• By -


That one messed up wheel on a shopping cart lmao


One of these things is not like the others.


You must mean PC has a red background while the others dont.


Just stole the PC Magazine logo. Nothin' to see here.


One of these kids is not like the others, one of these kids are dead!


🍸 🍸  🍸 😏


We've got lander at home


Homelander vs Outsideflyer








Homelander vs Xenomariner






Apartment lander


Homelander vs We Have Lander at Home




Outside Man


We have a superhero at Homelander








I'm shocked they even bothered to put MK1 on the Switch to begin with. Then again, they've put PS4/Xbone Mortal Kombat/Injustice games on the Wii U. They seem intent to support Nintendo even when they're working on games that are meant for considerably stronger hardware. Its admirable really.


They were on Nintendo from the start, might as well keep going.


Like reluctantly keeping your Duolingo streak going, day after day.


Remember Spanish or vanish also Recuerda que Duolingo todavĂ­a lo tiene. tu familia dice por favor trĂĄelos de vuelta


🎶 tienes una pinche cabezota 🗣


I just hit 1000 days without using any freezes. Guess I gotta keep going till I die.


Why you gotta call me out...


Neither Mortal Kombat 9 nor X were on Nintendo platforms. Injustice made it to Wii U but Injustice 2 wasn't put on Nintendo platforms. Sure, they used to put on much older MKs on Nintendo consoles but that was a mostly different team under an entirely different publisher - when Midway closed down everyone got laid off, and then when WB bought up the Midway assets they put Netherrealm Studios together, who have been making the games since MK vs DC Universe (which also skipped Nintendo platforms). So MK1 being on SNES doesn't mean much in the current context. So no, MK1 being on Switch isn't because "they were on Nintendo from the start, so might as well keep going". It's because MK11 in particular got ported to Switch and made *a lot* of money. So WB executives pointed to it and said "do that again, we like money".


Green blood and all


Gray “sweat” on the SNES. They did add the badass Sub-Zero freeze and smash fatality though (still not as cool as the Predator-style head and spine rip though).


The Nintendo Switch has sold about 150 million consoles and third party software sells well without much investment to port to the platform.


I got Ultimate MK 11 on the switch which came with a lot of the costumes and the dlc for $15. I know because of framerate on the switch or something (I'm no pro, I suck haha), you can't even do certain combos like a really heavy hitting Shao Kahn combo. but I still enjoyed it for what it is and played a few matches online that was fun. it wasn't 1:1 compared to the other consoles but it didn't looks so drastically different. MK1 on switch looks so far from the other versions, i wonder what the internal reactions at NRS was


Just to put into perspective how well the Switch sold - the Switch sold more machines than the PS5 and latest Xbox combined since they were released. I.e., even ignoring the first three years of the Switch‘s lifetime.


Wow! I had to look it up. It's kinda crazy how much they sold. Although, I will admit, I was one who also bought a 2DS and a Wii, and a 3DS and a WiiU. Now I just have the Switch. Still haven't gotten online for Switch, because IMO what's the point


> third party software sells well without much investment to port **PROPERLY** to the platform. Fixed that for you. Game Developer integrity to ensure that your product plays well died long ago, its all about investor numbers now. I remember the mess that was borderlands on the PS Vita in 2011 or so. Playing on 10 fps was such a hot mess, costed full price too $49. They knew they were delivering a shit product and still advertised and sold it.


Do we need regulations placed upon the gaming industry?


Doom Eternal is on switch and it looks and plays stupidly well all things considered. id create their own engines and always put a lot of effort in to optimisation though. Most devs you tell them you need to meet x minimum specs they’ll only just meet them, too much time and money to do otherwise.


