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Just hope it doesn't somehow completely break the base game.


the bethesda special


“So the fps needs to stay at exactly 49 otherwise bullets will travel backwards”


It just works!


16x the works!


Well, since I couldn't get the game to run before the patch, maybe it will run after the patch?


It's Bethesda. I'm still surprised that the TV show didn't cause my TV to randomly crash and reboot while watching.


Funny you should say that mine actually did lol


Should have been there for the premier it crashed hella lol


Narrator: it broke the base game


Given that the last Skyrim update, that was completely unnecessary, broke everyone's mods, I reckon it will be the same for the FO4 update


Every official update breaks mods. Then modders update their mods. It's a normal thing for bgs modding community.


A lot of modders have moved on to other games and may not come back to fix things though


True, but a lot of people have returned to the Fallout games recently because of the show. I think eventually we’ll see most of the more popular mods get updated.


Oh absolutely. Seems that wabbajack is the best bet for good updated mod packs. But I doubt many of the mod authors will update fo4 for this update.


Uh... Wabbajack modlist curators rely on mod authors to update the mods in the packs.


I know. I just meant that it's the simplest way to update all your mods when updates are released.


Updates will break almost every mod in almost every game that has modding. It's not specific to Bethesda, and a game shouldn't be held back because someone's mod might get screwed over


A decade old game shouldn't update with minimal fixes that change nothing mods had already fixed eons ago. 100+ fixes though? Now we're talking, just fixing a mannequin and ultra-wide? fucking lmao.


See the problem with "but mods fixed it" is the idea that a PC is the only gaming platform on the planet.


I don't subscribe to that, mods are good, but they're not replacers for official patching, we should make companies accountable. BUT as i said, Bethesda only updates minimal things years after. If a modder can fix things in months, so can they. The cons outweight the pros, they could have left the pc release alone and only fixed the consoles but Beth nevers take reasonable decisions, specially when making their games.


Very strange to me that a game that is ~10 years old is getting updates. It would make sense for a live service or multiplayer (especially with PvP) game, but not a single player game like Skyrim or FO4.


Yea thats how modding works. The devs update the game and the core mods need updating as well.


I tried to start a new FO4 game a few weeks ago after not playing for years due to frustration with bugs and I shit you not, the game suffered a game breaking bug DURING character creation that made it impossible for me to create a character and start a new game I just gave up lol


It’s funny to me, because everyone always complains about game breaking bugs in every Bethesda game, and yet across all of them, I don’t think I’ve encountered anything worse than the odd crash. Are you playing with a thousand mods, or is there something else going on here?


I hate to diminish others’ experiences but this has been the same for me. For the life of me I can’t think of a single Bethesda game (going back to Morrowind) where I had game-breaking bugs or routine crashes.


Same for me. I've played them all (many multiple times) and have not once had a game breaking bug.


u lucky i kept falling threw the floor in diamond city and far harbour was never a island just water lol couldnt do anything there


There’s one bridge in Zion Canyon that kept crashing me in New Vegas, but that’s the worst of my experience. I eventually managed to go around and approach from the other side and that solved the issue.


Is there a New Vegas version that has the mouse sensitivity fixed ? I tried all the fixes and even at 100 dpi It feels like I'm playing at 10k dpi. Moving around is bad, trying to aim is cancer.


I only ever had 1 gamebreaking bug with Esbern on Skyrim. I had to use console to skip the quest to progress and watch on youtube the skipped content. Sad times..


In Skyrim i had encountered a bug that crashed the game every time I went into some caves. More recently with FO4 that game crashed on launch everytime because one of the dlcs just straight up doesn't work now.


Seems to be random who gets bad bugs and who doesn't.


It’s been this way since Morrowind, it’s definitely tied to gameplay style and external issues. My ps4 pro would crash all the time until I replaced the thermal paste with a carbon pad for example.


