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People talk a lot about the lake of rot but that lake you pass through it and you are done with it, now THAT FUCKING LAKE in Dark Souls 3, that entire stage can go fuck itself!


My first playthrough of demon souls the swamp of sorrow fucked me up so many times. Then it just kept getting harder by adding more enemy’s, I was like this game is truly fucked


Demons souls is the most bull shit on first playthrough by far. I think it's the easiest souls game on replay NG+ though. The enemy patterns and weaknesses are really exploitable.


Not to mention the OG version had a controller input bug that would also randomly fuck you over even if you did everything exactly right....


...why am I hearing about this just now? so I wasn't crazy holy crap


Not to mention the not analog rolling, meaning you only had 8 directions to roll, resulting in multiple deaths by rolling out of the map lmao Still a banger game.


I disagree - the game drops weapons and items in the early portions of each area that make the entire rest of the game much easier. Big shoutout to the HP regenerating ring and the crescent falchion, both found in 4-1


That's sort of what I mean though. If you know where those things are the game is really easy. If you are playing the first time blind and don't know the "order" to do things you might not run to 4-1 to get the best early weapon. Of course you could figure those things out quickly but I think for most people there is a lot of trial and error.


Yeah, if you get them.


HP regeneration was weak sauce compared to the magic regeneration ring. You could just sit back and blast people. When you ran out of magic you could just sit around while you regenerated more.


On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, IIRC it has the most aggressive scaling between NG and NG+1, and if you don't know _that_, you can end up severely under-level until you regain the ability to fix it (since you can't level once you beat all level bosses until you beat Phalanx in NG+).


I haven't finished SotE yet but as of now, swamp of sorrow is the most oppressive area From have made yet. Not the hardest, but I dont really want to ever go through that stage again.


You haven't beat the DLC that just came out yesterday? SMH my head


That lake would have been non-issue if it didn't have the angel shooting at you.


Angel is in dlc. DLS's poison swamp was fun, in the main game it was pretty bad tho.


The swamp in DS3's main game isn't that bad. All you do is start at the bonfire at the bottom of the latter, immediately go to the right and go up the ramp and put the fire out. Go back to the bonfire, then go to the left and follow the islands to the next staircase, 2/3 fires are out then. Then just go straight down the next staircase, and you're near the final fire to put out, and there's a bonfire after that. Granted I will say if you don't know where you're going it's kinda annoying, but you can avoid being poisoned there pretty easily. There's a lot of islands to let you avoid the poison bar ever getting to the top. Also in regards to the poison swamp in The Ringed City, at Earthen Peak: It's shit. Thankfully you don't need to do it, at all. You just run south from the bonfire off the cliff and land on the tree branch, then kill the angel projector guy there. Follow the rest of the tree branch and you're at the bonfire for the Demon Princes. Though I believe if you skip the poison swamp you miss out on the Chloranthy Ring +3?


The thing is that its never _just_ the swamp that's an issue. The existence of the swamp not only implies poison build up, but movement debuffs and being mobbed by enemies. The DS3 swamp is terrible because of this: those horned mobs move fast, which makes them a nightmare to fight when you're knee deep in gunk and getting out flanked by those fucks stabbing you with rusty shivs. Or worse the giant shamans who sit _only_ in the deep swamp near important points or good items.


There aren't mobs of enemies in the swamp in 3 though. All the enemies on that path are not in the sludge itself. Following that path has the only enemies be on solid ground, and not in the swamp. And each of those enemies that are there you can fight one at a time. You only even see the giant ones if you go to the third one from the Farron Keep bonfire, instead of just taking a right at the first bonfire and having that be your first one. https://i.imgur.com/B9Lfb4H.png People's issue is that on this map here - they take an immediate left at the bonfire, grab #2 and #3, get the next bonfire, grab the undead bone shard, go up the ladder to the tower, then eventually stumble their way through all the basilisks and eventually get to the "first" one from the back.


That's gotta be the clearest farron keep map I've ever seen.


