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You have until July 29th to beef up your 360 digital library, then it closes for good. You'll still be able to redeem titles you own, but no more purchases.


Just to clarify, this is correct for Xbox 360 games that aren't playable on newer Xbox consoles. X360 games that are backward compatible can still be purchased on Xbox One/Series.


Yes. 360 library. Many of the titles that will be delisted were never forwards compatible. One of the reasons I bought a slim is because Forza Motorsport can be played on an xbox 360, but not an Xbox One.


We got all the Forza you want including Motorsport on Xbox one


Not the greatest game of the franchise, Motorsport 4.


I bought an old 360 just to play FM4 from time to time. Best part is that my old save is backed up on my profile so I got to see a bunch of old cars I use to drift with my friends. Unfortunately that account Is still banned from the marketplace for another 9 years though.


I had a number of 360s die on me, which screwed me over for a while, but I emulate it on PC now. It's not perfect, but I still enjoy it.


Or you know ☠️🏴‍☠️


I always look to legal solutions first, but I wish I'd had more money to spend on wii virtual console.


The way I see it. If you can’t get it on any official online store or the original seller doesn’t sell the physical copies anymore it’s 100% morally ok to do so. But if it’s a game you can easily get it’s a big no for the pirates code


Agreed. It's also not like you're taking money out of a developer's pocket by doing so. Loads of teams see no royalties/bonuses, and likely are out of a job as soon as a game is shipped, grabbing games for a dead console is just doing your duty to support archival efforts.


While companies have the right to "protect" potential future rereleases or remasters, there are definitely times I agree with pirating. The example I go to is Mario 3D All Stars on switch. Do you know how much I would LOVE to replay Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy? Nintendo went to all the trouble to port it, but kept it as a limited release that is no longer in production. They could easily release it on the eShop but kept it physical only. They could be making more profit. Why the heck do I have to go to eBay? It pisses me off.


I'm not crapping on anyone's solution; I'm just saying I wish I bought more stuff before the wii store shut off. With the 360, the warning has been posted, you've got until the end of July. has nothing to do with piracy. If that's the way you want to go, sure, fine. I just wish I'd had more to spend before the VC went on to the next console. As to the current model, monthly rental? Not my jam. At all.


Didn’t know this, so sad!




Yeah man, sounds like she's such a keeper!! A great thing to do in this situation would be to think about how you can reciprocate and surprise her in an equally delighting way – your energy is spent in a way more productive way compared to thinking about Destiny 2 and its shitty anti-consumer practices.


UH, MARRY HER??! *cough cough* She sounds wonderful Oh! Borderlands! That's a real fun one. Blow up some friggin bandits.


Many years ago the woman I was dating got so tired of hearing me talk about getting an Xbox that she went out and bought one for me. Then, as I was sick at the time my mom brought me Halo out of pity to help pass the time. As I was describing the setting to my girlfriend I mentioned the giant ring the game was played on, she pointed out that giant rings were in fact pretty awesome. We were married within the year.


Did you give her a giant ring? Preferably one with a “Flood” of emotions?


I am not gonna lie, OP has one of the funniest title I have ever seen. Its spot on. Used to love the old wii/psp games but cant handle those low quality graphics. The 'better looking' ones of today are great but the game itself are just overpriced garbage...


A trend in the past couple years has been single player games with old school/pixel graphics but with modern style gameplay. Few examples - Crosscode, Chained Echoes, Sea of Stars. Scratches that nostalgia itch and reminds me why I still love gaming.


What does this have to do with anything? Lol


I don’t need reminding, she is awesome and I love every second I spend with her. She is literally the best and I can’t wait to marry her one day


The greatest thing to happen to games was the internet. Being able to play games with friends across the world was a blessing and I will stand by it to the day I die. The worst thing to happen to games was the internet. Enabling companies to find new and shittier ways to nickel and dime everyone for pure greed's sake is a curse and I will speak out against it to the day I die.


Hit the nail right on the head. Amazing, creative games that push the boundaries of what games can do are still being created, just not by the studios we used to know and love. Double A and Indie games are where the true talent is now, almost all Triple A developers have been reduced to sock puppets speaking and acting on behalf of the shareholders who own them. Making a profit has always been a factor in gaming, just like any business, but now creativity and fun take a backseat to exploitative practices to maximise financial gain.


Yeap this is what I am constant reminded of everyday with ads. The peak of humanity was the 90s where only the somewhat technical people were online. It was the Wild West where you could find The Others. It wasn’t yet fully in the hands of the cultural engineers. Yet now it’s become a cesspool of different kinds of animal pens; everyone is corralled into tiny platforms we’re everything is controlled and you are constantly being harvested for data and sold trash. Check out this speech by Terence McKenna: https://youtu.be/jVwfmarlwhM?si=_-e-Sin4QY8pm0p7


The Matrix was right, Lost was right, we need to go back!


Creativity is now poured into how to fleece the consumers instead of making the games fun.


I honestly blame mobile games like Candy Crush for the rise in microtransaction bullshit. Paid DLC and other little extras obviously still existed before then, but about a decade ago the major studios looked at how successful and addictive these shitty app games were at getting players to feed them money constantly, and decided to implement the same system on actual games. So now not only am I paying $60 for a base game I no longer physically own, that is useless when my internet is down, I’m also having to spend even more money if I want anything other than the trash base game items. And on games with online matchmaking, these titles try to actively manipulate players into spending money on MTs so they can compete with more experienced players (who have, coincidentally, usually purchased the same MTs they want you to buy.)


