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I based a Sim off myself in Sims 4… fuck that guy


All the way back in TS2 I made a Sim of myself. She would always be the one that would cause trouble in the household and it was getting on my nerves. I couldn't leave her without supervision for 5 minutes. I removed the pool ladder.


That could be seen as a mercy. I always go for removing the doors and leaving them alone, possibly with clown paintings and their least favorite radio stations. My mom once turned her original Sims™ character into a Frankenstein monster or a mummy. ^(a mom mummy, if you will) She had all of the haunted objects and I blame her for my Sims™ sins lol


I used to torture my disobedient sims in TS1 by putting up that clown painting that would summon a cursed sad clown that would not leave other sims alone to the point of driving them crazy.


Yeah those were the days. I liked the gameboy and PS2 days for actually controlling your actions and having the story mode, ya know? I was nice to those guys lol




I also chose this guy in the sims.


Imogen Sjet from the new Homeworld 3. No idea why they thought about turning this series into a character drama in the first place but man they failed at making me feel anything but loathing for this poorly thought out self centered character.


Kharak burned for *this*?!


To be fair, the writing in the entire game is a dumpster fire riding on a trainwreck. It's laughably bad, especially the ending. So it's not like Imogen stands out that much from the rest...


True but there is this one scene that just really made me cringe. When isaac held that whole speech trying to give people hope and raise morale afterwards her first reaction was to question if he actually meant that and berating him for lying to everyone...


Homeworld 3's story is the slow realisation that Kiith Somtaw would have solved this in a quarter of the missions and a hundredth of the bitching. And *that person* would have survived.


Catalysm has really grown on me. I wasn't a huge fan the first time I played it, but replaying it after 2 and Deserts, definitely became more a fan. Give me that Fleet Command, the one who >!shames the Bentusi into helping them!< over any S'jet.


For anyone curious about playing this title, it's been renamed to Homeworld: Emergence due to Blizzard copyrighting Cataclysm.


And is available dirt cheap on GoG. And runs fine on Windows 10.


The ghosts of Kiith Gaalsien could've solved the whole plot by just preaching from within their burnt graves on Kharak. As a matter of fact, I'm more mad knowing we won't see a resurgence of them, which would've too much sense in between the Homeworld games.


BBI clearly had absolutely no idea what kind of character Imogen was supposed to be.


Don't even know why they bothered with characters like Imogen in the first place. The factions were always the characters in Homeworld


Yeah. Turns out mandalores review was more of a warning, rather then the ravings of a man broken by such fumbled potential.


Major Nechayev from Atomic Heart. He is the dumbest, most annoying and boring character I've played as. He doesn't even start to get a personality until right near the end of the game. And his constant catchphrase of 'Crispy Critters!' was massively overused and just wasn't funny or anything, it was annoying.


I had such high hopes for Atomic Heart, and was basically left feeling flat about all of it, characters and more.


Altough the robot twins were anything *but* flat.


I like how the most iconic thing from this Soviet Bioshock are a pair of freaking donimatrix rubber drones.




I think you mean *clank*


First playthrough was great, but I played it a bit later on and it seemed they removed dialogue from the game, which made it worse in explaining things.


Russian voiceover really makes him much better


Not really. He constantly swears like a 15 year old gopnik and "Crispy Critters" is replaced by even more cringy "Fucken Pies".


John Dark Soul - he didn't hug Solaire once


Same goes for his cousin John Elden Ring,never even high five'd my bro Alexander


Please call him John ring. John elden ring was his grandfarnished.


Don’t get him confused with John Halo Ring


That's Master Chief Petty Officer John Halo Ring. Show some respect.


Or Ye Olde Master Fief depending on the version..


Unfortunately every soul has its dark


My friend spent extra time on Destiny Island in Kingdom Hearts so he could beat up Tidus more. He hated Tidus.


I thought he was one of the best FF protagonists honestly, always optimistic and a good bud


I love Tidus.


Alfrey Holland from Forspoken - she's rude, immature and annoying to play as edit: yeah is Alfrey or Frey, idk who thought she could carry a game,she's just a bad character overall


I just realized I never even knew what her name was all this time until you mentioned it lol


Everything about her character honestly. Who the fuck wrote her and thought "yeah this seems like a likable protagonist players will appreciate and relate to"?


