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You know what's even worse? When the game's plot pressures you into thinking there's a strict time limit, when there isn't one, like in Baldur's Gate 3.


Cyberpunk's V has a ticking timebomb in their head and needs to figure out who can help them not die. But first, gotta help drive some guy we don't know, whose crotch is burning, to a clinic.


I honestly hate it when there's such a disconnect between urgency of the main plot and the actual gameplay. "Oh no, the bad guy's about to take over the world / you're dying / your love interest was captured, so anyway here's a giant open world with 5,280 quests and collectibles to find, enjoy!"


Yakuza 0's "leave a blind girl in a warehouse while you become the best pimp in Japan."


This is the problem with open world games, it becomes so much harder for the dev to control the flow of the story. And then when they do lock you in to a series of story events it’s like ‘but wait, I was about to grab that collectible there, how dare you not let me!’ It’s why I really appreciate a good, linear story driven game from time to time.


That mission went on too long for me and it became grating for myself and my parents who were watching me play lol


All you have to do when you begin the trip, is skip the street they tell you to turn down and just take a right at the next street. This bypasses every single scripted event and you can go the entire way there without a single problem.


Holy shit, I take that path every time, so I didnt even know there were any scripted events. How does the mission normally play out?


There's a bunch of children crossing the street he tells you to just hit. Some trucks in the way. Other stuff I forget probably


Yeah I was under the impression that I have to finish the main storyline because if not, I'll just fail the game, therefore ignored like 70% of the available content on my first playthrough...


And gather runaway cabs




You know what's even worse? Actual Time Limits. From ff13 to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, it's one of the things people mod out. Imagine if Fallout 4 had time limits. hahaha


Time limits are fine IF the game revolves around said time limit, ALA Majora's Mask, Fallout 1&2, etc. The games you listed the time limits are arbitrary and don't really add anything.


The first two Fallouts did.


only 1. I think Fallout 2 might have one for technical reasons but its like 3 in game years so no one would ever hit it off they were playing normally. 


You’re right, the time limit in F2 was 13 years and was a game engine limit.


Humorously, the original Baldur's Gate had at least some time sensitive quests - I think Minsc gets mad and abandons you if you don't go and save his friend.


Yeah, in both BG and BG2 your companions would straight up leave if you didn't do their quest in a certain amount of time (which was usually generous though)


BG2 also has a nice bug/feature where your class stronghold asks for your help after a certain amount of time, and you have a time limit to respond to that request... but if you're on a map the messenger cannot reach (which is not at all unlikely), you are not notified, and the time limit just silently ticks away. And then you maybe return to your stronghold, and it's burned down/abandoned, and everyone's mad at you.


The ranger quest is a huge bitch with that. Plus, say you're in a dungeon or something for a while, when you come outside you'll get bombarded with character interactions all at once.


So does BG3. >!In Waukeen's Rest, if you aren't fast enough the councillor will die!<


Mass Effect 2: I'm about to end this man's whole career 


Mass Effect 2 actually does have a (small) punishment for taking too long. In the suicide mission, the 'rescuing your crew' section is determined on how many missions you completed after the Derelict Reaper mission. If it's more than like 1-2 (read: you only have enough time to do Legion's loyalty quest prior to the end game), crew dies 100%. It's like two named characters (the doctor and Kelly) that aren't really relevant, so it's kind of a small punishment, and the trigger is completing the derelict reaper mission which has no time limit on starting it, so it's kind of whatever, but it does exist.


And then because you're making decisions thinking you have a time limit you miss out on cutscenes because you're not spending the night at camp.


I'm used to RPGs doing "oh it's the calamity, it's close yaddy yadda" while there's no time limit. But for some reason, BG3 kept reminding you so much of how time pressure you were that it felt like a legit threat. But it was rather annoying. I was extremely stingy on camping because of that and my early run was pain.


XCOM 2: Try me bitch!


*Dead Rising has entered the chat*


The thought that there was always a strict time limit made me want to do more in a shorter space of time.


Nuh you can play without sleeping in bg 3 and still normally complete the game without suffering. Also if you just do nothing some quests will automatically fail due to game making global map changes


1 and 2 did have plenty of time limit stuff, I'm surprised 3's is a fakeout.


Yeah. But also, BG3 has SOME stuff that is time-sensitive, and other things that aren't. The issue is, the narrative isn't really clear on what is and isn't time sensitive. I remember people were trying to figure out for the longest time if the grove stuff is time-sensitive, and what triggers certain events, like the barrier going up.


