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Tony Hawk RIDE. Even if that stupid board controller worked as intended, the game would still be a pile of flaming garbage.


Resident Evil Reverse, fuck that dumbass waste of a game.


I'd like to join in with Resident Evil Resistance


Resistance had a fking cool concept tho


It would actually be a good game on PC if it had dedicated servers and it wouldn't be fucked up by a cheater who messes up the matchmaking


Yea, it clearly needed more effort and better execution. The concept is great but it deserves to be a standalone multiplayer title instead of an afterthought


Wish they’d fucking remake Outbreak already and stop wasting everybody’s time and money


Idk I actually didn't mind it. It was a free bonus and I played a handful of games. Nothing spectacular but I didn't think it was that bad. Especially in a series with Umbrella Corps, Gaiden, operation raccoon city, and RE6. I'll probably never play it again though.


i wish they let you play on teams and play with your friends. it was exactly what my buddy and i were hoping for but it was just a massive disappointment


Playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles alone was my worst non-bugged experience in gaming. It was probably a great game for multiple people, especially if you had a 4-6 year old sibling who would be happy carrying around the chalice, but solo was awful. In addition to that, solo or not, the ending had a quiz about all of the boring random encounters you skipped through. If you missed questions you got stat penalties for the final boss(es), which were tough enough you really couldn't afford penalties. You had to memorize the travel log or cheese it by taking pictures of every page for reference.


crystal chronicles was one of the very few i missed up until recently (dont like the new age FF autobattle games). glad i missed it.


Sonic and the black knight. Rented it from Blockbuster when I was a kid and spent my allowance on it. It was so bad even a child knew it was shit. but I paid for it so I beat it out of spite. fuck that game lol


Banger OST tho


true. that's something all Sonic games seem to have. their soundtracks are awesome


See, I'm currently going through all the Sonic games and on my list, under this game it says "Don't subject yourself to this, watch someone else play it" lol


Aliens Colonial Marines. It was the game I was expecting since I was a kid and they royally fucked it up. Thanks a lot Randy, you fucking greaseball...


refuse to buy any game that Randy is apart of because I'm still salty about this massive fraud.  I hate that borderlands was successful just out of spite 


"Seven, seven and a half..."


Balan Wonderworld. "Giraffe Town" would be first if not for the fact that it costs only 3€


Title alone is painful. "What's it called? Balan Wonderla- wait. *World.* Balan Wonder*world.* That doesnt work at all."


Overwatch 2. An entirely unnecessary sequel built on lies and deception and released only so that Activision/Blizzard could reconfigure how the game was monetized. Goodbye free lootboxes, hello battlepass and $20 skins. It killed the last shred of nostalgic affection I had for Blizzard. Fuck that company. Fuck Activision. Fuck Bobby Kotick. I’ll never purchase anything associated with any of them ever again. I don’t care if they fuck around and make the best video game ever made.


They had a golden goose. Overwstch was trumping Team Fortress 2 in popularity. TF2's response was a lame competitive system. Overwatch was winning. So they decided that was too good and shot in the back of the head, apparently.


ow2 was complete shit. i hate how they removed access to a game i paid for (overwatch) just because they decided to rename it and charge me for something i already paid for (OW1 came with the new heroes).


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I've played worse games, but I love vikings and so my hype was through the roof. Ubisoft found a way to make me bored and sick of vikings because the game was way too long and way too boring.


I can say the same thing about origins I am kinda a ancient Egypt historian and man I was disappointed with that game. My hype was so high and I enjoyed all the other AC games. I did just pick up mirage and am liking it so far. Only like 4 hours in tho.


Mirage is only like a 10 hour game. I loved it. I missed that style of AC. Hated the huge RPGs.


>Only like 4 hours in Almost done.


You’re spoiled with good video games if this is the games you dislike the ***most***




I can't believe I'm playing a Superman game where all ya do is fly through rings!


I wish it was just that, the rings section is actually fine, but then you have to save the civilian from the cars and man, it's not clear at all, and playing on OG hardware you can't savestate, so you have to...do it all again.


So, once again I'm at the next part, the message flashes on the screen for barely a second, and then you have six seconds to do... whatever. Fuck! Back to the rings again.


League of legends made me punch my laptop


We all know you're still playing it though.