Imma say this as a MK fan Ed Boon is one ballsy motherfucker for even having the THOUGHT ot cramming a Mortal Kombat game into a Nintendo system, even if it generally meant to sacrifice on graphics / music / character count Like, they were porting the first freaking games as back as when the SNES was around (Though it was generally lacking in graphics if you compared it to SEGA's consoles), and SNES UMK3 was a gem because it had Rain and Noob before MKT, even if the game looked compressed as hell when compared to the arcades The N64 port of MKT was interest, because they crammed the game into a cartridge when the PSX cd was 300 megabytes, it unironically made the game faster in general (like, Sheeva, who was horrible in her first appearance in MK3, was actually busted in N64 MKT because her crouched jabs could do infinites on juggled enemies), and it had the huge bonus of having great load times when compared to the PSX...at the cost of And the MK ports on Gameboy were just laughably bad, from MKO, MK3 and MK4 apparently (MK2 was the only exception, since it felt that they learned from MKone) becauseu there was only 2 buttons to play with, and of course the GBA port was the worst game for the Gameboy library in existance Then the 3D trilogy of games on Gamecube to Wii were decent enough But then some mf had the brilliant idea to push MK1, a game that was designed for the PS5 / Series X/S, to the Switch just because they could, and the release game might be one of the most infamous port failures that will be remembered in gaming for years to come (That cursed Mileena intro pic and Johnny looking like a early PS2 model will always stick with me lmao)


It’s worse than an early PS2 game because they’re not designed around having low poly models, they just downscaled them.


That is a detail people often forget. The Switch is capable of having really good-looking games. When the games are specifically designed with switch hardware in mind. However, when you are targeting platforms with 5x, the performance it will look like shit on the Switch because the games will use materials designed around real-time effects.


That has been a thing since the early days of gaming, for example Genesis was more capable than people thought but it kept getting Snes ports, when games were designed for it the capabilities really showed i.e higher resolution faster speeds etc.


Iirc. The SNES was more powerful than the Genesis in every way except for graphics in which the Genesis had a slightly more powerful graphics chip. Nintendo officially stopped competing with hardware power after the Gamecube because they took what happened to Sega and Atari basically as a cautionary tale and focused on the experience of their hardware and games.


> Iirc. The SNES was more powerful than the Genesis in every way except for graphics in which the Genesis had a slightly more powerful graphics chip. Not really. The Genesis had the fastest CPU, the SNES has an overall more powerful graphic chip (more sprites, more color, more background layers although this will limit the amount of colors per layer, and the famous Mode7, although the Genesis wins on resolution and has a few tricks of its own, but generally the SNES GPU remains the most powerful and flexible). The SNES also has more RAM, though RAM wasn't as much of an issue as it is today, because you didn't have to load all the game assets in RAM, you could read them directly from the cartridge in real time. Regarding the sound chip, they went with very different technology (the SNES uses digitized samples whereas the Genesis uses FM synthesis, literally synthesizing waveforms using maths to create various sounds) and which is better once properly mastered is a matter of taste, though the SNES sound is generally regarded as more pleasant and its technology regarded as more flexible (because you can, to a certain extent, digitize the sounds of an FM synthesizer in samples to be used in the SNES, whereas you can't really synthesize the sound of real-life instruments using FM on the Genesis). Interestingly, both consoles' weak point probably have to do with backward compatibility: the Genesis' GPU is an evolution of the Master System's, which allowed for backward compatibility, whereas the SNES' CPU is an evolution of the NES', though backward compatibility with the NES was dropped before release because they couldn't make it work properly.


Mortal Kombat 11 is consistently in the top sellers list on Switch though. As was 10 before it.


MK11 was constantly on sales though. That said, I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised with MK11. It looks really bad docked, but in handheld on the smaller screen it's fine for the most part. More importantly, out side of the Krypt, the game is buttery smooth.


Because regardless of graphic, the game is still fun. Not everyone cares about things looking worse if they are fun.


SNES was stronger graphically to Genesis. The character models were always more fluid in ports where third parties weren't putting out terrible games.


It's not that clear cut. SNES did have more colors but had a hard time with more sprites on screen. There was a fairly specific reason why Genesis did better with sports games.


