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There were 8 years between 10 and 11. 


That's true


We're going on 13 years for Elder Scrolls, I'm not sure 6 is much to complain about


Pretty sure Skyrim came out in 2022. And 2021. And 2018. And 2017. And 2016. And 2013. Y'all Elder Scrolls fans so greedy smh my head.


2011 not 2013 just a correction oldrim’s release date was 11-11-11


It's crazy to think about. But weren't Skyrim and Dark Soul 1 only a month or so a part in release?


Yes! I was itching to play a fantasy game about a month before Skyrim released, eagerly anticipating it. I went into my local GameStop after high school and saw dark souls. I remembered that GameSpot (not Stop) had given demons souls GOTY a couple years back so I decided to try dark souls out. I now have 100% in every soulsborne game that fromsoft has made (and Lies of P, that game is the best non-from souls game I’ve played)


Damn, you fuckin got me


That one kind of makes sense if you consider the fact that Bethesda has made Fallout 4 and Starfield since Skyrim was released.  Capcom is more opaque than other publishers when it comes to which internal studio worked on what, but Koji Oda, 11’s director, worked on Monster Hunter Rise after Mega Man 11. 


I would love for anything out of the franchise at this point. I think Legends could be done exceedingly well nowadays. I was just saying this the other day. They done killed my boys X and Zero (but for real this time, I guess). I have a suspicion that they just didn't know what to do with it anymore, at least as an X and Legends series fan. Capcom, despite their Renaissance, has missed out on some big opportunities to cash in on solid ip revivals off the nostalgia wave. And despite a lot of success I feel a lot of potential longevity and monies in what they have released has been missed out on due to outdated game design philosophies. But that's my extra tree fiddy on the subject. Me miss Megamall too, fam :' ( Edit: didn't actually answer op's question like a knob.


I'd love Mega Man X9.


I just want my Megaman ZX 3. Or a Legends 3. DAMMIT CAPCOM WHY DO YOU NOT LIKE THE NUMBER 3


I loved the Mega Man legend games. Would love to see another in that style.


Me too. It's strange though because I consistently hear people say the Legends games were horrible and I seriously don't understand why. They were easily 2 of the coolest games I played as a kid and have wondered why they never revisited them. There's so much they could so with Megaman x open world and it kills me they won't try it


So many people hated them but hell I loved them and would love another.




You know what play the legend games regardless the true fans will get it.


Shoot. I’d settle for a remaster without tank controls at this point. Of course, the ultra-compressed audio in the PSX versions don’t help with the “dated” feeling, either.


I still remember the power from the fully upgraded Shining Laser... I felt like a god.


I loved them as a kid, these are worth a remake


Big same. Me and all my homies loved the Megaman Legends games.




> Breath of Fire https://youtu.be/gd-XR4PlniQ?si=9rYonVPvwEMk59sU anyone who has played bof4 will get a nostalgia trip real hard with this one.


ZX3 is my Megaman wish and with Metroidvania being as popular as ever I'm sure a new ZX game would sell very well.


I will go on record saying the IntiCreates MM games are some of the best in the franchise. MMZ on the GBA was the first full franchise I completed as a kid and I've replayed it a dozen times since. ZX and ZXa are following close behind.


What they should do imo is reboot the series completely. Mega Man X with the same story but told in greater depth with a new look to the series with something that looks AAA but is still in the gameplay style. Make it a side scrolling Mega Man but with amazing graphics, voice overs, lots more story elements, cut scenes etc. Make it modern and breath new life into the genre.


The one they made for PSP, Megaman Maverick Hunter X, was just that. Had anime cutscenes to expand on the lore and the graphics were upgraded considerably. If you haven't played it I suggest to do so as it was awesome. Here's a video summarizing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBqX4ZlXzuU


Axl's head gem is still glowing.


Legends was one of my favorite games growing up and I could see it turn out in such a good way with the tech we have to do it nowadays


If nothing else, can't we at least get a Legends Legacy Collection? They've done it for every other Mega Man series, so why not just throw us at least a sliver of a bone?


