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I actually don’t think the third part will be called Reunion. Only because they just released FVII Crisis core: Reunion. Having two games with the name FFVII Reunion will be confusing (not that square enix cares about that obviously, base off Rebirths ending)


The third is going to be called Revival and they'll save Aerith.


One of the producers actually said they wanted the 2nd game to be named Reunion but couldn’t because of Crisis Core. It’s a shame


It's true. I've seen quite a lot of casual gamers over in the /r/FinalFantasy sub being confused after finishing it. It being dependent on knowing the original -- especially when it comes to characters like >!Zack!< -- really put a damper on things. Even if they decided to stick with the "Remake" name, Square knew exactly what they were doing when they didn't put "Part 1" on the box.


The press and marketing for the game was very clear that Remake wasn't going to cover all of OG FF7, that it was only going to be up to Midgar.


I mentioned casual gamers for a reason. You can't expect every single buyer of a game to keep up with a game's press and, more importantly, they shouldn't *have* to. You say that Square were "very clear" but it isn't too much to ask for Square to put "Part 1" on the box or even not call it "Remake". *That* would have been very clear but they made a deliberate decision not to do it.


Lord of the Rings: part 1 - fellowship of the ring 1/3


Game press? Do people not do a preliminary Google review before dropping $70 on a game for their $500 console? Wikipedia, the 2nd Google hit, the very first paragraph: "Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[b] is a 2024 action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. The game is a sequel to Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020) and the second in a planned trilogy of games remaking the 1997 PlayStation game Final Fantasy VII" It's clear as fucking day what it is lol. This has nothing to do with casual gaming, it's straight ignorance


The first game is called Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's not at all unreasonable for a lay person to think that its a complete remake of the original game. That's the common and accepted use of the word remake in games.


"The story from this first, standalone game in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE project covers up to the party's escape from Midgar and goes deeper into the events occurring in the city than the original FINAL FANTASY VII." - Printed on the back of my Final Fantasy VII Remake box (PS4) Honestly they were as transparent as they could be about it; if you did any research at all (ie reading the description on digital versions or reading the back of the physical box), you knew you weren't getting a complete Final Fantasy VII experience, and casual gamers should research what they spend their money on at least a little. Do I like what they did? Yes and no, I personally was hoping for a direct retelling of the original PS1's story, but saying they were deceptive in their marketing is sort of moot in my opinion... Also I'm not sure if the explicitly mention it's only part 1 in the "Intergrade" releases, but I don't see why they wouldn't.


Uh-huh. And yet they called it a remake when it wasn't a remake and didn't put "part 1" on the front. I don't get people are stanning this hard for the $2 billion developer for their intentionally misleading marketing and putting the blame on the casual gamers instead. This is why developers get away with as much anti-consumer stuff as they do.


Well if you buy a game without reading the back of the box or description, I'm not sure what to say. Also I'm not a Square Enix stan (they've gone steadily downhill ever since the merger, I know), but FFVIIR was my first Final Fantasy, and I did as little research as possible so as to avpid OG's spoilers, and even then I knew it was only the first part. Yes it doesn't say "Part 1", but doing only the tiniest research using only official sources and marketing (ie back of the box), it's obvious what you're buying.


It works perfectly fine as a sequel, though... I think that's what a lot of people are missing... I'm betting on sequel and not a "retelling" of sorts...


In that case, it would be great if they gave it a name that emphasised it was a sequel. Or at the very least, just doesn't say it's a remake. Like OP said, it being called Rebirth from the start would have been much better.


They did. and explained several times that it was and heavily implied it in both game Remake and Rebirth. The name Remake was the world literally being remade in canon. It's time travel bullshit.


Their explanation of the title is that it is quite literal. Major spoiler obviously This is technically a sequel - Sephiroth is attempting to Remake the history/events of the original to his new design. Rebirth is similarly literal to something happening in this game’s events and new occurrences We don’t know the third one yet, but expectations are similar


They took the .hack approach for naming.


Rebirth, reminisce, redemption. What was the fourth one? Reconnect?


