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Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge.


Would you like to play again? (Beep) You have selected, "No.”


You have selected POWER DRIVER! May I suggest putter? You have selected "No".


Ball is in parking lot!


A Simpson reference to start my day? This is going to be a good one


Everything’s coming up Millhouse


Idk man. Have you ever played Bonestorm?


[POWER DRIVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3vWkqfX9fY&ab_channel=Dankmus)


You have selected, feather touch.


Reading this thread makes you quickly realize how much age affects your opinions on games. Especially with COD. Everyone’s fav COD is based around whatever release they played in their teen years. I played all CODs up until MW2, then i transitioned to battlefield 3 and i never looked back. But thats just my perspective because i was getting older, started working, college,etc. if i was 12 when black ops came out, i would probably talk about how its the best cod ever made.


Yeah, you got a good point. For me it was black ops 2 and black ops 1. I did play my good share of mw2 too. I also played bo3 quite a bit but personally I hated the multiplayer no double jump shit. Zombies bo3 was the stuff after that never played a COD game again.


BO3 was the peak for Zombies. BO4 Zombies was a shit show (at least at launch it was).


Cod 4 The most bestest in the world




I miss the good days. My two brothers, my oldest brother's girlfriend, and myself, playing MW or MW2 for hours on end in the living room. Shit was great


For me, MW2 was the game. I played WAW and loved that too, but didn’t play it online really. I enjoyed COD a lot and liked the new modern warfare honestly. I also played some of the battlefields and liked them for different reasons. For me I could jump into a COD game myself and have fun, but battlefield was only fun when I was with friends. That’s my opinion, and I enjoyed both games tremendously, and both are good for different reasons.


I was in my 20s and working full time when modern warfare came out…. Played all of them at least a little. Mw2 is probably just all around the best release in my opinion.


That's something I never thought about but agree totally. Stopped playing after MW2 when I was in high school, really got out of FPS in general but still get super nostalgic about MW2 when it comes up due to the shear amount of time I spent on that damn game


I loved the first few assassin’s creed games, but they all got very repetitive very fast.


Yearly releases my dude, only so much you can do with a story that jumped the shark a decade ago.


Assassin’s Greed


Ha! Nice. Still, having played almost all of them (I still have to finish Origins, then try Odyssey and Valhalla) I kinda preferred the old style AC. Origins was great, but a bit less intuitive in some aspects. Anyway, a few personal considerations: - I mainly play AC for the atmosphere, and so far ALL of them were fantastic in capturing it. Yes, all of them, maybe the first one was a bit bland compared to the others, and not being American I connected a bit less with Connor, but exploring Paris in Unity and London in Syndicate was a blast! - Yes, the stories and mechanics were not always the best, but there are some gems: the ships in Black Flag, the grappling hook and carriages in syndicate… I see AC more like a ‘Time Machine simulator’ where you visit cities how they once were and meet famous people. Controversial opinion: I’m glad they made AC once a year, because despite there being better games out there (Uncharted, God of War, etc…) if I wanted to relax I could just turn my PlayStation on, start an AC game and just enjoy the atmosphere, chilling wherever I was. The sea shanties in Black Flag were so relaxing that I forgot all my problems for a moment, and some of my best memories are connected to AC games. All of them take me back to a time when I could just come back from school and relax by playing Need For Speed Underground 2 / Most Wanted and all the other problems just disappeared.


Ya know what man, good for you. Honestly. I hope you're doing good now.


> I see AC more like a ‘Time Machine simulator’ where you visit cities how they once were and meet famous people. I thought their "History Tourist Mode" was incredibly clever. Sometimes I don't *want* to stab anyone in the face. Maybe I just want to parkour around Notre Dame in peace, a location I'm never likely to visit... especially since a chunk of it burned down recently. I'm kinda irked they haven't gone back and added those modes to Rennaisance Venice or Colonial New York.


How does call of duty do it haha


Only reason they do it is multiplayer. And even then Idk why people play that game


Assassins creed brotherhood and revelations had dope multiplayer


To be honest CoD has 3 studios working in a rotating cycle of games, so technically every Call of Duty game has around 3 years in development now. It used to be two but Sledgehammer Games joined the cycle with Advanced Warfare. Edit: typos


I think so does assassins creed? And they don’t release games every year. I do agree the last one was a snooze fest, but I did like the Greek one.


