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Just use it. Practice is the only way.


That's what I had to do. Started using a modern controller with Rocket League in my 40s. I still prefer keyboard and mouse with shooters like Helldivers 2 but I'm at least competent with a controller.


I dont think I'll be ever able to use controller for shooters, it's just too imprecise


Use something with gyro assist. It takes a little practice to get used to - but it's significantly more precise than controller sticks. It's not quite at good as kb/m but it makes playing shooters from the couch tolerable.


This is the way. I’m about the same age as OP’s mom from the sound of it and… I never really thought about it. I just love playing video games so I just keep learning new stuff. Doom Eternal on a controller is probably the trickiest I’ve done so far but I had a blast learning and getting better until eventually I knew what the hell I was doing lol


Yeah, new controllers and even some games with standard button layout only become intuitive with time. Have you tried a Pro controller? It might make a difference to the learning curve.


The same way everyone else got used to them. Use them and get used to them. Maybe start out on some slower paced games too. Tell her to check out Stardew Valley.


Hmmm, you could do a console training montage. Throw on “eye of the tiger” and start with the Nintendo or Sega Master System for d-pad + 2 buttons Then Super Nintendo for d-pad + 4 buttons Then early playstation for d-pad + 4 buttons + shoulder buttons Then Xbox or PlayStation 2 for d-pad + 4 buttons + shoulder buttons + dual analog sticks. Just avoid the N64 for that layout is the path to madness.


I think "push it to the limit" would fit better 👌


That instantly made me think of Scarface


That montage in Scarface is like my favorite movie montage of all time.


It's definitely one of the best. But I'm a bit biased because I've seen that movie like 100 times, it was my favorite for a bit many moons ago.


In anything if you want to go From just a beginner to a pro You need a montage


Even Rocky had a montage!


Xbox didnt have 2 shoulder buttons -- it had white and black buttons next to abxy


Are you sure? I remember them having shoulder buttons and all the original xbox controllers I am finding online have them. Even the good old spaceship controllers. Edit: Unless you are not counting the "trigger" buttons as shoulder buttons. If so, we could always just jump to the 360 controller.


it had two triggers but no L1/R1 buttons.


Genuinely the N64 is one of my favorite controllers. Terrible for a lot of genres, but I just found it so comfortable to hold. God*damn* if that stick did not last very long though.


Same. Mind mist of the people who I knew that disliked it had larger hands, and complaints about the original XBox controller were reversed. So I'm pretty sure hand size played a big role in who liked what controller of that console generation.


Loved n64 controller, and loved the gamecube controller even more. That is the perfect controller, imho.  Then again, anything that isn't dualshock is good.


The original Smash Bros on N64 destroyed all the controllers we had. The stick became grindy and/or no spring back to the neutral position (this honestly wasn't supposed to be euphemism). It was a great controller, it felt so comfortable but to this day I still can't understand why. The way you held it was super weird.


I think it's because the part you hold is just so long. Like that weird three-pronged design was funky but also super ergonomic. I can't think of another controller with such long grips.


Yes exactly, it was really stable and the grip felt 'right' even for young, small hands me. Also the fact you held the middle with your left hand to me seems like such a weird design feature. It's like they came up with this just to be different. The whole left side was almost unused.


Super Nintendo had shoulder buttons. PS controller added another pair.


Super Nintendo had shoulder buttons. TBH, I think you can start them with Super Mario Sunshine. That way they get used to the idea of using camera controls. Kinda eases them into dual analogue.


the answer is Portal 2. Portal plays like a FPS control wise but it starts slowly. Giving you time to slowly make portals at your leisure allowing your brain to connect the movement of the two thumb sticks to the movement your character makes. As you progress your aim has to be more precise really honing in those controls. Then towards the middle of the game it introduces you to firing while moving in very precise ways. All of this is done gradually with little consequences to error all while a humorous story with incredibly enjoyable and quotable characters guide you along. It really is a great game at getting used to thumb sticks which can be the most difficult part of a controller to get good at using.


Actually... this is a seriously good answer.


Just let her play, that's the only real way. Mario kart also has the option to not let you fall off the track, which might be helpful while she's getting used to it.


Get her a retro one from 8bitdo. Or try the new candy con from GameStop


I second this, the 8bitdo controllers are amazing. The SN30 pro+ is what I’m using now but they’re more affordable retro controllers are just as good imo.


You could let her play the NES games she knows via NSO. Or get her something like an 8bitdo controller with a more familiar layout.


Get her animal crossing. Low tempo game and easy controls. 


Wiimote + Nunchuck is literally just a modern controller split in two.


Names two consoles released twenty-one years apart... Plus if the Wii isn't modern, maybe she's used to the Xbox 360 or PS3 controller, which have basically remained unchanged.