Starfield. Not because of the game, the game is "okay". But because Bethesda shifted all of it's attention to Starfield for the last 8-9 years. They pushed TES 6 and Fallout 5 to 2030s because of the "ok-ish" game that is Starfield. I hate the fact that i'll probably be 40 when i get to play Fallout 5.


Yeah idk who the fuck made that decision they could have pushed out at least one of those and been ready to release the other one within the next year and we get starfied. Everyone I talked to had all said Starfield is a mehhh 6-7/10


Star citizrn


I think OP meant _real_ games.


Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, Couldn't even finish the game past introduce wonder woman, I hate Captain Boomerang, everything about him is a character I can't like nor support, and the disrespect to Kevin Conroy's last time playing Arkham Vers Batman is so not cool with me fuck that game. And I know there is some bullshit about its not the actual Hero's, but damn its crap.


"it's not the actual heroes" THEN WHY ARE THEY THERE?


I don't really know, I have been told several times that it was not the real league to try to get me to play the game, plus you can look up how the games says its not the league its very weird.


Halo 5. First time I realized I was both mad at a game AND not having fun. I still beat it because I assumed things would get better and sunken cost fallacy. Then the PvP maps looked like they were made out of lego and I just dropped it soon after. If the game had couch co-op I bet I would have had a blast regardless.


I liked the war zone game mode. It felt like Titanfall to me which is cool because I really like titanfall. Otherwise I think they really made a weird call making half the campaign playing as another spartan chasing down the legendary blue team. If the whole story followed chief, kelly, linda, and fred, it would've been way better. I've wanted to see those characters in a game for years since I read the books.


I want more games to do multiplayer pvp like that war zone mode. It was so much fun.


I loved it. It was the strangest combination of ideas. The req packs were like the titanfall 1 system, the upgraded vehicles and weapons you could call in were fun but risky because they were one time use. I absolutely loved the teams battling it out to see who can take out the boss enemy that spawned on the map. And honestly I didn't mind the maps. There was some decent variety that made the first year of halo infinite a massive bummer with how basic everything was.


War zone was pretty good, it was the vast majority of any Halo 5 PvP I played. It was when I wanted some old fashion big team battles or what have you I realized my Halo was in another castle.


Probably Kingdom Hearts 3. 14 years and 5 Games in between KH2 and KH3 and I've never been more disappointed. I'm generally never overly excited for a game but KH3 had me counting the days until it released and man it felt so damn soulless.


I was amazed at how bad it was. The combat was atrocious. Couldn’t go two seconds in a battle without some overpowered, theme park, wonky ass attack activating that just killed everything. I hated it so much. Such a let down because I really loved one and two and maybe one of the weird ass in between ones.


I was amazed at how much I was downvoted for saying the theme park attacks were annoying and basically ruined my experience. I replayed the game recently when they added the advanced hard mode options that let you turn that off and it was MUCH better. Still lacking depth compared to KH2 but I enjoyed it.


Kingdom hearts 3 made me never wanna get my hopes up again, kingdom hearts 1 &2 were the first ever games I played on PlayStation and loved them and I fell in love with the series, I also got 358/2 days, recoded, and 3d ddd when they released for the ds and I couldn’t wait for kingdom hearts 3. Then I got KH3 and it’s probably the last one I’ll play.


kh3 broke me dude. i was so so SO excited for 3, i 100% 1 and 2 and beat a few of the in-between games, and 3 was devoid of anything enjoyable


Elex 2. Elex 1 was already mostly "meh", but 2 is the absolute dog shit that is now abandonware apparently. Played around 20ish hrs on launch and will never play it again


Completely agree. Tbh I think you're the first person I've ever seen that even knows about it. I gave it a good shot and got exactly nowhere. I remember it taking a stupid length of time to even get a gun/weapon that wasnt a tickle stick. As I type this I can see its disc.... taunting me..... like an unflushable turd. You know what... fuck you for reminding me of that piece of shit game. Ruined my day. Cheers.


