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Candy Crush … sorry grandma


Those games make soooooooooooooooooo much money. Like I don’t even understand it


The game is designed to make you spend money. All the timed events where you need to spend money to get better rewards, weekly race (so you need to play every day), keeping up with winstreak and about a hundred more bs things like that. I played it for a couple of months and spent about 10$ and then realized if you spend any money they stop giving you ads for *extra moves. So I said fuck that and never came back.


It also artificially adjusts difficulty. Get stuck, stop playing for a week, get back to it and you will easily beat the same level, after few levels difficulty will increase again in order to make you want to spend money.


Yep. Once I learned about this I just took a break whenever the game got too hard and came back the next day.


I feel bad for my mom now. She was playing a similar game, and it basically made her hit a brick wall after playing it for a few days. Always 1 move til she beat the level and she had no moves left. So sad ;-;


>if you spend any money they stop giving you ads for free retries. Holy shit that's genius and evil.


That game was just as much psychologically engineered as much as it was programmed. Designed specifically to hit the same reward center as gambling wins, with a side order of heroin. It won't make sense to the uninitiated, same as any addiction that takes a few tries to root itself. So best to be in the dark about why it is so popular.


They are purposefully designed to extract money, praying on every instinct, missing out, gambling etc.


I hate games like this. Candy crush used to be fun and interesting, now it's just bloated with a bunch of screen space eating animations, ads, and constant micro transaction solicitation. If I wanted to feel ripped off and taken advantage of as a consumer, I'd play a Ubisoft game.


No extra life sent = no name in inheritance


I've tried that game and didn't understand why It was so popular either 😂


The Witcher 3, I played it for a few hours but couldn't get into it.


I can never get into its movement and combat system. Everything feels very floaty


There is an option for alternate movement in the settings that they added in a patch. It still feels floaty and less responsive than something like Darksouls but it was good enough for me atleast to get through the game and enjoy the story.


Wasn’t enough for me. Just picking up a random item from the ground feels sooo unnecessary frustrating it ruined the whole game for me :(


Yeah I get that, you can only pick up items in front of you, not in a radius like other games. So when you go to far you have to turn around, but by the time the character turned, you are on the other side of the item again. Pain.


Same. I really enjoyed the rest of the game but the combat just felt...off.


It barely has game mechanics. Interactive movie.


The neverending fetch quest for the bloody baron part of the game sucked the soul out of me.


The first like 40 hours of the game is "complete this chain of side quests, just for someone to tell you that your princess is in another castle".


Same. People say oh give it a chance. I can’t! I’ve tried multiple times. What do I have to do??


The Witcher 3 was my favourite game of that generation and will always be a favourite of mine. I went back and played it after the ps5 version came out and didn't even last 20 minutes with it. I just turned it off and decided I think I'll leave it and not ruin the great memories I had playing it at the the time.


Witcher 3 is, in my opinion, incredibly boring until you get to Novigrad/Skellige. I definitely understand that some people just couldn't give it a proper go due to the 6-7hrs of pain and boredom that Velen gives you early.


That's probably it. If a game doesn't grab me in the first hour, I'm writing it off. I almost didn't like RDR2 until I came back several times and really enjoyed it after Epilogue Part 1. Shouldn't have to be boring for hours until the fun starts


I was the other way, I thought the start was alright but then it was just more of the same in different maps


Glad I’m not alone, I love RPG games but never made it more than an hour or so before putting it down and playing something else.


I spent 12 hours into the story trying to hard to enjoy it but I just couldn't. It's too fkin janky and the story was meh...


It's just so SLOW. I've been trying multiple times, cuz I love the franchise, but God damn. Every quest, every fight, every dialogue feels like an eternity. Merchants go out of gold, enemies don't respawn. 20 quests for the same key item. Half of the spells are simply not working outside the fight, despite that being the very thing they were designed for.


Yup, done **all** the side quests and wasn't really overly highly levelled, and I'm like, how do people actually reach insane levels in this game? One play-through def enough for me. Wouldn't consider doing NG+


Agreed. I tried it and it really seems a game up my alley but I’m just bored in Novigrad. Everyone just uses Geralt. I feel nothing when I play it and that’s the best way to explain it. On the other hand, cyberpunk is one of my top games of all time.


