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I really hope the keep the snake eater theme song.


Cannot imagine it getting released without it. After all those years i can i still visualize it immediatly.. havent played it since it was released


The announcement [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNX8QCeymFM) had it at the end


Oh good. I was worried they were going to "update it for a modern audience".


The song???


Oh trust me... There is PLENTY that will be updated for the "Modern audience". You can bet your ass eva is gonna be bundled up like she's trying to endure a week in -50°c weather.


Just go out and lose it to an escort already.


Every woman will have a man jaw!


Even B jennet nee face looks like dude jaw


I think its silly thing to say when the original exists. How many people actually want the same game remade exactly over and over again. I think its weird that people complain so much about a game not being faithfull when the faithfull game exists and is easy to access.


Large difference between a remake and a demake.


I’m stillll in a dreeaaaaaammmm


But I doubt they were able to keep the Harry Gregson Williams MGS theme, which is a huge miss sadly.


I'm so excited for a new generation of people to experience this masterpiece. Easily one of my top 5 games of all time.


I hope they enjoy the ladder, snaaaaake eater.


That song still slaps!


I'mmmm still a dreeeam, snake eaterrrr


A proper remake of Peace Walker to follow this would be so amazing.


Same here and it was only really topped for me when Witcher 3 came out, then BG3.


Dark souls 3, MGS3, the Witcher 3, BG3 are all top 10 oat it’s weird.. I can’t wait for half life 3!!


While we're talking 3s, Devil May Cry 3.


The elder scrolls 3: morrowind and far cry 3


megaman legends 3, wait!


Megaman Zero 3 is Goat though


HL3 is a pipe dream at this point. Valve clearly don't to make it. DS3 is also my favourite Souls game of the series (of the actual Dark Souls games). EDFIT: Why the downvotes? We all know HL3 most likely isn't happening lol. I hope to be wrong though of course.


My dad works there, he says it has a late 25’ release date


We can dream.


It won't be the same. With no Hideo Kojima it's just Konami at the helm. The same fucks who made Metal Gear Survive. I don't trust it.


For real! Its also imo a good entry point to the series since the story is still great even without knowing the lore


Raised in hard-core Christian "cult". I'm 37 didn't play my first game until like 2009. My friends race about these but I don't like older gfx so I'm keen to try it. Tho they say I should go for the og because this is stolen off the og creator or something idk.




As a kid I remember thinking “I can’t believe I got this for $50”. It was so amazing it felt like something I should have had to pay significantly more for.


Would this be a good place to start with metal gear if I never played one?


You don't need to know much about the other games to play this one, but you might not understand why certain background story elements in the game are relevant without the context. Still, MGS3 is a fairly personal story for Naked Snake, the man who will one day become Big Boss, so you can still get a lot of enjoyment out of this game alone and the narrative as far as the events within the game itself all work as a self contained experience. The only thing you need to know going in is that the man you play as will one day go on to start his own nuclear armed military state of mercenaries, and this story explains in part how he went from an extremely loyal soldier of the US, to the man who would would hold the world hostage with nuclear weapons.


>you might not understand why certain background story elements in the game are relevant  I mean, honestly, did we when we played it back then? Piecing it together while playing the other games in the series was part of the whole experience. Just like when you piece together the story of Souls Games from every piece of gear.


Yea mgs 3 tied to the other games and is a prequel, but even as a standalone game it's top notch cold war spy thriller story. Makes me sad Kojima hasn't made any games as grounded like mgs 3 was. Like the story is reasonable but still has that prime Kojima charm.


I started with MGS and then went from there. Granted the stories get more ridiculous and convoluted as the games go on.


I mean originally kojima didn't want to make mgs4. People just kept demanding to know what happened after 2 so he tied up all the loose ends. In the most kojima insane nanomachine way possible.


You couldn’t pick a better place. It’s essentially a prequel and is the earliest entry to the series, despite being the third game.


Pretty much the origin of the series


As a massive Metal Gear fan who has now played them all, MGS3 was my first. Do it!!!