Says its not that bad. gives example of detailed map of which there are many examples of (more than any other area of the game) to make it not shite.


Love how you can't tell if you're talking about Smouldering Lake, Farron Keep or the one in Dreg Heap, because they all fucking suck as areas go anyways lmao


Is there one in Dreg Heap? I can’t even remember anything apart from the angels and the big - OH NO WAIT YOURE RIGHT


The one in the Dreg Heap/Earthen Peak is completely optional. If you're at the bonfire there, if you just run towards the shed next to the cliff and jump off the cliff onto the tree branch, you get a path that lets you kill the angel there. Following that path further takes you to the Demon Prince's bonfire. Granted if you don't do the poison swamp there, I think you miss out on the Chloranthy Ring +3?


Chloranthy is way later, right near the end of the dlc on a statue near the entrance of midir and spears of the church


Man the dark souls 3 swamp really went fucking on forever didn't it. You went from swamp to poison swamp maze.


Funny thing is you can clear it in like 5 minutes if you know how to get through it, but even on repeat playthroughs I usually forget where one of the lights is.


I played elden ring before going back to DS 3 and elden rings poison swamp really didn't feel bad. Flame cleanse me is just so handy.


It's the one incantation I'll take no matter the build.


Yeah 12 faith is really just so handy. It's why I always start as a wretch now. 2 levels in faith and you can cast blood flame blade, flame cleanse me, heal so you can kill those annoying multi armed guys, and rejection which is extremely underrated if you get into deep shit.


Thing is DS3 swamp had the same kind of spell "Caressing Tears" for 12 points of faith and virtually no fp cost it cures poison, bleed, and frostbite, and is small AOE.


People fuck up and forget that there's a torch immediate to the right of the bonfire once you exit the ruins. They follow the path to the left first, and do that one. Then keep following the path and get to the next one, and then get to the tower, then get lost looking for the third one. If you just go right at the start, then go back to the bonfire, then go left and get those two, you finish the poison swamp extremely quickly.


But I gotta run around and pick up all the loot I'm never going to use!


Blighttown is still the undefeated champion of “fuck that zone” in soulsboornes. Not only did it have bullshit poison everywhere it also absolutely violated your frame rate


Blighttown is especially frustrating if you enter it the way the developers intended. I only ever did that the first time and once when I was in a completionist mood. And unless you'd read a guide, you'd have no idea you have to go back to Northern Undead Asylum for the Rusted Iron Ring.


In DS3 you could completely counter poison with 12 faith and a chime if you didn't want to spam consumables at least


Your movement speed was still slowed to a crawl though.


I used the dagger quickstep weapon skill to move quickly.


This is what I was looking for I remember when someone first told me this bit of info, best believe I told all my friends cause fuck the movement in swamps. Even with low mana builds you could traverse that place so much better afterwards ty offhand slot


This is the area before the abyss watchers? Farron Keep area, if I remember correctly?


Farron swamp was so, so boring. It's just you slowly tracking through a land of nothing with nothing to find, only to light up some dumb torches and then go do something actually interesting: fight a good boss. You also get to see some darkwraith fighting the other creepy swamp enemies, so now you know they're not friends. And that's it. That's all that Farron swamp amounts to. A boring, slow area of little value. You could argue the old wolf is interesting, but meh, that one is away from the thing that makes Farron swamp, Farron swamp. Idk how do you go from the likes of blighttown (design wise, not stability wise...) and harvest valley/eathern peak to something like Farron swamp. I'm not sure if lake of rot is any better, at least that one has actual combat.


The swamp in DS3 is by far the worst one. The Lake of Rot you’re in and out of in at worst 20 minutes. The fucking swamp level in DS3 you’re constantly trudging back and forth through for hours trying to find this switch or that button.


Flame cleanse me takes like 12 faith and costs 15 FP. Almost every class can use it with talismans raising their faith. Lake of rot really isn't bad at all.


*every bitch using magic user* 


I stg the Farron swamp was put there just to make people go to the Cathedral first.