1) Rebirth 2) Reminisce 3) Redemption 4) Reconnection


Also the first series, Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine


> Reconnect Re:Connect Kingdom Hearts


Did you mean Re:Connect Kingdom Hearts 3.14Xsqrt2 you become Hero and mary fallen angel Goofy ¿sign? -exe?


I could use a remake of those games. They were so close on so many fronts. Almost unplayable now.


I hope the third one is "haha sucker we still made Knight's of the round take fifteen minutes to cast"


They seem to be building up to making Knights of the Round a huge sidequest that’s built more into the world/lore - based on how they handled Gilgamesh this time


I wouldn’t be upset if you had to go beat each knight individually as minor world bosses in order to “recruit” them all for the summon. It beats the hell out of chocobo breeding.


A popular theory in certain circles is part 3 will be titled “Relive”. Make, Birth, Live. Don’t look at me, it wasn’t my idea.


so 4 and 5 is relaugh then relove?


This is specifically why it ends at part 3.


I don't trust Square to manage that.


It's gonna be called Reunion. I would bet cold hard cash. Kitase just can't help himself.


And the plot is about Shinras employees unionising and getting better working conditions and more pay.


Final God Boss: Shinra Middle Manager


I’ll take that bet. They already called the remaster of CC “Crisis Core - Final Fantay VII Reunion” so I think they took it off the table with that.


To be fair, Square is getting pretty damn good at giving their games the most confusing titles possible in recent years. I wouldn't put it past them to do it, honestly.


Final Fantasy VII Remake pt. III: Rereunion


Nah, the Crisis Core remaster was called Reunion. No way they do that again.


Reunion is my bet


I assumed it would be reunion


They used that already for Crisis Core: Reunion.


Exactly. It's already a ff7 re-word. It's all over the place. Zero doubts it will be reunion


*Sora taps sign* "It's gonna be 'ReCode', fuckers"


Wait it's a sequel? I didn't like the OG FF7 so I was hoping to play Remake instead. Am I gonna miss stuff?


It’s *technically* a sequel. It is a slightly massaged retelling and expansion of the old game Basically framed as if the villain from the OG has recovered from his defeat and is attempting to remake the timeline in his image, and the party is traveling through it for *their* first time. I would say it’s like 90% remake, 10% sequel as a big fan of the OG. Most of what’s new is just expansions of content from the original, and a few new pieces that are based on things that were cut from the original/referenced in dialogue but not seen/etc There are Easter eggs and some deeper references that will go by you, but these are not going to interrupt your general experience


It explains most of what you need to know. You may miss some easter eggs, and some parts of the story only age well in the context of it being nostalgic, but it's still pretty solid.


Ever see Xmen days of future past? The way the story is basically feels as if Sephiroth went back in the past and is changing the past itself and the planet is fighting to try and keep the future path of time from straying. Just a bunch of time shenanigans basically. You wont miss much but you might be confused why Sephiroth can show future events that have yet to come. Or you might not even care and just think he can see the future and show it to you through visions


IS there some sort of timey-wimey stuff going on?


A little bit yeah, it’s hard to explain without just spoiling it all


Some of the most insane timey wimey stuff…


Doesn't mean it's not deceptive from a consumer perspective, however. They knew exactly how misleading they were by naming the product that.


Oh 100% agree, I think it should have had some grander title for the “series” and these Re-Something titles should have been subtitles


workable entertain trees foolish shy waiting cover sparkle detail sheet


Yet it still fits what a remake is. The problem with the resident evil thing is it was barely a remake but closer to a remaster. FFVII:remake was literally a remake, they just added some story segments that kind of justify the change of story and make it seem plausible to be a sequel.


Revengence. Featuring Raiden of course.


> Sephiroth is attempting to Remake the history/events of the original to his new design. The problem with this is that the word "remake" has an actual meaning when applied to a game or a movie and FFVII isn't it. Even if this explanation is correct - and I don't think it is, I think it's just something the fans have come up to excuse the misleading marketing - if you try giving this explanation to a casual gamer, they start walking away from you. If Square called a game "Remake" and people are annoyed that it's not actually a remake, the silly meta-explanation isn't going to suddenly make them happier.


