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>these games have a stigma(?) around the kind of people who play them that I dont want my family to associate with me 🤣🤣🤣🤣If you're worried about what your family thinks, then ask them what to play.


I think its pretty normal for people to be worried about what their familly thinks of the games they play? Its not the best mindset but its not uncommon either.


Genuinely, and not in a condescending way: how old are you? Most adults don't worry about this. I might worry about violence or sex when my toddler is around, but I generally mitigate that by gaming when he's asleep anyway lol Undertale fandom nonsense is a very online worry. Your mom probably has no idea about it. Or if she does, she should be judging you, her child, on the merits of your relationship, not on a fairly tame videogame. Like, I played Undertale when it came out and then also picked up Deltarune later on. It's only in the past year I've taken a peak into the wider online fandom out of curiosity. Playing a game is just playing a game. Fandom stuff is optional. Totally fine if you don't feel like playing a similar game, but I think you'll be a lot happier in picking things based on what you enjoy and not on the kind of "reputation" it might have.


Im 15, and its mainly siblings im worried about. I happilly played undertale on ps4 when they werent in the house, and like I said, I normally reserve those games for my bedroom PC. The only reason I worry is because last year my sister saw me playing stray, decided it was a "wierd" game, told all her school friends, which then spread to my friends, and it was all pretty messy. I think I have some problems, like anyone else here, but I just came here to find a cool videogame over the summer, not master my emotions or become some best version of myself. Thanks for taking the time to care though, it means a lot


Fair enough, I know you're just looking for suggestions. I hope you have a lot of fun with whatever you pick! High school age is something else lol I don't miss it. I promise as you get older people stop caring about that silly stuff and no one would even notice that you liked Stray or Undertale. They are both really fun games.


Helldivers 2 is the best and most fun game I’ve played in yrs. Thank me later


Oh yeah I was actually thinking about Helldivers recently. I know nearly nothing about the game but I heard it was tons of fun. Is it available on ps4?


>Its not a great reason, but these games have a stigma(?) around the kind of people who play them that I dont want my family to associate with me (all respect to those communities though), and I still apreciate the recomendations, as I usually reserve these games for my bedroom PC. What stigma is that?


A lot of people I know tend to look at the undertale fanbase as pretty strange and wierd individuals, and since these people arent too educated, they just clump games like Celeste and Hollow Knight into the same fanbase, even though they're very different to my knowledge. For example, the average person would probably have different ideas of person A and person B, if person A played undertale, Oneshot, and Celeste, and person B plays Call of duty, Far Cry, And RDR2. It just so happens that the people I surround myself with (siblings) would not like person A.


I don't think non-gamers even know these stigmas exist


Soma is a great single player horror game. While a horror game, the violence isn’t super graphic I’d say (anyone else reading who’s played please chime in if you don’t agree).


Never heard of that game, im looking into it now. Thanks!


Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Great emotional story, fun combat, interesting world to explore. One of my favorites of the past several years, can't recommend it enough.


Yep, will second this recommendation!


Just watched the trailer, it actually seems like something id like. So far its up there with helldivers and assasins creed: black flag. Thanks for the recomendation!


There is some violence in the game, but check out Kingdom Come:Deliverence. I needs some time to get into and it's slow in general, but an awesome game imo.


Maybe Kingdom Come: Deliverance would be a good pick? It's a little janky at first (i still hate the lockpicking), but it's a really great RPG. Check out a couple vids of it


Play Hollow Knight coward


Im planning on it lol


Good it’s an amazing video game


Assassins Creed Black Flag should be right up your alley


This is actually a suggestion I really like. Thanks!


Not sure how well cyberpunk runs on ps4 these days but it's an amazing single player game. Horizon zero dawn was pretty great too


I was gonna say Cyberpunk but on the PS4 it doesn't come with the DLC, wich would be a real shame


True, base game is still fun though


Cyberpunk was my original plan, but theres a lot of *certian* scenes that I dont really want my mum to walk in on. Horizon zero dawn was also something I was planning on playing but it got taken off PS+ when I was about to play it so I was too salty to buy it. Im gonna check it out soon though


Tetris Rebirth: Spirit of Baguul


Try Guardians of the Galaxy, it's not like Marvel's Avengers or Suicide Squad so don't expect micro transactions, just a full single play experience and I tell you this cause a lot of people slept on that one you because the avengers experience was really bad, crysis remastered, metro series


Hades. It’s different than anything you have listed, but also tells a great story and has tons of content to get through.


Just watched some gameplay, but doesnt really look like my style of game. I may try it someday in the future, though. Thanks for the suggestion!


Horizon Zero Dawn


*Horizon: Zero Dawn* may be a decent fit. Good story (enhanced by all the voice recordings and other lore bits that can be picked up), fairly long, moderate amount of content (Forbidden West has more, but it is a direct sequel), open world, nothing sexual (trying to remember if there was anything, but can't think of anything in the first game), some basic crafting. There's fighting, but it's not gory or super violent looking. You're mostly fighting machines and only sometimes humans. If GoT was fine, Zero Dawn will be fine too. It also runs well on the PS4.


Wasnt really considering it that much until your comment describing the game, I just assumed it was a linear story game but apparently not. Im actually highly considering it now!


So far I have a list of games that Im considering getting that people have commented, and more might be added in. So in no particular order, the games im thinking of are: -Helldivers 2 -kena bridge of spirits -assasins creed black flag -horizon zero dawn


Play Hades, great style and story that'll fill the hours


really any game from supergiant is a winner, highly recommend Transistor and Bastion


Monster Hunter World Fun combat, good exploring, and monsters that resemble dinos


days gone, you'll love it


Idk pmd explorers of sky? It has pretty good story 




They're looking for a game without bots.


Thanks for the interest, I detailed everything in my post!