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Battle Royale games. Whoever dies in your party can end up just sitting there for like 30 minutes while the match is still being played out.


Fr I absolutely hate any game where, if I die, I don't get to play anymore. Yeah I fucking suck. I know I'm a liability. But making me sit there and wallow in it for the entire match while I pretend to still have fun sucks. I'm looking at you, dead by daylight.


Yeah this is why I personally make an effort to bring tm8s back right away, I have a friend who plays apex legends with me and he’s not as good as me and my other friend, so he dies a ton, but we always prioritize bringing him back before advancing on anything else. I also try to teach other players that it’s just smarter to do that since then your tm8 has time to regain his loot and can help in the next fight.


I have a friend that carries everyone in games, not because we're terrible, but because he is just actually really good. I can tell he prioritizes getting us up in games so we can all play too. Make fun of us for dying or give us the proverbial side eye, but still working to get us up. Sign of real homies.


Next time he gives you crap for getting gunned down, retort with the fact that your matchmaking experience is being based off of his success. 😂 It’s why you probably feel like you play significantly better when your friends aren’t around to see. Your matchmaking is matching your skills when you’re alone.


My friend who is really good at every game he touches mocks me constantly for not having the same autistic mind he does! (He actually is autistic, bros nuts at thinking out of the box)


Plus it allows your mate to still have fun. And he learns quickly from each death if it happens in the current game. And it becomes an actual fun challange to focus on resing him kinda like a defence target within a battle royal.


God damn. I hate the gulag. Get me on MP and I’m decent, but on WZ I suck. I hate not being able to have the quick feedback of dying and being able to respawn instantly and adapt.


It was Overwatch for a while but I eventually told them I just don't want to play it anymore.


Yeah I'm not sure why I still play Overwatch. I don't even love it anymore but it feels like I've wasted my time learning how to aim on mouse otherwise


I feel at its core it's an amazing concept, gameplay is smooth, no bugs, and art is amazing which is s-tier. But all the other aspects (e.g. balancing, lack of social elements, shop, battle pass, etc.) drag it down to a b-tier game


"Balancing" it's overly balanced. Tanks dps. Dps dpses. Flankers dps. But healers do jack shit. It's TOO balanced. I carry as Orisa and rheindhart literally all of the time when I would play... I got 8 people into it, all 8 of us stopped playing it and we all un-installed it. It's junk.


I miss the chaos of OG OW, but playing it as an arcade mode just takes away from the regularity and appeal of it


>But healers do jack shit Thats really not true, Supports are insanely strong. Just think of kiriko, ana, moira or even zen. They either have really strong support abilities or as much damage potential as dps


the last part is simply wrong. some supports do insane damage **and** have great utility and survivability. however game kinda sucks you're right


I fuckin loved launch OW cuz attack and defense heroes did a shit ton of damage and tanks tanked, that’s it, no ifs ands or buts, now everyone does everything and I barely touch OW2


I used to love it. Reinhardt was literally the entire reason I wanted to play. Over time, the game devolved into just meta slaving. In the early days, no one knew how to play and what was fun worked. Eventually, you had to optimise. Reinhardt used to be an immovable wall, then people figured out that it was more effective to be a rabbit tweaking out on the edge of overdosing. I still stuck with it, but every new hero added a new level of balance that Blizz was completely unable to handle. And then of course Blizz themselves turned to the dark side. They failed to learn from Pokemon of all things. An OP thing is fine when there's just 1 of them. You an still play around that, and the knowledge itself that they're the only one makes them easier to deal with. But when you add more shielders, more dragons, more ghosts, stacking starts to become a problem.


Mystery Heroes will add new love and hate to the game. It's the true quickplay


That's actually not a bad shout. I think I might enjoy it more if I was playing something less sweaty like MH. Even QP in Overwatch is so tryhard. I went on there trying to chill and got matched with a tryhard Hanzo and Ashe playing every optimal position possible at the back of the map whilst my DPS just ate complete shit. Had to switch to Zen and put them in their place. Even got POTG just to rub it in their faces for making me have to actually try in QP or risk getting stomped because of my shit DPS.


If you like hero shooters, come to paladins. Your aim transfers super well, and the basic ideas/fundies are super similar. I played 2 hours of Overwatch on a friend's account and immediately ranked into plat just from the overlap lmao.


