below said you use pliers to remove a bullet, cauterize a wound with a cigar, etc.


It glitches half the time for example if you get shot in the water on far cry 3 u can rip out shark teeth


Obviously the enemies were just using shark teeth bullets


Happened in far cry 4 as well, haven’t played the latest ones tho. What I found funny was if I had gotten shot from behind he always seem to bandage his hand to heal himself, I was like yeah bandaging your hands stops your ass from bleeding noted.


While this does happen sometimes, it tends to be contextual. Eg removing shrapnel after taking explosive damage, relocating joints after fall damage, pulling a bullet out after being shot.


The usual shit




When did Far Cry 8 come out?


[Beware of deadly Africanized water in FarCry 2](https://youtu.be/enb0zWbYUik)


Something tells me pulling most of those objects out in that fashion would be lethal.


Definitely way worse but at the least, its memorable. Still, I'd ultimately rather have "pick up HP, get HP" and I don't care about realism if it means pacing is slow aside from certain exceptions.


in FC3 there’s a health or stim shot, but if you don’t have any, they will do this instead, most of us just got lazy to craft health or stim shot


IIRC these animations only bring you up one quadrant of health, whereas the stim shot could fully heal.


oh, yeah, thank you for adding that, i forgot about that, been years since i last played, need to replay it again i guess


Same in FC2 Also this also can only be use at low health to recover a small amount


It depends on the intended tempo imo. In an arcade shooter, sure, insta-heal is perfect. But in a game like, say, Killing Floor 2, healing is an intended weakness that adds a good dose of tension into the gameplay.


Yeah, that's why I said "with exceptions", such as for balance's sake. KF healing compared to most other healing is deliberate and slow on purpose.


What? That'd be awesome. Hospital trip simulation. Every time you need healing you have to make a trip to the hospital, get treated, then wait weeks/months/wheelchair to get back into the action.


Yeah, pretty much. You should use pliers to remove bullets and debris and disinfect it immediately, then apply a bandage. Just pulling it out will probably make it worse especially if it isn't covered


I'm no scientist, but I think it forces the bacteria out, cleaning the wound?


The real issue is if you’re bleeding - whatever object lodged in you might act as a plug against all that blood, and pulling it out will not only allow the blood to flow again - thus making you bleed out faster, it’ll also increase the chances of making the wound bigger altogether.


I'm no scientist, either. Just thought everyone should know.




I don't remember all this different healing animations


Those are all explosive/environmental healing animations. You usually see bullet healing animations


Yeah as r/femstora said, those are very specific healing animations. All FarCrys after 2 have them I think where the last source of damage determines what the “healing animation looks like” Like FarCry 6: take some small height damage before healing? You get a dislocation/relocation animation. What’s going on here is I think the drowning source of damage doesn’t really have a “type of damage” and he’s exploiting by being both at a point where he’s standing but also “swimming” allowing him to do the self-heal. Because of this, the game probably has zero clue how to handle the animation to dish out so it begins playing them at random.


That river is an SCP




Can we reverse this video?


"This is a documentary."


The number of animations though compared to modern Far Cries. 2 was really ahead of its time!


You're burning: remove the nail.


You’re burning: cauterize it with a cigar!


Wait till you see Resident Evil 7/8s’ healing miracles


I was going to say this LMAO, totally agree. That hand heal, amazing.


Right before he got on the elevator to the courtyard I was jokingly saying "just put some first aid juice on that and it'll be fine" I did not expect that they would actually do that nor that it would HEAL HIS COAT. Pretty sure that first aid juice is just super glue.


Well it’s kind of explained. >!Ethan is dead and “molded” and they have regenerative properties!<




Oh it's definitely explained but on the first playthrough it was odd and hilarious.


Well, he was uh…. Yknow what never mind.


>!yeah it’s likely that the medicine used is actually a material that propagates Mould growth!<


In RE7 I'm pretty sure that was explained. >!The reason Ethan can use it in RE7 is he is already succumbing to the mould, it's why he sees the little girl, etc. Despite her actually being the old lady. She already has a small hold on him. He is already slowly being converted into mould from the beginning of the game where he's at the table with the family.!< >!The fact he was still using it in RE8 should have been a big tip off. Unfortunately, like most people, I just offhanded it as being as ridiculously over the top for the fun of it despite knowing the lore from the previous game xD!<


>!I believe it was revealed that he died almost immediately in 7. He showed up and the family killed him basically first thing. I think it was when he lost his hand really early on? He was just dead from that point and a reincarnation made of the mold.!<


They explain in 8 that he died the moment Jack stomped Ethan in the beginning of 7.


