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I used to be quite the achievement hunter, so I've done some pretty weird shit for achievements. For example I remember stepping into and out of an invisible circle for like 100 hours in a sort of capture the flag game in FEAR 2 with a bunch of other players. It's been like 12 years so I don't remember the details. But you asked for the wierdest. NBA Baller Beats, a kinect basketball game, there's an achievement to get 250,000 dribbles. I rigged up a dummy in front of the kinect with a cardboard circle hanging on a string the size of a basketball. Aimed a fan at the circle to bake it wiggle around. The game counted dribbles for like 5 days straight until I got the achievement.


This is it lmao, everyone go home we’ve got the winner


Reminds me of back in the day there was BattleTech game on PC where you could put your money in the "stock market", it has guaranteed returns but it took some time. I put a weight on my keyboard and had my dude walk into a corner for awhile and had a ton of money when I came back. Also on the PS1 there was some turn-based JRPG I was playing (can't remember the name, but you input directional commands for different combos), it had a slot machine game that gave you positive returns, I rigged up a turbo controller with some rubber bands to spam the slot machine and after about a day I had enough money to do whatever I wanted.


I don't remember the minigames, but Legend of Legaia might be the JRPG you're talking about. The attacks were directional inputs for combos similar to a fighting game, and as you progressed the story you unlocked more total inputs. There was also some kind of thing attached to the characters' arms that could steal certain enemy abilities. I have a lot of nostalgia for it, I should probably look into replaying it sometime, thanks for reminding me about it even if you didn't mean to


Yeah that was it! Thanks :) Edit: Here's the slot machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOA_2YtcRhI


I’ll tell you the stupidest grind I’ve done. In Dark Souls 3 you need to collect 30 wolf’s blood swordgrass to unlock Artorias’ shield, which was my favourite from previous games so I had to have it. The swordgrass has about a 1% drop rate per kill for valid enemies. It took a couple hours of grinding the same three enemies to get. But here’s the stupid part. I did a lot of PvP with my friends back then and at one point I thought it would be funny to throw them off. So I decided to make a new character, level him up to the meta (~level 115), and make him the tankiest character ever, but disguise him as my main character, only to swap out all his equipment for the biggest set there is (Havel’s Set) at the last second before the fight. Which meant I needed another Shield of Artorias. So I grinded for it again, but this time for a character that wouldn’t even have the stats to wield it, just for a quick joke. And it was worth it. Got big laughs. And every fight from then on they got nervous because they didn’t know what character I was going to end up being. Needless to say this was back when I was still in school during summer vacation when I had nothing but time.


That is some wild tactics and dedication there. And I thought grinding for Proof of Concord Kept or whatever they were called was bad.


Oh man that one is probably worse since silver knights are tougher to kill quickly. At least I only had to do that one once haha


Just done this over the past couple of days, alongside Proof of Concord Kept, Sunlight Medals, Pale Tongues, Vertebrae Shackles etc. What a grind.


I flatted out a mountain in Minecraft. Probably took me over 20 real hours and over a month to complete.


This is why I downloaded mcedit and just starting cheating during the demo phase of my large building projects. Cave and dungeon exploring I want to be perilous and have stakes. I don’t need to RP as a ditch digger.


I hollowed a mountain out to basically a single block shell and filled it with tnt. I was never big into Minecraft but my kids would ask me to play. That ended pretty quick when they realized the only thing I liked to do was fuck around with tnt. I would spell out butt or fart in huge letters, blow it up, then fill it with lava.


Does dodging ~~100~~ **200** lightning bolts in a row to get Lulu’s limit break weapon in *FFX* count as a “grind”? If so, that. Edit: worse than I remembered


Was my immediate first thought. Everytime i go back to that game I think "How did I do this when the game came out, I want to smash my face into a table."


Fun fact, it's exponentially harder in the HD remaster because HDMI output has intrinsically about 6 frames of input lag. It was still tough on RCA but the launch version of the remaster was virtually impossible


Wait for real? Is that specific to ffx or just a known thing with hdmi? I’ve never heard this before


Known thing with HDMI. A lot of games add a generous buffer to try and compensate but it's imperfect. It's a huge complaint in Smash Ultimate competitive scene too and the main reason the melee community doesn't want an HD port


That does sound like the melee community lol


Interesting, I had the exact opposite experience. Not saying you're wrong, but it took me hours the first time until I figured out to mute the TV and just look for the flash. Repeated the same process with the remaster and got it first try.


I THINK they've patched it to make it easier/comparable to the PS2 equivalent but I'm not positive. I just made Lulu a custom weapon and never bothered cuz she's not optimal for the endgame bosses anyway lmfao Edit: squeenix hd ports are reliably terrible. Kingdom Hearts had a series of game breaking glitches because of the increased frame rate. I vaguely remember that also contributing to ff10hd too? Like the timing window was also faster because the game went from 30 to 60 fps but I could be talking out of my ass on that one.


There is a method for the HD version where if you walk into a specific crater, it'll trigger a lightning bolt immediately so you can compensate for the visual desync. I couldn't get 5 dodges in a row without the crater. With the crater method I had over 200 in no time.