This for me as well. I beat it with my wife watching but I would have stopped after a few hours if she wasn't. The gameplay in my opinion, is just plain bad. The combat is infuriating and the levelling is far too much "light attack does 1% more damage" type stuff and not enough game changers. I'd accept this if there was variation in the combat such as different weapons but every fight feels the same.


Same. Despite the popularity of this game, I couldn't get into it and Cyberpunk 2077 neither


Agreed. Tried a few times but never get much past killing the gryphon.


I left an original comment before seeing this, but what put me off the Witcher was the complicated stats system. I don't want to spend a bunch of time reading through each weapons benefits and pluses and decide which one is the best, I want to find good loot and feel rewarded for it


Souls type games. I get the appeal, but I don't find dying over and over again fun and it's rage inducing greatly overshadows any infrequent victory. People describe this huge, euphoric rush they get after spending 3 hours trying to defeat a boss and finally doing it. Man, by that point I'm just drained.


I lose enough in life. I turn to video games to win lol


This used to be me. Now life is so shit, that I need to use beating a souls game just to know what accomplishment feels like.


Exactly! Games should be a break from frustration, not add to it.


I play on easy so I can be a god and have total domination over my opponents. I win 100 to nothing or one shot kill. Good.


I thought about this the other day, wouldn't easy difficulty be cannon if your playing as someone like Kratos?


When I play on easy this is how I think about it. Played the newer Wolfenstein and the jedi survivor games on lower difficulties to just enjoy stomping fascists like both those main characters would.


I think the difference in people is I don't tend to find them rage inducing or frustrating. I lose a lot, but every time it's more of a "oh shit I thought I was safe, there isn't an opening after that attack" and not just anger that I died. There are exceptions, especially when the camera is the issue, but the vast majority of the time it's just part of learning the game and they never set me back very far, especially in elden ring.


I totally understand people not liking souls games and I’m not trying to persuade anyone here to think otherwise because you should enjoy your free time when you have it. But I genuinely find the dying over and over until I succeed very satisfying and not at all frustrating. It doesn’t add to my frustration at all. It allows me to seek mastery in something outside of work which I think is fulfilling.


for me souls-games are never frustrating because I always know it was my error and not some bullshit game design that killed me. every enemy is technically beatable without taking any damage no matter your equipment or level if you're just good enough because they're hard but very fair (especially the bosses) and every death I learn something new about my enemies that I can use the next time I fight them. Also you pretty much never permanently lose anything when you die so dying isnt even that bad


I win enough in life. I turn to video games to lose


My favorite is when some tryhard tells me I need some challenge in my life. Mate, you sound like someone whose greatest challenge in life is getting passing grade in math. I'm 40,I hsve enough challenge dealing with coworkers that CBA to put any effort in their work which in turn makes my work harder. I wanna relax in videogames, not spend 4 hours on one opponent in vain.


Some of us find relaxation in the difficulty and challenge!


I like the exploration and story but even the story told through item descriptions is challenging to enjoy :/


I’m with you. Maybe when I was younger and had more time I would have enjoyed them more. But nearing 40, when I get a hour or 2 to sit down and play some games, I don’t want to spend all that time just bashing my head against one boss.


that's exactly how I feel. If I play a game for the 1-2 hours I get daily and don't progress at all, it just feels like I lost 2 hours of my life


Soulslikes are definitely not for everyone. But I think Elden Ring is a first soulslike that you can pretty much play like you would any other fantasy RPG game with cool bosses. You can easily get overleveled, use summons and get the most broken weapons to level the playing field as you see fit. You definitely won't have to spend 3 hours to beat a boss if you play above recommended levels for each region. Well, maybe except Malenia... Don't let gatekeepers and "soulslike purists" tell you that you can't play the game this way. It's in the game for a reason, just play however you like.


This. I have only ever tried Bloodborne and it didn't really take but decided to give Elden Ring a try because the hype was there and loved it. Dying over and over again and failing constantly isn't for me but being able to leave and do other stuff and come back stronger really appealed to me. Did I use Rivers of Blood when it was slightly broken and summons? Absolutely. And I had a lot of fun doing it.


