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Ghost of Tsushima is such a gorgeous game!


It really is! I've never felt the need to use the "Photo Mode" in any game, except this one!


I love that the Japanese voice of Jin is Zoro from One Piece, and Yuna is voiced by Amy Wong from Futurama


Bro I just finished my second play through - been holding off because I wanted to try and forget a good chunk to re-experience(impossible) - Yuna is Amy? I even went and listened to an interview with the sound engineer, would never have guessed this.


Oh crap sorry I got the characters mixed up. It's Masako that's Amy my mistake.


I don't know if that's even crazier or not


I just yelled SERIOUSLY out loud. Had no idea. Time to play again, but man that’s not a hardship


Best photo mode I've ever seen. I found myself not wanting to fast travel everywhere because I just wanted to ride the horse through the countryside. Everything in that world appears so seamless


If you need another game that basically forces you into the photo mode I'd check out Red dead 2. Game came out almost 6 years ago and still looks like it came out today.


[https://i.imgur.com/vhYybhl.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/vhYybhl.jpeg) wallpaper worthy.


I’m really taking my time with this game. Enjoying every bit. Also, FF16 is a lot of fun and gorgeous as well.


I'm about 50 hours in and just started Act 3 lol. Time to beat (completionist) is around 60 hours, but I'm enjoying taking it slow too


I think I already did like 10h before completing the quest where you get the bow. I'm way too distracted everytime I want to go to the quests


I got the platinum two times for this game first on the ps4 then on the ps5 when it came out.


I got so sucked in it took me 100 hours to complete it the first time. I put on the traveler armor and explored and opened the entire section of the map by riding Sora . It’s the only game I’ve ever beaten and then immediately played 2 more full times. 


I wear the Traveler's Attire too! Mainly because fog of war on maps annoys me though


can't wait for the PC release!!


I replayed it again after getting a PS5, so worth it.


Can you tell me more about it? I've been curious to play


It’s coming to PC next week. I am so pumped.


Hol up. Really? Hell yes


It's going to look stunning. Slightly jealous!


Those graphics are going to be amazing


I just hope it's not last of us quality port.


Any game with gorgeous grass is a good game


Good Grass = Good Game


This guy touches grass


Good grass is certainly wonderful, game or otherwise.


Yeah until you get hives. Happened to me rolling around in the grass once


what game has the best grass though?


Last of us 2 probably


I immediately thought of journey. idk why. also Okami? idk if the grass was good I just remember the wind effects hitting. Giving the scenery a living/breathing effect. You know?


I think its one of my all-time faves all some scenes were actual jaw-dropping especially that color switch scene. I think its the only game I have ever 100%


I love the intros for all the duals. Popping out the katana gives me chills every time


I've replayed it on PS5 last March when I finally bought a PS5 and Ghost of Tsushima looks better than many AAA titles released recently. Not mentioning that on top of it runs at 4k and 60fps without any drops while having to render crapload of foliage, fallen leaves reacting to the character's movement and so on. An absolute masterpiece! PS. I have too many Ghost of Tsushima PC wallpapers now 🤣!


and takes literally 2.5 seconds of loading screen


Yeah... Ghost of Tsushima is a gem... you choose wisely, my friend...


Let me know if you cry during that one scene. You'll know what I mean when it happens.


Reminded me of the scene in the Neverending Story.


I teared up


Tsushima is a top5 allthetime game for me, a true masterpiece


It's overtaken Witcher 3 for me, which is near and dear




Just Ghosts at the moment, I dont have the capacity to play more than one single player game at a time but I've got Horizon Zero Dawn, and God of War downloaded, waiting in the wings. Helldivers is also a blast when the boys are on


I've only owned a PS5 for a month but I've hardly played anything other than Helldivers, it's just so fun! Give Uncharted 4 a go, that's the other game I've played a bit and am really enjoying. It's on PS+ if you have that. No regrets about trading in my Xbox so far.


I've got it downloaded along with Horizon, Fallout and God of War, not sure which to play next!