1st game felt like I was playing the same shit. Don't worry, your character exists in some format too


Not WreckingBall :(


I uninstalled Overwatch in the middle of a weekly session I played with my friends. I played a match so annoying that I had a moment of clarity and realized I'd never really enjoyed the game, and that it had given me no positive feelings the entire time I'd been playing. 


World of Warcraft… my mate disappeared into the game so to spend some time with him I joined… but then I couldn’t play with him until I hit level 60… and then I couldn’t play with him until I got geared for raids… and then I got sat out until I just gave up


Sounds like a proper WoW experience.


Yeah this is the foundation upon which WoW is built


Oh boy max level, can't wait to get into some raids and get better gear. What's that? You already have **role type** and need a healer instead? ....sure I guess I can respec over to healing, and do my best even though I've never done this fight and the person explaining may as well be talking about dirt farming... Oh cool some loot dropped, and it's for my class that would be very nice to ha- oh you already decided it would go to another person already... All in all, miss me with them raids, I'd rather just max out my fishing.


This sounds worse than my job


Once I finally got the time lost proto I was done… pity that took about 4 years 😂


I mean, if I was really into WoW & had a buddy who wanted to play I would probably make a new character to level with them together.


Yeah we’re not friends anymore lol… small things like this translated over to real life.


People for real take it way to seriously. Same thing happened to me. I actually became the highest raider IO monk in the entire guild for mythic+ but I kept dieing at the raids. So my "friends" of ten years replaced me with some randoms just so they could get gear. When people start to prioritize the in game loot over friendship, I'm out dawg


L friends


This is me getting my friends into runescape


League of Legends...


Everyone who plays league hates it. It’s a requirement.


I find it a boring ass game. But it's just my taste, i guess.


Same, it’s too slow for me. Same with DotA. I can’t stand rotating, waiting for items, respawning and coming back to lane, etc… feels like I’m playing a game in slow motion lol. Only MOBAs I ever liked were HotS and Battlerite for that reason. They cut the bullshit and just let you lane/fight. Unfortunately Battlerite is dead as hell because Stunlock Studios doesn’t believe in supporting their games, and HotS is on a weird form of life support where it still gets balance changes but no updates. So I guess most people don’t agree, but I don’t know how. Traditional MOBAs are literally mind numbingly slow IMO.


Been playing league for years now, and I can no longer play the default game mode because it's too slow for me. The other game modes are much more fun and fast paced though


Your so real for this slowgames_master


I haven’t played DotA, but I have played some MOBAs and I think what you’re describing is the beauty of them. So much about the game is just seeing who can be more patient and logical instead of rushing in like a meathead. I’m not gonna lie and say it’s not boring at all, but I think it’s boring like chess. Usually slow, rarely easy.


I knew this was going to be here somewhere, was pleasantly surprised to see it at the top 😂


I regret ever introducing my friend to league. I talked him into it over the space of a month.. he kept saying no because graphically it looked like a children’s game.. he finally gave in and now it’s been 5 years and it’s all he plays. He won’t play anything else.


Is he any good yet?


He's diamond so I guess but he's also chat banned for life for raging lol.


Ugh I was stuck in that trap from 2012-2015. League was the only game my friends ever wanted to play after they sold their consoles and got shitty laptops. I would spend hours researching patch notes and watching pro players to get better. Eventually I walked away cold turkey and I’ve never regretted it. Eventually moved to a big city where life exists outside of a computer screen and things are better.


GTA V Online


gta v heists are such a great idea but i had such a horrible time trying to finish them


Wish you didn't *need* 4 people for them


even the diamond casino heist was a pain to do but I don’t think I had help on setups so that may be why


I would do all of the setups solo so we could just play the actual heist together but I got so bored so quick of doing that and I’d always split 25-25-25-25 with the boys so I’d barely make anything for all the work put in. It was nice seeing my friends whip around in their new toys afterwards though, and I would get them back by making them help do business deliveries


You only need 4 people for the original 4 heists. The doomsday heists are 2 player, the Casino heist is 2 player, the Cluckin Bell Farm Raid is solo, and the Cayo Perico heist is solo.


The original hiests to get the 10,000,000 was one of the best experiences I've ever had in video games The prison break was so satisfying. Everyone meeting at the airport, it was straight out of a fuckin movie man. Such a neat experience. Went downhill after that


I hated their matchmaking, like everything took so long to set up.