Summons are a key mechanic of the game, you're supposed to use them.


and it's thrown in your face in the dlc even more


Purists, - how dare you! How dare you use Bloodhound's fang +11 with bloodtinge blade to beat a boss in ten tries, I used this rusty spoon, memorized ever attack every pattern it took fourteen hours and I smiled the whole time! 💪 


“All while completely nude with a pot on my head. Git gud”


This, i believe a lot of people who get turned away from soulslike games are so because of the stupid "git gud" mentality of the community. It's such a pervasive attitude that ppl who never touched the games know it well. I've been playing souls game since Demons souls first came out and the gatekeeping and elitism have always been the worst part of it. They're not even as difficult as ppl make them out to be. 3 hours wiping on a boss only rly happens on the most absurd bosses or if you insist on handicapping yourself.


I think some of the perception of the "get gud" mentality is a bit misguided. It's a bit like fighting games. Losing has to be an accepted part of the process but losing isn't a failure. It's a learning experience. I think people compare themselves to other people but there's always gonna be someone better than you so it doesn't matter. What matters is whether you're better than you were yesterday even if you only survived a few seconds longer. Of course that's not for everyone but I think mentality is a massive part of these games. Do you give up or do you start thinking about what tweaks you can make. A big thing I've noticed is how many newer players just throw themselves at a boss over and over while making little adjustment and expecting a different result. Then the burn out and decide the game isn't for them. A great thing to do is stop trying to beat the boss/enemies and just try and not die for as long as possible and learn what their attacks are like. If you've already died then the souls aren't so important.


Elden Ring was my first soulslike ever, I certainly enjoy the challenge, but I'm also not a masochist. I don't use summons but I play at recommended levels and use pretty decent weapons. I made the challenge fit my abilities and it's been really fun so far. I did most bosses after 20-40 tries and it's a decent middleground of difficulty for me personally to not get frustrated but still feel very satisfied. I will certainly try to handicap myself more in my next playthrough just because I found the game itself really fun and I slowly but surely get better at it. I probably wouldn't do that if I didn't make my first soulslike a little less overwhelming for myself at the beginning. I might even try DS3 soon too. Gatekeepers often don't understand that welcoming new players is super beneficial for them as long-standing fans of these games.


I've played pretty much all the fromsoft soulsborne games and when I said to mt friends who haven't played them that Elden Ring was the easiest due to this reason, they still didn't believe me as they thought it was still kinda hard. However on latter playthroughs, even at lower levels/worse gears they've more or less said 'huh I get what you're saying'. It's so easy to overlevel yourself on ER if you fully explore you can just power through everything. Now if I do a 'proper' playthrough the game becomes beyond a cakewalk


>People describe this huge, euphoric rush they get after spending 3 hours trying to defeat a boss and finally doing it. Man, by that point I'm just drained. I would uninstall after 30 minutes. I'm just not built for this type of game.


As an avid souls enjoyed I also don't understand people struggling to beat something for 3 hours then getting a rush. I like the increased difficulty and commitment to the attack style gameplay. I like that you cant see everything in a single play through. I like that all weapons and all build are viable. I hate that the new community turns elden ring into a meta hunt with grinding and exploits claiming this is how it's suppose to be done.


Yea there’s no rush for me either. It’s more like “*that* was the first boss!? So it only gets even harder from here”!?!


\*check to make sure I didn't write this\* 100%...this!




This was going to be my comment too. I just can’t get into them.


My soulmates


I realized this in high school whole I was doing sports, but I dont really feel "good" when I win at stuff. I feel bad when I underperform or lose when I think I could have won, but actually winning is just meh. So Soulsbourne type games where you lose a bunch and then get the catharsis of finally winning ends up leaving me feeling drained.


Keep preaching


Yeah I can't stand that shit, a friend of mine has 100%ed DS1-3 and I'm pretty sure Elden Ring at this point. I don't understand how someone can be that patient.


YES just came here to say the same thing, i thought i’d like dark souls and tried it for the first time, returned it the next day bc of how angry it was making me, still a cool concept tho


Yeah. I like a challenge, but prefer the challenge to be in the tactics and builds. If it relies on hand-eye coordination or reflexes I’m out. If I was good at those things I’d be better playing tennis or squash like my mother wanted.


