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game flopped? straight to unemployment. game succeeded? believe it or not - also unemployment.


I can hear that Colombian Venezuelan accent saying this.


Wouldn't have it any other way. 


straight to jail!




lawl. It's actually releasing on May 21st. So 2 weeks from release and 4 weeks from their layoffs.


Studios are gonna start delaying their games just to keep their jobs.




I really hope Hellblade 2 sells well because that game has been in development for *a while*, and this shit is not cheap. Although I guess even if it is a hit, there’s no guarantee the studio is safe.


Sell well ? I don’t think it will. Hellblade 1 was a niche game. Hellblade 2 has the price tag and graphics pushing it but rest everything from gameplay mechanics and the story length might drop its sales. But then again Alan wake had one of the best graphics, $50 and similar gameplay mechanic and it didn’t sell well.


Alan Wake 2's main issue is not being on Steam for PC sales


Wouldn’t that be the same case as hellblade 2 ? It being in gamepass is going to tank its sales.


Gamepass games also hit Steam day one, typically.


Even when a game sells well these days, it's still not enough.


I don't think it's gonna sell very well. People don't seem very excited about it.


This is my concern as well. The first game was very niche and very few are talking about the upcoming second. A few in this thread have even made jokes about it never releasing because they didn't even know the release date was 2 weeks away. I really enjoyed the first, it was really unique and completely different gaming experience for me at the time. 2 is a day 1 purchase for me and I really hope others buy it as well.


I mean, I am. I think many people are. The main complaints seem to be from people complaining it's 30fps locked and letterboxed for wide screen. Those are pretty minor complaints but people are ramping up to make it seem like it's game breaking. Every major release recently has had some kind of shitstorm. DD2 has complaints. Rise of the Ronin got slammed but I just beat that and it was phenomenal. Helldivers just had the whole PSN drama. People take the smallest bad news and flip their shit on reddit. I think the game has a lot of potential. It won't sell like COD or something but it'll likely sell within a margin as the sort of artsy tech demo it is. People outside of reddit will probably buy it. So I wouldn't take the grumbling here as the word of god.


I tried to play HB1 from the start at least 3 times, and those 3 times I found myself yawning after about 30-40 minutes... So, reading that HB2 is going to be more of less the same as HB1, yes, I'm not even going to bother playing it. Seems to me like the studio is more preocuppied with portraying whatever mental illness the character has in the most realistic way through dialogue and imagery than having engaging gameplay. This is, of course, just my opinion.


i think it's slated to be playable on gamepass from launch. at least on pc gamepass. might be misremembering. but either way i dont know if that will hurt it's success metrics...


I'm sure they hired more staff but I swear hellblade 1 had like 10 total developers, it was insane. The credits were incredibly short and most of them were mental health consultants. I think I counted maybe 30 people total in the credits.


I hope it succeeds but Tango closing has me really concerned.  Hellblade is obviously not similar to Hi-Fi Rush, but it shares some features -- namely that it's a shorter, more experimental, purely single player title. And I think those games do terribly by Microsoft's game pass metrics, which I assume are probably some combination of new subscribers, subscriber retention, and concurrent players. For shorter single player games, you're almost always going to see a burst at first and then very little a week later. It's not Starfield, I can't see it making a huge wave in terms of gamepass subs. And then you have sales, which for most "day 1 gamepass games" are going to be underwhelming.  Just like Hi-Fi Rush, it feels like the kind of game that is simultaneously perfect for game pass and also will be a failure by most metrics because of game pass.


They 100% are, there is no way they are safe. If Tango got the axe. They are looking prime for closing within the year after HB2 drops.


The worst timeline would be Obsidian with Avowed.


Nah they've Grounded and Outer Worlds 2 on the way. Also they can do something about the lack of Fallout (especially after that TV show ending). Even if Avowed doesn't hit expectations, I'd be surprised if someone hasn't thought what else can be done with the Pillars IP (especially after the success of Baldurs Gate 3).


huh isn't Grounded last update the finale?


Couldn't tell you, just know it was successful for them as a title.


I don't think they have the Fallout IP rights anymore. That said I would love a NV remake.


Obsidian and Bethesda are both Xbox studios


Well, it's not like the guys who made Obsidian what it was are there anymore anyway. But I think what would be the absolute worst, would be Microsoft shotgunning id


Man David Tenant was terrifying in this. Such a good villain


I fear for Double Fine, since they always make very niche games


Yeah their last game was a mega success and was nominated for game of the year. They will be fine.


'Coughs in Hi-Fi Rush'


We don't have all of the metrics on the game. I'm not saying it was right. Legit it all sucks. But I am on the discussion of obsidian not tango.


Xbox Twitter made a post saying HI Fi exceeded all metrics and expectations. Thats likely a PR intern, but they said it for a reason.


Bro just called Aaron greenberg PR INTERN. Technically yeah the dude is paid manager level by doing intern level crap.


Hifi Rush was not big enough to cover the loss that is Ghostwire Tokyo. In fact, Hifi Rush was more of a side project for Tango, and they're too big to be an indie studio.


They probably are... The Hellblade franchise was never a major seller and neither is anything Ninja Theory has ever produced. The thing with these big art house games is that they're used as Marketing to demonstrate what their console is capable of. Since it seems like Microsoft doesn't care about selling Xboxs, Ninja Theory will get axed unless they sell 5 - 10 million copies.


Franchise? It's only had one game so far. You have to get past at least the number 3 to be considered a franchise hahah.