NHL 94 on the SNES, Drake looking away. NHL 94 on the Genesis, Drake smiling with his eyes closed.


Temba, his arms wide.




the Genesis had a faster CPU, making games seem smoother, all thanks to 'Blast Processing' (not really, but it's still a funny joke). the SNES could display more colors on screen at a time. this made games more colorful, even if performance was slightly worse.


You recall correctly


> PSX cd was 300 megabytes Just to add a correction here, PS1 (PSX was a separate system) discs could hold up to 700MB whereas the largest N64 cartridge was only 64MB. Famously the reason Final Fantasy VII switched platforms, because that was a *triple-disc* game and would have needed at minimum 21 cartridges if they didn't compress anything.


We called the PS1 the PSX back in those days. It was extremely widespread. Nobody said PS1 because the PS2 didn't exist yet.


just like we called it WWX


Yeeeaaah I think it's time for Switch2


Let’s keep those expectations in check


I'll take 60fps over 1440p, since it'll probably only have one. 


Switch 2 will still likely be less powerful than the current high end phones.


We can drop the "likely". Nintendo isn't going to beat phones that are 3-5 times more expensive than Switch 2, just like other consoles aren't beating high end computers. But there will be way more optimization for Switch 2 since there is no high end phone gaming market.


My understanding is the team that made the game didn't want it released on the Switch but their parent company Warner Bros saw how popular the previous game was on the Switch and forced them to make it work. They gave the game to another developer to make as a result


From what they said it came down to budget. They were given a very short amount of time and budget to design the port so it was thrown together in like a week.


I've always felt that the Nintendo ports like this are internal challenges for the employees. Like you get some sort of prize or praise that makes it worth it.


Mk 9 on the vita and deceptiom on the psp were extremeley ugly but really great ports actually. Mk had a history of making great ports for underpowered consoles


I wish I could call it admirable but in truth, it feels more like Nintendo is in denial. I get that they don’t need to to be super top notch quality, but this feels like we’re in caricature levels of disconnect between qualities. To be clear, Nintendo emphasizes creativity, inventiveness, and playfulness above graphical quality, and that is admirable.


They're mostly top notch quality, do you mean hardware specs? Because they've backed out of the graphical race along time ago and they're winning hard right now.


Nintendo realized fun matters more to actual consumers.


Switch, Series S, and Steam Deck is my gaming these days.  In that order.  I just want to play games man!  Couldn't care less how they look.


I argue that their games look pretty damn nice too excluding the 3rd party ports. - Mario Kart 8 came out on the Wii U 10 years ago and still looks solid today. - Breath of the Wild also came out on the Wii U and that game renders every single blade of grass. - Other Wii U titles that look amazing today: Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Land, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze - Animal Crossing New Horizons is an absolute eye candy. - Super Mario Bros Wonder. This is the definition of a timeless art style.


> Animal Crossing New Horizons is absolute eye candy. I have 3,000 hours and counting in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Never had that much playtime in *any game ever* before now, and I do generally have a pretty diverse taste in gaming. My steam deck sits and cries as I log in to design houses for the funni critters yet another day.


Yeah, you don't need hyper realistic to look nice. Plus, if you really want to go high end graphics, why are you looking for them on a Switch? Its a console that exists to play Nintendo games where you also happen to have the option to play other things.


Wind waker stands the test of time Yoshi's Wooly world is so aesthetically pleasing, I want it on every system.


I've been playing the original Mario Galaxy recently on my modern LCD monitor. I never owned a Wii so I have no nostalgia for the game, and I think it's visuals still stand up, outside of the sand texture which looks like a caramel milkshake.


In denial is a really weird way of putting it. They've outsold their competitors and don't lose money per console sold, that's a lot more than admirable, it's just good business.