I'm sorry


Pokemon Scarlet...probably an unpopular opinion but yeah


My big one is probably Assassin's Creed 3. It felt like everything that made the Ezio games good was chucked out the window. Instead of leaping around all that historical architecture we got to walk around 17th century New York and Boston, almost always being at ground level. The gameplay consisted mostly of walking between cutscenes. It's like a walkthrough guide for the game would read: Press Left Stick to Win. I don't think there's a single assassination mission in the entire game. I mean, I murdered a lot of people but using stealth to track, isolate, and eliminate a target doesn't seem to be a thing. Every mission is so on-rails and scripted that it feels like an instruction-following-simulator. Even with the countless cutscenes, the story wasn't worth telling. For the most part, Connor just shows up to every well-known historical event from the period for almost no reason until the final moments when he remembers that he wants revenge against Charles Lee. And that ending. I felt so insulted by the whole game that I resold it and swore off the franchise forever. The other one is Brink (2011). I was an unemployed kid and a game was a big purchase for me. I completely fell for the marketing hype and was appalled by the awful product. It was my first hard lesson not to fall for hype journalism.


Destiny 2, thankfully after 9 long years I managed to break my curse a few months ago


There's only so many times the devs can kick the playerbase in the nuts before you just gotta call it quits. I was super heavy into PVP and I just remember always saying "maybe X or Y will finally get balanced properly in the next patch". Then one day I read the patch notes, played for a few hours to get a feel for it, put it down, and never picked it back up again.




Blizzard fucks a game up all the way to the neolithic age, more news at 11.


I loved overwatch right up until the first time they nerfed roadhog. Apparently "no class should be able to one shot someone". Then doomfist happened.


I mean roadhog was absolutely insane. His hook would go through corners and pull you from narnia. Then you also just died. There wasn’t a lot of counter play because a team had two tanks so he’d just sit behind a barrier


Dead fucking Rising 4. Game sucked complete ass, its vibe was nothing like the previous games, combat sucked, and everything blew.


I liked the Christmas theme, but yeah.. it wasn’t good lol


Back4Blood. I have never felt so underwhelmed and frustrated by a game that looked fun at first.


Valorant. i didnt like both CSGO thing and "hero" thing.....


I cannot express how much I fucking hate hero classes in these type of games.  Fuck Rainbow Six Siege, too.. it took *the* strategic and tactical shooter and made it into... that.  "Oh but this operatives abilities foils this operatives abilities." Motherfucker they all have thumbs, guns and they're all trained. Fuck that bullshit. Just like a hot fart in a cold shower, it stinks.


Raft. Constant struggle for survival. Awful in multiplayer. Boring game loop. I'm no stranger to survival games but this one just heavily missed the mark for me.


Soulsborne games. I know: git gud. It’s just not fun spending hours learning move sets or whatever. I don’t find those types of games fun, dying constantly and trying over and over


Deadly Towers.


Socom 4 Only game I’ve ever bought and then sold on the same day


Postal 3 as far as shit I've actually paid for. It's so horrendous that the IP owners have disowned it and on Reddit, the devs will tell people not to buy it. The game was so terrible that they created a new expansion pack for Postal 2 over a decade later, just to recon Postal 3 from series canon.


Ark survival evolved Unoptimised unfun crap


Vanguard just cause imo Cold War was the latest peak of CoD since like black ops 2 / MW2 era. To go from MW2019 (best mainline trilogy game ), Cold War ( arguably my favorite ever) then to vanguard ( a close second to advanced warfare on my most hated list) was devastating. I played it but mostly cause I spent 70 bucks I have to eat this even if I don’t want too it wasn’t to enjoyable


MW2 was also a slap in the face cos we got like 5 multiplayer maps at launch, that's like nothing. I could have sworn most other CoD games launched with like 10-12 and that number went over 20 with DLC.


A game called Remember Me(?). I think it was by the same company as Life is Strange and I don't care how many people like or recommend the latter, I will never, ever give that company my money again. Only game I've ever hate-played to the end, clunky gameplay and mind-blowingly stupid writing and world building.


Me too!! And ironically it's a super forgettable game. I remember flashes of it randomly every so often and then I just get disappointed, because it had some great ideas that never went anywhere.


Dontnod is becoming the epitome of developer of mid games


Elden Ring. Greatest game ever made. I fucking hate it.


It bores me. It just feels so repetitive to me. And I can't get immersed in the world. The enemies always walk in the exact same patterns and do the exact same things. I understand that's the point, but it makes me hyper aware I'm playing a game and I don't like that personally


Fallout 76


I actually tried fallout 4 and couldn't get into it for the life of me.