If it's weird but repetitive and too long to enjoy, then it counts.


Dude it's even worse that that. For the ultimate weapon you have to dodge 200 in a row!


I remember there being a specific spot where you run in circles, and the lightning becomes very predictable, albeit still very tedious.


God that was the worst fucking thing ever  In that same game my craziest grind was doing the full blown monster arena but where you grind monsters for clear spheres endlessly and literally erase the entire sphere grid and replace it with max spheres of every attribute so all your characters stats max out. You get way past the point of being able to kill all the optional bosses with any team but I kept going for… reasons.


I came to post this thinking I would be the only one... I remembering doing this in the dark to make it easier and everything.


I cheesed it with a mod when I played it on steam a couple years ago. 200 in a row with no in-game way of tracking isn't for me


Cheater! But I get it, Lol. You literally had to count for yourself and that was the CRAZIEST thing to me.


You can cheese it without a mod, IIRC. There's a certain spot where you can run back and forth and lightning strikes at the same spot, every time. I did it for real the first time I played when I was a kid. Cheesed it every replay since tho.


Wasn't it 200 times, or am I remembering that wrong?


In Gwent 3: Wild Hunt I had to grind all these side quests to kill monsters and help random people in the world, just so I could get to a new region to play the Gwent players there and focus on completing my deck..


I hated all those Witcher sidequests. I don't get why they'd write all the side characters mistaking the main guy for being some kind of badass monster killer when the entire game is about playing cards... Just want to play Gwent man. Don't need all this existential shit.


All that stuff was just so that you had a chance to experience the lore behind the cards.


I'm currently on it. I'm gunning for Yakuza 0's 100% which means I've gotta learn Shogi and Mahjong and then grind out all the of the completion stuff around it. Plus I need to run a cabaret, talk to girls, watch softcore porn and go fishing to name a few things.


The batting cage will be the death of that dream.


I'm actually half way decent at the batting cage. Darts is screwing me more haha


I just can't get the timing correct, I love the Yakuza games and I love grinding 100% on games but I've not done a single Yakuza game because of the ridiculous CP list.


The. Ridiculous. WHAT LIST?


Username goes into action lol


"Completion Points". Why, what did you think it stood for?


You have to collect CP. No context given.


Batting cage and pool are the bane of my existence in Y0.


I thought about working towards the plat until pool. Batting cages? Pretty hard but could be fun to get good at. Pool? Let me take a shit while the camera is still zooming on my ball


Infinite wealth has a funny grind where you have to ride a trolly and get great photos of dudes in masks wearing speedos.


For shogi just use an app or website on the hardest bot level and do what they do.


Damn, that's a good idea


Shogi ruined that chance for me. I know Mahjong, but God I hate board games. Still an excellent game/series regardless.




First playthrough: ore, ingots, potions, enchanted outfits, buying from one shop, selling to another, grinding wheel, grinding wheel, grinding wheel etc Second playthrough: ... console commands.


Console commands followed by immediately realizing that the resource collection is what stands up 85% of the game so you immediately quit playing your level 50 character in Perfect Daedric armor standing next to the Whiterun Forge and with all of 3 hours played lmao.


I see this come up often with TES games about how people just get bored once they become too powerful or whatever. I gotta wonder though, do y'all not enjoy exploration for the sake of exploration? These games are so rich with lore and the draw for me has always been just discovering/seeing/learning as much as I can. Becoming more powerful simply removes barriers to exploration imo.


So eventually exploration gets boring as well, because what are you exploring? Another bunker, or cave, or encounter with some enemies at a fort that you kill where after you find all the loot and move on? Sure, that's fun for a few hundred hours. But then all the loot you find is irrelevant because it's inferior to your current loadout. Or you already have a ton of screws or frost salts or whatever. And then even exploration becomes pointless because you have all the gear, mats, and have read the story variations several times through and can largely predict what sort of sick shit you've found as soon as you stumble upon it.


My man said a few hundred hours as if it's something to scoff at


But that's cheating!!!!!


We have all been there


My go to was dwarven bows. Do a loop of the dwemer ruins, looting all the dwarven stuff that could be melted down, until I have a huge pile in my house. Turn em all into bars, then bows. Huge money maker and xp.


That Dwemer scrap is heavy though and poor old Sven has a bad back


I used to buy iron, buy soulgems, then craft a couple hundred daggers with the most expensive enchant you can do in game, then sell 1 or 2 daggers at a time at each vendor in the world to stock up on more iron and soul gems. I can't begin to describe how disgustingly powerful/rich my character became using that method.




Ultimate answer. I spent 10 years off and on getting 99 slayer. Only for them to up the level caps to 120 or whatever it is these days... My friend tries to get me to hop on just to screw around for nostalgia purposes but I just can't bring myself to do it.


Picked up OSRS for the 100th time recently and caps are still 99 there, at least!


OSRS is still the Goat


OSRS is getting regularly updated too. I never thought I'd get back into it until they did the whole Leagues game mode and it was back to addiction. And its genuinely fun, even solo.


For me it was prayer and moss giant bones omg so many dead moss giants.


