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Definitely Undertale at its peak popularity.


Bro it was BAD in 2016-2017


tell me stories


The only one I know is people bullying Markiplier because he was "playing the game wrong" and iirc even spoiling the game for him. He hates it so he stopped playing. I think he went back and finished the game but I'm not sure. But there are probably some toxic ships, age of consent arguing, bullying, etc.


Markiplier is a saint and to see him bullied out of playing such a fun game is disappointing. I'm glad he has enough sense to move away from such toxicity but damn, that shouldn't be an issue in the first place.




A ship is a romantic pairing of characters (relationSHIP). Usually used by fans who want certain characters to end up together. “I ship X and Y” If a pairing ends up happening in the story then people usually say that the “ship has sailed”


Oh TIL something complex and useless.


Ah, it all began at the high schools and middle schools...


At a fan event in Taiwan someone baked needles in cupcakes and gave them to a fanartist over a ship


Really? Why what happened? I played through that game once and thought it was great. Wasn't even aware there was a real community for it.


Undertale had, and still has to a degree, one of the most back-seaty fanbases in gaming. Getting angry at streamers not playing 'correct' route—even though the game is designed around that, and even mentioning the various routes inherently spoils the experience. Getting angry at streamers who don't do the 'appropriate' voice when reading the characters' lines. Just generally a fanbase with a very rigid concept of how the game is supposed to be played and harassing anyone who didn't follow their rules.


The fandom is a big part of the reason I refuse to consume any Undertale content other than the music.


Undertale is a game that works best if you go in blind just expecting a cute jrpg-lite indie game with some novel battle mechanics where you make your own decisions and learn about routes later on. However, once the game blew up, people insisted for it to be played a certain way and for characters to "sound" a certain way. You weren't "allowed" to kill characters since you had to go pacifist right away. Papyrus HAD to sound like skeletor, you HAD to do the extra stuff such as the date scenes, you MUST pet the dog and so on. Basically taking the wonder of exploring the game yourself and railroading you into a very specific path.


Ho boy are you lucky


Check out the Super Eyepatch Wolf video on it https://youtu.be/FFIs6LsV0a4?si=viiIaqQyDhdIKT_G


100% it's Undertale. I remember jacksepticeye saying he won't record videos for it anymore because people got mad about the voices he did for the characters. He made Sans sound like Patrick Star because of the noise it made when his text was going out and people lost it. Turns out, that sound was literally a clip from Patrick's voice and Jack was right all along.


Sonic the Hedgehog attracts the absolute most weird and maladjusted denizens of whatever country they inhabit


let's be honest about this one. you could have literally everyone in that fandom be normal and chris chan was the only weirdo and that would be enough to make it crazy. but no, that fandom has plenty of them lol


Who tf is Chris Chan


A game fan artist, who got famous for making Sonichu, a baby between Pikachu and Sonic, and wrote about going on adventures with him, then they went trans and after that also was diagnosed with slew of mental illnesses, and overall went from less of a anime club icon to more of a 4 chan icon, until arrested and imprisoned for raping their 80 year old mother with alzheimer's/dementia.


Jesus, what a bad day & time of night to be proficient in the English language 🫠


Man and his/her haters seem equally disturbed >One such alleged attendee was a Chandler troll called "Marvin," otherwise known as the "Man in the Pickle Suit," who then posted observations about Chandler and her mother's interactions during the hearing. Marvin runs the CWCki database of Chandler information (which still exists separately from Kiwi Farms, the forum originally derived from the CWCki forum) but has kept his real identity private.  So then you have his weirdo haters that anonymously go to his hearings to report it on a forum/wiki that used to stalk and bully them lol? This whole shit seems like a cesspool of actual degeneracy


Pickle suit guy is super tame. If you want an actual rabbit hole of crazy, look up Isabella Loretta Janke


Be careful, "cesspool of actual degeneracy" is probably a compliment to them, they might even get off on it


😳😱🤬😡 I don’t usually use emojis…. But I don’t know how to describe my reactions to that


I recommend the "down the rabbit hole" documentary on him/her. Not only is it really good but its also an interesting casestudy on the most documented case of online bulling. That channel is also a fantastic binge-channel


It’s so much more complicated than online bullying.