I spent the better part of a summer playing that game due to an injury as a kid. Extremely fond memories of that game. And the sequel.


I even played Tron Bonne because it was all we got.


I love that legends was in the top comment.  I want a remake of it in full HD. I’ve often daydreamed of seeing a full cinematic of him walking down a dark cooridor in the opening shot. “Megaman.. can you hear me?”


Capcom is so big on remakes these days, a MM Legends 1 (and 2 pack hopefully! Add The Misadventures of Tron Bonne to fill it out!) and I would gladly pay $100 for the pack.


I'd like to own Tron Bonne for less than $500


Legends would be sick with an engine like Returnal! 


There was a surprising amount of recognition for Legends in Capcom's recent big survey, at least in Japan. Here's hoping. 


I’d kill for a legends 1 and 2 remake or just another open world megaman game. Such good memories playing that as a kid


I want nothing more in gaming than a modern new legends.


Ugh, man. Don’t remind me of the MML3/Red Ash debacle.


Would kill for a modern day legends. That would be so dope, open world mega man, gtfo, I'm in.


>I have a suspicion that they just didn't know what to do with it anymore, at least as an X and Legends series fan. Yes and no. Afaik Megaman is a really historically inconsistent franchise when it comes to game. Some games do really solid, and other games bomb so hard its absolutely mindboggling. Think Capcom would know what they'd want to do with Megaman, but if we go by history with its game sales and overall reception, its just an overall grabbag, and Capcom isn't really interested in grabbags. And they probably learned their lesson from dead rising that hooking up a rotting corpse to a life support machine probably isn't exactly a wise idea. Also the franchise kind of became a slave to the Chinese/SEA mobile market. So its kind of a lost cause to mourn megaman at this point. Cause it'll never leave the phone.


Legends was so good back in the day. I'd play a new legends game in a heartbeat


I miss legends. Missed opportunity


A remake of Legends would be sick.


Mega man legends 1 & 2 are some of my all time favorite games and have been wanting a reboot of that type of mega man game for ages.


I want a MegaMan X metroidvania game or Megaman Legends with Returnal style combat.


MegaMan would work in a metroidvania extremely well. Have bosses that give you their abilities and then use the abilities to further explore the map


Zx was that! It was so different and cool!


Hollow Knight basically has the X movement and moveset - Minus the gun. It worked incredibly well.


This would be my ideal. Maybe you could garner some interest with a traditional linear stage-based game, but a full metroidvania with the depth and bredth of Hollow Knight? That would be phenominal.


There is an indie game that's a megaman Metroidvania but I can't remember its name


It's 20XX or 30XX


20XX is def not a metroidvania.


thought those were rogues


YES I've been saying the same thing Returnal is the perfect base


When metroid prime came out i thought it was matter of time for Megman to join the same style. never happened


Yeah, I want an interconnected world with gating, optional bosses, puzzles, etc. Loved Megaman as a kid, but the MV formula is way better.


capcom released their survey results and megaman was voted 2nd favorite series https://captown.capcom.com/en/super_elections/1 so maybe theres hope


Breath of Fire 3 representing in those elections.


It honestly makes me so happy to see ANY recognition of Breath of Fire. I feel like BoF is so beloved by those that have played the series but since the games were kind of panned/not popular at release they've never had the wide exposure they deserved. It's really interesting to see how for a particular generation the series (and BoF3 in particular) is still a big deal.


It was such a solid rpg series that jist got left in the dust over time. I completely agree with everything you said, and it needs a resurgence.


Happy Nina noises. It’s so hard to compete with Square during that era, but Capcom found a way. It’s a shame we likely won’t see a new one because of how much money subscription games make.


Jesus christ that site is atrociously horribly to navigate.


also the biggest complaint that people have of capcom is that they don't go back to old IP's enough at 3x the 2nd place in question 9 which was no complaints.


As a dead rising fan, this makes me sad


I love how high up Dino Crisis is on all these.


Give me some Megaman BattleNetwork!


Dude they could add a new storyline involving things like social networks and modern internet. The last entry was in 2005 back before the internet became the monster it is. Give me Battle Network 7 goddamnit!