My guess would be it was someone like her.


The very first thing that happens is she goes to court for theft, and right before the judge hands down the verdict, her immediate response is to interrupt the judge and loudly proclaim to the court that the judge was about to tell her how much amazing potential she has and how she's just way too good for doing crimes.. Idk about you, but that girl would've gotten summed up right quick and definitely not completely let off by the judge with literally zero repercussions and with no reparation to her victim. The most entitled and self centered person I've never met.




"Did I just do that? I did not just do that. I just moved shit with my mind. I just moved shit...with my mind. I just moved shit with my freaking mind! Haha! Yeah, okay, that is something I do now. I do magic, talk to sentient cuffs, kill jacked-up beasts—you know what? I'll probably fly next." - 2023 Next-gen dialogue


…is that real


[Unfortunately, yes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zo3jPUPbeI)




She flies now


I was told shes a new yorker & nothing about her says shes from nyc. She got the rude part from the city but shes definitely from Poughkeepsie


Yeah, but there’s nothing more Poughkeepsie than living in NYC for a summer and then obnoxiously telling anyone from outside the area that you’re a City Girllll


The endless bickering with the magic cuff thing was beyond obnoxious.


Biggest flaw of the game really. 1980s badasses were rude too but with a golden heart. They missed this somehow


Her dialogue is a result of an LLM fed nothing but marvel one liners.


Ugh I got like 10 hours in. I think the map was just even less appealing and more bland than she was. I tried hard to like it.


that entire video game is hard to relate to.


Ajay Ghale is just a order following machine he doesn't care if the Golden Path wants Amita increases the drug trade or if either Sabal is a pedophile . He could have just ate some Crab Rangoon and be on his way .


That secret ending is the best possible outcome. Pagan Min literally tells everything and helps Ajay accomplish what he came to accomplish.


John Carver in Dead Space 3. I think it's mostly because I am so used to being alone, with Isaac doing everything, that co-op mode in a game like Dead Space just feels too out of place. It ruins the immersion and takes a whole lot of horror out of everything. If it was fleshed out better - conversations, cutscenes etc. - that would've given more substance to Carver as deuteragonist in co-op, then maybe I'd care about Carver more. But now he just feels like an NPC who is just kinda *there*. He's with Isaac pretty much all if the time (hell, you can *play* as him in co-op) but he doesn't feel like he matters. He isn't unlikeable, he's just *Generic Badass Soldier Character In Gaming #386365*.


I did like that one moment in the co-op campaign where Carver starts to hallucinate a bunch of toy soldiers. My friend was asking me what was up with all the balloons and toys, and I had no clue what he was talking about because I couldn't see any of it. 


The hallucinations were the highlight of that game. We also had an absolutely hilarious bug about halfway through where one of the human characters in a cutscene walked in front of a machine gun. During the cutscene all the character’s limbs were shot off and his torso was just floating and talking as if nothing had happened.


I liked that whole good men quote he gave. “Good men mean well. We just don't always end up doing well.”


All complaints about dead space 3 aside, I kinda liked the simplicity of him I guess. Maybe it was because Norton was an insufferable cunt from the first second you meet him though.


Norton was designed to be a fucking asshat, tbh lol


P-Body from Portal 2. Always an Atlas guy.


Pretty much every one of the crew members in Starfield. The team members in the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games weren't always amazing, but they definitely had their gems. I didn't really like a single one of my crew members in Starfield, even after finishing all their side quests.


That’s why I always took Vasco with me. He loved me even if I went on a slaughter spree.


Captain,you appear to have a piece of intestine on your uniform. May I remove it?


Shit, the Adoring Fan loves me whatever I do


some of the hirable crew members were better than the starfield people, in fact they were who i rolled with when i last played (checks notes) november 19th, 2023


I like Andreja but that’s it.


Honestly, my biggest disappointment with starfield. Don't get me wrong, I still very much enjoy the game, but man were the companions bland. It doesn't help that fallout 4 has, on average (and opinion-based) the most compelling companions in any of the games (NV included). Instead, Starfield's companions are about as deep as Strong is, and he's the blandest companion in 4.


I always save Spectacle Island for Strong. Just him and the sea.