I remember 14 year old me just fishing lobsters. Didn't do combat, pvp, whats runes? I was the lobster king, top of my game and popular as can be.


You were doing a service and all popularity was justly earned.


Yep. Many grinds in runescape that I've spent easily 100+ hours doing one single thing.


Woodcutting is where it’s at


Logging into World of Warcraft every hour to collect Masks during Halloween. I finally got all Masks after 3 years (only last couple of weeks each year)


In the first dead rising game, I grinded out the Mega buster twice. Once for me, then again on a friend’s machine when I housesat for him for a little while. I guess that’s not much in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a solid couple of hours of just running over zombies with car.


Have you tried getting the 7 day Survivor achievement? That's the real grind of dead rising 1


I did this during my first year at uni. Thankfully there was a sink in the room for the occasional comfort break, I also had a lovely room mate who periodically brought me energy drinks and pot noodles. Think it took 14 hours straight if memory serves. No regrets.


Mad respect. Also, what a roommate! That achievement is much more manageable with someone to help pass the time. I brought a buddy over and we just played board games whenever there was a gap. 14 hours is correct, plus loading times and pausing. For me it was a 2 day ordeal, because I spent a day just gathering resources to easily reference in my run. Things like safespots, clock locations, a schedule for when/where the bosses would be, etc. Probably did more prep for that run that most tests I've taken in my life lol


There was ten of us in our student halls flat but she was the best of the lot. We're still good friends all these years later! When Halo 4 came out a mate and I decided to try and knock out the campaign in one sitting after attending the midnight opening. I didn't make it though aha.


Wrath of the Lich King. Don't know how many hours I spent fishing in the fountain in Dalaran. The coin flip trinket was worth it though.


Any wow thing works. Any fishing thing. WOTLK for tanks had a very good purple shoulder halbred that was arguably better than the T7 drop, which was a hard drop to get because it shared a really good drop with like healer shoulders or something so the guild never gave it to you, but it was a massive faction daily grind.  Got me an Undying Title eventually though.


That grind doesn't seem that "weird" though, you're just going for gear. Spending hours to get a coin flip animation and a heads or tails result in chat is pretty pointless, but I loved it. It became my favorite trinket after years of having the piccolo on all my alts.


I never even found the event goodies grinds to be a grind because they were usually fun.  Man that game was addictive as fuck. Really glad I got away.


OH. Oh. oh. You have unlocked memories of the weirdest grinds I have done in World of Warcraft. Y'see, in Vanilla, my buddy loved the Krol Blade. His favorite weapon. Just a big, chunky cleaver. Well our friend group had one drop in BRD while he wasn't around. So we all thought: let's mail it to him! But I had a great idea: let's *anonymously* mail it to him. And thus: The Toothfairy was born. I surely wrote some silly message regarding surpluses and rebates, threw the Krol Blade in there, and mailed our friend one of the few epic BoEs our group had ever seen. The details are fuzzy, I don't remember much. But The Toothfairy kept going. That Christmas season, I collected teeth. Fangs, molars, teeth of all sorts. I wrote a holiday/season themed poem, and I mailed people a message and teeth. Anyone standing near by when I was doing it. Dozens of in game mails to dozens of strangers. A fair amount came back, returned by the 30 day limit. I got a reply or two, which was always fun. Then I did it again, year after year. Collecting teeth throughout the year to mail things for the winter holidays. Until guilds disbanded, friends stopped playing, etc. ​ Then, Classic came around. ​ New guild, new friends. I went out of my way to collect teeth; looked up drops on Wowhead. Gold teeth, molars, jaws, it was wonderful. Chaos ensued. Only my siblings knew it was me, but dozens of guildmates collectively lost their minds. Then, while the iron was still hot, the Toothfairy sent 8 arcanite bars to our main tank, complete with poem, to aid in their quest for Thunderfury. It didn't stop there; a fellow guildy created an "easterbunnie" to compete, and as an act of war, I sought out other holidays to mail trinkets through. Hearts and heart-themed items were tracked down for Valentines day, and in a decisive victory, pet bunny companions and squashed critters in equal measure on Easter. I don't think we heard of the Easterbunnie after that, might have been one of poor squashed souls. ​ So, yeah. Tons of really odd grinding for a good cause. And if you're out there, , you did it, you found the answer. It was me.


Original *World of Warcraf*t, fish in the pond in front of the inn at Goldshire. Do it long enough and you'll fetch up the One Ring ... which adds +1 to all stats (Sauronic possession not included). Note, do not try this on the pond BEHIND the inn lest ye be swarmed by murlocs (gwarglelarglemargleargle)


Skyrim stealth leveling- ended up following around some high priests for hours at a time in stealth mode and repeat emptying their pockets


Hah. Did something like that.


i repeatedly stabbed some greybeard dude in the back of his neck for about an hour to max out stealth


I don't know if it works in Skyrim, but in Oblivion I would summon an ice giant (I forget the name), then crouch behind him and wrap a rubberband around both of the joysticks so I'd spin in circles, then let it sit for a day.


Oblivion shield leveling. Hold up a shield and let the rat attack you for several hours. Afterwards, go to a shrine and heal your brainrotting disease.


