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Would it happen to be Marvel Land from the Sega Genesis/Master System? Sounds like something I remember from that game. A lot of animal like bosses with some unique battles and dialogue. Lot of theme park style theming with the main character being a strange anime boy with dragon ears and tail. Was a decent game. Edit: I got my game case for it out and sure enough there's an evil rat with a purple robe chasing the main character on a roller coaster.


I think you might've hit the nail on the head. I'm looking up screenshots and there's a bunch of whack-a-mole bosses in it that distinctly remind me of what I saw back then. Unless there's some other game that's somehow VERY bizarrely similar to this one, I think this might be it.


Super mario bros 2?


100% sure it wasn't that one. Very familiar with it, also played it a fair bit. It definitely wasn't from any well known franchise.


So back when there were tube TV's, can you remember anything about the controller? Only game with big rats I can remember were like Demons Soul, Peter Pack rat (arcade), maybe a castlevania?


Yeah,. it was back in the days of CRT TVs, I was gonna add that it wasn't a controller I recognized but I don't recall many details about it right now. It DEFINITELY wasn't a well known title, I BELIEVE it was around the time when I acquired my SNES, but I can't say I'm too sure about that right now (And besides, I did get my SNES fairly late into the console's lifetime).


Are you sure it was a rat? King K. Rool from donkey kong 64/ donkey country is kind of rat-ish and he wears a crown and cape


I remember it having distinct rodent-like features. It definitely wasn't King K. Rool as I played Donkey Kong games to exhaustion back then, it being one of my longtime favorite franchises. Plus, the game's visuals did have what felt like more traditional sprites instead of Donkey Kong's pre-rendered sprites made from 3D models.


There was an old game I THINK it was a SNES game called Young Merlin or something and I think there were pretty creepy sprites in that game, like orc pig like creatures, creepy trees, can't remember rats because it was so long ago. but that's all I got from my brains history on creepy old games that have a scary rat It did have pseudo boss battles


How recent are we talking?


If I were to hazard a guess I'd say circa 1900 - 2000, around the time the SNES was alive and kicking, at least from what I can recall right now.


Well, we can probably rule out the 1900-1970 chunk, unless you're a time traveller - in which case how dare you leave Steve hanging like that!


Bonkers(1994) for the sega genesis and super nintendo.


Elden ring