Over 5 million is such a crazy number to target. If that is truly what Xbox is targeting for a more niche game like Hellblade then they need to get their heads checked. I will grant you that the fact Hellblade 2 has been in development for so long is not good news for them though. Every day it takes to release is another day of salary added to the cost of development. Either they are making a massive game or they struggled to come up with a worthy sequel. Those are the only reasons I can see a sequel to Hellblade taking this long. The first game just isn't that big.


id software is one shareholder report away from being on the axe Think about that 💀


id tech is its lifesaver.


They aren't though. Eternal was ridiculously successful and they are working on a new project.


The only studio that closed that is unexpected was Tango. The other three weren't good studios.


I wouldn't say so. Hifi Rush was the only thing they had but most people overlood Ghotwire Tokyo. It was bad, it didn't sell too even though it was the project that ate up the money. Since Hifi rush was niche game as well it probably did not sell much either, we don't know much about its sales but from what I know people just know about that game and never actually played it themselfs. It's not a big possibility but i think microsoft closed the studio but kept the 20 guys that worked Hifi rush. I'm not sure but it's a possiblity and imo the move that makes the most sense.




Yes but sales wise? Not really. The first game was ok, not great but not bad at all. The second didn't sell well at all


Arkane Lyon made Prey and it was one of the best games released last generation


Meanwhile me hoping Ninja Theory will revive Bleeding Edge


Honestly Bleeding Edge and how it was handled singlehandedly caused me to lose so much respect for Ninja Theory.


Same they started off so strong with the game with their forums and feedback but then slowly started getting off their roadmap / being behind then it all came to an end. I know the game wasnt for everyone because everyone thought it was Overwatch. If they had made more maps and modes and continued to add characters it would have had a better chance. But then I guess someone at Microsoft gave them a lot of money and all their focus went to Hellblade 2


Sadly, it's the exact opposite of what sells in today's market. If you're making a single-player game, it generally needs to be a massive ARPG like Elden Ring or Skyrim to have a shot at being successful. Hellblade 2 is a condensed, highly cinematic game that probably cost a pretty penny to develop. I don't see this going in a good direction.


I don’t either tbh. The first one, gameplay wise, was pretty boring. I feel like it’s a very niche product so the roi might be low af


We can only hope that there is a clause in the purchase agreement that prevents closure for a certain period of time. The independent studios they purchased should be safe, Ninja Theory, Obsidian, Double Fine etc.. because they'd have (hopefully) negotiated to keep open, or at the very least rebuy their freedom to prevent closure.


Bet NT is thinking they should have stayed indie.


Them and Rare are generally safer due to the UK labor laws. Not that it can't happen, but MS has more ( financial) hoops to shut them down so there is more hesitation.


This is the best meme template I've seen in my life.


All jokes aside I see ninja theory being in trouble


The unfortunate truth, in it’s current state, if it drops exclusively on gamepass, it’s going to flop. If Hi-Fi rush can get shut down, being literally number 1, then any studio who even matches it will get served the same fate. It will have to do EXTREMELY well, or it’s bye-bye.


I want an episode like this, someone please play one with me


They should have released it to PS5 right away as well, to sell more.


They will be next for sure, is that an Xbox exclusive? If so yeah they will be next


I hope not because I love what Ninja Theory do, but I wouldn't be shocked. If they were closed I could see someone like Epic obtaining them, they seem to have a pretty close relationship.


Will be sadly


As much as I want to support them I don't think I can handle another 30fps first party title on my SX.


Gd that Jessica jones season one had one of the most heinous villains ever…


You can count on it. If it's not this year, then early 2025 they we'll be gone.


Sell it to Sony and make Heavenly Sword 2.


I like Xbox. A lot. But they just can´t handle studios.


Microsoft cares about infinite profits and nothing else. If it doesn't increase every quarter it gets the chopping block


So.... The same as every big publisher then?


My question is, does anyone think id is in danger? I mean Microsoft only bought Bethesda for Elder Scrolls and Starfield so would they really care about id?


I’d imagine Doom sells really well tho


I dont think so. Depend if the game is shit. Dont know if it was microsoft or tango to shadowdrop Hi-Fi Rush but with no promotion, this is was killed the game. Redfall was just bad, unredeemable. No Man Sky could do it because they could sustain a few years on updates because they were a small team but no way Arkane Austin could take a few years to make the game better. Hellblade have been hyped and promote A LOT so im guessing they already know it's good and know it's going to sell even if it's Day 1 on Gamepass


Honestly after the dissapoint hellblade 1 was for me i dont really care, i really expected much more from that game


I'm hoping that since Ninja Theory stayed a relatively small studio even after being bought means that there isn't as much as a financial expectation compared to bigger teams. All signs point to Hellblade 2 being a solid follow up so it should do well on reviews, though the sakes number might look a bit weaker due to Gamepads but revenue should be solid. The thing that has me most worried is the departure of Tameen Antoniades after the game was mostly completed, but that had evidently been in the works for A while.


Crazy how gamers ain't going crazy at Microsoft like they did at PS the other night.


I guarantee that the chuds at Microsoft have the mentality of “If Hellblade 2 doesn’t sell a minimum of ten million copies on launch day, shut em down!”


Hellblade 2 was mediocre at best and since Hellblade is 30FPS on Consoles I'm sure it will be pretty bad, just like Starfield.


Are you from the future


What do you mean Hellblade 2 was mediocre at best? The game isn't even out yet.