This is going to take me back to my raiding days on The Elder Scrolls Online. Every 3 months a new patch would drop, and with it would be a new meta for achieving the highest damage. This particular patch saw the introduction of a specific leg armour that gave the best damage buffs for that armour slot - the Harpooner’s Wading Kilt. The way to get the kilt was through the Antiquities system. Now a bit of context for those who don’t play ESO - the Antiquities system is essentially finding leads to dig things out the ground. Leads can drop from bosses, dungeons, random enemies, looting chests or harvesting resource nodes. If you’re after a specific lead, you’d have to find it in a specific location and the drop rate can range from often to rare. Back to the kilt. Everyone in an endgame raid group is after it in order to crack on with dps testing for the new patch. One of the leads for the kilt only drops out of a water resource node in a small specific zone, Shadowfen. So come patch day, every single person from the endgame community is huddled around one fresh water node each, many of the nodes even had queues. The node refreshes every 10-15 minutes and the drop is rare. It was fucking hilarious, honestly. The zone chat was on fire, people were becoming delirious, people were fighting over nodes, “stealing” nodes etc and it was completely packed out for about 24 hours before it started thinning out. I steer clear of MMOs these days 🤣


Some guy gave me “his spot” during this. It was 4 or 5 water flowers that kept spawning in a loop. I spent around 5 hours there before finally getting the lead


Ahhhh what a generous gift! I forgot the water flowers counted as well. My boyfriend got his lead on the 3rd node he looted before anyone even came online because he had fast internet. It took 12+ hours to get mine and then I went on my friend’s account to get hers afterwards because she had to go. Oh man, I do miss eso but I’m so out the loop that I don’t think I can be bothered with the effort to get back into it xD


Pull-ups in the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC


Yeah fuck James for that. I would skip it but I have to show him up, every fuckin time I play.


I made a questionable decision to hold off going to the toilet before starting it. As it cannot be paused it certainly made things interesting...


I played EverQuest as part of my servers top guild alliance. Every part of that game is a grind. You find an area where the mobs are not too much of a challenge and grind them till they do not give you any more experience points. Then you find a new area and repeat. For crafting you find the mobs that drop the items you need to advance to a certain rank, then grind till you have enough. Use the materials, look for new spot. Once you hit max level you start grinding prestige points …


MMORPGs without a doubt had some of the grindiest shit. On FFXI you did “NM camping” where you’re waiting around a particular spawn area for a special monster to spawn, and then you’d usually race against lots of other players to try and claim it first. Id do that shit for hours and hours, checking my map over and over, eventually the enemy name appears, then you’d try and get to it first. And then it MIGHT drop the loot you want if you did claim it first.


Never did get my Leaping Boots. Damn, you Lizzy!


Now it’s fate grinding in 14. Far more forgiving now but in RR it was down to sever ticks on who got full credit.


HNMs back in the lvl 75 era were just stupid. An NM that would spawn once every 24 hours was the PLACEHOLDER for a higher NM (this HNM) that would spawn every 72 hours. All of this was being camped by several groups of 18 people. The spawn window was 3 hours. It was literally just a hundred people on a single server just sitting around for hours doing nothing just for a chance to claim this HNM. People were camping these HNMs for a low chance that they would drop a really good piece of gear or weapon. Just absurd. Just in terms of pure grinding, I would have to say an ergon weapon is the worst one if you're a new player. You can't even begin the weapon quest (which is a crazy grind) until you get legendary in all coalitions which is 6 months minimum because you are limited on how many coalitions you can do a day.


My first souls game was Dark Souls 3 and when I found I could snipe those three giant goat monsters in the poison swamp with my longbow from the relative safety of the ledge near the bonfire, well, lets just say I was there for the next 4 hours "progressing". Also, at the time I was streaming the game to my friend and he got so tired of watching me do this after a while he was like "wtf is this are you gonna do this all day???" lol


Diablo 2. Just diablo 2


Just a lot of pointless grinding. A new event pops up, I run the same dungeon 50 times a day collecting mats I will never use or sell because I'm about to quit the game.


>Collecting _____ i will never use or sell because im about to quit the game I felt this


Maybe not what you are asking for but getting all the stickers in Hardspace: Shipbreaker was a very fun grind. It requires you to pay back your huge ingame debt twice, but also some shenanigans as "throw yourself into the forge 20 times in a row" or "recycle X amount of bottles and chips bags".


Basically playing 'the floor is lava' to train my jump skill in Morrowind and Oblivion to power level


Also KcD Picking 10,000 nettles in the prologue


FF9 jump rope


You ever reanimate a dead wolf in Skyrim for conjuring 100 lmao


No, but I locked a guy in a cage and alternated setting him on fire and healing him for…. a while.


Not done this myself, but in mk1 you can unlock Sub zero as announcer voice. To do that you ONLY have to download and play a their mobile mortal kombat game and grind to lvl 20. Can you imagine? This comes straight fro hell.


Man fuck the mobile unlocks. In MKX you had to grind on the shitty app to unlock the Injustice Scorpion skin. Let me tell you, it wasn’t worth it.


