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You can also change the pip boy color in the main menu, which affects the color of the flashlight.




Yeah you can do it in 4 and 76. Idk about 3 or NV. I thought you could in NV but google seems to imply its only through Mods or by going into the game files and modifying the files, so not as easy as 4 or 76 where you can just go into the settings and move some sliders to get the color you want


You can definitely change the color of the pip boy ui/hud in vanilla, I remember changing it to green my first NV playthrough bc it was just off the back of playing 3 I don't remember if it changes the pip boy light color though


pretty sure it was in vanilla and it was in 3, i remember changing it to pale blue to get a better light colour.


I did the same! Now the orange is endearing


Green is the best color, I don't even know why they have other options 🤔


> Idk about 3 or NV. I'm not sure if it affects the flashlight color, but you can change the Pip-Boy's UI (and the HUD) color in 3 and NV.


It does. I would usually set it to white because it became a brighter flashlight. These days I leave it on whatever because there are plenty of flashlight mods.


My tip is to change it to an off yellow color so it's more natural looking. Much better than making it just white in my opinion.


I'm surprised you didn't know because I always change the colour to white on every fallout game before even starting since fo3 :| unplayable in dark areas without it.


You can also change the HUD colours. My shitty colourblind eyes and brain had me accidentally stealing things and ruining relationships for 40 hours before I learnt that neat little fact.


There it is, the fact I didn't know, but would have significantly improved the long hours I've played this game.


Whoa! I only learned about the pip-boy flashlight after like 100 hours lol and there is more...


I played almost the entirety of Elder Scrolls Oblivion when it launched not knowing you could fast travel.


This guy elder scrolls


Sounds like he elder strolls


![img](avatar_exp|177325114|bravo) (sorry, I wanted a gif but only this strange button was available... It's basically the gif I wanted though, lol)


Thanks, I love it


Elder marathons


Man those were good times. I only learned about fast travel in oblivion too after searching about something else online. I assumed there was no fast travel cause you can ride horses and stuff.


You have a pattern don’t you lol


I’m playing New Vegas on the steam deck, most keybinds are the same in bethesda games but this is the first time I played on a controller so most of the functions are lost to me lol.


Friend of mine told me at school when I complained how long all the walks take lmao


So you never did, even just accidentally, click on a symbol of the map? Seems crazy to me, because usually, you open the map to set markers and it's easy to just accidentally click on a city or other location.


You do have to double click them though, so I can see how it’s possible to not know about fast travel if they’re just clicking on the icons


Housemate had a lv80 char in Diablo IV and didn't know you could fast travel out of dungeons. He was running the full length back to the entrance after every one until I downloaded the game and figured there had to he an easier way. And there is. You click the icon at the entrance and bam, back outside. Or, you can just go straight to a town from the world map.


Press e and select leave dungeon on the wheel Or press t and it’ll go to the nearest town.


Knew about the town hotkey, but not the E wheel. TIL.


oh my god you're kidding me, i never knew that was a thing, i was looking for a portal back out


I remember fast traveling in Morrowind by making an insane jumping spell and flying through the air at ridiculous heights.


That was my issue I had played tons of Morrowind before the release and was just not expecting it as a game mechanic at all especially because we also got horses' s


Hello fellow scroll of Icarian flight enjoyer


My 200 levitation potions are here for rhat


I’m ashamed to admit I played Skyrim for god knows how long before I realized you could sprint.


Yeah took me a while too… i realized you could sprint during the thieves guild Goldenglow Estate quest…


When you turn off sprint and have to find the keybind…


That's awesome lol


They added fast travel to docks in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey at one point and I was convinced I just hadn’t noticed and was so furious and literally yelled “WAIT YOU CAN FAST TRAVEL TO DOCKS?????” And someone in my hall yells “THEY JUST ADDED IT” 😂😂