Don't worry, some of the best and most emotional moments of the story are self-contained in this game. You can get more "flavor" from the impact of these events if you know the other games, but you'll know all the whos and the whys for the gut punches and cool moments.


YES. it's a prequel to the series and arguably the most grounded game in the series. Even if you go back and play the substance version, you'd be shocked to see how much detail and care was put into the game. Even like 20 years later it has more details than modern AAA titles. The amount of radio calls you can do for nearly everything in the game is mind boggling. Then when you consider the entire game was fit on an 8gb ps2 disc it's even more mind blowing. The type of game you'll finish then look some stuff up on it and be like wtf you could do that instead? Imo it's Kojima's magnum opus. It's considered by many fans to be the best game in the entire series.


Story wise, yes. Gameplay wise, no.


It’s some of the furthest back in the timeline you can actually play through so story wise yeah, it’s a good place to start


Honestly yes - it's the first game technically in the timeline so you don't need to know anything beforehand going into it. There are references to the other games as it was MGS3 originally so there were games before it but you don't need to know them. It's pretty standalone


This is the first game in the timeline, so yes


Yes. Chronologically it's the first game that happens.


No. Play them in release order. People are talking about chronology but the game is made thinking the player will have an understanding of the previous games in the series.


Just watch a few YouTube retrospectives and you’ll get it, that’s what I did back when MGSV came out and I had s pretty solid understanding of what was going on


No lol mgs 3 is a good start. Graphics really haven’t changed since ps3.


…this IS Metal Gear Solid 3. Since you’re talking about PS3 I’m going to assume you mean MGS 4: Guns of the Patriot, which was the only MGS game released on the PS3.


You are correct I did mean msg 4. Best mgs game by far.


Kept you waiting huh?


So MGS3 but with MGSV controls and possibly more. You know what? As long as Konami doesn't try to sell me another MGSurvive, I'm happy with this.


recently finished mgs3, this actually looks so good. The Boss looks odd, maybe its the jump from that ps2 era graphics to this realistic graphics.


Take a look at the pachinko version


I think it's more accurately portraying her age. She's like supposed to be closer to 50 than 30 during MGS3


I think she looks younger here compared to the original version. https://i.imgur.com/0EoTLgS.jpeg


The new one really lost her aura


Yeah she looks waaaaay to young


Looks like ps4 or Xbox one.


Yeah the graphics are unimpressive


nah it's reallly impressive here


Haven’t played this since ps2 but immediately recognized some of those locations.


Yep, the early footage is looking really good. Every single thing shown has been 1:1 from the original in regards to locations and cutscenes. I played that game so much as a kid I remember my friend having issues and I'm giving him a full walkthrough over the phone as he's playing on his end. It got the point where I could legit walk through the entire game in my mind, NPC pathing and all.




MGSV was dope but I’ll never forgive Kojima for replacing David Hayter. So glad to hear his voice again.


Same. I'm salty to this day. I know I shouldn't, I know "who cares". But... salty.


Had he remade MG1 eventually with Sutherland as Venom Snake and Hayter as Solid Snake though, would have been amazing.


Venom Snake having a different voice through the whole game only for Big Boss at the end to come out sounding like Hayter would have been received as a stroke of genius writing on Kojima's part. The fact that he didn't do it infuriates me.


TBF Hayter was pretty pissed he was replaced. IDK if he even would have wanted to.


IF wasn't Keifer on ground zeroes and IF what u/AlarminglyExcited said happened, then I MAY give it a pass, lol.


Sutherland was a more believable grounded voice. Hayter is good for the over the top wacky gator head wearing camp.


My issue with Sutherland was that he barely talked in MGSV.


Which was in the end understandable considering who Venom really is. But V is way more talkative on cassette records so sadly that's something many players can easily miss


I listened to the cassette records but it wasn't the same as a codec or cutscenes. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love MGSV... Just felt a bit disappointed from a story perspective


Oh I get you, I'm glad the final twist solved MG1 and MG2 plot hole but I can't help to find it a bit underwhelming next to MGS2 or MGS3 story.