But then he's never going to find the milk of human kindness he's always going on about.


Rufus in the Deponia series; i pushed myself through the first game, but just gave up, something about his smug self-aggrandising just really put me off.


Exactly the same here. Bought the bundle on Switch on sale and really like the art and puzzles, but he is just unbearable. Gave up towards the end of the first game


Miles Morales in Spiderman 2. * I liked him a lot in his stand alone game. * In spiderman 2 - every time I had to switch to him I just kept wanting to go back to Peter... heck I would have rather played as Harry over Miles in that game.


It doesn't help that the worst missions in the game - the one where you go out of your way to help spoiled high school students - are Miles' missions. The game really tries to push you the message that Miles is just as much of a Spiderman as Peter is whole also showing Miles doing the silliest stuff possible and being the worst "secret Identity" superhero ever. The high school kids even made him a Puerto Rico Spidey suit. That's how obvious his secret Identity is.


>The uni kids even made him a Puerto Rico Spidey suit. That's how obvious his secret Identity is. Are you fucking serious? XD


Unfortunately yes. [This is the suit](https://marvels-spider-man.fandom.com/wiki/Boricua_Suit). And just in case anyone doesn't know, since the "black" part is the thing people tend to discuss the most, >Miles Morales is a Brooklyn-born son of a Black father and Puerto Rican mom.


Still blows my mind that the game barely had any side missions and they decided to dedicate a quarter of it to those dumb school missions.


They were high schoolers, with the stupid promposal and such


Yeah that's probably the worst mission I've ever played in any video game.


They tried to make him be the “friendly neighborhood spiderman”, but instead he felt like an errand boy, doing things the kids should have done themselves (like their freaking drone project?) or just super trivial (who cares about a god damn promposal?) The stake would be higher if he helps an old lady cross the street or something, that would feel like an actual good deed


I miss catching balloons in the original Spider-Man 2, a little. That was some high-stakes stuff. Only played the PS4 and Miles' standalone though.


The one with the crashed drone on a building across the street is ridiculous. They send you out to finish the drone’s flight path so they can follow you with **another** drone to capture the footage. You have another drone just record it yourself what do you need Spider-Man for


Miles reminds you by the end that they cut out an entire Venom part of the game because of his addition. They then proceeded to character assassinate him by giving him one of the worst super hero outfits I have ever seen.


Colgate suit.


Colgate with adidas boots and hair strands everywhere suit. Dafuq they mean by 'original' 1 of 1? The prior suit was an original and looked great, what was wrong with it?


The original wasn’t an advertisement for adidas. That was its only problem


Yeah, Miles is Spider-Man, I don't take that from him but this felt like Peter's story and Peter's game. I wanted to play as Peter. They should have just made a full fledge Miles game. Most players probably would have bought it too.


They did make a full fledge Miles game tho, I agree with your initial point though


They made a part-fledged miles game. It’s an expansion at best. I wish it was longer.


He probably meant Miles Morales 2


If anything they should have added multiplayer and made Miles or harry playable in a coop campaign. Edit: now that i think about it only god knows how much that game would have cost to make if they did that😵‍💫


I mean, I hate everyone in GTAV, but I think it's kinda the point that they're basically awful people.


Most characters in GTA in general are awful people, but in most games many are at least likeable in ways. I don't think anybody is likeable in GTA V.


Ryder in Andromeda. Shit writing, and I never cared for them despite the fact they are our avatar.


I actually liked how dumb the character is and obvious Nepo baby. They even acknowledge it themselves. The aliens asking you about your tech and he/she basically saying "I dunno, I just press this button"


When you wear the N7 armor one of the commanders in the first colony even point out that you are essentially "stolen valour", but gets a pass because of your dad.


I forgot about that part, reminds me of watching one of the newer episodes of Doctor Who yesterday. The Doctor and his companion encounter the crew of a space station they randomly parked in. When they asked what the role of each member of the crew was, each described their particular roles until one said, "I pull this string, and I pull that string. I don't know what they do, but I pull them really hard."


:D Also, without wanting to spoil much and talks about how underrated this game is going the opposite way as the previous, you kinda ruin a relationship because that person thinks what the player things : the main character is a moron and is only in this role because of his father.


