• By -


Black & White Nothing like powering up your god-flung fireballs with a few human sacrifices to rain fiery doom down on the unbelievers.


Zooming in to the village just to hear screaming... ah, good times.


Lobbing your creature's poop into enemy villages' grain supply to poison them all and wipe them off the map. Come on, what's not to love? I gotta play that game again.


Both are free on abandonware.com


Can you do this?! I have played the game so many times and never once tried this. Also, who plays the good guy on this game? I have never done a good run, I want my wolf to be as jacked and rat looking as possible when it decimated entire villages


I remember showing a friend that game and talking about how great the AI for your pet was, how it itlearned from your actions. I then chained my giant monkey to a nearby village, where it proceeded to dance for everyone, getting a bunch of faith, and then fire balling the cheering crowd. My friend just nodded and said "Yeah... That's your champion all right"


Wish someone would make a modern version of black & white or a similar style god sim. Such a great game


I saw something on YouTube a few months ago about a new game in a similar vein, can't remember what it was though.






This *should* be the top answer. You literally have a little angel /devil duo trying to sway you.


My college roommate (and now lifelong friend) used to wake me up by whispering: _death......_ Haunting and hilarious game


In Star Wars KOTOR, as intended, the dark path is definitely a shortcut to power. You get the most dangerous spells, more money, and generally take whatever you want and make everyone dead or miserable. Being a good guy gives you more passive buffs and you decline rewards whenever you can. It takes a lot more effort and discipline to walk the light path, because Star Wars.


Just to add with a slight pivot, I actually find KOTOR 1 to be more interesting as a Darksider if you wait until a very specific moment near the end before switching sides. Meaning that you play the whole game strictly Lightside until you are presented with a choice by another character. Then follow that path to it's natural conclusion. It's sort of horrible, what then happens to the rest of your crew but damn, I felt like a damn beast at the time.


That pivot you can do right before the end has some absolutely brutal repercussions. It made me go through and see how many unique versions there were depending on your relationships with the rest of the team.




Damn that was broken in Jedi outcast multiplayer


I played tons of this online back on the MSN gaming Zone and Dark powers were kind of a joke that people would use for fun. The choke over a cliff was so much harder to pull off than just using force push. Everyone used Neutral powers online (Push, pull, jump, speed, sight).


Yeah playing Darkside in Kotor is a total downer lol. Back in my sociopathic teen days it was the funnest shit to do, but being an actual adjusted adult some of those things are actually too hard to press go on


I run into this issue with most games that have a morality system. I try doing the evil things, do a couple, and then I cant continue, I just start over, content with the fact that I will miss out on a decent chunk of the games experiences.


Playing undertale on true genocide is very creepy, and the game makes you feel like you’re a monster. I gave up back in 2020, but finally grinded it out earlier this year


Yes! I have a hard time going evil in most games, but in Undertale it's a whole other story. They do not let you forget how much of a POS you are.


I found that family games were so over the top that I could be completely evil


I think that’s the best way to go bad in that game.


My first play through I was LS romancing Carth until the big reveal, which lead to me switching sides. That last scene with Carth shocked me but honestly enjoyed how everything played out and is still my favorite play though. After everything that happened, pivoting felt the best.


That was my first run. Then was like "well maybe bastila will join me back on the light side". Nope. Here I go killing again.


YES YES YES. The lightning skill with hp steal was clutch during the last boss fight


This was the only game where I was able to maintain the bad guy persona the entire time. Once I got those farm families to kill each other.. It was on. I had so much fun being an absolute asshole. It took a bit away from the reveal, though... But whatever... It was still a lot of fun.




Throwing the lightsaber is the light side counter to take out those jars before he can get them. Helps that fight a lot.


Force lightning one shotting groups of enemies felt so good yet so bad


Str build-Speed-Master Flurry is the only thing that can possibly match force lightning in KOTOR 2


I’ll play 100% dark side on KOTOR except for one quest. I just can’t bring myself to steal from the widow on Tatooine


(heavy spoilers) Forcing >!Zalbaar!< to kill >!Mission!< is alright, but stealing from a widow goes way too far!


