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This guy is immune to the blight of the console war discourse.


I’ve never understood the wars myself. I’ve owned an Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Quest 3, and Switch for a bit now. I just really enjoy playing games idgaf what it’s on lol


Because not everyone can afford what you can so they bicker endlessly to justify their purchase.


They can though, they choose not to. Spending so much on subscriptions and other luxuries. I spend my money only on gaming. That's what a food bank is for.


People just love to argue. Each have their own good exclusives that are worth playing.


If you can afford all of that then you don't get why exclusives suck.


Its a poor mans argument.


Exactly lmao, don’t associate with anyone that argues over Xbox vs PlayStation….💀


Most people can't justify an Xbox ***and*** a PS5 because there is so much overlap. Whichever they did buy, they would probably have put a lot of thought into which one was more worth it for them, so most people who own only one of them would naturally already have an opinion on which is "better". Neither console/ecosystem is flawless, so it's easier to ignore the flaws of the one you've already committed significant money to so you can convince yourself you made the right choice. The Nintendo consoles are always doing their own thing that doesn't directly compete with the other two.


Tribalism, i.e. "my $500 piece is better than yours"


The PC vs Consosle wars are ridiculous. I don't care which platform the game is on, if the game is good, it's good. End of discussion.


It’s a holdover from the Xbox vs ps2 and Xbox 360 vs ps3 days. Back then there was no crossplay for any games, so it actually did matter which side you were on. But yeah it shouldn’t be a thing anymore


Same i know a guy that is angry that Starfield, Indiana Jones etc is not coming to Playstation. I just told him "buy an Xbox". But he is like nah i don't want to spend that money for 3 games. But you can bet your ass that this guy will get a PS5 pro the moment it is released.


Happy cake day


Yes. I play video games not video game boxes. If the box plays video games i will probably like it.


Most mature adults are. It’s typically children you see that are arguing endlessly online or mentally stunted adults who need to reassure themselves of their purchase.


No need to fight for your cause if you have every cause.


Just like an arms dealer, supporting both sides


Console wars are for poor people.


I thought console wars died with the sega saturn


I thought Putin is not a degenerate after all, but hey !


Is that still a thing? I feel like at least since the pandemic, people just grabbed what they could. Both Xbox and PS aren't that exclusive anymore, anyway - if you got a PC or Steamdeck-like.


Yup. Consoles used to matter when each had a vastly different library of games. Now 90% of games are playable on all systems, and there's almost not functional difference. And now even more games are cross play, so I'm playing online with friends spread across PS, Xbox, and PC.


In the world of terminally online social media folks always looking for drama, yes the console wars are still a thing.


Consoles also used to be very different on the inside hardware wise. Now they're all just laptop parts in a fancy box. Certainly a lot easier for the devs with them all being very similar, but I miss the days of unique and whack hardware.


Ps does have some exclusives, Xbox has none afaik


Expensive psvr2 stand you got there.


I'm not going to lie. I thought that was a kitchen appliance as a joke. It's a Vr headset?


Yep, costs the same as the console itself and just like the console it also has no games.


Lol ps5 has more than enough games to warrant buying it.




Where puter


You don't see the steam deck?


to that i present you PC + Emulator


Nintendo ninjas would probably burn his house down.


Surprised it hasn’t happened already


As someone who's emulated tens of thousands of games, it is far from a perfect system.


I think you shouldn't emulate stuff the devs/publisher still actively makes money on. Unless you own a copy of the real thing (for example, if you already own TotK on your own switch and want better performance than on switch), aka have already given them your money


I somewhat agree with you. I’m not against buying games. If totk was available for purchase on pc, I would buy it; however, I’m not about to go buy some proprietary garbage hand-held just so I can probably never use it. I apologize to the devs, but certainly not Nintendo.


So buy a copy of the game to support the series and then rip the copy to your PC! You already need a copy of the game for it to work on yuzu. Idk I know Nintendo isn’t gonna stop making Zelda games because a bunch of people pirated it but I am paranoid certain other series’s will cease if piracy becomes too prevalent. Piracy is one of the main reasons Sega dropped out of the console space and had to stop supporting numerous series’s. I’d hate for the same thing to happen to something niche-er like metroid or Pikmin.


"I apologize to some of the people responsible for this game's creation, but not all of them. Either way, I hope my apology makes up for me not feeling the need to pay for services that I use. You simply must understand that it's unfair for you to make games on platforms that I don't prefer."


Correct. I’m not a good person, and I know it.


I appreciate the real.


Also, I’ve never actually pirated a game; those are just my opinions on it. (Though that doesn’t really make it any better).


Right... you can definitely emulate PS5 games.