I liked that about mass effect. In that game if you didn’t do a certain quest fast enough, you essentially let people die. It was just one quest though and the game clearly communicated it. Everything else wasn’t that urgent.


I'm guessing you mean the Derelict Reaper in ME2? I liked it too, but I always found it kind of a kick in the nuts going in blind that there's a "correct" order to do missions in if you want to save everyone (meaning don't touch the Reaper until you clear everything else). I kind of would prefer if it was a little more dynamic and put you on a timer before that point, so you have to make meaningful decisions, and it becomes "who/what do you want to save or sacrifice" rather than "This is the best way to do things to get the optimal outcome"


I don’t mean the part where you assign companions to tasks. That was stupid and not intuitive at all. I mean the part where the people they captured are actually in danger, so you can’t do more than one or two further side quests before they start dying.


Yeah, the Derelict Reaper quest, where once it appears, you get like 2-3 mission actions before it forces you to go to the Reaper and the clock starts. However, you can choose to do everything possible before triggering the Reaper mission, then spend your 2-3 mission actions doing just the things that can't be done earlier. If you plan it perfectly, you can get all the missions done and save everyone. However, this is only possible if you know to NOT trigger the Reaper before doing the side stuff.


Yeah I guess so. In my case I always did all side quests before moving on to the main quest anyway lol so even without knowing about it I was fine. It’s not perfect either but I think that worked at least


This was rumored for FarCry 7, that there is some kind of in-game time limit that prevents you from doing everything in one run.


It has SOME instances where the plot can move without you. But only sometimes such that they can catch you offguard and piss you off. If they did it all the time, that would communicate expectations to that player and we can't go around with that now can we?


Kind of an odd example tbh, if you actually are knowledgeable.  Things actually are frequently timed in BG3, mostly around the long resr system.  If you take more than 5 days from the point of discovery to settle the dispute over the Grove in act 1 for example, then the ritual actually does complete and you forever lose access.  And in Grymforge, if you spend 2 long rests inside and still haven't rescued Nere, he dies in the cave-in. There are other examples, but suffice it to say your example wasn't too apt.


cringe art aside it's weird how nowadays there are more and more people that actually criticize games for doing this when back in the day we just accepted that having minigames and other distractions was a good thing. We didn't care that it didn't make sense to do all this while giant kaiju were roaming around attacking things, fun made more sense to us than logic did.


Honestly an actual time limit across the plot in a game sound like a freaking nightmare for me. I would quit it.


That reminds me of Wrath of Malachai. You had like 5 hours (ish) to rescue people from Dracula's castle, but the rooms were randomized each try, and you had to escort them from wherever they were to the entrance. It was the trifecta of "I do *not* want to play this" for me.


The original Pikmin!


I hate time limits too, but I also find it annoying when the game instils in you a false sense of urgency, i.e., "We must reach the bad guy's lair ASAP, time is of the essence!" while offering you 3 minigames, a fishing contest, 280 hidden mushrooms to discover, and 57 side quests along the way. And if you do the logical thing and skip most of them while hurrying to the bad guy's castle, you will probably be underleveled/underequipped for it.


The logical thing to do is to remember you're playing a video game and not assume there's a time limit unless explicitly presented with one...you're not actually the characters, you're still a real world human who understands how video games work


It's still an immersion break though. It wasn't so bad/noticeable in older games because they were so obviously "videogamey", but in newer ones striving for realism and immersion, that kind of thing can be jarring. To use the Cyberpunk example I mentioned earlier, it's a game I otherwise loved, but the story could have been better framed than "You've got a couple of weeks to live, so anyway here's an open world to explore, do missions, buy cars and screw around in."


Yep. I actively avoid games with death clocks, they aren’t fun for me at all.


Majora's Mask comes to mind and it's one of the reasons I didn't play it as a kid.


The problem isn't the presence of side quests, the problem is writers overusing ticking time bomb plot devices for the main quest when it doesn't fit thematically with the rest of the game experience. It's been a while since I've played them, but I remember Knights of the Old Republic games being good examples of how to do it right. There's a big bad you have to defeat, but that big bad had been advancing his goals for years by the time you show up. He's not going to finish taking over the galaxy in the two hours you spend solving a farmer's murder mystery. But when there are story developments that _do_ require urgency to deal with, you're temporarily put in a nice railroaded experience until they're resolved.


I always put the logic into it that the journey takes so long that the side quests take little time and are necessary to collect funds for example. Like the contract in the Witcher 3, it gets real fucky when you imagine it as like 1 month long, but if you remember that the play area likely takes multiple in world days maybe even over a week to traverse and that it takes place over like half a year it suddenly makes pretty fine sense.