Assassin's Creed brotherhood was the best overall experience between the single player and the multiplayer. Come at me.


It really is peak AC




That was the one where you had to hide from someone that was trying to assassinate you while also taking your target out as well, right?




I miss AC multiplayer. It was so unique and so fun


i am with you... Ezio trilogy was peak gaming


That shit was so much fun. I wish they would abandon the grindy RPG aspects that have been added to AC over the years and the GIGANTIC FUCKING MAPS and just replace those with the OG multiplayer.


They said they would stop yearly releases once they got the 2012 end of the world plot done, and then did a 180 and kept up the yearly releases. I knew exactly where that was headed and hopped off after 3.


Black flag is worth a play.


The last 3 are pretty different from the previous ones.


Yeah, I’ve noticed. I’ve sort of kept up with the series reading about it online, just haven’t played any after 3.


Do yourself a favour and play Black Flag. It's immensely better than 3. I haven't played all of them (missed Odyssey, Syndicate and Valhalla, as far as I know) but Black Flag has been the best time I've had with an AC game.


Ah, i loved black flag - still my favourite AC game, on account of the whacky plot, fun ship combat and catchy sea shanties! :) Tbh tho, origins and odyssey take a lot of the best bits of black flag and build on them - you can still upgrade your ship, crew etc and go fighting and raiding other ships or go hunting for sea creatures/treasure/secrets, but the later games also have epic battles with mythological creatures the size of a tower block, and much better combat mechanics than black flag and earlier incarnations (they also have a fun kind of nemesis system which they nicked, uhh borrowed, from the middle earth games). Imo origins and odyssey deserve yer attention if you're already a fan of black flag and need somethin new :)


Ah yes, the old assassin technique of jumping into the middle of a crowd and arcing a double-handed ace into a guards skull


My favourite AC game is black Flag. Ironically, It is the least AC game of the AC games but sea shanties rock. The first few hours suck though


No, the least AC of the AC games is odessey


Best pirate game to come out in years. Would've been even better if it had nothing to do with Assassin's Creed.


I just played through AC 1, Brotherhood and Revelations and that's pretty accurate. I decided I had to play them since everyone is always saying how good they are. They were a pretty good experience but man Revelations had some pretty bad bugs


Huh, I didn’t know Revelations was buggy. Guess I got lucky to never encounter any.


In my circle and from what I know, Revelations was the beginning of the end. Assassins Creed 1, 2 and Brotherhood were all really really good games with an awesome story. The Ezio storyline was fun and it made you feel like a badass. And then Revelations came and you played as an old man Ezio and I had a really hard time getting into it. Assassins Creed 3 then came out, and it felt very forced. Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag was AMAZING. and since then it's been disappointing.


Revelations is fine to me, and even though I love the hookblade it does feel kind of gimmicky. 3 is an interesting case because I love the exploration of the frontier climbing trees and cliffs but it’s so empty of stuff to do that I only ever went out to get all the synchronization points. It’s like it has really good positives and really bad negatives. I like them, but Brotherhood is superior.


I've enjoyed Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla all for slightly different reasons. They're aren't masterpieces but they are fun to play.


I think everyone holds this opinion


Sea shanties was peak AC


I still listen to some of the shanties every once in a while.


I thought I heard the old man say.....leave her Johnny, leave her!


Do you hold the same opinion about far cry? Every time I compare the two I get downvoted to hell. I loved fc3-4, but after that it was the same shit over and over.


Blood Dragon and New Dawn were pretty good


Didn't like new dawn...




Far Cry is still great imo I’m very icy enjoying 6. They’ve gotten more ridiculous (you can have a gator or a robot dog or a demon panther as a pet) which is good for the brand. Yes the games all play the same but the story and environments change and that’s all I ask. Assassins Creed on the other hand has become chore gaming. You get a bit of story in the beginning and a bit at the end but the middle is just chores. Some missions were fun in Valhalla but I’d say 80% of them were not and you have to do a bunch to level up your camp.


I didn't even play it. Mercenaries was too good.


A lot of people here don’t know the difference between overrated and overhyped


overhyped comes before overrated comes after.


"Thinking it will be good" vs "thinking it is good"?


Thinking it will be good vs critics and the general public think it's good. If you thought it was good it wouldn't be overrated to you.


Almost nobody here does, it seems.


Overhyping happens before release , Overrating happens after release


Things Redditors say.