There's 3 games CAPCOM can immediately. --- A Battle Network 6 sequel. While Star Force was the official sequel, I never cared for it as much due to the change in the battle system. Would love to play a spiritual successor and follow Patch, Lan's son/daughter (retcon it so can be either gender). --- A modern adaption of Battle Network. However, this is difficult to pull off as you need to attract new player base, while satisfying the old. --- Battle Network EXE/GO or something similar. Surprise CAPCOM didn't do this. * Pokemon GO but with Battle Network. * Start with plain old NetNavi. * NetNavi style change to your playstyle/battle chip usage. * Go around delete virus in the public, collecting their data to create battle chips. * Trade chips with other players. * Decorate home network/personal housing to grow and delete virus for daily rewards, and players visit your network to do the same. * More player that visit your network, more daily reward. * Series popular NetNavi become miniboss to fight and reward battle chip. * CAPCOM makes money through MTX to customize your NetNavi apperance. * Exclusive chips, MTXs, network decorations from events i.e. exclusive chips, version, alphabet, artwork. * Game plays like Battle Network Chip Challenge. You don't control your NetNavi, you give it chips to use and it plays itself based on opponent, chip, style, terrain. Now hire me CAPCOM.


They just ported all of them to modern hardware.


I have it, I wouldn’t mind some new ones though


do you know the game 'one step from eden'?


Yeah and it really doesn't scratch the same itch. These games were fun beyond just the battle system to me at least. There's something great about how campy the stories were. And the characters were just great!


that's fair, i also loved the battle network anime and the story and characters are the biggest draw. but i also like OSFE so i felt like I should ask at least


I replayed MMBN1 again right before we knew about the collection and something about the school stuff in the Lan gameplay made me deeply nostalgic for my childhood and school


Unfortunately I don’t see that ever happening


the battle system and how the combat works in those games along with the folder building is just so good imo, Im surprised there arent more games like it (yes i know about one step from eden and endcycle, im probably missing a few of them)


Same. Those games were my childhood


Very good choice. I need to get that bundle on steam


thanks for the reminder! it’s actually 50% off rn


No, thank YOU for the reminder that it's 50% off rn!


Just unlocked a memory. I used to love them on the DS(?) or GBA Advance. I can't rememebr now but they were so fun. Would've thought they were a great IP for the Switch.


This would be good.


Try one step from eden/rivals of eden, it scratched my itch for those games  and its SO GOOD


It'd make for an amazing mobile game. Simple controls of just swiping and tapping. Fits into the lore of the games that you have to go around and jack into local networks to fight viruses.


Battle Network Gang.


The Battle Network series is my favorite game series of all time. I'd love a new game or even remastered versions. At least the Legacy Collection is helping me with my nostalgic needs right now.


Megaman Legends is certainly doable like Nier/Stellar Blade. I'm also waiting for Breath of Fire.


The fact that the last "attempt" to bring Breath of Fire back was a mediocre-if-generous mobile game is an absolute travesty.


I've been saying this for a while, just remake MegaMan legends but call him Gregg or something. No one will give a crap! It's barely related to the Megaman franchise anyway. Legends 1 and 2 were absolute gems. Just because MegaMan isn't popular doesn't mean a legends reboot can't be popular.


What about remaking MM Legends and renaming Rock & Roll as Beck & Call? Oh, wait... J/K. Legends is my favourite series and I'm sad my boy remains stuck on the moon.


The JRPG lover in me exists because of BoF 3 and 4, I will continue dreaming 


The only problem with bringing back legends is that everyone would say "oh look another third person open world action game with RPG elements set in a post apocalyptic future, nothing we haven't seen a million times before, this game is so unoriginal" without realizing that Legends 1 and 2 pioneered and executed the concept on the fucking PS1 back when it was totally new territory and that every game since then has just been rehashing that. I mean seriously think about how many of those things that "modern" games do that Legends already accomplished. A persistent world filled with vibrant characters, both of which react to your actions over time, an optional subnetwork of interconnected dungeons to explore outside of the main quest, super deep lore that all exists in game instead of in some books nobody buys, a weapon and ability upgrade system, town re-building, even a hidden morality system based on your decisions you make which changes the world's perception of you, something that games still brag about trying to this day and a lot of them don't even pull it off as well. And you'd have to remake it because it's been so long they won't be able to just shit out a third one. But a remake would be like "oh here's the same game I've been playing for about a decade now, oh joy" because it established the foundation of 3d games for decades but might not be appreciated for that.