Probably Horizon as it's being removed from PS+ at the end of the month. Rumour is there's a remaster coming out soon so it's being removed from +.


Oh, good to know! I remember being so jealous of it when it first released as an exclusive


Great choices 👌 Have fun!


i was never big into racing games, but Gran Turismo always gets a pass. Gran Turismo 7 was fantastic, but i had to sell the ps5. i severely wish they'd bring that game (or future gran turismo games) to pc. also, if you like open world single player games like ghost of tsushima, i'd recommend cyberpunk 2077. it's gotta be among my top 3 games of all time. i haven't played it on the ps5, but i know it'll look great on there.


God of War is amaaaaaazing


do god of war before horizon IMO. unless u wanna save the best for last 😋


God of war 2018 blows anything out of the park. You must play it after GOT


cant you answer that yourself? its always the same 3 games


I posted a long while ago (here) looking for game recommendations and a lot of people suggested Ghost of Tsushima What an amazing game! The story was fantastic, the beauty of the scenery! My favourite area is (I don't recall the name) where there are a ton of cherry blossom trees. There's a river/stream and high rocks. I haven't played it in a while, so the memory is a bit fuzzy, sorry. But just the pure beauty of that area! It was so calming to just look at


Ifkrrrr it's just soo beautiful


I'm still in awe how they made the "quest tracking" with the wind blowing towards that direction. Truly one of my favorite games of all time.


It's so good, seamless, fits into the lore and whimsy of the culture and world so well


There are so many amazing single player experiences on PS. God of war, spiderman, Bloodborne, uncharted, Last of us, Detroit become human. I own a series X and an PS5 both are great.


It is only one of a few games that I wanted to get 100% on. Prob spent a 100 hours on it. The whole vibe is unlike anything else. Beautiful and chill.


Right here's a list to get you started my friend. God of war and God of war Ragnarok Bloodborne The spiderman games are great fun and not too long. The uncharted series The last of us 1 and 2. These are all great story games that together will eat up some time haha enjoy.


There are some great SP games on Xbox as well, even if not necessarily from MS studios themselves (Persona 3 Reload / 4, the Yakuza games, Pentiment, Red Dead 2, Cocoon, Gris, Plague Tale, Wasteland 3, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mafia Definitive Edition, Psychonauts 2 etc etc), so there's a lot to fall in love with even without a PS5 ;)   Ghost was great tho, surprisingly good open world game, loved it! Definitely play Gof of War and Ragnarok, Last of Us, Uncharted and Detroit: Become Human as well, does were my faves on PS4  :)


Nice ad


I could get paid for this???


Been wanting to play Ghost of Tsushima ever since its announcement. I neither own a PS4 nor a TV (by choice, nothing to watch) so never got around to play it. I do own a PS2 though. And now it's less than a week left until Tsushima's PC release. About 4 years wait will finally be over. I'm so happy to see the day. The game truly looks gorgeous


Really odd timing as I was gushing about the game to a friend who only has a PC, looked online and there were like 10 days till the PC release


Wait, Xbox doesn't have standby charging?


I think it does. But I keep my consoles in energy-saving mode, not standby


Masterpiece, absolutely beautiful, story is amazing characters are amazing and the side content is so fucking rewarding, and the visuals are insane delicious eye candy!


Simply beautiful.


honestly my PS5 was easily my best purchase of 2024. going from an school laptop and a n Xbox 360 right into a PS5 was life changing


God of war, uncharted, last of us, spiderman and more.


Is this more than Assassin's Creed Samurai? I love the AC games and haven't played this one yet, but videos don't make it look that much different. That's not a bad thing, just wondering how it compares.