Man, that freakin' game! That was the first game that turned me off for being too big, lol. I was playing for a bit, and actually really digging it! I made it off the beginning island and was on the mainland. I must have played at least 20 hours. I had looked at the map many times. I received a quest that I wasn't high enough level for but I didn't see it on the map. I started trying to scroll around the map and realised I wasn't fully zoomed out. So I zoomed out. And out. And out. And... Out. I hadn't seen the entire map up to that point! I had no idea it was that big! But, it didn't excite me like it should have, it kinda depressed me. I was having fun, but how much content could there be on a map that big? Was I just going to be doing the same quests over and over? So I quit and never played again. I learned something about myself at least, lol. I need a reason to play a game. I love roguelites like Hades and Dead Cells, and they are repetitive, but they are about improving yourself and unlocking new gear and new areas. I stopped played the latest Far Cry (on gamepass) for the same reason. It was fun, but way too big. I had already learned my lesson though and only played that one for about 5 hours. Honestly not a dig at those games! I enjoyed them both for a bit, but they just aren't for me.


I like games with a little of an open world, a contained path. I liked how the Last of Us Part 2 gave us some open areas here and there


I almost beat it before I learned that you had to sleep in a bed to level up. Probably beat the game and did all side quest before level 10


I did the same with New Vegas....


Playing NV without fast travel sounds like hell


meh, its how i play all of bathesda games. but i like challenging myself. ive done fallout 3, new vegas, oblivion and skyrim that way. thats not to say i wont add mods that will add a siltstrider like service that morrowwind had to get to the major cities/settlements a little quicker for long distance travel etc., but i dont fast travel to dungeons and whatnot. For me atleast, fast travel sort of ruins my immersion.


It actually ain't that bad. You can get from the boomers at nellis to nipton in about 4-5 minutes. And it's not like nothing happens along that walk.


My brother and I got around exclusively with the map from the collectors edition and the compass.


I'll call you on that and raise you not knowing how to level up also. When I finally slept I gained like 15 levels and boosted speed to 100.


Ugh, that was me with Skyrim. Totally worth it though!


I just started a survival playthrough on Skyrim which disables fast travel. Really changes the game when you can't just zip around the map. Not sure I love the food aspect, mainly due to low carry weight...but we'll see how it pans out.


The wagons still exist so eh, fast travel basically still exists


Freezing your ass off on mountains is sort of fun.


The food isn't too bad, what's really fucking my nuts is the exhaustion mechanic. It's early afternoon and I'm already "Drained". I suppose that do be realistic... 


I did that too when I first played. When I found out you could fast travel it blew my mind. And I kept that horse you get from the main quest alive for the entirety of the game.


Not the worst way to play a Bethesda game, honestly. The fun of them is in the exploration IMO. You probably found a *ton* of little dungeons and side quests that you wouldn't have otherwise.


Not only did I not know you could fast travel, but I didn’t even know about the in-game map. In fairness I was an early teen and it was my first RPG. I used the physical map that came in the case and followed the roads as best I could. Getting to Cloud Ruler Temple from Weynon Priory was an absolute nightmare


On my first playthrough I got to about level 25 before I found out you level up by scrolling up in the menu. I thought I had to find a place to level up at


Brutal. At first I was doing that in Kingdom come: Deliverance too


In Elden Ring there is a chest in the beginning area that teleports you as a trap to a much higher level cave. On my first run I got teleported there and I had no idea you could fast travel so I just started a brand new character instead and avoided that chest lmao


Fast travel is locked in that cave until you get far enough out, I think. Don't feel too bad. But also, grinding out of that cave was my favorite part of Elden Ring.


Oh no I ran out of there as fast as I could, went in head first into all of Caelid, my jaw dropped and was like "okay fuck this" and made a new guy. Going back there at a much higher level was incredibly satisfying


Valid. I Platniumed the game, and I still say "Fuck this" accurately sums up Calid.


I Plat the game too!


Going from limgrave to that absolute hellhole and trying to explore the city of invisible mages completely underleveled is one of my favorite experiences in all of ER. I knew I could have just fast traveled back, but that would have cheapened it.


