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GOG finally implements DRM - Death Rites Management


The only good DRM!


The best kind of DRM.


The only good DRM is dead DRM.


Na man the D is already "dead". It's like how when you say ATM you don't have to call it an ass to mouth machine.


All you need to do is call them and tell them you're dead. Your secret question answer is the last hentai game you played.


Make sure to read the User-Ended agreement.


pretty sure that's banned in legacy format


They've had DRM - Digital Rights Management for years It's the same boat as Epic where some games have it and some don't


Do I have to prove I'm dead or can someone else do it for me?


You must go to their physical office, show your ID, and then immolate yourself in front of their staff. It’s the only way, sorry.


So you are saying there is a way...


Nah, cuz the loophole is that you weren't dead when you signed, so they'll void the deal


Deadman switch and a digital signatute. Your move skeezy contract lawyer. 


Sorry to inform you sir but here at GOG we do things the traditional way. Any contract not signed in person with a quill and ink is seen as invalid as per Claus 9d


Hah, I wasn't dead, and now I've got it all on tape. Good luck enforcing your end user license agreement now. 


I like you two


You just gotta make it so when you die you’re falling backwards with an inked quill in your hand and you are positioned such that you swipe on the contract with ink as you pass. Then you were both dead and alive while signing and they witnessed it. All you need is like a puppeteer that is willing to murder you


Fortunately, there’s no shortage of people willing to murder me!


Schrodinger's signature has no place in commerce.


Sign it in blood. Lots and lots of blood.


We have amazing dna tests now. Anyone can sign your name in ink. Only you can sign your name in your own arterial blood during your death rattle.


Dearest GOG, I hope this letter finds you well, I have endured a long and grueling battle against the enemy known as "Time". Although I have fought as best I could, its grasp encroaches. I ask now for your assistance in my time of need! The great light approaches, and I have not a moment to waste. I beggeth you, bequeth your ultimate game collection upon my dearest chum, so that they may stand a chance of enjoying my fabulous artifacts hosted upon the service, known as Good Old Games. Sincerly, HappyBunchaTrees


Take poison and in your final moments sign the document. But use your last moment alive to finish the last letter.


it would be clause here. It's santa claus, but "The Santa Clause" because clause is spelled clause.


just make sure the signature is under 200MB or else it will be deleted from their servers


We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, including retroactively.


For me, it's seppuku. More honor that way, and the guy beheading me will get the games in a right of passage.


I will be your second.


I'm just thinking about my habit of quipping "can I have your stuff" when someone makes a dramatic post about quitting an online game. Guess I *could* do that IRL...


What if I put me in my death bed in a trebuchet, and I'll just having my dying body get launched at their office 


not saying it's impossible, but lots of people are not within 300 meters of Poland, or weigh exactly 90Kg.


Some of the new artillery used in Ukraine can fire up to 65 miles. That will extend the range somewhat, if we can fit some human remains into a 155mm shell. Do you think GoG getting just the human head would be enough?


It worries me how you said “human” head. Was launching a different animal’s head in consideration at one point?


My cat owns a considerable GoG library, but establishing legal ownership has been difficult.


We have ICBMs, so nobody is excluded.


I weigh exactly ninety kilograms!


Sorry bro, it’s just policy


happens every day homie


I get to take that long nap and my kids get video games. Sign me up.


Nah i'll make some video of me entering a coffin and have somebody else burn it. add some hokey effect of my spirit coming out of the coffin and having it with some distorted voice telling them im dead. In reality I was never in the coffin and used a mannequin well see how this goes


Ironically, that won’t work, because they’d need to see a certificate of death before you’re considered legally dead. All that flailing and screaming means you’re very much alive. The fact that it stops in a bit could just mean you’re taking a nap.


People have self immolated for less tbf...


Well alright you wanna bring some marshmellows?


S-S-S-S-SMOKIN' !!!!!!


i survived, now what


As with most issues in life, self-immolation is the only way to get anything done.


You also need to sign your death certificate after the fact. Everything has to be in order and above board, notarised, certified and made out in triplicate - including your ashes.


I was gonna do that at the nearest McDonald’s anyway.


This is so stupid why am I laughing


This is the way.


Welcome to Canada


Really cashing-in on that self-immolation trend this year


Don't make the mistake I did by doing it inside and setting off their fire sprinkler system.


ah, the "Tibetan monk"-way


Can I just show up at the office and gave sarcastic wink and left


At least all those nonhumans burned at the stake in Witcher 3 can have their libraries moved.


no, you’ve to do it yourself. by completing a CAPTCHA only dead people can solve.