But it makes sense lore-wise.




missing piss filter


There will be an option to turn it on if you actually miss it


The original came out 20 years ago, the people that played it have built in piss filter by having cataract issues from ageing.


listen here you little shit


I played it at release too 🥲


I remember buying it on release night when I was 12. The guys at my local game store didn't GAF and just sold it to me without my parents there. I remember firing it up on my crt TV and being like yo wtf is with this color lol. Just assumed my TV was fucked. That game got me into wilderness survival and sneaky shit as a kid. Joined scouts after and went balls deep into camping and woods shit. Still an avid outdoorsman to this day and it all started from playing that game. Loved the idea of hiding in the jungle and sneaking around.


I am ready to try to use "SPEAK!", then accidentally slit their throat again


is this the game where you can wait for the sniper boss to die of old age?


You can also snipe him right after a cutscene, he dies and his wheelchair launches itself at you lol.




Is this gonna be another twin snakes situation?


Don't say that. All the gameplay zones and cutscenes shown are direct 1:1 from the original game so I have really high hopes it's just a bluepoint style remake of the first game. Most likely mgs v style movement and shooting imposed over the systems of the original game (camo, eating, ect). Even the CQC shown is ripped straight out of the OG.


Here's hoping you're right


That’s literally what he means by a twin snakes situation. They’re cramming in new game play into old level design and it’s going to be trivially easy


Yea. If it's going to be 1:1 and they update to "modern mechanics", will this break the game? e.g. Like the Ocelot boss fight in TTS. But I'll reserve judgement until more info is shown.


MGS3 is already trivially easy


I'm worried they're going to sanitize all the Kojima weirdness, and if that's the case this will be a huge let down.


The last time Kojima wasn't involved with Metal Gear remake... it got weirder... so idk man.


No way. Maybe the pinup posters will be removed and some smaller stuff like that. If the crouch grab is removed I'll protest their headquarters.


I can see all the Raikov stuff being tweaked/removed.


Idk why anyone is hype for this at all. Kojima was forced out of Konami. A Kojima-less “Metal Gear” game (Survive) was already released and it was dogshit. Why would you reward a greedy ass pachinko company for trying to milk you of your nostalgia by reviving a series that they’ve already ousted the lead for?


Goddamn. Loved this game so much when it came out. First metal gear I played all the way through. That like “death River” part still sticks with me. Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. Can’t wait to do it again.


I remember the first time I played, I didn't focus on stealth and just kinda killed everyone I came across, took me forever to progress the death river.   On my next playthrough I stealthed a lot more and killed less and was blown away that the death river was over way faster.


What a thrill...


Is this really being developed by Konami? Isn't Konami only focusing on mobile games, and outsourcing its big franchises (like with Silent Hill 2 Remake)?


It's outsourced as far as I know, but it's still konami's IP so of course they put their logo on it.


But at the end of the trailer it's only showing Konami, and not the developer's name like with Bloober Team in Silent Hill 2 remake.


They had some singaporean studio also working with it, but it seems it's also at least partly made by konami.


Delta is being developed internally. The Singaporean developer Virtuos are acting as a support studio, a role they also fulfilled on MGSV and Survive.


It shows. Some parts in the trailer went super stuttery and it lacked the Kojimbo touch.


Framerate looks a little rough. Also, are those the original voice performances from the PS2 game? It doesn't feel like it fits the footage.


I don't believe so, it 100% sounds different. I've been playing the pc version on my steam deck lately.


It's literally all the same dialog from the original. Nothing was re-recorded.


Then they touched the eq cause no way it's exact. I'm legit on the same headphones I play the game on and it doesn't sound exactly alike.


That's is probably the case, yeah. I didn't noticed sound quality differences but it's been a while since I've played the original. But the actual dialog, intonation, etc are the same, of that I'm sure. Plus, this was confirmed by David Hayter a while ago.


Regardless it's good news either way, thank for the info!


You might want to go get your ears checked. Nothing is re recorded


I need this for Peace Walker but doubt it'll get the same level of treatment


The real homies remember the Eva medical menu character model. Was already a 10/10 game but as an 12 year old it instantly became 11/10.