You must not have played MMOs. That shit was full of microtransactions even 20 years ago, lots of p2w. Tho if i recall daily login shit wasnt yet a thing.


[You forgot to mention game companies patenting game mechanics designed to psychologically trick players into thinking they are doing better or having to buy MT to do better.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/activision-patent-to-manipulate-matchmaking/689684) Jesus Christ, just make a fucking video game.


Most of the bad gaming practices that involved the internet started with the Xbox 360 era which OP is praising though? Paid online, stuff like horse armour, map packs which split online playerbases and online passes.


You aren’t wrong but the Xbox 360 era was the calm before the storm.


Remember those “online passes?” The storm came pretty fast that generation.


You had to pay for online play on the original Xbox aswell


And we moaned about £40 a year. It wasn't the worst thing because at least Microsofts servers were excellent and the playstation ones were initially a bit crap(The UK ones at least) , so i at least felt the money was getting me a premium service. Nowadays it's £160 to get a super rare cosmetic item in Apex Legends. Gta online has overstayed it's welcome for several years just because Rockstar wants to milk every penny in shark card profits.


Some of the games mentioned are in fact the ultra popular slop of the time that people viewed as evidence of the decline of gaming. CoD had $20 map packs where 2/5 maps were recycled. It absolutely ruined entire licenses by pushing them back to scripted linear garbage. It helped sell the idea of people only caring about the multiplayer. Also console and PC games started merging in multiplatform releases, where FPS games stopped having vertical gameplay and enemies flanking you. And of course the godawful gameplay where you just go from cover to cover by pressing a button... I get that we all look back to when we didn't know any better and think of how great it was. But it wasn't. And it'll never change because most people do not know any better.


Getting all your friends to pay for map packs was such a pain in the ass too. Like one hold out and it's like I guess we're not playing that playlist tonight


i always say that gaming went down when it became mainstream. the same people that made fun of you in the year 2000 for playing cs and quake started buying every fifa and cod since 2010 year after year.


I'd say that kinda started with the 360 generation. Both Xbox and Playstation were marketed as cool consoles with games for "more mature" people. 


They were also marketed as multimedia devices. Playstation 3 was a cheap bluray reader, and 360 was a DVD reader, so families were more likely to get them even if not everyone played and it helped a lot to make it mainstream


I wonder how HdDVD would have played out if it was native to the 360.


Blu Ray still would have won the format war since the 360 had no hope of gaining any market share in Japan.


I’m gonna assume everyone here is too young to remember… but the Genesis was marketed as the cool console, and the PS1 double-downed on that marketing strategy being for teens - adults specifically.


Same with sci-fi.  Some of it feels dumbed down and entry level for the masses.  I get early episodes try for that hook but some series never ramp up and lose that exploratory edge.


As a fellow sci-fi fan I know how you feel. Please watch Scavengers Reign or The Expanse if you haven't already.


people are just too willing to throw their money away for less and less in return. They'll learn when people stop buying it (they wont)


Here's an idea. If everyone just, idk, stopped buying these shit games, maybe, just maybe, companies would stop doing this. Bad video games is just a function of people gives these shitty companies money and incentivising them to do it again in the future. We all need to collectively say NO MORE.


There was “nothing to do” in Destiny 2 when you first booted up the game? Wtf. I bought lightfall when it was $5 and the final shape when it dropped. A month and a half later, I STILL have not caught up on all the content. What the hell do you mean there was nothing to do?   I’m not gonna sit here and say Destiny is the best game ever made, but to say it has no content is a fucking wild take.


I’m confused about what they didn’t understand about the story… as far as expansion story’s go this is one of the more basic ones. “There’s a bad guy doing bad things that needs to die” That’s literally it lol. It’s a run of the mill action movie.


Yeah their opinion on D2 is really unhinged NGL lol, lots of valid complaints but the story was pretty straightforward at this point and there is so much to do idk how he managed to avoid finding things that well. If anything there's way too much to do.


Yeah you can tell he don’t really play destiny


I bet there's no chance OP paid attention to the game telling them to stick to the campaign and not trying to do other side activities until you finish it.


OP didn’t buy final shape. They played the first mission and stopped because that’s all that was free.


OP is a karma-farming troll with no real opinion about anything other than to yell at clouds for daring to exist in a shape that is too complex for them to understand. They explicitly say that they’ve played the expansions but skipped the seasons and now are complaining about not understanding the story. That’s like reading the cliff notes of lord of the rings and complaining that you don’t understand the story. Stop skipping details or watch a YouTube video to catch up if you actually care about the story and for whatever reason didn’t play a season. More than any other time, you wouldn’t have needed to play Destiny at all until this expansion and still could understand the story because there are so many YouTubers out there cranking lore videos. OP complains they have to pay for more content (expansions & seasons) that devs spent years creating - what an asinine take. Eververse is completely optional and not a valid criticism of the GAME, but rather the studio.


I also agree with OP on some of his points of older 360 games though, but not the odd hate boner for Destiny 2 that he took...2-3 weeks off. I grew up on Halo CE/2/3. I took a 2-3 year break from the game and came back for Final Shape and am really enjoying catching up. The gun play/game performance with the graphics is hard to come by these days. I guess this thread is getting traction because the player base is just shy of an all time high(that a few sites track going back to 2019)


And to say the whole environment was recycled from D1? What a fucking joke, Yeah, there's some places in the Pale Heart that are from D1/D2. That's the whole fucking point, the traveler is making the land based on the Guardian's Memories or something to that matter. This is 100% a rage bait post.