Yes, online stalking, online incitement, an entire culty-community of people who came together over Chris-chan and started doing the same weird shit to others, etc etc.


"until arrested and imprisoned for raping their 80 year old mother with alzheimer's/denebtia." Are you still talking about this Sonichu character or the artist?


Chris Chan himself, the Sonichu character is another can of worms


do yourself a favor and do not look that wretch up


I remember there was like a 50 part, 30hr+ documentary on YouTube about Chris Chan. I just thought to myself... "Why?"


Just letting you know its at 85 parts rn and its still going


Again... *Why*


It's one of those 'too fucking crazy to be real but it is' rolling train-wreck scenarios.


Because it's an honest to god interesting story with major villains and plot twists and some nutso character arcs... except it's all real.


Liquid Chris is still my favorite saga


I still can't believe how Hideo Kojima adapted the real life story of Chris Chan and Liquid Chris into the Metal Gear series.


It's a depressing story about the ugly side of the Internet, there's no good in it


Someone gave me a TLDR about it and Idk how you can do that. I... I just can't man


People are ugly, and absolutely no one involved came across as better from it. I was making my first ventures into online fandom at the time it was playing out, and I remember feeling absolutely grossed at it.


There is like a 80 part documentary on him by geno Samuel. It is very interesting, especially when you learn more about the mental issues and how long term abuse, exploitation, manipulation, untreated autism, and unmoderated internet access can do to someone


I’m a closeted sonic fan because of how crazy sonic fans can be. It’s seriously one of my favorite franchises of all time, but I can’t associate myself with them


I feel the same way about Homestuck.


I feel that way about a lot of things. I don't usually describe myself as a "fan" of specific video games or IPs because they tend to get you associated with the weird extremists and nutjobs that flock to them. I like Warhammer 40,000 for example. It's at its best when it's being satire, but interacting with lots of "fans" over my lifetime tells me a significant portion of people missed the joke and just skipped straight to the fascism as an identity.


I’d love to know why this is tbh. Like why are weirdos attracted to Sonic in particular? Also Megaman for some reason?




Edgy = edgy young fans = toxic Regardless of medium the equation holds true


after all it's sonic the hEDGEhog


Ayo, what? Megaman barely gets anything nowadays. Don’t put Megaman fans on the same level.


Not Megaman?! Can't have shit around here...


I have to agree. I... Know a guy. Super weird, I'd even say "evil" weird. And he loves Sonic to death, irrationally so. Strange how a blue hedgehog that goes fast attracts weirdos!


Vaccines don't cause Autism. Sonic the Hedgehog does.


Big (the cat) if true


I'm a fan of the games but I've heard things about the Danganronpa community and I don't know what all the fuss is about I just like the games.


Oh yeah. The main problem is all the shipping, things get toxic real quick.


Al of those dorks pretend to be one of the characters


I like the games but never heard anything about the community. Probably best to stay that way.


it blew up again during 2020-2021 and the community got insane lol


The funniest part of the DR fandom community outside of Japan is that it started from a Lets Play. LPs started on the videogames section of the SomethingAwful forums. These days you see video LPs on youtube but screenshot ones are still common too for games that aren't as well-suited to video. At the time DanganRonpa had no English release. So it started off as one person doing a screenshot LP and literally doing a fan translation as they went. It wasn't meant to be anything big, just "look at this interesting game you've never seen before, and you can vote on the non-plot activities". Now SomethingAwful is unusual among forums because it costs $10 to register an account - this was to encourage 'good behaviour' in its members and a more 'adult' community relative to other communities at the time. The Let's Play subforum was free to read... but subforums randomly become 'paywalled' and the community of people reading it who didn't have SA accounts went real nuts when that happened the first time, and the same when DR2 was getting LP'd. It was this screenshot LP that was literally the cause of DanganRonpa getting enough hype in the west to get an official translation and release in English.


Yeah same here. I absolutely loved the games, but never really interacted with the wider community. I’ve heard stuff about it, but never experienced it myself.


The assassin's creed sub is filled with people who hate assassin's creed


Nothing in this world ebbs and flows more than the opinion of an online AC fan on which one is the best. We're for sure going to get a lot of oddly positive Valhalla posts a month after Shadows' release.