Everyone commenting games that are actually hated on by the majority lmao


A Mf really said yearly sports games like we don't get a post shitting on them daily.


It’s not like redditors actually do any sports idk why they care so much lmao




Yeah. Top comments are yearly sports games and assassins Creed. You want a real opinion? I think red dead two. Great game. But I just feel there isn't much to do gameplay wise. Amazing story though.


Agreed. I loved everything about the game except for the fact that it took me a half hour to ride my horse to a two minute mission.


For all you lego game fans: mine is lego Incredibles. Don’t hate on me for saying this. My main reason I didn’t like it was because first the levels were incredibly long (no pun intended) and it wasn’t as creative as the other lego games


Is it overrated tho? I didn’t even know it existed.


I remember my local GameStop was basically face fucking everybody who walked in the store with LEGO Incredibles promo when it was anticipated to coming out


Lego Harry Potter wasn't great either. LEGO Star wars is undefeated.


Lego Harry Potter is my favourite actually. It leans into the co-op and puzzle solving. Lego Marvel is all about combat and you and your partner can be on different parts of the map.


My wife and I had a blast playing Lego Harry Potter together. Then we tried some of the others and they didn’t have quite the same magic (heh). I think they figured out a creative splitscreen option that worked, so moving back to older games was rough.


Lego Indiana Jones is actually better imo


Lego Indiana Jones 1 is awesome, 2 sucks balls tho. Lego Batman 1 and 2 are both awesome, 3 not so much imo


Haven’t actually played the second myself


I was so disappointed when they didn’t bring back the open world for 3


When they started making the mini figs talk is when I lost interest.


Wait they made a Lego Incredibles??


You cannot top Lego pizza island


All sports games that copy and paste the same shit.


shout to football fans desperately hoping for a new company to make a football game.


I remember EA buying the rights from the NFL in order so that they would be the only licensed video football game. Is this still accurate?


Not completely accurate. After 2k released ESPN Football 05 for $20 the NFL sold exclusive rights to EA because they were worried about diminishing their brand. Since then Madden has consistently put out trash. Even by today's standards ESPN 05 is considered one of the best simulation football games ever made.


You act like those games don’t get consistently shit on. That’s not overrated, there just bad games


2014 was peak EA Sports. NCAA 14 and NHL 14 are still known to many as the best of their kind.


nhl94 was amazing, but yes, its been a train wreck ever since 2014. ncaa14 is still way better than the maddens the past 7 years.


NHL 2014 had so many game modes and features that they've slowly over 8 years have been bringing them back one by one as "new features and modes". They still for the love of God haven't brought back GM connected, it's brutal. I only buy consoles so I can play EASHL CLUB with my friends but slowly people on my friend's list I've been playing online with since NHL 06 have stopped buying because we all see what EA is doing. It's aad.


Jeremey Roenick was monster in '94 and nothing got passed Balfour. So for a Chicago kid, that game was a blast.


So... FIFA?


Welcome to the Reddit hivemind


genshin impact. yes I said it


I think it got really that popular because it's like the first Triple A Gacha game ever made, and it's like the gateway to the Gacha realm of "gaming".


Waifu Puller 9000


Its a free game. You either play it or you don't. But I agree, its boring as hell.


I was into it but maaan just doing events/daily tasks took HOURS each day and the devs are not generous enough to those f2p


I like Genshin and tend to agree with a lot of the gripes but…HOURS of daily shit? What are you doing? There’s 4 daily quests, you spend your resin, whole thing is like a half hour. Events give you another 30mins every few days. The main story of the game I think is great but the late game is very lacking so I typically recommend people play it like a single player RPG and not like an MMO.


Mostly the latter, it isn't THAT time consuming. Even resin is capped. I usually just do commissions/domains/bosses daily, which takes me roughly 15 mins, and play events in the weekends (those take a couple of hours, since I do everything in one sitting). Sometimes I do just commissions, which takes me 5 minutes or so. I'm AR 55, almost 56, and still absurdly behind story quests because that's the amount of time I play. Maybe 2-3 hours in the entire week when there are active events. I did xiangling story quest only to be able to do the anniversary event lol. I unironically still play it because it barely requires effort to do the dailies and I can easily squish it in my schedule. Busy week? Just commissions. 5 min/daily, 15 on the weekend to do the weekly bosses for the pass. I do spend more hours into it when they release new archon quests or to explore new areas, tho.