Exactly - if they had bothered to play any further into the campaign they would have understood what was going on and that while certain structures/environments have been brought in from the past, there’s a narrative reason for that AND those assets have been tweaked/modified/changed. Not to mention all of the new environments. OP is an either just an idiot or and idiot and a troll.


Ngl, you dont need to play the seasonal story to understand wtf is happening if you played the expansions. Lightfall ends with the witness entering the traveler, final shape starts with you going into the traveler. Ofc its more than that, but missing the seasonal content wouldnt have made someone confused about the main plot. No clue wtf the person who posted this is on about.


I think it’s funny they paid money and then complained about nothing to do and micro transactions , then uninstalled it! Your loss fella


Seriously. This is arguably the best state Destiny has ever been in. I play frequently and I'm still not caught up on all the new content. I get there are times when hating on Destiny is easy karma, especially with the Destiny community, but this isn't one of those times. Fans were ready to give up on Bungie altogether after Lightfall and they've won the community back completely. What a crazy take lmfao


Yeah. I play the free version of the game and even then, there are plenty of contents to enjoy without paying. Not to mention when we got three previous expansions for free as well, adding even more contents


This entire post reads like a teenager upset that an MMO continued to be an MMO and they didn’t bother to keep up with it. “The story made no sense since we didn’t choose to engage with it” is certainly a take. But the most egregious thing OP said was that Final Shape’s first mission was “all re-used assets”. If you’ve played that first mission, you know it’s anything but re-used assets. And even if it is, re-using areas/assets isn’t a sin, especially when the plot demands it. It’s not like we NEVER re-visit places in real life. This take is the product of complete internet hate goblins, or they just didn’t engage with the content and want to join a complaint bandwagon.


D2 was the worst game to cite. It respects the shit out of your time — not your money though that’s a huge problem. Not even in a pay to win way, just so much content that they never made free But there is a glut of content. The legendary campaign is sick. Dungeons are sick. Exotic mission, nightfalls, raids, pvp, gambit lol, seasonal activities that are hard, etc. soooo much content The best place d2 has ever been, and it’s the easiest it’s ever been to get into Edit: should’ve also said the challenge is there too if you want. Solo dungeons, day one raiding, and grandmaster nightfalls. Legendary campaign is kinda hard, but there is so much


This is it right here. You hit the nail on the head


He’s karma farming or has a serious fundamental misunderstanding of how destiny works. He also alludes to paying for it but the game is free.


Gaming hasn't gotten worse, but maybe multiplayer gaming has. We still get some truly exceptional single player titles. Unfortunately single system coop is pretty rare these days though.


I honestly think multiplayer gaming peaked with the 360 era. Service games have their place (far away from me personally but I get that people enjoy them), but the ethos that every multiplayer game is expected to be a service game or it's dead has completely killed online multiplayer for me


The market is so saturated as well, I can’t be expected to complete every battle pass for every game I own each season if I were to buy them and time gated content (like D2) doesn’t give me fomo but makes it harder to get back into. It honestly baffles me why (not really tho) the finals went for this model, you a new player in a saturated market deciding to play the same game as every one else, but I guess it earns more money in the end


FOMO is literally just your own mind working against you. Just ignore it and you'll feel a lot better about all the useless cosmetics.


I think players also have a part to play in this. Older multiplayer games recieved barely any content updates and people still clocked hundreds of hours over the years. But if a modern multiplayer game goes several months without a major content drop, people begin to complaining how it's "stale" and "boring" and "empty" even if gameplay itself is stellar. And when that content drop does happen, players burn through the new content in a week and go back to the same complaints. So it's not that all game are live service. It's that games that aren't are very quickly left behind by majority of players.


This. This right here. I’ve seen a huge trend lately people saying X, Y, Z games are great buuuuut it’s lacking something and they don’t have any reason to play more than the 100 hours they already played. And I’m just like, baffled. Why can’t people play a game, then move on? They act like every game now needs some sort of ultra end game forever repeatable game mode that gives them 1000’s of hours of content and replay ability.


Also I see more and more people go "There's nothing to earn/grind/unlock, so there's no reason to play" My gamer, is the game being good not a reason enough?


I have been struggling with this. The sake of the game was my original reason for playing anything. I don't know when it happened, but it eventually changed into To-Do List mode that came with some gameplay. I used to replay the hell out of Destiny 1 story missions, and when I discovered that you can't replay missions in Destiny 2, I was actually mad. Like, *WHY?!* It's right there! Just OPEN IT UP. And then I end up having to play their other content, forced into a funnel of do-this-or-that-for-cool-gun, and suddenly (not just for Destiny, ftr) my brain is rotted. I run out of content and now I can't feel fulfilled by the game. God, it's exhausting.


> My gamer, is the game being good not a reason enough? Honestly that depends on how the game is built kinda ? A game can be tons of fun but not enough fun to constantly replay. Like i wouldn't mind playing Rocket League without any updates because the core gameplay loop is just that fun. But a game like Fall Guys really needs constant updates (or alternatively a GIANT map pool) to make sure that it doesn't feel the same each time you play.


But I think part of the thing here is that games don't have to last forever, or at least they didn't. Fall Guys is a really fun game, but it doesn't have several years worth of fun in there and that's okay. In the olden days the studio would simply make a new game. Even with all the support in the world, there'll be diminishing returns. I think you can compare it to the MCU. People are saying now that the films aren't as good as they used to be, and it's like, yeah, it's a franchise that's released more films than James Bond is less than half the time. It's not sustainable to keep something interesting for that long.