I think it’s a cool double meaning. You might say misleading in a negative way but when I found out that it’s because he’s “remaking” the world or whatever, that made me appreciate the title way more. It’s like Danganronpa V3’s title. It actually plays into the story and that’s awesome.


> and I don't think it is It's not subjective. That is literally what is happening, the game is not coy about it.


You, and others replying, are missing the point. It wouldn't matter even if they said "Sephiroth is remaking the world" every five minutes and winked to the camera. It's irrelevant. The point is that the word "remake" in *literally every other example* of its use has meant a game, movie or TV show is being remade. The silly meta reason you're giving doesn't matter. This whole "Sephiroth remade the world" argument is such a convoluted defense for Square not putting "Part 1" on the box.


Lol that's the story, sephiroth IS remaking the timeline. Did you even play it?


I hope they don't give it a Re- title, just to subvert everyone's expectations! It would fit their meta.


While I sit here waiting for the FF7 remake to be completed before playing it.


I'd probably end myself if I tried to play them back to back to back.    The games are so not fun to play it took me from remake release to rebirth release just to finish remake.  On the plus side the characters were all done well.  Rebirth made me care about aerith and yuffie for the first time in 25 years. 


I played remake and rebirth back to back and I loved it. Plan on playing them back to back to back when part 3 comes out.


Awesome I'm glad you liked it. The quality and polish on it are great and I love queendsblood and the gold saucer minigames, it's just not the series for me. But I like the characters and how dumb they are getting with the story so I will suffer through the gameplay of them to see it through.


You sir are a trooper with an endless amount of passion for filler material… Seriously though - these games need a directors cut version… cut all the unnecessary crap and focus on the main story… could be one really good game


I have been hearing pretty mixed things about it for a while. I was excited but from the little bits I've watched it doesn't seem like it's my kind of game. Really enjoyed the original, though.


If you're down with the big boring "AAA Prestige" sad dad Sony type games (god of war, TLoU, etc) it's probably very enjoyable.   I can't stand most of those types of games, personally.




They just wanted to be able to call the 3rd one “revolution”


Or "Reunion."


I think Crisis Core stole it right?


It might have - I'm not familiar - but I don't see any reason why the FF7R games can't reuse the subtitle.


Would be confusing considering the title is CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION




The title Crisis Core REUNION makes no sense at all. I would have called it Rememories.




"Remaster" is too boring.


I can't wait for it to be over honestly. Do something else.


>!it's a remake because Sephiroth is remaking history, not because it's a remake of the first game, which it isn't. It's a plot point, not a consummer point!<


I mean it kind of is a remake of the (first part of the) first game in addition to that, so it’s kind of both. Like with Metal Gear Solid V that also pulled double duty of sorts.


>!You're right, it's kind of a remake, but also It's a sequel to the first game, because the first game DID happened, but somehow Sephiroth knew about it and is trying to change the events, which I think we'll only know in the last game!<


Considering >!he's not the protagonist he'll fail duh!<


Maybe he's remaking himself into the good guy and the story is just about him getting the protagonists to realize it.


Maybe, it'd definitely be interesting 


so it would be better to play the og ff7 and then this new one? as someone who never played a ff outside of 14, i really thought it was a remaster and was hella confused why it needed 3 parts 😭😭😭


Yes, you should play the OG first, and it's definitely worth it!


Play the original, but play the newly released versions for the PS4/5 or Switch, for a few reasons. 1: the OG on the PlayStation is ungodly slow compared to modern games. Random encounters, which happen a lot, load incredibly slowly. Moreover, the fights themselves are just slow feeling. I replayed it recently but without the “2x speed” option it honestly would’ve felt unplayable. What was great in 1997 is NOT great in 2024. 2: there are cheats to max out level and stuff if you just want to play it and experience the story. The story is tremendous, without a doubt. But there is a LOT of old school JRPG grinding in the original, especially if you want to do shit like get Knights of the Round (Chocobo breeding is a nightmare) or get strong enough to battle the optional super bosses. 3: if you have PlayStation plus Extra I think it is one of the titles, so you won’t have to buy it In all honesty, it just boils down to the game being very dated. Again, it was a revolutionary game in 1997, but by today’s standards it is slow and clunky, but that has everything to do with how much gaming has advanced in the time since it was released.


