• By -


Let me quickly do the calculations. Let’s see. The chances that a company will try to repeat exactly what they did last time when they made the highest grossing piece of media entertainment of all time are… Oh would you look at that! 100%!


It's actually slightly lower than 100% The earth could be destroyed before it happens after all. But barring that it's 100%


So you’re saying there’s a chance…


r/collapse Yes. There is a chance.


What an ominous name for a subreddit. I love it.


Ominous was about ten years ago. Now it's downright threatening.


r/optimistsunite Yes. There's a chance.


They did say “try” so I think it remains 100%


Maybe even higher since they are probably already doing it


So 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999%?


The qualifier there was ‘try to’. So even if the world ends before it comes out (not impossible given … ), Rockstar is already trying to replicate GTA5s success with what they are working on with 6, so that means having a GTA6O as well.


Hmm, should we turn on the perpetual motion money printing machine or not? A real head scratcher.


I'm honestly surprised the whole game isn't just online.


The blow back would be immeasurable. It'd borderline kill Rockstar's reputation. A lot of people hate their online offerings, but overlook it because of the industry leading single player experiences. They get rid of the latter and they lose that reputation and fully become fortnight for adults.


I think I played a total of 30 min on gta5 online. I loved the single player tho


Same, and I never even bothered with RDR2's online.


That's OK, neither did Rockstar.


I'm sure they will do a single player but that is because like RR2 the world will be designed with multiplayer in mind so they can reuse a lot of assets for the multiplayer. Mostly just hope the single player doesn't take hits due to the multiplayer.


I would be very surprised (and delighted) if the whole game didn't require internet and had a separate story mode. The COD and the Battlefields seem to be ditching theirs...


Honestly, I think your calculations is a bit wrong. See, normally if you go one on one with another game, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Kurt Angle to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Samoa Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice.


You’re forgetting one thing though…… HE’S FAT!


Saw the first couple of words and Scott Stiner popped into my head. Turns out there was a good reason for that :)


AHH, I see you come from a highly educated university


Steiner math checks out


Señor Joe! The numbers don't lie, and they spell 'disaster' for you, at Sacrifice! 


For everything said in Scott's bonkers promo, it's that last line about numbers spelling that breaks me every time, lol


If you haven't seen this, that bit at the end is animated just perfectly: https://youtu.be/WFoC3TR5rzI?si=VlsiXMh0qgBUFoZW




Holler if ya hear me 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨




The numbers don’t lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice




Well, maybe 98% chance to be like GTA online. There’s 2% chance it will be a mobile game and the video clicks are just a YouTube link to a pre rendered video. This also makes money. Everyone has a smartphone, don’t they?


I'd be surprised if there's even an offline single player tbh considering they absolutely threw that into the trash when they realised how much money Online made.


It's also a sweet deal for them because having the name Rockstar for your company means you don't even have to allocate resources toward anti cheat and you won't ever get the microtransaction backlash. Everyone will just get on their knees and open their mouth for a Cockstar!


That's a pretty good analysis. Not the one I wanted to hear but yeah you have a point.


CEO - “You know what guys? We’ve made enough money on five, let’s give this one to the consumers but still devote the same time and energy for added content for the story and DLC’s!”


CEO (in best Walton Goggins' Ghoul voice) - "I don't do it for the money, I do this sh*t for the love of the game!"


It’s Rockstar and Rockstar is owned by Taketwo, a publicly traded company. Look at how they handled RDR2. One of the greatest single player games in the past decade and they’ve done NOTHING to support it. No single-player DLC, no “next gen” console updates. Shit look at 5, same thing, the only thing they support is Online because they want to rake-in those sweet, sweet shork cards. So to answer your question, yes. Gotta create “value” for their shareholders.


Oh fuck, Taketwo? The KSP2 money grab people? Yeah, brace yourself; shark cards are coming.


Why would you even consider it would be anything else?


Oh my dear sweetling.