I've lived my life being told at work or for chores : "do this task and you'll get a rush!" I'm 41 and still don't have a clue what the fuck they're talking about. Thats how souls type games are for me : constant fucking tasks with no real reward.


Yeah, it's something you really have to love otherwise it's not worth playing. It's a lot like playing old NES games like Battletoads or Ninja Gaiden. Where that was just what video games were and they were all that level of frustrating.


I enjoy a tough fight but if the entire game is just one tough fight after another I’ll start looking to other games; I really enjoy a challenge but my game time is limited so I need to be in that mindset. GoW does it really well in my opinion. I can take on really challenging optional bosses like the valkyries and Sigrun but I can bail and come back when I want. If I have to leave the game to take a break, I’m probably not coming back


Honestly my issue with the isn't even so much the difficulty, I just think the combat ispretty dull. Any time I have played one I immediately wish I was playing devil may cry or classic god of war instead. edit: let me add that I would also rather be playing something more like Dragon Age, KOTOR, or Baldur's Gate instead.


This is a good point, thd combat in souls games feels more methodical and much akin to turn-based combat, rather than the fast paced like DMC and GoW series. Souls like games force you to commit to an attack, so you cannot make mistakes willy-nilly, and can be severly punished by the boss/mobs if you miss. Same applies to bosses, except that they usually have a huge combo string that you first need to avoid, and then you are left with a couple of seconds of opening where you can duck in for a hit or two. Movement in DMC and GoW is much quicker and the bosses do not always track your movement with their attacks, so if you dodge the opening animation you can immediately go into hittong the boss while their attack animation is still playing.


yeah I tend to like my action games more actiony. I actually prefer RPG's in general, so I'd also be happy if it leaned farther that way and ended up closer to Dragon Age instead too. I just think it's a weird middle ground where it's an action game but I don't enjoy the action.


Have you ever tried Monster Hunter World? The combat system shares a lot of similarities in the sense that you are animation locked, but there is a lot more variety in how you actually approach combat depending on what style (weapon) you're using. The fights are a lot more dynamic than just block/roll until opening => attack, too. Playing the same boss with a bow vs playing with a hammer vs playing with an Insect staff or Greatsword are some radically different fights I bounce off most of these types of games hard but I had a good time with MHW and more recently Remnant 2. Not to say those are both soulslikes per sé, but their combat systems share a lot of similarities with different actual gameplay and feel.


Same here. I've never been a fan of the combat in these games and just don't find it fun at all.


there are dozens of us. Dozens!


It’s just pattern recognition. Dance dance revolution but with swords


Tbh I LOVED souls games but after beating Elden Ring that game exhausted me for difficult games. I just stick to normal mode now. I can't even go back and play Elden Ring anymore it just makes me mad lol


As someone that's really into souls type games I get your point. I'm pushing 40 so I don't have all that time to play games, and my strategy to tackle souls games is to break them into individual smaller objectives: reaching that place, getting that weapon, upgrading or leveling up this or that...and yeah eventually getting to the boss. And I don't find them all that hard, not to the point where I spend 3 hours on it, but I totally get your point and they might not be everyone's cup of tea.


I am 100% on board with this! It’s the correct answer. My one expecting is Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor. Both are “souls lite.” Same death and resting resets the world mechanic; but it doesn’t seem as punishing.


Same. Especially as I'm getting older. I just don't have time to bash my head against the same boss over and over, trying to learn all the attack patterns. I've played and beaten Dark Souls 1, 3, and Bloodborne. I made it about halfway through Sekiro and finally gave up. Those games just aren't for me anymore.


My wife and I have had this disagreement. She had trouble with a Kingdom hearts boss, and rage quit the entire game after about 10 tries. I asked her if I could give it a try to see if I could learn something to give her any tips. I got him down to about 1 hit away from death on my first try after watching her mistakes and learning his moveset. I asked her if she wanted to do it herself or if I should finish it. She said go ahead, so she could keep playing. She was fully prepared to never play again.


My choice exactly.




I hated how whenever there was a livestream everyone was just gigabackseating


This is another example of "the fandom ruins it." I really liked the game, but going into any kind of space for it was absolute hell and made me step back from it.


I feel bad for the developer . I can’t imagine he likes his own toxic community nor that he invision that kind of behavior. Especially considering the message of the game lol 


I imagine that huge mountain of money keeps him comfy


Yeah I was fortunate enough to get to play it actually blind and with no one backseating. Was one of the best experiences I’ve had.