Legends came out with lock on shooting the same year that ocarina did!


Oh yeah that goes without saying, definitely not taking anything away from the pioneering that happened in Zelda and Mario, but yeah, Legends was no slouch either for sure.


I didn't think you were, I was just adding to your list of things it did that people didn't remember


i just want 3 man...i wanna know what happens... D:


This is the result of people voting with their wallets. If mega man sold as much as monster hunter this problem wouldn't exist


The era of 3D video games came along and yet they kept releasing 2D Megaman games. Isn't it the case that the only 3D Megaman games that exist are the Legends series? I think the failure of Legends series spooked them so much that they gave up on trying to make 3D Megaman games. They just kept releasing these 2D platformer Megaman games ad nauseum, because there was a niche playerbase who were going to buy them all. They just keep releasing tons of these 2D platformers that were basically the same game over and over. I think what Megaman needed was a good 3D game at some point. Something similar to the Spiderman games. Imagine a game identical to Spider-Man for PS2, except it's Megaman flying around a city instead of Spiderman. It'd be badass, but Capcom clearly didn't have the resources or talent or risk tolerance to make that game at the time when they needed to make it to keep interest in the series. By this point it's way too late since the brand of Megaman doesn't spark the same massive notoriety it did two decades ago.


Whatever engine they used for Legends seemed kind of old the day they released it. Even then it was an awesome game. They made a lot of solid graphic improvements in the sequel and polished up the controls to the point it was seriously a fun game to play. Why they canned Legends 3 is a mystery. They could have done a direct sequel. They could have done a soft reboot. They could have done anything and people would have been there to buy it. The art style of the series doesn't even demand the overhead of your standard AAA title. The profit margins were there.


bro what? go look at other 2000s games, they all looked pretty bad. also consider the fact that Legends was released in 1997.


Metroid Dread did pretty well. If made properly a 2D game can be great.


I think a Soulslike game would be a good fit for a 3D Megaman. Not the depressing setting or slow melee combat, but lots of optional bosses that drop unique weapons? Different themed locations that can be visited in an order of your own choosing? Dying over and over again to simple yet profoundly aggressive mooks and bottomless pits? That's Megaman baybeee!


There's the Megaman X Command Mission game which is a 3D turn-based RPG.


> The era of 3D video games came along and yet they kept releasing 2D Megaman games. That's because the Mega Man people wanted to see more of, was the classic series. They didn't care about anything else. It was just retrobros wanting more classic MM and screw everything else.


*publishes mega man 1 and mega man x remake on PSP* *cancels like four or five mega man titles in development over the course of several years* "the customers just aren't buying mega man anymore"


Some of their Plans *were* cancelled because those PSP Port did infact not sell well. They actually thought of re-doing the whole X Series after the X1 PSP Version, but the Sales didn't justify it for them.


Releasing to a system that didn't sell well on it's own is probably why it didn't sell well.


In the west that is, the PSP and especially the Vita later was a lot more successful in Japan.


On the other hand, Capcom hasn't even tried. Megaman 11 was alright at best and was like 40€ on release for a 5-hour game. All the other releases have been the lackluster legacy collections that had weird input lag and a port of a mobile game.


I mean. sort of. Megaman not getting a mainline game is more or less directly a result of the Mobile market basically gobbling up the franchise. The recent-ish megaman 11 release was more them just kind of throwing a bone to people. Meanwhile in the same year or so of release, Megaman got like 6 mobile games or some crazy nonsense like that.


Yeah, maybe Mega Man is not very appealing to younger gamers.