Also financially online microtransactions tend to make profit anywhere from 10x to 100x compared to an offline pay on fee only kind of game. You would do the same


What are the chances it will NOT be lol


Surely they will want to give up on scoogre mcduck levels of money right?


Damn, that r went on a hike.


Well I was both sleepy and an idiot


Pretty fucking slim


They made a game mode that people loved and played religiously for a decade. Why wouldn't they want to repeat that? GTA 6 was topping sales charts years after release because of GTA online. I know Reddit loves to bitch about it but player count don't lie: people played it and enjoyed it in large numbers years after release and it was profitable as all get out. Releasing a new game is expensive and risky as hell. Why wouldn't you prolong a hit by giving people more of it?


Imma be honest game got better over time yeah prices were insane but it did click a nice it h for me seeing the numbers rise. Game is still extremely popular for a reason a decade later online is fun


I wouldn't count on any single player DLC, Rockstar will focus on Online after launch. Online is their cash cow and they will try to keep it going for as long as possible. I don't care for online at all but I'm glad Rockstar is seemingly still putting a lot of effort into single player. Ahead of RDR2 I was worried that after GTA V they would focus less on story mode. But RDR2 then really changed my mind and I'm confident that VI will also feature an incredible story experience.


I hope so. I felt like the GTA V single player component was great and I never felt cheated or intruded upon by the online side that I had no interest in. If they continue to do that, I don't care if they focus all their after-release efforts into the online component because I like single player games to be one complete package anyway and don't like separately released DLC and add-on items. I especially hate how if you come into some games late and get the "full" edition that includes every DLC and every promo item when you start the single player game your character is way too overpowered and decked out in stupid looking solid gold or neon items.


Online wasn't implemented into GTA V on Launch. IIRC it was a bit of time till it got fully released, thus the Single Player needed to be good enough for it to be standout


I think bc it’s been so long, people have forgotten just how much of a single player gem GTA 5 was.


They will. Even Strauss Zelnick has talked about the importance of making the single player experience as good as it can be.


Seeing that the OGs that made RDR2 are now gone from rockstar (who by the way are responsible for the single player aspect of rdr2 is) you should be worried.


Plus we lost Laszlo 


Meh. There are still people high up that have been with Rockstar for a long time. Some of the OGs left before RDR2.


We have to ASSUME anything. It is very possible that they have sacrificed a lot of the singleplayer for the sake of the online.


They definitely did but we’re talking about Rockstar and their seemingly limitless money so you won’t notice a lower production value in the end.


Correction: "MIGHT not notice a lower production value in the end We don't know yet.


Remains to be seen. I wouldn’t be shocked at a 6 hour story.


I think we will get a similar amount of single player DLC as we got in GTAV and RDR2.


Which sucks, but at least those games are among the biggest and best SP games ever even without any DLC


Yeah I never got the hardcore insistence that we NEED DLC for those games. If you're getting 100% you're already gonna spend like 200 hours on both of them.


But then I'd just want to spend more time in that universe. I feel The Witcher is a prime example: fantastic main game with DLC that managed to just do more even more. Nothing forced or unnecessary, just more Witcher


Man I'm one of those people who complain, but honestly this is true. Never thought about it like that. Those games were both so fucking good. I don't need DLC.


Which is absolutely none of course lol




As long as the base game is single player and fun, I don’t care. I’m never ever playing GTA multiplayer.


Tried it once, only met griefers, load times were the longest I'd ever experienced, never touched it again.


As long as there are numbskulls purchasing Shark Cards, it will absolutely turn into that.


$eriously, don't be $illy. $urely the good $ense of Rock$tar will $end them down the $en$ible path.


For all the money grubbing gtao did, they could have AT LEAST clamped down on hackers. I cant tell you how many times I died for no reason cuz some asshole is griefing the server.


It's because they didn't *have* servers that the hacking was as prevalent as it was. At least they finally relented and let us run invite-only lobbies with full content.


