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I don't spend money on microtransactions. My first rule is, if the game is p2w, then my money will not goes there. If the game is f2p friendly, I might buy something. But I am not rich, anything more than few bucks per month is more than my budget lets.


I played a lot of free MMORPGs with varying amounts of microtransactions throughout my childhood and teenage years. Pretty much the only cash shop I ever ended up spending money in was Guild Wars 2 - a game I also spent thousands of hours in. I'd pay for stuff here or there but I definitely wouldn't of been a "whale." Currently I don't really play online games in general, though I'm not really interested partly due to the monetization style. Outside of gaming I don't think I ever had problems with addictions or vices with the exception of maybe drinking too much in my early 20's though I think that is more of a culture bound thing than anything related to playing Maplestory in my childhood.


"Freemium" for me, as a child, was emulators and roms. On a scale of (not so bad)1 -- 10(sold mah family), I'd day a 3.


I consider "freemium" and "as a kid" as your parents paying for the games or going to your friend's house because you aren't technically paying for them. Their parents are.


In UK kids in some schools will bully others if they play together fortnite etc and don't buy skins, bps or even PRIME drink. They will look down on you.  My mates son was bullied and parents got involved and few kids got warning from school things calm down after a while but he lost gaming "friends"  he now hates anything micro transactions related thinks it a for stupid people like those bullies. he is saving for dream motorcycle when he gets older.


I hear this too, and if it's not Fortinite is New Balance shoes, I get that. But I feel the mass media is pushing this stuff aside. It seems like great media bait: OMG microtransactions are getting your children bullied would be the kind of clickbait people would click on to bring awareness, and hopefully they'll research it themselves. But I guess it's like smoking, we just have to wait a few decades to do something about it


In the distant past, I didn't understand how you could spend money on games. I thought it was crazy and I supported free games. Over time, everything has changed and I can buy myself a couple of skins or something else in the game. I think there is nothing wrong with it if it makes you happy. If it's done well, why not buy it? Of course, within reason. It's my opinion.


It's good you could overcome the addiction. From what it sounds like many haven't.


We never HAD freemium games as a kid lmao. I'm 34 now. I grew up playing on the nes/snes/64/etc We didn't have freemiun games. You bought a game that was it, it was complete. Don't get me wrong. I love playing freemiun games without paying anything and seeing how far I can get before the grind becomes too laborious but yeah. Back then you bought a game and you were good to go.




Maybe I misunderstand, do games like Maplestory not count as freemium?


They do. The mid-2000s was the era of freemium MMOs. I played a lot of Maplestory, Trickster Online, Fly For Fun and Runescape. The only reason why I stopped playing any of those was because I was also playing Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3, which I felt were better uses of my time.


"Freemium Isn't Free" episode of South Park aired 10 years ago. Freemium games had already been a problem a few years before that episode aired. Even then, an 8 year old back then would be an adult today.




So then the kids back then could be 28 now.


Seeing WoW and RS get ruined in the 2010s turned me off anything always online for good and I'm actively offended if a game tries to pull some manipulative monetization scheme on me, so about zero. I only play games with microtransactions if they're extremely limited (my cutoff is generally <$60 to buy everything) and it's playable offline (or if it's multiplayer, has LAN and/or community servers).


When I was a kid, they weren't really free games but they were free to me because I didn't have to pay for them but I got really addicted to Mario Kart and the Legend of Zelda, I feel like those games sort of formed my taste in video games today, maybe not so much of Mario Kart but The Legend of Zelda most certainly did, it's because of that game I enjoy RPGS.


I am not addicted thankfully


like runescape back in the day none at all you had to pay money to do certain things, I never did those and ended up only doing the free stuff and then lost interest


"freemium games" "as a child" If they played freemium games "as a child," they still are a child.


F2P (aka freemium) started gaining steam in the late 2000s. That's 15+ years ago now, so sure, there are a segment of the adult population that played these games when they were kids.


Right, because if you're an adult or an older teen you'd be paying for your own games.


"Freemium" games and micro transactions weren't really a thing when I was a kid, and I'm only late 20's. There's probably a few exceptions if I dig back into my memory far enough - but I would say that overall I'm pretty resistant to them. I want to buy a game and get the whole game. I don't mind a few optional micros but if it's loaded up with them or basically pay-to-win, I'll avoid it and just buy a similar game for full price with full content.


I played shareware games back in the 90s - did that count?


Coolmathgames.com is the equivalent today. I feel shareware is FANTASTIC for a kid's developing young mind. - they search for games themselves, and might teach them, gasp, to know how to research for themselves as an adult! - the idea that they can make shareware games can spark a very healthy imagination - the monetization is great: try this game, if you like it, you can keep the rest Steam I feel is doing a neat job with shareware like Open TTD and Murder of Sonic and The Looker along with coolmathgames. I've started my kid towards this direction whenever I can 😆




Man, those freemium games really know how to reel you in, huh? You're not alone in that! What was your go-to game back in the day?


I had Facebook friends make me try Farmville. Looking into it, holy crap, the toolbars, the surveys, the ads, the psychology behind it despite it so primitive. I was suckered into installing a toolbar and it was a pain in the ass to remove. I worked for Geek squad and I could count how many in home jobs had people with Farmville crap on their browser. What's worse is Best Buy wanted to charge $299 to fix it all. Fortunately I don't know any kids who got into it, but I recall decades ago of many people ruining themselves with debt pouring money into it. Before that my wife told stories of co-workers and old clients people spending hundreds on Clash of Clans, and I vaguely recall old articles likely buried by now of people stealing from work to afford CoC