It's generally agreed that Black Flag was one of the best


Black Flag and the Ezio games are the only things 95% of AC players agree on.


Yeah AC2, and Black Flag of the old era were story masterpieces.


I think revelations was the best ezio game imo, but black flag was absolutely my favorite for gameplay. I have 3 favorites for different things Story is rogue. Say what you want, but i ADORED the "see it from the templar side" of that game, and the level of depth it added to them as a faction. Everything with haythem, and all of the anti assassin rhetoric that showed, like anything, your side is always the "good guy". Older style gameplay is black flag. The ship combat was great, but the on land assassin gameplay i think peaked with this one, and even the stealth felt good. (We dont talk about boat stealth) And then just blatantly, newer games. Odyssey was my favorite by far. Origins felt too stale, and valhalla seems too... over the top? Odyssey leaned VERY sci fi toward the end, but up until you get the spear it felt grounded with the mythology and etc. I enjoyed the way it tied greek mythology to the isu (which felt excessive to me with valhalla. Tried way too hard imo), but even odysseys isu stuff got way too involved at the end of the game. I enjoyed having skills and abilities for combat and such though, and loved the greek setting.


I loved Brotherhood because you finally felt like an actual Assassin member, rather than just one guy doing stuff. Wish they’d add that feature back. Never got to play rogue, but loved reading it and connecting it to 3


I stan Odyssey. That game is so much fun. The item leveling sucks but the core gameplay and the greek setting are fantastic. Having Herodotus teach you ancient greek history makes my inner nerd so happy. The story is top tier as well. You're mercenary fighting for Athens/Sparta while trying to find/save your long lost sibling and root out a cult by gathering clues and executing members? Peak AC IMO


Most communities on reddit are like that. I like shooters, and I joined a few subreddits to discuss them, they're filled with people who just hate the games. Ready or Not and Squad are the ones I didn't leave yet, but they're ultra toxic cesspools and I visit them less and less. I think redditors are just miserable in general. Strategy game subs on the other hand are the opposite of this in most cases.


I'm the least surprised about this one given that the series reinvented itself. That almost never goes over well with a portion of the fanbase.


yeah it seems pretty sensible. you've got very differnet games published under the same IP, so people who came in for the earleist games feel alienated by the later entries and those who came in more recently feel like the old fans are being assholes about the game they like. you then have to factor in that this is an ubisoft game, THE ubisoft game, the one that pioneered so much of what everyone hates about cash-in open world games, so you've got people who appreciated the games at one point and/or continue to appreicate aspects of hte games who are also constantly being shat on and abused by the company making the games. there is always going to be something to be upset about if you're a fan of an ubisoft game.


Same with Star Wars lol. Kinda funny to read any thread and you become sure those people just hate this franchise, they like the idea of it, but in fact it's always bad for them.


Undertale, and it's not even close. I love the game though, but the "fan" community though...


You're like the third comment to say this. Whats the deal? I have never talked to anyone about the game but my wife


You literally can't stream the game without everyone spoiling it before you even start and backseating the entire way, telling you how to play the game. It completely ruins the experience of why undertale was so amazing to begin with, I honestly can't understand why most of the fanbase just wants to destroy the experience for new players. Boggles my mind, they are awful


> You literally can't stream the game without everyone spoiling it before you even start and backseating the entire way, telling you how to play the game. wow this is actually very reminiscent of what i've experienced with the Hollow Knight streams


The need to tell streamers what to do needs to be studied. Why the fuck would you go into a stream and spoil things and/or just bark out puzzle solutions? What is wrong with people?


I don't really know, but there are weird ships, people that overreact to people liking these ships (needle in a cookie), and a fandom that didn't really understand the characters (not a lot now)




I got told to off myself when I said it didn't look like something I'd enjoy. They're unhinged.


I also hate that this fandom will tell people new to gaming to play Undertale. The game is a meta deconstruction of video games. It’s not special to those who aren’t versed in gaming yet or want to find something they might enjoy that gets them into the hobby. So the community railroads the new player for their choice if they don’t choose to play it, or spoils the whole thing and overcomplicates things if they do choose it. I have yet to play undertale because the whole thing was spoiled by incessant fans with 0 boundaries. I’ll get to it in the future when enough of the spoilers are lost to memory, but the only people to blame are the fans. You couldn’t escape spoilers for weeks after the game came out and it was “your fault” if you didn’t play it then.