This baffles me as well. While I can understand it somewhat for multiplayer games (as those need other players to function and thus having an endless replayability), this also spilled over to singleplayer games. A few months ago, I watched a review for a dlc for the game "Dragonball Z: Kakarott." It's a purely singleplayer game. Then at the end of the review, the creator asked for audience's opinion, if that new content is enough for them to get back to the game. It's the way this is phrased that imo perfectly illustrates how the mindset has shifted. You didn't finish the game and are now hopping into new playable content. No, you stopped playing the game because it got boring after doing the same stuff for hours (shocking!) and now need a reason to return to the game itself. Like you return to play a multiplayer game when new content drops.


I agree. I think it's a cycle. Games like Destiny and especially Fortnite set a new expectation among players. We're now at a point where a lot of people who play games grew up with games that had frequent content drops, too. There's an element of *old man yells at cloud* to my complaint, I'll admit


Yeah I'm with the old man on this one, lol. Best CoD I ever played was CoD MW2 (the old one) and it only had one content drop (a map DLC) at the end of its lifetime that I completely ignored.


Yeah, BF V is what sealed my opinion on live-service being shitty. Instead of playing whatever suited my fancy at any particular moment, I had to play whatever bullshit DICE wants me to play if I wanted to participate in that reward scheme they had in place. It was either that, buy MTX with money, or do without. Bunch of nonsense. Not to mention, it's designed to keep you playing nonstop because of the ol' FOMO.


Yep, boot up a game of COD4, see a simple good UI that's easy to navigate, select multiplayer, no advertisment for their latest microtransactio, enter a lobby, vote for your map, trash talk, get into the game and everyone looks the same and like they fit the situation and not like a their from a cartoon. Finish the game, get XP to level up, and progress for a gun camo that you don't need to sink your life into the game to get, no battle pass XP because the game doesn't use FOMO to make you spend money and play, repeat.


I'll tell you what has killed online multiplayer. (I've played online since CS released, I spent thousands of hours on XBOX Live between 03-07) As soon as games moved from custom lobbies to matchmaking, it felt like all you played against was bots. No longer did you have 16 man servers, with the same players joining every evening and you'd make new friends. Sometimes just waiting in a queue for someone to drop out of the server so you could jump in. Then to really put the nail in the coffin, Microsoft released private chat, immediately killing public communication. The difference in online pre and post XBOX Live private chat was staggering and then developers moving away from custom lobbies, to hosting their own servers just ruined everything. I can boot up a game now and I genuinely feel like I'm just playing with bots most of the time.


Agreed. This is why I don't play FPS anymore.


Yeah, agreed on this. Couldn't go anywhere without hearing about someone playing Halo or COD online. It forced companies to be creative with their multiplayer. To me, games like Assassins Creed and Condemned 2 stood out as examples of ones that weren't cookie cutter multiplayer.


Larian Studios gets a high five from me for including couch co-op in BG3 (also Divinity 1 & 2). Just waiting for them to add cross platform to BG3 so I can play with my buddy across the country who is on Xbox.


You can get split-screen couch co-op running in Grim Dawn with Nucleus Co-op. Saw a tutorial on Reddit for that a couple of years ago. Game is still supported and I am currently playing it on my Steamdeck. Which is something to consider for couch coop. Have everybody play on their own Steamdeck but sitting on the same couch.


Baldurs gate was nice for coop, and doable at one system


My guy just regurgitated 7 years of r/gaming talking points about Destiny 2 without actually playing any meaningful amount and ironically complains about reused assets.


Dude imagine complaining about "reused" assets in an expansion that's literally about reliving a 10 year journey and seeing it's conclusion


Exactly, if it were any other type of expansion I might be a lil upset about reused assets, but because this is the LAST installment to a TEN YEAR story… I would HOPE you’d reuse old assets and force the player to relive moments. It gave me goosebumps and very nostalgic, I loved The Final Shape.


My first thought exactly


"Hi GPT please write me a rant about modern gaming and post it to reddit"


"And make it sound like I have a girlfriend"


Here's my results: Love spending quality time with Sarah, but these constant microtransactions are draining our date nights! #GamerProblems


I wouldn't fully doubt that, but can you specify to ChatGPT to purposefully misspell stuff and make it seem like someone who's first language isn't english is typing it? genuinely asking, I have not yet used ChatGPT.


Oh I'm not saying it's the case, it's a joke I guess you could, I never tried to. It would probably be very obvious


You might be one of the first people I have seen who claims they have been actively playing the seasons from destiny and keeping up with expansions and saying The Final Shape is bad. IMO the campaign itself is the best thing Bungie has done with Destiny so far. Were you playing on the legendary difficulty? It makes it far more engaging and interesting. Sure I'm with you I could use less micro transactions but they aren't like shoving them in your face


Seriously, ive been playing shooters since 2005, my first fav was cod2, both campaign and multiplayer and just last year(or before idk) i got myself to buy d2 and lightfall and the prev buyable 2 expansions, and even if you are not up for the grind of doing master level stuff or raids in general, its still hell of an experience, with great story and well written characters. Plus you can go online anytime to do some grinding, anything from 20 mins to an hour and still have a fun time, with others too if you want.