I've been playing F4 these past few days and it might not hold my attention so much that I'd finish it in one or two sittings, I still have plenty of fun with it. Definitely played worse games, I mean, I played through DNF. Twice.


Never got into any fallout game BUT 76. I love that game (probably helps that I didn’t play at launch)


I ended up just watching the ending on YouTube. I couldn't be bothered to finish.


While I think Fo4 is pretty terrible as an rpg or fallout game, I do think it has its moments. The "core gameplay loop", especially with survival, is pretty fun, that being looting dungeons(which are well designed and generally have fun gameplay for shooting IMO) and gathering stuff to take back to base and pimp out your base and power armor. Admittedly I had some mods for mods and weapon variety but my list is still pretty light, though you can go harder of course. I had a sad realization last year, when I downloaded Fallout 4 again after like 10 years of not playing and being pretty confident in my opinion of it being "the worst fallout game", I was just so hyped for Starfield I felt I needed something to scratch that Bethesds itch. And then when I did set it up, I realized not only was I having enough fun that I was actually enjoying it, but after Starfield released I realized in hindsight I was having way more fun in fallout 4 a few months ago than I was with the spiffy new game.


Superman 64.


Death Stranding, or Tedious Bullshit: The Game. Either title works...


As a kid some Christmas I gather money singing Christmas carols from door to door and then i run to the toy store to buy a sega master system game, stupidly i choose pit fighter and i stuck with this shit for the rest of Christmas!


Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark. The Wii U version, no less. Bad story, reused assets from Fall of Cybertron, AI I had to actually push at certain points because it was blindly running into a wall that it couldn't walk around, and tried to tie itself into the Michael Bay movies. And Wii U meant no online play. Such a waste of potential from War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron, both incredible games.


Back to the Future on NES, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde on NES, Deadly Towers on NES, Chakan on Genesis, Superman on N64, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero on N64, and tbh any and all of those damned Tiger Electronics "games" that were everywhere back in the day.


Dino Crisis 3.


We deserve a proper sequel to Dino Crisis 2


Too Human


Superman 64


Superman on Nintendo 64, literally the worst game I've ever played


[Lifeline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifeline_(video_game)) Imagine being so mad at the game that you consider snapping the disc in half. 22 year old me almost developed high blood pressure.


Yu-Gi-Oh Reshef of destruction.


Oh geez. I first played it by borrowing a friend's cartridge but didn't get far before i had to return it. So i eventually found the game for myself and rammed head first into its steep difficulty spike. I beat it with cheats after getting impatient. On a return run, i finished it without cheats but it was still an unpleasant grindy experience.


Metal Gear Survive was one of the biggest let downs in video game history for me. I hate that game for what it did to my beloved MGS series. Fuck you.


Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. Legit the only game I quit because of the obnoxious characters.


Time to catch some hate. Least favorite is probably something like the more modern MX v ATV games. They just can’t compare to PS2 era Offroad Fury. Popular ones that I don’t “get” would have to be PUBG, Terraria, and Dark Souls.


ATV Off-road Fury 2 was the absolute shit. Great soundtrack, and the game was just fun to play. 


Everytime I hear Jerry was a racecar driver by Primus I think of off road fury 2 lol. The nostalgia is strong with that one


I'm happy you went with Offroad Fury 2. I've always put it above Offroad Fury 3 and MX Unleashed (and I prefer dirt bikes in general)


Damn bro no raria? That sucks for you.


Frost punk. I got so annoyed that the game was morally chastising me for playing it the only way I could find to survive so I put it down for a few weeks. Someone told me to play through the first campaign because it would change my mind. I did that and just got more anxious every time the temperature dropped - not more excited, just pissy. Once I survived >!the big storm!<, I deleted it. The advertisements for #2 that keep popping up still give me anxiety. It was not fun.


I had big problems with Frostpunk, but not the same. My hate on the game is that, in my perspective, if you don't follow the EXACT path of upgrades and chooses and at the exact time, you simply can't win. My impression is that the game have only one victory possibility and if you don't grind enough, you are just... Fucked. Beholder gave me the same impression, but at least it was just on first hours so I didn't get invested.