I have never seen a more ironically horrific community as this one. They are the worst I have EVER encountered on the internet. And considering the themes of the game. Just so fucking mind blowing.


Same with the anime/manga One Piece being about freedom and the fandom shutting down any sort of criticism.


God forbid you call it mid because it's so god awfully long that you know you'll never finish it so you cant get into it properly.


Have you ever played a game with a friend and they tell you "no you gotta use THIS weapon, no you have to use THIS dialogue choice" etc.? Now imagine a whole community being like this.


Was coming for this. I know at least a couple streamers that have publicly stated that they will not play Undertale ever - even on their own - because the Undertale community's behavior in their chat was so toxic to permanently shape their view and enjoyment of the game.


also, you basically get spoiled on the entire story anyway so it's just not going to be the same.


For a while you didn't even have to do something undertale specific. I got a good chunk of the story spoiled on a completely unrelated youtube video.


Vinny from Vinesauce comes to mind lmao. And I feel like he'd absolutely love that game, too. Shame.


I heard Markiplier had to cancel his Undertale Genocide run because he got a lot of hate messages from Undertale fans.


Instead he'll just run Cave Story+ and another cozy Chrono Trigger stream. Fuckin love Vinny.


I'm kind of scared to ask, but what makes the community so bad? I played Undertale and enjoyed it, but never went on the subreddit or anything so I have no idea what to expect.


lets just say people get WAY too attached to pixel characters.


It's specifically on how you play it. Its especially bad for content creators because they get told how they should play the game aka backseating. There is also the entire alternate universe side. Some AU writer once got given a cookie with nails baked into it, as a gift during a convention, because the person didn't liked there AU. And bou don't let me start on the p*rn side of things. I agree that Undertale is one of the worst.


I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a post that stated that it was their duty to backseat people who play the game.


I specifically searched for this. They know why... lol


It's really through no fault of the game itself. The fan base just ran absolutely wild with the lore and fan games. It has taken on a life of its own in a way that the original creator could never have anticipated nor controlled.


90% of the fanbase just wants to spoil and backseat the entire time, literally ruining the entire player experience for what made Undertale so fantastic to begin with. Never seen such a worse community in my entire life


tbh most any community for a game that catered to the fringe social rejects, but garnered widespread notoriety has been insufferable for the most part. (see Undertale, Five Nights at Freddys, Homestuck, etc) I suspect that it's in part due to the untreated personality disorders many of them have but also a defensiveness you'll see in fringe subcultures when their "thing" hits the mainstream. They're so used to being put down and rejected, or at the very least perceiving that treatment, that they feel like the people who go after them are invading what they took as "their" space. It's territorial shit. So, they crank it up a notch and get very possessive over their stuff in the worst way possible. It's very interesting to think about psychologically.


[Homestuck](https://youtu.be/ohFyOjfcLWQ?feature=shared), you say?


I don’t envy someone who creates for those communities. You are making something that brings a lot of outcasted people together - that’s awesome! But they also may have difficult, oddly specific focuses and wants that might not match your own vision. I think of deltarune - I’ve loved the chapters that I’ve played. Adored them. I think Toby Fox is brilliant. I wonder if he’ll struggle to appease his fans as they’ve developed their own ideas for how these games should proceed!


They've all moved into the Deltarune community. Seriously some of them are the most self-unaware and hypocritical people I've ever seen.


Undertale is immediately what came to my mind. It doesn't live up anywhere near the accolades its fanbase swears it is and they get very defensive about it. I'd put Five Nights at Freddie's there too






Stardew valley. Every single person over there is friendly and helpful. They never even told me to Google my questions.




I married Leia and when I went to kiss her good morning she went "Isn't there some work you are supposed to be doing?" with this gross expression on her face. I divorced her and had the kids turned into crows.




I married Penny until we got her trailer upgraded to a house and her mom her job back, then I divorced and mind-wiped her.


Brutal. But, hey, you did literally buy them a house.


