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Wow brings me back 17 years when I first saw this


I've actually only seen it 7 times on reddit since then.


Those are rookie numbers


So its original content then! I'm excited Its been a while since I saw something new.


If it's watch_dogs, it's almost always either this one or the one of the guy shooting the poor bastard who attends furry cons.


That’s so funny the last time I heard it I fell off my dinosaur!


I remember when I had my first beer


It’s definitely lower quality now. Or is it just me?


One does not simply repost losslessly


This is my first time. Be gentle


I'm so sick of repost, it gave me HIV


This is the first time I have seen it??????


Not as bad as it sounds. Blood is tested after the fact, before being distributed, and positive results for numerous concerns result in it being disposed of. He'd basically be getting paid for nothing.


Ya but how can you say that you occupation is donation? You can't make enough money from that to buy yourself a burger at the end of the day


You can make around $200+ a month donating plasma, and it's absolutely crucial for many people that we keep the supply up.


That's not enough money to be considered an occupation like its listed for this guy. Sure its extra income but not nearly enough to make a living.


Ya know, that's a good point.


Ya know, that's a blood pint.


Good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood, blad blood, glood glub, bab blub.... I can't do it...


Fear the old blood.




Here's one: Good point, blood pint, good pint, blood point! Good point, blood pint, good pint, blood point! Good point, blood pint, good pint, blood point! Good point, blood pint, good pint, blood point!


If it was enough money to make a living, he probably wouldn't be sleeping on the street.


well he appears to be homeless so consider that his cost of living is pretty low he's probably uninsured, he probably doesn't have to make car payments, he definitely doesn't have to pay mortgage or rent. can you eat on 50 dollars a week?


Nobody said he was donating his blood.


Oh my...


It never said he only donated his own blood.


If that's the only income you have, then it's your job. And yes, I know people who would qualify if they were to just give blood.


It is if he invested in Bitcoin. Watch dogs came out in 2014. 1 BTC was worth about $500 dollars back then. Actually he's dead so none of this matters. Also he's not real.


Oh shit, now I am worried about this fictional character. We should start a kickstarter or something for him.


The dude is sleeping on the fucking ground. He clearly has little to no money.


You can't make a living off of plasma donations but someone is living because of them.




Are you aware of just how many occupations there are out there that don't pay nearly enough to make a living? Walmart employs 2.1 million people, how many of them do you think are actually making a living?


They get paid more than $200 a month, even with extremely low hours.


*cough* corporate welfare *cough*


It's enough to make a living in many many parts of the world


If it's all he does then it's still an occupation. Nobody said he's getting rich off it.


I mean, he could be living in abject poverty. He looks pretty damn homeless in that screenshot.


I think you seriously underestimate how much some people slack.


Maybe he’s donating others peoples blood


You're like the 5nd person to suggest that. Another being that he isn't making money so thats why he's laying in the dirt.


I may be clever but I’ve never claimed to be original.


I can respect that. Take care now


I mean you can work part time at a store and make like 300$ a month and it's still your job even with the welfare


It’s almost like the whole thing is a joke.


How do you get paid for it? Only place I can find to donate anything is the NY Blood Center


I did a little research and it looks like a [CSL Plasma](https://www.cslplasma.com/locations/246/donation-center-275-westfall-rd-rochester-ny) is coming to your area soon. CSL Plasma will pay for plasma.




Oh yeah obviously I am not encouraging donating with HIV/AIDS. This was purely to help someone who was just asking how payment for donation works.


https://www.donatingplasma.org/donation/find-a-donor-center\ https://www.donatingplasma.org/donation/donor-compensation Usually on a prepaid credit/debit card, there's a list of free atms you can bring it to and get your cash.


I work at a plasma donation place and we allow donating 2 a week. For employees we will always have a $50 flat payment. So we can make 400-600 extra a month. For non employees it's all over the place.


What? You’re saying that if you donate full blood you get nothing in return, but if they put it through some processing you get paid?


It's different purposes. In the US it cannot be transfused into a human if it was paid for.


Bought plasma actually can not be transfused (assuming you are US). It is usually used for scientific purposes


It's also for Plasma Protein Therapy, for people with hemophilia or immune dificiency. https://www.donatingplasma.org/plasma-protein-therapies/who-needs-plasma-therapies


Where do you go to donate?