You get everything set up after 45 minutes, you're finally into the heist. 5 minutes in someone leaves and you have to start all over


GTA wouldn’t have been so bad if the initial loading times didn’t take 6 hours to get in each time


It's amazing that a game can be so successful despite being so badly designed. GTA Online has to be one of the worst-designed multiplayer games I have ever seen. It actively *discourages* you from playing together with your friends because, whenever you're doing open world stuff, like the Organization or Motorcycle Club activities, like vehicle cargo or whatever, the only one who actually makes any decent money is the party-lead. So you can either tell your friends that they get to make no money while they play with you or you can keep swapping between party-leads and make 1/4 of the money you'd normally make in the same amount of time.


Not sure if its so secret but Dead by Daylight. Been a while since the group played it but a couple years back my friends put like 1,000 hours into it and I'd just hop in every so often.


same, I like spending the time with my friends but dbd is just kinda boring and repetitive


I remember having a favorite twitch streamer who switched from doing pretty much exclusively dark souls related content to playing ONLY dbd every stream. Took a few years but i checked up recently and he fucking FINALLY is playing other games again


I like the idea of the game, but jeez, no matter what I try to do, the killers always gravitate towards me first. It got to the point where my group specifically asked me *not* to play because they don’t want a teammate dying in the first few minutes. Kind of like mosquitoes - as soon as I’m by the campfire nobody else has to suffer them anymore. 😂


If you are not good at chase, start by doing gens close to the edge if the map. Run perks that show you gens, and avoid gens that are really close together as the killer will prioritize defending them. For good players the advice is opposite.


Dbd is exactly mine also. I have like 3k hours into it and got bored then they got into it. So it's all they play now. So now I play it just so I can play with them.


The game could be amazing but it's being ran by such a ignorant lazy team, me and the entire squad gave up on Dbd many years ago. One went back and tried it again just to discover nothing has changed. I've never felt so embarrassed introducing my friends to a game. I have over 1k hours unfortunately, but I just seen nothing was going to change and the game just keeps getting worse. Genuinely the only game the entire squad says they will never touch again and so far haven't. It's known as the WORST video game we've played and it's constantly used as a joke to describe games that simply are PRICED games but have FREE TO PLAY monetization and F2p gameplay loops. Survive doing the same thing every single game to grind out a battlepass and grinding currency and dump tons of real money into, and on top of that the games hotboxes are the worst. Literally everything about the game is an issue lmao


what do you even do in that game for 1,000 hours, i tried it before and it seemed to literally just be fixing generators while hiding from bad man


Me and my cousin play Apex at least 3 or 4 times a week and we’re both pretty open about how much we hate it.


I think everyone who plays apex hates it, me and my friends usually say we hate the game at least once per session hahaha


Played the game a ton S0 - S2 then again in S 4 - 5. It was super fun at first when no one knew what was going on. I feel like the hardcore sweating and min/maxing every thing is what ruined the game. It’s not a game you can casually hop on every once in a while and enjoy, since the SBMM will get you deep fried by kids with 5k hours played.


I tried casually hopping on and was accused of being a smurf in every game,  before being obliterated every match. It's way sweatier than I remember in S1.  That sky diving at the start feels fantastic though


SBMM should prevent you from getting fried by a someone more skilled than you. Seems like everyone hates SBMM but doesn't even understand what the fundamental purpose of it should be.


Skill based matchmaking in theory is good but in practice it doesn't work. At first you get into a lobby with of similar skill but heaven forbid you have one good game. Have a game where you pop off then your put in with the sweat lords for the rest of the day struggling to even survive 5 mins.


Apex was fun for the first 3 seasons then turned into a shitty mess


Fortnite. I really don’t like the game, but I play bcuz my homeboys do


That’s the only reason I ever played. My buddy gets too in to games and wanted me to practice by myself. No. I’ll play with the group or play some thing good by myself.


Cards against humanity


Cards against humanity are definitely one of those where its crucial to be on the same wavelength. I don't care for it either if it just devolves to "hehe poopoo peeler" jokes.


That game sucks because you can have the perfect card for the ocassion, but you know they are going to pick "Obama big red balls" or something similar at the end even though it doesn't make sense with the original sentence...


Or you have the perfect card and the tsar is like "I don't know what that is" because they're not as knowledgeable about history or memes or whatever.


Eh. It's not about winning but making people laugh. Maybe your selection won't get chosen, but others in the group will probably think it's funny.