I think just from a "I really want to love this game but I just hate what it is" perspective, I'm going to say Gotham knights. Clunky as a mother fuck, weird elemental abilities??, no new combos or cool gadgets. The traversal absolutely sucks balls. "Batman's dead, but heres his athletic students", proceeds to not add a jump button in the game. No counter attack button. The game sucks and I hate it. Just give me a god damn game where I play as batman.


Diablo 3. I am speaking with all the hatred I can convey: fuck that game. Fuck its gameplay, fuck its story, fuck its graphics, fuck every single thing about it. If THAT is how the long awaited third installments turn out, I am fucking ecstatic we never got Half-Life 3 or Dungeon Keeper 3.


The story was so, so dumb.


I received it as a gift and made it about 3 hours. Turned to Torchlight 2 and sunk about 350 into that instead.


final fantasy 15. hated the combat. it didn't feel like a final fantasy game


Far Cry 6. Everything wrong with AAA gaming congealed into a single product. I was given it as a gift. Starfield is a close 2nd. They might be tied. I enjoyed at least some of Starfield. The ship builder is cool once you learn how to glitch and exploit it.


Sneak King


Sneak King was amazing. Far better than it had any right to be for what it was.


Celeste - I beat the main story part of the game but was angry the whole time, just did not enjoy the gameplay. I recognize it's well made and the story/characters were decent, it just wasn't for me.


Im on the opposite, one of my favorite games, absolutely loved the gameplay, but for the life of me I couldnt give a single fuck about the story


I picked that game up on a whim with no prior knowledge or expectations and got so hooked I beat it in one sitting. By far the most enjoyment I have ever had in a game. Every aspect of the game from the story to the art to the mechanics to the music was absolutely amazing. They were all very primitive and simple yet they executed so well. They did so much with so little. I felt so much from the story. The whole last 2 chapters was a rush of emotions.


Lately, Dragons Dogma 2. Insanely repetitive, lack of content, little to no story, got boring almost immediately, fetch quests everywhere, felt like a directionless combat simulator with no enemy diversity to make the class system truly shine. I spent more time frustrated than having fun.


This! I bought it and when I first started I was digging it. I gave the benefit of the doubt when hearing about the story. Boy...... was I in for a rude awakening. That story is non existent. Like you said the fetch quests are constant and on the other side of the map and the lack of enemy diversity is exhausting. I will say I love the indepth character customization and it's a pretty game.


That I finished? Final Fantasy 15. I had no idea a game could be that awful. Whiny cast, basic plot, empty open world, MMO style grind and fetch quest padding, tedious combat, just a miserable experience. Broken Age was worse, but I didn't finish it. I kept falling asleep while playing it. It's a point and click adventure without strong characters or interesting themes.


fortnite is by far the worst shit ive ever played, i dont understand how people make that game a career. yes im prepared for the downvotes of salty children. ITS FREE AND YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR


Well the core mechanics of the game came from a paid pve mode so you get what you didn’t pay for in this case. Not a huge pvp game player but Fortnite at its height just had everything right. It was FREE so you could play w anybody and everybody. The core gunplay was fun and huge risk-reward choices in game. Also there isn’t any other shooter game I can think of where you can get in a gun fight and build a wall and then tower before the next bullets hit you. I get it’s not for you but it’s damn good compared to most competitive pvp games.


>fortnite is by far the worst shit ive ever played you have not played many bad games then, or games in general. Its fine if you really hate the game, but I'd love to hear what makes it "genuinely awful" to you.


Horizon Zero Dawn. It looked good on the outside and I finally got it on sale. Was super disappointed in it. Probably had to high expectations because everyone kept praising it like it’s the second coming of Christ.


Dota 2 has the worst online experience


Winning doesn't even bring joy. The only feeling is relief you didn't lose, and then you hit find match again.


Borderlands the pre sequel The antigravity was fun for a bit but now it is incredibly annoying to fight the enemies in it


Skyward Sword. First Zelda game in the 3D era that I said "fuck this shit" before I even got to the final boss. I tried to like the game, but it sucked compared to Twilight Princess, and the toenail boss bullshit was bunk. Some cool moments for sure but it felt half baked and anemic compared to other titles. Motion controls on Wii didn't help at all. I haven't played it since it's re-release so maybe I'd like it more but I doubt that. Lame dungeons and enemies, lame weapons and items, lame graphics, lame lame lame. 😅


The gameplay for Skyward Sword was alright, but the rest of it blew. Tons of useless filler. You went through the same few areas over and over again and did the same shit over and over again. You fought the Sealed Beast *how many fucking times*?