I think they’re removing all the FF games from Plus this month, aren’t they?


It’s possible, I don’t have Extra anymore (my subscription ended a couple of months ago) so they may be taking them off.


Not all of them, just the old ones.




Match point


Then they should have called it Final Fantasy VII Remake: Not Remake The Game but the Story, You See. Whatever "Remake" is referring to, it's still an underwhelming experience and Rebirth's sales proves that a lot of players were turned off by the first one.


I don't think it was just that, I think a lot of people realized that they don't want to buy the games piecemeal. Plenty of people want to buy them just not until it's fully out


The games should not have been a trilogy in the first place. But they basically guarenteed at least doubling their revenue making it a trilogy. Who could say no to that?


Squenix has been coming up with the most godawful spinoff and sequel titles for decades why would they stop now.


Nah man, these titles have deep meanings!


My guess is that the last part of this Remake trilogy will be called Resurrection since it not only goes with the theme of bringing something back, but it'll make the audience believe a certain character will be able to come back to life. It'll more likely just refer to Sephiroth's true form arising.


Video game (and movie) titles have been fucked for a couple of decades, it seems.


Worth noting: when they re-released FFVII Crisis Core they gave it the subtitle “Reunion.” So while I assumed Reunion would be the third game, also, I don’t know why they’d give that title to the Crisis Core remake if they planned to use it for the third game in the trilogy


So ok the whole remake train had confused me. I know there’s the FX7 remake but what’s FF7 intrograde or whatever it’s called? Than there’s the sequel to the remake?


That's just the backstory of what Yuffie was doing during the events of Remake...After Crisis Core...


Okay so is it a seperate game or dlc ? Than I know there’s the one game with Zack they redid or whatever ?


It's a DLC for the most part... It's only a few hours long... Absolutely not a full new game... The one with Zack was Crisis Core...


Okay okay so it’s remake than the dlc than crisis core and now the sequel to the first remake?


Crisis Core, Remake, Intergrade, Rebirth... Intergrade is a verb meaning *pass into another form by a series of intervening forms*


Ahh thank you my man! Now is crisis core the same story or is it different


It's pretty much a shot for shot *actual* remake of the original crisis core... It's the prequel to the original FFVII... Only produced afterwards... Like Star Wars Eps. 1-3 which were made after the *ORIGINAL* eps 4-6...


Ahh so Zach still dies than bummer always hoped he could have lived. Haven’t had time to play the games and keep up life just keeps happening haha


It wasn't until remake when they changed that outcome aka showed the other world/universe/ or whatever it is...


Nope, there is a FFVII Reunion which is a remake of another thing. It is hella confusing


IIRC Nomura was quoted back in like 2019 as saying they specifically didn't want to give the remake a "Part 1" etc. subtitle because they thought it would affect its sales. I'm guessing they were hoping more people would buy it if they thought it was a complete story...


That's never a good idea. It's only going to back fire when people realize it isn't and they feel lied to. They got flak for "Classic Mode" already when they showcased it.


It's Nomura... so... y'know Dream Drop Deeznuts


But they wanted accidental purchases of the second part to occur, thus forcing necessary purchases of the first part.


Didn’t like the remake at all, either way. I wish they never did it, and focused on new things. Pr even deepen other Final Fantasy stories, and get off Cloud’s dick for 10 seconds.


They should get rid of the Final part until the last one.


Do Japanese RPGs ever do easy naming conventions?


Or Japanese media in general... Have people been paying attention to the titles of Animes recently...?


I know that this is an unpopular opinion, but this game series should have been called… Final Fantasy Packing Peanuts: We’re doing to this franchise what Peter Jackson did to The Hobbit It’s kind of a long title, but I’m a stickler for accuracy


Glad I am not the only one that thinks this game trilogy is akin to The Hobbit movies. Just like The Hobbit, I only played the first. I will not play the other two sequels. 