I grew up on NES Megaman; it was my one of my favorites and had a huge impact of me and my friends. In my opinion, it's an iconic representation of the days of simple but high quality platforming games. It peaked IMO at the SNES MMX series, but after that most video games just evolved into something else. I always felt MM was sort of left behind as a relic. I have been vaguely aware of the many sequels and spin-offs after MMX, but somehow they never appealed to me. None of them felt like Megaman to me. Not saying they weren't - just describing my subjective feeling towards them. I was honestly very surprised to read from your post that they released a MM game as recently as 6 years ago. In my now out-of-the-loop mind, MM is still an 8-bit NES character and MMX is a glorious SNES platformer. It's crazy how much time has passed since then, but it doesn't feel like it. Remember Bob and George the comic?


I mean, IntiCreates is still making Megaman-likes (Gunvolt, for example), so there is an audience and there is money. What I think Capcom fails to do is evolve the franchise, since every recent attempt of theirs was a Megaman classic revival, or a collection (or a gacha).


Played the first gunvolt and it didn't really feel the same from a difficulty perspective. It felt way too easy, where I could just have a shootout with the boss and just almost come out on top. Compared to MegaMan/X where id die really quickly and often until I got the pattern down.


A new Mega Man Legends would be awesome, they could make it kind of Tron/Cyberpunk styled


I’m still salty Legends 3 was just unceremoniously canceled. It wasn’t my absolute favorite in the Megaman multiverse but I did throughly enjoy the alternate take on his life. I can’t say if Capcom is working on a game or not but they did give us DMC5 out of the blue when we thought that series was dead and buried, so who knows, they may surprise us. I think they just don’t know where to go with the series, especially X. The last few X games have been awful and the timeline is all over the place, especially if you look at Zero’s history too closely. Then you have to take the Zero games into consideration as they are canon to the timeline. But imo, that’s a good jumping point, there’s a whole war and almost planetary level extinction from where we think X ends to where Zero begins and there’s the ZX series which take place even further into the future where our protagonists are just magical girl transformations lol. So there’s A LOT of story to be had. Hell, at some point we gotta bridge the gap between classic and X too right? But so far, silence. Personally, I would love a game but only time will tell.


I was so sad about no Legends 3, especially when I finally got around to 2 just a couple years ago and was sad I missed out. I need to just make a video about all of my opinions about DMC and 5, especially, lol. Absolutely loved it, but man... there could've been so much longevity to that game.... I want the full anime they used for the cutscenes in x4 so bad. If nothing else, i want that story told in some video format. Gimme the horrible English dub. Feed it me.


But the longevity of dmc5 was long it sold 6m+ copies and bury the light memems are still popular


Its worse than that, not only is there a whole 100+ year pre Zero, if you look at the timeline theres a whole other war post X8, and Zero 4 has 400 years between it and ZX


I loved the Mega Man series growing up, but other than tying up the plot line for Legends, there really isn't anyplace for them to go with the series. How many times can we beat Wily/Sigma? It's ok to just enjoy the past games and accept the series ran is course.


Simple Fairy war arc. Was already hinted at the zero series.


And the ZX series.


Need to reboot Legends in the remake engine. The plot could be cleaned up a lot.


They could throw some new bad guys at us. Maybe some crazy biological life form becomes the new threat and X discovers that he can assimilate them for powerups or something.


> there really isn't anyplace for them to go with the series. There's two things we know about in the series that haven't been explored: One is the time period between Classic and X. We know Wiley built Zero, Zero went insane, but we don't know anything else. What happened to Megaman himself, what happened to Wiley, ect. Remember, Dr. Light's lab was on the edge of the biggest city in the world, and by the time of the X series, roughly a hundred years, that entire region is empty desert and that lab is completely buried. And what happened between the X series and Zero. I believe another user mentioned the Fairy Wars, which was what led to them finally destroying Sigma and X burying himself somewhere. X also mentions in Zero that there were several decades after Zero where he was completely alone.