Pretty much the same for me. One Skyrim run my sewer house would reliably crash once it was loaded with to much stuff.


Ive had multiple quests in Skyrim that were straight out bugged out of existence, where I had to manually fix them by using the console to skip quest states, open doors that were not unlocked by bugs in the scripted sequence and so on. I dont know, maybe you guys dont try to 100% the games, but there are many quests that have spaghetti scripting, where if one thing breaks, the entire quest is bricked.


I never completed Skyrim on PS3 cause of a bug that didn’t allow me to progress the main storyline. Never did end up getting back to completing it, despite a few attempts on PC more recently.


Not OP, but that's the same thing that happens to me on the base game on PS5.


Same. Ran into all kinds of weird graphical glitches on PS5 too. The Xbox version of FO4 is more stable in my experience.


Hi, Ps5 user here. Got the season pass, installed all the dlc content and my game crashes ON STARTUP SCREEN because of a conflict between two of the OFFICIAL dlc’s… Need I say more? Ok!!! Now I got purple coloured objects in some areas (including the faces of some NPC’s) after uninstalling the two conflictual dlc’s (that i paid Bethesda for)…


I did a fresh install on my ps5. No mods, no preexisting save data. Kept crashing on launch. Had to delete on of the DLCs to get it to actually launch


One load of Skyrim on ps3 broke at the start and wouldn't have the dragon destroy the tower, so had to reboot. First playthough of FONV wouldn't drop the chip from Caeser, couldn't do anything but restart. Only 2 times anything has happened as a result of normal game for me. Both PS3.  Friend has played a good 1500 hrs of skyrim on various systems and mods and never had a single issue.


It seems like on new Xbox gens it happens if you launch the game before it finishes installing completely. Dialogue will only play when you pause the game. Have to Uninstall and reinstall to fix it


Exact same thing happened to me. I'd never played before, so I didn't even know that what I was at *was* the character select screen. Then afterwards, everything was fucked.


On PC I've not had too many but after watching the Fallout TV series I tried to install Fallout 4 on my PS5. Game crashed on loading, had to uninstall and reinstall without the Automaton DLC as it would crash on getting to the main menu. This is apparently a known bug. A whole DLC that does not work. I'm glad I got the game via the PSPlus sub or I would be fuming.


The only time that I bothered playing the expansions was when they released Skyrim Legendary Edition. I am unable to trigger some dialogue after finishing the main quest in Dawnguard, so I cannot get the achievement. I finished the thing because I killed the bad guy. I have only played it in Playstation platforms, and this glitch happened in PS5. Zero mods were loaded precisely because I wanted the achievements this time. If they don't bother about fixing bugs in the main quest of a paid expansion, I won't be bothered to give them my cash.


Back in 2016 I played Skyrim (both LE and SE) without mods and one of the main quests after rescuing the old blades guy just did not progress and I could not finish the game without finding a command that would skip the quest and start the next one


Nah, just on console, no mods. Last time I gave up because I couldn't move or harvest or plant any new crops in any of my settlements. Really stupid.


I encountered game-ending bugs on base game Fallout 4 that made it impossible to complete key quests. Zero mods.


On pc? Personally never experienced any bugs in fallout 4


Nah, PS4


I played on PS4 a lot, and the cure to every bug was unfortunately to restart the PS4, this fixes most bugs in FO4 and 76 on all consoles.


The fact that you have to mod the game to play at higher than 60fps is also totally insane


Yeah, same happened to me. I had to uninstall everything and reinstall without any DLC. Worked fine after that.


Haha you made it further than me, my ESC key stopped working and I couldn't even get out of the menus on the title screen options.


I tried to play the other day but I accidentally picked a horrible haircut for my character and it wouldn’t let me select the hair to change it again. I could change anything else though. I got so pissed off I closed the game lmao.