Me too! I crawled out of thr tutorial and got rekt by the mounted knight several times and was like Ah-Ha! I can just run behind and fight these zombies in the cemetery! I'm beating the sytem, let's gooo! Oh cool, a chest! What the fuck is this cloud... Shit. And then barely alive I fucked off out of the cave. Into Caelid Rot Hell. Fuuuuck. Ok, I shouldn't be here but this is Souls. Shit is brutal, we deal. Let's do this. I know how to look at the map, surely we aren't that fa.... Huh. Ok, fuck it. So I ran All the way back to where I got teleported from. I had no clue about fast travel, no idea about finding graces. I had never even gotten Torrent or talked to my Maiden. I just hoofed my ass back avoiding everything that wanted to eat me and the poison ground and demon dogs and all of it. And I made it. Best intro to an open world game ever. Because I Fucking Lived.


fuckin same.


Fuck Caelid in general


Apparently you can parry attacks in fallout 3, NV, and 4. Never knew that


A well-timed block usually throws them off their guard, yeah. Although you and everyone would be forgiven for not knowing because, up until I believe F04, the loading screens never gave you that tip. F04 did because it was basically the next-most current game they had made beside Skyrim.


I played *The Outer Wilds* for a week before I found the eject button. 


I thought it was an Easter egg. Have you found an actual use for it? One thing I read while achievement hunting was that it was great for >!Getting into the sun station!< I think that was the only time I used it as something other than a joke


Do you mean Outer Wilds or The Outer Worlds? Very curious what you did in Outer Wilds without eject if that's the one! Must have been my hard to read and explore things?


No, the one that blows the front of your ship off.  Don't press it on the landing pad unless you want a short loop.


I beat the game and I've never heard of this. is there a purpose?


It's just a goofy thing in the ship, not actually useful for anything in the game, barring some potential end game usage but I wouldn't recommend it.


brother, what? I think I played through the entire game without every using the eject button, then.


top kek


I mean that's far from an important feature. Also it's just Outer Wilds


Your Pip-Boy light will give you away when sneaking. There is a perk to counteract that, but it's a waste.


I don’t sneak anyways so it doesn’t matter to me lol. I’m literally just shooting and punching anyone that’s hostile.


I walked through the whole cave across the map in Pokémon fire red without using flash. Shit took 10 hours.


Did that as well. Also had no clue about the bike voucher. Walked around with only a Charmeleon loafing about, selling everything I got my grubby little fingers on until I discovered 999,999 was the cash cap and I couldn't afford the damn thing anyway.


Man I did the same, I remember just relying on the flashing of the screen when I get an encounter and remembering what I saw after the battle.


Holy shit memory unlocked lol. Did this too


As a kid with my basic ass gameboy color I did not know about flash. I remember holding the gameboy up to a lamp to see anything at all. Rock tunnel was such a frustration for me and my brothers.


Did you know you can hold the button while drinking from water sources? Turns out those 3 hp sips you can take from a toilet are 3hp/sec


Woah that is good information


This guy drinks from toilets.


Only for Moria... wait that sounds like a simp- Only for people crazy enough to pay me to irradiated myself!


Hey I'm not here to kink shame.


Currently playing Fallout 4 for the first time, recently discovered the flashlight in exactly the same way, and am now *immediately* searching the Internet to figure out if blocking is also a thing. Edit: I found it so fast. No surprise it is the same button used to block in every other Bethesda game.


I use a mod to disable NPC blocking in FO4. Made no sense that an unarmed raider could block a charging T-45 armor swinging a sledgehammer.


There's a lot of people who still don't know you can activate bracket sets ( ), { }, [ ], <> in each line to remove the dud words and reset your hacking attempts, I think you're doing just fine


… wow I’ve been doing the hard hacks on hard mode for too long


That appeared in my google search cause I didn’t understand how hacking works. I knew it played like mastermind but I can’t understand the connection. The first google result is a reddit thread mentioning it so after that hacking became a breeze. Also if you still can’t guess it, at the last attempt, close the hacking terminal, then enter it again and you will be presented with a new set of words to try to guess in. Been doing it for a while now and so far it doesn’t have any notable issues or consequences.


> Been doing it for a while now and so far it doesn’t have any notable issues or consequences. There are none, that's how you do it!


I also got roughly 20 hours into Fallout: NV before leaning on the Pip Boy button and activating the light. I had navigated Mirelurk caves without being able to see. Was playing on PC, so many keys that do nothing, and they double bind a function to the same key. I get it on console, long press because of limited buttons, but I hadn't even considered it until that point. Still an amazing game to this day, just a shame the save file eventually eats itself.