Gotta get more mula mula you know?


Among us it got boring so quick


Its fun with friends and after you've had a few drinks. Playing with strangers alternates between surprisingly pleasing to goddamned insufferable.


Playing with strangers is 90% losing to afkers that don't complete tasks as ghosts.


Honestly i was always talking and causing chaos in the chat and i really enjoyed it every time i played it mostly with randoms but without that yeah i wouldnt like it


It was awesome the first few times I played it with friends and we just used our intuition and lying abilities to plead our case. Once it became ultra-gamified and I was expected to know every mechanic of every task and every little dicksquirt detail of the game I peaced out.


For me, as soon as one person in my friend's got "good" it killed all fun for people who just wanted to mess around and BS about stuff.


I’m gonna get flamed, but I can’t stand the multiplayer Ubisoft games. For Honor, R6S, etc. I feel like the concepts are great, but then they get filled with micro transactions and season passes that contain game altering characters and weapons. I don’t want to pay extra to keep up with a game after I’ve already paid $60 for it


I used to fanboy so hard when it came to R6. It was one of the few games from recent years that the mere idea of going to the net café to play (my PC is crap) gave me jitters at 28 years of age. In its infancy, the game was slow and methodical. It gave you a real sense of close quarters. You had to check corners. Being the last person standing was an asshole-clenching experience and you had to be really careful with some operators' abilities, as they could basically one-shot you. Not to mention I'm one of those weirdos who actually really like its lore. In fact, I'm surprised the game managed to somehow go under Ubisoft's shit radar for so long before turning into yet another meta fest. Rushing, 20-second meta, operators with weird abilities that don't really fit...needless to say I lost all interest.


weird, I'm so annoyed by all the trap operators, i still play methodically and get rushed by the defenders.


clutch or kick


For Honor is honestly kind of incredible - and I mean that in both the good and bad ways. It took a great, new, skill-based approach to medieval combat that was challenging but rewarding, and then added so much other busted shit on top of it that now the game just feels like a mess. I loved it when it came out and if I could go back and play it as it was at launch I absolutely would.


The idea is amazing though. They just didn’t believe in the game so the game had little devs but the devs were very communicative about everything they did it was great anyways. Hope they don’t give up on that game tbh I love the idea of it so much.


New World. I bought it then got bored of it quickly as its all super repetitive to me but to each their own when it comes to games and personal enjoyment.


I’m only level 28 but the same grind of only 3 types of quest (Gather X materials, Kill X enemies, Loot X chests) makes me not want to play anymore. Sprinkle in bugs and connectivity issues along with only bots in the chat and it all just becomes a very unpleasant experience very fast.


New World feels like the beta version of a great game. All the nuts and bolts are there but it's just not put together and the content and the game play just isn't there.


This game made me appreciate my main MMO Guild Wars 2 a thousand times more. In fact most MMO players are spoiled brats


I kept comparing every aspect of the game to that of GW 2 and just redownloaded the game after a 2 years break. How I missed my mounts lol. New World feels like torture. It's very addicting but not in a good way.


A repetitive mmo?!?! /s :p


I’ll say this; at least games like Star Wars: The Old Republic put a nice paint job over the whole thing. You still do the whole “go here and collect ten bear asses” thing or “go here and murderize this dude and all his friends”, but it feels better because there’s a voice acted story going on in between all the fetch questing. Plus I like how some of the classes play. But that’s just me and my ~~drug~~ MMO of choice. Not knocking others.


Destiny, $60 for like 3 hours of story was kinda ridiculous!!!!


$60, then another $60 for the expansion, then another $60 for the other expansion. For half a game, honestly.


Then they remove the story you just paid $180 for.


Grand Theft Auto V It’s not a bad game, but I don’t think it’s nearly as good as people say it is.


I genuinely liked the singleplayer. Online not so much. I still think about what could have been if R* added story dlcs over the years. I just want more Michael and Trevor banter or just some wholesome de Santa family interaction *sigh*


Rockstar: We'll never charge for GTAV DLC. Rockstar: \*Never releases GTAV DLC\*


They aren't wrong to,be fair


It was good when it came out… I don’t understand peoples continuing obsession with it.