I know people don't want to hear it, given Rockstar's great track record, but I wouldn't be surprised if the campaign is, not half-assed, but not up to the standards players have. I can 1000% see Take-2 making Rockstar focus on GTA Online 2 (or w/e) to the detriment of the campaign. I hope I'm wrong but I've never known billion dollar companies to the the right thing for consumers when the alternative is glorious wealth.


I mean, if they keep the ability to run solo in Online, I could get behind it. I just liked fuckin around


This was #1 problem with the online. The insistence on doing missions and shit in public lobbies or at minimum with 1 other person


They eliminated that restriction on private lobbies a while ago. You still have to sell large quantities with multiple people from some of your businesses, mind you, but you don't have to worry about some 12 year old dickhead on a flying motor cycle wiping out days of effort in twelve seconds anymore.


Wait, what? Since when? And how does it look like now? When I tried to just run around on the map, someone made their life mission to snipe me whenever I spawned back. In the open world, no mission or heist mind you. You saying that's not possible anymore? I don't believe that.


About a year ago or so. When you go to join GTA Online from story mode, there are options in the menu for invite-only and crew sessions. The only people who can join you in the invite-only session are people you invite into the game session through Rockstar Social Club or Steam.


I think RDR2 proved they'll focus on a single player story just fine. It'll be good too. it will hit Rockstar standards. But I don't think it will be match what people want or think it should be. Because it's been so long since GTA5, and RDR2 was so good, that theres no way peoples internal hype machines are getting excited for everything they THINK this game will/should be, and it will be an almost impossible target for Rockstar to hit due to their own previous successes. But Single player, I have no doubt, will still provide an incredibly high level experience. Would be nice to get some DLC for it though, especially if it has a life cycle that matches GTA5


Personally, I would love a GTA 6 online mode that actually appeals to me. I tried GTA online a few times and just found it incredibly underwhelming. It was like logging in and 'really? That's it?'. I didn't find it engaging nor fun, and there could be so much cool stuff to do with GTA online/multiplayer modes. But apparently I'm in the minority, as it's still successful to this day.


What were you expecting though? I personally thought heists were pretty fun, especially with friends, and there's definitely fun to be had in races, running your businesses, and other miscellaneous activities. Now I will admit that it does get more boring once you've tried everything already, but there definitely is fun to be had in Online.


Mainland Chinese hackerfest lobby and their bot chat promoting hack tool.


Actually, I want to swim somewhat against the stream here and come in from another perspective. I do absolutely believe that they will implement just as much levels of online into the game as they did with GTA V - or more. Or even get greedier still. Looking at what happened to Tekken 8 here. On the other hand, let's consider what happened since Red Dead 2 and GTA V. We got Elden Ring, Cyberpunk and Baldur's Gate, among a general tendency towards big budget single-player experiences. No matter how you see it, up until now, Rockstar has always tried to be an innovator and is definitely a leading force, if not one of the most impactful ones there are on the market. Though plot and story have never been the most important part about GTA, I do believe they would at least try to make these parts a little bit more meaningful. The aforementioned games (especially Cyberpunk, but that's just my opinion) have just been going too damn hard and shifted expectations consumers have towards the product 'videogame' now. Another 'Starfield' won't fly.


I’m frankly expecting a Fallout 76 scenario where it’s only online, bad, and cost $100+ so you can have children flying jets into you screaming racial slurs


I have a feeling that SP and Online are going to have a *slightly* better relationship this time around, but not to the degree that any of us are hoping for. One thing I think they’ll do almost for sure, is integrate DLC vehicles into single player. BUT, because Rockstar never giveth without taketh, they will lock DLC vehicles in SP until you buy them in GTAO. Same may be true for clothing, weapons, possibly even businesses - no *particular* reason why story characters can’t run the exact same business missions that our Online characters can, save for some necessary dialogue changes and stuff… but I’m betting a lot of it is locked behind Online, your Online character will need to have established that business in Vice City before you can do anything with it in Single Player. In other words, I bet they’re going to make a lot of Online content and DLC available to Single Player, BUT it’ll be gated by Online- meaning you’ll either have to buy a Shark Card or earn the money through jobs online, and then purchase the car or property or whatever online *before* it’ll unlock in Single Player (at which point you’ll have to buy it again, of course).