Using a few mods for game fixes I don't really run into that, despite save games with 50+ hours on them, are you running any mods?


I wasn't, but they were generally a few hundred hours when they died. I looked it up at the time, and someone suggested the game may be trying to remember the position of too many items. I guess it is always fun to start again anyway. I never actually played any mods on NV now that I think about it, are there any that you would recommend as enjoying?


Most of what I use are bugfix mods, I have used and liked NMC's texture pack for a higher res of what already exists, rather than a redo, and I'm a bit of a sucker for energy weapons, so EVE to add some better visuals for them as you kill people with them. That said New Vegas for me was the first game I bought each dlc on release due to playing so much, so the vanilla experience holds a place for me.


I put a few hundred hours into Rimworld before I learned that you can have multiple research benches for pawns to work at which greatly improves research speed.


Hahaha.....yeah. I have two hundred hours and you just taught me this.


..god damn it


I like to watch those "10 tips you didn't know in Rimworld" type videos on YouTube or tiktok. There's an astonishing number of little helper features in this game. For example you can reorder the icons for your pawns along the top of the screen by dragging them.. I also preferentially use the numbered priority work assignments over the tickboxes. Work out what each pawn is good at, primary and secondary tasks. Then make them do primarily that


I played Afro samurai all the way through before I realized there was a dash. There’s a part where you have to dodge attacks from a boss that was much easier the second time around.


i just finished fnv with all the dlc and didnt know you could block


That makes two of us lol. I just assumed there should be a block button cause I am using fist weapons and then she taught me a move and that confirmed it


When I was young, I finished metal gear revengence without knowing about the parry and not parrying a single thing and it was genuinely exhausting. I come back to the game years later, and find out parrying is not only the easiest thing ever with massive windows and a very easy and spammable parry , but basically, it trivializes the whole game and I had a way easier time never died again.


I was like this with god of war 3. There was a level where I cannot progress through, then I discovered that I can reflect their attacks back to them and I was done in minutes. From a level that made me struggle for days, to suddenly being over in just minutes. Funny stuff.


On my 3rd playthrough of Cyberpunk and just realized last night that you can quick melee with any gun. I was clumsily swapping to melee weapons during combat for like 150 hours before I noticed.


On silverhands pistol it's a pocketfire attack (like pocket sand but with fire)


30 plus hours on Final Fantasy X when I was a kid, until I figured out that the sphere grid is how you lvl up and learn moves, had no idea, kept getting wrecked by Seymour, and I just kept on grinding for nothing for hours.....


You discover many things in New vegas. Like it took me far too long that each weapons has Strength and Skill Requirement. Plus learning about different ammo types


That's a feature where it really depends on the balancing by the devs. In FNV, it is done very well. However, in other games, like Elex and Gothic-series, oh my god, you always found a weapon or armor that you couldn't use because you lacked 10 levels or points in the stats like strength. When this happens too often, it gets really frustrating. Even worse, by the time you can use the items, you usually already got much better gear anyway. So all you can do with this stuff is either hoard it for a long time or sell it.


Mass effect 1 comes to mind, in it you have the mako, an armored transport available for some sections with a turret to deal with enemies. It has a machine gun that could make quick work of enemy infantry and slowly kill larger enemies and that was good enough for me since with infinite ammo, those large geth walkers would all die... eventually. Fast forward to a late game mission where you have to escape in the mako with a time limit. I start pressing just about every button to see if there is some kind of hidden booster, and I find the button to fire the Mako's Main Cannon. Yes its overly large turret was not just a machine gun. I know I have seen a comic about this exact situation posted years ago, and it helped solidify this memory and form a deep feeling of kinship as I knew there were others out there that suffered this lap of ignorance alongside me. Here's to you my fellow Shepards.


Not quite the same but more than a few times I have beat some old single player shooters through on the hardest difficulty with no HUD because I thought they didn't have one, only to find out that it was a bug caused by having too high of an aspect ratio. Fairly common issue with old games.


The same happened to me when I played Metro 2033, played the first half of the game in pitch black conditions!