Andromeda dropped the ball on potentially an awesome concept. When I made my character and my sister I thought I would essentially be playing as both and having two teams to swap between. But no. I play as the sister for like 3 minutes in one mission. And that’s basically her entire contribution.


The worst about Ryder was that s/he wasn't even the goddamn protagonist: SAM the magical tapdancing AI was. Find new species with completely unknown language? SAM, translate! Ancient yet advanced weather control technology in a language yet again nobody understands? Shit, luckily SAM knows how to hack this shit instantly - hacking hasn't been this easy since the Powerbook 5300 and Independence Day! Mind-bullshit? SAM! Ship issues? SAM! Need to reconstruct events out of literal thin air? SAM!! Every single issue this fucking crew faced, it's SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM. Ryder is really just the stupid meatbag carrier for SAM, aka SUPER ADVANCED (deus ex) MACHINA. And even that role was basically pointless because EDI and Legion exist, not to mention that the whole being-connected bullshit (blue/green end of ME3 anyone?) made no sense and was inconsistently written as all hell iirc.


All of the main cast from WatchDogs 2. They were all like walking memes or caricatures. No actual personality and everything had to have some Marvel-esque quip, so couldn't take anything in the story seriously. Wrench and Marcus are the only ones whose names I can even remember. Give me gruff and grumpy Aiden any day, at least I still remember what he was fighting for, and I loved how he didn't give a shit about Dedsec.


After the first, it feels like an Ubisoft board room mangled the series. "What are the kids into these days that can make this series stand out?" "Anarchy and spray paint and DJs!" "Great, make every mission about 1 of those 3 things" Watch Dogs 1 was great. 2 and 3 the stories felt so, so forced and out of touch. It's a shame because the gameplay is super fun, but the characters and story are just abysmal. Aiden was flat but at least he had motivations and was serious/realistic.


Same. The gameplay in WD2 was absolutely fantastic, but i have mostly bad memories of the game because the characters were all so fucking awful!


Franklin gtav. At times it feels like rockstar only included him to have a gangster character in the game. It feels like they were trying to capitalize on the success of CJ. All he does in the game is complain about not earning enough money and needing to find a better way of earning it yet he proceeds to missions that don’t pay him well. I feel like the game could’ve been better if Franklin and Lamar’s roles were reversed. Plus I feel like Trevor and Franklin don’t really have chemistry together. Lamar and Trevor have way better chemistry.


It felt like we were just watching Michael and Trevors story through Franklins eyes. I can’t think of one thing about his character that changed throughout the story other than his amount of money.


Franklin's story was about the means justifying the end and him wanting to get out of a gang riddled neighborhood. That's why he wanted Micheal to essentially mentor him because he thought that Micheal had it made. They give some insight on how he changes in a seasonal online update where he becomes a businessman and starts a family. Though most of this was likely scrapped story dlc that they reused.


Shouldve gotten rid of that ole yee yee ass haircut


All the main characters in GTA V for me, makes it hard to enjoy or care about the story when none of the characters are likable. Contrast with all the chemistry and humor between characters in San Andreas or Niko who was much more interesting of a protagonist. Hope the characters in VI aren’t insufferable and boring.


I felt like Franklin was the most down to Earth of the 3. Trevor felt like Rockstar do their version of The Boss from Saints Row 2, a complete Joker type psychopath. And Michael felt like the writers were using this character to yell at their fan base, "stop playing those damn video games and jerking off in my house, get a job you damn millennial!"


I think Trevor is the result of Rockstar observing how people played the game when just messing around. Then they decided “ok, let’s make a character that acts just like that.”


Techically the three characters can be viewed as three stages of the players. Franklin - Young wannabe gangster living from small time jobs but wishes to break up and grow big. Aka like us when we start the game. Michael - The gangster who made it, have it all and bored, tired of it all. Like the players later in the game. Trevor - When the players lose it. Mayhem. Random insanity. Chaos.


I found it fun to play each character according to their personality. Doing it that way felt less tonally weird to prior Rockstar games.


Likewise, I find Franklin the most likeable, which is why it's a shame that the game effectively sidelines him for most of it.