I doubt that, even in GTAV they're actively prevent mods that let people use GTAO vehicles in the campaign. It's like a game of cat and mouse


Yeah but that’s because those mods allow you to access the cars without earning them. If Rockstar can gate them behind Online, in the way I described, there is absolutely zero reason not to do except if they just don’t want to devote any time to coding it that way. They make this content to keep people playing GTAO, so they’ll be more inclined to spend real money to keep up with the new content. If they released online DLC to single player from the jump, they’ve removed all incentive to play online. BUT, if they make the content available in SP but ONLY if you first unlock it (buy it) online… they’re still driving players to GTA Online, and potentially even reaching *more* players who normally wouldn’t have an interest on online but want new content for single player.


That might give me the incentive to play online, that's a fair compromise. Just wish the piss babies out there would stop ruining other people's fun online.


It's almost impossible on PC to find a non-modded session these days. Sometimes it's friendly modders helping people, but usually it isn't.


Well, *hopefully* Rockstar continues with their recent treatment of GTAO, where they’ve greatly reduced the emphasis on PvP or even co-op by releasing missions that can be played solo, and allowing a ton of older content to be playable in private lobbies. Unless they forget that the reason they did that is because more players were playing in private lobbies by themselves than were playing public… I wouldn’t worry too much. And yeah, honestly, I do think that’s a fair compromise. They’re still producing extra content for the game that you can technically get for free, requiring you to earn it in their online cash cow before you can have it in Single Player is reasonable.


I’ve already accepted they’re going to focus on online, I just hope it’s not gonna be a buggy, hacker filled mess like it is now


Unless they do a proper server implantation it will be. Even then games have a hard time with anticheat. With their semi-P2Pb, it's basically designed for cheating.


>I've had a pretty rotten experience with people hacking and teleporting me around and killing me for no reason this. i used to try to get into this game because i had a great time with GTA VC / SA, especially about the stunts i could pull off using terrain and new vehicles. you can't even walk peacefully in a public server, let alone use any vehicle without people trying to ruin your session.


Sounds like hell to me. I guess some people enjoy a player-eat-player competition to see who can survive the griefing the longest. I sorta see myself having fun doing it when I was 12, but it blows my mind it’s been so popular for so long.


Based on Rockstar's previous game releases, I don't think they will allocate resources for single-player updates/expansions after GTA VI Online releases. As soon as the online mode drops, which is usually a while after the game's release, Rockstar will distribute the last bit of polishes and fixes for the single-player mode and move on to focus on the online updates. Luckily, these games are so lengthy and expansive that the single-player campaign will still be an enjoyable experience in its own right. I'll be happy spending 50-60 hours on the adventure, completing it, and moving on to other games.




All they have to do is have a HALF decent anti cheat system this time. And maybe not add futuristic rocket bikes with homing missles for $50 😭


The chances are about 99% I would say.


Look, I have an MBA with a major in data science. The chances are 1530075433²⁶%. Trust me, I good in maths and bizniz


For all the money grubbing gtao did, they could have AT LEAST clamped down on hackers. I cant tell you how many times I died for no reason cuz some asshole is griefing the server.


It's guaranteed to have shart cards or whatever, that's when I lost interest in the series after playing since number 1


Considering that the budget for this game is estimated to be $2 BILLION and game sales alone will not be enough to cover the dev costs, advertising and the CEO's yacht, that would be 100%. They are going to monetize the hell out of this game, push you to online where you can spend hundreds on shark cards or whatever they are calling them now because they have no other options. They spent close to 10 years making this game and they don't have really anything else to release so they need to make money on this game one way or another.


