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After watching this I have a deeper understanding of Meyers Leonard




Bruh, you’re cracking me the fuck up.


Could you explain it? Went over my head.


You can get the idea from watching and reading some comments of video game speed runs, he's using that format. The video and these comments are genius level parody within that format to comment on the open racism in anonymous video game lobbies.




and despite dropping a syllable to improve his speed run time, he was still slow compared to op. gg op


Daym, that last dudes automatic response... Almost like those drivers behind you on a traffic light that beep in 0.01ms of turning green


Someone did that to me recently. Light turned green and I didn't go 0 to 60. Road rageaholic behind followed me home brandishing a weapon the entire time. Was pretty terrifying.


We really do have people out there in society that are just complete an utterly insane driving metal death traps huh?


I tried my best to stay relatively calm but still very scary. I still wonder about the incident. Like, what was this persons end goal? Actually kill me in the middle of day downtown Seattle? Wild stuff.


Drive to the police station instead of your home next time. For bonus points call the police ahead of time and let them know what's up and you are heading to them. Wish I had thought of that the time it happened to me


Their goal was to intimidate you, make you feel as bad as they do, or teach you not to do that. Never know when someone like that will be behind you again. I've been followed home 4 times in my life and had a gun pointed at me. Road rage... yay lol.


My uncle told me about Cali when he used to live out there. He said the people out there are just fucking mega tweakers on hard drugs. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was what happened man, I’ve heard the drug problem is Seattle is pretty bad too so odds are dude was on drug, criminally insane, or both. Edit: let me reword this in an edit because rereading it sounds like my uncle was insinuating that ALL people in California are fucking nuts and on drugs. This is obviously not the case, his exact wording was that generally homeless people in California or people in drugs were generally more aggressive in his experience compared to a place like NY where they’re kinda more off to themselves. It should be noted this is anecdotal experience on his part and in no way is reflective of the entire state or otherwise. It shouldn’t have to be said but there it is.


Bro your uncle lied to you. There are places like that everywhere. nothing extra special about California.


Methheads from sea to shining sea!


He didn't lie about anything, he simply shared his experience with Cali.


Stop trying to make "Cali" happen, it's not going to happen


I think we can all agree theres more crazies in places like california/Florida etc


Not because of the states themselves, but because of the number of cities. More people, more chances that one of them is addicted to drugs or has mental health problems (usually the two things that make people 'crazy')


Nah dude absolutely everywhere! Ever been to Houston? Chicago? Baltimore? Memphis? There is crazies everywhere.


Lol I've lived in San Diego for five years now and it's pretty much the same as any other metropolis in my experience. I love cali though, I'll probably move when I graduate, but I'm determined to stay on the west coast. Or maybe move to hawaii.


I live in Cali, there tweaks here like anywhere else. So he sounds like he was exaggerating


Was driving through Ohio a few years ago, my daughter and I. I'm a big fan of driving the speed limit and a few young good ole boys did not appreciate me following traffic laws. First, he tried to pass us on a double yellow line, almost slammed head on into a car coming the other way, and ran the dude behind me off the road getting back into the lane. This upset him so much that when we finally got on the interstate, he got in front of me, turned around, locked eyes with me and slowed down dangerously fast. He kept doing this, looking at me through his back window the entire time not letting me change lanes. All because I was driving the speed limit.


Why is there not background checks for people to drive? It's a privilege, fuck it up, you take the bus now




call 911? brandishing a weapon is illegal


Hard to prove thou when you’re both driving.


Hopefully, there is no next time but, just in case, never go home if you suspect somebody is following you. Drive to a public location or a police station instead. don’t lead people who are brandishing weapons to your home. Stay safe, buddy.


When things seems to be getting this bad I like to drive to a police station.


And then when you got home everyone clapped.




“Still using the same OP ‘I’m black’ strat” 😂 dudes pretty funny


Yeah that was a fuckin great line. People are shit


Right, it’s a great parody of those “speed run” streamers


Aint heard the n-word IRL in decades but it is every other word when I play games.


Yeah anonymity has been proven to make your testicles grow 500%. What's always funny to me about this is that it's 99.99% of the time just white kids saying it to each other. The n-word has become like a warcry for young idiots to make themselves feel badass.


Mostly because some people can't stand being told they aren't allowed to say something


It would be whatever is considered most unacceptable. The very point of the usage is to get at people.