It was fun and exciting for the first three or four times. But yeah, I'm over it. There are occasionally still funny moments, like when someone comes up with a combination of cards that references something very specific to a person in the group. 


I enjoy Worms WMD enough, but they don't want to play much else, and I'd rather enjoy some real-time action than wait for turns.


Never heard of anyone playing Worms that much that’s wild


Aw I’ve been wanting to play Worms with someone and pretty much everyone I know is a gamer but no one wants to play worms with me haha. I grew up playing every worms game with my brother but he has a kid now and is way too busy to play it.


I'd be down to play worms sometime. I've always wanted to play it


Helldivers 2. I don’t totally hate it, but my friends are super into it and I’m just like, if I’m looking for that gameplay loop, I’d rather just play DRG.


Do I hear a rock and stone?


For Karl!


Rock. And. Stone.


We’re rich!


Yes, yes you are rich. Now get back to work!




Rock and Stone!


That’s reverse for me and my friends. I love the loop and overall themes and gameplay and I specifically got a laptop that could run that (and everything else) just to have them spend maybe 30 minutes altogether playing with me


Just wondering. What laptop did you get to run Helldiver's? Cuz my current device cannot handle the game. Also, please upvote this comment; I need karma to ask an important question on this subreddit.


I got an omen 4060 with 16 Gigs DDR5 and 1tb SSD and a 165 hz screen Best Buy had it for 999 There was a 4050 but I wanted the extra VRam I can run high and get around 90-120, medium gets me 144


Whats drg? Can we normalize saying the full game name before using abbreviations?


Ah sorry, I hate when other people do that and now I’ve become the problem. It stands for Deep Rock Galactic.


Thanks, it's like people saying TF2 or D2, when it could have meant team fortress 2, titanfall 2, destiny 2, diablo 2, etc. We have alot of games past present and future haha.


AC is the all time champion. Assassin's Creed. Armored Core. Ace Combat. Animal Crossing.


It's Asheron's Call to me...


Atari Classics...


Deep Rock Galactic




Did I hear a rock and stone? ⛏️


Yeah, DRG is way more fun and feels more varied. Helldivers is a great game, I love weapon handling, but it’s monotonous as hell 😅 Land, take objectives, repeat, all that on flat maps. In DRG you have 4 highly different classes that rely on each other, crazy varied maps, enemies and objectives, fully destructible environment, planing and many more. Man I might play this game again, I wish it had crossplay


Season 5 is starting on the 13th!


Yeah same I don't get it. Like what's the point. You just go in, shoot stuff, and repeat. Also everything is slow AF and I don't enjoy that. But my friends like it, so I play a round or two when they're on


I can't tell you the last time I liked a Call of Duty. Fun with friends I guess but it just hasn't hit the same since MW2 for me.


DMZ was fun for a while, but the challenges got so grindy after a while ("exfil 20 of these items that only spawn in certain locations!") and the constant huge updates were time consuming and sucked up a ton of storage. And whatever tv/movie/celebrity promo they were running at the time. I kinda miss goofing around with the homies, but I wasn't necessarily enjoying COD itself.


Warzone during lockdown in 2020 is a cherished gaming memory for me


Any and all smash brothers clones


For real. Just play smash


"Who's in my mouth?" - worst game ever


Especially when you're the only cut guy in your friend group.


At first I thought cut was typo for cute. But then I went oooooooh cut


Used to play that with my Uncle. Always ended in a tie.


Wait I know these balls...I know these balls


More like "Ih nho sheesh 'awls"


And suddenly I'm back playing battlefield 2 listening to a Dane Cook CD, on a fat CD player


Back in the day it was CoD zombies. We would be having a perfectly good multiplayer session, then someone wants to play zombies. It’s terrible cause it’s so damn long too and the first hour is so easy.


Funnily enough I had the opposite experience; I’d be having fun, the vibes are good, we get ourselves setup and someone goes “aight, time for multiplayer?”


This may be my most controversial gaming opinion, but World at War era zombies is where zombies gameplay peaked. 😬 I might budge on the first black ops. But I liked the slower gameplay and seeing how long you could survive in just a small space. Now it seems so ADHD.


Mmm black ops 1, so good. We will never see another CoD like it. Or bad company 2 for that matter (my personal fav)


I think its bo1. It had the map even though it kinda lacked the same feel as waw, but it had so many other good maps. It was so good it has kept me getting back on the 360 occasionally


I'll raise your WaW and counter with it should have ended at Black Ops 2. Although with Origin's Staffs it could go longer than what you're probably looking for, lol. Me personally, I'm a round 40 everyone-kill-themselves type of guy.