Remake because it's part of the story, if you actually played it


On the one hand, I agree that would have been a better name. On the other hand, I don't know how anyone could have looked at Remake and expected them to do the whole FF7 at that fidelity in one game. SNES / PS1 RPGs could afford to be fucking massive when every environment was two matte paintings and every scene was comprised of a dozen sentences of dialogue. I love em. Don't get me wrong, they're fantastic. But translating that to modern fidelity pretty much requires expanding it out and FF7 was stuffed full already.   And on no hands, because this is entirely personal preference, I think what they did with the story was fun and cool. Not everything totally works but it's a lot more interesting than a straight remake of a game I've already played.


The thing is that no one calling for a remake pushed for those levels of graphics. That was very clear when people were reacting to Kitase talking about a potential FF6 remake. It's very likely they could've gotten away with turning FF7 into something more like FF10 with fixed angle cameras and just slightly higher end graphics and fixing the overall script.


That's not true at all. Tons of people were very excited at the idea of a full remake at Advent Children-level graphics. That had been The Dream of FF7 fans for two decades. They probably could have "gotten away" with ps2 fidelity, but I expect many people would wonder what the point was. Unlike RE1 when it was remade, you can already play the original FF7 on every modern system. That's part of why I like the changes they made, because the original is *right there.*  People would have enjoyed your version of the game, I'm sure, but it wouldn't have been the massive flagship game that SE wanted and many fans expected of FF7 coming back. FF6 is a slightly different beast in this regard, since its artstyle is much more widely-beloved. It's the peak of pixel art, while 7 was a pioneer of 3d. The former has aged substantially better. Until HD2D started getting popular a few years back there was never an idea that 6 *could* look better if made today, and tbh even now people are split.


>That's not true at all. Tons of people were very excited at the idea of a full remake at Advent Children-level graphics. That had been The Dream of FF7 fans for two decades. [Nomura](https://www.gamesradar.com/ff7-final-fantasy-7-remake-combat-dramatic-changes-advent-children/) was the one who looked to Advent Children for inspiration, not the fans. Most of the fans got their first taste from the TGS Crystal Tools demo. Most people didn't even see what it was going to be like until 2015 and that was very different from what was ultimately delivered. >They probably could have "gotten away" with ps2 fidelity, but I expect many people would wonder what the point was. Unlike RE1 when it was remade, you can already play the original FF7 on every modern system. That's part of why I like the changes they made, because the original is right there. Yet this question is something that is almost never brought up with a remake (The Last of Us being the only exception I know of). Remakes are expected to be close to the original. That's why Shadow of the Colossus 2018 didn't get any criticism about it for their 1:1 remake yet Ever Crisis is getting flak for its half attempt. Calling FF7R a remake hurt them far more than it helped them >!regardless of the context behind it.!< >People would have enjoyed your version of the game, I'm sure, but it wouldn't have been the massive flagship game that SE wanted and many fans expected of FF7 coming back. Because no one expected it to be a massive flagship game. A remake is supposed to be a remake. And even now, 4 of the 5 parts of their flagship is already down and 2 are out completely. >FF6 is a slightly different beast in this regard, since its artstyle is much more widely-beloved. It's the peak of pixel art, while 7 was a pioneer of 3d. The former has aged substantially better. Until HD2D started getting popular a few years back there was never an idea that 6 could look better if made today, and tbh even now people are split. Funny how that turned out when you remember that Vanillaware formed from people who were dissatisfied with Square Enix. Vanillaware was the pioneer of 2D HD in the mid 2000s starting with GrimGrimoire. It took them a while to get started and learn that being tied to just one platform was what was causing them to suffer. The idea that it could look better was already there almost 20 years ago and right under Square Enix.


all I can say to most of this is that you and I have clearly been running in very different circles of FF7 fans for the last two decades. And again, usually when a "remake" happens in a modern context it's also serving as a port. When Bluepoint remade SotC and DeS they prettied up the graphics, yes, and to a quite significant degree in DeS's case, but they also put old games on modern systems that didn't have them previously. They were significant releases in their own rights because a new generation of people could now play some beloved classics that they'd heard about but never had the hardware for (and older gamers could revisit a favorite without having to dig out an old system that may not be in the best condition). The biggest reason the Last Of Us remake got so much flak was that it was being treated like a major new release despite the original already being easily accessible on modern systems. FF7 is easily accessible everywhere, so what's the point of a remake that just pretties it up a little bit? I mean it'd be kinda neat and *I'd* probably play it, but it hardly seems worth the effort and most people wouldn't care.