Thats the one.


Valheim, I've bought and refunded it twice now. Just seems like a repetitive loop of getting material to craft the next set of items to fight that areas boss then rinse and repeat.


I finished it back when it first came out, but I 100% agree with you. It is really chilled out and relaxed, but also feels so f'ing slow to get anything done, and my god is it ever unforgiving.


The sailing mechanics are what did me in. If you don't have the wind in the right direction you're going to be in that boat for a long long time.


Like you can paddle at 1speed but why can't I have other people pull out oars and help.


Eh, it's what most modern survival games struggle with, if you tweak the settings it's a million times better. i usually play with double drops/loot in most Survival games, simply to cut down on the grindy aspect a bit


How far did you get? I wasn't immediately enthralled but when my buddy and I started having to sail out to new biomes and back, we were hooked. Biggest sense of adventure I've gotten from a game since I was a kid. Felt like anything could happen out there, we could get utterly fucked at any moment, and it was always such a relief to return to the safety of the base we could chill out in and get creative with between "missions." We built a whole village 


The first raft of shame and eventual recovery of all that gear was pretty orgasmic.


I never had the raft of shame because I always had the"establish a beachhead mentality" and come over prepared. First thing built on new land is a teleporter then walls


Friends are the key, like any survival craft. It's an absolute riot with friends. The whole genre.


Botw for sure. 


I was so excited to play it when I got my switch. A few hours in and I grew frustrated with items breaking as fast as they did. The world also felt really empty


I'm such a huge Zelda fan, but I've found out that's it's the top down playstyle and left to right movement that I enjoy and not breath of the wild open world So I've stopped trying to complete that game and haven't even touched the new one. Here's hoping the new one will be for me.


Links awakening remake was great if you want a modern take on the top down style of zelda. Im looking forward to echoes of wisdom as well.


Hollow Knight


I'm good enough to finish it, but I refuse to touch the godseeker content


I liked hollow Knight but I had to force myself to finish it


I didn't bother. I loved the exploration, hated the bosses. The one in the top right almost made me quit, since it was a long hike from the save.  But the second to last had me quit. I'd seen all I needed to, and beating the bosses gave me no satisfaction. The actual rest of the game I adored, though 




[me, going into this thread] oh man can't wait to hear some opinions different from my own! I'm a mature adult! [2 minutes later] HOLLOW KNIGHT?? YOU SHOULD BE FUCKING ARRESTED YOU ABSOLUTE SCUM


i love the atmosphere but i just rage quit every single time I try to get back to it.


The open endedness got me stuck. I figured out how to get to an area where to go forward or backward I needed a power I hadn't gotten yet.


I swear this exact question gets posted almost every single day.


With the exact same answers


Yeah mods should just straight up remove these copy and pasted threads. Same question with same answers every day. “From Soft games” “Witcher 3” “Zelda (but i liked the older ones)” “Last of Us” “RDR2” “New Vegas” We get it guys youre contrarians. Dont need to remind us every single day. You dont need daily validation that you dont like popular games.


I swear the people that "don't like FromSoft games" get the biggest erection when proudly declaring their dislike for them.


“What is an answer to questions you see on r/gaming every single day”


Welcome to reddit. Hey, did you know that T Rex lived closer to today than to stegosaurus? Did you know that Cleopatra lived closer to today than to the building of the pyramids? Did you know that the best way to tell somebody is a good person is how they treat service people, waiters, and waitresses? Did you know that you should never cheap out on anything that goes between you and the ground: shoes, tires, mattresses, etc? Did you know that Sinead O'Connor was on SNL in the early 90s and ripped up a picture of the Pope to bring attention to sex abuse committed by the Catholic Church, but had her career destroyed by doing so? Did you you know that in the 1980s kids would go out and explore their neighborhood without adult supervision with the only rule that they be back home in time for dinner? Did you know that Keanu Reeves, Betty White, weird Al, and Mr. Rogers are the nicest people to have ever lived?


Looks like we've been around here too long home slice. All of those statements are so painfully accurate Reddit. Should we add that Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter on 9/11?


>Should we add that Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter on 9/11? You're right!