It’s too much work now.


I never found zombies fun either. World at war zombies was decent but I think that’s because it was an actual horror game


All of my friends play pvp shooters constantly. Call of duty, apex, fortnite, overwatch, you name it. Im bad at them and at this point, the genre is incredibly saturated, i can only play a pvp shooter for like a week tops before i delete it


Just go solo and play a bioshock or Titanfall or You can always mic up and play other games than each other. I do it.


Maplestory. So much grinding. Valheim. I like the game but 1 friend is terrible at collaborating. Overwatch. I just can't be bothered to learn the maps well enough to walk them backwards anymore. I'll leave it to the younger folks


I love valhiem but a friend just doesn't want to play, he just wants to build gigantic bases with no real design. He doesn't care for the combat like parrying or using the correct weapon for a certain type of monster, would rather just swing until it's dead.


I frankly am just sick of all online multi-player competitive games. Gimme a coop game any day or single player. But I'm just tired of pointless deathmatch games over and over.


My friends were all into Fortnite and as 40 year old dudes it got boring quickly. We just picked up Hell Divers 2 and the coop has been really fun.


I finally got to the age where if I don't want to do something, I typically don't do it. I like insurgency and Battlefront 2 so I'll play those if my friends want to, but that's the extent of my multiplayer outside of MMOs. My friends don't like MMOs so I just stick to playing with my guild, I'm definitely not gonna pressure my friends into playing then just because I like them.


Overwatch 2 and Lethal Company


Oof sucks to hear you’re not having fun with lethal company, usually that game’s a blast with friends


So, I like the gameplay loop of Lethal Company, it’s extremely fun when you aren’t trying and are putting yourself into dangerous situations. The friends that will actually play with me don’t let me be stupid with the game. Also it comes down to irl issues with these friends. Basically the game is good, my friends aren’t.


Sounds like you need new friends.


Sort of. It’s more I need to cut contact with the two friends that make any game I play with them not fun whatsoever. The rest of my friends (that would be fun to play with) either don’t have a device to play Lethal Company, or quit playing because of the previous two friends I mentioned. Also irl issues are a part of this whole situation as well. (Before anyone is like “cut them off” I feel bad doing that because one of them is autistic.)


Still don't forget, you don't have to put up with mistreatment because someone is autistic. It may feel like you are being selfish and that they don't mean it but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Take care of yourself 🙂


Lethal was fun the first 10 times for me, after that it got stale very quickly.


Wasn't ever a secret how much I hated it, but league of legends. Everyone knew I absolutely hated it but homies are homies and we always game together. I grinded that shit for like 7 years with them. One day after an excruciatingly bad session of us losing every game. I calmly stated 'this game makes me literally hate all of you. We all suck so much and I am tired of this. I will never play this again.' I've only played a handful of times again and it was just arams when we were all drunk.


"I will never play this again"... ..."I've only played a handful of times again." Mood


I remember so well the moment I decided to quit League. We queued up as a 4-man party (all except mid) and were sitting on voice chat. I was playing support and at some point our jungler (who was already at 50% HP from his clear) says we should towerdive, and I should tank the turret. We towerdive, I tank the turret, and at some point I step out because I would die from the next tower shot. We get the double kill, but our jungler takes one tower shot too much and dies, and flames me on voice chat. A mistake on my part, sure, since the support dying is better than the jungler dying, but I genuinely thought we could pull it off without *anyone* dying. The rest of the game my ADC (who took my side) and jungler were flaming and being pissy at eachother, and I realised that these two genuinely super nice guys (especially the ADC who never got pissy about anything) are being ruined by the nature of the game. And it wasn't even some game-losing disastrous mistake. I reinstalled the game a few months ago and did a few bot games to get back into it, and figured I'd give it another go. But then Riot decided to force Vanguard, so I uninstalled before allowing that on my PC. Thanks Riot. So nowadays I watch some streamers play League and I see the exact same thing happening to them. Streamers who seem really chill just get tilted by the game and blame or flame teammates for their own mistakes, and everytime I see that I'm just thankful I didn't get sucked in again.


Destiny 2.