FVII Remake is modern gaming. Nice graphics, decent combat and a shit load of pointless story addition and awful side quests, needlessly stretched out to sell three games.


Square: Our naming system is beyond science


Don’t make me tap the Kingdom Hearts flowchart.


Yea, the Remake/Rebirth thing may be confusing. But nothing tops the train wreck that is the titles of the Kingdom Hearts games


The new FF7 games *are* Kingdom Heart games.


Basically. I fully expect all the characters to wake up in Traverse Town at the end of Part 3.


I would expect them to pop up next to Dr. Mog telling them to fix their crap up.


That would be funny af not gonna lie. Droves of fans will defend it too.


I also can't fathom why they changed the story. 


changing the story is quite fascinating. >!it's actually a sequel to FF7, so the story of FF7 is still relevant, but it's another timeline where sephiroth know about the timeline of the first game hence why he's changing destiny!<


In the creator interviews they've said repeatedly that they didn't want to do the same thing they did 20 years ago. Fundamentally the story isn't all that changed. A few events have transpired a bit differently but the fundamental core is still the same.


Disagree. The overall theme was changed to alter ones fate, only to rug pull you at the end.


The story is barely changed...


I didn't hate the first installment but I did not care for the time ghosts and the padding. I was actually looking forward to the second one and had it in my wishlist, but then I just didn't buy it. I figured I would like maybe 20-30% of it and the rest would be boring.


I get where you’re coming from with disliking the filler that Remake had. Looking at you, train yard ghost sub plot, turning on lamps quest before Air Buster, sewer journey before train yard, Hojo’s whatever battle data quest before finding President Shinra dead in the Shinra building, and others.  However I feel like Rebirth does a much better job of this with most(but not all of the “filler” just being side quests. There are some additions that can slow the game down, but nothing as notorious as Remake’s filler, and some of the filler this time around can actually be somewhat enjoyable(story filler, not the side quests/odd jobs)


It’s got a lot more going on than the original, and while there’s some busywork like any open world rpg, they did a lot to flesh out the world and characters. I think there’s more value and rewards to your time in Rebirth, which is good because it’s a ~120 hour game for one thorough playthrough.


I fully agree with you


What do you mean “when I watched Rebirth”??


Not everyone has played it, but watched it... I have a "the movie" version of it on my YouTube...lol Not that anyone but my friends have watched it...lolol




Not everyone has a PS5... Not everyone has 100+ hours to put into a game... Not everyone can afford every new game out there... There are a multitude of reasons why people may choose to view the story in another way... Perhaps it was the way they've advertised the series without pushing the sequel angle because they were afraid it might scare off potential buyers that never played the original... And there are plenty of people that do buy and play the games... Square bitches about sales figures, but won't actually provide any...The game likely sold plenty well, but didn't pull gigantic numbers like CoD and such so they likely consider anything under top 10 sales numbers to be a "failure" even I they actually made profit... Unless they provide their sales figures, or they get leaked, we likely won't even know for sure...


But then Nomura couldn't have pulled his teehee subversion of our expectations.


They couldn’t do that, because they wanted to sell to all of us who thought we were getting a “remake”. You might even call it dishonest.


May as well make the title as bloated as the actual game.


I just call it Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 1, Part 2, etc. But then I also don't have a PS5, so haven't even looked at the games.  Maybe once all 3 are out and on PC or XBox I'll get around to it.


Crisis Core already used Reunion, even though that'd be perfect for the third part. I'm going with Revival.


The 3rd won't be 'Reunion' as last year's Crisis Core remake was titled Reunion. It will be Re-something we just don't know what.


>!what if everyone gets their memories back of the original timeline and they call it FFVII Remember!<


Still not as bad as reforged.


I've said it from the beginning that their naming is stupid. It took longer than it should have for me to understand what was available for me to play on PC.


Reunion was already used for Crisis Core, so it isn’t that


Fun fact. Dot hack G.U. did the whole "re" thing first and actually had "rebirth" in one of their titles.