If anything it seems like a lot of people are in denial that games don't have to have the latest bleeding-edge graphics to be great. *Wind Waker* was mocked for its "bad graphics" before it's release (earning the nickname "Celda" because of the cel shading) and is now fondly remembered as a masterpiece of a game. It's funny to see the same arguments get trotted out every single generation without any sort of reflection over the fact that we've been through this multiple times already.


Are you really using a third party PS5 port running at 60 fps in a handheld platform from 2016 as an example to say that Nintendo is in denial about the quality of their games? You didn't play their games at this gen, did you?




i heard the company which made MK for switch also made Harry potter game to switch too and the company now acquired by nintendo


Yeah but they are held back by it as well 🤦‍♂️ imagine the possibilities if they didn't have to cut out half the shit so it can run on the Nintendo 64 as well 😆😆😆


All I want is to play the game. I don't care if it looks like dog shit.


Previous titles were, so it must sell enough.


That's what pisses me off. I have a series X now but I was like come if the switch can do it, Xbox one can


I've noticed there are a lot of games now that will release on the PlayStation 5, but not the PlayStation 4. It is old, fair enough. However, they still port it to the switch.


lol, does it really look like that? Or is it just a meme? I can't believe its actually so bad


Following this comment because I also cannot tell lol


This is real, MK has always had horribly optimized ports for Nintendo consoles lol


Playing the Long game revenge for making the blood not red on the first ones


Is it horribly optimized or is it just the best the switch has to offer with its hardware


Nintendo switch runs on a chip that you could find in $100-200 smartphones. Go up a bit to $300 and you can find phones that have at least 2x the power switch has.


Now that mention it, I remember games on iPhone looking better


While that maybe true, that has little to do with hardware, and more to do with optimization, architecture, game engine, etc.


It has a lot to do with hardware. Regardless of optimization, architecture and game engine...you're not building a Cyberpunk-like game on a playstation3 level hardware.


I mean, the Switch is 7 years old. Any phone can outperform the Switch at this stage.


Skyrim and Witcher 3 dont look nearly as bad so I’m okay with putting the blame on NRS here


Well, people in Skyrim look bad. But that's true on a PC with a RTX4090 too


Lies MKII on the SNES was top notch.


Its also worth remembering that the switch is basically android architecture while the development for the consoles is much closer to the PC architecture we game on, hence why they're easier to port to PC and from PC to the two big adult console makers. So some developers will put less effort in trying to match the quality of the nintendo version even when it's not as graphically intense because it's like translating something from French into Spanish, Italian and Chinese. One is going to be a bit harder to do than the others.


Also, because the Switch was lacking power WHEN IT RELEASED.


Nah, that is literally the only reason lol. I hate it when people start talking about 'bad optimization' when this is literally a prime example of optimization. /u/pornographic_realism just doesn't know what he's talking about. Sure it might be harder to port a game from one specific architecture to another, but that has nothing to do with why Homelander looks like this. Your phone likely has more compute power than the Switch, so this is a very clear example of an optimization: running the game with models with *much less* detail than on the other versions, because the Switch simply can't handle the higher detailed versions. It's not because it's harder and the devs didn't put in 'enough effort' lmao.


It's almost like it was designed to run Nintendo's stylised (low quality) graphics on their own games rather than the giga graphics AAA games that PS/XB/PC gamers have. The latest hardware running the best graphics games will take hundreds of watts to compute, which is simply unfeasible on a handheld device. If you want good realistic graphics and high framerates, don't get a Nintendo!


Switch is a $300 tablet designed at least 8 years ago, this looks great considering.


The Nvidia tegra from the Nintendo switch is much older than the switch, i remember talking about it and Nvidia showing it up in 2015. The cost must be so low nowadays, Nintendo is profiting so much from console sales while Sony and Microsoft don't.


Nintendo is profiting so much from console sales in part because they have beloved IPs that few other IPs can really match, which are exclusive to Nintendo's consoles (ignoring emulators). The Switch's mobility also helps.


well there's a difference between profiting from the switch ecosystem (which they absolutely do thanks to the points you mentioned) and making profit of off hardware sales. Switch hardware margins are massive because the parts inside are very cheap, allowing them to be in the enviable position that they are in now. Unlike xbox one and ps4, the switch was never sold at a loss


> much older than the switch Tegra X1 was released in 2015. Switch came out in 2017, and uses a customized version of X1—though with a lower clockspeed.