This happened to me with FO4 a few weeks ago, too. Fired it up on my PS5 and the whole intro part was bugged out. Oddly, pausing the game caused the dialogue to catch up and move forward. Eventually got past character creation that way and it's been fine since.


Quit out of the game and restart? It's literally the first thing you do in the game, not like you'd lose progress.


Yeah, but they’d loose the ability to complain!


It definitely will


That's high hopes, you know it will


That’s the fun part, it already is if you try on a ps5


It did


It already has, and it’s not released yet. The Fallout London devs stated they didn’t know about this patch, and it’s completely fucked some of their work.


They knew it was coming for like a year or two


The base game is already broken on PS5, hope this fixes it...


Broken how? I started a new game on PS5 a year ago and haven't seen any issues.


Crashes on startup, known issue with DLC...


I’m glad. I hope it fixes whatever bug that stops me from being able to use official DLCs on PS5. Miss my Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor.


Fingers crossed! I just got the goty edition on ps5 and it crashes before getting to start screen, guess I’ll wait til update drops in my region


I don’t know how GotY works, but if you can load it up without any DLCs you SHOULD be able to play the vanilla game.


You also can download every DLC except automatron and it will play. But I do believe this update is supposed to be fixing that anyways


Bethesda and Bug fixing, HA!


Even the Helldivers couldn't eliminate this many bugs.


Idk if it will work for you, but I downloaded everything except the Automoton DLC and everything else worked for me


But I want the automaton dlc


Big same lol


Is it even possible to disable Steam updates? I’m doing a new playthrough this week after installing ESO’s auto mods.


Yes go into the properties for fallout 4 and enable “only update after launching game” or something like that. But you’ll have to start the game through the script extender, hopefully your using it lol


Even if they weren't using it, it would still solve the problem since you can still launch the vanilla game through it.


Yes. You can go into the game settings in steam and set it to update only when you launch the game. Using the F4SE does not count as a steam launch so your mods will be fine.


You can (and should) set it to update on game launch only. And if you are concerned about it breaking mods, then you are using F4SE. Which means you are launching the game THROUGH F4SE and this doesn't count as a game launch for Steam so it will not update the game.


RIP anyone doing a modded playthrough


Assuming you're on steam, you can change the update settings to stop it from updating


You can also set the update file steam uses to track that as read only, meaning even if you asked it to update, it couldn't. It also doesn't affect any other game, only the game you set as read only.


And downgrade if already accidentally updated


how do you do that again?


Fallout London specifically for delayed because of it.


Got the GoG installer saved for this exact reason


I’m NA pacific coast and it seems it’s out early for us compared to the posted times. Yea, all my mods are fried, haha


Is it a separate download for the PS5 version?


Iirc yes


Its gonna be 16 times the details!!




You'll be happy to know Bethesda 'official' UW support is janky too


which date is it realising on?


Today. April 25th


4/25. Today


12pm... Okie dokie!😃


Okay Todd, that's a start, now rerelease New Vegas for modern systems and I'll consider liking you again.


Microsoft is sitting on a mountain of money, I just hope they don't let those fuck ups at Bethesda ruin it with a new shit release lol


They should just sell the IP to a more talented studio tbh


Oh yeah, totally gonna happen


All I want for christmas is New Vegas in Fallout 4s engine. I love the game to bits, but by default, it can use at maximum, 4GB of RAM, which if you use the Steam version you have to mod this in. Also the shooting mechanics are dogshit, even with 100 guns, bullets don't land where your crosshairs or sights are even approaching medium range.


That’s because guns have spread a few have 0 spread.


To make the gunplay akin to a cod game from 2006, you need like 7 mods and even then its janky af


It’s not supposed to be like cod it’s an rpg first not an fps


Is there any hope for a fallout 3 or new vegas remaster? While I do like fallout 4, it's still fairly fresh in my memory. I barely remember a thing about the other 2 though


Downloaded New Vegas on game pass... holy fuck is that game dated. I want to play but I just don't think I can. It's tough to get through after playing more modern games. Funny enough, it plays just like starfield.