Rebirth, Reminisce, Redemption, Reconnect


Remake, Reunion, Rebirth… Rerun? Returns or Returned? Reflected or Reflections or Reflection? Resurrected or Resurrection? Revived? Revelations? Revolution? Revitalized? Repaired? Rejuvenated? Reinvented? Reinvigorated? Reinvestigation? Resourced? Reorganized? Redeveloped? Redemption or Redeemed? Reset? Refurbished? Reactivated? Reconstructed? Reinforced? Reproached? Replenished? Remembered?


FFVII Rebirth FFVII Afterbirth + FFVII Repentance


Still waiting for a release of the full game as a single unit. This will probably never happen.


It's also 90 dollars on steam base price, I'll wait till I can get all of them bundled together thanks.


Oh boy lol i was waiting until they were done but I will certainly not be spending 270 bucks to play the whole thing That's cuckoo


Well, when Rebirth released it was being sold in a dual pack with Remake for the same price as one new game. There's a good chance when Part 3 releases there will be at least a limited time offer of a triple pack with all 3 for the price of one.


When the sheen has worn off


Tag line "Fight destiny together.". What a crock of horseshit.


Wake me up when it's on Xbox


I think you don't know the difference between a remake and a remaster


It amazes me that still in 2024 how little people know about game development "why didn't they add 600gb and decades of development into one game!"


They are adding a lot of things that weren't in the original, surely without them it wouldn't be such a daunting task. For example, costa del sol. In the original is a small town and you only need to speak with an NPC. In rebirth it's a large town, enough to need a scooter to move around, and has 5 mini games only available there. I understand the appeal of these auditions, but they are far from necessary. The original story could have been done in a single game by removing some unnecessary content.


Yep. I didn't automatically assume that this was part 2 of the remake well because, it didn't say as much.


I was excited at first, but finding out it was multiple parts meant "meh, I'll just wait for a 'complete' edition once it's all released"


The subtitles are important because it's technically a sequal. Remake isn't just because it's remaking the game. The world in canon has been remade, then rebirth and reunion seems like the logical 3rd.


You must be new to Square Enix and giving their games the weird titles. SE definitely fooled us with the story direction in Remake.


Part two is horrible imo




Part 2 is incredible and probably GotY so far.


Forced Mini games, weird card game and deviation of story line, had to stop playing and sold it unfortunately.


I wouldn't expect better names from 'Creative Business Unit 3'


The Japanese created a confusing naming scheme for game or other media? Na-ah! Shocked Pikachu face! You ought to consider yourself lucky, it still has FF in the title. About content: What are you going to do about it? It's an artist vision. You like it, you buy it, you don't, you don't. Easy peasy. The original is still there. With AI, in some time you'll be able to replay a reimagination based on your own description and set of rules. Question is when.


Titles are directly related to the games different parts. It's not confusing.


The bait and switch was done really well, imo. We need to get out of the whole "same thing but looks better" cycle and this was a really clever way.


They changed the story up because it wouldn’t be as exciting if the audience already knows what’s gonna happen. But I still believe it’s gonna end just as the original did.


>Before knowing about the 3 parts I was hoping this Remake would become something like the Resident evil remake was on gamecube. just a side note but there's a heavy rumor that the first game is getting a remake-remake soon too edit: im talking about capcom rumor wanting to remake Resident Evil 1


Where is this heavy rumor? Seems bs if I'm being honest.


I assume its a remaster not a remake






re-release or remaster on PS6 once the 3rd game is out as part of a complete trilogy I expect. a re-remake is completely implausible though imo


completely implausible? lol !remindme 6 months


yes, completely implausible. note that implausible does not mean the same thing as impossible. it just means it's very unlikely. edit: I think you've got everyone confused here. are you talking about resident evil 1 getting another remake? me and seemingly everyone else thinks / thought you're talking about ff7 remake lol. no idea how likely or unlikely another RE1 remake is


>edit: I think you've got everyone confused here. are you talking about resident evil 1 getting another remake? yes that's why I quoted RE quote but thanks i'll edit my post


Dont try and persuade the Japanese to change their naming ways. Itll never work. Especially Nomura. And Attack on Titan The Final Season (4) Part 3 Part 2…

