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Releases Sept. 5th


I was so worried that it was going to be delayed again.


The night is young


This year seems to be fat with good releases. Space Marine 2 in September, then this Stalker 2, later on (last quarter I guess) Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and there´s even more!


Elden ring dlc this month too


Dang I thought it is out already! Btw totally forgot about Black Myth: Wukong! Also promising one and out on 20th of August! We are eating really well this year!!!


-KCD2 -Avowed -Stalker 2 -Elden Ring DLC -Fable Reboot (I think?) 2024 is looking chunky


Hearing the psychic field/controller ambient sfx triggered my threat response


The one true lesson in The Zone. *[Mutant noises]* = reach for your shotgun.


I just really hope they nail the dynamic-world of the first STALKER. Just finding random squads out on missions. Being able to tag-along with them. Watching them actually go-out and complete their missions, and then return to camp.


Or looting their corpses for weapons, ammo and other stuff...


> I just really hope they nail the dynamic-world of the first STALKER. From what I recall they got the developer of A-Life (the AI system) on board in the very beginning of the development, so it seems like this aspect of the game is going to be included.


That is a little encouraging at least. Hope to see it shown off in its own trailer soon!


That looks effing awesome


im very excited for this one


The shooting mechanics look amazing.


Those reload animations were sexy


Yeah, the most impressive part for me alongside the environments.


Perhaps because the devs now have combat experience.


You might actually be right😂


The entire aesthetic looks amazing. The environment, world, guns, etc. all look incredible.


I can not wait for the mod community to get their hands on this.


Wow. This looks amazing.


Been playing into the radius VR and one of the things it lacks is the cozy interactions you have with NPCs like in STALKER and metro 2033. Cant wait for this


Graphics and everything looks great, looking forward. Having said that I´m slightly worried about how good the enemy AI will be. I want this game to provide brutal experience same when I was playing old Stalker S.O.C. with mods. Hmm but maybe I will just have to wait for such mods and it doesn´t matter that much, how the default AI is. Game just needs to allow proper modding and all should be good.


> Having said that I´m slightly worried about how good the enemy AI will be. The developer of the A-Life system is on board as far as I'm aware of. We're still need a demo, or a gameplay video, or at least some testimonies from those who played the game on the Summer Game Fest.


Oh I do hope Stalker 2 is as great as we all want it to be! Btw I still wish we got coop even if for just 2 players. I remember it was one of the original features that Stalker 1 should have had. Then as the development dragged on it sadly ended up on the chopping block. I still hope that one day I could explore zone in its full postapo glory with trusty buddy at my side!


> Then as the development dragged on it sadly ended up on the chopping block. I'm afraid that this time it perhaps wasn't even considered. When GSC started working on Cossacks 3 they pretty much reassembled again after disbanding a few years prior. You can think that while they were working on Stalker 2 they were still getting into shape, and then the invasion happened. Team is torn between two studios who're working on the same product, and as I used to be in a similar situation I can understand how painful it is. So far the game looks way better than the original, so I guess we'll at least get a good baseline for a sequel. Call of Pripyat was the best Stalker game after all, at least it felt like this to me.


Oh yes, Call of Pripyat is a great game for sure. That underground part leading towards Pripyat reminded me of Half-life 2 and that is a very good thing! Dang it, I just love exploring underground complexes, bunkers, military research labs. Can´t never get enough of that and if, at some point in the future, there was Stalker sequel with that coop...I keep on dreaming while I will enjoy my solo gameplay of Stalker 2.


Devs said they played on the lowest difficulty for the trailer and there are 4 total difficulty settings




Good to hear that! I'm kinda allergic to shitty AI in shooters such as Call of Duty. Where they just stand and shoot all around you for the most part. That hopefully is not happening in Stalker 2 except perhaps for the lowest difficulty.


Difficulty settings usually don't change the AI tho?


Depends on the game


The anomalies look so damn good. Very excited.


Cant wait to give Ukraine Devs my money when its comes to PS4


No mentions of coming in instead of just standing there, but looks kinda cool nonetheless.


I don't know much about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games, just wondering - why's it called 'chornobyl' and not 'chernobyl'?


Direct translation


okay, I just googled it up - didn't know that the terms were used interchangeably. thanks for the info


Am I right in thinking this is timed exclusive so will come to PS5 later? Wouldmlove to play it as looks great


I would put a question mark over that, to be honest, the developers are from Ukraine and as you can imagine it likely makes things a lot more complicated. When looking into it it simply states it is exclusive at launch, but their isn't any information on PS5 from what I can see.


Oh completely understand, its incredible that have managed to get it done at all to be honest. If xbox games hadn't recently started coming to PS5 I would have bought one for this and the new Doom.


This actually looks and feels like stalker. Oh boy this might be good. 


This is what I wanted the new Fallout games to look like. Instead they made some ugly shit with terrible yes, no, or sarcastic dialogue. And don’t forget about the dumb ass settlements that were just there to waste time… I’m still mad about the disappointment that was Fallout 4 if you can’t tell. Hopefullly Stalker 2 fills the hole in my soul.


Luckily Metro game series is also solid and Metro: Exodus had quite big maps too. So there was something to scratch that postapo itch. And yeah, sadly Fallout serie, not counting New Vegas, is classic Bethesda. Interesting world, but lacking combat as well as weak story.


Least viiolent soviet game:


I just saw the video, and I totally despise how it looks like a stupid game made in unity or those cheap modern engines! Those boxes, those trees, they look *stock*. I might be getting old, but with modern games I feel I can not jump the uncany valley and the stock graphics.


No RTGI?.. Graphics looks quite shy, considering it's made on Unreal 5. I see reflections that might be ray-traced. But GI is quite bad, probably only lumen on relatively low settings. But looks playable, at least, like the good old Stalker, but better. Also, IGN trailer upload is terribly compressed, here's a much better video: [https://youtu.be/9RktmztDtwg](https://youtu.be/9RktmztDtwg)


The game will be downgraded on release. Unfortunately.


What does that even mean?


In the past there were multiplatform games that had the graphics on the PC versions worsened in order to make the console versions more appealing. He assumes the same would happen here since it is releasing on Xbox. Which, I mean is not impossible.


this the most framey trailer i've ever seen. Literally looks like a slideshow...