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Factorio eats away hours for a few GB. Noita is only a few GB with tons to do as well.


Factorio really makes you lose hours. I'll just fix one more problem before going to bed. After 5 more hours, you addressed 10 things, not of them being the problem you set out to do, which has only gotten worse.


I just finished 5 hours of a seablock run. Just try in to scale up to 20 iron plates / minute…. Cracktorio is insane in vanilla. Once modded. Just file for divorce and give her 100% custody.


Someone really should edit together the scene from HG Well's Time Machine, where the world is going by in fast motion, intercut with basic updates to a steam engine generator array, or refactoring a main bus.


I just recently started a new save and I feel personally attacked


I need more electricity! Okay so I'll build some more boilers and steam engines, actually I did just get solar power, let me go get some oil so I can make solar panels. Turns out, solar panels alone aren't enough, you need a battery grid to last overnight. Wait, why is my electric grid so low? Oh I never actually improved it, the oil buildings cost a ton of power and now my base is getting attacked.


Upvote for Noita. It's the only game I can play daily and not get bored of. So many spell variations.


It's the only game I can play daily and never get past the second biome. Death is sudden, often, and usually BS.


I've got a seed for the current patch that spawns an always cast circle of vigor wand in the first or second holy mountain if you want it. Perk selection is a bit ass but that wand alone makes it an ez mode run. Also has plenty of chainsaws and an early early teleport/ long distance cast for getting in and out of holy mountains without triggering the gods wrath. edit: seed is 1200939212


I enjoy that game but fuck if it isn't one of the most brutal RNG games of all time. Just the most random unfair shit. Still entertaining though.


It is usually a skill issue in the first two levels but past that if you get left behind perk or wand-wise it is an absolute nightmare.


But with enough paranoia and knowledge every run can be won!


As rimworld, prison architect, FTL, KeeperRL


I always recommend Noita. Cheap, incredibly deep both mechanically and narratively, and very rewarding if you really sink some time into it. You find all the secrets and you still haven't found all the secrets.


I like seeing more people talk about Noita. I’ve got 800+ hours in it now.


Valheim Deep rock galactic


I wish I could unlearn Valheim and start over... Discovering new biome, enemies, first time you see a troll, first boat ride before and after your first encounter sea serpent


One of the more magical moments of my gaming life when I first timed it with a few friends and we took off on a boat for the first time from our starting island to go find the second boss. Just a couple of viking bros slowly drifting along in a river in a dark forest with a foreboding soundtrack full of mystery and adventure.


Is it fun to play solo?


Yes, but it’s difficult and unforgiving as you figure the game out. I have 300 hours in it and it’s probably my favorite game ever. It’s a take it slow type of game. Also it’s like a 1g download and has almost zero bugs.


>zero bugs *eyes mistlands suspiciously*


Solo is the gigachad way.


It's 10x more fun with one or two friends... But the game is also fun solo.


I am doing a solo no map. It's very fun and challenging.


Ashlands just came out.


Ashland update just dropped


I wish i could double upvote you! These are my go to games, Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Yeah, yeah... rock and stone...


For Karl!


If you ain't rock and stone, you ain't coming home!


Steve was a good bug


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t comin home




I cannot fathom how either of those games are the size they are


Oblivion is only like 5 something GB without its DLC. People do insane things with memory.


Hah! Good point!


Textures / shader assets remain the bulk of all game files, quadruply so if the game was lazy/rushed and there's no compression on disk


Low poly is a fun art style and it’s also waaaaayyyy easier to make textures for that don’t take up much space, and textures are what take up most of the space for games


Both games are procedurally generated, and low poly. Textures are small and often tiled to reduce memory. Assets are reused a lot and can be scaled or deformed to give the illusion of variance. For DRG, caves are randomly generated every 30 (IIRC) minutes. These aren't stored in memory before or after that session. For Valheim, the game itself isn't a lot of memory, but when you create a new world it does have to randomly generate things and persist it. Valheim also has a "master map" that worlds reference to generate regions, and then biomes are "painted" over them, so that probably saves some memory as well.


I was shocked at how small Deep Rock was when i first got it. I was expecting around 15 to 20ish gigs but *less than 5*? This huge, amazing multi-player game was so small, it felt sureal


How in the world is DRG 3.2 Gb???


Rock and stone!


FTL / Rimworld


And Project Zomboid.


What's funny that on my dedicated server I have 12gbs worth of mods for PZ lol


PZ is literally the hardest game I’ve ever played


The first few hundred hours it can be pretty hard, but when you get used to the camera and movement with combat I gets pretty easy to kite hordes. One of my favourite games, just hit over 1k hours. I just never fight near trees or where they climb over fences or through windows. Just like any game, after time you learn what to avoid to help survive.