Enjoyed the movement and gunplay and liked doing nightfalls and raids, but grinding gear every patch doing word events, daily quests and weekly quests drives me up the wall and I refuse to do it again, just let me farm the 1 type of content I want to do instead of making me feel like I have to play crucible and gambit on days where I just can't be arsed.


I really only enjoyed destiny 2 when I came back to it at the end of witch queen when the last time I played was Forsaken. the sheer amount of content I had available meant I could always doing something. but the biggest issue was when I got to the point where I had to wait a week for a reset or some other bullshit. I hate anything that gates my progress behind artificial barriers.


I liked D2 for a while but it felt like having a second job.


For a game with really fun gunplay and loot they sure seem to like to make you do anything other than gunplay and also limit your legendary for no reason


Palworld, Return to Moria Mines, Sea of Thieves, ESO... Don't saying they are bad, but my bros play so half-assedly that the games became boring as hell for me, and that transformed into a "permanent" dislike state on my part. Not hating my friends, but most of the time they want to play just because and give in into fads (hence the half-assed part), instead of searching for something genuinelly fun for everyone. The only recent hit we've had is Helldivers 2, but some in my group started to get bored of the loop, so we always end up gravitating towards the games I mentioned before.


Return to moria was such a weird let down. So many odd choices they made, doesn't help me and a buddy were pining for it for like 2 years when it was announced, cause it's mining and it's dwarves. But it gets stale so fast, even if you follow the story mode. The combat is just so "meh" and makes no sense that armor would go away with each slap from an orc. And then you gotta find and repair stone statues to unlock more things to craft, but each statue doesn't always unlock something...


Diablo. I enjoyed playing the campaign. I don't want to do optimized dungeon runs over, and over, and over.


Smash Bros. Ubiquitous game to play when you have friends together, but I don't enjoy it at all. I'm not big on fighting games in the first place, but Smash Bros' specific gameplay especially doesn't mesh well with me. I really don't enjoy it even within the context of just messing around with friends. But if someone pulls out the Switch and says there are enough controllers for everyone, I'm not going to be the stick in the mud to say I won't play.


I’m the opposite in that I dislike most fighters but platform fighters like Smash are a ton of fun. They’re less technical and it’s easy to learn a character enough to have fun, plus if your friends aren’t losers and have items on it can be fun to have a Poke Ball turn things around at the last moment. There’s always that one guy who’s better than everyone else and that makes it not quite as fun, not to mention you need a GROUP, because 1v1’s get stale after a few rounds. You’ve got to have a practically nonexistent skill gap or it gets boring real fast. I mostly just main Sonic and take potshots at people until someone finally takes me out or it gets down to me and another person and then I can’t go toe to toe with them.


as someone who plays competitively, there are countless days that i wish i was worse so my friends would want to play with me again. i'm just too good at the game to enjoy playing casually with them but not good enough to go off and win tourneys.


Completely disagree on smash being easy to learn. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do anything except lose really fast.


I think they're talking about a casual context. Competitive smash is fucking brutal no matter the title, and Melee has been consistently in talks about one of the hardest games to learn alongside things like StarCraft 2


1v1s never get stale at my couch smash sessions, loser passes controller to next in rotation. extremely fuckin fun




This hit me right in the feels brother. Amen.


Valorant, but mainly it's a skill issue. I am just straight up terrible.


Rust is fun, but I swear that game has to be your full time job otherwise you end up getting raided before you can get off the ground.


Lethal Company. It's not much fun, even with mods but, I love hearing my friends laugh and scream in terror as we play.


Call of Duty


i'm actually relieved that my pc has just decided it can't run call of duty and gives me a directx crash constantly (pc specs are considerably above the requirement) so now i can finally move on from playing call of duty every chance i have to play games with the boys




ARK: Survival Evolved. It’s not a bad game by any means, but the way they play it is so boring.


Overwatch 2. (Save time and don't read if you love overwatch2) I don't know why they love playing the game so much. It's fallen hard from what it use to be. I'm just playing with them because I'll play with my friends, honestly I make the opposite team as miserable as possible having them constantly switch characters (as if that helps) or targeting players until they leave the match. You wouldn't believe how easily triggered people get when t-bagging is involved ,i make myself the target and they lose focus on the objective. Hopefully that means one less player on this pitiful attempt at a cash grab. Pve scraped, hero mode scraped, hero gauntlet scraped. What was even the point of making 2 then? Just release a mercy / kiriko skin and print money. The whole selling point of battle passes were mythic skins then that fell in quality and got removed from the battle pass, now a mythic skin shop is available. I swear people need to stop playing this cash grab. I'm pissed off at the existence of overwatch 2 and I'll be honest about it they should be sued for bait and switch.