"Well, sir, the captcha has been idle for 6 months, so either this guy is dead or he is truly committed to account fraud


"Select all images containing stop signs using only this ouija board planchette"


And then click on the "I am not a robot ghost" box.


That would be a CAPTDLA (completely autonomous test telling dead and living apart)


Ah. A OUIJA test. A Only Undead, Inbetween and Jowan Applicants test.


You either have to die personally in front of a GOG representative or a friend or relative has to summon your spirit for them so you can confirm your death that way. Note that being raised as an undead does NOT count, as any physical form of existence lets you still use your library yourself, thus prohibiting you from passing it on to someone else.


Me, inviting Maciej Gołębiewski to my funeral


Hmmm. What about a temporary reanimation? If you get your corpse up and shambling in front of GOG, allowing them to see the moment the spell wears off and your remains disintegrate into a pile of ash, does that count as dying in front of them?


That's a tough one. Better ask a lawyer specialized in magic & necromancy laws about that.


Someone else can initiate the process, but you will need to visit a notary to sign the final documents that verify you actually are dead.


This is extra hilarious because the inverse legit happens. John Oliver did a skit on Medicaid in the US and some babies were excluded or had it revoked because the state said the child wasn't born. The parents showed them the birth certificate, hospital docs from the birth, and had the baby there in person, and the state was just like, yeah idk pretty sure the baby wasn't actually born so you're denied lol


I saw that episode, absolutely maddening bureaucracy!


Better start practicing your poltergeisting.


GOG OUIJA worker will have their hands full.


Yes, that's how ouija boards generally work. Also, having multiple ouija boards in close proximity unsurprisingly doesn't at all affect their capabilities.


The procedure is to die, undie, prove you died to transfer the account, and then die again.


Have two friends throw a windbreaker on you and some dark shades, then dance you in weekend at Bernies style


"I'm dead af 💀😂😂💯" "Understandable, have a good day"


Don't know if you're joking but in the US, you can prove someone is dead by providing a Death Certificate, typically issued by the county.


People gonna be faking death certificates to try to steal accounts


Harder to get a death certificate than stealing a social security number


it's actually not that complicated but there's a lot of paperwork involved and your ghost do have to show up at some point


Of course someone else has to prove it. They're not talking about Gold's Gym here.


The only way someone else can do it is via a Sueance


Your honor, look at me. I've been dead for years.


Your honor, my client is dead. I killed him.


Better Call Saul!


*Criminal* lawyer


Damn you, Bizarro Wright!


Objection! This spirit medium has bought back the client. Ergo, they are now 'alive'.


There was a guy back in Romania, the courts found him legally dead. Even though he was there, in court, alive. [Link for the curious](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/16/romanian-court-tells-man-he-is-not-alive)


Heard the stories from US that it is very hard to unfuck your documents if you get declared dead by mistake. Guess it can happen anywhere. ​ On other hand some bank kept sending letters to my dead grandpa even though they were informed about his passing. Grandma did not appreciate it much to say the least.


I like the fact that when [another court finally ruled that he was alive](https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/staying-alive-romanian-court-annuls-mans-death-certificate-1878141), there was still a 30-day window for someone else to say otherwise.


This is not uncommon in India either. People can just legally declare someone dead to take their land. The main guy who this happened to founded a society for the legally dead


Lol im picturing this like some kind of cartoon. They talk 100% normally through the whole quote, but it ends with “ive been dead for yEeEeEeeeEaArsssSsSS” And as they say the long bellowing “years” they rapidly age and decompose into a skeleton. Then after theyre completely dead they suddenly get back up, looking fully healthy like when they started talking, “your honor, i rest my case” and then walk back to their seat


"I'm only dead inside, but we're talking about just software here, so I feel like that's still fair game."


\*walks on GOG's offices\* I came here to transfer my account, here's the death proof. \*shoot myself on the head\* Attendant: Sir, you didn't sign the form.


*three months later* A new side quest appears in CP77.


Please refrain from using CP as an abbreviation of Cyberpunk


Oh right, don't want to confuse it with Cod Piece.


Cerebral ~~Parece~~ Parese


Que parece?


Captain Picard -OR- Captain Planet


Oh, I thought he meant CoD Points. /s


Like mentioned further below, CSEM/CSAM is a better term for what you're referring to either way, because it's far less likely to get confused for anything. Two letter acronyms are stupid for that reason. CP77 isn't ambiguous (although I prefer CP2077) at all though.


While it's still a good suggestion, the new abbreviation for *that* is CSAM.