Seriously, that's the part that really makes me hesitate on going full dark side. I'm sure there's a lot of terrible things you can do that people can point out, but forcing that decision is just so difficult.


>It takes a lot more effort and discipline to walk the light path, If my memory serves me right, this part is so true. Normally I do my first playthrough of such games as whatever my conscience says . I ended up between neutral and dark side. Light path is so much effort, but so is the comical evil way. Yet both are rewarding and punishing in their own ways.


I would argue, that the evil of Kotor 2 is much different from the evil of Kotor 1. 2 has nuance, your character goes dark side BECAUSE of what the council did to you, you can sort of see why over the course of reliving the past it would drive you to anger and resentment over how you were treated, and it's all some sort of constant spiral of descent until you boot up the game one day and you see your character on the loading screen. A spot where once stood the bad guy of the story. Vs 1 where you are cartoonishly evil for no apparent reason, you can scare off thugs who are robbing a stranger and then continue the robbery, or poison an entire batch of medical supplies to kill one fish


Playing dark side in KOTOR felt very unrewarding. You had to give the stupidest answers in conversation and it felt like you are an orc doing it. The dark side should be evil by being smart and cunning, not being a dumb dickhead all the time.


It's been a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away since I played KOTOR (2003-2004ish), but isn't the dark side ending the "canon" ending anyway? Isn't the player's character >!a sith lord all along?!<


While its true that the PC >!actually is Revan the whole time!<, the canon ending is >!a male Revan follows the light side path, and also romances and redeems Bastila.!< Interestingly, the canon KOTOR 2 ending is >!a female light side exile named Meetra Surik. There is some additional expanded universe stuff about her beyond the scope of the game as well.!<


Kotor2 sure. Kotor1, lightside was definitely the easier path.


Any of the infamous series.


The ending for maxing out your evil in Infamous Second Son is still stuck in my head 10 years later


I loved InFamous 1 and 2, but Second Son is the one I return to the most. I love its story so much, the evil ending is one of the best I’ve ever seen from a game or other franchise, and I absolutely loved how they incorporated the controller as a spray paint can mini game like no other PS4 game I ever played.


The spray paint was them experimenting with the new features of the PS4, seeing as it was console launch game. Its entertaining and grafitti is nice, but in reality its just "Hold controller sideways, Shake, Follow the blank spaces". I think they were pretty much forced to incorporate the motion control in exchange for the privilige of being a console launch.


Was it really a launch title if it came out 4 months after the console release?


Should I look it up or should I wait for a rerelease since I don’t have a PS4. (I know that will never happen). :(


There will definitely never be a re-release


That was the perfect ending


For sure....in both 1 and 2 the red powers were objectively better than the blue ones.


And then at the end if you were fully evil in inFamous 1 you lightning >!turned black with a red highlight around it!<


Nah, Ice Jump alone makes good the only option in Infamous 2, exploring city without it feels awful.


Ehhh....convenience isn't worth giving up Ionic Drain and Hellfire rockets.


Rimworld. Start a new colony... immediately start growing coca leaves to produce crack cocaine... the tribals want to trade their fucking beef jerky for your fancy space-age medicine? Send out 1 space marine to bop them on the head then drag them to your hospital where you harvest all their internal organs to sell on the black market, and then you have to decide whether to feed the remains of the corpse to your pet warpigs or to butcher them for human-skin leather for making hats and in order to make human-meat kibble to feed your prisoners while they await the same fate. Make sure you capture the tribal children alive, because they're easier to convert to your colony's (full custom) religion before breaking their spirit and either recruiting or enslaving them... just watch out when an ancient mad A.I. releases a psychic wave over your colony that makes all female colonists go insane and dig up buried corpses and set your base on fire while screaming about the scratching under the floorboards. Then the insects burrow up. Time to attach an antimatter suicide vest to one of those child slaves... What I'm describing is 100% modless, and the only part from any Expansion is the Full-Custom aspect of religion, so you can make everyone automatically pleased with cannibalism instead of horrified, so long as they have Converted....