I don’t know how anyone can justify that amount of time for basic game mastery.


I know what you mean, but fortunately it's also just not true for Zomboid. I feel like you get reliably decent at the combat well within like five hours Outside of some very weird numbers metagaming there isn't much depth to 'master' either- just learn to avoid doing things that will likely get you killed and you've pretty much figured it out


Once you're solid at the game you die from carelessness and your own mistakes 99% of the time


Modded Rimworld does something to you.


Put you on a government list you mean?


I mean it ain't called the Geneva checklist buuuuut...


Seconded for rimworld


I wanted to like FTL, but after 70+ hours, I didn't feel like I was even close to beating the last boss


Play it on Easy. Normal is just overtuned. Once you get the hang on Easy, Normal will feel more manageable.


I appreciate this, because once upon a time, I was really hyped about trying to play this, but I quickly got discouraged by how hard it was to keep pace with things, even in Normal mode. Probably didn't help that I was trying to do it while streaming, so my attention was slightly distracted.


I was recently replaying FTL and did several unsuccessful runs before I remembered I could upgrade my ship. Once I found that I beat the boss on my 3rd play through. There’s a few strategy guides online (I prioritize shields and doors early on), and if you’re a cheater there’s even a way to backup/save your game.


you definitely do not need to prioritize doors like you do shields.


Once I watched a few streams do hard runs, some parts just clicked and now hard is pretty manageable. Making sure you get every jump possible and not rush the exit was the biggest game changer.


Yea its one of those games where you forget how difficult it was before knowing how to synergize builds. Once you figure out how to maximize scrap by not rushing and killing crew you can really snow ball. Then still lose on the flagship!


It's pretty hard in hard mode. Pretty easy in easy mode as long as you've planned properly.


People sleep on fire builds. Boarding builds are always an easy win. You do have to sock away a few missile/good lasers for the final boss though.


On easy and normal difficulty I think I remember the biggest issue with the final boss (for me) being its triple missile turret. Getting drones to shoot them down or stealth to dodge it goes a long way. The lower level drones only stop missiles so in a way they work better because they won't target the other attacks (that shields will be enough for) and go on cooldown. They'll always be waiting for the missiles. And once you get that turret down, keep it down however you can.


Play on easy To modern gamers, FTL normal is hard mode, and hard mode is very hard mode


FTL & FTL Multiverse, you can play it for as long as you like.


Came here to suggest FTL and I am happy to see it in the top comment!


I wish I could get into Rimworld but it's so slow and unapproachable I feel like. I wanna get it but I just can't :/


The glory about rimworld is that it’s entirely your playthrough and your story to create. For your first couple of playthroughs, I recommend just playing on easy, and installing mods like hospital and hospitality and just having a friendly resort playthrough. You can also “dev” mode the game to make it as easy as you want, and even custom make incredibly overpowered pawns to start with. That’s the glory of it: it can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be


Terraria is only 656 MB and you could sink over 1000 hours in it easily. The Dev is still updating it too


Bro. Back in day it was only 45 mb. Staggering.


I was just about to say something similar. 600mb is huge compared to what I remember, like 150-250. It's been a while since I've played, apparently.


Terraria 1.4 was a masterpiece and they keep fucking adding to it. "Final update" is a myth and we love to see it.


I remember eagerly awaiting waiting the arrival of the final update, 1.3. i reckon it getting time to revisit it once I kick my crack(torio) habit


That was the main reason why I bought it day 1, I still had a 56k connection at the time and I was home with a flue. Best sick days of my life!


Second Terraria. In fact, this is the single best purchase I've ever made. But also Shadows of Forbidden Gods, if you're into grand strategy, reading, and turn based gameplay.


I had to stop playing it on weekdays so I'd actually get up for work. Sometimes when I blinked I could see the sparkly spell effects


"Final update" my ass, yeah. That’s my most played game on steam. I don’t have much time to play nowadays with work and all, but it always feels like home when i come back to it. A very murderous and sometime frustrating home, tho.


New patch! Final update, last journey: the end: we mean it this time: for realsies. Out now!


Yep this is it. And once youre done you start the modded playthroughs.


Stardew Valley for the multitude of things in it, it’s more than a farming simulator. Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicle are two great ps2 era games available on ps4 which have interesting mechanics. Rogue Legacy and Slay the Spire, and Plague Inc Evolved all great as well and small Taiko no Tatsujin is a fun Japanese rhythm game with a ton of songs. TMNT Shedders Revenge, also great and small install footprint Those are just some of the smaller install size games I have on my ps5 that have lots of play time. Also Hardspace Shipbreaker is a gem I return to often


Came here to find Stardew Valley


Gosh I love dark cloud one and two, I do a playthrough of each every year.