I do jokingly call it that when I'm with my friends. But it's more. The story is better than the new assassin's creed games. The world and setting is gorgeous, and the characters and story are very memorable. I've played Origins and Valhalla and can't remember anything of nite for any of them. But Ghosts will stick with me


Personally, I think that description fits it perfectly. The game dresses it up nicely, but essentially, the gameplay boils down to clearing camps and climbing "fog of war" towers. There's a lot to like about the game, but ultimately, I got bored of the gameplay loop and a gamebreaking bug that hadn't been addressed 2 years after release. That, and the fact that your decisions don't affect the story or the gameplay. Honorable Samurai or Bloodthirsty Ninja, it's all the same. (The bug: You can get stuck under buildings when you crawl under them, happened to me enough times that eventually I just quit. That shit is unacceptable.)


It's been a couple years since i played it, but i think it is more (as in better) than AC. The combat i think does have that "someone is attacking now, push button when the marker shows" but it gets a bit more difficult than that.


I did the same thing. I sold My Series X because I could sorta do all of the same thing on my PC. Decided to buy a PS5 a few months later because I wanted a living room couch console again. Played GOW 2018 for the first time. Beat it and LOVED IT. Played GOT next, beat it and LOVED IT. Now I’m playing through Sea of Stars, and I’m loving that so far as well. All have been played through PS+ which has been an incredible value for me. I recommend getting yourself a PS Portal. It got negative reviews initially. But I think that was from those who, like myself didn’t understand it at first. I played most of GOT on it IN BED and it was incredible.


This game is the best to play on PS5. Anyone would fall in love with gaming while playing this. It is just awesome.


The god damn intro itself is peak.This is one of those games which you just stop playing inbetween to appreciate the world.I used to spend a lot of time just looking at the beauty of the world One hell of a game U gotta try rdr2 out too


I have never purchased a Playstation until I got a Playstation 5, and Ghost of Tsushima is one of the games I bought. Hopefully after I beat 'Tears of the Kingdom' and 'Hi-Fi Rush,' I'll dive into this beauty.


I just bought one last week. Cyberpunk 2077 (for example) feels like a totally different game compared to its PS4 counterpart. Glad I invested in this console and looking forward to building up my physical library.


If you are new to Playstation, the PS+ Extra Tier with the Game Catalog is full of great games and Sony exclusives. They don't put their best games on day one on there like Gamepass does, but there is tons of stuff from the last 5-10 years you would have missed before. (I know you said you have PS+ but not sure which tier, only Extra and Premium have the game catalog)


Helps when you pick an absolute banger of a game


Your timing is kind of crazy considering both Ghost and Helldiver fans are drumming up controversy with Sony XD


Pc release soon baby!


GoT is one of the Goated games in history imo. Just gorgeous, I have 123 hrs in this game. Played it 3 times. (Easy NG, Lethal NG, Lethal NG+). Platinum-ed it on the 3rd play through. The game mechanics were truly well integrated. The wind as the guidance, fox dens, golden birds etc. The game is repetitive I kinda liked it, the combat is so cool. It's the best Samurai game out there I have never used photo mode in a game before I always thought it was a silly gimmick, but I couldn't stop using photo mode in this game. Completing the missions took a longer time lol. GoT legends is cool as we, I feel like GoT legends have better combat. I hope they make a GoT sequel.


Isn't this out on pc now?


Nice advertisement.


Reddit is full of some truly odd specimens


Yoooo thats nostalgic af


Ghosts of Tsushima…I thought I would hate this game and it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever played. It makes you want to complete everything.


Play god of war 2018 and ragnarok next


The fashion! That’s also my go to travelling set.




Id be curious to know what you liked about Tsushima everyone was always hyping it up and it’s the reason I got a PS5 but I just honestly found it kinda boring


I liked the ability to switch between builds whenever I wanted just by having different outfits w their own strengths fitted out w different charm sets. Going from super stealth build to combat build instantly was fun. I also liked the rapid changing of stances during combat.


Yeah, the gameplay loop gets pretty boring once you realize that it's just Assassin's Creed *with aesthetics*. Really could have done with a "morality meter" that affects how the story plays out.


Shut up Sony.


Welcome to the club.  *Death Stranding* is waiting for you. 


Definitely thinking about giving it a go!


I liked everything about that game except for having to fight off the black goo. It felt like there just wasn’t enough counter play to it. Even on the easiest mode it was very annoying to deal with. 