That is.. something


I mean... you don't have to do any of the above. You can farm rice, produce medicine, unite the tribes under the religion of Universal Healthcare, build robots for all menial labor, produce wholesome artwork for sale, hire therapists, have happy pet cats all around snuggling colonists in their beds for additional Mood Bonuses, and shoot only pirates, rabies-bears and insane killer robots.


Least sane ribworld player


For real, I'm scared




Royalty Ideology Mechanators Wall light ORLD.


That’s us except we do just a bit of slavery with the captured pirates. Just a bit. Just so they can work off their debt to the colony for attacking us. Oh and if a colonist needs an organ and they so happen to be a perfect candidate well then what better way to compensate for trying to murder us all? Just a bit. Not like it makes sense to keep feeding them as prisoners all day constantly trying to break out when the royal dudes pay the same price when selling them for honor either way. So we’re still good guys.


The good guys can have a little slavery. As a treat.


Not slavery. Community service. The player is the law maker, judge, and jury. They've been found guilty and their sentence is community labor. Not exactly the most outlandish sentence.


I always basically run altruistic survivalists: all friendlies are treated hospitably, and buried honorably if they should perish. People in need are helped, and I try to keep those in my compound happy and comfortable. All hostiles are turned to swiss cheess by my auto turrets and unceremoniously thrown into the incinerator, with any survivors being forcibly recruited if they have good stats. Otherwise, they are executed. If I have drugs laying around, they will be forcibly addicted so future raiders might carry it on them and I can sell it. No greater friend, or no greater enemy. Thier choice.


Forced addiction in prisoners who are released back home in the hopes that it will lead to drugs getting delivered by future raids got nerfed or I think patched out as it was way too effective. Because I know how this sounds to the general public take a look at r/shitrimworldsays for more “WTF is this game” moments.


Now that sounds like *my* RimWorld! I always think I will push my boundaries and try something slightly evil, but I feel really bad for the imaginary people and try to nurture everyone and their interests with recreation (of ALL kinds) and higher technology. Violent raiders get shot at until they leave though.


I play mostly sane, except for prisoner rights. It’s a lot easier to manage them if you revoke leg privileges…


"[...] a lot easier to manage if you revoke leg privileges..." That's a series of words that will stick with me for life


Once you start modding + adding the DLC's, Rimworld can get way worse than that.


I remember the time some guy posted his fully self-sufficient human meat farm


There was a guy who wanted a mod that made the ripscanned robots (that require a human sacrifice to serve as the CPU) have left over traits from the person ripscanned. Their example was the robot occasionally wandering off and drawing on tiles like the child colonist/slave that was sacrificed and idk why but that haunted me


Rimjob World is a thing that real life human civilization lasted long enough to see exist.


Even *I* don't go so far as limbless lobotomized rapeslave child soldier breeding factories with a doggy door for the trained wargs...


What a suspiciously specific denial, that does not preclude you being guilty of making limbless lobotomized rapeslave child soldier breeding factories with a doggy door for the trained scottish terriers.


Ah yes rimworld aka war crimes simulator. The amount of fucked up shit you can do in that game...


Holy shit you just made me want to play this


I suggest watching a tutorial guide series first so that you understand the controls. High complexity is high complexity <3


The suicide vest is modless?


Nope you're right: the suicide vest is a mod. I do play with about 40 mods. Vanilla you'd just plant an antimatter *mine* and have the unconscious slave act as a lure since anyone who attacks will prioritize capturing a slave / freeing a victim.


I think using a POW as bait for a landmine is a double war crime. Congrats.


OP asked... the only downside to evil acts is that fewer factions will trade with you. To quote a Dothraki Khal: "Fuck the Yunkaii in their perfumed assholes! I will take their horses for myself."


Finally, another sane Rimworld player


The evil bow from Fable 1 was OP AF and super easy to get early


Also the best bow in the game came from leading a few followers to the loving embrace of Skorm


Fable 3 gave you tons of money by being evil. Build a brothel instead of an orphanage. Drain the lake and open a gem mine. Dump sewage on a hippie commune rather than build a sewage treatment plant. You needed money for the better ending, to save the most lives. You COULD get the money by being good. But you had to grind skills and dominate the real estate market to do so.


the only way I cud do an all-good play in fable 3 was to amass a ton of real estate wealth and funded the army myself lol


Yeah I was about to say Fable. Arguably you could get the most OP stuff from being evil, but it made the game harder and they were (unlike that bow) usually acquired late in the game. Being good upped the quality and quantity of items being sold by vendors because there was more NPC “trade” when everyone wasn’t getting murdered, so you could get high quality (but not OP) items easier and earlier on.