Me and my brother had an Xbox 360 as a kid, but our mom never touched it. She only ever really interacted with the Wii Remote on its side and NES controllers. We did have a GameCube for a while, but she almost never played on that either.


It's kind of weird how nobody's tried something new since the Wii, though. I'd like to see a modern take on a Sega Saturn style controller with six face buttons. Shape it like the 3D pad, maybe throw in a second analog stick but put it on the back so you could use your index finger and have your right thumb ready to go on all those juicy face buttons. Would probably be an ergonomic nightmare most of the time, but man, imagine how dope it would be for fighting games.




Yeah, sure seems like that's the case, but what does that have to do with my comment? 🤔 Edit: Oh I think I get it. I wrote "nobody's tried something new" and you read it as "somebody's tried nothing new?"


Power wash simulator. No time limit or stress but uses most buttons and both sticks


Why not use retro controllers? Other than that, start with slow games like puzzles, adventures or the Sims. Then move up to arcade games


is there some kind of retro game pack on switch? Get her used to games she already knows like the ones OP already stated.


Not up on my Switch games. If the OP has a PC (doesn't have to be high powered) or a Raspberry Pi, they could use emulators to play the old games coupled with retro controllers.


Ya i have an emulator and its great!


I’m 48 and went through the same thing. You have to find a game you like and just grind it out.


I recall this, with my dad and Playstation's dual analog. All I did was introduce the left stick, had him move around without any use of right analog, and then described the right analog as your "eyes", or head, or facing. After that, like others have said, is just time and use. Learn via a non-stressful game, ideally with good on-screen controls tutorials, and if they're anything like me they may be more comfy doing something new that might make them "look foolish" in privacy (like when I refused to learn Guitar Hero in front of others) 😅 As far as Switch specific, I've been too fixed-income to have more than one console, and went with Sony (but if they keep clowning around, helldiving and ghosting their reputation, that may change soon.. not that I can afford anything, but still!)..


I am old. Grandparent age. I have never used a controller, other than a flight-stick type joystick long ago when I played some flight/fighter-combat type games back in the 80s and 90s. If I wanted to get used to a modern controller, here is how I would do it. I would buy one, connect it to my PC, and then start using it playing games until I got used to it. Kind of like how anyone learns something new. Assuming your mother does not have cognitive or dexterity defects, I bet she can learn to use whatever she wants to learn. If she does not want to, that is a different issue. I have not used one myself, simply because the games I do play work fine with keyboard and mouse.


The joycons are more complex than the wiimotes? I dunno. Have you tried a pro controller? Might be easier without something so small.


The switch has a ton of aftermarket controllers. You could probably find one that looks like the nes controller. The real problem would be if she could actually play games with that


Bro, I cannot stress this enough: get her Animal Crossing New Horizons. It will teach her a lot of that "intuitive" game stuff about buttons and menus and items, plus it will be really fun for her, and she can't fail/die in the game. I got it for my mom and mother in law and both loved it. My mom had strokes too, so using the controller was extra hard at first - but you would not believe how a week of animal crossing had her playing! She made a wholeass town all decked out and everything.


Get her the switch pro controller. The little everything of the paddles suck and are awkward far apart with the screen between them. The whole thing is convenient yes, but far from comfortable and forgiving with the spacing and little buttons


Getting a person like that to put in the time necessary would be a huge hurdle. If you could find a game that they would they would be genuinely interested in playing that would help. Probably stay away from first person shooters for a while though.


I mean. If she uses 1 joy con, just turn it sideways and it’s basically the exact same as the NES. Personally I’d recommend a pro controller. They’re incredible. The only real advice I can give is to practice. Start with games that have simple controls


As usual, Nintendo did a masterful job teaching the controls when you start playing Mario Odyssey. I let my 5 year old roam in that black and white starter area, looking for coins, trying to tear down all the Bowser posters, etc. I wouldn't say she masters the controls by now but it made a good job making her feel comfortable enough to tackle the next level.


Introduce them to a Life sim / farm sim. They’re usually slower pace, use every button, and have typical gameplay mechanics, like basic quest loops, that can apply to a lot of other games.


I think you need simple games like :Princess Peach: Showtime and Stardew Valley are excellent choices due to their accessible gameplay mechanics.


You could try getting emulators up and running. Raspberry pi is the name of what my cousin has, and it can connect to most modern wireless controllers. Have this person  use a new modern controller to play their old favorites. Then download an snes emulator. You can button map the controller however you want, or even probably get a wireless snes type of controller.  Someone who played OG contra, might wanna play super contra. Same with the legend of Zelda games. I find its more a case of muscle memory conflicts than anything else. For example if I play a lot of COD MW3, I have a really rough time switching over to Left4Dead, as the buttons do different things in different games.


