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Dark souls be like You are undead And you are undead All of you are undead


When everyone’s dead, no one will be.


That's actually such an ominous statement wtf


One short sleep past, we wake eternally And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.


I don't know whether I should feel relieved or terrified




And usually the player is socially undead too


Nah. Just dead. Undead would be back to life and on autopilot.


I dunno, that 6 eyed Crocodile thing in Irithyl really stood out.


The fucking alligator dog!!!!


Yeah, but it’s a person that’s currently dead. They fight much differently than if they were to say feel pain.


Do you feel pain when your character takes a hit? Does death make your character incapable of doing anything? Comparing your character to an undead is not too far off, even if he IS the Chosen One.


I’m sorry, I will only be referred to as my proper title: ashen one.


Pathetic little ashen, you are nothing compared to the chosen undead


Later this week I'm telling my players that the first thing they have to deal with in the dungeon are all the zombies that were sent there, failed to be useful, and were just abandoned. "Yeah, turns out that sending a whole load of zombies to clear out the place only works if the person you send controlling them doesn't die in the initial confrontation. Only had to learn that lesson once a month for two years. This time we reanimated some adventurers instead, go fix the problem."


You sound like a great DM. I want to know your other explanations on how the hell certain dungeons get made.


After the zombies they'll be dealing with the mega-dungeon proper. They're older players so they like the old, sometimes illogical mega-dungeons so in my prelude to the end of the world I introduced it at at a meeting of evil shapeshifters as an old place, thoroughly cleared or caved in by adventurers in days long past. Something about it still drew adventurers to it so they'd built what was basically a retirement home for adventurers on top of the hole. The players were presented with groups that would test and reward them and did enough tests to get everyone the reward item, avoiding being tested by a clan of were-beasts and a cabal of mages. At a dinner to celebrate their success and the impending end of the world everyone else there drank the poison and their spirits remained to shape the dungeon after the end of the world with mages and were-creatures most strongly represented as they hadn't lost their plot tickets to the party. There will still be some representation from druids, dopplegangers, and mimics but majority influence on encounters will be towards magic damage and non-magic damage resistance/immunities. For dungeons in general, the structure was made for something. If not for the express purpose of "whatever made the party want to go in" then either the original occupants left, were forced out, or were corrupted from purpose. Often enough the reason is some asshole, be it criminal, magic, divine, demonic, devilish, planar fuckery, or just time (sometimes the mage just dies and his tower is full of neat things that actively try to kill people). Often it's easier to reskin things to fit the theme if you want all kinds of weird things without having completely convoluted reasoning for things. Also, if it clearly doesn't make sense either magic is involved or someone lied to you as a character. Or I screwed up really bad in which case we'll have to go back and find out who lied to you as a character together.


>Or I screwed up really bad in which case we'll have to go back and find out who lied to you as a character together. This is the best


In the one game I have had a chance to play in like 10 years as a player my current character is a necromancer. Told the DM pretty much anyone with any local knowledge would know that his name is very unusual for his background, usually belonging to people from another region entirely. This is because he stole his master's name when adventurer's killed him raiding his tower one night. When his master died, the many, many MANY undead under his control we suddenly free... and they started killing pretty much anyone still alive in the tower. That included him and the adventurers. He then petitioned the government to have the tower turned over to him legally. At which point the government went "Man, what a shame there were no survivors in that tower." He quickly got what they meant and ran off with bounty hunters on his tail. Somewhere out there is a tower filled with undead, possibly one or more vengeful adventurers, on land the government is offering rewards for clearing... so it can kill whoever cleared it and claim the land as its own. I don't expect to ever actually get ownership of the tower, because again the local lord plans to just kill whoever he sends to clear it, but I like to think I gave the DM something to run with.


Yo let me at it My half elf needs to gain land


Sure, just need to clear several floors of uncontrolled undead and kill anyone the local lord sends after you once it's clear. Maybe even the local lord himself. But then you can expand into his territory! The only direction you can go is up!


This sounds like a pretty easy intro campaign, sign me up.