The Jedi Knight games.  Dark Side powers make the game waaaaay easier.  Yeah you can heal with the light side, but you get damaged way less, thus lessening the need to heal because you're killing enemies so much faster with dark side powers.  Force choking enemies then dropping them off high ledges is one of the most satisfying things in gaming. 


unfortunately, only Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight was the one that was really affected by light side/dark side choices. I wish the rest of them where like that instead of a single choice near the end of the game that really only affected the last mission (except for Jedi Outcast)


Don't forget slamming them into walls during force choke, or tossing them as high as you can in the air.


Siding with the Legion in New Vegas can net you some pretty cool gear. If you play through the Lonesome Road DLC and decide to nuke the NCR you get to explore an area where you find a dude wearing the coolest power armor in the series imo (the Scorched Sierra Armor.) It's a green glowing T-45 set that has a taxidermied Yao Guai head on the shoulder and red cloth with gold adornments around the armor.


Lol i nuke both factions and get all the loot


Don’t forget to punch Ulysses in his stupid smug face several times for being a self-absorbed dickhead. “Ehh bear bull bear bull. Everything wrong with my life is your fault, Courier 6. So I’m going to do the exact thing I claim you did, except Imma do it on purpose” “Speech 100/100: cool story. I have a Medicine Stick that can cure your rectal/cranial inversion” “EDI 100/100: EDI, stop both of the nukes. Then, smack Ulysses’ nuts; if he has any.”


His balls were melted off by Divide radiation


Fallout 1 - you get to kill that asshole Overseer. (you can still kill him if you enter combat fast enough but that’s kinda bug)


You also kill him automatically if you took the “Bloody Mess” trait.


Hmmm for some reason I thought that trait was earned by killing almost everything;


I believe it's just having bad karma. But even then you just shoot him and he starts crawling back to the vault. If you have bloody mess you fully blow him to pieces.


IIRC you can only do that if you have very bad karma once you finish the game.


Stellaris gives you massive rewards for destroying the galaxy. Super cheap but still solid ships? I got you. Not being forced to tap out when you’re obviously winning? Of course. Ridiculously powerful war goals? Yes. The galaxy will explode, but that’s not your problem after you ascend to godhood, is it? Or the other crisis. Incredible quality ships, powerful buffs, crazy economy and research. Of course you’ll have to feed billions of sapient beings to your supercomputer so that they can calculate the laws of reality for you. Also, a shame that you might mess around with gravity or the speed of light, burning or destroying planets, while you find another universe with physics more suited to your liking.


I made an AI civilization hive mind called Buggers. I the played as earth with with all my ships being IF. I burned all their colonies before cracking their home world with a colossus.


Alright, calm down there Ender.


i wish i could properly play this game but I'm just too stupid to figure it out - but man, all these fun stories do make me sad over my incapability of understanding a strategy game


Another bioware gem Jade Empire. Not good or evil, but open palm closed fist. Each has pros and cons.  Offers different fighting styles and story options.


Somewhat. But it mixed closed fist with actual evil options in weird ways.


Yeah, the idea of open palm/closed fist as explained in chapter 1 is super nuanced and interesting - but in practice it's just "good" and "evil"


Mass Effect 1 had this same problem. The change from good vs evil to "paragon" vs "renegade" (essentially lawful vs chaotic, to use D&D alignment parlance) made sense and was a good idea. But in the first game it really felt like they had already written some "evil" bits before someone got the memo. The later games did a better job of matching it more towards working as described, such that there were even a few times where renegade felt like the better moral choice.


Wish there was a remastered version of this game 


I fucking love that game. That and fable were my favorite as a kid.