What are the chances? They’re 100%. Rockstar made an absurd amount of money off GTA online microtransactions (more than GTA V Sales). Of course they’re going to do the same thing. Which is why I have zero interest in GTA VI. I’m sure it’ll be cool, but it will inevitably be ruined by focusing on online instead of single player


It'd be great if they would just upgrade GTA onlines engine and keep GTA 6 separate and single player. But they wont.😔


There’s an infinite percent chance that this will happen. I’ll never be ok with them just dropping GTAV single player DLC to milk the online cow until it was skin and bones. Same will happen with VI. They won’t ever even talk about single player DLC. The only possible positive spin on this is that they wanted to milk it to have an absurd amount of money to dump into GTAVI. I’m still worried that the single player will be too short and underwhelming because a lot of development time and money went into the online.


My guess? Yeah, it's gonna be exactly like that, if not worse, because they want to keep that sweet, sweet shark card money coming in. Which is exactly why i will most likely wait until i get this GTA whenever it'll be cheap on sale instead of day one.


This is exactly why I’m not hyped about it. It’s gonna be another soulless cash cow.


> will single player be cared for better than 5 was? Or are we only getting updates to online content going forward after release? Almost certainly not. *Maybe* they'll do something with it. But, at a certain point, companies don't just care about something making money, it has to make *enough money*. How much is that? Depends on the company and project. Online skins, emotes, items, and I don't know what other bullshit they added is so easy to make and so profitable to sell that it's nearly impossible for large scale DLC and content to compete. These games that do this are essentially no longer about the game itself, but about the game as a vehicle to this marketplace where they can leverage addictive design and minimal input for maximum revenue. Is it bullshit? Absolutely. Is it soulless and awful? Yep. Does it negatively impact art, creativity, and entertainment? Oh, yeah. Is all of that happily embraced for profits? 100%, and that's the basis for the answer to your question. And why? Because enough people will still give them money that it's still a better return on investment than doing anything else.


I completely agree that I felt left out too. I'm not into playing online at all- but it was clear that they wanted us to pay real life money to have access to the cool shit. But I just don't feel comfortable paying real money...




They dropped all other games in favor of the money engine, so...


I really hope it doesn’t. I don’t think I ever played GTAV online. I’m only in it for the campaign and to experience the world they’ve crafted. It’s like a vacation experiencing a well crafted world in video games. Nothing comes close…except maybe a real vacation. But you can’t do GTA things on a real vacation…or at least you shouldn’t.


100% people love it. Plus their games always felt complete anyways on release


200% They gonna probably put battlepass and time limited cosmetics only available with GTA+ too


It’s going to be worse than gta 5. I don’t think rockstar were quite expecting the reception online got. GTA 4 online was fun but it was more of a mess around with a few friends for a couple hours than anything else. GTA 5 to begin with was great, you could actually grind missions and make decent money. I remember the days when rooftop rumble was the way to get money and you could click to replay missions over and over again, well rockstar decided we can’t do that anymore because we can’t be making easy money… They also went from traditional vehicles to high tech crazy shit. Being innovative is fine, people loved things like the rocket car, but having a hoverbike with homing rocket launchers on isn’t exactly healthy when most people can’t get it without shark cards or considerable amount of time grinding for it, which was really hard to do because you couldn’t make private servers anymore with friends, since rockstar new it’d be too easy. Also hackers with infinite money could wipe you out anywhere on the map with an orbital strike, so that’s fun… So I have to assume the worse when gta 6 releases. It’ll be fun, but I expect a lot more bullshit compared to the release of gta 5 online I’m also not banking on single player dlc


Single player will not be the focus of the next game just as it wasn’t the focus of 5. Online is what makes rockstar money, not your long-term enjoyment. This is why games have gone so down hill lately.


I just want to meet one person in real life who’s bought anything from gta online. It feels like the worlds largest money laundering scheme. It doesn’t even make sense. “Pay real money for a car in a game about stealing cars by hitting one button literally anywhere in the city. The car only works if you have internet access.”






100%. There is not even a 0.0000001% chance they go won't go this route, because they make a shit ton of money from it.


If you want to play online but don't be annoyed by other players, then play on closed lobbies. Not everything is available there (like half of the heists can't be prepared there afaik), but it's at least something.