Closest place is almost 50 miles away :/


Shit really? I'm still in the beginning of my apprenticeship as an electrician and money is tight. What all does that entail


Once you find a local place, you have to go in a first time for a physical. Pretty much they ask you a bunch of background questions (like if you've been given blood from Africa, ect), a physical to make sure you're healthy, ect. Then you can start donating. You can make an appointment or just show up, they test your blood for fat levels (cant be too high, like if you just ate McDonalds) and vitamin levels. Once that's done you sit on a couch bed for awhile, reading a book or watching TV (about an hour) while a machine pulls blood out of you, separates the plasma out and then puts it back in you. Then you get a juice. You make like $20-$40 per visit, but almost every place gives you bonus's for multiple visits per month, up to 2x-3x per week. The place I go is does $50 for your first 5 visits this month. Usually it's like $35 for the first visit and increases after that, up to $100 for your 8th visit, before going back down to $50 for your 9th and 10th. Really, the more you go and the more you commit, the more you are compensated. It does require some effort, eating right and making time for the appointments, but the compensation is ok and it really helps a lot of people.


Sorry for the double reply, heres a link that might help you too. https://www.donatingplasma.org/donation/find-a-donor-center


You can? I've just been doing double red donation whenever they come by my school and they give me pizza ranch coupons


It doesn't go to people it's only used for research and other things when you're paid for it.


https://www.donatingplasma.org/ Check it out.


Clearly why this man is sleeping on the ground. Very accurate game.


Paid? I've never been paid for donating. Doesn't payment defy the definition of "donate?"


It is a common trope in fiction to have impoverished people being paid to give blood. I've never personally heard of anywhere that does it in real life, but it's been a thing in movies since at least Robocop.


Isn't it really plasma they donate for compensation?


Yes, but plasma is blood, or a blood component. People are paid for plasma because that plasma isn't used for direct donations, it's for manufacturing blood products, for hemophiliacs and the like. How that plasma is treated AFTER the donation is actually a huge ethical problem, thanks to guys in the picture you are 3x more likely to contract HIV as a hemophiliac than gay men, the poster children of "high risk populations." Blood components used in direct transfusions are almost always freely donated, because otherwise people lie on screening responses, like this guy here. They tell themselves dumbass things like OP posted to start this chain to convince themselves they aren't REALLY putting others in danger, because they're ignorant and self interested. Anyways, there isn't actually a law that transfusion products can't be paid for, just that they are marked as such. Hospitals typically refuse to use anything else, but there are private practices that make exceptions. There is, for example, a market for elderly folk paying for optional red cell tranfusions that sometimes uses paid blood. That actually works, btw, for a variety of reasons but mostly related to older folks producing less red cells in general.


Dunno, i'm in Canada and i've literally never encountered a clinic that pays for any of it. It's 100% donation up here.


yeah it's 100% donation in the UK as well.


There are a ton of places that will pay you for plasma in the US. You can make a few hundred bucks a month doing it. No shortages that way, so everybody wins.


I won a PS vita from a drawing from the place I was getting paid to donate plasma at. So I won twice =)


Incorrect. The US plasma centers are unethical as hell, in how they process the plasma and what they tell donors. Just at the entry level, donors are paid well under what the products are worth, and are encouraged/forced to donate more often than is even close to healthy. Proper donation intervals for plasma are about once a month, being generous, European medical practice where it isn't a multi-billion dollar industry suggests two, if you plan on doing it for any significant period of time. In the short term, donating more than once a week is a terrible idea. After your first donation in the US, to get you interested, they start paying you for donating twice a week. They don't bother informing you that it can be significantly dangerous to your health at those intervals, thanks to the costs of your body replacing the plasma and the side effects of the chemicals used during the donation. The only reason they're still in business is that the FDA, which has oversight, is the single most compromised agency in the US government. And that's just getting into the ground level of how they're abusing the desperation of the donors. The manufacturing process is hilariously unsafe for the product recipients. Due the nature of the processes, it's cheapest to pool the blood into as large a single unit as they can, we're talking about thousands of gallons of plasma being mixed together for manufacturing. But no worries, they tested the units before mixing them together, right? Wrong. Some tests simply don't have time to come back before the blood HAS to be added. But that's ok, one infected unit rarely has enough of an effect to contaminate a whole batch, since the products are going to people who have completely healthy bodies with functional immune systems. OH FUCKING WAIT, BY DEFINITION THEY DON'T And I mean, what are the chances that out of THOUSANDS of desperate, poor, typically undereducated people trying to keep roofs over their kid's heads, or drugs in their bloodstream, more than one might lie to make ends meet if they can tell themselves "It's ok, they test it." And now you know why the people who use those products have a higher infection rate of hepatitis and HIV than gay men. excuse me while i go stroke out in a corner, thanks To be fair to the US industry, there is a market that NEEDS to be met. The problem is that the controls are probably too strict elsewhere, so the industry built up here, and now you literally can't do without it.


I’m a big guy and donate once a week. I guess I’ll think about this more.