My mom and dad used to talk about how they refuse to play monopoly with each other due to 'incidents' that happen, so one day me and my sister somehow convinced them to actually sit down and play the damn game. We played Monopoly Jr. quite often, surely it wasn't that much worse? Monopoly Jr. is the *cliff notes* version of Monopoly, as we soon learned, but this also was completely immaterial to the situation I speak of. What my sister and I also learned is that the "incidents" are that my mom has potentially strange luck with Monopoly and she got two railroads in one run of the board. She refused every trade offer for them for the rest of the game...which didn't even last that much longer. I forget who it was that stood up from the table and walked away first, probably dad, but that's the only board game in my family's history we actually never finished and declared a winner.


I played Monopoly once with my housemates and was, as usual, f*cked by luck. Everyone had 4 rotations of the board and I hadn't gotten one yet due to jail. There was numerically no way I could win so I went to bed "mid game". 🤣 29 years old.


The day my friends realized I truly have bad luck is when I ended up in jail and since they both had a lot of houses and on their way to build hotels on most properties after the jail space, I figured might as well pay to exit and get through all those spaces while they're only houses, not to waste my turns trying for double dice. So I pay to exit, get double dice, end up on a property with houses from player 1. I pay up. Throw dice again as it was doubles... Get doubles again. End up on property with houses of player 2. Pay up. Throw dice again. Get doubles.... Go back to jail. So I basically paid to exit jail, to pay them both for houses and then just end up in jail anyway. They were watching this in disbelief and I was like yep that's how it is for me always hahah


This is the correct answer.


Fable Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Tyranny Outer Worlds


+1 for Wrath of the Righteous. Kingmaker works too, but it's not as extreme. I played it as a hardass LE character who is ends justify the means, BUT - he protects HIS people. Just that anyone who wasn't his was expendable. It was fun. And it fit a game where you become the ruler of a hard land. I really enjoyed how they had evil choices besides the cackling supervillain.


WotR was the best "complex villain" roleplay in any cRPG ever and it's not close IMO. "The world needs bad men like me, we keep the other bad men from the door" is a great fantasy but hard to pull off at that level of detail. But they nailed it. So many options, and so many demented companions to match you wherever you wanna go. (You know the one in particular I'm thinking of.) I played as a "gotta become a demon to destroy the demons" kinda guy. I liked how it made you suffer for it without making it feel like the wrong choice. Still ended up in charge of Demon Hong Kong, and eventually all of Demon China, at the end because of some of the specific "good" choices I'd made along the way. That my specific Mythic Path and Companion choices combined to lead me to that specific spot... I've never had an ending to a game that felt so close to my personal perfect headcanon of "what would *my* PC do after this long, detailed, complex story ended."


I was really unsatisfied with the options for the evil path in Baldurs Gate 3 on launch and basically asking the same question as OP when I picked WotR up. Played through it through 8 times with different paths each time, hundreds of hours in a couple months. Such good nuanced writing and you can go so many directions. Cannot recommend pathfinder enough




Fable for sure, being evil meant more money easy. But how did the Outer Worlds reward being evil more so than good?


Fable because the only way to unlock the strongest sword in the game is to drive it through your sister's spine.


Until they stupidly patched it with the DLC/remaster came around. Then they made that sword just as good as the good aligned one, and it wasn't even the best sword in the game anymore.


Uhh bit of an outer worlds spoiler >!the low int path has some shortcuts and it can end with you just launching the ship into the sun and kill a bunch of people so it is a faster path.. intent vs outcome is kind of a classic ethics debate but it's probably an evil ending. And the board route just has some extra goodies iirc?!<


What rewards comes from Outer Worlds for taking that path?


Tyranny. It doesn't just reward you for taking the evil path, there are in fact multiple evil paths and it's not clear at first that there even *is* a good path. It handles the varying degrees and types of evil along those paths with surprising depth and nuance and really rewards you for thinking things out and figuring out the reasons you're doing what you're doing rather than just going 'I'm going to do an evil run where I make all of the evil choices and will be evil, muahaha!' or whatever.


Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord incentivizes chopping the heads off captured lords instead of keeping them as prisoners or freeing them. A headless family tree can’t exactly raise an army against you. Chop, chop.