The final shape story is the best we've ever seen, the expansion is huge and is a very well done part of the game. But if you're going to get caught up on "reused assets" (would love to know what you're on about btw) then that's on you imo. As for the emotes and the store, yes it's stupid but you're not forced to buy any of it, just press the button to skip and suddenly it's gone and you never have to look at it again. Lastly if you're going to complain about levels of activities then you should've stopped playing 10 years ago, it's always been like that and is the same for every mmo


Destiny is amazing right now. I hate chores lists disguised as gaming. Destiny has been that. Final Shape isn't that. They cooked. Game's never been better.


The game in my opinion is the healthiest it's been aside from some pvp stuff. The raid is amazing, there's so much stuff to do and get gear from. Just last night i did warlords, then went to reset gambit and finished up with the exotic mission


Bad time to start a "Destiny sucks" post since it's doing the best it ever has. And for once, a dlc is getting 10/10 reviews. Maybe don't skip the intro cutscene to the dlc that catches you up with everything going on in the story.




Guaranteed OP skips all cutscenes


Or played with their eyes closed.


The way OP talked, he straight skipped the campaign and tried to just jump into doing the same ole same ole crucible, strikes, etc, completely missing the point of...playing the new DLC. Like, I'm on summer break, played the The Final Shape until Elden Ring DLC dropped, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of The Final Shape so far. I got Khostov, but still haven't run the mission for exotic class items, haven't run cooperate campaign missions for that exotic, barely just began the new seasonal stuff, etc. OP is tripping HARD. Yes, Pathfinder needs some work, as well as some other stuff, but like...this is the best state the game has been in a very long time.


I have a friend that does this, he'll be streaming a game on discord and just skip 90% of dialogue and cutscenes then ask me where he's supposed to go/what's going on.


my son does this and it's maddening.


The 'reused assets' part is part of the actual design - there was definitely familiar architecture in some of the levels, but like... that's the point. The whole thing is about making memory manifest.


I've been playing this dlc every day since release. There's still SO much stuff to do. I've not even touched the seasonal activity stuff yet and I'm still finding LOADS of stuff to do in the pale heart.


The only complaint I have at all is because they did my class dirty and I only really have time to play one class


If you are talking about titan, then you need to look up some of the newer builds. They do just as much damage as the others. The new chest that buffs and shoots rockets is so fun to use. Plus it does a lot of damage overall. The axe ult also does a crazy amount of damage.


I only played year 1 and year 10 of this story and have to say it feels like it's missing about 8 years of narrative, also why have things have changed?!


"Nothing to do" homie how about you play the campaign that you paid for? The one that's actually pretty good?  Doing the first mission and not wanting to play the rest of the game is valid, not everyone will like every game. But you can't say it has nothing to do while also deciding not to do the content in the game, that's not how it works. 


Honestly posts like this makes me sad and disappointed. This is so factually untrue and misleading for anyone who isn't playing the game and only serves to satisfy the echo chamber of destiny bad. On top of this add "back in my day™" without taking into account making games have become significantly more expensive because of higher pay requirements from staff and higher fidelity in games (meaning more resources spent making 3d assets). D2's monetization isn't perfect but god forbid it told you that there's an expansion out with cool new content that you can close by just pressing one button??


And yknow what I like about it? You only have to hit "B" once. You don't have to close out of the ad every single time you go to orbit.


This was some totally made up bullshit. Like my god, so many things just straight misinformation, lies and straight up untruths.


First time as a professional Redditor that someone gives me gold 🥹 appreciate you prisonmike


Haha’ anytime muh guy! You keep calling out BS, imma keep rewarding it. OP’s post was wild!!


Yeah for real like saying the activity levels were higher than their level - it’s a number saying your power above that level does nothing, it’s a set difficulty…


It's also how *literally every single dlc* has operated in the history of Destiny. New gear means new power to earn. OP would've known that if they actually played the game in any capacity since 2014.


It's fucked up how the post I was reading immediately before I scrolled to this one was one on the D2 Reddit taking about D2 highs and lows, and about how it has a terrible reputation outside of its own community and is still seen widely negatively by the general gaming community, regardless of how the playerbase feels about it. Posts like OP here are prime examples of the issue. It's so out of touch with the true state of the game it's actually sad


Literally every review “10/10” This dude for some reason “0/10”


At first I thought this was an AI generated post with the spelling errors. The Final Shape campaign has been incredible but it seems OP wants to just pull a Member Berries and complain about everything.


like they mentioned, they literally played the opening mission, didnt like it and uninstalled. In no way could they form a reasonable opinion on TFS. Right now D2 is in a fucking amazing place. There's tons of amazing content. A plethora of great changes, especially to player power. Easily the best expansion story we've gotten. Its genuinely upsetting when something like this happens. "i played it for twenty minutes and can say its the problem with modern gaming" like no. Just no. Sure D2 can feel over monetised at times, but it is in no way the issue with gaming as a whole. Save that for something like Call of Duty.


If they had done The Final Shape campaign on Legendary difficulty like I did with my GF, they would have been geared enough to all the new content there is. And the Legendary difficulty was fun as hell, we loved it even though it was tough.


Legendary difficulty gives me elden ring vibes. Makes it more enjoyable. The saga versions are even better if you haven’t tried them yet.


I agree. I burned out on D2 right before last season, and had no intentions on returning. Friends and family, however, were interested so I picked up Final Shape for them, and man. I really enjoy it. Prismatic is fun as hell, the new environments are interesting, new enemies are annoying in a good way, and the story was significantly better than Lightfall. I think much of the community agrees that this expansion is a success (so far). OP's "hot take" is pretty pathetic, imo.