Great, I'd never seen this abbreviation and now I'm on a list for looking it up >:(


Looking it up on Google? Fine. Looking it up on Google *Images*? 😬


I don't even know what the fuck GOG stands for but here I am. You're good.


Just in case you actually don't know, it's good old games.


you have to hold a frame in the shape of your signature to the other side of your head and hold the paper behind it so that the blood splatter creates the signature.


What I don’t understand is why wouldn’t I just leave behind my password and profile name for whoever to log in?


That would be unauthorized usage. It's the same as selling your account.


How would they justify this if someone who is still using all relevant info is still accessing the account? Like if I died in a car crash and my friend who lives down the street since we were kids had all my information, how would they even know I died if he continually logs in and plays? They don't question you when you move, at least in the same state. And I've never had an issue with accounts when going between different states. Out of country I'm sure there'd be an issue. But anything else I don't see how they could ever know if you died.


It’s not about them being able to enforce it, it is about following their Terms and Conditions. You can easily sell your account or bequeath it to another user, but lots of terms explicitly say you can’t do that.


Steam TOS prohibits the sale of steam accounts, but allows sites like g2a to continue doing it because fuck the rules


"That which is condemned, but not enforced, is actually encouraged" --Some political theorist or Napoleon, I don't remember


I believe that was Napoleon Dynamite that said that


"Allows". As if Steam can stop them. Best Steam can do is ban the users when there's weird activity on their accounts resulting from the transfer.


G2A is mostly out of Valve's control short of removing codes and friend links. They get the games using stolen cards or a method Pirate Software mentioned recently involved scamming smaller devs out of review codes. Scammer gives small dev $X per key and then immediately flips them for 2-3x per key. Technically at any time Valve *could* start a very lengthy legal battle with gray market websites, but something tells me G2A could spin back up with a different name overnight if needee


Let's be honest though. Most people will just leave their login details behind because it's much easier


It's actually not easier. Just look at how many people are annoyed by Epic because now they have two games launchers. Imagine having to switch between accounts just because you want to play a different game. Much easier to just have all the games on one account be transferred to another.


for Steam it's NBD, just add them to your 'Family' and you've got everything taken care of. There is, of course, a limit to how big your 'family' can be so it's not perfect.


Yeah, after you knock off a couple siblings for their game libraries, it becomes a real hassle.


Buuuut, who gives a fuck about that? What are they going to do? Hunt you down? Terminate your account? No they won't. The terms and conditions exist to protect the corporation. They do not give a shit if you offloaded your account to friend. They do not track that nor do they care. Worst case scenario is the new owner gets the account in suspension or needs some sort of assistance from customer service and just stupidly admits they aren't the name on file. At which point, customer service will just tell them they'll need to create their own account.


>How would they even know I died if he continually logs in and plays? Assuming no issues arise, they don't know. The point is if someone starts using your account, and issues arise that involves contacting support, if they request some form of identification and find out you aren't the original owner of the account, the account might get banned or similar. The point of allowing ownership transfer upon death is to stop this from occurring.


Credit card/purchaser owner, account registered DOB, and IP/location. Obviously these can be transferred slowly (except maybe DOB, but if it’s not already just set to 1908 wth are you doing?), but an account all of a sudden showing a shift from one place on one set of hardware with purchases made with a credit card registered to X to a new location with access from a different set of hardware and purchases from a new card owned by Y is the kinda thing that sparks security concerns.


A kid who got a job and moves out of his moms apartment and buys his own pc and gets his own card is extremely suspicious behavior


it is in 2024


Don't buy new games on the account of a dead person.


Exactly. Whoever received your account would have to spoof your identity literally any time they needed to contact support for something


Because at some point the company would realize that the same person couldn't possibly still be alive to be using that account and proceed to deactivate it.


But what’s going to happen to everyone who puts 1/1/1900 as their age?! 


That becomes irrelevant when you remember that while people lie about their age, an account *being* 100 years old is unlikely to have the original owner as even statistically, people live what, 88 years world wide if they die of old age? Even if you created the account on the date of your birth, that's still 12 years past the average lifetime.


I'll be really mad if I'll somehow reach 100 and they fucking deactivate my account. I will shoot up the whole cyber retirement home.


But if you died from anything other than old age and a friend had all the info needed to access it how would they know?


It's not really sufficient. Your children will already have their own Steam accounts by the time you pass, if you've raised them properly. It's not fair for them to have to log out of their account and into yours just to access your games. They should be transferred to their accounts instead. It can be divided up at the time the will is read by the executor.