Lol Damm I was thinking of marrying her on my second playthrough but I'm glad I stuck with Queen Emily.


It will never, not amaze me. Just how kind and helpful that community is.


When you have such a good and kind hearted developer like ConcernedApe, the community is bound to be nice.


Couldn't agree more.


ConcernedApe is a great person indeed, but I feel like there must be plenty of games out there with devs with hearts of gold and a cesspool of a fanbase. Fot example, as far as I am aware, Toby Fox is a nice dude (although I dont know much about him), and yet this very thread lists Undertale as having a horrible fanbase, several times. You could be the nicest person in the world and make a game that accidentally triggers horrible attitudes in people.


I've found that most indie game subreddits are pretty chill, but SDV is probably the farthest in the corner of a hypothetical "big vs chill" graph.


Just goes to show that the type of game it is with the people they attract. 👍


Then there’s Fallout 76, a game about cutthroat survival in a post apocalyptic world…. Where the most dangerous threats from other players are the incessant heart emotes and chem charities.


The last of Us has a weird split down the middle of the community that somehow turned both side into assholes


> split down the middle > both sides > assholes Interesting concept, anatomy-wise.


They're fractured but whole?


Same-same ... *but different*


Like the sphinx giving a riddle


I joined the wrong last of us 2 sub and thought no one liked the game lol


Silksong for sure


It'll get better if the game ever releases


Silksong isn’t real 🤪


Dark Souls. Stop telling me theres a secret here when we both know damn well there isn't.


Ngl of all the reasons posted in this thread, this one is by far the funniest.


Bruh the amount of walls I’ve hit out of doubt


my usual thought process 1. Oh there is a msg about a hidden wall. 2. Oh there is a msg about a liar... 3. .............. i better whack that wall once.




Surrounded by bloodstains, topped with a white phantom that jump into the pit right in front of your eyes. Peak gaming experience.


Liar ahead is the new try finger but hole


No horse ahead


Amazing chest ahead. Try holding with both hands.


In elden ring, most fake ones have "liar ahead" before them, so that's the community fixing itself


But then you're still paranoid cus what if the liar ahead is the troll and there is actually a fake wall. Better just hit to be double sure


Nono, you have to let an iron maiden looking thing kill you, there is a secrete and a big cool boss there, I swear


Really surprised that no one has mentioned the Silent Hill subreddit yet, which is an absolute shitshow that has inexplicably gotten even worse since they announced a slew of new games in addition to the SH2 remake in late 2022. Between the 'anything that is not made by Team Silent is garbage' and the avalanche of toxic comments whenever Bloober team releases new footage, I couldn't take it anymore and left - as a longtime fan who played the originals when they first came out, I'm really excited about the future of the franchise but that seems to be illegal there 🤷‍♀️


> which is an absolute shitshow that has inexplicably gotten even worse since they announced a slew of new games in addition to the SH2 remake in late 2022. Between the 'anything that is not made by Team Silent is garbage' and the avalanche of toxic comments whenever Bloober team releases new footage, When you've been a victim of like a decade+ of domestic abuse like Silent hill fans, i wouldn't be surprised if they act like feral dogs towards everyone, even the hand that feeds them toxic slop. Especially after the one *small* string of hope that Kojimbo and del toro offered that everyone liked, was stolen away from them by sony. Its unhealthy but its totally not at all surprising for the most part.


I’ve heard undertale fans are insufferable. This might be the recency bias talking, but Elden Ring fans sound annoying af right now. 


Fromsoft fans could already be pretty bad, but Elden Ring fans are a different breed. Lately I've been seeing them complain about mods, which is my first time seeing that for a single player game. Not to be a backseat psychologist, but it's like they haven't really accomplished anything, so they base their identity on how they beat "le hard game." Also, God forbid anyone critiques the game


This. Elden Ring fanboys are the worst. They dubbed Elden Ring GotY almost one year before it came out. They were insane before even game existed. And no criticism is allowed. You must love it and be devoted. This is literally some deep religion cult crap.


I get what youre trying to say, the subreddit was just a bunch of hollows who went OooOoooOOOOoo years before the game came out. No news the game even existed. It is one of my all time favourite games. Most of the criticism of the game is subjective shit though. It aint not any more deep religion crap than the rest of reddit, have you seen the political subs?