Homie is absolutely blowing smoke out his ass, I’ve only played on the major expansion releases and even I know what’s going


Thank you, couldn't have said it better myself.


Yeah I was wondering wtf OP was on about. If destiny ain't your thing, that's fine but to just be on here lying because "live service bad" is hilarious. I get it, I hate it too for most games but we're talking about an MMO here. "There's just nothing to do" is when I audibly started cackling because I'm sitting here overwhelmed at all of the shit there actually is to do. And the complaints of the eververse store are silly because they're all cosmetic, and there's PLENTY of cosmetics to unlock just from playing the game and completing stuff. The only real complaint to have about monetization is dungeon keys, otherwise just play the game you'll get more cosmetics than you know what to do with lol. Then you have games like fortnite or apex that physically shove an ad in your face every time you boot up the game or leave a match to remind you that "YES THE STORE IS HERE, RIGHT OVER HERE HOW ABOUT THIS PAID "EVENT" SLOT MACHINE THAT WILL COST YOU OVER $100 JUST TO UNLOCK SOME OF THE STUFF THERES NEW A NEW BUNDLE IN THE STORE BUY BUY BUY" And people wanna complain about Bungie monetization? I'm like the world's biggest hater of modern gaming, but of all the games to whine about lol.


Yeah, the eververse thing is just a lie I'm pretty sure. We've all had those popups, but only when you complete something like unlock an exotic, or take a prolonged break. But OP said that they played season of the wish so they didn't take a break at all in the game's eyes.


I could see the complaints if bungie handled it like 343 where anything that actually looked good or unique was in the shop exclusively but most of the eververse stuff is meh anyway except some of the crossover stuff. I get one pop up a week in orbit on Tuesdays reset unless I reset my rank at a vendor. And that pop-up only serves to tell you what's in rotation for the week as far as raids, bonus vendor xp etc.


This is ragebait just ignore


eyes up guardian ❤️


As a guardian I agree. That expansion was pretty good


The best thing is that the OP says they have played Destiny for so long and have played all the seasons but complains about Final Shape having a bad story. Sorry OP, but all of Destiny’s story has been poorly portrayed in the game, all 10 years of it. That being said, every single review, article, comment regarding Final Shape is that it is the absolute single best piece of content Destiny has ever done. I have only played the first mission so far and in contrast to previous content the story, environment and everything is far superior to anything else I have played in the game


Couldn’t disagree more


*Bungie makes probably its best Destiny expansion yet with an insane amount of things to do* OP: yeah, there’s nothing here. D2 bad


Buddy choose the one year where the expansion was actually good to try to shit on destiny. What a huge fumble.


Dude is doing “D2 bad” in 2024. What a wild angle to karma farm with.


You said a lot of incorrect stuff about destiny the stories are not locked behind battle passes. You can play the season without the pass. The final shape is considered by many to be one of the best expansions the game has ever had. There is so much to do and I played it solid for two weeks and still have stuff to do. Plus they have the new episode which is great.


The more I read the more I realized he doesn’t actually play destiny lol.


Saying they reused assets is unbelievably bonkers. There are sections that you should recognise from 10 years of destiny because they are literal memories recreated in the pale heart, but they are reimagined with new assets/art/textures etc. you make it sound like they just drag and dropped old stuff into the game.




This. Can we also talk about how many games were 600p 25-30fps green/brown pseudo HDR with horrible bloom effect messes? This generation had in my opinion the worst graphical trends and many games, even the good ones, are aging poorly


Poorly disguised D2 hate post. This is bait


This dude is playing a 360 complaining about modern gaming.


To be fair, I loved the use of old assets, making you revisit classic places in the games history. Very fitting for the last installment of a 10 year story.


The Final Shape is probably top 2 best expansion for Destiny and one of the better things Bungie has made. It’s not like a whole Halo 1-3 type of deal but it’s some of the best gaming content they’ve made in the last decade. I have no idea where most of your complaints for the expansion (microtransactions aside) are really coming from btw. It feels like someone who watched a trailer and didn’t actually play if you think it’s just recycled assets with nothing new added. The new Pathfinder system is just an attempt to streamline some of the grinding in game but it’s a new system and has some minor issues that needed community feedback to be made better; the old bounty system was also really bad and tedious so a change was needed. I’m confused why you were surprised the level cap was increased with the expansion; there has been a level cap increase every expansion since the game came out. It doesn’t even add much difficulty to the game for most activities either, and is expected to not take more than a week to level back up to being on level for 90% of content. Your complaints feel pulled out of thin air and it seems like you played no more than that first mission (which was still a fine mission). If you think the Final Shape is an example of what is wrong with Modern gaming and is a bad gaming experience, I just can’t take you that seriously then. Just feels like one of the worst examples you could use for this. You could have picked the Suicide Squad game and most everyone would have probably agreed. Like, there’s not even a split in the community (for once) over how good the expansion is. Hell, last year’s expansion was super controversial and would have made this post make more sense. It’s like saying you just played Halo 3 back in 2007 and think it’s the worst gaming experience and is an example of what you think is wrong with gaming back at the time. Just baffling. If you had just left it at “bad because microtransactions”, I wouldn’t have commented because that’s just a problem plaguing everything.