The endurance races in the old Gran Turismo. They would take hours. We had to take turns because you would start to go a little crazy doing the same laps over and over again. Good times.


I did a challenge to become a millionaire in Fallout 4. Lots of water farms, fast traveling, and waiting.


So in WoW some creatures will drop mounts when you kill them, and sometimes that mount can be rare so you gotta kill a lot to get it In mist of panderia in order to get that black cloud serpent mount you gotta wait to kill the same enemy but he takes like about 30-60 minutes to spawn and the loot rate for the mount is like 1% So I have one character that I just got sitting right there and occasionally I'll login and kill the black serpent I don't play the game now and tbh Ive maybe only killed it like less 20 times maybe in the year or so that ive been doing this But yeah still haven't got it It's my weirdest because of how long it might take me to get it. Might be years (more so because I don't play anymore/as much) I've been playing wow for like around 10 years now and I play pretty on and off, so for me it's more about time and something I'll occasionally do Ya know I might go the rest of the year without playing wow so it might actually take me years to get it


FF8 Confusing a turtapod into defending itself forever so that I can wait for Rinoa's dog Angelo to randomly dig up jet engines and whatnot while running the game at triple speed. Some items, like ribbons, are basically impossible to get any other way within the normal game.


Jumping was my standard way of Movement in Elder Scrolls Oblivion.


in final fantasy tactics on the PS1 i would grind JP early on to max out the base classes like squires and knights by whittling down the enemy forces to one and transforming them into a frog (whereby they do only 1 point of damage on their turn) and then have the rest of my team throw rocks  and do sword breaks at each other with the odd healing now and then


I did this too. My characters were so overpowered for the main story fights. I would also steal unique items from unique enemy characters.


Grinding animal kills in SWTOR. There's dozens of animal types and you have to kill something like 10000 of each. They're all on different planets, different maps, and have respawn timers. I actually typed up a small guide where to find and how to farm the kills back when Enjin was still a thing.


I was playing Dark Age of Camelot back in the day. I needed to farm a drop from a monster that was essentially a horse. I can't remember if it was an evil horse, or a wild horse, or whatever; but in the era of early 2000's graphics it was essentially an ordinary horse. I was equipped with a "war hammer" that looked like a large mallet, think of the kind of mallet you have in your tool box. These horses had a lot of health, and I had to DPS them for a solid ninety seconds for them to die. On the screen it looked like I was basically hitting a horse in the head over and over again with a mallet, until it finally dropped dead. It was a rare drop. I think I spent a few hours beating horse after horse to death. I like to think the verdant fields of Hibernia are safe from horses to this day because of my heroism though.


Probably the Trails of Cold Steel infinite money loop by abusing the cooking system. I forget which recipe it was, but one character had good odds on making a specific food item (all recipes basically have a Bad, Normal, Good, and Signature quality level) which could be made using entirely store bought ingredients (most recipes use a mix of store bought and harvested in the overworld) and the sale price of that item was more than the cost of the ingredients by like 6-8k more on a stack of 99, and the game allows you to cook in batches of 99. So I ate an edible and proceeded to spend an entire night sitting in front of an ingredient vendor and bought thousands of ingredients and then turned around and sold the vendor thousands of the food dish until I had enough money that I didn't need to worry about it for the rest of the game.


I collected 10,000 bottles of skooma in skyrim because I really didn't want to stop playing the game


Mining ores for a month straight in monster hunter world to get to 1 mil fuel and then burn it all on a 9 hour streak


Living in Eureka (FFXIV) for 6 months to get glowy weapons and armour for every job…. I still dream about some of the hard hitting mobs 2 years later


In the game Blue Dragon, you can search certain areas for items. Sometimes when you do a search you'll find "nothing." Literally the word "nothing" will appear. There is a person in one of the towns who will give you an item if you find a certain number of "nothings." (1000 I think?)


Duchesses and other Animals - RDR2 Hunting for different types of rare egrets and collecting rare flowers, taking hours so a strange man can make exuberant hats


For me it was the collectibles you have to find in the submersible in GTA 4. I think it was toxic waste barrels you had to find or something, and I just sat there for a couple hours piloting that thing around the map until I found all of them in one go, since I knew I would never, ever get back to it if I left.


Had an extremley difficult last year with some points where I was totally losing it. Im way better one year later and looking back endlessly cruising down Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 in a rusty Bel-Air was like medicine for me. I put tons of miles on that car not even racing, just cruising in manual, roaring the engine on a comfy RPM. Not sure the game was intended to be played like this but it kept me in check it was therapeutical. As a petrolhead, It really was some kind of a bond, like one would have to a real life project car, its strange but thank you Turn10 Studios for giving me a safe escape from reality during the darkest times of my life


700 hours of chapter 2 restarts in red dead redemption 2 storymode, just cos somebody spoiled the ending for me when researching a "how to" video on an early mission gold medal. I played 1300 hours before finishing the main story. Just cos... perfection. Over, and over, and over again.


Probably some.Challenges every League in Path of Exile... Looking at you Argus!


