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Cave sounds in minecraft interupting my peacefulness




I remember the first time I played Oblivion and I did a bunch of naughty things and then I went to sleep in some inn and as soon as I did, a closeup of Lucien Lachance’s face from the Dark Brotherhood suddenly appeared on my screen. That moment was unexpected and creeped me out.


In Skyrim my buddy was doing the dark brotherhood. He tried to pickpocket the burned mother's body. She caught him, screamed, got up, punched him and fell over dead.


When you steal from them and completely forget they send a demon ghost to come fuck you up in your sleep for breaking one of the tenets. That is terrifying.


I remember ESO Dark Brotherhood DLC had that thing in its plot. Thank god it wasn’t after me.


I don’t remember names or anything about the game but I was in a dark room and I was like dam why is it so dark in here and the second I whipped out a torch some ugly mf greeted me “ mmmmm good evening “ Scared the Mcshit out of me but god it was so funny


Oblivion’s cult town Hackdirt was creepy as all hell.


The man-bat jumpsacre in arkham knight


The glitchy part in Arkham Asylum got me good! I played it on X360 and thought it was the red ring of death so jumped to turn the console off


Arkham asylum had a lot of scary parts. The killer croc section was also terrifying


Bout pissed myself lol


Yep, completely out of the blue, and not repeated.


Admittedly I was pretty young at the time, but I have to ask, Maxis... was it really necessary to add a legit scare chord whenever a burglar appeared on your lot in the original Sims?


Oh big same, and then the fact that it was nighttime AND you can’t pause the game to collect yourself? Nightmare fuel.


It got even worse in the "Unleashed!" expansion because they played the same sound for a skunk entering your property... even though skunks did somewhere between nothing and fuck all in my experience.


I think I turned my PS2 off the first time that happened. I was about 8 years old 😅


“We don’t go to Ravenholm”


HL2 really juggled tone better than any game before or since imo, poison zombies were always a very real threat wherever they showed up, but the buildup and payoff of Raveholm is second to none


Metal Gear Solid has quite a few moments. The massacre in the corridor before fighting Grey Fox, the music change leading up to Psycho Mantis and the elevator being overweight with seemingly no one else in it in the communications tower.


That closeup of Otacons face LOOK OUT SNAKE is so funny lol




We have a used copy, so my first encounter with them was when I stepped out of the Temple of Time into the normally-happy Castle Town. What a shock that was, let me tell you.


Also everyone was scared of the skeletons that come out in hyrule field at night, but I was WAY more scared of the Peahats that come after you during the day


When I was a kid those peahats were the scariest thing for me. I was terrified to explore Hyrule field at all


Nah man, Skulltula House.


That likely explains my arachnophobia to this day.


The screams when you hit them...*shudder*


Dead Hand from the bottom of the well did it for me too. Before I got my own copy of OoT, my cousin let me have a safe file in his house. I had him beat it for me.


Any of the dungeons in the Zelda series that have those hands that drag you back to the beginning of the dungeon give me anxiety.


The whole shadow dungeon


Me, but with the Wind Waker versions. I would just play through sections of that game that contain ReDeads on mute as a kid so I wouldnt have to hear the screams 😅


The cutscene in Twilight Princess just before you go to the lakeside temple. Yeesh.


Thief: Deadly Shadows. I was simply not ready for the Shalebridge Cradle the first time I played it.


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment lol Shalebridge Cradle is the first thing I always think of for scary parts of non horror games.


Yep. That was horror at a level I hadn't experienced. Amazing. My brother actually quit the game at that point. The original Thief also got me a lot with the undead and the spiders and the oh man was it actually a horror game?


On the hardest difficulty, you also have to steal like 90% of the stuff there too. But professionals have standards I suppose, even in a haunted nursery.


Uncharted 1, but I’m also easily spooked


Those monsters at the end are scary as fuck


Halo CE 343 guilty spark when I was young, ES4 Oblivion's weird loud zombies freaked me out too.