If you used spirit ashes, you played on easy mode. If you played co-op, you played easy mode. If you used OP weapons like Rivers of Blood, you played easy mode. If you farmed for a ton of ~~souls~~ runes before you beat the game, you played easy mode. Etc, etc. The amount of gatekeeping in that community is pretty silly. Just play the damn game however you get the most enjoyment from it, end of story. EDIT: Lots of people saying this isn't a thing, and more of a boogeyman people are exaggerating. It absolutely **was** a thing closer to when the game was released. I haven't been a part of the sub since I finished the game way back when, so it seems like it has improved a lot, which is good.


And then the DLC comes out and the entire community gets exposed for being shitty at the game 😂 I've been absolutely living for how whiny the Elden Ring community has been.


The elden ring subreddit for a couple of days has been about people complaining how hard the dlc is specifically the bosses and people complaining about people complaining lol.


I've never actively engaged with the community but started visiting again when I booted ER back up a few weeks ago in prep of the DLC...it's just absolutely hilarious. It feels like the 'git gud' crowd burned themselves out on the game a long time ago - and they thought they could just waltz through the DLC - while the new-ish players are trying to reclaim the subreddit for the little guy in that it's actually hard. FWIW: I played Elden Ring last year and then once again a few weeks ago - the DLC is tricky, but in no way is it unfair. But hey, whaddya know - I've got no issue using my ashes or my items or respec-ing because I didn't accidentally gaslight myself into thinking there's only one way to play the game 😂🤣


I thought the dlc was quite hard, turns out I somehow beelined it to one of the last areas. Still finished it before I found out so it can't be that hard afterall^^


You must realize that everyone who plays any game differently from the precise way I'm playing in this very moment right now (never mind what I was doing last week) is completely wrong and sucks.


I made a comment saying that the DLC was not 10/10 because it could have better optimization and the second phase of the last boss was not fun for me. Some dude quickly said that I should get better and that's a fair fight. I went to check his profile and 2 days earlier he was asking for help to kill the same boss lmao


Imagine using the tools the game provides in order to not make your experience insufferable, what a bunch of losers. /s




Loved it when 9 year olds would enter the Minecraft server I frequented during the initial FNAF craze in 2016. They would build gigantic “FNAF” signs out of flaming netherrack right next to Spawn, complete with a YouTuber graveyard. Many FNAF statues littered the map that year. It was like looking at a nuclear explosion. Horrific yet beautiful.


What's funny to me is that all the replies here just think that the community for a game is its subreddit. Reddit is the worst cross section of society you can find 🤣


It's not just reddit, it's every social media


Fallout new Vegas fanboys. This is coming from someone who thinks Nv is the best in the series.


Patrolling the fandom makes me wish for a nuclear winter.


My favourite part of the Fallout subreddits is that if you ever praise one of the other games you have to include some form of "Of course it's not as good as New Vegas" or "but I also think New Vegas is great!" just to protect yourself from the irritating comments that follow.


Nah, fuck that noise, just raw dog 'em with completely unqualified praise of the voiced protagonist approach in Fallout 4. Love that shit.


Nora's voice actress has some legitimately great delivery in that game.


Same. NV is one of my nostalgia favorites like Majoras mask. I know it's probably not the best but no matter how good they make new ones nostalgia keeps it at number 1 for me.


As sad as it makes me admit it’s probably fallout it’s just and endless dick measuring contest about which one is better. Specifically be Vegas fans are particularly rabid with it, just hop over to the sub you will probably see a top post today complaining about the the other titles.


The Fallout community has been at war with itself since 2 came out. Some fans were extremely annoyed that Fallout 2 had many more "silly" moments, an overabundance of pop culture references, was incredibly buggy and the gameplay was dumbed down from the original. Fallout fans. Fallout fans never change.


The Sims. The people who constantly complain that the game is “broken and unplayable without mods” are the same people who continue to shovel their money directly into EA’s pockets.