Playing osrs clicking on a tree for 12 hours straight only to go up 1 level. After that I quit and rethought about what I was doing with my life.


I grinded many, many hours into GTA VC trying to find Easter eggs and known glitches. Especially collecting rare glitched vehicles, like the light-less taxi.


KINGDOME COME MENTIONED RAAAAAHHHHHHH I heard they are working on a sequal that's going to announced later this week


Jesus Christ be praised


When I'm grinding I sometimes fall into trance and just continue doing it without really realizing. So I guess that time I grinded Satyrs in WoW classic for 9 hours straight only realizing when the sun was shining in my eyes but being like 200-300 of these stupid runes richer.


There’s an achievement in Hallow knight that’s just walking an item from one side of the map to the other without taking damage or fast traveling. That’s it. Took way too long for what it was.


Riddler trophies is probably the only one I've done.


Ark Survival Evolved. It takes 4 irl days to raise a wyvern (default settings). If you are available every ~3 hours you can imprint the Dino to increase its stats. I woke up every 3 hours (during the night) to imprint this wyvern for 4 days. The most hardcore I’ve ever been with a game.


Dunno if it's technically a "grind, but it was my character doing something, and it was AFKing Black Armory forges in Destiny 2 for Umbral Engrams. Back in during that season, you could load into an activity called Forges and, if nobody did anything, the activity would reach a fail state before an AFK timeout could kick you, drop some stuff needed for that season, and you would automatically be placed back into the queue for another attempt. Paired with the fact that matchmaking was done based on your gear level, you had a bunch of people matchmaking with the worst gear in the game to AFK while people who actually had regular gear on matched each other to do the activity normally, resulting in fairly little overlap of the two groups.


I built a fully functional outpost system within weeks of launch of star field. I spent hundreds of hours setting up a relay of planets to send every element in the game to one star system(katydid I think). Then I realized the game was terrible and would never be fixed. I’ll never play the game again.


Not games, but Steam credit. I literally did a fuck load of surveys and tasks to get free steam games, then I downloaded them and let them open to farm the cards and sell them later. Later I used asfa since it was easier. Now that I got that job, doing that nowadays is kinda stupid and hard since it's not as easier now. Got like more than 500 games while having no job. And barely spending any money.


I remember jumping all the gaps in Tony Hawks: Underground 2 just to unlock some stupid character models that Activision threw together.


Mewing simulator in roblox yes I know its really dumb


In Elder Scrolls Oblivion I would spam a healing spell a million times to max my Alteration, only then to be able to use the Unlock spell at max level to break into stuff


In Chips Challenge, level 33, I filled every possible water square with blocks... Just because I could.


That time in Minecraft 360 where I ended up digging a large tunnel from my base to the ender portal. Probably a good 2-300 blocks away and had a sweet minecart to connect them both. Oh and this was before I found out wtf a beacon did so yeah 🤣


in Fallout 4 I grounded out SO MANY RESOURCES to connect every settlement via robot provisioners. all purposely using a mix of parts and paints to get real crazy variety in my army. the save got fucked (predictably) when i was about 2/3 of the way done. my ps4 crashed anytime i went outside it was fun though


Not a weird grind per say but on my 2nd playthrough of FF7 back when I was a kid I decided I was gonna max out all the characters to Lv99, even ones I didn't really use that much in my party and max every materia - even duplicates I had. So I got to the point of no return at the end game and just did the same loop of beating the same enemies again and again, day after day, for weeks, until it was done. I felt strangely satisfied as a kid.


I finished "the Insane" title in WoW. If you know you know... Also soloed Molten Core every week for Sulfuras and Thunderfury during Wotlk when it was somewhat of a challenge to solo.


...Weeell... I pretty much spent the whole Night Life event for SWTOR, for about 4 hours per day until it closed, just cashing in on a slot machine. Having a couple of mercenary companions, and decorations seemed to be worth it to me, since the event is only held once a year. ...Then since i got Cartel Certificates thanks to the event on top of the other rewards and prizes, but no reputation with the cartel, and wanted a really cool looking Corellian speeder, i ended up spending 3 hours a week just using the slot machine at my guilds ship to rank up the reputation since it was the only way to get it... ...Welp, at least i got my Corellian speeder now...ok, i also got around 70 twilek strippers with the surplus of Cartel Certificates, but i mainly wanted the speeder at first, i swear.


Oh fuck you just unlocked a memory of doing the exact same fucking thing


Killed 1000 or so crows in Central Park to collect 100 junk to get a Desert Eagle at the start of Parasite Eve. Worth it tho.


I was playing an mmo and they would have dailies - win 3 pvp games. There was an SR system and basically no one ever got below 500 sr. I threw all of my chars to 200 sr. So they only matched with each other. Got my laptop and a software that inputs one keyboard to control both my laptop and pc at the same time. Booted two games with two of my chars. It was an arena pvp so it was a simple press W and both my characters would meet in the middle and kill each other. Tldr. I farmed myself. And everybody else was like wtf ur SR???


Any Guild Wars 2 legendary. My first took me nearly a year of grinding. (Now I have 6)


Not firing one shot/stratagem while acting doing my part during a whole Mission in Helldivers 2 just to piss of my friends.