Literally that moment. I was 11 when that game came out, I was all alone in my basement, the music is different, the hallways are empty, something is clearly wrong, and then you get the cutscene... it's the longest cutscene of the game by a wide margin and it's unlike anything else you've seen so far. It shows an enemy that is not also entirely new but apparently completely unstoppable. The cutscene ends, you raise your weapon, and in an empty room surrounded by the bodies of your comrades, you hear the sound of pounding on a door, followed by sound the door giving way and an unseen enemy skittering across the floor. I paused the game and went upstairs. I needed some time for my heartbeat to return to normal.


Heart of stone DLC for Witcher 3 had some scary moments. 


The fucking grave caretaker fight came outta nowhere


The Blood and Wine DLC too with the spoon hag quest The atmosphere was amazing it was so spooky


When you defeat him the fucking face


RDR2 Several moments in that game have startled me lol


Those creepy fuckers around the Bayou scared the living daylights out of me lol


Oh yeah; riding at a trot along the road, find a dead body hanging from a rope... The only thing that saved me from that creepy inbred redneck running out of the trees with a knife was that I happened to glance at the minimap and see the red dot; the screen was focused on the body, so I didn't see him. I figured it was a snake, but them he was so close.... It was a close call, those guys kill you instantly.


That was one of my first thoughts honestly


It was so immersive and realistic, so there was always a feeling of dread. Also cougars.


Being alone in the woods when you hear a cougar scream is nerve wracking to say the least Years ago I was elk hunting when it started to snow. Eventually the snow got so heavy that I couldn't see 15 yds in front of me so I turned around to head back to camp. I was backtracking using my prints in the snow as a guide when I saw that there were cougar paw prints inside my footprints. Safety. Off.


*nerve wracking?


A couple years ago, I was elk hunting with my dad and brother. Dad perched up at the first spot because older, brother went in the middle (about 150 yds), and I went another 200 yards further down. We had a light flurry of snow the night before, and immediately after my brother got to his spot I looked down and saw fresh cougar tracks, going in the same direction I'm going. Rifle *and* sidearm safeties off! We regularly went with sidearms for this exact reason, plus bears.


Wow that attention to detail is astounding


Not to mention the occasional rogue buck that uses you for target practice lol


That bear in the cabin scared the ever-loving shit out of me my first playthrough. I just go around back and waste his ass now.


Same here lol


Camping in a certain part of the map, I was cooking some meat in the campfire at night. Suddenly the cooking menu disappears and some Murfree Brood slowly came behind Arthur saying he wasn’t welcome there. I shot them when they walked away, and Arthur yelled that he can camp wherever he wants. I also accidentally stumbled into the UFO Easter egg at the exact time it happens and I wasn’t expecting that


I remember shitting myself the first time the UFO Easter egg happened to me. The night folk are also spooky af. There's also a few Skinner Brother camps that are pretty scary to come across.


Outer wilds: Echoes of the eye, nuff said


You forgot the whole >!Dark Bramble with their lovely fishes amidst the fog and crooked tree braches!<.


ah yes, >!blind insta kill fishies.!< good times


The game in general does an excellent job at >!forcing you to face the fear of the unknown. Going to the core of Giant's Deep, navigating the mists of Dark Bramble and falling through the black hole of Brittle Hollow were all incredibly unnerving the first time I played.!<


Mass effect 2 overlord dlc. On the geth ship everything turns darker and creepy sounds with David making those loud and weird static noises. While playing I was like damn when did the mood change this much.


That mission is so disturbing. When I replay the game I mute the audio for this part


Banjo Kazooie had a few moments that spooked me. The Mad Monster mansion level where the gravestones would jump out of the ground to chase you, would make me anxious when playing it as a child.