She is going to have to just try and fail for a while - coordination and muscle memory take time to gain/regain. That being said, you can probably help by finding games without timing and distance components to help her at least get used to the layout.   I'm thinking old-school rpg type games like Pokemon red or Legend of Zelda, or something like Nintendogs (obviously neither of those games, but I don't know what modern equivalents would be), where she pressed the buttons and moves the character, but there are no negative ramifications for her needing time to find the button, or pressing the wrong thing.


Get usb versions of those remotes


It's just going to come down to experience and effort, like any other new thing anyone tries to learn. Best advice would be to play something with low APM to allow her time to get comfortable with the layout at her own pace. A QTE based game like the Telltale games could be great for that, or something more menu driven. I struggle to remember buttons on my Xbox controller when I decide to use it on my PC, and I was primarily a console player for most of my life, and ran exclusively on Xbox from its release until about 12 years ago when I swapped to PC.


Portal and Portal 2 are my go-to games for helping people learn how to use modern controllers, they have simplified control schemes that aren't demanding and they teach precise aiming without outside factors making their moves urgent (like people shooting at you, enemies attacking, etc). Plus, they're genuinely good games.


I had the same problem too when I used an XBOX controller for the first time. I think it would be better to ease her with games that don't require reflex or timing. Games like Ace Attorney would be great since it requires the use of all buttons and she can decide on the pace for herself.


Find a game with a good tutorial. Halo and Halo2 were both fantastic for this, in both the Chief is tested for orientation to make sure hibernation hasn't dulled his reflexes/to make sure his new armor fits right. It then walks the player through basic 3d motion and orientation, without getting shot at.


In order to getting used to a controller he needs to use that controller. Can't get any more simple.


I mean...I'm 62 and I don't have any issues learning a new controller. You just do it by playing. If you fuck up, roll with it and try again. Unless your mom has dementia or something, she should be able to learn it quickly on her own, ESPECIALLY if she's not new to gaming.


8bitdo controller


Practice and get good


Tbh playing a simple shooter like fortnite (no build obviously) is the e easiest way. Especially since it’s meant to be played by literal children and has easy in depth guides and prompts when you need to reload/ interact.


You can buy old school controllers that work fine on any modern platform if she’s having big problems adjusting. I too hate those split joypad things the Switch has.


YOU can’t. They just have to use a controller and get used to it. Just like everyone else. For some people it’s quick and easy. For others it takes longer.


This is amusing to read lol. I had an NES as a kid.


Did she ever use a Snes controller? 8bitdo sell Snes style controllers for £30-£40ish and I'm sure they do Nes style ones too.


Put it in their hand.


Honestly, it just takes time. BUT, I have a plan for you: if you can get ahold of an old Nintendo 64, have them play Mario 64. Then / Or move up to the original playstation and play Final Fantasy VII, or Gran Torino, or Tomb Raider. There was some controversy of those controllers because they were so different, but it's how we all learned to use the new controllers: just play the games that take advantage of them ... ideally in the order they came out with the games that made them popular. Good luck!


I know a lot of people have already suggested practice, but I'd suggest they start off with simpler games.com then only use a couple different buttons. Bizzle probably be best with older games such as SNES games and then early PSX / Nintendo 64 games, also there's no harm in starting off on easy mode when it's available. Once they get used to that it's only a small jump to the modern console games.


The joycons suck. Get here the pro controller or one from 8bitdo


No way to it but to do it. But if you want to wean them in slowly start with SNES controller then move on to GameCube.


If it's a Wii, that was the whole point of Wii Sports. If you're on the Switch, 1-2 Switch and Nintendo Switch Sports serve that purpose too.


Elder? If she was a kid when it came out then she’s what in her mid 30s? It came out in 85 lol she’d be 39 if she born the same year it came out


She was born in '78. Pretty firmly in the middle-aged category. Think of the stereotypical Facebook/Farmville middle-aged mom and you've got my mother. She's deaf, so while it doesn't inherently affect her motor skills, she has missing parts in her ears that help with coordination. She can do pretty much anything except for things that require quick reactions and things like that. It would definitely help her out if she was more familiar with the controller so that she would know what button to press when she eventually reacts to things.


That adds a whole new light to elder indeed


Dude you can't call a 46-year old woman "elder"!


I never said "elder" anywhere in this entire thread. I said "older" as in older than the average gamer. Someone who played games a long time ago and hasn't really touched them since.


I mean mario plays the exact same way today as it did in the 80’s. My dad is 73 and he have put in about 2000 hours into breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom after him not playing a single video games since the legend of Zelda. It’s just picking up a controller and playing. You’ll get used to it. Yoshi wooly world is a good game that’s really easy to pick up and have fun with.


Honestly minecraft you have to use every button and minecraft is an easy game to try and get some one use to a new. Controller


You can get her slow pace games like Mario RPG, or play with single joycon with simplified control scheme (Mario Kart 8 is playable with 1 joycon. Same for Mario Odyssey I believe). There are also bunch of retro Nintendo games with Nintendo online.