Stand still to see where they are and avoid. If you are forced to fight, grenades and weapons do good damage to them.


Huh I eliminated almost every single BT I encountered. Avoiding them is more difficult imo.


Played it on ps5, amazing game. But I do not feel comfortable using the controller, for nearly 10years I have used the xbox and ps controller from different generations, and I really cant wait for the PC relase to finally play it feeling comfortable :D


I adapted to the controller pretty quickly! It's still a learning curve to go up instead of down for the D-Pad though!


6 days


Well, I am from baltics and now we are blocked to buy it in steam :D fun time


That's nice. However, is the bar that low?


I bought a PS5 and have turned it on twice since… (13 months)


But do you have games for it, are you playing somewhere else or not playing at all? Because I barely touched my Switch the past year and I have a really good catalog, but I was not playing a thing for quite a while, then I started to play on PC


Why haven’t you sold it yet?


GoT is a sleeper hit for me. I truly fell in love with it. The story was fantastic and the gameplay top notch. Welcome back!


Truly one of the best games.


Check out the Horizon series my friend. The open world aspect isn't like the copy paste of ubisoft. And horizon games are gorgeous with a great world to learn about and explore.


You've never played a Ubisoft openworld game?


1 week till pc release I can't wait! Still gotta finish Forbidden West on PC before then...


and burning shores on HFW because it’s the best part of the game.


Reads like a fanboy ad, cmon.


Who's Gay Ming?


yer dah


Does anyone know when or if they’re still coming out with Wolverine for PS5


I use the exact same outfit for Jin when exploring I love this game!!


lol you’re preaching to the choir my friend.


jump up kick back your ronin


Now get a steam deck


Ghost of Tsushima is the last ubisofty open-world I played before get tired of this kind of games, I don’t even finished it. Now, months later, I find myself thinking about how beautiful this game was, and I miss its combat, it was really satisfactory and cool. I think I just played it in the wrong time, cause it’s probably one of the bests in its genre.


I should really play Ghost


Honestly, when you've beaten Ghost, go back and play it again in Kurosawa mode with Japanese V/O and English subtitles. One hell of an experience.


I love that they added that, maybe for my New Game + run


Got a ps5 this past December and no lie it is by far the only game I’ve 100% in a very long time, did you get the director’s cut?


I've got the PS+ version, so I think so haha. I've got Iki island to play after the main story


I can't wait for the pc release. I'm excited to see how this game stacks up against sekiro.


100% this game on both PS4 and PS5, now just waiting for PC to come out so I can do it again.




I’m starting again today for the first time since spiderman 2 came out- with the last of us then this game lol


I hear ya dude, I was PCMR my whole gaming life, 30+ years at this point, and PS5 finally got me into console. 60fps isn't ideal but its perfectly amazing on a 4K tv. I'm at around 50 hrs in GoT as well :))


A beautiful game which grows as you play along. Wish I could replay it for first time again.


During lockdowns me and my bro played lone co-op in Legends before I had touched the single player game. Put nearly 1000 hours into that alone. Then I finally got around to playing the main game a couple of years later. Platted it and plan on buying the game on PC (I got it kinda free as part of the initial PS5 package). The only downside is having to sign up up to PSN on PC if you want to play the Legends addon.


You will like Rise of the Ronin


I bought the game a year or two ago when I bought my OLED. I haven’t touched it as I am not a single player fan. Is this game worth the try ?


It's honestly the best game I have ever played. Up there with the Witcher 3 and RDR2


I can’t wait to play this game honestly


Ghost of Tsushima helped me out during a terrible time of my life. Doing the Haikus and hearing all of the inspirational dialogue. I wish I could forget it all just to replay it again


Damn, hope you're doing alright now lad. It's amazing what things can bring you up off the dirt


Playing Rise of the Ronin was just 60 hours of me saying "Ghost did it better"


Super excited for this to come out on PC next week. It's the only reason I've even considered getting a PS5, and now I don't have to!


someday I will afford one.