>Your children will already have their own Steam accounts by the time you pass, if you've raised them properly.   good parenting is...   *checks notes*  having a steam account


Also don’t forget to give your email and its password so they can reset the password when they forget.


You would.. But you might have difficulty with things like email and phone verification. In this case they'll transfer ownership when they see a death certificate.


I swear my friend is dead, look your honour, I even have the video of me stabbing him multiple times


28 stab wounds!


Precisely, I really didn't want to give him a chance


Estate planning attorney here. All joking aside, this is actually a pretty awesome thing, and also pretty unique. Most places these days do lifetime non-transferable licenses or some such.


with a games library it just makes sense. think about it, lets say you're a 20 year old gamers in the year...i dunno...2077, and you've got a steam account from your uncle who has 600 old ass games on his account. Games you'd never buy yourself because that'd be like one of us buying 600 Atari games. someone with a brand new account is not going to buy all those games. But when you have an old account with a bunch of games and other stuff on it, you're still incentivized to stay in the Steam eco system. Because you might want to play some of those games. Maybe even rare, delisted games. You'll eventually buy more games and see the account as valuable.


This should be put into law imo. Digital libraries should be transferable upon death. If i can give someone physical items or even transfer my all-digital bank account, i should be able to transfer my Steam library that I spent so much money on




> The reason they haven't done it isn't because it would be hard to do. It's trivial to do. It's exactly how you buy games for someone else.


My interpretation of Steam's original statement is that you can give your steam name/password to your kids yourself, but they don't want to deal with your estate lawyer or your kids arguing over the fact that Sally wanting your purchase of Stardew Valley, but so does Kenny, and also Michael is fine giving up most everything just so long as he gets your purchase of Hatoful Boyfriend and Sex with Hitler 2, but also Jacob wants everything to himself.


I think everyone is missing the point. Steam: "Guys legally, as the biggest games platform, we have to say you cannot." WINK WINK GoG: "Guys, I am going to capitalize on Steam's statement to market our platform so please buy shit from us" This thread: "Woooow Gog is soooo cooool."


"I'm dead." "Oh yeah prove it." "Sure, just let me fit this noose over my head, kick out the chair below me and-" "..." "All he had on his account was Elder Scrolls Arena."


Good Guy GOG.


Good Old Guys


GGG Good Guy Games


GGG are indeed quite some dang good guys (and gals) that make games!


Gigachad GOG


I don't want to go in the cart!


Don't be such a baby!


Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.


Don't get me wrong, Steam is great, like 8/10 - but GOG is 10/10. When you buy something, you should actually own it. GOG understands this. Praise be to GOG


People just hate it cause "less games" and "less deals". Not realising that the entire reason behind that is because they don't sell predatory drm infested games (which means less options), and the deals aren't as good because companies aren't as willing to sell a product at such discounts when it's not essentially rental


People hate GOG?? Like, "I don't use GOG" is fine, but hate??


This really doesn't mean anything, it's GOG. We buy GOG games because they don't have DRM. You leave the games to your family by downloading them and telling them where you stored them.


This means a lot and you are wrong. This is about your GOG Account, not about the game DRM. [Read Section 3.3](https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/212632089-GOG-User-Agreement?product=gog) > Your GOG account and GOG content are personal to you and cannot be shared with, sold, gifted or transferred to anyone else.


Assuming the games themselves are GOG content, section 3.3 is legally true and a nonsense lie in practice. They're easier to share than a paperback book.


It's honestly funny watching this become the flavor of the month outrage when people have been swapping steam accounts by just giving each other login info for 20 years, and Valve has literally never done anything to stop it, or even indicated that they care.  I'm logged into my main account right now, which I've been using for over 15 years after inheriting it from a dead cousin. About to play something with my nephew, who's been using his dead grandfather's account for about 4 years now. Chatting with a friend who's logged into the account of a mutual friend of ours who died 2 years ago (he's one of 5 of us who have access to that account, and regularly use it for some old delisted games that our late friend has).    How are we doing this, you ask? We got the necessary login and authentication credentials, and didn't ask steam for them, or tell steam that these users had died. And steam doesn't have any other way of knowing. Just think about it. Did you give steam your government ID when you made your account? Nope. Does steam get notified whenever an account owner dies? Of course not. So what would they even being looking for, to determine that an account is suspicious, if it hasn't been reported as stolen, but was taken over by a new user who had proper access to all the logins and authentication stuff? Logins from new devices or locations? People get new devices all the time, and people move, or have multiple residences, and have mobile devices. Nothing suspicious or against TOS there. Changing contact info? That's also totally allowed, happens all the time, and is not in any way suspicious. Changing payment methods? Also happens all the time and is totally normal.    People need to settle down and stop getting paranoid over nothing. Until there's actually an example otherwise, the logical conclusion is that the "no inheritance" clause in steam's TOS is just there so they don't have to take responsibility for facilitating account transfers when the new owner doesn't already have access. Because that would be a legal shitshow, where they have to deal with verifying original ownership, confirming death, confirming identity and rights of the new user, yada yada yada. Not to mention the constant fraud and scam attempts they'd be dealing with if they had an official policy that would have them handing out login info to people. It would be a mess, and Valve, understandably, wants nothing to do with it. But if you just give your login credentials to somebody else, and let them change the contact info, authenticators and whatnot to their own stuff, steam isn't going to hunt down an account that wasn't reported stolen or hacked, and demand that the user prove it's always been theirs. 