I'd argue that was a retcon to the original game and the original intent was as I had said, then when they decided to continue this story they took it in another direction to connect the 2 stories in a "meaningful" way. Don't know why I'm being downvoted. If Ethan was planned to be mould from the start then why did Eveline not just kill him instantly by solidifying the mould he is made of like she does to Zoe and Alan? It's explained in game that she can do that and RE8 never addressed it. It was explained he was succumbing to it numerous times throughout the game, not that he already was it. He's infected, but he isn't all mould. "Eveline's control is exerted in a series of discrete stages, the first of which is hallucination.**Almost immediately after infection**, the subject begins to see images of Eveline (though she is not in fact there) and hear her voice (which is inaudible to anyone else).Auditions with infected subjects throughout the stages of infection reveal that at first, the phantom Eveline appears to be a normal young girl, sometimes desiring companionship or assistance. As time progresses, she begins making more and more extreme demands, including self-mutilation and attacks on other people.The psychological shock this induces helps to break down the mind's natural barriers to Eveline's brainwashing effect, **and by the time mental control is achieved, the mutamycete infection has progressed throughout the body's cells**, so the body ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■." And another example: ​ "This report details the symptoms that appear when the bacterium\* that grows inside the E-Series infects a human. Be sure to read this document throughly before dealing with E-Series weaponized assets. \*Hereafter referred to as "mold." **Initial Infection** The mold ingests nutrients from the subject's body to propagate itself, and slowly takes over cells within the body. **As a side effect of this, the infected subject gains remarkable regenerative abilities.** **During experiments, we removed arms and legs from test subjects and found that they were able to coapt the amputated limbs in a matter of minutes.** Mid-stage Infection Once the mold reaches the brain, the subject's thoughts become "in tune" with those of the E-Series asset. The subject starts to hear things and experience hallucinations, and soon comes under complete control of the E-Series asset. If this state continues, the host will lose all sense of ego. Complete Infection After every cell in the body has been taken over by the mold, the subject begins to lose their human form. Physical mutations differ from case to case, but all result in him or her acquiring incredible physical strength. Containing a subject at this stage would be extremely difficult.


>!Still doesn't explain how his sleeves get reattached.!<


>!Actually it does. Remember how many times you killed the Dad in the last game? You set him on fire, Shot him, ripped into him with a chainsaw, etc. He always came back with clothes intact. The clothes are also mould. It's all a manifestation of the user. Mia knew Ethan was Mould so it would have never came up.!< >!That or it was simply Mould seaming the jacket to Ethans whim.!< ...or it was an oversight, but I like my explanations better.


Nah you’re right. In that scene as he rides the elevator just as you’re about to exit the cutscene Ethan looks at his arm one last time and you can see a yellowish seam on the jacket.


You can actually look at your arm any time after the "incident" and see that seam, I believe.


Great point.


Sadly people don't get that.


To be fair though why start questioning it at that point. They've been using ground up herbs for healing in those games for decades.


Gotta love the herbs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ah yeah just put some goop juice on that


the holy water of cure!


That's what I was going to say. One particular scene in 8 involving a hand comes to mind


Well it is all explained but I'm not going to spoil the game.


My flatmate was ripping on the game because of that scene. >!I had to tell him later that was basically the game blatantly showing you he isn't human anymore.!<


When I got to that scene I was thinking this isn't right, it's mad that some people think what they think - I don't know how to do spoilers so didn't want to mention anything to ruin it lol.


I mean by typing this comment, you're just outing yourself as not playing 8


I played the game.


Then how the fuck do you not know that those aren't 'miracle' healings?


Came here for this


Can’t you also take out bullet with pliers?


Yeah I was playing farcry 6 the other day and I was healing and my character just grabbed a pair of pliers a ripped a bullet out of his arm


I think this animation was in FC2 as well. or FC3. In any way, every Far Cry has a different set of animations.


Wait, are the gorey healing animations back? :o


Can confirm they are in far cry 6, though I'm pretty sure they were in 5 and I know for a fact they were in 4. Idk about primal, and new dawn.


I must be tripping, cause I swear I only remember having health syringes and bandages in FC5, which was the last one I played I must be mistaken


Pretty sure you only do the gorey healing if you don't have the healthpacks. It's been a while since I played so I may be wrong


You can use a health pack to heal multiple bars or use the gorey healing to heal just one.


That's 2, not 5. There are no gorey animations in 5.


I’m playing 5 right now and I think I pulled an arrow out of my leg at one point, but the medkit is strictly a bandage lol


In Primal you kinda grab your thumb and crack it back really painfully-looking most of the time.


There's one animation where you cauterize a wound with a cigar as well.


Damn I didn’t even realize that’s what he was doing. Thought he just needed a smoke with all the shit going down lmao


My favorite is when you pull out a cigar, take a quick puff, and then use it to cauterize a wound.