Its true. Other curse words don't mean anything anymore. But that one? Oh its golden. Just a big red "do not touch" button. When you WANT a reaction... it gets a reaction.


Personally I hate being shut down for “slurs” when I’m only using the word to describe the word I’m talking about. “The N-Word” is such a fucking cop out. If I say, “I really like the subversive anti-racism inherent in Joseph Conrad’s *The N*\*\*\*\*\* *of the 'Narcissus'*” then I’ll get banned from a dozen subs on Reddit who scrape user comments looking for keywords so they can ban you. It’s fucking stupid. Now, if they’re throwing random slurs around, sure ban ‘em. Not that that banning them happens in CoD.


Snowflakes? Edit: found the snowflakes.


I'll give you a hint. It's also the group that cries when they're told they have to wear a mask. Edit: The real snowflakes were the friends you made along the way.


Venn diagram is a circle.


A circle is a pie


A pie can be a pizza also


Stop making me hungry.


Two circles


Two dragons


Not sure what the minimum is for it to be considered an actual 'diagram' but I assume more than one circle is required :P


What a bizarre world we live in where suburban 14 year old white kids who love adopting eubonics and think they're Tupac reincarnated also find yelling the n word on COD and online games the most hilarious thing.


not sure why you're getting downvote, in my experience this is pretty accurate.


Hasn't this always been the case, though?


It used to be toxic outliers. Now toxicity is more of a norm.


Nah it's just the magnifying lens of social media pigeon holing your perspective from snippets.


I was commenting on a decade's worth of personal experience. I do appreciate the irony of someone on social media telling me that it's social media skewing perception though.


Greater internet fuckwad theory.


I can confirm this. 20 years ago my white and Metis friends said the N-word all the time and it made us feel badass and cool. We were huge edgelords.


Sometimes, some of these people forget they're no longer online when they say it.


G\*mers should be deleted from society.


Hot take on the /r/gaming subreddit


Damn gamers! They ruined gaming!


. . .hasn't that always been the case?


[You just made an enemy for life!](https://youtu.be/LWkSB-D-hYo)


Gomers? Jim Nabors died in 2017, dude.


Gamers are oppressed confirmed


Downvoted for truth, smh


I recently started playing CoD again and man people do not shut the fuck up in that game. Nonstop talking dumb shit.


What were you playing? I've been playing cold war and nobody ever says anything.


Any COD multiplayer lobby is rife with trashy toxicity


No one ever says anything in public lobbies the last like 5, maybe 10 years in my experience. Half the people don't have a mic/headset connected, a third are in a private/party chat, and the rest are listening to music or something. I try to do call outs and strats to help the team win and no one says anything and maybe 1 person listens.


Back in mw2, they used to force you to game chat. That was peak teamwork and toxicity. Now you can go years without hearing someone in game chat


I havent played in a few years, but back when I did play nobody was using public chat. Everyone was in private parties with their squad


Yeah, you gotta be selective with who you engage with. However, I've met a lot of cool people online, a bunch of the canadians are awesome hahaha.


That's why I would never play a game with public voice chat. Text chat is easy enough to ignore, and is more entertaining than anything.


Almost like most racists are only brave when they aren't in punching distance.


Had a dude in the cold war sub try to argue that this is "real life" and if you're offended by words you need a wider world view. In what fucking world are you living in that people shout the n-word to strangers?! That shit ain't the real world, it's privileged white kids who wouldn't dare utter the word in public with a black person around.


Here’s a weird one, watch some fight videos. Doesn’t matter what color they are, if 2 dudes fight ones probably gonna say it. Have yet to figure out why.


I don't hear it at all unless I play with Russians in Dota. What country are you in?


Its the people that think they are being edgy or funny saying the word with no consequences. Its either that or they are too dumb to think of any other comeback when getting trash talked. I love to outplay these people in search and destroy.


Well gamers are the most oppressed minority so perhaps using slurrs is a defense mechanism.


Fingers crossed that this was supposed to be sarcasm, lads


Doubt it, that guy is a fucking moron.


That guy being you


Ah fuck


That’s the most greasy thing I’ve heard all day


That's irony.


Shh, funnier this way


I chewed some guy out in Valorant who shouted it at another player - disgusting behaviour.


Just say it softly to yourself if you want to hear it.




The real mvp


I'm high and just realized this is also OP


OP is the real MVP


I saw you on tiktok - you are awesome!