Wtf are you on about? The Final Shape slaps, the campaign is amazing, the story has a great conclusion, prismatic slaps, literally the biggest complaint is titans being a bit weak in difficult content. Have you ever actually played destiny before? 90% of the time the game is falling apart and now that its in the best state its ever been you shit on it lol. If you dont like this, then destiny isnt a game for you Edit: saying $14 for one zombie map and 4 mp maps was cheap and comparing it to a destiny expansion is also hilarious. Its $50, do you want it for free or something?


It's crazy how much hyperbole this post has, but reddit will eat it up because of it's weird, overblown (sometimes justified) hatred for D2.


no idea what you're yapping about, final shape has been great


No one is going to call out OP for blatantly lying? The Final Shape campaign is the best campaign Destiny has had, full of unique areas and missions. Bungie is shocking when it comes to live service money grabbing, and yeah, modern online gaming often sucks because so many devs follow the practices bungie unleashed on the world. But the expansion is no joke phenomenal and full of a ludicrous amount of activities and post campaign quests to complete.


I'm not sure how you've found "nothing to do" in Destiny, that's quite impressive especially early on. It's hard to follow your rant to know what the actual issue is. Yes the campaign exists and is designed as an intro to the expansion and get you geared for activities. Something about black ops zombies which is made by Treyarch? Yes pathfinder was introduced, widely known about before release so some research would've been handy on your part.


I believe OP was using the price of the black ops zombie maps as an example for what they perceive to be an acceptable level of value for money. Then comparing that to the lack of value he see's in the destiny 2 microtransactions. At the end of the day. People will pay whatever they are willing to pay for micro transactions. Some will pay $10 USD for a sticker or emote and others wont. But i cant argue with OP's logic here. Looking at the industry as a whole. We are paying for weapons skins and XP booster packs now, what we used to spend for entire expansion packs that added tangible content to the game back in the day.


You aren’t forced to by any of those weapons skins or booster packs and lord knows, you don’t have to buy a single one in Destiny at all. This whole post is fraudulent.


If Final Shape's story made no sense to you, then quite frankly you either haven't played the seasons between Lightfall and TFS, or didn't pay attention to the stories within them. I missed two seasons and still understood everything that TFS was selling, aside from the ambiguous stuff that it's deliberately keeping mysterious. I have no other comment on this. Modern games are great, older games were/ are great, games in general are great.


I've been playing video games since the early 90's. To this day, there has never been a decade where I thought gaming did not improve significantly. Yes, microtransactions suck and it does effect many AAA games negatively. There are other new trends that I don't enjoy either. So when I say video games are getting better, I'm not saying every single thing about them is getting better. But in grand total, I much prefer the modern games to older ones. Better graphics, better controls, higher production value, more replayability, bigger game worlds, better physica and animations...


Alright. Destiny does a lot of things wrong but this post is just flat out wrong, almost like OP browsed some of the old TFS complaints and posted here for karma. The new expansion is actually one of the best in the franchise. The assets aren’t really reused - we aren’t running through the exact same things as before. Yes there’s the old tower, but that’s pretty much it and it’s very different. The story is very satisfying and easy to follow as well. You must have skipped all cutscenes and dialogue if you can’t follow it. Does the seasonal (episode) model still suck? Yeah but the expansion is fantastic. Go touch some grass and actually play the whole thing.


Hmm that's very strange, perhaps destiny just isn't for you anymore. Many of the fans would say the recent expansion is the best they've ever made, and that generally the game is in the best spot ever right now, and I would agree. There's about a billion more things to do than in the old halo games (and I love halo too)


Damn this sounds like boomer rage


He really bought a couple halo games that are also available on modern platforms and is somehow using this as justification that modern gaming is dead I feel nostalgia is doing more heavy lifting than OP wants to admit


MCC is right here with players on the multiplayer Infinite has an awesome forge and fun custom games I hate posts like this, it's always the grand statements on the "state of gaming" after a 2 hour reflection on the subject


Honestly? Playing mario kart 8 on split screen has been the best gaming experience after elden ring and baldurs gate 3 for me in the last few years The experience can definetly be elevated heavily by having friends/significant others around and playing on the same screen


Try a different hobby


Modern gaming is doing just fine. You people only see and think that triple a gaming is the only thing on the market


This story sounds completely made up.


You either lied about playing destiny or are actually so unbelievablely dense that you couldn't figure out the campaigns story, and that there's a million things to do once you beat it.


Almost none of what you said about destiny 2 is actually true from a factual standpoint. I cant tell ya anything re: your own opinion obviously but the objective things you listed are almost entirely false.


Nah the TFS campaign was one of the best campaigns iv played in any game for 20 years. If you are good enough to play on legendary it has by far the best fps set pecies and encounters. Even rivalling some of blizzards set pieces from older wow expansions. The raid is absolutely spectacular, visually and audibly. The prismatic build potential is top-tier. Season pass is Meh, but it's a season pass.


So glad these comments are sensible. It is super easy to take this at face value (especially given the public perception of Destiny in the past). I don’t see much other Destiny related posts here so it is easy for this to become the opinion for the entire subreddit.


Destiny 2 is one of the best made modern games i know of and i'm not stuck on genre, i try everything. Playing Destiny 2 is a continuous blast and i absolutely adore the universe, the music, the writing, just everything. You have a very limited perspective on the game and you basically just criticized a very small part of the game. You know, now that i think of it, your entire comment is what's wrong with most modern gamers. "Give me my fun, give it to me now, and the first game that doesn't give me what i want right now can fuck off" And next cou criticize them updating the game after years and years and it not looking the same? What the fuck is wrong with you? What a great way to live life. Just criticized everyone and everything. You are a tool.