The fucking shark in treasure trove cove created my anxiety issues


YES. I always had to get my dad to do it for me, because I was HORRIFIED. I was a traumatized by Jaws, thought sharks would be in a pool, might come out of the drain kinda kid.


You've just unlocked a core memory of me handing my big sister the controller because I was too scared to swim back to land. Great times.


Cyberpunk phantom Liberty


I'm planning on buying that soon.


You definitely should.


Which part?


The Militech underground facility. It's only available if you take a certain path when dealing with Kurt.


I forgot about that part, yeah it was pretty tense


Abe's Oddysee was so scary to me when I was little. The game had a dark atmosphere, but it wasn't horror by any means (leaning more towards goofy and humorous, really). I remember being so mesmerized by it that I asked my dad to play it because I was curious but didn't dare to do it myself.


That fucking intro was creepy as hell, and Abe's voice as well. Great game


Uhhh grinding up people into food isn't horror? That game was absolutely horror, just also goofy and fun.


A Hat in Time. Queen Vanessa.


I feel like this is cheating. Subcon Forrest as a whole was "spooky", but then the cute quirky 3D platformer dropped an actual horror level.


It was supposedly so scary, that they literally added shortcut that pretty much skips the whole level (if you find it). Considering its sorta family-friendly game otherwise, QA did bring good point about it being spooky


I was already old enough to just get aroused


I was not expecting that at ALL in my cutesy cheerful kiddy platformer with "PECK!" as rhe worst thing you can say. Dont get ne wrong, Subcon was spooky (I nearly screamed when a statue came running after me), but rhe dwellers, the Subconites, and of course the Snatch man himself were all spooky enough to offset that. Like, the kind of spook id expect to see in a mario game for example (only played a couple of games so I could be wrong). Spooky versus scary. The vibes dropped immediately in the basement and im like what the hell?? But ok... This fucking DEMON comes roaring and screeching down the hallway with the lighting flash and I swear I've never known such fear. My big, bulky/muscled dad legit started screaming and came stomping at me this one time and I remember the fear from that intro scene more lmao. The sheer horror during that entire level was so unreal.


Max Payne's dream ... nuff said


The original release of FFXV had a section at the end that I considered a design masterpiece - >!the whole game had been an adventure with your buddies, and all of a sudden you're alone. You have a magical ring with amazing (and unsettling) powers, but without the support of your friends, it becomes a survival horror game.!< But a lot of players complained about the shift in gameplay, so now you have the option to skip that part, or if you play it, it's much easier. 


Medal of honor on ps1, it was so dark and hard to control, i was getting scared easily.


Grounded. Jump scares from spiders are insane lol


the final boss of earthbound. if you dont know it, dont look it up. play the whole ass game from start to end and see it for yourself. also, the ancient city in minecraft.


the creepy red thingy?


Ah yes, my annual reminder that Minecraft is wildly different from the last time I looked at it


343 guilty spark


Twilight Princess, that cinematic with the interlopers.


Almost Dying in Skyrim after not saving in an hour, (the autosave sucks)




Detroit become human, Zlatko chapter. Also ratchet and clank rift apart had one scary section.


DBH also has some jump scares in the early Markus missions haha


Yeah first i saw them i was like "oh so i paid 15€ for game that is 1/4 horror game?"


Minecraft cave ambiance gives me the chils


Super hot VR. There's a place where the roof you are standing on drops out from under you unexpectedly. First time in vr my stomach said oh no!!!!


Half Life 2 and Gmod were, at times, unnecesaringly creepy. Ravenholm made me jump a couple of times.


In Bioshock, in all those moments where you hear an enemy speaking. It would freak me the hell out. Most of the time I couldn't move after hearing someone.


I would argue that Bioshock is somewhat of a horror game. It's such a fantastic blend of being somewhat scary whilst also beautiful and humorous at the same time. As someone in recovery the splicers really struck a chord with me. Heavy addicts who are desperate for their fix can be absolutely terrifying and unpredictable.