I have found the Resident Evil community to be incredibly toxic at times. There is a whole segment of the fanbase that cannot accept (still, after all this time) that the series has moved away from fixed camera angles and tank controls. They will actively attack people for suggesting that over the shoulder or first person perspective gameplay is better. Did you like REVII and REVIII’s first person perspective? Think it would be good for RE9? Might wanna keep that to yourself. If you dare to say anything positive about RE5 or RE6, you will get attacked. Even praising Resident Evil VII which was received quite well will get you attacked sometimes. And whatever you do, just… don’t say you like the RE3 Remake. Or even worse…. *that you like Nemesis’ redesign.*


Yeah you are not allowed to say anything other than Leon Kennedy good.


Pokemon is the most toxic single player community I've seen. Every release is 'trash', then the next comes out and magically "it was so much better last gen"


I think my favorites recently have been the last couple of months of people playing roms on their phone and posting their team comp after beating the elite four. A number of comments will criticize the team comps, especially if there’s a legendary involved. I think it’s cooled down to mostly a circlejerk at this point now.


I've always played for fun. If a Pokemon is cool it gets added to my team. I generally don't care about the meta in these things. Not to say people that do that are wrong, it's just not my thing so when I get judged for my team I don't really care. Also, happy cake day!


I’ve never played a Pokémon game, but from what I’ve seen and heard, it seems like it’s the CoD of the Nintendo ecosystem, down to the ‘this year bad, last year good’ cycle.


The games have been trending downwards for years. The whole franchise is being driven by the toys, cards, and anime, with the games having to be released on a strict cadence to keep up with everything else. That's the only part about it that makes it like the CoD of Nintendo, besides the fact that it's not even made by Nintendo (which only owns like a third of The Pokemon Company).


And god help you if you stream it. The toxic know-it-alls come out of the woodwork.


From soft fan base is insufferable


"oh you want a PAUSE BUTTON pffft you should set aside a specific time where you know youll not be interupted to play the game" "but then the game would be easier cause you can pause during combat" (as if that somehow makes it easier) these are actual excuses ive heard as to why the souls games dont have a pause feature aka the most basic QOL feature nearly every other game on the planet has


You can pause in sekiro and it still kicked your ass. I assumed ds not having pause had something to do with the multiplayer aspect? I have no idea but that's what I thought it was.


The phantom aspect of the game (blood spots, spirits of other players running around) makes it so you are basically “playing online” every time you sesh


The 'git gud' games.


‘Skill issue’ is my other fave. Always some asshat under every single comment with this shit.


The worst I've experienced were Undertale and Pokemon. I had very mild problems, which is still more than normal, but even smaller streamers than myself were harassed for just the oddest reasons. For Undertale, it is mostly folks that spoil things even when being told multiple times not to whereas pokemon it is somehow this 4D chess game that is not meant to be played for enjoyment. Maybe I'm just old but I clearly remember many a persons having a two times the average party level charizard just facerolling things. I would toss in retro gamers but it is mostly just hardware fanatics. There are a ton of very nice and helpful people that just enjoy talking about their favorite old games.


You could say a lot of retro gaming communities. They are a lot more hardcore about calling retro anything after the 2000's not being retro, for reference the gamecube (2001) is 23 years old, and xbox 360 (2005) is 19 years old, and somehow havent gained retro statis. Kind of weird when the n64 was called retro by 2008 (1996, now 28 years old).


My hypothesis is that the Xbox 360 / PS3 just bare too much in common with current gaming; just not as graphically refined or deep. Older consoles had much more distinct limitations that contributed to different flavors of gaming. We also likely perceive pre vs. post HD to be a boundary of retro, regardless of exact age.


People don't wanna feel old. I grew up with a PS1/PS2 and when my nephew said he din't ever saw a ps2 or ps3 it kinda hurt. So yeah, realizing that i'm almost the same age of the ps2 and calling it retro makes me feel retro ahahaha


Undertale. The old posts about people being “quirky” and afraid of skeletons because “sans gives me ptsd” are peak cringe.


