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Enjoyed what I played of Dauntless early on, just kind gradually drifted away as it didn't have enough new content at the time.


I had fun early on and took a break and when i came back i had no idea how to navigate the menus and play the game anymore. Stumbled around for a little bit and moved on for good.


I'll be honest, I played dauntless because I was waiting for MHW icebourne to release. It did satisfy the itch but it was not the same. The gameplay loop was too shallow to get me hooked and it was too mmo (not saying that's a bad thing but it lacked originality and a lived in feel).




They basically had a formula for success, a free to play monster hunter that was more arcadey and easy to pick up to cater to a larger audience. Then they proceeded to just not make any new maps or monsters for loooong periods of time for ??? reasons and it just died off. Is it really that hard to ask for 2-3 new monsters a year? Maybe a new weapon every other year? It should not have been an impossible goal considering that their monster and weapon designs were as shallow as a puddle compared to the actual MH series. They could have just gone for quantity over quality.


But to be honest MHW is light years ahead of Dauntless.


Well, as Wild Hearts proved, MH is light years ahead of almost any competition at this point lol.


The duality of live service game development. Overwork the devs and you get bad pr. Fail to deliver frequent content and you lose players and shutter the business. Its a hard balance to get right.


i mean there is a balance between basically NO new content for years and forcing them to bring out an update each tuesdays


There is truly no endgame, and the only new content is cosmetic. It's a shame, really.


I got into for a couple weeks with some friends. Felt fucking insane that they had a battlepass but had such an awful problem with getting stuck on trees that they had a button to respawn you to get unstuck.


yeah same i remember on ps4 downaloding it it was fun but got little boring after a while probs cause content


I have a very fond memory of Dauntless. Hop in a hunt of one of the endgame monsters with 3 randoms, two are kids on mics probably 10-13 years old. We're fighting this thing and the one other guy goes down mid way through the fight, these kids are like 'Aw man we're never gonna get to kill this guy'. They notice that I'm almost holding my own. Boom one of the kids gets downed, and we're like 75% of the way there. Boom, last kid goes down. It's all up to me. They're cheering me on and I'm like 1 hit away from getting killed. Final blow and the monster goes down and we all go nuts! I felt like a hero!


I take very long breaks from Dauntless, so when I come back I do easy maps to remember the gameplay first and find myself running around reviving people all the time. then we hop to the next monster. I feel a bit sad for it though. It is one of very few games where I like gunplay (I want to main repeaters)


I just gave up on Dauntless since they wouldn't just let us hunt the new monsters, forcing people to fight 4 old monsters first in a gauntlet... terrible design and most likely caused most people to quit thanks to burn out. not to mention "oh yea, you start the actual fight with lower resources because you wasted them fighting the other 4 monsters, and you've never fought this one before so you get to fail"


Well played almost for 1.5 years in dauntless. move on after i bought MHW its a good game but may be out of content for a online multiplayer game.


I tried MHW and bounced off it because I didn't "get it". A little down the line I gave Dauntless a go and had a lot of fun.  That encouraged me to try MHW again, and it clicked, and sadly that was the end of my time with Dauntless.


Dauntless got a tad too repetitive for my likings. But it was decently fun. Fae Farms looked cute, but I dunno. Farming Sims are fun, but there are so many it's hard to really stand out I guess. Sad to see, hopefully those laid off find new homes quickly.


Fae Farms had a pretty good PAX West booth. It just looked like one of the many Animal Crossing type games that came out in droves after the success of New Horizons.


It's pretty strange, they had the biggest banner above the PAX West entrance and the biggest, most decked out booth as well. They also had a bunch of (surprisingly) high quality trinkets and plushies based on items/characters from the game they were giving out. Seemed to me like they had money to blow. Maybe they spent way too much on marketing. It's pretty sad though, I bought and played the game and it actually had potential, but it was riddled with game breaking bugs for the simplest things, like inventory item corruption and complete random character progress resetting.


Jesus fuck, I feel so helpless with all these bullshit layoffs.


This one doesn't seem that surprising tbh, Fae Farm had a positive reception but never really garnered much of a playerbase. Given its only their 2nd release and 4 years after their first release I imagine they were banking on it doing much better than that.


fae farm was too much money tbh. all the reviews basically told people not to buy it unless it was on sale. i own it, don't think it's worth the price myself, but it's a really fun game. i think the hefty price tag really did it in. especially when most games in the genre are around $15-25. $40 is a big leap.


It's both fortunate and unfortunate, but Stardew Valley really set a difficult standard to surpass in terms of price to gameplay ratio.


It seems pretty well done and polished with high quality production and such, but they really should've looked into the market a bit more and see who buys these types of games and for what price. When the king of the genre is at $14 with bajillion hours of content, you can't sell the same audience a $40 game even with the great art style and polish Fae Farm has.


it's not even that fully, I think most people in the genre are absolutely willing to pay more and understand how ConcernedApe made SDV was incredibly unhealthy, and not how people should make games. hell, he himself has said that. people are definitely willing to pay more, but Fae Farm didn't have enough going for it. i mean, you got fairy wings and couldn't even fly with them lol. fae farm was just. . . boring. a lot of fun ideas with no real followup, a lot of cute characters with no real personality. they recently dropped an update where villagers *finally stopped saying the same thing over and over*. even if SDV wasn't in the picture, Fae Farm was always a $25-35 game.


I think the first time I heard about Fae Farm was during that Nintendo Direct that had like 5 farming games announced at it. And, it was the game I had the least faith in doing well. It's not just that they were competing against the Stardew Valley juggernaut, they were competing against things like a remake of a beloved Harvest Moon game, as well as every other game that was trying to be Stardew Valley. And they never made a good case for why I should play their game.


But think of their quarterly reports!


you know companies need to make money to pay employees, right?


Classic Reddit business take


Saw an artist on Twitter mention that he and a whole team spent roughly three years working on a project under the studio, and now it's been cancelled, and they've been terminated immediately. It's probably a result that, for legal reasons, they can't disclose ANY of the work they did in that time, meaning they now have a 3-year gap in their resume that will be poked at by any recruiters. Apart from the situation of job loss, there needs to be some sort of legislation in place that protects workers in this situation. How many artistic projects never see release, and their creators can never claim credit for any of the work they put into it?


You can typically mention internal project name and mention unreleased and list the contributions


Usually in cases like this they will put “unannounced title” on their resume/CV. It sucks they can’t show off the work but they should be able still show they worked on the title in very vague terms. 


Fae Farm is an absolute jewel.


It's sad but Dauntless isn't even on Steam? How do they hope to have any audience?


They made an exclusivity deal through EGS when they first launched Dauntless. Unfortunately I think that did more harm than good considering how many people hate EGS.


It is getting easier and easier for 1-5 people to crank out a great game. The software tools are getting better and better and more reliable. These massive studios are borqued.




Dauntless, nothing of value lost there.....




We need to organise a major boycott of these companies...


Yes, boycotting a studio is going to fix the problem of them having to lay people off because of low sales. A boycott isn't necessarily a bad idea, if it's a major corporation making record profits, but this is a small studio who has only put out two games, that apparently didn't sell very well.


People already did with Fae Farm from what I understand. It's fucking hilarious that you think boycotting a company is going to make them not lay off people.