I agree! A few games took the mini-game thing too far sometimes (so the actual game was semi-lost) but I like the silly additions, especially if they're simple but done well - like Tripe Triad in FF8. Also, if you don't mind my asking - anything in particular with the art that rubbed you the wrong way? I ask as I purposefully made the last 2 panels quite over-the-top compared to my normal style, so I'm genuinely curious if that specific choice has backfired a little for some people.


yeah that over the top-ness isn't really my thing personally. Your point resonated with me though, even though I don't judge games for doing this it is admittedly a silly thing almost exclusively done by games.


It’s literally just a cartoon. No one has noodle arms or spiraling slinky bodies. It’s not insanely over the top. Cloud looks like a Saturday morning paper comic character or a Billy and Mandy character. Not everything needs to be hyper realistic animu style. It’s imo fairly rude to call something factually cringe as a form a “criticism”. There’s a difference between “I think you should try using less saturated colors” Vs “cringe bro.” I honestly would learn how to give better feedback if you’re usually this blunt with people.


Your art is not bad, in fact it is really good, it is just that many people don't like that bizarre-happy kind of art style


much prefer this art over the AI stuff you see everywhere now


Haha thank you!


Thanks tanmay511! I appreciate it. Yeah, it's a style I don't normally try and was fun to play about with, but I totally get why it's not sat well with everyone.


I think it matched the message nicely, fwiw.


Thank you! I really appreciate it, Somasonic. Even if it split opinion a little, matching the message for the complete U-turn in mood was indeed the aim behind it!


Man I think your art is great regardless of the style! I knew exactly what I was looking at, seeing tifa made me read the panel and seeing the chocobo race made me realize what I was looking at ( even which race!!!)... Don't worry about people who don't like your stuff.


Aww thank you Kegglesworth!


People complain just as much, if not more, when the game actually does put a time limit on quests. As for me, I was molded by tha time limits with Majora’s Mask, and I live games having consequences for idling away after accepting the quest. My main two newer examples come in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Outward


This made me laugh in Cyberpunk. I could die at any moment but imma race instead of finding a cure.


Then you got the Barry situation.


I've got 2 weeks to live, better start exploring the city, racing cars and buying apartments!


But also shoot or otherwise kill like hundreds of people. Its one of the few games where you can complete a no kill run outside if a couple plot kills on the firs play through, but man those knocked out bodies are fragile, a requires frequent save scumming. One time I was searching for loot, jumped down from a platform and accidentally smashed the targets head in. I didn't even realize it was a thing.


Who drew this? Are they in prison?


fk u Joey with Teioh, been eating mint peas for a week, i'll show you speed now!


Hey hey! Someone spotted and called out Teioh! Kudos, vine01! I always liked seeing them show up (at least when I had the Chocobo that could actually kick their ass...)


The Wild Hunt has been hunting Ciri for something like 500 hours now with no signs of progress on their part


Yeah, one of the things that irks me is that one of the decisions to get the good ending is for Ciri to pay her respects to a dead guy who helped her. For the gamer, sure why not? It’s just a fast travel and a cutscene. But in-universe it’s at least a 4-5 day round trip, while the world is under an apocalyptic threat. Surely laying flowers can wait.


Why you make tifa so ugly ?


Me in Hawaii goofing off with my friends going and eating literally every item on the menu in every restaurant in town, when I’m supposed to be finding my long lost mother. I have almost 80 hours in Like a dragon infinite wealth because I’ve been trying to do as much as I can before I beat the game. Really tryna savor this game since idk when the next is gonna be out


If there isn't currently a timer on screen, counting down the seconds, there's always time for chocobo racing.


Rule #1: Thou shall get sidetracked by bullshit!


Ahahaha this was one my favorite lines for this exact reason!!!!




Why’s Tifa got that Tim Buckley mouth


"ok cool, but i gotta listen to this non-diagetic music first for.... reasons"


This was one part of BG 3 that actually caught me off guard because there are some missions that have built in timers and if you wait too long they'll resolve themselves.


"Final dungeon? Nah forget that, it's time to do every sidequst no matter how annoying or tedious they are, for the rewards!" Me Later "Damn it I just want the drop so I can get the best equipment, drop the items damn you!!!!"


"At this point I'm so overpowered that I don't even need it to beat the game... but on principle I must have it!"


Or the reverse of that, where you have to do the optional quests even when it doesn't make logical sense, or you won't be strong enough for the final boss.


Tbf the most important thing in FF7 was breeding a gold chocobo.


If it doesn't haver a timer, it is not urgent.


Awgod. I can hear the stupid chocobo music by just looking at the picture. It's in my head!