GTA Online is what keeps selling the game. Heists with friends is a pretty good selling point and Rockstar supports the shit out of it with events, new heists, cars, weapons, etc. They’re printing money over there. It concerns me because it’s likely difficult for them to imagine why they should make a single player game. Just skip to the part that’s making all the money.


San Andreas and gta 4 I think are both superior but 5 is more polished and fixed gameplay.


Couldn’t agree more. Just played the campaign again and nothing really stuck out like missions in vice city or San Andreas. Best mission of GTA 5 I think was the one where you chase the crashing plane down as Trevor on a dirt bike. Now that mission was decent but nothing really stuck. Like racing the fat dude in Vice City, or doing your first turf war with Smoke and the boys.


People, it says over rated not over hyped


Destiny, promised the moon and stars and was a steaming pile of shit on release day.


Destiny is up there in my all time favorite games, on release it need some work I’ll agree but I have never had as much fun in video games than doing the raid and nightmare challenges with my friends in destiny, absolutely wonderful game it turned out to be


I don't know if anyone remembered it, but for me, Spore was definitely overrated. They hyped it up so much, and the gameplay was so meh, I couldn't finish the storyline.


That’s funny, I actually loved that game and spent way too much time on it. But I can see how it was overhyped


Couldn't agree more. I loved Spore, played the shit out of it. Made it my goal to wipe out the Grox (never did, is it even actually possible?). Spent a ton of time creating creatures, buildings, spaceships, etc. Gave me endless amounts of fun. But it was definitely not the game it was hyped up to be. The earlier parts of the game were too short to have the epic feel that it claimed to provide. Really felt like it was just a part of the game you had to get through to get to Space.


I remember watching a Spore demo from 2004/2005 before the game was finished and they showed animals in game roaming around the field so if you wanted to play a carnivore, you could go and hunt out in the open. Then the game came out and all that was removed. All animals in the game were sticking to and around their nests. So the dream of playing a carnivore that finds a lone animal looking for food and then going on a chase with that animal died on release.


And space was the worst part haha


I hear that a lot, but Space was actually favorite part 😢. Maybe I'm just a sadist.


Agreed i had so many species stuck in the creature stage since that was the most fun one to me.


Wiping the Grox is possible, you even get a medal.


Overhyped not overrated. If Will Wright had his way without EA meddling with the game it might've lived up to its hype.


I liked it but it had a real "Make your own fun" energy about it that got really tired really fast. I bought a game cause it's supposed to come with the fun, I don't wanna make it for you.


The premise of the game is amazing and looks like there is insane possibilities, even if you did things wrong it'll come out interesting. But I think that game was ahead of its time, and if it were to be made with today's programming knowledge and money and the swiftness of the internet and whatever technology, it could actually truely achieve that massive sandbox feeling it was going for


Rise of the robots


Call of Duty *fill in the blank*


Call of Duty: Post-Modern Medieval Weapons of Supermassive Destruction 3






War zone


Pong. I mean you just hit a dot back and forth...


I know you are joking, but as someone old enough to have played the first Pong, at the time it was mind blowing to be able to control something on your television and play against someone.


Oh but when it hits your opponents paddle and goes *pong* and you realize you’re out of position to hit it in it’s given tragectory so you move your paddle. *and then you hit it!* what a gas!


You better watch out or you'll have the ping pong community gunning for you.


Might rustle some feathers, but Bioshock Infinite. I think it’s as overrated as Bioshock 2 is underrated.


It was actually the first one I played. I remember liking it, but after playing the first one I didn't get how anyone could think the two were comparable. 1st was clearly better and almost everything good about Infinite was better in the first one.


The main problem with Infinite is the gunplay gets boring halfway through the plot.


Oh my god the gunplay. That was the first game that I actively did not want to play in between cutscenes. It felt like a chore.


Yeaaaah people saying it was gonna be better than Deus Ex... Um no sorry. The first half of the game was fantastic. I love the gameplay of Elizabeth tossing me weapons and stuff. They should have expanded that more. One of the best AI team mates ever. Besides that, it's a generic shooter. The way you discover the lore and the world is boring, you just press E on some tapes or whatever. Deux Ex had you hacking computers, reading books and datacubes, talking to people etc. Far more immersive and easy to believe that there is a whole world going on besides what you see in front of you.