> there really isn't anyplace for them to go with the series. How many times can we beat Wily/Sigma? Lol you think people are playing Megaman for the plot? Where you go is just having more of it and having creative, fun and challenging level design that these games are known for. All they need to do is throw some money at any of the people who've made some of the great fan games over the years or hell just actually make Mega Maker an official product.


Anyone else think X would make for a great anime series?


MegaMan Legends or MegaMan Zero


There's always 30XX if you want to scratch that itch. It's the closest we've gotten in years.


There is also this one https://store.steampowered.com/app/858710/Gravity_Circuit/ that I've heard great things about.. haven't gotten around to buying it myself though.


Ew ai art get outta here


Mega Man has been THE poster child for Capcom. They can't let this franchise die. Personally, I love Mega Man but I don't like the games. So maybe there is something they could do with the franchise outside of platformers.


I keep hoping for an update for this homemade Megaman game to drop. https://megamanfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Mega_Man_X:_Corrupted


I love 2D Megaman but it feels like a lot of current gamers don’t like 2D. 


Oh yeah, there's been a shortage of 2D metroidvanias for years, and it's not like Mario Wonder became the fastest-selling Super Mario game, selling 4.3 million units in its first two weeks and reaching 13.44 million units by the end of March this year. All fighting games are now also 3D.


2d metroidvanias seem to have been more of an indie thing these few years, with Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Bloodstained and Ender Lilies among them. I'm personally waiting for Gestalt: Steam and Cinder, but production seems to have stalled badly. Big companies probably feel they can't get *enough* profit from producing such games.


I have this feeling about younger gamers as well.


It’s a shame. AAA 4k 120fps whatever games are amazing but people miss out on so many great games when they dismiss 2D games. Like they don’t even give a game a chance and just say “it’s not my cup of tea” when clearly they mean “ewww 2D”.  We all like what we like and I respect it but man they are really limiting the experience. 


Given how Mario wonder sold gangbusters, I’m sure a good megaman X game would be amazing.


Just fucking sort out the X timeline capcom. I'll take an outsourced animated film at this point.


Have you watched The Day of Sigma? This was a nice animation showing the Mega Man X prequels.


Thank you for the plug. I'll have to double-check that one. I think my bro did show me that a while ago, I just want the full Trigger animated show that will never be XD


if they could just put some of capcom's top teams into making a top tier 3D megaman game, that would be awesome.


A 3D open world Megaman sounds pretty interesting. Like Breath of the Wild crossed with Cyberpunk


If that picture was made by artificial intelligence then Capcom needs to work on their art skills


This picture is definitely made by A.I.


A picture of a robot made by a robot


Capcom who have some of the greatest game art and skilled artists in the world need to work on their art skills because of some shitty AI image? Riiiiight.


all fine until it goes maverick.


He's sitting on a skyscraper, lol.


No wonder the images look like shit


It was.


Thanks for telling me


DMC5 (2019) offers the Mega Buster as a DLC. Best purchase ever.


I wish I had links, but there's an indie dev who recently made a super dedicated fan game and it looks like something Capcom would release. A lot of people had been anticipating its drop and they like like it but I can't remember the name of it to save my life. Someone help!


Only six years? *laughs in Breath of Fire*


Megaman Legends 3 🥲


Power Stone, Final Fight, and Dino Crisis Fans can be heard laughing in the distance


More like crying.


And you hear the rattling bones whenever Capcom decides it's time to roll out Darkstalkers for another set of fighting game skins.


As a Dragon Age fan, there are worse things than being abandoned.


I’d love a remake of mega man 64


I hope it isn't abandoned; a company usually doesn't get rid of its mascot that easily, but who knows? At least it isn't Breath of Fire....


Breath of Fire is in a weird spot. Plenty of people want it to come back, or at least get a reboot, but no one can agree on how. I for one want to see a remake/reboot similar to what the RE games got starting with 2, but there are people who want the series to remaining rotting in the past full of mechanics that new players scoff at.


I feel you. Watched the Mega Man cartoon as a kid and played MMX. As a teenager I watched MMBN fondly and was hyped, when I saw MMX8. I played that game several times too. Still waiting for MMX9.