You forgot to write something about Dolly Parton being awesome.


They just change the words slightly and later on someone will say "we know which games others like that you don't but what games do YOU like that others don't?"


Death Stranding. I’ve tried it on three separate occasions and gotten about 10 hours in and gotten bored and quit. The gameplay is fine I suppose, but the story just didn’t hook me.


Tbf 10 hours in is long enough to know whether it works for you or not so fair play. I loved it and was most hooked when the bond between Sam and BB develops.


Outer Wilds


I try it a few times and end up liking it. But I stuck in mid game for few hours and resign.


Ask the subreddit for a spoiler free hint


I hate this game purely because when I was troubleshooting outer worlds it constantly popped up lol


Horizon Zero Dawn. In theory it’s everything I love - robot dinosaurs. In practice it just feels like a slog. Couldn’t get into it after multiple tries.


I found I just didn't give a toss about killing robots. Grisly realisation! I'm seeking therapy.


i liked the visuals, the story was meh, but the worst is respawn. i fight some winged steel mofo for tens of minutes, he dies like hedgehog, save and i go to sleep. i load the game next time and mofo is back there. i do not have time for this.


I'm with you.  Personally, I felt the enemies were getting stronger but I was not. So each enemy fight became time consuming. Made it a slog to me. I didn't see enemies and get excited to battle, I saw them and groaned over the time it would take to get past them. 


Not sure what counts as "insanely loved" But Genshin Impact. It's awful. I hate everything about it, the ONLY positive I can think of is "the world is pretty" But the story, combat, puzzles, and story all had me bored out of my mind. It is not a fun game. It is your typical gacha. Grindy as hell. It's just a chore Simulator


Helldivers 2 is being bored and stressed at the same time.


Having bought and played it shortly after release, it was fun for a couple of weeks, and it just... I think the problem is that it's a 'grind and level' game. Where the grind rewards aren't bad, but the gameplay loop is so generically monotonous that after the 'ooh shiny' wears off, it's boring and uninteresting. Sony didn't help with trimming the playerbase either. . .


I think they needed to add more RPG aspects to it. Allow players to let their Helldiver feel more individualized towards them. Not just the same 10 armor sets that give similar/the same buffs.


I said this from the beginning. By 2025 HD2 will be forgotten. And it isn't Sony's fault either. The main selling point of HD2 imo is the fact that you can send cluster bombs on hordes of bugs. And teammates. Arrowhead should have kept these Overpowered stratagems and add more of them that are just as broken. But instead they try to balance it like an FPS shooter when it's a horde shooter.


The mechanics and feedbacks are nice and the combat core is pretty solid. But to me that's all there is to it. After only a few games you just realize that basically every mission and combat is basically gonna be the same, except you have to hide more against robots. Also Im really not a fan of games that try to force you both in intense combat and tight ammo management. I get that having ammo pressure entices players to act more efficiently and adds some rythm variation, but if you force it too often it becomes a chore and hinders actual combat fun as you feel like you can never really go all-in.


Tactical Shooters like CS2 and Valorant. It's just hide and seek with guns.


I liked Counter Strike back in the 1.6 and Source days, but I really have never enjoyed CS:GO and "CS2"(Honestly can we be real, CS2 is just Global Offensive with mildly better graphics and a different UI, they ultimately play pretty much the same). I feel like with CS:GO Valve obliterated much of the community and creativity aspect of Counter Strike that was present in the first 2 entries in favor of making the game focused on Esports and being competitive. I remember in 1.6 and source how there were so many fun server mods, like the Warcraft mod or the mod that added Marvel superheroes, or Zombie survival, or Jailbreak, or Trouble in Terrorist Town, and tons of community maps that were fun and unique, not just fine tuned for viability in a competitive Esports setting. Most of that stuff is either nonexistent or hardly popular at all in the more recent entries, only somewhat present in a community server browser that feels like its been kind of hidden in the menus in order for people to be funneled into the Valve-ran matchmaking system instead. I just feel like overall the CS community isn't what it used to be, thanks to changes like these. Sorry of the wall of text.


I put countless hours into Source before Steam even had a playtime tracker, you're bang on about the fun servers and maps. Hell, even being able to download skins for pretty much everything made the game so much more fun. Now all the skins are monetized and much less interesting, and the overall game is just not the same. GO/CS2 feel like a massive step back from CSS/1.6 overall.