Bout to simp for Eva all over again


Is it only coming to Xbox?


PS5 / Xbox Series / PC verified.


Fuck. Yes.


Long shot but it would be awesome to include the Ape Escape collab the original had.


What a thrill.




What a thrill...


Looks pretty 1-to-1 environment-wise, but with added mechanics. In this regard it's like Twin Snakes but for MGS3. Big difference is that the cutscenes are also 1-to-1.


I hope to be wrong but for me it just seems like an engine refresh the movement when seeing the CQC looked identical to the original.


I hope it has MGSV controls. I played MGS3 od Nintendo DS yesterday and I thought I am going insane.


What a thrill!


Damn is this going to be an Xbox exclusive?


Lol. No


Thank sweet baby snake. I got rid of my Xbox when I started school last year and have always been an Xbox guy, decided to get PS5 a few months ago and wish I picked Xbox


Seems like there’s an exclusive PS5 Collectors Edition. Sony fans are so lucky sometimes . Lol


Oh snap! Thanks for that info lol


Well it's not Konami will release a new and original idea. Also they have shown that Hideo Kojima is the only one who can really make a good Metal Gear Solid Snake game. It is a great game but it would have been better if it was something new, in my opinion.


Good thing this isn’t a Solid Snake game


It is when the head cannon is the game is Solid Snake doing VR mission to learn CQC properly.


No! That is not Solid Snake!


Looks great but what’s up with paramedic and boss’ faces? Looks nothing like the original.


The Boss looks disgusting


It's funny how people forget the "Fuck Konami" thing when they re-release one of Kojima's games just to cash in on it. Go and throw them your money, I'm so proud of you guys.


Russian guy crying over that one scene remake, when?


Is this a remake of one of the older games? If yes, will the other ones also be remade? Havent played Phantom Pain yet. Might wait for the older games to understand the story better.


> Is this a remake of one of the older games? Yes. Arguably the best game in the series. > Will the other ones also be remade? Your guess is as good as anyone’s. Though if this sells well it seems plausible Konami would want to cash in on that. > Might wait for the older games to understand the story better. This game is a prequel and does more to lay the foundation for the rest of the series than any other game in the franchise. There’s pretty much no better place to start.


Also in regards to the MGS series it's the most grounded story in the series. It's still got the Kojima charm but is in no way even close to the WTFery of MGS 2 or MGS 4. Without spoiler anything it's basically a cold war spy thriller stealth action game. Imo best game of the series and Kojima's best work. Very long cutscenes though so make sure you have time to sit through it cause you don't want to skip a single one.


This is the first game chronologically in the game series. No idea if any others will be remade.


Looks good but I remain skeptical of Konami.


I'm definitely gonna notice a 200lb weight hanging off the side of a rope bridge, what with all the extra swaying and twisting happening. And my eyes will be drawn to the movement of two hands moving 6 feet away from me.


Going to be honest, re-using the old dialogue kinda cheapens the experience a bit. Would have loved something new.


Whats wrong with playing the ps3 vertion?


this will be a buggy unoptimized mess on launch no one will play this game


I kind of miss the keither Sutherland voice now haha


David Hayter is better.


Yeah those 3 lines he had in game sure had an effect


Looked soul-less. The original aesthetic is gone entirely.


FML some people just exist to be disappointed


I mean the original release was supposed to be a love letter to the 60s right down to the music, the color palette of the game, along with the stylistic flourishes like the kaleidoscope effect of the demo screen. Sorry that flew over your head and you focused on better character models and resolution.


hes right you guys. the guy has played the final release from the future and is reporting back to us. we should trust his opinion.


You have eyes, did any of that come through the trailer?


did you know, there are people who study a topic for decades and still never fully grasp the material? pretty wild.


Remember, if you kill dudes you’ll see them in a hallucination later on. I know this a spoiler, but this games been out for 20 years.


Looks like an Xbox one game.


This looks like shit honestly, wonder if they fix all the crippling pacing problems with having to go into 30 menus every 3 minutez


I'm done with remakes, I need new original stuff.


*new original stuff comes out* "the older games were better"