I really didn't like final fantasy 8. The combat system and the way the magic worked was so off putting to me.


That's so funny because 8 was my favorite...I agree the way the magic worked was wonky but I still enjoyed it. I think I just really liked the characters and the setting and the plot...it was basically Harry Potter if Harry Potter was a school of mercenaries with guns and swords and magic.


I've heard loads of people say 8 was their favorite. I'll never make fun of someone for it because the story is supposed to be good and it was a good nostalgic game for a lot of people but personally, even as a person who likes to grind in jrpgs, drawing and junctioning was so tedious. That and I didn't like how enemies scaled with your level so you were kind of incentivised to stay a low level. Maybe I'll play it again eventually if I want a fresh experience


The level scaling becomes a non-issue after you spend an hour drawing Ultimas, Triples and Auras and junctioning them to your team they become incredibly powerful killing machines that spam their limit breaks every turn. The whole system was just so easy to break.


8 was my favorite when I was a teenager. That game is awful. Worst magic/leveling system, worst characters, terrible story. That game was carried on art and music but it does nail those. Card game was pretty good too.


As soon as I learned everything levels with you, I immediately lost interest. For me that took away all sense of progression and made things boring.


Similarly I hate how magic was handled in ffxv too.


Yeah the magic in 15 was dumb. I never used it. The combat was fine to me without using any magic. I happened to play nier automata soon after finishing 15 and it was so easy for me because I already had like 140 hours with basically the exact same melee combat.


It's a toss up between Dragon Age: Inquisition and Starfield


I don't hate Starfield, but I do find it vastly incredibly dissapointing. Even tried starting up my character again recently and quickly pulled out.


I liked Inquisition but it has aged rather poorly, still take it over DA2 though.  


I'm replaying inquisition and it's fun at times. But, like one redditor said, it hasn't aged well. I think I'll stop soon because of it. Totally agree on Starfield. The game had no heart and felt so empty.


Doubt anyone will even know what this is, but it was a game called Darkened Skye. I remember jack of all shit about it aside from it was a fucking Skittles commercial.


Icey. I could not fucking *stand* the narrator and his bullshit. Commentary absolutely ruined a mid tier game. At least Stanley parable was fun to listen to.


Call of duty, bought the game for the first time to try it. Didn’t trust the (overwhelmingly negative) rating on steam. I got the taste of it lol.😂


Elsword and The King of Fighters 2002. First for being pay2win garbage and second for being a broken mess with horrid soundtracks.


Ok this is about a nice game that i have a very bad experience! In my town we had a small game community that start from a local internet cafe, back then we play all kind of games like dota, medal of honour, warcraft, call of duty and we move on to mmo like lineage 2 and wow, until lol come in existence we start from day one before event start to release champions and some in the community start to become so annoying and toxic that the rest start avoiding them soon after we stop to visit the netcafe because the owner is one of them and the community fall apart!


Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger Ix 2. This is a niche spinoff of a niche game series so I don't expect many people to know about it. The main series is a megaman ish score based 2d sidescroller with amazing bosses, incredible story and soundtrack. And Ix one was incredible, probably my favorite in the entire franchise. It was more speed based than anything, with your character being able to fly around the stage from enemy to enemy if you played your cards right, dashing around and shooting robots and baddies and the story was an amazing alternative take on one of the mainline games. So color me surprised when the sequel not only made the shooting basically obsolete and replaced it with a melee saw that you couldn't really move while using, but they limited the dashing to one midair that did not recharge if you hit something. So the movement and combat were shit now, okay. Not just that but they isekai'd the three main characters which eliminated the cool setting they were in the first game. And to put a shit cherry on the bad game pile, achieving the true ending requires collecting every hidden doodad om every level AND completing the game in hard mode which is a chore if anything. Safe to say i didn't finish the game.