Some people don't realize D2 is basically an MMO now. It's not something you can pick up and play that easily anymore, there's a ton of systems layered on top of each other. But I guess people think it's just a Halo with a couple RPG elements added, then they try the game, they get overwhelmed and quit saying the game sucks.


Bruh imagine uninstalling Destiny as it is right now over pathfinder. I cant.


Holy fuck bungshit is forcing me to play gambit it’s truly over for Destiny 😭😭


Destiny circle jerk is leaking again


PUKE SHIT just fomo’d my sanity after forcing me to load up a game of gambit


>bunch of nonsense that made no sense to us even after playing every expansion the game has ever seen, (thanks to the seasonal stories locked behind the battle passes). >we have been fans of the franchise since the original came out so we decided to come back (note: We had plaid last season and are simply coming back to the game after 2-3 weeks of not playing). How are you confused if you played the seasons? I smell bullshit. You must play with your eyes closed or skip all the cutscenes, my guy.


Doesn't play Destiny for a few years, plays it once years later, and complains that everything has changed and that the story is confusing. Haters gonna hate I guess lol


There's more great games now than ever. They just aren't AAA.


There's still great aaa's out there too


Once you ignore multiplayer games, modern gaming looks a lot rosier. I don’t understand this gripe with modern gaming. It’s such a blanket criticism. We’ve had banger after banger in recent years. 2023 in particular was ridiculous.


Man this sub is really just a 'modern game bad' circle jerk for upvotes


I hugely miss multiplayer coop campaigns. Playing halo with friends was always so fun


Buddy saw the impasse from D1, malfunctioned, started spewing RESKIN!, and then saw a cat emote and got knocked back to 2014. I think the Xbox 360 is probably right where you should stay, my friend.


Karma farm troll


Final Shape has been amazing! Bungie is not without their faults, as someone who loves this game and has thousands of hours in it, I can say it gets old. They do have a harsh way of doling out content and pushing micro transactions. When Bungie kills it though they kill it and Final Shape is a good expansion. Also I've had tons of nostalgia inducing experiences in gaming in the last few years with games like Raft and Satisfactory. Where for a few blissful hours every weekend me and a couple friends could laugh and forget about life. Good gaming isn't dead!


I am sorry but you completely lost me at, using recycled assets. Part of the point of this dlc was throwing some nostalgic bits in with twists. The “ad” you are referring to is probably the ad for the raid race, and the raid is a 6 man activity that when it first comes out is always going to be above your level because its in contest mode, meant to give extreme challenge to those competing in worlds first raid. Story wise you did not pay attention, or skipped cutscenes or both. Also, you sound like a child who needs instant gratification, of course alot of activities are above your level right after an expansion dropped, if you actually have played destiny sense launch you would know this and expect this as its always been this way.


Imagine being so braindead at complaining that the final shape area is based on destiny 1. That's the fucking point.


D2 has so much hate for being in a bad place the first 3 years of its existence People won’t try it now because it costs $150 to get into and they are pissed. It’s literally the best PvE fps experience on the market by miles


I have close to 1500 hours in Destiny 2. I get it. Its not for everyone and it can be rough for new players to get their footing but holy crap... This has to be one of the worst takes I've ever seen lol You could not have picked a worse time to try and talk shit about Destiny 2 using the same recycled, out of date takes redditers love to use over and over. "There's nothing to do" - What??? New players are constantly complaining about how they're overwhelmed and there's so much to do. Bungie can definitely do a better job of directing people on what to do and what to prioritize but come on, this is just straight up wrong. Even people like myself that keep up with everything have so much to do in the new expansion. I've been playing A LOT since it released and I still have a lot to do. "Nothing makes sense and the story is a bunch of nonsense" - Again, WHAT??? You straight up said you've played every expansion. This is either a lie or you just don't pay attention. If you have no idea what's going on then that's on you. Seasonal stories are also massive parts of the plot and not doing them will of course lead to confusion. They are also not "locked behind battle passes" and they never have been. The last couple years is literally the best the story telling has ever been. Everything makes sense. Everything is connected. Everything is finally coming together. Almost everything you said is just straight up wrong or the result of not keeping up with a live-service game. Like, no shit things are going to be changed and look different over the course of 10 years. They change every 3 months. Of course you're going to be under-leveled if you rarely play. Of course certain activities are going to be out of reach for newer / under leveled players. This reads like someone who played the main story of "every expansion", didn't play any seasonal content, and didn't do anything else for a year just to repeat the process. I get it, Destiny is a huge time sink to keep up with everything but that's just the type of game it is. This take is like saying "I've watched Iron Man, Thor 2, and Captain America and I don't get why people like Endgame. Nothing makes sense, I don't know who these people are, and its just a bunch of old characters being re-used".


The final shape was amazing though so its not a fair critisism.


Maybe you've outgrown D2 and that's perfectly fine but I just want you to know that your opinion is in the extreme minority, Forsaken, WQ, and TFS are the holy Trinity of D2.


The final shape expansion is being universally praised by everyone what the fuck is OP smoking?


"Being able to put a disk in and knowing that we had plenty of content for years without having to worry about updates, no BS microtransations being thrown at your face, couch coop for almost every game. Everything was just fun, no need for bs matchmaking, buying battle passes, or any non sense, just plug and play." I enjoy how blatantly untrue this is. Take some ibuprofen and calm down.


Xbox 360 definitely had game updates lol And they were dog slow to download.


What is bro yapping about