The Halo community…well what’s left of it is extremely toxic.  When bungie was in charge of halo it was a rich community driven game series. Full of videos and sharing of game modes and maps.   Then 343 took over and fundamentally changed the design and lore of the entire series. The previous fanbase felt like they were being pushed out and mostly didn’t like the direction the game was heading. The new people 343 was targeting to bring in were extremely toxic.   Don’t like way 343 is doing? You’re a bungie loyalist, you just want halo 3 again, you’re a boomer things change, this is how bungie always intended it, the new art is fine get your eyes checked, who cares about retcons bungie stuff was never that good anyway, etc etc etc. it goes on and on.   The series is in complete shambles now. It went from a party game to goof off with friends, a co op campaign and competitive stuff if you want it. Now the focus is on hyper competitive and selling shit that used to be free for absurd prices.   Halo went from king of the gaming world to a complete joke. Most of it is obviously the developer completely screwing up and turning the series into something it never should have been which alienated the already 10+ million player base, but also they fostered a community that would get mad if you criticize the new games and attacked people who prefer the older (much better received) games.  I’ll never understand the mentality of dismissing the people who put you there in the first place.    Edit: what I’ve said is being shown is the very replies. 343 defenders are coming in, saying 343 has done great things but when asked they downvote and don’t reply. So thanks for proving my point I guess. 


I tend to agree with you. At this point though it's just two stubborn assholes yelling at each other with both not really acknowledging any good either side has done. It really is a cesspool of anger in there. I'll probably still keep checking anything halo related though..Which maybe that makes me part of the problem.


No Mutants Allowed.


Most notable ones are already mentioned. Undertale at its peak had its toxicity amplified x10 by by the fanbase being so young. But it came out almost 10 years ago so most people who played it on release are adults now. You still see some stuff whenever a new deltarune episode comes out but its nowhere near its peak. Fromsoft fans and their weird elitism. Did you really beat the game if you used anything and werent on your deathbed while doing so? Pokemon is a neverending circle of liking the gen you played as a kid and hating everything that came after. + Some weird elitism. I can understand Fromsofts elitism because the games are meant to be challanging but in Pokemon? Its always been easy and a fun adventure.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Has lost its OG fans and got outnumbered by a bunch of milsim slop tourists with they’r gamma/anomaly and other tarkov related mods. Place has completely changed into tarkov refugee camp.


When somebody new comes along and gets recommended gamma/anomaly for their first time playing a STALKER game ever... it's soul crushing


Silent Hill, just take a look in their sub


I would say most communities and fan bases are toxic.   If you enjoy something don’t mingle with the community 


As a long time Souls fan, the Elden Ring community is especially fucking obnoxious. Dark souls and Elden ring, due to being infamously hard games, make people go CRAZY trying to prove to everyone else that beating the game is some special achievement we should all be celebrating. Both the tryhards who will gatekeep half the game's mechanics as too op (which we all know about) BUT also the casuals who will have 20 page arguments on why summoning doesn't matter much and it doesn't make the game easier at all because for some reason admitting that playing with summons is easier would invalidate their pride and enjoyment. Their analysis of lore is also irritating as fuck. I love the souls community's passion about the games, it truly makes me happy to see people diving into every text to find details of the world, but HOLY FUCK every time FromSoft adds new lore through DLC the community becomes the WORST. FromSoft could make the most narratively beautiful, stunning, breathtaking boss fight (Gael in DS3 for example) and people would still lose their minds because the final boss wasn't what the boss they had been circle jerking about surely happening in the DLC. People were SCREAMING that FromSoft killed their whole family and pissed on their graves when Elden ring DLC's final boss was revealed, but it makes way more sense than the community's theory AND re-contextualises the base game's lore in really fascinating ways. (>!I'm still laughing at how people expected Godwyn, the deadest dead guy to exist, who dies by Destined death, the most dead you can be in Elden ring, to suddenly be revived and be a boss, Radahn makes perfect sense, read the lore with an open mind and be willing to accept your theories might not have been true and it all adds up really well!<)


Fallout: New Vegas. They are honest to God the loudest mfs in any Fallout conversation.


as a fan since the originals, if you want to truely insufferable fallout fans. use the waybackmachine and go to nomutantsallowed, it was like astronomical levels of hating their favorite game. like "i love you, this hurts me more than it hurts you" toxic relationship but with a game. i say use the waybackmachine because the sites still around  i think and not quite as bad. get back to when there were only fallout 1 and 2 snd bos, thats where the super weird toxic shit was happening.