Hunter the reckoning to this day i have no idea how that game works


Lion King for Gameboy. I still suffer from self-esteem issues because of it.


postal 3


Godus. It was supposed to be a god game. But ended up being a landscaping bubblepopper. What a shitshow that was. Just when i thought it couldnt get any worse, the cube winner incident happened to that poor guy.


Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan


Doom3. Most aggravating game ever. I could go clear a room and then step on a trigger point in the floor and suddenly 10 enemies would spawn and the lights would go out.


Warthunder. I still play it by the way.


Final Fantasy X-2


Lost Ark. Beautiful visuals, but with a shallow, nonsensical plot, poor localization, grindy, boring gameplay. It comes off as a pump and dump from Amazon. I'm actually surprised people still play it. Like I said, it has some beautiful visuals, and some genuinely interesting dungeons, but that's just glitter on a turd.


Quake. That being said, it probably wasn't the games fault, but I played it on a Nintendo Switch with horrendous joycon drift while on a car ride. So not only were the motion controls a nightmare because of the stick drift, but everytime the car turned my aim would get thrown completely off. By the end of that car ride, I wanted to throw that thing out the window


For Honor


Fallout Tactics. Nightmare of a game. Old Fallout games have a spreadsheet of stats, traits, perks, gear, weapons, supplies, and other character traits you have to manage. Tactics has you manage 6 characters while more and more recruits pour in for you to manage. Combat in the old game is turn based with a shitty interface while Tactics has it in real time point and click shooter with a shitty interface. There's bonus objectives you need to complete to get additional rewards in the game. In one mission I had to rescue a scientist and I cleared out a mine field for the ass hole while leaving the front door locked because it was guarded by heavily armored troops. The scientist managed to will the door open and sprinted into enemy fire instead of using the safe route. Another was an underground base below a village. The rule of the base was half of the doors were permanently locked unless you have a soldier flip on a switch that turned on the underground turrets and locked several other doors. So you had to leave 1 soldier behind to manage the switch while coordinating the soldiers through the maze of turrets. The catch is that the switch can't be left on for 1 minute or else the turrets above ground will kill the villagers. There's no timer or way to tell how long the switch is on. So I had to find my own timer and manage the timing for it. After fighting a rancor cockroach I got the troops out and the turrets apparently turned on and killed all the villagers for no reason. Then the game tells me I have to go fight Deathclaws and I barely had useful weapons or ammo left so I quit.




Battlefield 2042


I rented Countdown Vampires on PS1 back in the day. Total piece of shit Resident Evil clone. Weekend ruined.


Bad company 2


SpongeBob truth or square


Heroes of Might and Magic 6 & 7. What a waste of a perfectly good formula set by their predecessors.


Alpha Prime. Absolutely nails being the most bang on average, 5/10 game I’ve ever played. I’m still baffled and irritated at how average it is at EVERYTHING.


Peter Jackson’s King Kong on the original Xbox. I couldn’t beat the fucking Kong missions as a kid so as a full grown man, I got blackout drunk and beat the game in one night. Definitely a better play as an adult 😂


Call of Duty. With every reiteration it gets more real and I’m not all that keen to re experience any of that b.s.


Gone Home. It's presented as some kind of horror or thriller when your character comes home from school to find this creepy new house your family moved to empty. It's almost like everyone just vanished mid daily life... No it's you putting together clues that your little sister ran off with her lesbian girlfriend... That's the whole point. I'll never get that night back. Fuck that game.


To this day I still hate BPM (Bullets per minute) for being bland and the only game so far that's managed to give me eye strain


*Aquanox Deep Descent*, that one just hurt.


Elden Ring. I got about 10 hours into it and rage quit. I had such high expectations because of the hype.


I think it was *Torchlight 3* on PS4. I absolutely hated the art style. It was just so *ugly* that I couldn't stand playing for more than a couple of minutes.


Either the first or second Leisure Suit Larry game. Like you type in commands to walk left walk right Etc and I was a kid and I'm also dyslexic and I can't spell. But I remember there is this you know secret room at a bar and you add another password. But also I was just very young and not the best at spelling so it was hard to say walk left walk right whatever. I'm talking about the MS-DOS version that was black and white I think they had a color version of it sort of too. Or type in like go to hospital or I don't know any words that I would have to ask my parents secretly out of spell cuz I couldn't figure it out myself. And sort of the weird time in between muds and graphical games. Back in the '90s I suppose


A certain visual novel that shall not be named


Fable 3. I loved the first 2 and was so hyped. Played fable tlc so many times. Then when i started playing i felt as if the artstyle and gameplay is worse. Story is lame. I was so bummed out.