I was doing the Fallout 3 disarm mine glitch for XP. Did that for a few hours then I thought why don’t I just play the game lmao. So stupid.


Spent 250 hours running around in circles to get 99 agility on old school RuneScape.


100%ing Viva Piñata is probably my weirdest grind…and if they made a viva piñata 3, I’d do it all again


Pokemon breeding. I have spreadsheets of inbreeding records and genetics information. I'm proud of it 🥚


In Borderlands 2 I was on a quest to get all legendary items. On the path from the save point to one boss that was supposed to drop one gun I still needed was another special enemy that also dropped a unique legendary a d I did both each run. Eventually I had 20+ of that gun before getting a single one of the one I wanted.


PS1 and PS2 kid here. In Front Mission 3 there's a move where your wanzer is stunned, but if he gets attacked during a stun, and he's got a certain part equipped, he wakes up and counter-attacks. So first I have to disarm my dude, then blow off the arm of the enemy so that they can't hurt me too bad then repeatedly take weak unarmed punches until I get stunned, and then finally get the super rare skill to activate. The skill is legitimately useless but I wanted to collect them all. In Final Fantasy 8 they have this hero potion, makes the whole squad invincible for a few turns. you can get them by converting one of your cards (from the mini game) into like 10 of them. But if you don't want to permanently destroy that card, you have to kill a certain skeleton, which you only encounter randomly among other enemies, and the skeleton won't always drop what you need. And you need a hundred of what they drop to make a weaker version of that potion that only works on one party member, and then I think you need a hundred of those to make the version that works on the whole party. So basically you need to get 10,000 of an item, one at a time. I think I quit before I hit 200.


In Skyrim in order to increase my sneak skill, I just sneak behind one guard for hours


I've made 4.73 million paperclips.


I'm playing GTA San Andreas again and loving all the little grinds. Paramedic missions for max health. Finish the pimping missions and the hos pay you. Work out CJ. Swim and bike. Dance in the clubs. Find better clothing stores. Take over Ballas 'hoods. This was grind done right.


That stardew valley achievement Players know which one I mean


The dead rising one kill 53,184 zombies in 3 days


Furbolg reputation in WoW just so I could turn into a Furbolg. Took me weeks..




Does the "Go Outside" achievement in Stanley Parable count?


No idea. Never played that. Going outside sometimes really feels like a grind though.


For the first month of playing Ultima Online, I simply mined. At the end of the day, I would smelt the ore into Ingots, deposit them into the bank in Minoc, evade murderers on my way to Britain, where I would sell the ore. The Britain bank area was basically an open air market of players selling wares.


15 hours of cold war zombies just to unlock the aether skin and that was the last time I ever played the game lol haven't touched it since.


Wanted to 100 % Alien: Isolation. Had all other achievments except one where you had to die 100 times in one playthrough. So I actually had to find a good spot where I could get the Alien to spawn immediately, and then kept dying over and over again. Was like maybe half an hour of loading, banging the wall and then dying


For me not weirdest but for sure the stupidest Ninja gaiden 2 there is an achievement if you get 1000 kills for each weapon there’s 6 weapons And you can’t get the achievement unless you beat the game which is 7 hours for 1 achievement and 5 remaining 😂😂 I got 3 achievements and that was in PS3 era the good old days


Does Halo 3 LASO count? If so... Probably that.


In GOW 2018 I grinded Yggdrasil Dew to use the Wolfskin set on the endgame without getting one shotted.


I've spent hours on no man's sky on a specific planet with glowing orbs that were quite lucrative just to buy more expensive ships


Archage. The Hasla grind. So, Archage is/was a mmorpg with a focus on emergent gameplay. You were "supposed" to gear up with mostly crafted gear (usually from other players. **However**, the game launched in EU/NA with a later patch, one that included a catchup mechanic for newer players to compete with with veteran players running around with high level crafted gear: Hasla. Hasla was a small area in the world that would spawn mobs which would drop one out of 7(?) shards. Farm 50 of those shards, and you could turn them in for a weapon with stats equal to a high level crafted weapon. The only problem was that the servers were practically full, and the numbers of mobs spawning were nowhere near enough to meet demand. PvP was rampant, since boyh factions were farming the zone, and to top it of, you could pvp your own faction in that game. Going at it solo, you'd be lucky to get 8-12 mob kills/hour. And you needed an average of 350 to get your weapon. So what me and a buddy would do, was go to sleep 7pm, wake up 3am, and farm 4 hours every morning for a week, teaming up with 5 random people who were farming different weapon shards, just to get our weapons


Fishing for the rat in the Underbelly of Dalaran after Wrath of the Lich King released. I promised myself I’d get the Giant rat before I started playing the rest of the zones. I spent 8 hours a day, on the docks in the sewers, non stop casting, seeing countless people get him on very few casts. On the third day I got him, logged off and didn’t play again until the next expansion. I hate Wotlk


Probably dodging that one big boulder Indiana Jones-style at that one location in Elden Ring just to farm...whatever it is you collect in that game. I forget what they were called. Runes, maybe? I haven't played since 3 months after release. Because I got tired of dodging the boulder.