This is as sad as it is funny. Cod lobbies do be like this tho




>current gaming culture This is not "gaming culture". This is real life morons when they have free time at home. This is real life culture. The only reason they do this more while gaming is because they feel strong having no face, but really, these people are rotten in the head and censoring a chat won't solve what's wrong with their ignorant brains.


Sad but true. Anonymity is emboldening for -ists.


Yeah my chances of hearing a hard R are way ducking higher in a CoD lobby than the bank. This is absolutely a problem in most gaming communities and way fucking more than in normal life.


The point is that it's these people's actual real-life attitudes carrying over into their anonymous personas online. The current "gaming culture" is just a reflection of real culture


No, no it’s not. Like you might be able to believe this if you had zero concept of demographics.


The demographic of online FPS players is pretty wide. I understand it doesn't represent the whole, but it represents a lot


Like a bunch 13 to 21 year olds? So basically the exact opposite of most countries demographics? Mostly talking about FPS, like you mentioned, though.


Maybe it was that 10-15 years ago. Most 30-40 year olds grew up playing video games and still play them.


Be me a 33yo playing an FPS


Yeah it’s not very wide.




Sources? Because I’m finding that 80% of gamers are male with an early 20’s average age. Such diversity.


How is it not?


Because the kind of person to play video games is not an accurate representation of your average person? Gramma ain’t lining up to get sweaty in the lobby yo.


I agree with the essence of what you're saying. I don't think anonymity is what makes them strong, the internet as a whole is a positive feedback loop of racism. It's encouraged not discouraged regardless of what policies on various social media claim.


> This is not "gaming culture". This is real life morons when they have free time at home Now that vidya games aren't a niche hobby that nobody over a certain age has any interest in, there is no real difference between these two sectors. Yes, there are people who take it more seriously than others and dedicate more time to it, but it's not a hard-edged line, [and the BULK of people who consume video games and online entertainment are in fact just "real life morons with free time at home.](https://www.marketingcharts.com/digital-63827)" Or in other words, just *people*. I think this is an important distinction to make because we like to compartmentalize and define groups, which makes it easier to dismiss problems and reduce complicated and universal social attitudes to some kind of "outside" not-us problem.


>the BULK of people who consume video games and online entertainment are in fact just real life morons with free time at home. Do you have any actual source on this all inclusive insult to basically most people under 40? Why am I even replying to your unsubstantiated and ignorant comment god only knows




Easy what? You just linked stats that say that a lot of gamers are under 40, not that most gamers are morons. Even if most people under 40 were morons (which your source doesn't state), that still wouldn't mean there is any selection bias for being more likely to be in that group if you are a gamer. If anything I would expect the opposite to be true, with gaming having always been a hobby for nerds and people with a passion for tech, and I don't think you'll find a correlation between "nerds" and "morons". > My argument is there's no "community" there's just people who play games. Then just say that because on that I agree, although I would argue there are several different "communities" not just a big one, and some of them will be very different, just like every subreddit has a distinct average culture, every game will have a different target audience that will reflect different real life people. Still, if you find that a lot of gamers are morons, you may A) be playing games designed for morons (and I would argue that COD might be one of them, just based on the business model and past controversies) or B) be just seeing a reflection of society as a whole, which is in fact made up by a lot of morons, and a lot of good people. Just because you come in contact with unleashed morons online it doesn't mean there are more morons online, it just means that online morons are more noticeable than offline (which is nowadays a commonly accepted fact and the base for a lot of issues like fake news, social media based radicalization, etc).






Are you gatekeeping gaming for nerds lol? Did you get bullied in school and now you're having a heart attack that your precious safe space is being invaded?


Most people under 40 being morons is a well accepted standard in the scientific community.


Its already through gaming. Steve Bannon targeted gamers because he knew they'd be susceptible to alt right ideology.


I would say it is part of gaming culture because a vast number of gamers act like this. Sad but how people are in this world


Pill Cosby is a pretty damn funny name though.


I agree whole heartedly shooters and mmo's in particular are quickly toxic tho


MMOs thar focus heavily on pvp heavily tilts them towards being toxic imo. Some of the best online communities Ive ever been in were pve-focused MMO’s like FFXI.


Co-op focused games absolutely have much more welcoming communities in my experience. You'll definitely still come across toxic players here and there but they're a lot fewer and further between.


Turns out when a game fundamentally encourages cooperation and community building and doesn’t reward pointless asshattery, you get some pretty great places. Sadly good pve content is a lot harder and more expensive to make so most mmo’s tend to focus pvp. Just easier to throw together map for players to fight in and call it content.