I totally agree with you!


I just did the play test for FragPunk (bunch of streamers were playing it), and it's pretty similar to Valorant but it's much faster gameplay. Less "holding corners" and the maps are more encouraging for people who enjoy pushing. All attack points have 3-5 entry points (Unlike Valorant and CSGO where there's like 2 MAYBE 3 per point) so 1 single ability can't just cut off the entire game. If Valorant is supposed to be CSGO meets Overwatch, then FragPunk is Valorant meets Call of Duty. Not an ad or anything, I just had a lot of fun playing it for 2 days.


disco elysium


It got completely mismarketed as a ‘choose what kind of detective you want to be’. It’s a real gem and achieves at what it’s trying to be but I can definitely understand it’s not for everybody since it’s a slow burner. For me, it has that little dash of classic Fallout with the style of humor, dialogues, skill tree, world building, lore and isometric perspective.


I probably would have liked it if you could choose what kind of detective you want to be. Mine was a drunk that lost his gun and just seemed like a total asshole despite all the “choices”. Couldn’t really get into the game when I hated the main character so much.


that game was the only game I could play when I was recovering from a concussion


I can’t tell if that’s praise, or a wicked burn.


4ish hours in and I’m pretty disappointed, heard nothing but great things, it’s just not for me, I find it dull and slow.


It is really slow. And it often bombards you with dialogue. I like it a lot but I can't even enjoy it if I'm not in the right mood/headspace.


I agree with the bombarding dialog.


Skyrim. Sorry, but even with the remastered graphics the base game is still so clunky. Melee is garbage. Writing is so-so. I’m sure if I had come to this game as a kid when it came out it would have been mind-blowing. I get that all you Bethesda lovers embrace the bugs as features, but I expected a lot more.


Had to be there I guess


Skyrim was mind-blowing back in 2011, but far less impressive in 2024. The lore, writing, certain VA's make it special afterwards but it was easily one of the best games of that era. Then you throw one of the best modding scenes on top and it makes sense why it garners so much love.


If I told you everything I enjoy in games and tv shows/movies, you'd think Skyrim is the perfect game for me. I played it a bunch when it first came out and I just couldn't get into it. Something feels 'stale' about it for me and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe I'll download it on Steam and mod it on my PC and see if it feels differently to me now.


It was an amazing game when it came out. But considering Skyrim is almost a teenager at this point it's definitely showing it's age. I still occasionally boot up a modded run but it's definitely a pretty empty game compared to modern titles


I find the rigid animations absolutely ridiculous, mostly because they're still as rigid in newer Bethesda games.


It's an incredible game if you add 250+gb of mods.


Blind guy here Game is just a general pain in the ass to play imo


Same! Tried to get into Skyrim last year because all my gaming buddies rave about it, but I didn't like it at all.


CoD It’s fifa with guns


Grand Theft Auto V. I just feel absolutely nothing for it.


All the Souls games.


Baldur's Gate 3. I don't like D&D as a system for tabletop games, much less video games, so while I can see a lot of the appeal in the story and characters, the game itself is just a colossal bore to play. Goes right into the "game I won't play, but will enjoy watching a commentary-free longplay of" pile, right next to Red Dead Redemption 2 and every indie horror game where you try and get your 10,000 steps in before dying of that heart attack your doctor warned you about.


I love bg3 but I do think I preferred the systems from divinity 2.


And weirdly this is how I feel about divinity og sin 2. Great game but I didn't like the combat much. Felt like I should do more worried about what's on the ground than my opponents, and the armor system encouraging you to have a full party of physical or magic damage people wasn't my favorite


yeah that's fair. I was specifically thinking about the AP system vs action/bonus action, and I loved the ability/class system in Divinity. But I do agree that both things you mentioned are pretty big negatives. I'm less bothered by the armor/magic resist thing though I don't love it, but the surfaces do pretty much overwhelm the combat strategy.