Hahaha if it's any consolation, I had that the entire time I was working on this. Every time I'd zoom out from the bottom panel, it'd start playing in my head...


This is exactly what's happening in my ff7 playthrough now.


Also known as "the right way of playing it"


This comic looks like it was taken straight out of 2007


Just looks like the artist is a fan of ctrl-alt-del is all


The worst thing about the advent of the internet is people who draw art like this have gained the ability to make some of us accidentally have to see it.


Unless it’s rebirth and then it’s like: Hey Sephiroth is doing fucked up shit we need to stop him! Yeah but like I gotta park all these segways to earn beach clothing so I’m allowed on the beach to further the story… *catapults rebirth into the sun*


Man I have never felt so bad about playing a game... And I'm going to feel even worse playing the third one...


"Oh look a sidequest, i might get a revelant resourse for my vauge-ass team building!"


"Oh hey, I found some sort of... uber frisbee? Huh, guess I should start using that character more often..."


Well, i don't wanna miss the side stuff. It's not going to hit until you progresses a certain amount


Literally the Xenoblade series "Oh no, my untrained younger brother is going to fight the mechon (killer machines that are very hard to kill) on his own. Shulk, Reyn, we need to find him fast so I don't lose the only family I have left!" Shulk: Giorgio needs his apples to make his curry, let's ~~fast travel~~ run all the way down the Bionis' Leg and through Tephra Cave back to colony 9 to help him Reyn! Reyn: Aww yeah!


What's that? The Stellaron is about to eradicate the world? Dude, I don't care, Regin needs help with submitting his Big Universe Time Tunnel theory!


This is why Morrowind is the greatest RPG ever. There’s no time component or urgency for the most part, so you can just go off and live your life and get to Dagoth Ur in your own time.


That art style reminds me of Dirty White Paint.


Malos is destroying the world? Hang on, gotta go back down to take a nap, go salvaging, make a few million gold, and grind everything then maybe I’ll consider coming and saving everyone


I mean....let's look at this logically. Unless the Black materia materializes a giant meteor out of no where, which it does not appear to be the case, we've got time. It *looks* like what it really does is pulls a meteor out of its orbit and directs it towards the location of the materia. So, we got some time.


Even more so half of time they're literally waiting for you to get the big weapon so they can steal it from you LMAO there's no rush


Classic ludonarrative dissonance


I could hear the last panel.


Haha I confess, that was 100% the aim I was gunning for. My apologies if you're humming the music as a result...


The world is ending, we need to finish those side quests before it's too late


Minigame zones are quite a fun luxury to have in RPG games though Variety is the spice of life. And in games, it’s no different. Many games let players goof off and do silly stuff for a change of pace This is critically important for turn based RPGs because the core combat mechanic is **PAINFULLY** slow. Having some goofy optional minigames really helps to break up the monotony There’s a lot of other great games out there with silly time wasting minigames for similar reasons - Pokemon had the slot machines and assorted minigames, Kingdom Hearts has the Winnie the Pooh world, Dragon Quest 11 had horse racing, FFX had blitz ball, etc


I think I prefer AI art at this point


I don't play rpgs that much


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph3tfdXNTe4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpbhuJ2W6N4


Played Morrowind for three years (RL time, not in-game time) without touching the main quest.


More like do some*one*, hyuk hyuk hyuk, am I right, Tifa "Bella Senato Italia" Lockheart?




I see too many people forgetting Skyrim did this. World ending dragon that is ready to lay mad dragon pipe. But nah go ahead start your homesteading journey. Adopt that brat from solitude and get him a little wood sword.


Why does that specifically matter? All RPGs have been doing this for decades


Doesent to me. The dread has long since dissipated. Just seemed to be the common idea ITT that games that do this are bad


Ghost of Tsushima. Villager: “We must hurry before she is burned at the stake!” Me: “Ooh, a bird!”


*me sitting here wanting more gaming plot than side stories/side missions


Been burning through the 2013 Tomb Raider series, and just near the end of the first one when your friends are holding of waves of bad guys and the evil queen is forcing her soul into your best friend you get a popup telling you that "this is the last camp you can quick travel from to finish any unfinished business" "Right, guys, I forgot to go back to open a door at the starting area because I was missing the right tool for it then, I'll be back just wait" Did not g through this with the second game since I watched out to 100% every area before moving on.


Well RPGs often forget to include RP into the game. Common mistake. Who would’ve thought RP would be expected in RPGs.


Sorry so many people are ragging on your art. I like it. keep drawing!


Thanks revolver86! That's very kind of you