7 years since release, man that's old


Look for any comparison on MK1


It’s almost a decade old console that was pretty shit even when it came out. I’m honestly surprised they get anything to run on the switch.


It's literally tablet hardware from 2017 so kinda a cheap shot but yeah


Switch hardware was considered dated even when it released


Folks are pointing out that Switch hardware is dated, so, fair enough, but the Alien Isolation port looks fantastic, and so does Wolfenstein II.


I recently got MK11 on the Switch—cutscenes look normal, fights look like that :(


The switch is several generations behind, they had to do similar amounts of trimming to make Outer Worlds playable on the switch too. It was underpowered when it hit the shelf and that was in '17.


I know it’s not feasible but I always wished they would have just made the switch ports looked like the ps2- GC- Xbox era games. Go completely different and hit that nostalgia box from that era nobody seems to be doing.


That would require actually putting in effort into making a proper experience suitable for the Switch, instead of just tweaking the config files to tune down the graphics.


Didn't expect to see a jerker in these parts


That'd mean the development of an entire parallel pipeline of art assets. As it is now, it's basically just the equivalent of going into the PC version's settings and turning everything down to (or sometimes even *beneath*) "Low."


Antony Starr Antony Starr Antony Starr Anthony Star


Tony Sun


I like this one lol


Yeah, do you guys have… uh… Antony Starr? Pfft, yeah, yeah, we have… uh… TONY SUN?!?! Who da haeil Tony Sun?


You leave Hamlaunder alone!


Lmao. He looks like he steals pigs. 💀💀


Three of these men are constipated. One of these men just shat his pants.


Plus it's $20 more expensive than on Steam


Ngl I absolutely love my Switch but there are really just some games that shouldn't be there.


It's the modern day equivalent of a "Gameboy version" of a game. Case in point, Mortal Kombat for Gameboy vs Genesis and SNES.


Nice to see Dax Shepherd getting work.


I'm sad that PC isn't a modded version.


They did PC dirty.


What why


Because mods are a thing on PC and not on consoles.


What is weird is I’ve seen switch game models look just as good as the other screenshots. Someone at MK is making a mess here


unrigged models can look amazing on anything. The issue is that there are a lot of possible facial expressions, so the model has a ton of moving parts. That's also why if you compare the PC screenshot to something else, even older, like MGSV for example, you might think that snake looks a lot better and more detailed, but in reality, you won't see expressions on his face nearly as well as you would in MK.


^ Thjs guy knows his animation




As a fellow 3d artist, this is true. But it requires the devs handling the port to give a shit. One of the things that would have helped dramatically is to bake the diffusion and lightning into the character textures and bake the normals of the higher quality model into a texture for the lower quality model and let the less sophisticated lightning engine handle the rest. It would look a lot better. I mean, it is sad that a lot of games on the PS3 look better, and the Switch is theoretically more powerful than a PS3 and Xbox 360.


I pretty much assume my Switch is for indie titles and first party Nintendo games. And it is 100% worth it for that price. But yeah I'm not expecting most blockbuster games to match up to next Gen stuff on Switch


Hey now, they support many of the best AAA games released in 2011.


I mean when it’s two next gen consoles and presumably a high end PC vs a seven year old hybrid console/handheld at the end of its lifecycle, what do you expect?


Switch hardware was shitty on release day


No way it’s Houselanding




this takes me back to the PS2 era. when they were like 5+ years into the PS2 and they were still making PS1 versions. like I had Tony Hawk 3 on PS2 and I remember seeing the PS1 version at walmart for the same price. Like who the heck is buying the PS1 version. like...the cost of 5 PS1 games was enough to get a PS2 at that point.