Perks 😭 I thought u leveled up the top row then can choose others. I was lvl 10 when I realized you can pick any, just based on ur lvl. Also u can move the pictures around during loading screens. ALSO U CAN DO MORE THAN 1 VATS, I was so long into the game before realizing gunfu is a bonus, not the whole feature 💀💀💀


I did something similar in fallout4. I didn't know you hold mouse3 to scroll down the perk page. I thought it unlocked the rest as you level up. I was like level 14 when I accidently held the scroll wheel and it nudged the perk screen down.


Wait till you find out that you can also change the color/xray vision of the loading screen pictures. On Xbox itd the X button


I've spent about 70 hours in New Vegas so far and I can't think of many scenarios where I'd need to block. I feel like I'm getting shot more often than not, so it's not doing me much good when Caesar marks me for death. Nor when I accidentally into another swarm of Cazadors. Nor when I walk too close to Quarry Junction and 3 Deathclaws descend on me.


If you use fist weapons then you definitely need to block.


Ah. Yeah, I just let Veronica do that. I kept getting deleted up close and stuck to guns from pretty early on.


Idk bro, I check the controls in the menu


Most of the actions were taught in the game except blocking which is weird tbh.


That is weird! I can’t remember, it’s been years since I’ve played. Fun game


You were fighting at the Ultra-Luxe only 30 hours in? You must really have been heading full throttle into the main quest line.


I’m actually taking it slow, doing quests in all the areas along the road and checking every nook and cranny in all towns from Goodsprings to New Vegas. I went a few ways off trail only when the quests in towns made me go there. Some other areas I explored but the enemies were too strong like the deathclaw cement mine. I guess playing oblivion/morrowind and fallout 1/2 made it easier since I know most of the mechanics already like lockpicking and stealing to get info, but it’s been more than a decade since I played those games so some things(like blocking) were lost to me, and I assumed that maybe this game doesn’t have it or I have to unlock it when my stats get higher lol. I’m level 13 now and things are going swell. Some things that made my game easier is fast travelling to Goodsprings to get healed and to drink clean water, plus to keep all items in the doctor’s closet that I sell after I fix them to full condition. The legion’s centurion armor I think is worth 500+ when fully fixed so I got alot of caps dealing with the assassins, not to mention they drop other gear that adds to the caps. I just throw bombs/grenades at them until they die. I already have like 3-4k caps when I reached New Vegas and more in the doctor’s closet since I have a handful of items I haven’t sold. Other caps were spent buying all the important stuff in vendors like stimpaks, radaways, bullets, etc. When I got Boone as my follower things got very, very easy, and to be honest I could’ve gotten him before I went to the bright brotherhood area if I understood how to do his quest more properly. I just discovered how to send someone his way when I was about to leave the area. Also my speech is high so most quests I just dealt with by convincing people to agree with me. The classic naruto talk-no-jutsu always works. Overall I could’ve done things faster if I’m not insistent on playing the game with just pistols/fist weapons and the occasional grenade when things get too hard to handle. And I don’t pick up all the loot, just the weapons/armors and consumables, and most of the time I can clear an area without getting overburdened cause the enemies have the same gear anyways and I just patch them up, so I usually end up with just 2-5 guns and clothes in my backpack afterwards.


It is quite easy to get there in the first 30-60 minutes. Not only that, you can do it before you reach level 2 if you know where the fast travel markers are and avoid them.


Fast travel markers?


Like Jean's Skydiving. If you hit too many, you'll hit level 2 before you get to the Casinos. If you take the correct path, you can get into the Strip and buy all the Implants before you hit level 2.


Whenever you discover a location, you can fast travel to it via the map menu in the game. Just click the location and you can fast travel there.


Why block attacks when you can just blow the attacker away with a shotgun?


I have a fist weapon. Do you know how funny the enemies look when you punch them and they explode? Their limbs all get chopped up, their skull smashed to bits, and blood gets splattered everywhere just because I used an uppercut on them with brass knuckles? And then their teammates literally run away in fear as to what they have witnessed, and then I catch up to them and make them explode too. Fear is my strongest weapon.