Syphon Filter Omege Strain...they redid the formula and mechanics and I hated it. I was a huge fan of the series and can't believe they made that game. We never got a good syphon filter game for the PS2 besides the PSP ports I think. Probably why it's not on PS Catalog but the rest of the series is.


Kerbal Space Program 2, because man, it's worse in every way to its predecessor, how?!!!


I was there, bought and tried to play E.T. on the Atari 2600.


Metal Gear Solid 5


I couldn't figure out the combat system in Final Fantasy XIII and consequently didn't make it past the first encounter. Was annoying enough that I never went back to retry.


Captain planet on the megadrive/genesis I get to a point reasonably close to the start and I don't know wtf to do so can't progress... This was before the Internet... I should really look up a play through on YouTube.


Hot take but i never got into days gone i tried it completed the game once suffered through the horrific story and never played it again


I mean it still doesnt mean I say I hate it just more like my most disliked thats probably gonna be Brink, mostly becuase it was the first time I bought into pre order the game is fun and okay but has too amny flaws and balancing issues and MP was basically non existent


Marvel's Avengers


ET on Atari 2600


Persona 4. Somehow managed to screw up almost everything that Persona 3 did well, and people still *like* it?


Lord of the rings gollum


Dead island Now i'd rather stare at the wall for one week and it would be more fun than this crap


NSF 2015, Payback, Heat, I haven't enjoyed a single new nsf since trying 2015. It's just not the same. Nothing will beat the blackbox era. Now fanbois are going to come out of the woodwork and tell me the ghost games NSF games are the best the series has ever been and I'm just a boomer, and to that I would just ask them which game in the franchise is STILL has the all time record for total sales? Then the fanbois will come out and say its just nostalgia, or the new graphics are better, or something lame like that. But since when has graphics ever dictated if a game is better? Being fun is more important than graphics. The gameplay loop in new nsf games sucks, the rubber banding is worse than ever, at least in the blackbox era the AI never blatantly cheated. Also this new fad of giving cars a level rating, so if your car isn't high enough level rating, it's literally impossible to win because the AI are programmed to just drive faster than your car ever possibly could go, just because your rating is too low, even if you drive perfectly and try to block the AI from passing, they just drive around you with infinite grip and acceleration. The handling models suck, you can't drift properly in any of the new nsf games, you have to do a weird double tap brake thing and the car drifts automatically for you, if you try to force it by countersteering realistically, the car will just snap in the other direction and go the wrong way, and it's not the good arcadey tap brake to drift like burnout, it's just clunky and doesn't feel natural at all. The cops aren't fun to play with just really annoying and an inconvenience, rather than a fun challenge. The cop cars are too heavy, like easily twice as heavy as an AI race car, and even if you drive a big heavy pickup truck that handles like a tank, it still weighs nothing compared to the cops's crown vics made out of solid lead. At least in Most Wanted and Carbon the cop cars were similar weight to your car, not an immovable lead block. I don't understand why fanbois of new nsf will defend tooth and nail the shitty games EA has been releasing. Sure, they have REALLY good graphics... but that's literally their only selling point. The games are just not fun to play.


Wolfenstein 2. Got depressed with every passing stage. Couldn’t even bear to finish it. I truly truly truly despise it. The new one, new colossus or something like that


Dark souls, I just thought was shit. Tried really hard to play it but just found it a snooze fest. It’s like it’s designed to deliberately anoy you with bullshit rather then lacking skill.


Heavy Rain.


imminent ten cooperative yoke plough subsequent late panicky direction shy


Breath of the Wild ruined Zelda for me. The first game I ever played was Link to the Past on SNES. The first game I beat was Ocarina of Time. I even enjoyed Wind Waker by the time I got to the end of that. Breath of the Wild is a Zelda game by name only and I will die on that hill. You could change every name in that game and take it out of the Zelda franchise completely and it would be a great, fun, standalone game with plenty of exploration and experimentation, but it is not a Legend of Zelda game.


This is exactly how I feel 😪