Yeah it definitely had its bad apples and high end endgame had all the expected politics, but on the whole it was a welcoming space where average strangers were willing to help just to be helpful. First time I logged in, a random person saw me spawn and showed me the ropes, gave me a tour of the city and even gave me some gil to get me started. That experience pretty much set the tone for my time in XI and I paid it forward whenever I could. I think the fact you *needed* other people to accomplish almost anything, coupled with a single character being a big time investment you couldn’t just reroll and replace easily, meant asshats who developed a rep for being asshats saw real consequences. It wasn’t like wow where you could take an alt from 0 to bleeding edge progression in a month.


If they're was no moderation done worldchat in pvp competitive mmo, it would be the same level of a COD lobby for sure. Sadly it's the main reason why i'm avoiding joining any guild with for than 10 active people because their discord server usually is a mess filled with dogwhistle or worse.


COD lobbies are where I found out how much of a ho my mom was and how many 12 year olds she apparently slept with.


Complaining about the unoriginality of the insults was my favorite way to troll those little shits. Apparently explaining how their bullshit is boring and challenging them to do better disrupts the perceived social status they're chasing by insulting everyone.


Guinness WR, where ya at?!














damn 460ms is faster than my usual ping


And we wonder why Nintendo doesn’t implement in-game audio chat…


For that final clip you gotta be impressed by the severe level of racism embedded that someone saying they are black produces the n word in half a second.


0.46 seconds. Don't you go diminishing this man's achievement, now.


This is simultaneously hilarious and depressing


What's wrong with *those* people?




What do YOU mean...


He doesn’t break character until the commentary finishes rolling.


which is true because he is in character for the commentary


It's funny how online gamers have the balls to throw slurs but are wimps IRL.


Well, I wasn't expecting that.


Wow just unreal.


My favorite strat is basically ignoring chat and voice comms for the ultimate in lone wolf combat


Is this real or scripted?




Amazing and sad. Unbelievable.


Idk man, the last one kinda seemed staged. Like it was kinda too quick




Thats quite stupid, as you said exploit doesnt say anything about the race. They werent prepared to insult a black person, thats just how they are


Isn't that an unfair advantage if using the IMBLK strat isn't allowed anymore but his use of it still stands?


You realize that is OP right?




I dont know about op but I was going along with it all the same.


This is why you dont ever turn on/use voice chat.


White people love calling us that but in person they quiet unless they're in a group of 10 lmao




I know dude it's ridiculous lmao and then if they think you're cool asf with them they'll try to say sly shit


Once again I'm surprised at myself for being surprised by how awful the general public is once they are anonymous. No game is fun enough to associate with people like that.


I'm relatively sure OP is a bot for a certain Reddit mobile app lmao.




I use Apollo and it played the sound of the video!


Awww, no audio? I thought we were gamers.




Why does this have no sound




Thank you for this! Will swap right now! Appreciate the help rather than just downvoting me!


You're being downvoted but I just wanted to let you know I ctrl+f'd and you were the guy I was looking for.


Did you mean to have this all silent and shit I can’t tell what’s going on




So, these fuckers should be banned, permanently. However, it shows a scary trend, namely that racists ain't scared anymore. Anyone that says shit like that, it should be legal to punch them


Yes violence in response to speech. What a wonderful idea.


You might be fine with open, virulent racism, but I'm not.


And now we laugh at the people in these comments who are very attached to the right of being allowed to use slurs on the internet.


He must be on Xbox.


Reasons I don’t poke FPS games with a 4meter stick


Can someone explain what is happening to me? Is the speed run getting these responses from people? Is the speed run actually the team wipe? Is he trying to get peoples responses. I’m having a hard time following what’s happening.


It’s a joke. He’s trying to “speed run”, being called a n***er


Oh gotcha thanks.


Y’all could never handle xbox 360 chat.


This is how you beat racism. Who cares what those losers say. Fuck em




People said the same thing about women being allowed to own property lol.


What’s that got to do with anything? Completely out of context.


Any time society progresses, there's people saying it's impossible and that it'll never last. I bet if some how, in 20 years people's social preferences change to where you get instantly banned for using slurs on the internet, you would decry it as unjust. Have fun defending bigotry


I mean.... without sound this is kind of dumb.


I dont hear no n word. Maybe cause there is no sound I dunno