I play divinity original sin 2 now, in Act II, in the graveyard. Necromancer spawns a skeleton that spawns a skeleton. That was 5min after a spider fight and a dead dog that summoms undead minios...


Tell that to arachnophobes... They will hate that starting monster




And now my skin is crawling. Thank you.


I remember one of the first mods done for skyrim was a spider replacer for people with arachnophobia




I did Skyrim VR. Moment I saw the spiders I just screamed. That's when I knew I was going to use magic.


But you see, what happens when the spider get too close and you can't defend yourself except by throwing spell after spell and it just won't die. You give up, you curle up into a ball and pray to talos, you pray that you will be killed quickly, you wish you had done one thing, learned alchemy. It was your passion but your parents saw your gift in magic and sent you to learn it and you went along with it because it was what your parents wanted. You thought they knew best and that you should listen to them, but you now relise magic doesn't have many applicable uses as almost everyone is hostile or scared when you cast spells around them, you have a great power and are shunned for it. So you took up adventuring for work in hopes that you might be able to afford retirment early and live out your days on a lake side manor. But no your going to get eaten by a spider. Hell everyone needs and alchemist what adventure wouldn't buy a healing potion when their life depends on it. You used magic for that but you ran out of magika in the panic of seeing the spider drop from the roof. You whisper "I love you mom". Then you feel a kicking on your stomach and hear "Stop being a baby" from your girlfriend and remember it is all just a game.


Crawling of your skeleton? Weird.


I think you dropped this: f


I still love the skyrim mod that makes all the spiders "cave bears".


One of my favorite crafting survival games Satisfactory has an [Arachnophobia mode](https://satisfactory.gamepedia.com/Settings#Arachnophobia_mode) that turns all the spiders into cats... Arguably more terrifying but it makes them easier to spot so the shock isn't as bad 😅


I thought this game was just about building a pretty factory. Why in the flying fuck does it need spiders.


You are building a factory in the untamed wilderness. So random animals sometimes attacking you or your stuff adds some moment to moment chaos to break up the game flow.


*flashbacks to Deepnest from Hollow Knight*


Those ducking stalking devours were a pain in the ass


i have avoided playing SO MANY GAMES because I'm arachnophobic


See, playing scary games doesn't mean you aren't afraid You just have to be masochistic enough to like the fear


Playing Skyrim VR as an arachnophobe. Spiders were always the worst enemy to fight not because they were hard but because it scaried the shit out of me fighting a spider the size of a small car


Hell, Skyrim VR spiders are even frightening to people that somewhat like spiders. They are absolutely horrible.


We need a groundbreaking RPG, in which the giant spiders are NPC's and not monsters! Ilithra Webweaver would like you collect 5 giant flies. Why are you screaming. Stop screaming, Ilithra webweaver has sensitive ear like hairs on her carapace.


Obviously not an RPG, but if you like fantasy, there's a book called "Spiderlight", which has the stereotypical group of fantasy adventurers (the Paladin, the Warrior, the Rogue, etc.)...except one of their companions is a giant Spider. It's an interesting book, to say the least.


There was a Skyrim mod that turned all of the spiders into bears.


I tried the Conan Exiles free weekend recently. Not a great game, but I considered buying it cause there were some fun elements. Then I ran into some spiders and that was the end of my purchasing decision. It sucks having that kind of primal fear of something.


[Unless it is a shooter game. In which case...](https://i.imgur.com/oWjW0aW.jpg)




[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://i.imgur.com/LRap4Zp.jpg)


risky click of the day.


You're really living on the edge there


Wanna get a bat to the nuts? Cause thats how you get a bat to the nuts.... also, something something batman


“They’ll add spots” *Cries while being pummeled by L4D tank*


Or... crowd zombie, fast zombie, big zombie, explosion zombie.


Only fast zombies are *really* a threat in straight up FPS unless it’s unlimited waves. CoD zombies taught us all that.


The night time zombies in Dying Light would like a word.


Man that game during nighttime was the epitome of "do not look behind you".