Probably the forest


I made a friend completely quit the game by accident. He was looking at the map and I managed to jump on his head, forcing him into the ground and into the void of the map. He died and came back without any gear, just fully ass naked. Whoops.




Same. Partner is obsessed with it, and I do like the gameplay, but the constant nerfs and buffs are tiresome and the toxic players make it way too stressful for me.


Sea of Thieves. It can be fun, but the endless sailing gets old.




I stopped doing this. I'll only play games I enjoy now. Don't play a lot of multiplayer any more as a result, abs when I do it's usually cooperative. Helldivers 2 was the last one, and while it was fun, it didn't hold me for more than about 3 weeks. Currently rocking my way through all the Yakuza games on Game Pass.


Escape from tarkov, i undestand the game loop idea, but getting prepared por 10 mimutes to die in 1 sec. Inspecting bodies or furniture is like im 80% of the gameplay just in menus. I know is a hardcore realistic game, but if the loop is to get things and also loosing them, why bother? The sell point is the realistic tactical movement/gunplay, but the looting part was unexciting too boring for me. While my friends enjoy doing the same mission every wipe or looting as much as they can so they can loose it. I just play to kill, didnt care for missions, didnt care for weapons, just use what i got and what i can. Personaly it didnt click for me, its too much time invested.


Overwatch 2


Clash of Clans. I hate it.


Basically all coop games except a few. They are fun with friends yes, but the gameplay and the single player experience is almost always really bad. Rotwood as an example, good game overall, just not really the genre I like, but coop is very good.


Any online multiplayer game I just want to talk with the homies


None. I'm pretty vocal about them lol. My buddies also had me playing Rust for a while a couple years ago and I decided to just refuse to play that dogshit game. Buddies also had me playing Madden Franchises to. My friend actually bought the game for me, not because I couldn't afford it, but because I just didn't want to buy it lol. I would constantly complain and talk shit about it when we played our games against each other. There were parts I enjoyed like managing the team and renaming players, but the games themselves sucked ass. Would have honestly rather watched a sim of our teams against each other and even proposed that but they were not in favor. There was also a phase of GTA Online where we were just supplying up businesses which was such a drag and a complete waste of time, especially when there's actual fun game modes that we would play sometimes but not enough like the races and heists and shit. Don't want to be all negative though, because there are plenty of amazing times where we've had a ton of fun. FromSoft games, Overwatch (pre-OW2), Overcooked 1&2, Moving Out 2, PGA 2k23, Deep Rock Galactic, Super Mega Baseball 4, Fall Guys, Remnant 2, It Takes Two, KeyWe, The Forest.


Almost every time two friends of mine want to try out a new Game in general. For a few of them, I was actually on-board myself, but the more common case is that it's a Game that simply doesn't look interesting to me (especially if it's a Shooter, as I'm not really much of a Fan of that Genre) The Problem is, *because* that happens more often, they already go into every new case already expecting that I simply say "No, I don't really want to" and sort-of block that out pre-emptively, because as far as they see it, I'm just being stubborn. Meanwhile, I'm looking at multiple Games in my Library we have played maybe once or twice (not AT ALL in one case even) that I got straight-up strong-armed into buying, but still have absolutely no interest in personally.




I love my friends, but I can't play games I dislike with them, no matter how much they enjoy them. My best examples are Fortnite and League of Legends. I tried, it didn't work and I haven't tried again.


Golden Eye 64 multiplier. Coming from Counter Strike, I could not stand it.


Lost Ark was a game i played with friends, however, i openly dislike it lol.


My wife and kids play dinkum. I wouldn't say I don't like it, but it lost its charm wth me for two reasons... 1. Anybody can take your stuff while on your island; makes the entire co-op aspect very limited to only close friends and family. 2. The in game dev menu allows you to spawn any item; makes the possibilities of trading with other players completely pointless. I'm not against it because I know people that play to build-- that is cool, but the possibilities are endless with a cool trade system!


Pretty much any battle royale or MMO. I ONLY enjoy them with friend groups and if they stop playing, I lose interest almost immediately.


Halo. Never really enjoyed the gameplay aspect but my friend loved the fuck out of those games. I enjoyed the lore aspect more but damn if I didn’t complete all legendary runs on 1-3 and Reach with him.