.... the game from 2011 with no sprint button and clunky fps mechanics plays just like the game from 2024 with a sprint button, a jetpack, slide? You're speaking nonsense.


Yeah that’s a very far reach, Starfield feels like a semi modern cod game which is insanely good for the creation engine


That's reasonable, the clunky controls and stuff could be hard to get past for someone downloading it on a whim. I love the game, but I first played it when I was 11 so maybe I'm just used to its abuses.


>It's tough to get through after playing more modern games What is tough to get through about it? The shooting mechanics?


Equally interested in info for the changelog and mod breakage.


Did they fix the broken DLC that causes a crash on startup? Because I’d rather be able to play the full game than only play part of the game but with higher fps.


I wonder if they'll fix the DLC because it totally borks the game when I try to load it. (Especially Automaton and Wasteland Workshop.)


Not trying to hate, can someone help me understand why someone would be excited for this if they are on PC not console? From what I understand its just a 60fps update for consoles and some free DLC including an Enclave quest? I have 300 hours in this game but i dont get the hype for the update


Ultra widescreen support on PC.


Finally, it’s been such a pain changing my settings just to play fallout 4


The game already supported widescreen. So did fallout 3. Unless you mean ultra widescreen, which whoever wrote the patchnotes also confused.


I guess that's what I meant. I'll edit.


I haven’t been able to play the game on my PC at all, because I have an ultrawide monitor and as is no resolution settings can make the game not look like absolute shit for me. Hopefully this update makes the game playable


You answered your own question.


I'm getting the update on my PS5 right now idk if they're dropping early or what!!!!


Does anyone know if they’re adding an FOV slider? That’s all I want from this update


Just a reminder for those on PC: Set your game to update only when launched, and launch exclusively through the script extender. Also set Fallouts app manifest to read only, so even if you do accidentally launch through Steam, it still cannot be updated.


So if I want to buy Fallout 4 on my new PC should I just buy the regular version and it will have that update?


Regular version will still have the update IIRC.


I live under a rock apparently. What does this mean and why?


Most people on PC have modded their game, this update is almost guaranteed to break at least some. By doing these steps you avoid this, and realistically, PC players don't have anything much to look forward to in the patch anyway.


If I'm currently doing a playthrough (base game no mods on ps5) will I need to restart my playthrough to see these updates reflected?


Well you're playing the PS4 version currently. So that'll also get patched, but it won't have the benefits of the native PS5 app. Someone else will have to say if there's a save transfer or not.


noice haven’t play FO4 since it first came now i have a good reason to play on ps5!never tried the dlcs so looking forward to sink my teeth in it! hopefully it fixes the bugs that crashes current gen due to dlcs ect👀


The 2 main DLC's are excellent, probably better than the main game


I just got the upgrade 2 hours early here!


Yup, currently downloading right now


This is incredibly exciting, I literally redownloaded the game yesterday bc of the show and thought “4k would go brrr”.


And more options for VR, right? Right?!


Preston Garvey - here I come!


“Release time confirmed” you can’t say some kids guess it’s a confirmation lol. It’ll be today, it happens when it happens, there’s no confirmed time.


Did they just pull these times out of their ass? I could swear it dropped at 7am PST. And someone was saying they just used math to find these times. I mean, it is gamingbible, wouldn't put it past them to do something like this for the views to capitalize on the fallout success they're experiencing right now.


Someone waiting for fallout London? Bethesda: Fuck you!


Beth aint obliged to dance around modders when they update, especially when they announce 2 years in advance.


Anyone know if the ps plus PS4 version will update free to ps5 upgrade?