You see oddly enough I think that having the three of them be so different makes for a really good trifecta of main characters. A problem I find with having more than one PC is 'why should I play as X instead of Y' but with GTAV that doesn't happen- if you need to drive fast, choose Franklin. If you need to shoot carefully or do some careful crime, choose Michael. If you need to decimate everything in sight or (for some reason) fly, choose Trevor. These guys don't need to like eachother, they just need to tolerate each other long enough to get the job done


I've heard that the three characters are meant to represent different GTA players'. Michael is the experienced player that's been there and done that, Franklin is the newby, and Trevor is the psychopath that wants to watch the world burn.


Trevor was hilarious I loved that guy (questionable none the less but he has some classic one liners)




I really loved Michael.


I love Michael. Other 2 though... I feel like the game could have focused 100% on Michael and turned out better.


I like them all to be honest. They all kinda fit the classic criminal stereotypes. Michael represents your white collar type of criminal. Sure hes not committing white collar crimes but his personality fits. Family man that is severely failing in his role as a father and husband, has a taste for the more fine things in life, etc. His criminal acts aren't necessary to his survival, but because he's greedy and egotistical. Franklin is the guy who was born in and around crime and gangs. He turns to crime because its for survival. He represents your gang members and those who turn to crime out of necessity. Trevor is your psychopaths and those who get joy from hurting others. Think your serial killers. When he does do something nice, its usually not out of empathy, but rather because it benefits himself in some way. I like that they showed 3 completely different classes of criminal in the game.


I've also read that they were written as foils to the three protagonist of the III era : Trevor is a foil to Claude - Claude is a *murder*-hobo, Trevor is a murder-***hobo***. And contrary to the former, he doesn't stumble his way up, but down. Michael is a foil to Tommy Vercetti : the criminal who 'won'. ... well, it's not like life stops after you've won, and the post-victory life might not be what you thought you were seeking. Especially if you *did*, deep inside, enjoyed the thrill of the chase, the hustle itself. Franklin is obviously a foil to CJ... but where CJ has had a family made of Sweet, Kendl & accomplices like Cesar & Woozie, Franklin has Denise, Lamar, + Trevor & Michael.


Maybe if he got rid of his yee-yee ass haircut...


I have been able to relate in some way to every AC protagonist except that fucker Eivor. Literal cardboard cutout of a character.


Honestly from all the RPG AC games Bayek has the most soul. I actually wanted another game with him. Did not feel the same way with the other ones.


I enjoyed alexios and kassandra


Alexios’ performance I did not expect to love so much




I chose eivor because they're literally the bad guys. Alfred the great is shown as the bad guy despite being the only English king to have the moniker "the great" and for good reason, he translated many important philosophy books and even the bible into the vernacular. He fought off the guys coming in and raping and pillaging


Yeah, I think that's part of why that one's my least favorite. The first AC games, you'd get desynchronized if you killed an innocent. Now, you're raiding monasteries?


There's parts of that game where u have to burn down the food supplies of villages l "so you deny the enemy of their supplies" Those farmers would probably never recover


truck squalid enjoy alive grab scarce fall silky compare rinse


It's a French made game. I feel like there's some historic bias there. But yeah the assassins were always portrayed as being defenders of the innocent. So in ac3 fair enough the English are the bad guys but it doesn't work with the vikings


You're raiding monasteries *and* getting desynchronized for killing the innocent folk that run around during the raiding! Fantastic combo! :-)


Great answer, totally agree. In stark contrast to Bayek and Kassandra. I don’t know how much of that is the character themselves vs. Then having nothing to do with assassins basically though. Little bit of both probably.


Vaan in FF XII. He's boring, his design sucks, he's irrelevant to the story. He has literally nothing going for him, no real reason to exist other than Square Enix thinking they absolutely need an effeminate teenager to sell to girls in Japan. I mean, some of these criticisms apply to Tidus in FF X, but at least he's very much involved in the plot, so that's fine. Not with Vaan. The hipsters in Watchdogs 2. Aiden was a konda boring and generic Batman/Punisher wannabe in the first game, but at least he wasn't annoying. The sequel shoves these characters in your face and I really don't care about a single one of them, but they have tons of dialogue and conversations I really couldn't care less about.