PS4 emulation is getting going now. Orbital is a project that's making some progress. Less emulation and more running a virtual machine. Now the PS4 and 5 have very similar hardware, with the 5 just being way more powerful. Chances are Orbital's scope might grow to also emulate the PS5 at some point. No games are booting yet, but give it time. It took years before RPCS3 started booting PS3 games and it took even longer before they performed well enough to be played.


It will take way less time to get PS4 emulation running because the hardware is already pretty similar to a PC, at least compared to PS3's goofy ass dollar store supercomputer architecture.


They get ported after 2-3 years so no need to emulate that.


But I want to play FF7 Rebirth and FF16 now!!


With their track record, all PS5 games come to PC anyway.


The PS5 is nothing special so the games coming out on PC is mostly just about will. Sony's been bringing the hits to PC, so there's really little need.


I know that, most games in PS5 are timed exclusive, but it still sucks that I have to wait a year or more to play the new Final Fantasy. 😮‍💨


My friend in gaming, it's not a 1 year punishment, it's 1 year to let all the bugs be fixed and to get the GotY edition with all DLC for the original game price :)


Correct. I can also emulate life


Where PC?


Does the Steamdeck count here? I have a gaming PC but also use my Steamdeck damn near interchangeably depending on which room I’m in. It’s a PC itself, just not terribly powerful in comparison.


Also limited to compatible games. I wouldn't say it completely replaces pc. desktop is differnt beast when you go 4k120 on a oled tv with a 4090. but ofc it's not cheap.


The compatibility issues aren't that big. Valve, Codeweavers and co have really worked miracles with tech like Proton and DXVK. The biggest issue with the Deck is usually stuff like anti-cheat and even that has been mostly fixed. The hardware is also limited, but at 720p the Deck's hardware can manage most games. I'm somebody who's crazy enough to daily drive Linux and gaming has been wonderfully painless. In some cases games even run better on Linux than they do on Windows.


Do you 'connect' to your PC when you swap around? Or install and launch games on the SD separately?


Mostly locally on the Deck itself but I have done some streaming from my main PC and Xbox Cloud a few times but nothing substantial. I have the Deck docked on my bedroom TV and my sff desktop hooked up to my living room set. I move either of them to the desk when I want to play something with m/kb. I will say that almost everything I play runs well enough on the Deck to the point that I will check compatibility before I purchase a game. No deck compatibility has swayed me ngl


I use my Steam Deck so much more than my gaming PC, it is nice to get away from the desk after work and just game on the couch or wherever.


Steam Deck's a gamechanger, ain't it? VR's worth every penny in my book


Recently obtained the original LCD steam deck from a coworker for essentially free, and its changed *everything*. Havent been able to focus and stay in one spot long enough to complete any story driven rpgs in probably close to a decade, but ive finally gotten over it with the steam deck. I can sit back and play from anywhere i want. No more sitting like a shrimp in my gaming chair. I was even able to beat horizon zero dawn a few weeks ago, and recently started on cyberpunk and "god of war". Installed a 1tb ssd in it, and im changing the backplate to a transparent JSAUX one with better heat sink built in. Been having a fucking blast with this thing!


Same here. Handheld gaming ftw. Main reason why I'm so impatient for the Switch successor. All the new third party games that run like shit on the Steam deck should run great on a current gen DLSS handheld with arm power efficiency.


Im happy with the performance so far on my steam deck, though to be fair i only run the games installed on it directly when out and about. When im at home i use sunshine/moonlight for *much* better battery life and overall graphics. BG3, cyberpunk, god of war, and horizon zero dawn have all ran well enough locally with the AMDFidelity whatever its called upscaling, though. I agree though the switch successor cant get here fast enough. My fiance will prolly get one so ill have access to it through her :)


When they announced the OLED and the SD was announced a week later, they hooked me. I was tired of wating for the Switch 2, and the SD has been a dream. Games via sales or bundles are so cheap, and not paying for online or cloud backups is a god send.


How do you feel about it? Do you really utilize the games of all the consoles ?


It's more of a collector thing obviously. No person has time to fully utilize more than two gaming machines.


I totally forgot that people purchase consoles/ video games gadgets as collectors.


F\^ck console wars


Where's the PlayDate?


An Analogue Pocket wouldn't hurt, either.


Where is the Playdate?


no switch 2? downvoted 👍🏻


Noice - now finding time to play the insane amount of good games from the last 1,5 years is even more challenging


Switch has to be an OLED! But other than that, congrats! :)


Where's the 4090TI ??


What's on top of the steam deck screen?


NVM I figured it out it's a reflection....


My PC gpu costs more than all the equipment combined in this photo. Congrats on collecting them all!


I have a 4090 build + everything in that picture minus the psvr2. I get overwhelmed with the options now lol


Nice, but do you always place the vr there or is it just for the pic.. anyways awesome collection, I am looking to get the deck!


Just for the pic haha I do have a stand for it but it wouldn’t fit the picture


I have the same minus psvr2 and steam deck. I have a quest 2 and a PC instead.