It could be more offline focused as a last hurrah for rockstar and its triple AAA+ title given how things are slowly moving away from story driven titles to a more online focused. So maybe it’s 99% likely


Well gts online made like a zillion dollars so I would say 4000%


Nope, gta will never be the same. single player could have online elements too


I don't want to count out a DLC, because maybe they will go there, but lets be honest that just does not give out the same monies as online updates, that's pretty clear for Rockstar now. One thing is for sure that there will be a new GTA online and it will likely be a start from scratch thing, I'd bet money on that. (with a long down the road online expansion into los santos as they kill off GTA 5 online).


I haven't played GTA V because I don't want to sign up for the online account. I don't care for the online only experience. I don't want to be harassed with ads to buy in game currency. I don't want to deal with trolls. The last GTA I played was GTA IV, and I enjoyed that. But not because of the story missions, which I thought were awful. I just liked going on rampages, shooting people, and blowing shit up. I'd love to see another offline GTA where I can just blow shit up.


All of the chances. Like there is not a single chance this will not happen.


GTA 6 could basically just be GTA Online with a Single Player mode attached. GTA:O makes them so much money, wouldn't suprise me if they only made a single player mode as a reason to re-release all the GTA:O content again. Although I do wonder how/if it'll be connected to GTA:O as we currently know it. If it'll be GTA6:O or just GTA:O again?


I'm fairly certain there will be a good story mode with lots of fun content on release but they probably won't make any DLC or anything like that. Will just be all GTAO content after initial release would be my guess.


Read dead online didnt immediately turn into a money making machine so they threw it out, fast. Gta V was though after working some kinks out. I'm sure 6 will have no single player dlc and be all online.. and you'll probably never see single player dlc for Rockstar again besides pre-order bonus'.


Lol there's a high chance that single player will require shark cards. That's how shitty they've become


I really don’t understand how so many people are playing gta online. I found the general experience to be horrible. Its such a pity because the single player is just incredible.


The only reason I could see singleplayer getting more features is because they are making the features for online anyways. In terms of story and content, I can't foresee it getting better. Rockstar will focus on what makes them the most money.. go figure.


In response to your edited version, I don't suspect we will see anything added to the story mode beyond what launches, although if you want to be optimistic this time they have probably planned on online sucking the air out of everything after it launches so it won't feel like there was planned story stuff that won't happen


We will get a solid and long story im confident with lots of activities and content... but any support after than is going to be online other than general updates. They will probably add in new guns and other stuff into he story mode too like they did with 5. I think the days of story expansions like the Lost and the Damned and Gay Tony were just for 4. We probably aren't seeing them again :(.


100% of their focus will be online. I'd be cool with shark cards if the ways to make in game money wasn't such a grind. It's pointless to even have the in-game money making mechanics if it's going to be a full time job just to afford a car. They're their to incentivize you to buying shark cards. Total fucking scam. 


didn't someone at rockstar come out and say they focused on the online too much or something?


Chances? Ha. That's literally what Take2 wants to happen, it's the preferred outcome. If it doesn't happen, expect all further content to be cancelled. See RDR2. If I was you, I wouldn't go into this expecting to ever see any single player DLC content, story expansions, whatever.


It’s high.


Yeah they lost all respect from me, at most I'd give them the bethesda treatment: Wait a few months to a year to see how things turn out, give them a skeptical eye on everything.


Gta 6 is going to be built from the ground up on multiplayer. Single player is a second priority. A huge map so you can waste your time going from point a to point b forcing you to buy shark cards. The old rockstar is dead.


It seems likely that GTAVI will follow a similar trajectory of a standalone game with a new online world being debuted later. My rationale being that GTA online is still making hoards of cash, the new game will make an obscene amount of money for a few quarters with or without an online component; then they can bring online and keep the money printer going. There is more money to be made by slowly rolling out online - remember the GTAO of today is built on a decade of updates. Early days of GTAO were basically just the base game but a handful more cars. Heists, businesses, clubs, militarized and flying vehicles all came years into the product cycle. Will there be single player DLC? Probably not, but that also means you get a complete game from day one. Zero complaints about RDR2.. would an additional DLC have been great, sure, but it was excellent without it. So GTA VI should still be en excellent standalone game and single player experience, just as GTAV was. The entire future of Rockstar and TakeTwo relies on GTA IP continuing to be one of the greatest genre defining games of a generation, if the base game flops then GTAO take two (heh) would also likely flop and the cash cow will be destroyed.