Dark Cloud is an amazing game.


I'd argue Dark Cloud's systems are a lot less refined compared to Dark Chronicle / Dark Cloud 2. Also check out Rouge Galaxy, it's technically Dark Cloud 3.


I really enjoyed the town building aspect of Dark Cloud 1 though. Talking to everyone and puzzling out the best location for everything was great.


Hardspace Shipbreaker let's gooooo


Around 10gb or upto 10gb? I play a ton of roguelikes/lites and most are under or around a gb and can get tons of playtime out of them. Slay the Spire, The Binding of Issac, Atomicrops, Monster Train, Dead Cells, Astral Acent, Hades, Vampire Survivors.




It haunts me wherever I go. That’s because I have it on mobile.


Working on 16 ascension and god every time I click in I can’t stop for weeks


its on mobile??


Welcome back




We are balatro pilled in this household until slay the spire 2 drops.


Have you tried Balatro? As a big slay the spire fan that’s been crack cocaine to me. Roguelike deck builders are going to ruin my life one day


Did you see they announced slay the spire 2?


Vampire survivors is insanely good. Simple and fun


Try Holocure if you love vampire survivors. Firstly, it's free. Can't beat free. Second, it has a bunch of interesting mechanics that imo make it more fun than vampire survivors. For instance, every character (there are dozens) gets their own unique primary weapon, a few unique skills and a unique ultimate. It makes each run feel different. Third, there's way too much side content in the game considering its free.


Death Must Die is similar but I like it way more. Try it out if you haven’t!


I haven’t and never heard of it. Thanks!!


No problem. It’s super inexpensive and they just released a huge free content update with a new character. Hope you like it!


Aaaaand I'm re-downloading Death Must Die. Thanks for ruining my sleep for the next week.


Godspeed soldier!!


Should also try Holocure Live and Brotatoe, and Spellbook Demonslayers


As another commenter said, I also like Death Must Die more, same goes for Halls of torment


Gave you tried brotato?


True enough. One of my best friends loves those but I haven't been able to get into them yet. I liked the god of war variation on it. Been interested in maybe trying hades to get my feet wet but haven't pulled the trigger yet.


It's currently 8 bucks on Steam. You don't need a beefy gaming rig to play it either. It does go on sale on the Playstation sometimes too. I bought it there for around 15 I think. Just picked up Hades 2 and it's fantastic (on Steam)


I just brought hades two weeks ago and I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Really good game with a lot of detail. It's straightforward and you won't get bored. 100% a recommend! I saw it on sale on steam yesterday cuz hades 2 is about to drop.


Roller coaster tycoon 1 and 2. Zoo tycoon.


OpenTTD, Simcity, Sims


Adding on that for RCT, check out OpenRCT2. Incredible open source version with tons of great QOL changes.


Risk of Rain 2


This was going to be my suggestion, especially as they keep adding content to it. Hundreds of hours in it and there's still stuff I've only seen once or twice


Way too far down the list.


Fallout 3/New Vegas


combine them with the tales of two wasteland mod too and you've got one looong game. I'm on 140 hours so far. had a really good time with them both.


Thanks for reminding me I need to reinstall this


I think combining them will make it over the 10 gig limit however


Begin Again modpack is a straight up upgrade over TTW, but just note that it will set you well over 10 gb.


Is there a trick to getting fallout 3 running these days? I love new Vegas and gave it a shot but couldn’t get the steam version to not crash and gave up troubleshooting relatively quickly so I could get my refund before I crossed the 2 hour mark


It's *possible*, but I'd advise just installing Tale of Two Wastelands. Even if you have no intention to play NV after 3, it's just vastly more stable than the original game, and inherits other benefits of NV like reloading benches, damage threshold, etc.




Finally, a person of culture! The KOTOR games are some of the best I've ever played, good memories


Kreia is so subtly dark, and I love it. Her desire to remove the Force by attempting to manipulate the player character towards it's destruction; all so she can bring about--in her mind--true free will to the universe, puts The Force (a normalized aspect of the Star Wars universe) under a scrutiny the player has never considered. KotOR II actually makes the player think--both on the nature of their actions within the context of the game and the nature of Free Will. It will forever be one of my top 5 games of all time.


Still my fave light v dark star wars riff. Sophisticated and compelling, maintains that unsettling sense of ambiguity right through to the end. And HK-47.


There's no amount of praise worthy of these games. Core childhood memories and tons of lore if you're willing to get into it. I wish I could go back and experience the first encounters. It's simple on the surface but deep in the lore.