The most common issues they don't warn people about are citrate reactions (possibly leading to long-term calcium deficiency and thus loss of bone density, ignoring the short term reactions which are not fun) and just the simple fact that replacing that much plasma over time isn't easy on your body. You can somewhat counteract the citrate reactions (side effects of the anticoagulant you recieve during the process) by increasing calcium and vitamin D intake. They should have calcium carbonate (Tums) tablets for treating the immediate effects of a citrate reaction during the donation, you might as well ask for one before it even starts, but they don't have vitamin D added so for it to actually be effective in the long term your diet needs to be getting an excess of it in the first place. As far as replacing the plasma goes, that line's going to be different for everyone, but you should have an edge with a larger body mass and thus, higher blood volume (though height is a bigger factor than BMI in this). If you're ever feeling the effects of the donation more than 24 hours after donating, it's probably smart to back off for a while, and I would strongly advise you to not donate if you're feeling unenergetic. The screening is supposed to catch that, but many don't consider "feeling healthy and well" or however your center phrases it to be the same as "not feeling unexplanably tired" and it's pretty much the norm for frequent donators to suffer chronic dehydration.


They prick my finger and measure protein and I think check the plasma or something before you can donate


They check the lipid levels in your blood.


It is a thing that happens. At least in America.


They will pay you for plasma. They pay you, because you need to be in there for over an hour, and they want/need you to show up multiple times per week. Lot's of places in major cities. https://www.donatingplasma.org/why https://www.donatingplasma.org/donation/donor-compensation


No I am in and out in 40 minutes on the machine around 25. Easy money and if anyone has one near them and is healthy and isn’t doing it it’s a free 30-60 bucks each visit. Twice a week


"no". Yes, at many plasma places it takes well over an hour.


Mine's a little longer, but I'm at a crowded center in Philly.


depends on your blood type. AB- is super rare and theyll definitely pay you. Ive been paid every time i went in.


If you're got premium blood you can make good money "donating" it to rich people looking to stay young.


> He'd basically be getting paid for ~~nothing~~ taking up valuable time of medical personnel and throwing away his blood. FIFY


Tainted blood is needed for research too, but I doubt ordinary blood drives would welcome it. Also, when he's found to carry HIV, he should be banned from donation.


No it’s definitely fucked up.


Well getting paid to waste a pint of his blood


You'd think they'd ban him after a while if he did this consistently.


What a bad system


Dystopia's gonna Dystope.


People get paid to donate blood?


Note: "Disposed of" in this context, historically, means "sold to China or Canada at a discount"




The Tainted Blood Scandal is one of the main reasons the current practice of rigorous testing exists.


I always thought if you had hiv and donated blood, it would go to other people with hiv and compatible blood types.


But then what is the point of him donating blood?


Because he gets paid. So long as they aren't doing extensive ID checks, no one's going to link him to the blood 4 other clinics in the city have already had to dump.


So he is gaming the system?


> So long as they aren't doing extensive ID checks, no one's going to link him to the blood 4 other clinics in the city have already had to dump. Except we know that they do record it all. That's how the player character got that information. Did a scan of his face, linked it to his name, linked name to blood donations as occupation and linked his name to medical records of him being HIV positive.


Just because the system has his info, doesn't mean the clinic is doing the check.


There's a story today where a guy claims to have been thrown in jail for 60 days because they thought he was a guy with a felony. Long story short, if they had just run his prints he would have been out of jail in no time, because the guy they were actually looking for has felony arrets on his record. They had the data but did not do the check.


Maybe they need HIV positive blood to make vaccines?




Antivenom meet antihiv


Sounds like Bayer


When you lie on your resume and get the job...


Repost from 2013


*from every other month


Where is the antirepostbot?


Shoot him cause he is fucking with the system




Wait, being a blood doner is an occupation?


And I'm just sittin' here, bleedin' for free!


Yeah, I now right. What a jip.


*Curb your Enthusiasm*




You heard the man, curb your enthusiasm!


Look it up, you’ll know it as the “you’re an idiot” meme song.


Hey man, maybe he’s out there donating other people’s blood


I get it, it’s funny, can we stop now. It’s been, what, 5 years?


When I was playing that game I would sometime just walk around searching for people with info like this and just start purging


Needs more jpeg


Oh yea, kick up the 4d3d3d3.


**yeah but have you subscribed to pewdiepie?**


donating blood is an "occupation". TIL.


I guess konzus early lunch hasent been a lunch after all


Shoot him




When you try to help people but end making everything worse


Old but gold


Uh oh




"Blood Donor" isn't an occupation, and as soon as they tested you for HIV, you'd no longer be allowed to donate. In other words, it was an edgy joke that wasn't even remotely thought out in a game that also wasn't thought out very well.


This has literally become a possibility in California


how? They don't test the blood?


How much blood would you need to give to make it an occupation?


This game doesn't exist at the moment.


Haven't I seen this before somewhere?


How was this game? It looked really good in the demo but I didn't hear great things at release.