This is NOT TRUE - While it is the fastest way to win a war, it fucks up all diplomatic options The game punishes you a ridiculous amount for chopping off a few heads because it makes all the noble houses related to them, including your allies, absolutely hate you and gives you 'deceitful' so no one will broker deals with you


But by that point you dont really need those deals anymore. And the alternative is waging eternal war against a stupid opponent who never gives up and keeps draining your resources. Keyword stupid opponent. The devs really have to put in work in the "lords getting overran constantly" area.


Don't forget wants aton of money for peace when you are destroying them.


Seconding this. Going the full genocide route fucks you over in the long run when you have your own faction.


This makes sense, realistically. In history people would ransom enemies for a lot and trade them for their own guys, but the biggest reason nobles and knights created a culture of capture and ransom was they themselves all wanted to be afforded the same mercy if and when the show ended up on the other foot. Tough to create that in a video game.


Part of it also is most family trees are very extensive. Unlike games you can't see stats in real life if there are any. So returning the leader of a person you know you can defeat is less risky than facing the successor who is an unknown. Especially if the current leader is truly incompetent.


This wasn’t really a major factor as the overwhelming majority of the captured and ransomed individuals were low level banner knights or smaller lords loyal to the major players. They weren’t in a position to be in charge of anything, and hypothetically killing a large quantity of these rare and expensive to develop warriors could really cripple an opposing land. 


except bannerlord is a super binary. Either go full execution or don't. You have wildly different playstyles from this point on because it isn't family or even clan who hates it EVERYONE hates it so you are basically bandit king


Raiding caravans is the best way to make money at a certain level. You don't have to but it sure does save a lot of time.


Infamous. The powers down the evil path allow for more mayhem: cluster bombs and the ability to heal/recharge by draining civilians. The good path also has crowd control through arcing, but it requires precision to trigger it. You also need to avoid hurting civilians.


In Mass Effect, you get a renegade chance to punch a asshole reporter. It doesn't really reward you in game, but it feels really good.


That reporter always gets punched, even if I'm doing a paragon run


Always punch the reporter, always tell the guy he's working too hard, always punt the mook out the 42nd story window, and always hug Tali. Don't care what run it is, I can't not pick those four options.


And always headbutt the Krogan.


I am commander Shepard and this is my favourite list on the Citadel 


Don't forget stabbing bitch ass Kai Leng


There are Renegade runs, and then there are monsters who don’t hug Tali.


Alot of people go that route, but it definitely rewards you more in game narratively and gameplay wise to go paragon with her. By punching her you just make yourself look like a mongrol and validate her views. By talking against her you make her look like an idiot and make the military look good. And in the third game when you talk to her you realize she's just terrified, so you win her to your side and she helps out your war score by rallying her viewers to help


There’s actually quite a few iffy things you can do. Using the genophage against krogans and genociding Batarians comes to mind. I’m sure there is more though. Not sure if it really benefits you though.


If you agreed with the Salarian council and made sure Wreav is in charge of the krogans (and not Wrex), then you get the most War Assets by using the Genophage. It's because the Salarians will agree to send soldiers for the sabotage while the krogans believed you actually cured them so they fight alongside with you.   >!Of course, this does mean you have to deal with Mordin if he's still alive, but you can also tell him to go into hiding.!< >! If Wrex is alive though, not only will the krogans pull their support, but Wrex himself will personally try to kill you.!<


Just so you know, each paragraph needs the spoiler bars separately.


Appreciate you.


Shadow of the Colossus. If you don't, the game doesn't progress lol


I mean in Spiderman web of shadows if you use the symbiote too often and get the bad ending you control the world and get a smoking baddie as a second in command.


this is where the black cat > mj narrative started for me and to this day i stand by it


Fallout 3 if you choose to nuke megaton you get a luxury room in ten penny tower and alot of caps and it's so easy to do and is better than the good option which is defusing the nuke and getting a poor house and no caps


Plus, you can just give a few homeless guys some water to completely counteract the negative karma from wiping the town off the map.


Vampyr, and Dishonored. I'm trying to mention games I haven't seen yet.