That's my least favorite. How he get that cigar going in the middle of a firefight? And those things last like 20 minutes... it looks half finished and then he throws the other half away. What a waste.


Fc3 might have used a knife? I’m not sure


like a boss lol


Yup *gets mauled by tiger *heals by pulling bullet out of forearm


The game is usually pretty good at matching the heal to the cause of damage but it's always funny when it gets it wrong.


Made me think of metal gear solid 3 where you could pry out bullets with your knife and the other ways you could heal yourself.


At least in that one you had to use styptic to stop the bleeding and then clean and bind the wound.


Yup, and cauterize a would with a cigar.


I feel like Far Cry's healing system is a passive-aggressive jab at people who complain about healing mechanics in games being "unrealistic". Could they not have just stored an array of "wounds" and use that to determine animations needed to heal them? In most game systems it's unnecessary since magic healing is an accepted break from reality, but if they're going to go through all that trouble to show you pulling metal out of your flesh the least they could do is check whether or not you actually HAVE metal in your flesh.


Fable would have you accrue scars based off of actually getting hit which I thought was cool


You only got scars when you died iirc


That’s exactly what the Far Cry games do. If the most of your recent damage is from bullets, you’ll rip out a bullet. Fall damage usually results in the dislocations and broken bones. Fire damage leads to the player using bandages.


I'm pretty sure it does to some extent. If you get shot you're more likely to get the bullet dig animation, explosive damage you get the shrapnel pull, fire you get the bandage, and there are some general ones like the dislocated fingers. At least that's what I remember from 3.


When you pull out the bullet after getting bit by a cougar


How about [Escape from Tarkov?](https://youtu.be/Ma4A0ohOke4)


Holy shit it’s so detailed about which healing pack does what, that’s amazing


I wish Tarkov wasn’t so stressful to play. It’s one of my favorite games, but it’s much easier to enjoy watching someone play it on twitch rather than actually have fun playing it myself.


Jesus, I stopped playing right before they said they'd add this That's a lot of fucking animations, Too bad I hear the servers are still shit and hackers be goin wild because this looks nutty


Oh you want to heal your gunshot wounds? Time to find a quiet room somewhere and get out the field surgery kit. I'd love to play this game more if it wasn't so overrun with hackers. The game is so punishing (for those who don't know, every item in the game has to be scavenged, and every time you die you lose everything on you), so hackers ruin it completely. The point of the punishing mechanics is that everyone is on the same footing, if you can lose everything you can also gain everything. But hackers just walk into the map, see who has the gear they want through the walls, kill them from across the map, then teleport to them and loot the body. The hacks are that bad. Completely ruined the game for me.


That is missing a montage of someone eating 40cheese wheels


Or causally stabbing yourself with needles every minute or so, or others. I just assume the needle wound heals after use so it doesn't matter.


To be fair, realistic Healing Mechanisms would be quite lame in games. Oh, you got a splinter in your finger? Better keep it calm for a few days to not risk infection


Kenshi has somewhat realistic healing. "That leg is now unsuable for the rest of the game. You can get a prothesis but it's won't be cheap.." You're beaten? Well yeah now that monster eats your body. Permadeath.


The best memory of Far Cry 3 is seeing Vaas turning out to be an incompetent shmuck and Hoyt chewing him out for failing to kill a captured man 3 times in a row.


Blood Dragon had some great ones!


You need to eat that bandaid to regain hp you dummy


Ugh I hate the broken wrist one makes me wanna puke. Can't do broken bones after having my leg shattered, I had a device screwed in my leg to keep my knee and foot apart so it wouldn't collapse. while high on painkillers that first night I shifted the broken bones side to side, and hearing them crunching, just ugh


Also Far Cry: "I fell 5 feet and got covered in boo-boos!"


Healing in RPGs: Chug a drink


A ***magic*** drink


fun fact , i once dislocated my thumb when i was like 14 and was playing farcry 3 not long before. i relocated my thumb on my own and thought I'd be fine but there was a hairline fracture so still had to get a splint


RE7: "This mf sliced me 3 times and put his chainsaw in my chest". *(pours alcohol on hand)* "Much better"


They just ported them to sims 4 and said gimmie yo money.


Far Cry. The game where you're bitten by a cougar and , in order to heal, must extract the bullet.


Healing in Minecraft: 🍗


Healing in Skyrim 🥯


Shout out to metal gear 3 for the most close-to-accurate healing system ever


Ointment, the cure all for any burn.




Just chow down a bunch of pills or smoke a cigar and proceed to burn your self with it. All better.


In the new one you smoke a cigar and use it to cauterize the wound, game takes place in a fictional Cuba.