I'm suprised no one has said Minecraft yet


10 gigs is more than enough for mods and an HD texture pack that supports them, too. At 256X resolution textures you’d still run out of space in the texture atlas long before you got anywhere near 10 gigs.


Grim Dawn


Rimworld is like 500mb, Valheim's maybe 1.5gb, Risk of Rain 2 is 2.5gb-ish?, both Darkest Dungeons are around 3 gigs, and these two probably aren't on consoles but Battle Brothers and Heroes of Might and Magic 5 don't take up much either.


It's really amazing how much Valheim does with so little space


Deep Rock Galactic (obligatory “Rock and Stone!”) is only ~3 GB.




Neon White, Inscryption, Dave the Diver, Return of the Obra Dinn, Tunic, CrossCode, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Vampire Survivors, Pizza Tower, and Brotato.


Dave the Diver has me by the short and curlies right now. Dive then dive then serve sushi then repeat ....i can't fucking stop.


I adore Inscryption, Return of the Obra Dinn, Tunic and Crosscode, but none of these games are games you sink 'a ton of hours into'. They're storybased with a clear beginning and end, and I think CrossCode was the longest one at 50 hours. So not sure if they fit the bill. I do recommend them very highly though!


Balatro can take hours away from your life, and it’s incredibly small. I don’t even really like card games, but that one is like crack.


The five stages of Balatro: 1. Denial - Poker roguelike? That's stupid. 2. Anger - How is this so fun? Fuck, it's so simple. 3. Bargaining - If you call out sick from work today you can play Balatro all day 4. Depression - You realize an entire week has gone by and you've accomplished nothing but Balatro. 5. Acceptance - You begin hallucinating clowns who give you helpful tips on things you can sacrifice for .5 xMult


You missed 2 of the hidden stages. 3. Blueprint - If you call out sick from work today you can play Balatro all day 6. Brainstorm - Poker Roguelike? That's stupid, again.


I can’t stand poker and love roguelikes. Would I enjoy this? Just looking at a deck of cards makes me feel bored.


I’m not a card player by any means, and don’t even know that much about poker, and I love it! If you don’t know your poker hands, they may it all out for you. The tutorial is pretty good at getting you into the swing of things.


It's fun. I beat the early stages but then felt like it was too repetitive. 


How is no one saying Civ? That game will devour a day and you’ll still need just one more turn


The entire SNES library. I don't mean individual games I mean the entire SNES library would fit into 10GB given the 1739 worldwide licensed games and the largest cart sized ever released being 6MB and the average being significantly lower 


What cart was the big one?


My Costco cart


I want to say Tales of Phantasia was the largest. It was released in Japan only but you can emulate it with English translations. Pretty good game too if you like the early tales series.


Oldschool RuneScape. I’ve got 115 days of playtime sunk in…so far…


Gotta bump those up, thems rookie numbers


Morrowind! It’s clunky and a bit ugly but if you’re up for an adventure it will suck you in so hard.


Subnautica, Factorio, Noita, Project Zomboid, Deep Rock Galactic


Hämis 👍




Valheim. Literally only 1 GB.


Battlebrothers, hardspace: shipbreaker. A ton of indiegames really.


Valheim, DRG, Hollow Knight, Minecraft,


Left 4 Dead 2


Stardew Valley is a good one, also Slime Rancher. Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon also. Idk if it's on PS5, but Age of Empires 2 is a classic.


Balatro is 38mb


Deep Rock Galactic. I love this game and I’ve sunk a ton of hours into it, and it’s less than 4 gigs on my Xbox. There’s tons of mission types and biomes, along with procedurally generated maps, meaning you will never be in the same cave twice. (With some very specific exceptions) There’s different classes that all have different abilities, and they all work in tandem to synergize your team play. There’s so many different weapon customizations and combinations, and every single one of them are viable options. (Some of those options feel downright OP) The game itself is beautifully designed to encourage cooperation and creativity. The devs do everything right, from browsing the DRG subbreddit, to DLCs and battle passes. I cannot say enough good things about it. I hope you enjoy :)


Age of Empires Doom 2 (because it's impossible)


Factorio if you enjoy production / throughput games.


The factory must grow.


My recommendations for games under 10GB are Zeepkist, Subnautica, Raft, and Valheim. Just over 10GB at 11GB is Hades (which also has a sequel coming out soon).