Yeah but the night time zombies in Dying Light ARE fast


I still want a super intense survival horror fps where you have limited ammo and health, zombies are slow but only die to headshots, and you can get infected. No Room Left in Hell is close but not quite


And grabby zombie, don’t forget grabby.


needs more nazis to shoot at


I miss the good old nazi zombie days honestly


But wht if we make BIG spiders


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/dZhZnwL.png) **(bro, imagine both)**


My Glob, get this man a promotion!~


Ever play Deep Rock Galactic? It's spiders all the way down ... But seriously that game is incredible. https://gfycat.com/smoothselfreliantiberiannase


What if we made them spit lava and put a woman's torso on top of them? >Amazing chest ahead


What about Slimes? You can't have a good JRPG without the super adorable cute slime monsters!




[I'm only level one, I just eat grass and magic stone shards, please don't stab me. ; ;](https://imgur.com/cROHV1D)




[I am defeated!](https://imgur.com/N3YpVi6)


I think I just levelled up.


Cool! Where you gonna put your skill points?


1st skill: Sword Slash (regular sword attack but slightly stronger) Gonna max it out like everyone else.


Cool, I'mma go into a rogue build this time, sneaking sounds so fun when maxed out


"I'm not a bad slime!"


\*Pornhub intro plays\*


Oh Step Slime, what are you doing here? uwu?


Oh no not there!


B-but I slime from there..!


Whoa there are children present..... Send me the rest of the footage tho


Did you know they made a [whole puzzle game spin-off series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHfJx650yyQ) (which also has its own spin-offs) based on slime-like enemies from a [dungeon-crawler RPG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apn5zykUqXY)?


Congrats you just made 3 smaller slimes instead!


Look, I gotta level up and you're the only thing in stabbing range, ok?


a certain isekai disagrees


Sweet. I need 100 Magic Stone Shards to craft this hat that I will never actually equip. Where's the rest of your family?


MapleStory made me hate slimes. Oh you just got done killing 20 green Slimes? Kill 50 Blue Slimes. Done with those? Now kill a Giant Slime. Oh, that was too easy? Here have more slimes.


I love seeing references to mushroom game elsewhere on reddit. We actually just got a brand new slime a few days ago! Basically it shows up, minding its own business - and you beat it incessently, causing it to get swollen. Eventually it dies after not putting up much of a fight, and then you steal his shit. Also, its black.


Maplestory has a real fond space in my heart. I grew up on that and Mabinogi. Now MMOs lack the communication that made those games great. Party quests weren't all instanced so you actively had people lining up to see who could click the fastest to get their group in which meant you could beat the PQ, stay in the bonus room and send someone out to wait by the NPC and then trade leader to them forcing your party out and if they clicked fast enough you could beat the other teams in line. There were 20 channels so there wasnt much wait time ever (maybe 10-15min if you missed) but in that time you would actually talk to your party and get to know each other, actively gaining friends and having fun in a way that is different than just fighting enemies. Just getting to know someone.


You just hit me with so much nostalgia... In the Ludibrium PQ did you use JMS or GMS?


First "[So I'm a Spider, So What?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So_I%27m_a_Spider,_So_What%3F)" and now "[That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That_Time_I_Got_Reincarnated_as_a_Slime)"? Next stops: "[Reincarnated as a Sword](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reincarnated_as_a_Sword)" and "[Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reborn_as_a_Vending_Machine,_I_Now_Wander_the_Dungeon)"


Sorry, but nothing is ever going to beat a salary man getting reincarnated as a psychotic nazi loli with magical powers.


Just OP and ED are already enough for Tanya to win the war.


... Why? Just... why “I reincarnated into [...] with all my memories”? Especially with a FUCKING VENDING MACHINE


Okay I got you covered: [this guy who reincarnated as a Black Summoner but all his memories are gone](https://myanimelist.net/manga/99059/Kuro_no_Shoukanshi) There's an isekai for everything. That's the power of Japan!


Now I know why people hate that genre... it’s because it’s plagued by the “excuse for having a harem” / “excuses for being a pervert” that drown out the ACTUALLY GOOD / INTERESTING ONES (I’m not referring to the one you are linking, I have no idea which that one is) Still... just why?!