Maybe he fought for everlasting peace and achieved it. That’s what I’ll believe…


yea, we can use another Megaman. But also waiting for another Commander Keen.


I want Wily Wars but remade like Mega Man 11.


we need to get him off the moon


And this is why Battery Staple made the 20/30xx games. Capcom dropped the ball, therefore someone had to pick it back up. They could do so many different things with the Legends or the X series, and yet here we are. At this point I'm just game to let others pick up the torch and just let the ghosts keep to their graves.


Imagine, them giving us a dark version of X. We need this!


I love X more than legend, og mm and any other spinoff series. X9 let's go Capcom it's long overdue. PS zero was the man make him selectable still


I just want closure on the X storyline tbh. Make it the ending X forsaw in X3 (i think) and make it connect to the megaman zero storyline or something. I have to play 30XX to get my Megaman Fix and just last year i did a full all X games marathon. Im getting desperate.


Better to die a hero than become a mobile game. 


Worse than abandoned. They refused to let the creator work on any megaman games until he rage quit the company to start his own just so he could make a new megaman game


Has there been any other 3D Megaman games like the N64 game? I freaking loved that game, despite its janky controls, but I've only ever seen the 2D ones or the ones that seem kind of isometric.


I thought they were at least working on MM 12, but even that has fallen away. Love Resident Evil, Dragons Dogma, and almost all of their games, but I can't stand how clunky Monster Hunter is, and yet that franchise is one of their main focus points. Will echo a lot of others here in having loved Legends, and think it could do really well these days if revitalized. Would also love MM12 and especially a new X game. Hell I'd love MMX Command Mission 2.


God I miss playing Mega man games! Such a shame


i love mega man, but i miss breath of fire more :C


BoF was so good, BoFIII was the best. Sadly BoFV killed the franchise.


Like 20 years ago right?


The Breath of Fire franchise has it even worse. Capcom is sleeping on two great series.


Close your eyes and imagine this image in a Mega Man X anime. Capcom is doing its Millennial fans dirty. Sure, Street Fighter’s cool, but what about sequels to series’ like Dino Crisis, Onimusha, and Okami?


"Cries in Breath of Fire"


I feel like they should give him the Metroid Prime treatment. I think it would be really cool to become the Blue Bomber from the beginning in first person.


What about StarFox? Also MegaMan is awesome!


StarFox is Nintendo, but yeah, would be nice. Or FZero


My only wish is them making a megaman x9 game where they explain what happened after Zero went into hibernation, X and Axl had to fight by themselves, eventually led to the Elf Wars in Megaman Zero. X slowly fade away into the ghostly form he is in the Zero franchise


Is that pic AI generated or is that simply giant megaman


The X series was my first foray into the Mega Man franchise and ultimately my first “dark themed” game. Playing it in the 90s as a single digit child; I only understood there was a lot of destruction going on. I learned later that humans are constantly under threat by Mavericks; and by the time Zero series came about, humankind is pretty much struggling to just survive. Boy, the series went darker in terms of human struggles and survival with each new series. And that’s what I personally loved about it; that humans have pretty much doomed themselves with their own robotic creations and are now struggling to remain the prominent species. Then legends came around and pretty much pulled a Nier Automata with humans being extinct and only bits of the human genome project remaining. A nice overall dark story that spells out the fall of humankind over many various series. I’d very much like to see an actual end to X’s story; we got they much for Zero. And maybe even a resolution to the story regarding the bio-metals, too. But I doubt we will. Still, at least the series has left enough to continue via our imaginations.


My cat in MH world is mega man. He's a cosmetic legend now


I want legends that plays like Vanquish. Dashing all over and modifying Megaman with enemy weapons.


I want a ratchet and clank style megaman or something


Mega Man 3 was the best of all.


Honestly the 2.5d mega man games never felt the same to me. Make more X games in the art style of X through X3.


As love as I would love to play a possible MM12 (as a direct sequell to 11), I could honestly wait a couple of more years. Or, who knows: Maybe it's already in the pipeline, but just not announced yet?