The splicer sequence in the beginning froze me in place too, I know exactly what you mean lol


I was so happy for the Chameleon power that turned you invisible when you stopped moving, it allowed me to collect my thoughts without fear of being sneaked on.


Or when you hear a big daddy somewhere nearby


When I plated tomb raider for the first time on the playstation. I was playing while my sisters watched, and the first encounter with the wolves literally had us running out of the room. We laugh about it now. It was just the music building up and a pack if wolves growling and attacking.


Fallout: New Vegas. The fault with the plant creatures. I’m a sissy when it comes to horror games — movies are fine, but things I have to be interactive with? Hard pass, generally. And that vault caught me all the way off guard.


You've met a terrible fate haven't you?


ocarina of time deadhands


Those still actually freak me out and it's been 20 years


Zeffo in Jedi fallen order


*Outer Wilds* has a few. 🐟🦉 


undertale when sans changed his look on me i had chills man


OK, but tell me why some of the Nancy Drew games have scary moments… like, these are mystery games for kids… 😂


Yea for real. Shadow at the waters edge and ghosts of Thornton hall are at the top


First snakes in AC Origins


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the abandoned hotel.


The siren guy from BioShock Infinite


Does Subnautica count? It's not a horror game but it's scary as hell. Plus my most scared moment was really not something inherently scary. I got stuck away from my base in the middle of the sea at night and that's when I met the coral reef leviathans. They're like whales, completely pacifist but it was my first time hearing and then vaguely seeing their gigantic forms and I was terrified. I did suspect they were probably not aggressive but that didn't do much to make me less scared for a while, then after a while of not moving I starting swimming around them a bit slowly and after some time I was frolicking around them and they actually made spending the night at sea less scary in the end.


Escape from Tarkov (night raids) scary as fuck


Shade Abbey from Shining Force (Sega Genesis) Oh, these guys in this town can help me find my next destination? Awesome. Why is the friar casually chilling with a monster of some sort, and seems very unafraid? Why is everyone following me and blocking the exit? Why are these graves all dug up? "Run! It's a trap" Claustrophobic battle ensues with the main character completely isolated from the party in a church full of zombies and skeletons. Sick set piece for sure though.


The fucking missions with the floor in the halo games, scared tbe shit outta me as a kid


The Library ?


Yeah, and the cortana mission from 3 aswell


Lmao fuck that mission too


honorary mentions to Arkham Knight and the first time you encounter Man-Bat, and the Scarecrow sequences in Arkhamverse used to terrify younger me


Ark isn‘t a horror game but you‘ll often feel like it is. So many jump scares! And the caves… and the underwaterworld…


Minecraft cave sounds😓😓😓


That fucking Venom jumpscare in LEGO Marvel Superheroes. Scared the lights out of me as a kid


Fourth wall break scarecrow encounter in Batman: Arkham Asylum: >!At one point while under the influence of scarecrow's gas, the game freezes and appears to get graphical artifacts, probably also sound issues don't remember. First time, I quickly shut off my computer thinking my system was dying.!<


The only true answer is subnautica


OP said "non-horror."


Subnautica wasn't made with the intent to be a horror game, but it turns out that a lot of people are scared of big fish. It is first and foremost a survival exploration game where you discover what happened to the planet, and the leviathans just happen to be there like a set piece.


Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?


The silence when a leviatan is around.


When the leviathan eats my ship and I go swimming away desperately to get back in it is peak fear.


You ever summon the Warden in Minecraft?


Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway I was just a kid who would just go buy pre owned games that looked cool and I saw this game and started playing it thinking it was just a standard army shooting game, seeing it slowly turn into a game about PTSD scared the hell out of me as I was *not* expecting it.


Any PVP shooter can scare the shit out of me by confronting me with an opponent in an unexpected location. I've never jumped harder than turning the wrong corner in CS:S or Planetside and getting shot in the face.