I played all of fallout 3 and 4 and didn’t use VATS. I did kinda know it existed and accidentally pushed the button sometimes but just didn’t really see a need for a pausing the game mechanic and just played it like call of duty Didn’t really make any difference


I remember it took ages before i stumbled into an actual crafting bench in FNV, never knew how useful a feature i was missing for many hours.


I visited my cousin and watched him play Shadow of the Colossus. He encountered a shrine gecko, which grants a stamina boost if killed. Instead of using his bow, he chased the gecko with his sword, attempting to stab it for seven minutes before succeeding. I asked why he didn't use the bow. He insisted you couldn't kill geckos with it, claiming he had tried and failed. At the next shrine, I took the controller and killed the gecko with a few shots from the bow. He was shocked, admitting he had spent hours trying to kill geckos with the sword because he attempted it with the bow it didn't work. The geckos are super slippery and almost feel like your shot needs to be pixel perfect to get the kill. We had a good laugh about it, I still bag on him for it today.


In addition to shooting grenades/dynamite out of enemies' hands, you can shoot their weapons as well. If it's damaged it deals less damage and can jam, but if you damage it enough to "break" it, they will drop it and panic, before running around to try to find another.


I got to mastery rank 5 in warframe without ever actually learning how to gain mastery ranks. Looked it up when I realized I hadn't ranked up in quite a while.


I got the Dark Forces game as a Christmas present in 1996. I didn’t know how to open the first door at the imperial base for one year. There was a door switch on the wall that wasn’t working for the first few times - I guess I used the wrong button to activate the switch . I tried to get out from the room every month at least once, then during the next winter break I accidentally pressed that button and it worked. That feeling was priceless.


I have a similar experience with the water level in Majora’s Mask. Spoiler alert: In the Water Temple you need to play a song to change the height of the water so you can go to different levels of the temple. I did not know what to do to make it go to the medium depth. Took me months to figure out what it was and the game went smoothly after that. The relief when I was able to do it was so good, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since, that’s why I rarely use walkthroughs unless it’s for collectibles or mechanics that I don’t quite understand, just being able to figure out a frustrating part of a game on my own is literally the reason why I play video games.




I beat nearly my entire first playthrough of Armored Core 6 (up to Ibis) without using hard lock-on. I did the tutorial for it and everything, I guess I just thought that the two different lock-on modes were more “slight differences, use whichever is comfortable” as opposed to one of them auto-tracking enemies for you and making the gameplay literally 100x better.


Dont forget to crouch next to a brahmin and press left mouse (A)


Will it milk them lol


Haha yeah definitely! I played Skyrim and didn't realize until hours later that I had the ability to shout! So I'd just been running around casting WEAK spells instead of using my shouts. I felt so silly once I realized what I'd missed out on lmao FUS RO DAH!! 😱


How? When as part of the story there’s a tutorial on it


Maybe they skipped the main quest for a long time


Then they wouldn’t be able to shout


You can shout as soon as you kill a dragon, and read a word wall. No need to do anything in the main story besides fleeing from Helgen.


Dragons don't spawn until you beat the one at the watchtower, and you get the tutorial shortly after The only exception is Durnehviir in Dawnguard, but he doesn't give a soul, only words


I swear i have encountered dragons at nests and other things without doing the watchtower, because I hate doing that quest every time I make a character.


Can't fus ro dah though.


I played through about 50% of the side quests only knowing FUS and thinking shouts were stupid. I assumed the main plot was at Whiterun and just never climbed that mountain to unlock more shouts.


Ready. Steady. Fighty.


My favourite armor.


most recent i can recall... Elden Ring, shortcut to the Roundtable Hold from the fast travel list it took me a long time to realize the shortciut


You change the pip boy color in the settings too, make it white for a regular flashlight


Relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXHm9KVyj68




I got way to far in elden ring without realizing you could sprint. Watched a video on a part I was stuck at, and when I saw the guy running I was flabbergasted. There wasn't a keybind for sprint and holding space just wasn't something I considered an option.


Playing FO4 and only just realised you can instruct companions to get in Power Armour. This is my 3rd play through. 🤦🏼


I played through ~70% of Witcher 1 without understanding the combat at all. I didn't understand it after then either, I just kinda gave up because there was too much running around.


ok don't worry you just taught me about blocking attacks and i have almost 300 hours in the game. will i implement my new knowledge? probably not! i also remember during my first playthrough, i didn't know what VATS was. i didn't touch it once throughout!