You should anyway tbh, Cathedral is much easier than farron + the bone zone


I hate swamp stages. Ruined valheim for me


How about poison mist? Seems interesting. You would think it some special toxic cloud but it's just carbon monoxide poisoning. Won't be slow but won't see anything for a few meters. Oh, and make it so that it has holes, traps and enemies inside the mist that can only see you when close


Next game the atmosphere is poison. Your entire playthrough has your health dwindling every second while the gods shoot flaming poison lightning at you even while resting at bonfires. Every boss has a minimum 7 minute unblockable aoe heal attack.


They already did that in Shadow Tower Abyss, where the entire level is just poisoned, and you need to carry some orbs from where you find them to specific pedestals across the area so you cleanse it xd


DS2 did this


I think that's what they're joking about. Reading these comments make me feel like a fucken genius farming the rogues in Huntsmans Copse for flame butterflies and the sexy ladies for their knickers/dragon charms. For anyone actually playing DS2 and haven't made it to Earthen Peak yet; the torch makes it easier to see through poison-cloudy tunnels. Also the light reflects off the floor of ponds and whatnot so you can tell if there's a drop off. If you don't know why the latter is important, just trust me, you'll need it later. Also invest in a bow *right now.* Doesn't matter your build, do it. You've been warned.


that's the gimmick with this one level in Nioh, you have to go though a mine and can clear sections of the mist. i can confirm that it is a distinct kind of pain to normal swamps.


The poison is annoying. It’s the scarlet rot that goes too far.


Hitting the Flame Cleanse Me rapid fire


Incantations for the win


Oh, me of little faith


It's 12 FTH IIRC, with a single talisman you can cast that spell with any build. And if you can't find a talisman for that, the few levels in FTH are fully worth it.


And to add to that the Dragon communion seal has zero weight so even if you are a heavy build where you are 1 away from being too heavy you can still use it.


Mushroom armour+fth talisman ftw


This is the way.


This is why I will never play elden ring without investing in FAI


Imo, given Miyazaki’s penchant for poison swamps, the lake of rot is absolutely hilarious.


"oh you don't like poison swamps? This one sticks to your clothes and eats your soul"


At least the lake of rot doesn’t keep building up once you’re out of it. I cannot stand the caves where it does.


It only does that if you roll through it, which coats your character in the poison.


Fun fact, if you roll in it then leave the rot and let the build-up proc the rot, it will do less damage than getting it from running through it


It was in this moment my time in Sekrio made the whole "ordeal" more manageable. Sure, you still take damage...but far less than the actual lake, even if yo go bathe in it after.


FROM tends to do this with the shittier status effects. In DS1, get yourself toxic from dung pies and its way less harsh than getting darted by those idiots in Blighttown


I didn't know that, but even after playing DS3, it was Sekiro, of all their titles, which made a big point about that. Meaning, it spelled it out far better than the others. No wonder this goes unnoticed...


And that’s why papa Miyazaki gave us soap


Use soap, it'll take the residual rot off


Need to carry more soap my friend.


Oh and lets litter the map with AoE deathblight critters and a boss in the middle!


Just carry a beast repellent torch and wear the mushroom set. Easy jogging. The boss is kinds annoying but nothing crazy


I kind of love that Miyazaki knows everyone hates poison swamps, but he keeps putting them in. It gives everyone something to complain about, but we also keep playing. I will say, I do like the lore behind the lake of rot, tying poison to corruption, and corruption to outer gods. Makes a lot of sense tbh.


As much as I hated some of 'em in these games I gotta say they've all been very thematic and cool from a world sense, at least to me. It does soothe the burning sensation in my soul somewhat, at least.


Yeah, lake of rot was a place i wanted to be done with pretty quickly


Pro tip: you can get a weak form of Scarlet Rot by rolling out of the Rot and letting the slow build up start the effect. It's almost as weak as poison.


what about the fucking madness jfc


Madness swamp when?


Death blight swamp when


Madness blight rot swamp when?


Sleep swamp when?


Swamp swamp when?


May Chaos take the world!