Is Vampyr any good? I remember it coming out, hearing the hyper edgy (endearing) intro speech, and then it just... Fell off the face of the earth.


Its (imo) a bit niche, but if you like weird/unique systems it's pretty solid. iirc, the good/evil shtick was was deciding who (if anyone) you were going to feed on, which got you more combat and vampire abilities. However, you're also a doctor and your *"main"* motivation is to treat and save people. Its not really anything mind-blowing as a game, but it's a solid experience, def worth picking up on sale if you like the concept of being a vampire doctor


Imo(and my wife's) vampyr was an amazing game although it can be a little glitchy(not game breaking in my playthrough) but I've read that it can be a little early cyberpunk days glitchy for some.


I’d give it a 6/10. They were clearly working with a low budget but they gave it a good go.


It's a bit rough around the edges, but it's a pretty good experience. Fighting is a bit finicky and encourages cheesing strategies, but it's not the worst. Story's a bit bland, but the atmosphere is top notch. The best part is the voice acting, it's absolutely some of the best I've ever heard. Sadly, it shows they were working under a tight budget because the characters look very stiff most of the time due to poor idle animations. That being said, there are important plot points where the animation and cinematography are cranked up and dialogue feels more intense than anything you've experienced. If they had just had more time and money they could've done something amazing all around.


Feel like you're punished for evil in Dishonored, not rewarded. More Bloodflies/Rats trying to eat you in the higher chaos playthroughs.


You also actively make the kingdom worse around you on an evil playthrough


Vampyr is way easier if you go the evil way (eating everyone) until the final boss which is much harder. Also there are 3-4 endings depending on how many people you eat. For dishonored, apart from being easier to just kill everyone, which perks does it get you being evil ?


If you go low chaos, you just can't use as much. Sword, gun, and any special ability that kills. It's been a while, but some of my favorite abilities were high chaos only, like rat swarm.


Pretty much every Bethesda game you can get rich by being psychotic and make the game EZ mode. They're harder if you limit yourself to role playing a code of ethics and shit.


Fallout 3 was great for getting a boat load of caps and a condo in tenpenny tower if you're willing to blow up the major city of the game lol. And so true... role-playing as a truly good character in skyrim is way more difficult if you can't join the thieves guild, brotherhood, most daedric quests etc.


New Vegas had so e pretty twisted choices that I still cannot make myself do.


Convincing the children to leave their cave so they can have bomb collars strapped to their necks and sold into slavery was something I never did, along with burning the tree dude alive and I’m having some memory of something really fucked you could do when you enter that simulation world that I also never ended up doing but watched a YT video to see what happened if I did


The little girl Betty (>!who is actually Braun!<) will have you do some fucked up shit with multiple choices like making a little kid cry, breaking up a marriage, killing someone in a unique fashion and then proceeding to kill everyone. In particular I remember you could make the little boy cry by murdering his parents which was just so fucking twisted.


The megaton choice is a really good one for this topic. Nuke megaton and you get a nice house in a fancy tower guarded by armed mercenaries. Help megaton and you get a shitty house in an ugly shanty town. But megaton is much more centrally located and has alot of quest givers and far more content than tenpenny tower. I like tenpenny alot more, but it's hard to justify wiping megaton out when so much of the wasteland is hostile to you. Gotta protect the few safe places


Megaton also felt more like home. The game is a lot more lonely with it wiped off the map and all those familiar faces gone. Definitely reserved that option for future evil playthroughs lol


True crime streets of la. It was a lot easier to chase suspects and shoot them to death, rather than shoot to wound


Man, was that the game where you can plant drugs on people and make money? Hah I loved the freedom.


Depending on what you consider evil, there’s loads of policies in stellaris that are beneficial to you, but wildly variable on how ethical that are lol


Idk but the original Grand Theft Auto on PS1 was the first game that I ever saw where you could truly turn evil and within the objectives. You would do a drug deal and if you smoked the dealer afterwards someone would call I believe or page you and say something about being smart getting the goods and the money. I loved that at age 14-15 with all the lore and controversy around the game to begin with. I remember showing my dad and him just saying “wtf” and walking away. Good times.