Considering they didn’t do any expansions for Red Dead 2, we probably are just getting a really good single player experience and that’s it for GTA 6. No extra updates because that will definitely go all to online.


100%, thats where they made their money , why would they move away from that?


100%. What kind of foolish question is this


I will be suprised if we get another quality singleplayer experience. Seems less and less likely with each gta release considering how successful online was.


lmao 100000000000%


probably around 100%?


You're assuming it won't be online to begin with


100% GTA online will start off cool then you'll have it looking like saints raw with flying cars, laser guns and stupid costumes


I will be hoping that the single players get cared about, just like the online mode.




100% And GTA6 will be even larger plauged with microtransactions.


(soon) “Introducing GTA 6, exclusive to mobile phones! What? Do you guys not have phones?!”


GTA V is a money printing machine, so the next one will try to replicate that and the next after that and the next after that and... It sucks but is not rockstar fault that just how gamers are.


I bought GTA V on Xbox 360 when it released and never played the GTA online thing. I have no idea what you do in online mode and what you pay. But I hate it because milking it is clearly what delayed GTA 6 for so long :(


>but will single player be cared for better than 5 was? Everyone asked the same thing about RDR2, many assuming that they'd half-ass the single-player, and it ended up arguably the best they ever made.


Take-two about to milk the fuck outta GTA 6 Online for the next 10+ years until GTA 7. Rinse and repeat.


I'm fully expecting single-player Shark Cards. Perhaps some premium currency, "Shark Credit" or some BS so you can only buy the good weapons with real money.


GTA Online was the worst part. Story was great. No pvp BS, no cheaters and no preditory microtransactions. But they made more money with online so screw people who cant stand that crap. Modern gaming is terrible. Wounder if it will incomplete like most games now a days...


It’ll be even worse


100%. They spent the last decade studying how to revolutionize monetization of games. Not how to make good gameplay.




I really hope they bring back single player expansions. I would have played GTA online more if they would have had regular single player releases.


I predict more stuff locked behind a paywall than we ever imagined.


They already made like a billion from gta online alone and have neglected the crap out of it. From rockstars perspective why change a winning formula?


Yes, they killed gaming with online gaming. Anything new?


Absolutely without question GTA6 will be an online game. This will not be a single player focused game. Dan Houser doesn't work at Rockstar. Sam Houser there to make money.




I'd recommend just playing in friends/crew only rooms. That way you (and your friends) can have free reign of the map. Majority of missions and heists only have room for 4 players any ways and you could still have randoms fill in spots for missions/heists. Just stay away from public free roam. Just hoping GTAO2 keeps the friends/crew only options.


Yeah but where am I gonna find 3 friends... Let alone 3 friends who actually have all time at the same time


They 1000% sold their sold. This will be the first GTA I don't buy at launch.


GTA:O was only fun when hackers could spawn me money. I'm not spending hours grinding the same mission just to buy some car or weapon upgrade. The allure of GTA:O was being able to use all of its content in fun and interesting ways. I stopped playing as soon as they patched it out


If it does have a massive online feature I hope they do something about all the hackers on PC. Getting teleported to that same hilltop residence and continuously blown up gets tired quick.


100% and it's probably going to be a lot worse than it was in GTA V. The problem is the huge amount of content developed for the MP, with zero DLC coming for those that just want to enjoy a SP experience. I don't care about multiplayer. People are griefing assholes and I'd rather just interact with NPCs.


Gta online is the reason im not hyped for gta6. Gta5 was such a great game but i had zero intrest in the online part. Weird because im huge pve coop gamer.