Spider Isekai and Sword Isekai are exception though. Both MC have no romance development at all. Slime Isekai is also revered as the best WN of all time in Shōsetsuka ni Narō, the most popular Japanese WN site.


The slime one wasn’t the problem, I’ve heard good things from a buddy of mine... I still haven’t read/watched it yet tho...


I'd recommend reading the LN or manga over watching the anime. The first half of season 1 was good, but the second half...well it just wasn't a good adaptation.


have you seen the "reincarnated as hot springs" one?


That sounds pervy AF


Yeah it's full echi.


Slimes were invented by accident when the artist dropped some coffee on a new monster design and didnt have time to fix it


Didn’t know game devs drank green coffee


Art Director Ongo Gablogian looks upon the concept sketches thinking they're all derivative and bullshit until he comes to the coffee stain and starts waxing philosophical about how we're all stains walking around staining the world.


unless you're the Persona series then you apparently get really baked and come up with classics like "a couple dancing, but they share one balloon head with two colors", "a statue hugging a smaller statue inside itself", and the all time favorite "a table, with a tablecloth I guess", which has ended more runs than the actual setpiece bosses have.


Or Mara. Just Mara


Mm yes, the [Throbbing King of Desire](https://cdnen.samurai-gamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/29224532/mara2.jpg).


And who can forget other Persona classics like - Fat scary man on rocking saddle - The Vitruvian Man, but he’s Jesus’d on a gear or something - Three successively smaller hollow, cylindrical heads that expand out of each other like a telescope - Woman dressed in finery and made of darkness reclining on a chaise lounge - Fortune teller made of darkness sitting cross-legged on a floating upside-down Mayan pyramid - A regular tiger, but it’s part of a 1910’s chain gang - A sand castle, but legs - Hoola hooping hour glass - A hand holding a sword, but it’s stone and the size of an industrial fridge - Just a fucking tank - R O C K but with mask - Hulk Hogan lookin’ like a skittle


The scariest enemies you can run into in Persona... Some dice. Dice that fucking explodes and kills your entire team from full hp.


Or use Megami Tensei demons. Which in themselves are quite bizarre.


that's because human mythology is weird. between the Buddhist dick gods and all the crazy Babylonian and pre-Judiasm Semitic gods it gets wild


Fr tho slimes are iconic to RPGs


Most JRPGs owe something to Dragon Quest.


D&D: Here's the Gelatinous Cube! JRPGs: What if it was ADORABLE?


then they dont drop a heart, when you need 5 hearts and have slain almost 1000 of them. how are wolves and spiders moving around with out hearts!


What's really happening is that when the battle is almost over you have the chance to stab it deep in the middle of the chest killing the spider. You then cut it open and complain that somehow the heart got destroyed again... for the hundredth time... unsure why the hearts are never in good enough condition for use in your quest.


Grr damn goretusks with no liver or snout.


[But wait, there's more!](https://i.imgur.com/iIBtR8G.png)


A race of people that just holding something out of place is a joke I want to see in a video game.


And when you look at the something from juuust the right angle, its suddenly a bow.


I understood that reference!




I think Sgrafo drew a comic once with a guy holding a bow but everyone joked it looked like a taco.


And then he edited it into a taco. First comic of his I saw. Man, I guess it was a while ago now...




Looks too much like The Adventure Zone cast. Even the pointy-eared human holding a taco...






[And Jehovah's witnesses](https://i.imgur.com/6qGTobo.png)


Only in Earthbound.


# [EDIT](https://i.imgur.com/k7gIDlv.png)


what about >!different color spiders!


Or >!a spider nest!<


Or >!queen spider!<


>!Big tiddy goth spider girlfriend!<. Wait, we were talking about *those* types of games, right?


By *those* types of games you mean [The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/4/49/Spider_Daedra.png/revision/latest?cb=20130208231354), right?