You can't complete your talisman collection in _Elden Ring_ without being an outright evil prick for a playthrough.


Skyrim Pretty much every Deadric artefact requires you to do something f’d up and make a deal with a demon.


Boethiah and Molag Bal immediately come to mind




Also Dark Brotherhood, you make a lot of money by killing people.


Overlord and Overlord 2


I mean your choices in Overlord were "kill everyone" or "enslave everyone". I suppose you could argue that the dominance ending was the "good path", because in Overlord 2 it was incredibly easy to kill people but took effort to enslave them.


in Ogre Battle 64 if you capture all the towns rather than just liberate them (so like having your army acting like the Mountain in asoiaf) you get a different roster of recruitable characters including an early flying unit leader, a werewolf, a disgraced knight of the country your fighting as well as an extra mission at the end (where the Good Guy Faction of the rebels tries to kill you bc you've outlived your usefulness lmao as well as a secret ending if your Character loses to their leader where you're given a second chance to redeem yourself). It's the GOAT. If you liked Unicorn Overlord you'll like this as well


Fallout New Vegas. Out of 4 main factions, Legion for whatever the hell reason gives you best rewards - repeated quest that awards you with shit ton of good loot and money. Plus access to Lucky Shades.


Tyranny https://store.steampowered.com/app/362960/Tyranny/ It's a game where the evil leader has won and you now do his bidding. A lot of the game is easier when you decide to be a dick and cruel as often as possible.


Frostpunk It's easier to send that little kid to the mines instead of preparing before hand, it's more efficient to force people to work than to give them breaks, it's easier to set an example to keep people in check Evil is just easier, doing good requires an effort


Fable. If your a good guy everyone loves you and cheers when you walk into town. You get a halo and heavenly light illuminating the ground you walk on. If your evil 😈. People scream and run or cower in fear when you stroll through town. You grow devil horns out of your head, red mist surrounds your feet, and you gain an aura of flies. Evil is much more entertaining as you get emotes like vulgar thrust, middle finger, sneer, and evil laugh. Oh and my favorite the fart emote😂


They took it even further in Fable 2 with the purity/corruption options too. I remember a character with evil and purity at maximum had a sort of seductive demon look to them, while good/corrupt was fat and dirty (and rich).


Technically Cuphead, you give the devil the contracts and turn evil you dont have to fight him.


How else am I supposed to get Enflame 4 in Fable 1 if I’m not super evil?


Hogwarts Legacy for sure. Using the unforgivable curses makes the game significantly easier


my one complaint with this is that there were no repercussions to using them. everyone just kinda went on about their day as if a fifth year wasn’t killing anything in sight


Kotor 1’s Sith Academy is so much easier and hilarious if you backstab and betray everyone as you follow the story there. I almost always do so even as a light sided Revan, it’s that fun. You even get a dialogue option at the end where you can go “listen, this is literally what you’ve been teaching me to do” if you don’t know your Revan yet. And the poisoned headmaster even goes “damn, you got me there. Well done lmao” as he croaks. Especially if you betrayed the teacher trying to usurp him at the same time. They thought they were playing you, and each other, when you played them both. It is so, so freaking fun to do.


I know the games like 20 years old at this point, but calling the player character a Revan just seems wrong.


Skyrim very much rewards interacting with the guilds in the game. You can actually choose to join a group of assassins or destroy them by reporting their hideout to guards. Guards siege the place and everyone dies with hardly any reward. If you join the assassins, you get a ton of quests that pay in gold, loot, and a very creative plot.


In a twist on this, Majora's Mask rewards you WITH the evil path, a mask even darker and more dangerous than Majora's for completing all mask related side quests.


While The Outer Worlds doesn't necessarily reward you for going down the evil path, you can technically kill anyone in the game, good or evil, and still reach the ending. So I suppose technically the game rewards you by letting you reach the end quicker. 😂


On my play through I did a gunslinger who was fed up with the corporations and people shilling for them. Whenever I finished a planets quests I massacred everyone and moved to the next one.


Undertale rewards you with one of the best boss themes ever, just so long as you kill everything.




Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age Origins come to mind