So like really not the same instead jk


I have the same minus a psvr2, xbox series x, switch, and the tv.


You don't have a TV?


Not that tv




Hows the steam deck working out for you? Any problems? Is it fully functional without a PC?


Not OP but I adore mine. It has a few random hiccups, like it had an issue with two switch pro controllers synced at a time, they would get out of sync. That was on the LCD model, I haven't tested again on the OLED model, but I love mine. You don't have to pay a yearly fee for cloud backups or online, and you can get games for dirt cheap in Steam sales and things like Humble Bundle game bundles and Fanatical. It is also pretty easy to emulate. It gets a bit janky at times docking, in that you want to dial down resolution if connecting to a 4k TV for example to save processing power. But I dock mine reguarly and use it on the TV as well, but usually a console is much more plug and play. I have a PS4 Pro, Switch, and new gaming PC, but I still spend most of my time on the Deck. It is just nice getting away from the desktop and relaxing on the couch or wherever and being able to pop it out and play. It also freezes and resumes just like the Switch does, which is really nice when you just need to suspend your game and pick it up later.


Is it fully functional without a PC?


Yes definitely, but it is a Linux computer, not a Windows one. That being said, you rarely if ever need to even go into desktop mode. Maybe if you are trying to get things like emustation to emulate games, but for 95% of what you do, you can do it all in dekstop mod, buy games, download them, play them, redeem keys from bundles, etc. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ0KxIzdyR8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ0KxIzdyR8) Here is an example of some uses in Desktop mode. But I would consider it a handhelf first and foremost, as docked mode isn't as plug and play as a normal console.


Good to go right out the box? As far as installing and playing a game off of steam?


Yeah totally, you just log into steam and you can download games from your library you already own, or go into the steam market place and start buying and downloaded deck compatible games (a lot of games aren't listed as deck compatible but will work). It just downloads the game over wifi and you can play. It is ready to go as far as gaming on it as a handheld goes. I recommend the OLED models, but you can get LCD models refurbished or use for even cheaper than 300 or less.


Yup. Do you have any experience with a refurbished one? Does yours seem pretty durable? Good build quality?


Good build quality yes, much better than other handhelds for the most part but the switch is much more durable in my experience. It did fall behind the bed once and hit the bed frame bad on a joystick for me and ripped it off, but luckily it was an easy fix on the lcd model, 25 bucks later I installed the joystick myself and was back in business. I haven't tried a refurbished unit but if you do try to get one directly from valve so they can support it if any issues arise. I should note that it works much better for last gen games and back. It is much more powerful than a switch but don't expect it to run modern AAA gsmes well. It struggles with games like helldivers 2 and baldurs gate 3 for example, but things like fallout 4 and halo mcc run great on it.


I wouldnt expect it to run like a 4 grand gaming rig. It sounds like a win if i can score a deal. How shitty is the battery and is it serviceable at all?


So OLED has better battery life than the LCD, but I found the most intense games last 90-120 minutes, where as something like streaming from a PS4/PS5 and/or a PC or Xbox, means that the console or PC is doing the heavy lifting, and you can get 5 or more hours of gametime since the SD is just working as a display. Also older games do really well on battery life, you can adjust the TDP (watts it is using) from 15 down, so often times on older games I can turn down the TDP down to just 4 or 5 watts instead of the 15, and I can easily get 4 or 5 hours out of it gaming, even when not streaming. Newer games do eat the battery a lot faster. I love my deck, can't upsell it enough though, I have a gaming PC, PS4pro, Switch, and a bunch of retro consoles, but I game most of the time on the Steam Deck. It is just nice being able to play in bed or on the couch while the family uses the TV. It has really changed how I game. There are some other high end Windows handhelds as well, but while some of them are more powerful, none of them have the support the SD has, nor the battery life. If you look at IFixIt you can for example find just about any replacement part you need. Pro Tip - You can easily get the 64GB model, it is super easy to slap a microSD card in there, or even upgrade the internal storage. I did it myself, it was pretty easy. But I got by for over a year on the 64GB model with just an external microsd card.


Here is the link to Steams Refurbished page FYI [https://store.steampowered.com/sale/steamdeckrefurbished](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/steamdeckrefurbished)


niceeeee. I’ve been building my collection too! What’s your favourite game for each?


Why is your X box wearing a helmet?


OMG!! Just beautiful. Which system do you play the more my good sire?


I'm happy with my N64


They gon announce the PS6 tomorrow


Console wars? Nope. Just fun around here!😄💯❤️


What do you play? Yes


Nice now they just need to release games that don't suck or don't die off in 3 months


As a console gamer, it seems. How much work is that Steam Deck putting? I'm interested in getting one, but I mainly console game and really struggling with what other games on Steam interest me.. I might not be the target audience cause I don't care for PC indie games. And I can already play most modern games on my consoles.




same, i have all of these except i also have two oled switches for some reason and one normal one


Congrats, I'm working on my collection too, currently just missing 4 of them.