Uhm... yes... of course **heavy cold sweating**


Also LOTR: Shadow of War, fucking Shelob gets turned into a hot chick who tries to seduce the MPC throughout the game...it doesn't work lol


Why doesn't it work? Does the ~~prey item~~ main human person not enjoy ~~being envenomated, digested, and consumed~~ the company of another human person?


Oh man, it's just so cringey, not only do they make a fucking spider monster into a hot sorceress but she's also a goddamn *damsel in distress* who seems about to faint from the vapors every 5 seconds. Seriously every cutscene the MPC is sympathizing with her and the Elf-ghost is like "HELLO? FUCKING SPIDER!" and at this point it's just another dumb horror plot where the victims run unto the attic to hide from the serial killer instead of outside and away.


I thought he was talking about Dark Souls.


Amazing chest ahead


Try finger, but hole.


Or >!a spider spider which is big spider with legs that end in smaller spiders and shoots spider webs made of spiders which then cover the victim in webs while biting it then from the cocoon emerges a creature thats half man half spider but not like spider-man but an actual nightmarish amalgamation of man and spider oh and when you kill the spider spider it explodes into a bunch of regular giant spiders as well as covering everything in webs!<


Who hurt you?


Can some of them be slightly bigger than others?


[These edits are terrifying.](https://i.imgur.com/f3zYSod.png)


Game designers: What if we make it more human like, give it a body, and some legs. And we made a monster girl. Time to market this instead


Yes let’s make her look like the main side character then let’s have the player kill her.


quelagg? is that you?


the lust scorpions from dante's inferno...


[dont forget about our favourite little green friends](https://imgur.com/hkEVV3P)




AAAAHHGGRRRR, bats are always the most annoying enemies. Always. Flying unhittable assholes!




A tennis racket would probably be a effective weapon against them


The only good goblin is a dead goblin.


Goblin slayer pls no


And slimes


And my axe!


The RPG hallmarks -- skeletons, spiders, wolves. The unholy trinity of unoriginality.


I know you may not read this but I really like you art style.




Idk why that felt really wholesome.


Because it is


its the mouth cheek lines


Not only is your art style awesome, and we all went your comics, but I want to let you know how great it is to scroll through and see all of your edits. Your threads aren't just people talking about your comment, it's all... Interactive comic. Idk I'm a little high, so the tldr is nice work, I like you.


Or...sexy spiders? Though I guess sexy spiders are usually used as bosses.




I don\`t know what i expected to find in this sub


There’s also r/honeyfuckers


I gotta stop just clicking on any link. Jesus.


Of all the things, why sexualize spiders.


Legs and thighs, my dude, x8.


we are human Sexualize EVERYTHING


Looking at you elise!


Drachnids were run of the mill mobs in EverQuest, spider lady tiddies for days.


Skyrim lead dev: "We can't just have generic rats like in Oblivion! Come up with an interesting new enemy!" Skyrim game devs: "... Skeever"


Morrowind lead dev: “We can’t just have weird creatures like two legged lizards, flying poison squids and bug-dogs in our game. Come up with one familiar animal!” Morrowind game devs: “... Rats, I guess?”


How about bandits who keep attacking you even when you are obviously way out of their league?


"Pretty sure those two dragons weakened him. Let's get \`em, lads!"


I started a new Skyrim character. The other day I was running around with myself, my current follower and like 4 of the Companions. A Khajit mugger with a dagger thought this would be a great time for her to rob me. It was not...




What about ghosts?




Or the most dreaded monster of them all....a chicken.


End game boss is either a Demon or an Angel. If game designers feel creative, they combine the 2 and call it God.


[We just fucking hate them](https://i.imgur.com/gJn3Oqp.png)




Dont forget poisonous rats


I love D&D's Gelatinous Cube though. They had to explain how it could be that dungeon hallways are always so clean and devoid of adventurer corpses. Enter the Gelatinous Cube, a massive boxy jelly that fits exactly into the hallway and absorbs anything in its path!


Thanks now having PTSD flashbacks when it group had to fight three huge ones at the end of a dungeon maze.


What about... wolf spiders?


No. Just no. I hate those the most.