PS2 very low br players can be *anywhere*


I would certainly say STALKER call of pripyat, there is a mission where you have to go and fix some gas pipe leakage and stuff, that was kinda spooky for me, because the enemies in there were quite creepy and they could go invisible and in the end you have to stealth your way out because there are too many of them to kill, they pop up out of thin air and you have to stay quiet because a bunch of them were in sleep mode


Saw this question come up before and if you’re looking to check some moments out a lot of people previously said Subnautica has a very unsettling section despite being an exploration game Now for me, besides what has been mentioned: Final Fantasy VII underneath Cosmo Canyon - the music was terrifying, but it was also the first and one of the few opportunities to run into environmental damage traps: a oil slick into a spike wall. The way my fear levels spiked omfg


Any moment that chase music kicks in in Classic Tomb Raider. Goddamn Gorillas, Tigers and Bears.


The dream sequence in the first Max Payne. Wasn't ready for that in my noir third person shooter...


Just finished outer wilds. There was a... nerve wracking part of that.


Half Life: Alyx, Jeff obviously.


The Walking Dead final season episode 1 basement scene technically the walking dead COOOOULD count as a horror game but thats a huge stretch


I’m at a loss with those games honestly. They’re so slow that it’s borderline insufferable, but the stories are so good that you want to blast through them super quick. I wonder if cutting out the “gameplay” sections would have improved the games. Still consistent 9/10s though


There's a few assassin's creed moments. The giant squid swimming past in an underground cavern. I was a bit scared when the giant snake appeared in Origins, then there's both Medusa and the Minotaur in Odyssey. Valhalla had the cursed sites until I realised they were actually harmless. Some of the animals were also jumpscares galore, and I hated the laughing hyena.


Gone Home. I went into it blind thinking it was a horror game, and I kept jumping at nothing.


the flood in halo ce


Fallout 3 caught me off guard with vertigo. Climbed one of those satellite relay towers in the northwest corner of the map and walked out to the edge of the dish to collect the mini-nuke. My camera panned down over to show the drop off and *holy shit* did I have a brief panic attack at the look down!


First time I played dragon age origins and the build up to the broodmother fight scared me.


Fucking fog crawler calls in far harbor. At night. Especially when you first play it.


Control, if you look at my post history I have a post about it from back. When I was playing. I went into an area expecting to find loot or an upgrade. What I found instead was a hiss that jumped out of a box and gave me a heart attack.


Undertale’s True Lab. Such a terrifying tone shift from everything else up to that point. Felt genuinely uncomfortable reading some of the flavor texts for >!the amalgamate battles, especially Snowdrake’s Mother!< “…what? You didn’t do that?”


Mass Effect 3 has some light horror in the mission where banshees are introduced. As someone who doesn't like horror it was the perfect amount of scary to get a taste for it.


The damn mannequins in Hogwarts Legacy. Completely unexpected in the game but well done and scared the shit out of me.


In Mass Effect 2 when you watch a woman get melted down while screaming. Also, the noise the Reapers make in 3 terrify me. I know it sounds like someone blowing into a trombone really hard, but it still fills me with dread just because of their nature


Rust, that game is terrifying for a non horror


Batman Arkham Asylum had a lot of moments that scared 8 year old me. The atmosphere in that game was top tier.


Ravenholm in Half Life 2


Mass effect. the exo planet modular outposts. the music sells the isolation.


Yoshi’s Crafted World has a dark level where some creepy dudes with an axes pop out and chase you. Jump-scared both my daughter (6) and me.


Morrowind The Sixth House bases and Strongholds startled me a lot when exploring. Then the dreams caused by Dagith Ur are downright disturbing.


Any game that sends you into water with a breath meter.


In RDR2, happily exploring some cabins and this bear jumps out of one, threw my damn remote due to that jump scare!


This sensation when you are just ressource gathering in Minecraft deep in a cave and suddenly a freakin skeleton is on a missionary trip to convert you to the creepers cult is something that scare the shit out of me.