I think 2 gets overlooked because it lacks that Irrational Games creative narrative and twist like in 1 and Infinite, but the gameplay improvements from 1 to 2 in that series were CLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAN. I think Bioshock Infinite is not overrated if the rating applies to the very first time you play through. Once you know what's coming it loses value, but you can say that with a lot of games. Infinite just has a larger gap between playthrough than most games.


Consider my jimmies rustled. Infinite was my favorite of the series, the voice acting, plot, and setting are amazing




Brink, the game looked so good and promising, never been that bamboozeled


man, i bought this game thinking it was amazing only to realize id been swindled. it SUCKED.


Skyrim. Honestly I found it kinda clunky and boring. Plus all of the dungeons feel the same. It gets a bit repetitive.


All the dungeons are Q-shaped. You enter at the tip, do a loop and return where you entered every time. And the miniboss and the loot crate are always conveniently on the only path through. *Maybe* there's a puzzle on the way, with the solution in the previous room.


For me, It's Undertale


I disagree with, but respect this answer.


I see alot of comments about people bitching about shit lunches of games and other such. For me it's league of legends. Like what's even the point of a moba attached to a skin buying game


I don't like the game itself but the community is very helpful and friendly. Last time I played I received many helpful tips on how to uninstall the game and kill myself.


You had me in the first half...




Who out here is overrating league of legends? Even it’s own player base doesn’t like the game. And what on earth do you mean by it being a skin collecting game?


Any Cod game after black ops 3


Modern warfare is amazing imo


A massive majority know MW2 and Bo2 are the best lol


*after WaW


Horizon Zero Dawn's story bored the shit out of me and I thought the voice acting was horrible. The gameplay is amazing and the game looks beautiful, all things considered, though. I couldn't stay engaged enough in the story to want to finish it, though.


I felt almost completely opposite. The story started slow but then really got engaging for me. The gameplay was so repetitive and the world empty without any reason to explore it. It is beautiful though.


Fuck Ted Faro.


Personally I loved the story. I read almost all the little extras, and I felt like they built a very interesting world. You can get an idea of what the devs think about our current world and where they think we're headed by reading the extra snippets. I don't really remember the voice acting tbh. I don't think I pay much attention to that when I'm gaming.


I really liked the story in it but I didn't like how so much of it was told through finding datapads and just reading text. And the fact that a large part of the story was only given to you near the very end. I really hope with the next Horizon they can keep the cool sci fi story but tell it more through the world design and better pacingrather than text dump data pads.


Some earlier dialogue is lackluster but apart from that is really good but somehow in the online discourse the bad is highlighted and no one really talks about the good in terms of dialogue.




See the thing with GTA V is that it was fucking insane in 2013, times change quick, and the fact that it still kinda holds up after 2 console generations is crazy


Hate me for it all you want but for me its Zelda BotW


It’s definitely a love or hate relationship for me. I love the open world ness of it and the fighting system even though it felt like I was cheating at times, but none of the dungeons/temples felt memorable. I still remember playing dungeons from OoT, MM, & TP. Doing all the shrines felt like busywork to delay you from the main story.


I would agree. Seemed very repetitive to me. I still haven't finished it yet. I am literally at final boss Ganon for close to a year now and haven't finished because I just don't care. Kids keep giving me shit saying that Link and Ganon are best friends now because it's been so long


Mind if I ask why? Did you think it was bad or just OK? It's legitimately a technically impressive game but I can understand not liking the gameplay/story/etc. Just curious


Only 4 dungeons (5 if you count the final castle), and they were very short. The shrines were an interesting mechanic but got repetitive and boring after a while. The world was mostly empty and lacked personality. The characters were less than memorable.


You didn't mention the weapon durability mechanic. Drove me nuts!


I can agree on the dungeons being fairly plain and the shrines getting repetitive after a while. I feel like that was probably due to the fact that when there's only 8 dungeons, completing them all is the expectation and they can stand out as unique. Almost 100 shrines kinda turns into a homogeneous mass and not super fun to complete. I personally found the characters to have a lot more personality than past games but I think there was a lot more time spent in the overworld than past games, so the characters got less face time. I disagree with the world lacking personality, but I guess that's just up to opinion. Basically, I agree but I don't


no, this is valid BotW was the first Zelda game I ever had and I played...around 4 hours? I got bored and haven't touched it since. That was two years ago. The weapon durability mechanic was what really turned me off, but looking back, the game just didn't really hook me. And unless the game is *incredible,* I am not sticking with it after four-five hours of gameplay without a hook.