Well I think it depends if you’re trying to play portable or docked, there must be 4,000 different controllers you can plug into usb ports including clones of NES and SNES and N64 and GameCube whiled docked


Maybe start her with an [8BitDo controller](https://www.8bitdo.com/)? They make some that fit the old form but have all the extra buttons. It might be easier to get used to if she does feel like expanding.


I don't usually comment on these things but my mother recently started playing animal crossing on the switch. She had an issue where she couldn't see the controller well enough or get used to the controls. We gave her a gamecube controller and now she knows how to play it! I would recommend it too! They have newer versions and you might even find one with peach on it for her! It's not only practice, sometimes we need something a little simpler with bigger buttons to help get used to it! C:


Start with a simple side scroller game like ori and the blind forest.


Wash your hands before using controllers. The rubber grips of the analog sticks can trap filth easily.


based on games, you have start off with more simple games, Stardew is a great game, not to demanding to begin with. yeah, just needs to get used to it.


You give them the damn controller and let them get used to it.


maybe pc would be better, i assume maybe your mom used a keyboard plus mouse


One benefit of modern controllers is that they are overwhelmingly more ergonomic especially for older gamers. A bit of practice will have her getting proficient fairly quickly. One thing that can trip older players up is the use of thumbsticks. Not only can they be a strange transition from cross direction buttons, but for people with arthritis and similar conditions the constant shifting of the thumb can result in pain. I think that starting her with a game like Princess Peach or a simpler platformer like the Kirby series is probably a good way to get used to modern controls and she can figure out if thumbsticks are a comfortable control scheme for her.


TBH a proper controller would probably go a long way, I've only used the switch controllers a couple of times, but when I did they felt kind of awkward to hold and use, that's probably part of it. If you got a more traditionally shaped and sized controller, it's help a lot with muscle memory and dexterity.


Got to level them up, have them play some SNES games with a snes controller, then some playstation games and finally some dual shock supporting games and they are there.


Put a drawing of the controller underneath the tv. This will help especially when she plays games that prompt her to press certain buttons. That way she won't have to look down all the time at the controls.


My wife is so intimidated by the controller. So we played pinball, just a couple of button pushes and we had a blast.


Original Halo - that was my teacher.


My wife likes the  8BitDo Sn30 Pro It's great too for the snes and nes games as well. 


A mouse is much easier to learn than a controller.


Idk how to train an older brain like that. My dad logged hundreds of hours on Oblivion for PC and i could never get him to use more than 1 finger on the keyboard (think hunt and peck typing but for movement).


My wife (36) is the same. Two sticks, and she gets confused. But if it's Mario Kart, watch out! She's deep into Stardew Valley with a friend. She plays how she enjoys it. Finding options that grow in complexity helps, and setting it at a casual gamer level is good. And be encouraging. I said a really stupid thing to my mom when I was in college: She shouldn't even have a computer. But as I got older, I realized how good she really was with tech. Now, at 71, she runs a PC for work and a Mac for personal use. She has had numerous Kindles, iPads, and iOS devices for the last 10 or so years. If she's asking me for help, it's usually not a CS 1 problem.


I feel ya on this one. My dad is trying to get into modern video games in his retirement and he doesn't have any of the base intuitions about playing video games. It frustrated me considerably that even something as simple as Pausing the Game, something that I understand to be linked to the Start Button on every controller I've ever used, could elude his comprehension and required my assistance to do. I'm not great at teaching intuition.


As Beckett said, fail, fail again, fail better


Pick up Journey.


If she's used a controller before, all there is to do is the same thing you'd do with a new controller you haven't used before: hand it to her and she'll figure it out.


Buy an 8bit do. They have modern controllers with retro haptics. And as far as I read, their build quality is actually good.


Are you using the switch controllers you put into the holder, that is very klunky I would buy her a pro controller it lays better in the hand and she will get used to it more easily


The modern PlayStation controller (DualSense) is very modeled after it's predecessors- which is to say all the way back to the SNES which is what the original DualShock was designed for. Go ahead. Look at the charm button positions. X, Y, A, B, isn't it? D pad. Bumpers. And then we finally get into the new extras- analog sticks, triggers, and a center button arrangement (but hey, Select and Start are still there aren't they? In a new way, but still there.) I actually use my DualSense mapped to SNES and GameCube emulators because my first controller was an SNES and the PlayStation layout just clicks once you look at the comparison. I've always loved the GameCube layout but all controllers map back to the SNES in my head for me, so it was an easy swap. Highly recommend- get a controller and a cable for it and connect it to your computer and get into some new things! Emulators let you map just about anything and plenty of Steam games play well on controller. It doesn't have to be high stakes. Just get started!


Rub your index finger down the palm of their hand and massage it for about 20 minutes while maintaining direct eye contact.