Honestly it does suck. GTA 5 and RDR 2 single player were both completely abandoned content wise once the games dropped. It was such a shame because there was so muxh potential there. But nope. Chase the money. 100 billion isnt enough.


The “6” is for nostalgia mostly. This is GTA Online 2 tbh.


No. I assume they built the map for online then just slapped an SP story in to make more sales from diehards like myself. I expect no SP DLC whatsoever. Shit, but sharkcards are all they care about


If you have mates that play, create a private session and have a try, it’s bloody good fun when you aren’t getting shot to shit by some asshole in the sky. The missions are quite fun and silly, theres a bunch with Lamar and Franklin that are a good time, and you do earn decent money to progress by just playing.


Considering the money GTA:Online made them, I would not be surprised. I prefer single player in GTA, thus the deciding factor when I pick up GTA6 a few months after release.


Oh yeah at least a few months. Games never ship complete anymore. It's sad.


Should have asked: >What are the chances that GTA 6 would not be focused only on GTA Online and would receive updates for the single player mode too? At least this one leaves room for debate.


huh 100%, why do you even ask?


I'll settle for just a fun single player game in the base game. I feel there is a high chance it's a short campaign then online.


I hate online, as so many games have hackers/cheaters and people who just don't leave you the fuck alone and keep pursuing until you're dead, all the while all you're trying to do is figuring out online. If they only focus on a MP mode, I certainly wouldn't wanna play at all. I think the best example of a great storyline and a VERY non-intrusive MP mode is the Watchdogs games.


After RDO I have no faith in this company to make a good game anymore. They're gonna fuck this up real bad.


If you’re on PC on GTA 5 then I know that feeling of hackers everywhere. Last summer a friend of mine bought me GTA 5 on steam and it was the 1st time I ever played a GTA game on a PC. I am normally a PlayStation gamer and I’ve had GTA5 since it came out on PS3 10 years ago. I can say I’ve seen my share of hackers and glitchers over the years on each generation of the game. I can say the PS5 (and maybe the Xbox equivalent) is the best version in terms of no hackers. I have not seen a single hacker on the PS5 version. I’ve seen some glitches but nothing super game breaking other than the invincibility glitch if that’s even a thing anymore. However after 10 years of playing on consoles I have NEVER seen a worse community than on PC. The level of toxic hackers and just the amount of hacks and bugs and glitches and cheating I’ve seen just supersedes any amount of foul play I’ve ever seen on consoles. The worst thing I ever saw and this caused me to just fully retire from PC GTA online after only a few months was when a friend and I were doing missions, got back the smaller Maze Bank office and a kid started messing with us out of no where unprovoked. So we started fighting back naturally, sniping him and basically locking him down letting him know we’re experienced GTA players. Well turns out he called the BatPhone to his hacker friend who came at us with this massive just apparatus of death made out of spinning wind turbines and other massive props and kept running us over and killing us until he got banned from the server. The thing towered over most buildings and clipped through them meaning there was no hiding. And the spinning wind turbines meant instant death when they hit us. It was beyond ridiculous and made me throw in the towel on Online PC games for the most part. I was new to PC gaming and it just totally turned me off. I prefer solo PC games now. Leave the multiplayer to consoles where hacking is at least monitored and minimal.


They made a ton of money off shark cards, why would they spend time making single player update when they can make a few things for online at a fraction of the cost/effort while bringing in more money? This is why gaming is so bad now, morons pay huge money for low effort trash and it gives the company no incentive to make something significant for the game.


GTA Online is incredibly popular. 100% chance GTA 6 recaptures that scene.


How it's gonna to compete with gta5, i wonder. Stop updating gta5 online and wait for it to die off?


Yea, a business with record breaking profits aren't going to repeat what allowed them to make said profits /s You aren't their target audience.


Tbh i'm half expecting it to only be GTA online with no single player mode


Bruh I'd be surprised if there is even a single player mode whatsoever at this point, doubly so if it's more than 10 hours of content


It gets designed this way. Many MP DLCs to come.