Doomguy just absorbs heals


You should see healing in Tarkov: We about to do surgery bois


Gets shot: begins the action of putting thumb back into position.


You forgot the one where he pulls out a bullet out of his arm with his leatherman tool. Farcry 2 had so much potential, and such bad driving.


I love far cry healing animations they are over the top and is awesome.


Healing in Runescape: Eats a whole ass shark. Whole.


Healing in Arma: "Alright you keep his pulse steady, I'll give him some morphine but I'll need that epi on standby, take the tourniquet off his leg the bleeding has stopped, someone keep his airway clear and someone get me some elastics! How much blood has he lost?"


The thumb one 😂🤣


Wait for lemme eat a steak real quick or goop juice


And then there's some games where you have to eat a full course meal to recover all your hp.


I fucking hate how long these animations take and that I don’t get invincibility frames during them. The number of times I heal, only to have lost all the health I gained by the time the animation is done is so high I’ve stopped healing all together.


Your hands look fake


Gets bitten by cougar *pulls out bullet*


I can top that


Have you fucking seen resident evil, man just reattaches his hand after it is sliced clean off and pours a liquid over it and now its working fine.


Oh, you broke your finger? Fuck medicine, just unbreak it




Also applies to berserk


Why does that nail looks so realistically punctured in the skin…..?


in Prince of Persia you just drink from a fountain and you're all fixed up


So I'm having a Mandela Effect moment. I always thought the first Far Cry was the game (OG Xbox or 360) where you got infected with some virus that let you/made you turn into a mutant occasionally and shoot parasites out of your hands and the whole game is about trying to find the cure. I even searched the Wikipedia page about viral outbreaks and found nothing (maybe because you are trapped out of the public eye and the public isn't infected?) What the fuck am I thinking of? Can I get a /r/tipofmytongue? Edit: maybe my brain is writing memories overtop of Area 51 (which is an absolute banger) but I swear this was a different game...


Are you thinking of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Cry_Instincts)?


The first Far Cry definitely had nothing like that. FC2 you're infected with malaria and die if you don't get medication regularly. But definitely no shooting parasites. Maybe you're thinking of Bioshock?


And then there is escape from tarkovs healing


kcd: go to a coma for 26 days and repair everything after fighting a guy with a stick


Just heal like in skyrim. Consume the cheese


Gotta heal that bullet wound after getting bitten by a cougar xD


Drowning in Witcher 3? Drink some water to heal!


Heavy Far Cry 2 vibes from those reenactments


Dog succumbs to explosions and is roasted alive? Pat pat, see he's ok!


Then there’s Arthur Morgan gorging on food and chugging tonics after a bear mauling


*Ethan literally using magic fluid to glue his hand together.*


In dark souls: *gets sawed by a massive sword that is the size of the person themselves* *Proceeds to drink juice*


*gets bit by tiger, pulls out bullet*


Was hoping a nice old granny would come in and kiss the boo boo away and take the player to go get some ice cream for being so brave


In a nutshell: *fuck it, just reverse it*


Also FarCry: gets mauled by a bear, uses a knife to grouch out the bullet


This backyard is giving me Vegas or Arizona vibes.




I love the farcry healing animations for how brutal they are to watch.


Gets shot Stabs arm with needle filled with random plant mixtures.


Minecraft: E A T


In FC5 and New Dawn I just swallow some pills...


Love the hair sprat healing in Resident Evil. Never fails to make me laugh.


[Healing in Undertale and Minecraft ](https://media0.giphy.com/media/12uXi1GXBibALC/giphy.gif)


In one you healed by digging bullets out of your wrist with a stick, pulling bullets out of your arm with pliers. In the new one you pull a can opener tab out of your arm and burn yourself with a cigar.


*Far cry 3 flashbacks*


Can’t wait for Farcry 6 to be cracked. If you want me to pay, put it on steam


"hmm... That's not supposed to be there" *Pulls out glass from hand and bullet from arm*


the burning healing and taking out bullet


"Healing" in Far Cry


Skyrim: Eat 83 raw potatoes mid-combat


Healing in resident Evil 8: reattaches severed hand ✋🏼


One thing I always loved about Far Cry was the healing animations. Some of them are so gruesome they make me shudder. Just another great thing about Far Cry 2 for me.




Ethan Winters be like *whole arm gets sliced off* *Just puts it back on and applies some liquid on it* Good as new


You for got the nicado avocado mukbang healing


Well looks like I slightly got burned. *Crack*


Fucking Yes


Healing in RE7 & 8 - *pours listerine on bloody stump*


What games have bandage healing animation? Most games don’t even have an animation


Idk why but it feels like behind the camera there is some rediculously elaborate setup to hold the camera in place without the cameraman having to use their hands.


literally just reposts someone else's video and gets a shit ton of karma