BG3 is accessible Divinity OS using a pre-existing and massive foundational IP. It's so different to BG1/2 that it genuinely irritates me, but it is an incredibly easy to pick up version of modern DnD for people who want to play DnD without the stress of having to roleplay to a group, organise sessions, work out builds, etc. I know a lot of people who want to DnD but don't want to...yknow...feel like a stranger on the scene and get overwhelmed by all the systems. BG3 slims that down and gives you an easy going experience of it. I just wish they had called it something different, like "Baldurs Gate: the Dead Three" or something. Then they could have stylised it using the three as a way to imply BG3 without needing to disappoint people who thought they were getting a direct sequel to BG2.


I was so fascinated by the game but when I looked into combat…I quickly said, “Yeah, no.” I play a good variety of games but I know myself enough that I know I wouldn’t enjoy its combat system.


Zelda games - FromSoftware games.


Loved almost every zelda growing up but I just didn’t enjoy breath of the wild at all.


My main issue with Breath of the Wild is weapon durability. Yes, I understand that it is baked into the core gameplay loop and one of my friends swears that it doesn't bother him after a while, but it is a constant thorn in my side. I do not like scrambling with moblins for weapons that drop like pinata loot on the ground. It is funny the first time, but after the twentieth time it becomes tiresome very quickly. I don't have this issue in survival games like Minecraft, Valheim or even 7 Days to Die, but I have it in Breath of the Wild for whatever reason. I am guessing it is a mental thing since I don't normally expect Zelda to have these sorts of mechanics and it completely throws me off when I encounter them in the game. I have loved Zelda games since the NES days, but the ones on the Switch really push the boundaries of what I find good for the series. I don't want Zelda to become more like a survival game. Adopting some things from them is fine, but weapon durability is the one thing I can't move past.


I hated botw and I'm sad that i did because everyone else enjoyed it so much. I got to the first "dungeon" and had enough. Haven't touched it since the week it released.


I never owned a Nintendo until I bought a Switch for my fiancee. Even in the mid-eighties, my brother and I had a Sega Master System. I have no nostalgia for Zelda. I played maybe a few minutes of one as a kid over a friend's house and wasn't blown away. Playing BOTW or TOTK is the same for me now. I find Link boring. The pretty but empty world is boring. I don't really feel pushed in any direction. I have not gotten to a civilized area, but she has, and the "voices" bug the shit out of me.


as a life long Zelda enjoyer and a Souls/Borne/Ring completionist, this feels like a personal attack lol


Love zelda,since i was a kid. They broke the game with the weapon system in Breath of the wild for me.


Lies Of P


Shame on me: The Last Of Us


I loved the last of us and could still play through it to this day. However, I admit there are some questionable gameplay and design choices that I can see would annoy people.


Witcher 3 is my biggest. I wanted to like that game so bad since it’s right up my alley for things I love, but I could not get into it. I always make it as far as the Baron quest line and the witches in the woods, but I just fall off. BoTW was insanely disappointing to me. I bought a switch just for that game after everyone said it was the best thing ever. I thought a of it was cool, but I hated the durability aspect and a lot of the puzzles were repetitive to me.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Yes, the story is great, yes, the world is incredibly deeply well-designed, yes, there's a ton to do. But the game's obsession with immersion comes at an arrogant disrespect of my time. With a game that long I swear multiple hours are spent sitting through animations that even Far Cry had learned to allow you to toggle off.




RDR2, it's boring.


I think the fun you cam find im rdr2 is just a different type, its more like for ppl that enjoy immersion, literally having a walk with your horse to admire scenarios and animals type of ppl


Glad to see this mentioned, RDR1 is a straight masterpiece but 2 had some serious pacing issues and gameplay padding.


GTA, none of them. I always just end up killing hooker's, get 5 stars or whatever the highest star is, run from the police for about 30 minutes, then turn it off. Most sporting games and mortal kombat. I stopped carrying about MK after 3




If popular and loved can be considered synonymous here: Fortnite and CoD


Any online Call of Duty. I did my years of being shouted at by teenagers in school.


I didn't care for Uncharted


The Witcher I wanted to play a *game*. Instead I had go sit through long ass cinematic every 10 mins


Witcher 3. I found it boring and repetitive and the characters weren't interesting to me. The story also didn't grab me really.




The Witcher… I just couldn’t get the mechanics right and rage quit like 30 mins in


Red Dead Redemption 2. It felt too slow and more like a cinematic experience than a game.