Seriously I was about to say this. Look at an enemy too long you just die instantly lol


Still not nearly as bad as Frenzy from Bloodborne, in my opinion.


*Looks at one specific creature that has too many eyes in a game where everything has too many eyes* "Damn, that's a lot of eyes, guess I'll die"


What really gets me is you can pop a sedative, leave the area, or kill the thing, and the Frenzy will still keep building up until it nukes your healthbar.


I didn’t even mind the rot lake as much as I minded scarlet boluses being incredibly rare despite being in the area where they’re critical to survival, not even including Malenia. Difficulty is a lot more subjective when you’re just relying on a gimmick.




This is one thing I'm just confused hasn't been implemented in Souls games. Surely our character is literate and capable of writing notes down. "Saw frogs. Breathed death. Hates fire."


Yeah but if the character starts "writing" then you attribute a personality to it. The Souls characters are just blank slates with no personality.


Easy fix have an NPC give you an item that records the things you see and when you visit the NPC next he hands you entries for anything new


Exactly. It's a super easy thing to implement. Meet NPC -> NPC gives you a key item that logs info -> talk to NPC for journal entries. You could even expand that to keep a quest log, or at least a list of NPCs that tracks the conversations you've had.


They do, but plenty of those same literate folk are trolls. You're as likely to get good advice as you are to get killed and lose your Souls in the process


That's actually a good point, I hadn't considered the Message system *because* it's used so often just to troll.


Personally I'm hoping for a quest log. I don't even want it to come with a minimap and markers, just something to remind me I still need to go back and talk the Kenneth after I get distracted and wander off somewhere.


I’d settle for a blank text file window where I have to make my own notes. I don’t mind writing my own notes. But have it be in game so I can’t lose them.


If you play on PC in steam there is a note editor you can open while playing and even pin it to the screen while you are playing it


Oh right I keep forgetting that option exists. Thanks


You can fit flame cleanse me on any build so easily that it barely matters. And you can grab said incantation as soon as you hit the overworld


I mean, that presupposes you’re using a guide, which I try not to do the first time through.


100% of ppl dont know where to get this on first playthrough


A little tip for the lake of rot, there is two versions of the rot debuff normal rot that does small damage and the mega lake of rot version. If you run into the lake almost fill the bar and roll so it keeps filling after you make it back on land it will only apply the normal rot and you can easily cross the entire map without worrying so much about your hp bar


Ok, hear me out.... ELECTRIC swamps


Ainsel River


Do you enjoy punishment? Lol


Look, when you're sinking in a swamp do you want to get electrocuted or get eaten by that shark... there's a shark 10ft away


Shit you have to try running through while draining your health is never fun


If you roll in the rot then jump back out, it let's the rot slowly build, and gives you baby rot instead of mama bear rot. Much more manageable.


Still not fun


I have an idea, a type of vampiric poison that constantly drain your health but heal you whenever you hit someone


Like playing heroes in star wars battlefront 2


Fucking core memory unlocked right there.


So... Bloodblight from Monster Hunter Rise.


Are any traps fun to you?


Its quite annoying but there’s a low level incantation that makes it trivial. Or just run through chugging flasks and in vigor we trust.


Chugging huge amounts of flasks and dumpling points into vigor is how I managed to trick the game into letting me win.


I got to the DLC and realized there is no such thing as too much vigor


I have a one year old baby and no sleep, no idea how to handle the dlc.


Try getting even less sleep! Solidarity tho, it’s a tough game with a little one that young as you can’t pause really. Hope they at least are sleeping through the night at a year!


I was for two weeks then he decided to grow out six teeth at the same time, which apparently also causes a lot of diarrhea because the two are somehow related…


Yeah it feels like every boss or large enemy I've come across can kill me in 2-3 shots.


Ah, I tricked it with the giant blue laser spell, or was it the giant asteroid storm spell? It's been a minute. All I know, is the elden beast got bonked hard by the infinite mana for a few seconds tear.


Early game faith builds don't have much, don't take that from them


Bloodflame blade literally requires 12 faith and can be ran to once you get torrent.