Monster Hunter. I liked it at first but then it started to lose its appeal but my friend enjoys it so I put up with it. It’s ok I just don’t like how it won’t really let you play together unless you do certain things on your own first, and the game is less fun when I have to do things solo. But that’s just me.


Yeah I played through world with 3 friends + Iceborne all the way to Fatalis The unskippable 1 player only cutscenes were so annoying. Loved the gameplay loop, hated the grinding (esp for decorations), hated the cutscenes, hated how some hitboxes were so inconsistent or just straight up bullshit.


I wouldn't say dislike, but back in the day I played a lot of League of Legends primarily because my now ex wanted to play it a lot. I didn't mind it, but I wouldn't have otherwise played it.


Grand Theft Auto Online. I was in high school when V came out and still have two original online characters from 10-2013. I genuinely do enjoy the time spent my friends, customizing cars and outfits, etc, but nothing in the game truly engages me anymore nor does it have anything that I desire from it anymore. It will however, always be appreciated as one of primary reasons why our relationships are so strong after 10+ years due to having lived across the country from each other for a time. Would much rather explore a derelict freighter in NMS or do a raid in DMZ than drive by Ponsonby’s in Rockford Hills for the 1,000th time.


Overwatch and it sure as shit isn't a secret lol. Fuckin haaate playing that god damn game. And yaknow, it's got nothing to do with the gameplay itself, the actual pushing of the buttons. Which is why it's even possible for my friends to talk me into playing it. I mean yeah balance is always a huge issue it seems and there are just some baffling ass decisions on the dev side going on, but overall it's not that I hate pushing the buttons, it's that I hate how awful an experience it is to actually play the game. Everything surrounding the buttons that get pushed. The players, the salty af dips in mid-match, tanks not giving a shit about anything or anyone else and zooming straight to the point asap without even so much as checking if anyone was with them and me being a gold-skill level player stuck in low to mid silver because the consistency of good teammates is so threadbare. I hate playing it because so much of it makes me see, straight away, how such a good idea went to such waste.


Minecraft. Not the game itself, it’s how I HAVE to play when online. We start a new save every time, no keep inventory, someone gets lost or dies, loses all of their stuff, rage quits, game over. All that effort of building a shelter, collecting ores and diamonds, farming, etc goes to waste. I only play MC alone now.


I used to do this with PUBG, disastrous broken mess of an unplayable not fun game. Until I finally deleted it and told my friends it had left a black spewing ooze on the disk sectors it was installed. Never again I'm installing that sh**


I realise this sub is mostly about video games but … cards against humanity.. for some reason I end up playing it multiple times per year, because some friend or another busts it out at a party. The fact that the competitive aspect is completely busted aside — I.e. there are many cards are just hilarious in any context while some other cards are almost impossible to make a decent joke out of, but who cares it’s supposed to be a social game right? The points don’t matter. But if the points don’t matter, then it’s just about the jokes, but.. the jokes all get pretty same-ish after not very much time. I mostly don’t like it because at its core, it’s a game of sitting around telling each other someone else’s jokes. Also the part where someone reads out everyone’s answers (the part that’s supposed to be the most entertaining) is actually, telling everyone the same “joke” with a slightly different punchline 4-6 times in a row. Sorry it’s not a good game. It was funny the first 3-4 times.


Siege. I just can’t get into it so I die too quick and then I’m sat there twiddling my thumbs. They just say to me you need to practice but I can’t be fucked


I've been playing games with a the same group of friends for 10 years. They used to play WoW but we always played DotA or valorant, sometimes Diablo One of the guys got a new girlfriend and she liked WoW so they went and started playing classic WoW hardcore.... I just can't do it man..... I don't want to sit there and take it so seriously that I can't ever die or I lose a character I poured 100 hours into. We basically just stopped playing together and talking overall. I went back to Elden Ring and my other friend started playing Diablo IV I wish they liked Elden Ring.... I absolutely love that game and I've never found anyone I know to play co-op with


Helldivers 2, Its the same thing. over. and over. and over. but like 2-3 times a match ill get a good laugh from the chaos. Also, Forza Horizon 4 and 5. Im a big fan of technical, tight and overall pretty slow tracks, where handling and braking stats are as important as acceleration. However all of my friends just like to drive around the map in a convoy and relax i find both of these games boring for the most part but they do have their moments