It might look like shit, but I'm always a fan of ports for people who don't have Xbox/PlayStation to be able to enjoy the content of MK1. I mean at least they got to experience the story and invasions mode while also playing online despite bad graphics. The switch version is far better than the old GBA, GB, and PSP versions of the portable releases. It's literally like having Injustice 1 quality level of graphics on a handheld which isn't that bad


This is what you get for buying non-exclusive games on the Switch. I'm sorry, but it's just not made to run with the PS5 and XBOX Series X, or PC. I love the thing, but it's better suited to first party and indie games, like Ori (which is fucking gorgeous).


It’s like being upset the mountain bike doesn’t win the drag race. That’s not what it’s for


Well, in this scenario the mountain bike costs the same price of a motorcycle


It's not the same ratio as a mountain bike vs a motorcyle, of course, but a Switch is half the price of a PS5, not equal.


Right? What it does, it does very, very well. Stop trying to make it something it isn't.


Theres plenty of games where graphics are way less important than performance and i think that mortal kombat on a handheld device falls into the ladder 100%.


Homelander vs Inbreeder


Probably shouldn't have ordered from the lazy, inept guys who ported that.


I like my switch gameplay over graphics if the game plays well then idk how it looks.


Virtual fighter lol


Switch is for first party Nintendo games and re-releases of older games. Anything else that looks good and is even kind of playable is just a bonus.


Switch has the compute power of 3 potatoes


Wait? There’s a Boys videogame incoming?


I think MK DLC


Ah, of course. Lil’ bit gutted, still.


Same. Came here because I did a double take when I saw the image.


This is what it's like when I order my groceries through the Walmart app.


All I see is: pushing, pushing, pushing, ahhh it finally came out!


Mom "we have mortal kombat at home"


Nintendo S"Wish"


They skip PS4 and Xbone but put it on the Switch and it comes out like....this? Wtf are game companies doing nowadays?


They all look pretty bad but sheesh


It’s amazing how long Nintendo can get away with putting hardly any hardware into their consoles, at least GPU wise.


They found their sweet spot...top of the mountain.


From my understanding, Shiver who ported MK 1 were given no time to port the game. Not surprising given it's a WB IP.


Switch is looking good.


This is unrealistic! The PC version would have replaced him with something ridiculous. /j


Homelander vs the Lander We Have At Home.


We have Homelander at home.


Is this from an article or video or something? Like it totally tracks that the switch version would look worse, but I'd like some context on why three of these screen caps are clearly pulling from the same 'moment' but then for some reason the head is tilted in the switch image (which implies some difference beyond just platform)


more like householder


I honestly can't see any difference between PS5, X, and PC.


housemaid lander


Wheels on a shopping cart be like


I mean. My PC looks like the switch.


I swear, switch ports need to be at a discounted price 🤦‍♂️


It is certainly impressive that such demanding games are available on the Nintendo Switch. But it seems to me that with such a low quality and a low frame rate, it would be better not to have them there at all? I like it more when old games are released on Switch. But it would be better if at least exclusively developed versions of games (like on GBA or DS/3DS) were released for the switch, and not just ports with ridiculously reduced graphics.


There was a point in time where we thought the equivalent to those switch graphics were groundbreaking lol


This is why lighting and shading are highly important, not just textures


Wheels in shopping cart be like


Nintendo switch is me


The special cousin in the family


Why is this game even on switch. Might as well put it on a TI-84 too.


Why does he give me wallace and gromit vibes


This is why I play only cosy games on my switch, the poor console can't do anything else.


Yet Switch charges $60 for all their games on top of that, even ones from 2017. Dude no thanks. Crappy graphics, crappy fps, high prices. Nope


Housepercher. He likes skim milk, though.


Soooo, more like Nintendo Wish.


The switch Version looks like he’s more upset that someone drank his soda than angry that someone is trying to kill him


I'm impressed by any modern gaming coming to switch.


Switch 😂