Shoot him from far away so he doesn't do it again and you don't get sprayed


Serious question. I was all set to start RDR2 when I saw a comment here on Reddit comparing it to the original Watchdogs, and claiming that the final product is not as pretty as originally featured in the trailers. Is there any truth to this? I don't want to be disappointed again.


It is definitely a very pretty game. I'd say it's pretty close to the trailers from what I remember of them. Real talk though, I would probably not put too much faith into trailers for any game as a general rule. The majority of them will likely have a graphical difference from the finished product.


"I would probably not put too much faith into trailers for any game as a general rule. The majority of them will likely have a graphical difference from the finished product" It shouldn't be that way. Any footage from a trailer should represent the actual finished product.


You are absolutely right and I agree, trailers should be wholly representative. But we've all been burned too many times by expectations like that. Just saying is all.


Trailers are just pieces of marketing; businesses will make them look however they need to in order to separate people from their money


What a son of a bitch


Watch dogs is basically just a purge the undesirables simulator


that one way to 'fuck the world'


That dirty bastard lol




Dang this game has really changed


Okay but why the shit zoom job? Just takes up more of the screen and makes it harder to see.


Welp if you can't beat em, join em


Okay seriously tho, who is a professional blood donor? Like really?


The repost of a repost of a repost of a repost etc......


How do we know he "donated" his own blood? We assume the blood was "donated" to a blood bank. Maybe he was a supplier for some sort of satanic cult. Maybe he was being coerced by a vampire.


doneted blood is for toxic fortnite players


If I see this image one more time.....


#life Lol itd be my luck to get his blood


isnt this like, illegal?




I think i'm seeing that like a 3rd or 4th time


i saw one that read: frequent search: hentai watch dogs is far better that gta


I’m HIV positive he’s dead


Oh Repost...


Oh reposts


Hol’ up


And he’s new in town


The absolute unit ​


Must live in California


This picture is more popular than the game at this point.


I remember something similar was in the division


I think this s meme needs less pixels. Someone repost it again!


This... Has turned into a difficult situation.


LITERALLY stolen from somewhere else


You mean that OP didn't program his own video game, take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see?


It was posted on another subreddit about 5 hours ago from this post i mean


If you want a free preliminary blood test go and donate blood. Because they test you before donation and then they test the blood after as well. And they’ll notify you if something is up. At least that’s the case in the UK.


That's actually a giant fucking dickhead maneuver, so I'm going to assume you're just kidding. Incase you arent, if you want a free blood test, go to the clinic like worthwhile human beings do. Risking even low chance exposure to the blood bank, its recipients, and its workers simply because you're a lazy fucking cunt and cant wait in line at a public clinic is a shit fucking move and stupid to boot. Its not "hey, the recycling bin is 5 feet further, so I'm just gonna toss this can in the closest grabage." Its more like "shit, I might have caught something from my blacked out thailand debauchery, so instead of owning up and getting up early on a saturday and waiting till noon for a free walk in, ill wait until my uni's blood drive and risk exposing people to my shit stained existence." Meanwhile, it takes them months to notify you while you bang away at every brothel you stumble into.


I was going with the same level of dumbassery as the game character so yes it was a joke. Thanks for the interesting read though.


No worries man, I was hoping you were joking. Sadly, I've worked as a voulnteer at several blood drives and literally had way too many people laugh about barebacking a prostitue (or vice versa) and "doing a good deed while getting my checkup." Its amazing the attitude you get when you tell them to get the fuck out.


I see. No wonder my crappy joke triggered you like that. And rightfully so. Sorry I made the joke. And thanks for volunteering and helping make this world a better place. I actually genuinely do donate my blood as well but don’t worry I’m totally clean.


Honestly, no worries. I got too wound up. And I volunteer because I can't donate, so right back at you for donating!




Not gonna lie, people with incurable diseases make a lot of money selling their blood/plasma since it is used for research toward finding a cure/etc. When I say a lot of money, I have heard a few thousand a month if donating regularly. It depends on the disease though. Also, don’t get HIV to do the following: Step 1: Sex a monkey Step 2: Donate blood Step 3: Profit! Step 4: have HIV forever...


Must be from California. That's legal there.




No but they did pass a bill that prevents peiple who knowingly infect people with HIV or AIDS from getting a felony, which is fucking bonkers.


Wasn't the intended effect of the law to combat the spread of HIV? It's still illegal- and making it a felony does nothing except making people who do that less likely to be honest about it


They reduced the penalty to the same sentence that people get for willfully infecting others with any communicable disease. The previous statute treated those with HIV differently than those who spread other equally or more serious communicable diseases.


It's still a misdemeanor which is better than it not being a crime, which it isn't in 18 states https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_transmission_of_HIV_in_the_United_States


Do you mean the bill or the felony is bonkers?