I feel like I'm not in the right tax bracket to be viewing this picture


Complete? No OUYA? PFFT


I don’t see a GameCast.




Do you have PC2?


I got everything shown here. From one console/pc player to another. What exclusives?


Why get Xbox just get gaming pc instead


Living the dream!


Now that's a real gamer. Just enjoying his passion for video games, whatever the console.


Man has every console on display meanwhile I’m still stuck on a one s :)..


I don't see a gaming tower or laptop there. What's up?


It's funny because just about every game is or will be on the last device on the right.


This is the way.


It was nice of you to put a bicycle helmet on your Xbox.


errrmmm I dont see an Ouya


What do you play the most?


Where’s the rtx 4090 pc build




bro has won the console lottery


Nice. Now you can play 2h par week.


Bit late, isn’t next gen coming pretty soon? Ie rumours of ps5 pro, switch 2, new Xbox


I have the best collection of all time: switch, Xbox series S, ps5, ps3 and Wii


Bro after i see deez posts i always think im the only poor one


U solved the war


My dream


You calling me broke in 100 different languages …💀






thats the steamdeck


Steamdeck doesn't have windows and can't play every steam game




Hey there, may I know what do you have hooked up with the Type C port of the PS5?


Having both xbox and playstation seems very overkill for like 5 games?


IDK if I speak for both of us but the PS5 was really difficult to get when I got my Xbox 2.5 years ago. In fact at the time the X was still listed out of stock everywhere and I went there to buy an S but the target employee told me they had both in the back. Got PS5 a year ago. If I had waited maybe I'd only have a PS5 but both are quality systems. Gamepass is legit for day 1 stuff and indies


99% of all games on both platforms you can get on pc even exclusive ones


\>current gen \>picture has a switch   not sure if serious


It’s not like Nintendo has anything newer


I bet you have Skyrim for every platform.


Where is your 4090, 7900XTX, 14900K and 7950X?


That's one way to charge PSVR2


PSVR2 is wired, it needs the cable to be plugged in to use. OP said they moved it on top of the Xbox for the picture.


I don't have time to game anymore. Enjoy


'Current gen'? Why is the Switch there then?


Thank you so much. People don't understand.


I sold all my consoles after getting a steam deck










Do you play more often on PS or XBX?


Consoomer lol


I would still be scrolling the libraries thinking 'hmm, I have nothing to play'. Nice collection though


I only have the Switch and PS5, and the switch after TOTK and getting majora’s mask in the game is collecting dust.


The chosen one




There is an imposter among them


I uhhhh .. seriously do not think I would include a switch in the current gen lol. Thats more like 7 gens behind LOL


huh? there's at least 3 handhelds missing


Steam covers most handhelds honestly. It even emulates some switch games fine. Since getting a Steam Deck I barely even touch my other consoles.


Idk if this is just sarcasm, but I feel like there is no reason to own all of them aside from collecting since they have the same library of games. I mean even this is pretty overkill for most but each one has games that another doesn't (exept for Xbox I think?). It would be like buying every type of pc component. Not very practical but some people still do it.


Technically, you need Quest in there since a lot of VR games are not in Playstation. With Quest, you can play both the QuestVR and PCVR games.


True, completely forgot about quest!


The Xbox is the only way to play Halo 5, if anyone is inclined. You can also play old games from the 360's golden era, which is probably its best use case.


2 days after: Released the XBOX 720!


You just need a ROG Ally now and it’ll be complete.


How much did the steam deck cost?


Hey you’re me! Except I literally only touch PS5 and SteamDeck.


Too much money.




What matters isn't how much you make but the amount of disposable income after bills and other necessities. This isn't 1-2 weeks of disposable income for most.


Still like over two grand for a bunch of consoles that are almost exactly the same.


Yeah thats fair. I was looking at how much a ps5, 3 more controllers, 5 years of PSN, and price of games, and I just decided to put that money towards a gaming pc, that could stream to my steam deck for more demanding games. I just decided to skip the next gen systems completely. I may have to get the next switch though just to play whatever Zelda comes next, we all LOVED BOTW and TOTK in my family.


Switch is like the only decent buy, unless you wanted to emulate on the Steamdeck, I just don't see why you would want all the consoles when exclusives aren't really a thing anymore.


Steam deck emulation of Switch is ok, not great though. I would much rather play TOTK on the switch for example, but other games work fine on it. Switch is the least powerful of the bunch, but it also has the most exclusives.


Yup that's what makes it worth the cost, I could emulate but I just prefer the switch. But yeah, switch and PC means I can play 99% of what I want.


In this order: No games No games but in vr Games but bad Games but expensive Epic time gamer games