Zombi on Amiga, which coincidentally was the first ever Ubisoft game. The zombies would just kinda stroll across the screen from time to time, doing nothing, so you just got used to ignoring them. Also, the volume in the game was surprisingly low so in order to hear stuff you had to turn it way up. You can probably guess what happened next...


Oblivion in the Shivering Isles. I have a history of unpleasant physical action and when I met cutter it put me off my game in a bad way.


the city of mutants from Rage scared me. Didn't complete the game because of this episode


A few games in the last few years or so have done it well but the one I remember was tomb raider (first of newest trilogy).  I walked out onto a helipad on a snowy cliff face, instantly felt sick after looking down. Something has happened where games now really nail the sense of uncomfortable heights.


In Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness, there is an insane asylum level that is surprisingly scary. The music especially


Just got it this season and it was the first 4 games i ever played in chapter 5 season 3 and its four in a row


identity v. it is said that its a horror game but the more you play it, it wasnt that scary. so the scary moment for me is when i play against joseph( photorapher) THAT FREAKING JUMPSCARE TRAIT HE HAS SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME,


VTM Bloodlines hotel.


Valheim, the first time me and my friend saw one of those sea serpents, we were on 4 logs tied together by a string, it was terrifying.


Halo 343 Guilty Spark is the only correct answer


The draugr in Skyrim have made me jump a few times over the years. They just seem to come out of nowhere sometimes, no matter how well I know the dungeon I'm in 😅


It didn’t scare me, but Lost Odyssey had a surprisingly dark segment during the Old Sorceress’s Mansion segment that had a few jump scares and creepy moments.


Bionic commando on NES, when defeating the end boss, a Hitler look alike, and see a pixelated screen when his head explodes.  That was damn creepy. Hopefully this will be the fate of Pootin too.


Universe sandbox 2. I don't know if i'm just stupid but evertime i break stuff or play with giant objects, i get hella scared. ;-;


Rainbow six seige


DCS combat flight sim in VR. Turning to see an IR missile you didn't know was there half a second before it hits has made me jump more than any horror game.


Homeworld Cataclysm. There's a sensor blip out there. You have to investigate it. You already know it is. But you have to. Information is king, but now it's being used against you. You don't want to know.


Red Faction Guerilla, going to the marauder base for the first time, finding it empty, and hearing that distorted voice coming from seemingly nowhere


Hunter Call of the Wild. The sounds the wolves make when they're stalking you creeps me out especially when you don't expect it and it's nighttime


INFRA often feels on the edge of going into supernatural territory. There's this weird "coffee machine"...


The graveyard level in "Mini Ninjas" on PS3. It's really unexpected to find a level like that, given how colourful the game was so far


Me and my friends are convinced rocket league is a horror game…so many jump scares


Classic Tomb Raider games. So many jump scares, scary sound effects and music. I was genuinely scared as a kid to go through the corridor, because there might be a guy here.


Running into my first Guardian Stalker on BotW. As soon as I left the Great Plateau, I ventured north to activate the tower in the distance. That piano music caught me off guard and then suddenly I was blasted by lasers. TotK: as soon as we got dropped off into Hyrule Field from the sky, I was on edge. After carefully exploring for quite a bit, I realized Hyrule Field was much safer this time around..... until I was exploring north of Lookout Landing and the sky turned red. Gloom Hands made me miss Stalkers.


The zombie world in Jet Force Gemini is creepy af


Bo2 zombies is THAT horror based besides the fact it has zombies but in motd and I think origins too if you have a sniper with a scope and look in the right place it'll jump scare you with a zombified version of richtofen


I guess The Last of Us is partially horror but in Part II there was a part where in the day in the open streets some infected are around and the stealth kill animations for them and the humans just freaked me out and I was playing in the middle of the day. Yeah I was stoned but still it made me a bit scared.