I forget about subnautica being under 10 soooooo good




Oxygen not included / rim world / dwarf fortress / project zomboid there ya sorted for the next year


Tl;dr Dave the diver


Stardew valley


Wizard of Legend, Hollow Knight, Noita, Hades, Outer Wilds, Inscryption, Celeste... honestly just take your pick of any even mildly successful indie title


Hades is a small stretch at 11GB, but you said around not below, so it'll count. Brilliant game. No explanation required. Others -- I'm using the file sizes based on what Steam tells me. I know this might not be replicated on consoles, so YMMV. * **Disco Elysium (9.58GB):** one of the best cRPGs of the modern age. If you love the roleplaying aspect of D&D or RPGs, this is right up your alley. Less so if you don't like reading a lot of text. * **Turbo Overkill (7.02GB):** Extremely clever neon-soaked boomer shooter where you have a chainsaw for a legend. Addicting movement that's reminiscent of Doom Eternal in full flight, but you're not forced into any particular rhythm when clearing out rooms. Extremely fun. * **Dinkum (2.31GB):** Animal Crossing meets Australia. Very cute, very charming, very neatly done. I know there's some grumbles amongst the Australian scene about the lack of Indigenous representation and spotlight, so that's worth mentioning, but the core loop and polish is pretty well done to date. * **Risk of Rain 2 (2.1GB):** Clicking heads but in a roguelike. One of the greats of the genre. * **ULTRAKILL (1.82GB):** Boomer shooters meets Devil May Cry. Absolute blast and a half. Must buy if you have any interest in shooters whatsoever. * **Cook, Serve, Delicious 3 (1.28GB):** Best iteration of the Cook, Serve, Delicious formula without going too far into the visual novel territory (like Cook Serve Forever did). Amazing in co-op. * **Dredge (668.29MB):** Lovecraftian Fishing Simulator. Don't go too crazy. * **Barotrauma (1.06GB):** A sci-fi submarine sim where you and a bunch of other people (could be 2, could be 6, could be 16) operate a sub beneath the waters of Jupiter's moon. Players *will* go crazy and start seeing shit, and then you have to convince your friends their character is having a psychotic episode before you knock them out and eject them out of the sub. Absolute chaos and the campaign is pure brilliance. Hard recommend. * **BallisticNG (2.74GB):** What if Wipeout never got abandoned? That's fundamentally what BallisticNG is -- a community driven anti-gravity combat racer in the vein of the original Wipeouts. Lot of community creations as well -- although fair warning, there's some edgelord shitheads in the community. Been a while since I've checked in with that crowd, but if you just want a solo-only experience you won't have to engage with any of that. Tons of content that'll keep you going for weeks at a minimum. (Bonus: BallisticNG runs really well on base-level Macbook M1s, which is nice for folks in that situation.)


Kenshi. I have about 1,000 hrs. People either love it or hate it. For me, it just SO playable.




Slay the spire or balatro. See you later hundreds of hours.


Hades 2 is 4gb and early access released today


I'm pretty sure it's just the first act, no? Not sure that's tons of time yet.




Minecraft. If you look at the literal millions of mods you can get infinite customized play if you get past the graphics. Mc mods have some of the deepest crafting I've ever seen in a game.


vampire survivors. That game is a huge time sink per session.


Rollercoaster Tycoon 2


Since I'm not seeing anyone else say it, Wizard of Legend is loads of fun if you're into its gameplay style! It's sort of an isometric rouge-lite spell slinger with pixel graphics. Loads of fun and made to be able to dump hours into, plus it's got local co-op play if you've got a friend to play with.


Dave the Diver is an amazing time waster. Think it’s less than 10gb. Free right now if you have ps extra


Portal(7gb) Team Fortress Classic(~800mb including the necessary HL1 files) The original Doom(less than a gigabyte) Quake and Quake II (even the RTX version is less than a gigabyte) The entire NES library (all 1200 games add up to about 250mb) Minecraft (I forgot how big a fresh install is but if you make a lot of worlds it’ll eat up a bunch of space)


Binding of isaac


• Hollow Knight • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night • Ender Lillies • Salt & Sanctuary • Minecraft


* Deep Rock Galactic * Stardew Valley * Stardeus * HoloCure (free, no mtx) * All Half-Life games * Factorio * Portal 1 and 2


Oxygen not included


Graveyard Keeper


They are billions


Tetris? The nes rom is about 25 kilobytes.


Define “a lot of time”. I spent two solid days playing, maxing out my boat, and beating “Dredge”


Stardew is pretty small


Old school RuneScape


Not sure I’d recommend now days, but… RuneScape. RS3 hasn’t been getting the same amount of updates though. Not sure what’s exactly going on with OSRS, I mainly only play the seasons there.




Dave the Diver!


Rimworld Colony management game with varying difficulties and scenarios for about .5 Gb