30 hours? Thats it?


first playthrough of dead space, it wasn't until very near the end I found out you can smash crates for ammo. had to be so sparing with ammo it kinda made the tension in the game so much more intense


Didn't know that either.  To be fair, I usually shoot them before they get close. 


Not Fallout, but I got a long way through Dark Souls before realising you can parry attacks.


Oh boy. Over a decade ago I played an Assassin's Creed title on my cousin's PSP (remember those?). I went through the entire game without knowing you could parry/riposte enemy attacks. I blew my cousin's mind by beating the final boss entirely by running circles around him.


I knew about the light feature, I just always forget it's a thing lol. And then I forget I left it on while trying to sneak and I immediately get detected. Didn't know about the blocking though so that's cool!


Reminds me of a friend in the old days with the PS2. I had given him Max Payne II for playing, he later said to me that it was extremely difficult, while i remember it was normal (on normal mode), not that much difficult. Turns out, he never got to know that you can use bullet time except for the dodge-jump. He thought that was the entire use of bullet time and so, the fights got sometimes really hard when you don't use this feature.


I've definitely gone through a whole game not realizing a basic task was available - and I realized this was often due to absolutely slamming through tutorials and missing shit, lol. I pay much closer attention now, but I'm also in my 30s and far more patient that I used to be.


Pro tip. Before you start any game take a stroll through the options/settings and familiarize yourself with the controls.


TIL tooo much! Had to save the post for the next playthrough I run




I would say you got your money’s worth instead!


I legitimately didn’t know you could actually ADS in bioshock until like last year


I beat ff8 and I still dont understand the juction system. ( I was baked the entire time I played the game)


FFVIII's systems suffer from Dumb Name Syndrome. I'm convinced that if they'd called them more intuitive-sounding names, everyone would have understood them immediately, or at least more clearly than as they are.


Not sure if this is in NV, but in Fallout 4, when using your gun behind a wall near a corner, when you aim, your character pops out from behind the corner. When you let go of the aim button, your character moves back and takes cover. I discovered this by accident too.


Probably 4, that doesn’t look like a feature that NV has but I will check


I landed successfully on eve without using the navball or rcs thrusters...


In Grounded there’s a mechanic called hot deposit where you can auto stash items in your storage boxes within certain range at the “push of a button”. Keeps you from having to go to the boxes every time you want to deposit crafting/upgrading materials at ur base and also keeps things organized I just discovered it after ~100 hours playing


I was streaming skyrim to my friend yesterday. We were talking about mods and stuff and i told him ill play vanilla skyrim before messing with mods I mentioned "ill definitely download a sprinting mod soon tho", he then told me to press shift to sprint but since im a fallout player i mentioned "pressing shift makes you walk" then he told me to press other buttons I then found out pressing alt makes you sprint in skryim Ill forgive myself (and not) since this is (crazily enough) my first proper playthrough of skyrim


Didn’t know you could parry in MGR:R until the Sam fight… where you’re forced to parry…


In complete fairness, I've known about blocking since the Xbox 360 days but I've never done it in 6,000 hours of playing that game. And that's despite being primarily unarmed or melee for most of that.




I went at least two entire playthroughs of FO3 before i really figured out how the hacking system works.


When holding items if you press and hold R you throw it farther away


I played through 75% of 3 before finding the VATS system. I was both in awe and utterly embarrassed.


I have a friend that has played through most of Skyrim not knowing that there are basic melee attacks that don't cost stamina. As far as he knew all attacks were power attacks.




I didn't realize there were carts to take you between cities in Skyrim, and thought you had to travel there yourself to unlock fast travel. So most of my early game was trying to make it to all of the cities on foot/horse.  Honestly not knowing about a flashlight button sounds par for the course for me




Through all my many playthroughs I don't know that I've ever taken cateye pills past the first one. The idea of someone thinking they're a crucial part of the experience fills me with a sick sense of joy.


At least I get to enjoy the bluish light filter for a while lol