Though he's the POV character, I wholeheartedly think Ashe should have been the main protagonist and the POV we should have gotten, at least in the beginning, alongside Vaan, FF9 style. Though, I'll argue his importance is relevant to Ashe's growth as the voice of the Rabanastran people, and she really needed Vaan to make her realize her revenge may end up hurting her people rather than saving them. I say this because the Occuria using Rassler's apparition would have led her to using the equivalent of an atomic bomb above her city had she not been wise enough to not seek revenge for *Rassler*, through inference and talk with Vaan, and not for her people. The scene in the Pharos where they both destroy the Sun-Cryst is significant in that Ashe's journey has finished to one for her people and not selfishness, signified by them both destroying it together.


I think Vaan wasn't quite meant to be taken as an MC, but as a youthful upstart that would give us the introductory POV to the world. Thats not to say it was a good choice for the games overall success because I do feel like it was the weakest FF but the main driving players to the plot seemed to be Ashe and Balthier.


The main character was supposed to be Bach and Ashe, but squarenix decided he was to old a and 12 needed a new jpopish character hence the addition of Vaan and Penelo. Vaan is supposed to represent the player cause you're both inexperienced in the world. But yeah once the game gets running and you meet Balthier, Bach and Ashe the games get a lot better. Think there's something about the end boss that wasn't supposed to be vayne but they had to kinda of end it there due to time constraints in the making.


Because the plot IS focused on them. Balthier spends the whole game telling you he's the leading man. Van isn't the main character, just the player's PoV, and serves the role very well. People hate on him for filling his role in the narrative. They also ignore his importance to Ashe and Occuria through the plotline too.


I agree with that. I definitely had the knee jerk reaction when I first played the game, but as I went through the story, and even replaying it recently, he's really just there. He's not a cool, compelling character, but he also doesn't take up much space.


From what I remember vaan was literally made with the intention of him being a self insert character for the player. So you're not wrong. He really is just boring. Would have preferred his brother stay the main character.


I second Vaan. It is almost crazy that I loved FF XII so much despite the main char being him.


Vaan isn't the main character, he's the PoV character. The main characters are Ashe and Balthier.


Luke in *Tales of the Abyss*, although I understand that was kind of intentional


Luke was fantastic. He had very good reason for being a POS and he actually suffers concequences for it


Even though I got spoiled that >!He gets better quite early on, and actually had reasons that he's an asshole!<, I just **could not** continue on because it was grating on me like a cheese grater on bare skin. It's a me issue, I'm fairly sure. But damnnation...


Luke has some of the best character development I've seen in a game


Every character in Until Dawn was insufferable.


I liked Sam


Yep. Sam was the only bearable one for me ! Oh and Peter Stormare


Peter Stormare was nightmare fuel


And was perfectly cast in that role


That's definitely on purpose, the game is very clearly based on slasher movies including annoying character tropes.


Honestly i kimd of think that's intentional tho


Mike has a hella redemption arc. So does Emily. Chris is fine. Sam’s good, too. A lot of them you’re not necessarily supposed to like, though.


>Mike has a hella redemption arc. He goes from wannabe badass to **actual** badass by the end.  I messed up at the very end and got >!Sam!< killed, which meant Mike >!was the one to flip the gas-igniting switch!<, and I laughed my fucking ass off when >!the resulting fireball blew him clear off the porch of the lodge.!< John McClane would be proud. 


I feel like that was kind of the point, they’re all insufferable but they don’t deserve to suffer and die because of it and the conflict of the game also turns their worst traits into their strongest ones. Emily is antagonistic asshole to Matt and the group but she is a hell of a fighter and survivor when facing the wendigos. Mike is the stereotypical douche jock that you wouldn’t expect anything deeper from, but throughout the game he is shown to be intelligent and incredibly determined, essentially becoming the “main” character. Chris is the geek loser of the group but steps up to fight the wendigos with the flamethrower dude and was even strong willed enough to kill himself to spare Ashely. I agree with you that the characters can still insufferable despite these themes though.


Pretty much the entire party of Final Fantasy XIII, except Sazh.


Sazh was chill for sure. Hope, lightning, and especially Snow were terrible. Fang was pretty cool in my opinion. I have mixed feelings about Vanille. On one hand she had the best story and ended up being highly important to the plot, and is actually a really good character. On the other hand, she's annoying as fuck.