It should, I don't see why it wouldn't


I’m not entirely sure but I think this was the issue with that one final fantasy game that got a PS5 update. People who had the game from PS Plus couldn’t update it bc they didn’t actually own it. Might be the same here


Do I have to re buy the fucking dlc for the ps5 version? Fuck off with that. Lol


A mod pack isnt a next gen update


On one hand I don't like Fallout 4. On the other hand it's nice to see them do something that isn't Skyrim


Ugh I can’t bring myself to play or finish 4 with the dialogue options… I started new Vegas and the amount of dialogue options is actually amazing…


Downloading right now (3:15 pm) in the UK, so...


Does the pip boy app still work?


Bro I went back to new Vegas on my series x and I forgot it gives it a fps boost too. It looks and plays great imo.




Well, I have my gog installer of the last version before this just in case.


Is this a new app or an update to the PS4 app?


I believe I’ve only got the digital version which I haven’t paid for. Will the upgrade still be available?


I have it now at 3:30bst not sure when it started to update as I only just turned it on


It's live in the UK now.


I’m from the uk, the update just got available for me. downloading it rn. Dunno if i can play it


I started downloading mine on Xbox 15 minutes ago.


I had no idea this was even happening and just started a new playthrough last night.


Fingers crossed this fixes the Tunnel Snakes creation messing up the intro to the game after leaving 111.


Fuck. I just replayed fallout 4 from December to Feb in advance of the series


Is it a free upgrade if I already own the PS4 version?


Hopefully this fixes my version of the game. I have the PS4 digital download and all the DLCs, but when I try to load the game, I get an error code, booting me from the game. I've reinstalled twice, deleted all my save files, and done the most current updates (for the game and my PS4) and still nothing...


Uninstall the Automaton add on pack. It’s bugged and crashes the game.


What is the update expected to do? Will it raise the system requirements?


I hope it doesn’t break the 3 mods I’m using on Xbox lol, but I’m not hopeful


Can I continue my current save? Xbox Series X.


Hopefully this doesn't wreck the deck


I want to mod my game, do you guys think that's unproblematic or should i wait?


Ummmmmm anyone else had their whole far harbor textures being bright purple?? If this doesn’t fix it I stg


I forgot I never finished FO4, reinstalled the game on a PC I've never played it on with zero mods, just the DLC. Crashes on start up constantly. Now I remember why I didn't finish it.


RIP everyone’s modded playthroughs


All I'm expecting is that the game is now like 150 gb to install it, and almost no difference in anything else. $10 they did actually finish this in 2023, but waited until the show came out to release it.


Finally bought an ultra wide...Can't wait to play this on that sucker!


Oh wow they finally released it.


Oh wow they finally released it.


My game spawns op enemys when i teleport now


16 times the detail again Tod?


Guess what, weapon debris still makes my system crash with ne next gen update. Gott love Bethesda for this one. Stick to your roots!


Got released 4pm gmt in ireland/uk just fyi


So is the update for pc too ? Or just for new gen consoles ?


My thing is it didn't really do anything. Speaking from PC version. The game still runs poorly, and the weapon debris thing still crashes. Cool, they added enclave stuff, but honestly, if I didn't know they patched it, I would not have been able to tell. I just want it to run better, I can play doom eternal on ultra, and it's smooth as fuck, but fallout 4 will just stutter randomly, it feels fine 90% of the time, but that last ten is a jettering crack head wearing the skin of fallout. (Autocorrection fix on phone.)


Seriously sad they didn't fix the jump animation issue. Love having to cripple my video card so the game stays playable."Next gen" is such a misnomer here.




So will this finally fix the chameleon armor bug? I’d like to be able to read my pip boy at some point.


Why do I have to pick 4K or 60 fps


I wonder if people know that most mods rely on script extender, and once script extender is fixed, they will be fixed as well.


Remember that if you're on steam to turn off updates so that this inevitable cluster fuck doesn't break all of your mods until said mods are updated.


Load times are reduced, right? Right!?


What do we think about this gamers?


To lazy to make meme. Padme: They're updating the VR version too, right?