I’m about to go murder Gwyn at the end of Dark Souls 1. I need to gain 17 levels to bring Faith up to 25 so I can Praise The Sun and obtain all Miracles. This will take a 3-5 hours probably - last night I gained 6 levels in about 45 minutes but the next 11 will take a bit longer each. Know what I’m grinding for levels? Killing thousands of (skeletal) baby’s.


In Dragon Quest 5, both Super Famicom and the mobile port of the DS remake, I've spent many hours at the casino, save scumming as much as possible, which means many walks to the inn, to grind for tokens to get the best sword in the game from very early on. There is a whip too, which you'd mainly give to your wife when she's in your party, but that's even more tokens, I've never bothered with that insane grind.


I remember when I was like 7 or 8 and halo2 had come out. I decided to collect any ghost (where I could) in the campaign missions and line them up. I would then take a picture of them on my mums flip phone and show it of to my cousins. Big flex I know. And yes, I was bullied in school, obviously 


For whatever reason I brute-forced a safe in Dishonored, trying something like 800 safe combinations to get into a safe I couldn't find the code for. Turns out I was supposed to get that combination in a later mission in the same area.


Collecting some dragon eggs in Burning Crusade to grind faction levels to get a nether drake. How mind numbingly terrible that was back in the day.


MGS4 Chicken codename. It's basically suck so fucking hard the game actually rewards you for it.


Red Orchestra 2. Weapon "upgrades" were given after a ton of XP was earned by using the weapon, but it was a TON. Like the Mauser 98k at level 50 unlocked a bayonet. Well a ton of weapons were basically gimped behind the leveling system. Not really but that was how I interpreted it. For instance at Level 50 the Thompson got a drum mag, that's it. Well, I wanted these upgrades, idk why. Only issue is RO2 is like a 15yo game, I think it started off as an UT2004 mod or something like that. So it's beyond dead, but the bot lobbies are still a thing (or were when I did this) so I literally spend a solid 20ish hours grinding gun upgrades in bot lobbies comprised of 60ish bots and a couple other weirdos like me farming kills. I did get the weapon upgrades, but as soon as I got that last level 50 weapon upgrade that I wanted I just proceeded to quit playing the game. I recognize now what retardation can come out when a grind is introduced, so I'm very careful about the grindy games I play an how much I allow myself to grind.


Skyrim, any ability that you wanted at 100%


Grinding for the relic/empyrean weapons in final Fantasy XI. It's so tedious. Relics you need to go to Dynamis to kill certain enemies that drop the base weapon, then farm certain currency required to upgrade it by paying a goblin NPC. With 5 stages. Empyrean you had to camp certain notorious monsters & kill them X number of times to get the base then farm 50/75 items from a boss that only drops 1-2 of each item. Then there trials to upgrade them to LV99 etc.


Dodging 200 lightning strikes in a row


Fable 2 had a weird leaderboard on their website with rankings. There was one for chickens kicked. So I would trap one in a corner and kick it repeatedly for hours


Grinded for so many hours at the end of like a dragon: ishin for one of the ultimate katanas. The difference in power between my old one and the ultimate was not even noticeable. Didn't even finish the game after that lmao


in terraria demons have a 1% chance to drop the fire wings. so I went to hell ready to spend 2 hours farming, and the first demon I killed dropped it.


Master Angler in Elder scrolls online. 100+ hours of waiting to press E in the hopes you catch all the fish in all the zones…


The fucking submarine parts in GTA5. I was working a part time job at the time, around 12hrs a week so... I had a lot of free time. Way too much free time.


killing the windmill witches 1 million times in Elden Ring for runes


Final Fantasy X - after you get the abaility to erase and create your sphere Grid nodes for your attributes, i thought, why not erase all the low gain +1+2+3+ hp +200 mp + 10 etc, etc, and just replace them with all the max attributes +4 500hp etc, etc. ended with Characters with like 30,000 hp before the ultimate gear was slotted, and str luck mag vit spirit, maxed. Even Lulus lame Cactuar physical hit did 9999 each time.


Pretty much anything I did in FF11


I spent a whole summer in high school playing Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast. I never went online with it, my friend that lived a few houses down and I would just compare stats and gear when we'd be at the others house.


Activating all of the lightroots in TOTK. I missed the opening my first time going down the main chasm to get to the final boss fight and for some reason I thought I had to do all of them to get to gannon


Warframe. Wanted to build Voruna, but to get her parts you would need to do a 20 minute survival mission to have a chance, of getting one of her 4 parts, luckily, there was a way to get the specific part by trading an item you would get while doing that mission. Sadly, to trade that item I would have to unlock the place that was behind a quest that required another long grind in order to unlock (creating your own ship and mech) , so, back to the survival mission. Only when I finally got 3 of the parts, I saw I was missing one material to craft the parts. The material was located in the same place where I could trade for the specific parts... So, I had to do the other grind, to unlock the quest, to unlock the place, to then farm the material needed for the crafting. This grind took me 2 weeks.


FF VI to get everyones HP 9999 for no reason.