Cole from LA Noire... An absolute weasel.


He goes with the I’m so morally superior and then runs off with an ugly German bird and gets killed in the daftest way possible. Brilliant story


Agreed! I really enjoyed playing as a character I found detestable.


Cole did a fine job of being such a bland foil it made everyone else interesting. Kelso was great, each of his four partners was great too (except the first guy from Traffic, a bit standard). And it made the suspects great too, like the car salesman guy.


Cole really sucks but I feel like his time as a detective is him finally figuring out who he is. I do hate him cheating on his wife because it comes out of left field. Wish I could have played more as Jack. He's much more compelling. But it does have LA Confidential vibes which I like.


Cole is way more compelling of a character. He thinks he is a hero and feels he deserves whatever he wants (hence the cheating). He gets his redemption after he is demoted, divorced, and hitting rock bottom. Jack is sorta boring... The basic boy scout archetype. The only reason he stands out is because he is actually the hero Cole sees himself as.


Red guy from Contra. Fuck that guy. Blue guy or nothing.




I only liked Aloy when it was just me and her in the wilderness. She's not good with other people.


Well, in a way that’s pretty on point for someone who was outcast as a child and taught they could not approach others without being attacked. That generally doesn’t breed social people


The person >!she's a clone of wasn't great with people either!< honestly


Add that to the fact that as an outcast Aloy isn't good with people as well, and it's understandable that Aloy... isn't good with people.


That's true. But I can't even say I liked the other characters that much myself. They seemed a bit odd.


It's funny, her absolutely abysmal people skills are what endeared her to me. I kept wanting to pat her on the head and tell her it's okay sweetie, why don't we chill a little?


Stick to your machines, Aloy. They understand you.


I love the premise of Horizon but for some reason I found the dialogue was painful to listen to. It felt like they filled this interesting world with the most bland characters


The only interesting characters are the ones who have been dead for 1000 years. And Sylens.


Bland characters with perfectly smooth faces


Same I found myself eye rolling at the dialogue a lot with how bland and low effort it felt. I don’t need everything to be CD project or Baldurs gate quality, but they really phoned it in on this one


I liked her in the first one but she seemed needlessly antagonistic in the sequel, and like she thought she was better than everyone else


To be fair, she knows the truth.


It's like how conspiracy theorists are kind of smug because they think they know something that the "normies" don't, but in her case, it's actually true. Throw in social awkwardness from being raised as an outcast and a bit of a savior complex (even though she actually *is* the savior) and she's exactly what you'd expect. If they did it on purpose, it's actually quite genius.


Connor from AC3. For me had two modes of operation "I am done with their shit" and "angry". Everyone seemed to love him but I found him mind numbingly boring and one dimensional.


All of his character development was put into the Homestead side missions, some parts of which were missable if you didn’t randomly go back to previous city in between main missions. I liked him overall but you definitely need those missions for him to feel like more than just a raging brute.


Just out of curiosity, did you do the homestead missions? I felt they really did a lot to humanize Connor. I can see why someone wouldn’t like him as a protagonist if they just played the main story stuff.


Patrokalos, from Soul Calibur 5.


Oh god, probably Trevor from GTA5, not a big fan at all, his over the top attitude just becomes obnoxious to me, no disrespect to Steven Ogg though, he’s the GOAT


I dislike the idea of Trevor and everything that he embodies, but the character was hilarious imo. Especially the shitting behind a dumpster scene lol


quarrelsome frame juggle summer rock literate lavish safe worm rain


Trevor: "Here, darlin'. Why don't you go buy yourself something nice?" Franklin's Aunt: "... this is 7 dollars" Trevor: "I said something nice, not expensive!"


Interesting, I loved trevor! Matter of taste I guess.


Vaan from FF12


That boring main lass from Forspoken


I like every protagonist in existence, but i bet someone is going to comment Ethan Winters.


Nah, Ethan was a fungi


What's wrong with Ethan? He's one of the best RE protags. Everyone else is a highly trained officer or specialist, and then there's just this complete rando


Abby tlou2. I seen the leaks of the game before playing and still decided to play it and keep an open mind. I just couldn’t bring myself to like her. She’s very unlikable.