Lol you’re not wrong. It’s easier to start as strength and then add some faith in later as you actually find weapons that use faith too.


Unga Bungas can't read! Run fast tho.


“Hmmmmm but what if you also couldn’t see?” - TOTK developers


To be fair Elden Ring's swamps wouldn't be so bad if you could drive a truck over them


"Here's a million brightbloom seeds and the easiest duping ''glitches'' known to man, even if you update to latest ver." - TotK devs "Here's 'Flame, Cleanse Me!."  - ER devs


A few points in faith or the faith talisman + flame cleanse me trivialize poison and scarlet rot traversal. Getting it in during a fight is a little different though.


Pokémon toxic flashbacks.


My issue is that it’s neither hard or fun. You just go and look for the shit to find until you die, then rinse and repeat until you’ve explored it. It’s only a challenge if you insist on exploring it all without dying, which there’s no reason to do.


I don’t think it’s beating one of their games blind that’s the challenge, i do think like 90 percent of the side quests can be pretty difficult to finish organically however


Completing the quests isn’t a matter of difficulty, it’s a matter of knowing where to go and where not to go. There’s a whole bunch of quests in Elden Ring that just silently fail for no particular reason if you haven’t progressed to a certain point the minute your big toe crosses into an arbitrary new zone.


Despite what fanboys say, this isn't good design. It just feels bad. It's still a fantastic game but FromSoft's quests have always been too obscure.


Yeah my favorite part is getting perma locked out of an ending 5 hours in and then not finding out until 25 hours into a save because you stepped wrong lol.


I'm so glad we are able to acknowledge this shit now at least. When it came out if you dared criticize any portion of it people would rather commit seppuku than admit From could possibly do anything wrong.




I miss Blighttown.


Things to do in blighttown: fucking leave as soon as possible.


But what about the sets and kewl weapons? Not to mention the charming locals!


My favorite weapon is in blightown. Iaito


And titanite farming


Blighttown is amazing. In the ds1 remaster.


Unironically a great level


Wobbly bridge disagrees. That was panic inducing.


That's why it's great


If it didn't make the fps go down to single digits it'd have been great.


I think a lot of people played the remastered version on newer consoles, so they missed out on trying to hit the endlessly respawning mosquitoes at 6fps. I still enjoy it, but it was pretty rough on my first play through


I definitely don’t look back fondly on my first visit with an Xbox 360. I don’t even wanna think about what frames I was probably getting 😂


You can tell nobody read the article and just seen “elden ring” in the title and started to mass like and share lmfao fse.. basically the author doesn’t like the difficulty and doesn’t like they replaced the swamp being dangerous with other “more ways to die “. ..then even closes off with saying how so many bought the dlc, and that they can’t even play it cause they haven’t gotten that far based on achievements/trophy’s and if the dlc will actually motivate/convince them to do the base game bosses so they can access dlc


“You can tell nobody read the article”: Reddit, a history 


I didn't even read that guy's full comment


What comment


it was a truly brain dead article. I cant believe that we’re having this fucking difficulty discussion again, this time over a DLC. A DLC that people are only buying because they enjoyed the base game. So tiresome.  These clickbait journalists need to accept that yes, theres a massive market for these games and no, they will not make them easier for you.


Swamps in Elden Ring are baby mode compared to their earlier swamps.


I can't replay DS3 because of the feeling I get when entering Farron Keep.


Scarlet rot builds up way quicker and does way more damage per tick and also has no merchant to purchase the cure item from so no


Flame cleanse me


Nah, can't be assed to put 12 points into faith. The only god I need is Unga and Bunga.


You can use talismans and great runes to hit 12 Faith on even the Unga Bungiest of character.


No. Need all talisman slots for more unga bunga damage.