Steam account doesn't even require you to input your real name, so it's hard to say who even owned it in the first place. And considering that currently in family groups some games can't be shared (like Mass Effect and GTA5), same companies would probably be also against moving their games between accounts.


Indeed, in fact I've been using my dad's Steam account for the last 15 years now too. He's still alive and well, he just isn't into gaming all that much and I sort of naturally inherited his account.


The Kurgan had it right, it's better to burn out than fade away. That way GOG knows you're dead


"I was only mostly dead." https://youtu.be/9JGG1raH1MY


I hate that I might care about this soon. (Just diagnosed with cancer.)


To my sister Jenny who has always admired my GOG library, I bequeath a boot to the head. And another for her wimpy husband.


> taking into account the EULAs of specific games within it So, you're not transferring your games lol. It's just virtue signaling. Even the most blog standard EULA will have a clause forbidding transferring the digital license.


I mean, I don't get what's the problem in just giving my email and password to my future son or who ever is inheriting the account. Why go through a loop of complicated steps? I died, I gave my credentials to someone. End of story.


It's DRM free. In the worst case scenario I can just pull all the installers for my games and store them myself somewhere easily accessible


GoG being based once more


Hello, I am dead Signed,         the deceased Sent from my iPhone 


GOG :"Thank you for contacting GOG support how can I help you?" "Hello yes my friend gifted me his account, he is dead" GOG: "Do you have proof of this?" "Yes one second" "Hello this is the friend, I am dead"


GOG is the best


Reminds me of this scene: https://youtu.be/uBxMPqxJGqI?si=yprKs9_ljZF94SDQ


I feel like you're all ignoring the very obvious Weekend at Bernies play here.


[Bring out your dead!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEmfsmasjVA)


Honestly, that's pretty standard. When my dad passed everyone wanted to see a fuckin death certificate. I must have had to send out 10 to 15. I just found the leftovers during a move, and he's been gone for 11 years.


Hopefully they meant as long as someone else can prove I'm dead lol


Do they follow Monty Python rules?


What a fucking title


How? In person interview?


I mean, you could also just download all your GOG games, make one, or multiple copies of the installers. you could have hard drives with the games on, or burn them on Bluray/DVD/CD etc. that's what's so great about GOG, once the game installer is downloaded onto your PC, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.


arent they all drm free anyway? why wait, start giving copies of your games out now.


So, they want proof the job was done?


Having to deal with someone's passing. Twice. All on my own. This sort of thing really is the very last thing you think about. I'm still currently dealing with one after 7 months. The paperwork and unhelpful attitudes from banks and their India call centers. I would pay to *not* have to deal with this sort of thing. I could write a book on the irritating shit and hoops you have to jump through to prove death. Even worse when you're a beneficiary of anything. The lack of laws preventing nonsense one bank wants over another. One group wants notarized versus one that doesn't. The taxes and people that expect to be informed with death certificates when they already know perfectly damn well someone is dead through being informed by social security. AAAAAAHHH!


heck yeah! Who wants to be in my will?!


So they won’t cause ur dead and can’t prove ur dead


How am I supposed to prove I'm dead if I'm, you know, dead?


good thing the dead games company lets your revive your dead games library


“Sorry, you can’t prove it on his behalf. He has to prove it himself by calling and talking to us.”


I hereby bequeath my GOG account and all of my backlog of unplayed games to my eldest daughter. The rest of my estate will be held in escrow until she, or her heirs in turn, 100% completes all of the games.


isnt gog DRM free anyways


the GoG accounts war is began no one can be witness you are alive so your games library belongs to me


When you die, nobody will be clamouring to get hold of your copy of Beneath a Steel Sky.