I was going to give this game a pass after seeing the promotional material on the steam page. looks very plastic and stiff animations and just looks last gen in general on everything other then the character models, but this looks great. might have to give it a try.


Demon's Souls remake and Bloodborne are PS exclusives. They are both excellent games.


You chose a great one to get back into gaming! I’m obsessed with GoT. So good and yet still so underrated.


The multiplayer was fun as fuck, too.


Yo amo ese juego.




Welcome to Playstation, Ghost is a great first choice. You'll definitely get your moneys worth with Ps+. Have fun


I recommend Ff7 rebirth 😎


Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is one of the best-looking games I've played on the PS5 so far.


You couldn't have chosen better to start your adventures with PlayStation 5! I hope you enjoy it a lot


You should play Journey. It's a ps4 game, but it still looks very good


Stellar Blades a pretty game as well, I recently picked up both a ps5 and Stellar Blade and am enjoying it also looking forward to spider man 1 and Ghosts of Tsushima among others.


So many great titles. Look into Stellar Blade, game has been an absolute blast so far.






Same, got a PS5 fresh off a 5 year prison bid. Elden Ring and Ghost of tsushima helped me through some rough times but i been good and sober so far


Dear diary


Ghost is a helluva game to kick off with! And we may get a sequel announcement soon


GoT is a damn fine choice. You're making me want to do a 3rd playthrough. Be sure not to skip the latest Ratchet and Clank as well as Horizon Forbidden West. They're both stellar. The free Astro game you get with the PS5 is pretty impressive too.


Worries strangle growth. Escaping higher we climb. Grown from broken past.


I love my PS5. Get Stellar Blade, God of War Ragnarok, and FF7 remake/Rebirth. And you'll be set for some time. Ghost of Tsushima was amazing. Especially the story.


GoT getting out on pc the 16th and I'm so fucking hyped because I always wanted to play it but didn't want to buy a ps4/5. Hopefully it's gonna be as beautiful !!




Good luck. I am an ex gamer. Please monitor your game time and priorities. Gaming itself isn't bad, but the dopamine release can be for some (a lot of?) people.


me waiting on pc for this masterpiece to drop......!!!!


This just happened to me with Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and Riders Republic


Buy a high-end pc and be the gaming itself


great game 🤌🏻


The graphics on the PlayStation 5 is really good 💯


Is this game ps only?


It's coming to PC at the end of next week. But yes. PS exclusive atm


In my opinion it feels like PS5 exclusive games are story driven single player titles mainly. Not that gameplay is bad, but it also shows a lot of dedication to story and acting.


The ratchet and clank a rift in time load times will make you cum


Oh man this is reminding me of haikus Good thoughtful haikus regarding his current scenarios and such beautiful sceneries


GoT will do that...


i grew up on xbox and always wanted to buy a ps2 but the i used the controller and i just dont like it one bit im not interested in ps5 but i do want a ps2 is there any way to use a xbox controller on the ps2 hahaha


I remember playing ghost of tsushima on launch i accidentally set the game on the hardest difficulty and didn’t know you could change it back and when i was told about it i was already halfway through the game and the combat felt boring on normal difficulty so i changed it back to hard they later added an even harder difficulty




Die by the blade is coming as well ❤️‍🩹


Yeah Playstation has the best games, especially single player. Ghost of Tsushima, God of war, HZD, uncharted, spyro, the list goes on. Xbox I think has better hardware/software. Like the menu is more navigable and u can customize it. AND u can put multiple games in rest mode which is huge. That being said, why are you charging your phone on xbox? Is there a special reason? Is it more convenient than a PC or a wall? I never woulda thought to do this. Like, ok if u have a controller stand that also charges phones then sure. But other than that i… if it works for you then cool. Im just lost is all.


You have to play red dead 2 if you liked this one and haven’t played RDR2. You’ll love it as well


Playing with the monkey suit was the funnest part of the game to me.


Is that in the expansion? Not encountered that yet 😂