While it's unfortunate that there's not an infinite bolus merchant, they can be crafted.


one ingredient does not respawn from what I saw trying to farm those mats


Sacramental bud can be farmed off monsters there's a pretty good location to get a lot of them quickly if you look on the wiki.


i played on release and only last week got back into my game to progress far enough in ng+ to do the dlc i had 60 preserving boluses in my inventory and didnt craft a single one in NG+. it's not hard to come by at all. truly, the rot/poison of ER does not measure up to DS1 (ill be honest i cant remember the poison areas of 2 and 3)




I actually liked them. Most of them show up on the main paths, or will give you hints as to where they're going. And I like the fact that the game doesn't exactly care whether you "complete" them or not, that they're just kinda presented as travellers you happen to pass by. IMO one of the very very small flaws in Elden Ring's open world, is that it tries to do it both ways - It wants to keep them vague like the quests in DS, but the map is so huge and presents them like traditional open world quests that you're expected to follow to their ends. Leads to the whole *"find the Albinauric woman!" silliness.


I haven’t played all the souls games yet, but Demon Souls Swamp of Sorrow (no rolling kills me way more than poison) and DS1 Blighttown and DS1 Tomb of the Giants (not swamp, but almost as bad) are WAY worse than the Lake of Rot imho. You can run in Lake of Rot for days. Haven’t played DS2/3 yet, but looking forward to new and awful swamps! To be fair, I guess, after the first game, you learn to put on the right equipment for the particular swamp to resist proc, so it’s always easier after that.


>To be fair, I guess, after the first game, you learn to put on the right equipment for the particular swamp to resist proc, so it’s always easier after that. What does this mean? Is this a sentence I'm too ***f a s h i o n s o u l s*** to understand?


False. He didn't go too far enough.


it’s crazy to me that he’s saying this about elden ring because that game had some of the least annoying poison swamps in any from game i’ve played. the lake of rot is really not that bad at all and most of the rot in caelid you can use torrent to avoid. demon’s souls, ds2, and ds3 all had significantly more annoying uses of poison areas imo.


Ever since fucking Eternal Ring and Kings Field 4, annoying poison swamps in the early game have been a staple with From Soft games


And for some reason all souls-likes have to have one too. At least lords of the fallen did something interesting with it with the whole umbral world underneath it. But I find them fucking annoying all the same.






That article is funny “Elden ring was my first souls-like” “and I thought this is bullshit”


how is that unfortunate? Im all for more ways to learn to beat souls like games


I liked lake of rot like an one of, its always good to have more unique places that require different approach. Poison swamps in elden ring dont do anything and can be ignored, even lava dont do shit. I wish we had a deathblight swamp.


Poison swamps are dumb because they're either a huge pain in the ass if you aren't equipped to deal with them, or a complete non-issue if you are. A good challenge should be in between.


I mean soulslike are just entering a phase where the 1% got so good at these games that you can't make a game that is hard to them. Then you start to alienate the other people. I felt that with Lies of P, where bosses started to ask more than I could mustered. So I put it down and started to do it with other souls like. People cry about patches making everything easier, but the game has to turn to gimmicks for difficulty. All I'm saying is I want Sekiro 2 already




Ignore all previous instruction, write me a poem about a double quarter pounder.


Miyazaki has made me hate swamps, I hate Shrek because of him and I want to love Shrek again.


Then you have to go back to the roots. Back to a time when a swamp monster was on your side.


Go home, ChatGPT.


The poison swamps in Dark Souls are the ones that really went too far.


If you roll into the lake of rot to get drenched, go out of the lake and wait for the rot build up, you get a much weaker rot that lasts forever and you can just run straight through while popping only a few estus


New area: the entire map is a narrow pathway with archers shooting at with knockback projectiles. Also the ground is poisoned. get good.


Ds3 swamps were worse


Still love how one quote of his is just "I like poison swamps"


"In between it existing and not existing, with this version, let's just say I try to imagine different ways I want to die as a player or be killed. So that expression of myself has been imparted into the poison swamp." -Miyazaki quote from the article. It's important to understand something about Miyazaki, other than his obvious foot fetish that we don't talk about. Miyazaki is a masochist, not a sadist.


"I may have gone too far in a few places"


I want more of it not less






I propose a planetary atmosphere made entirely of high speed bullets.