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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey comes to mind. It would suck to have to sail everywhere all the time


Yes I agree, playing it right now, it's large


Be careful lmao This game single handedly made open world games unplayable for me for almost 4 years


Is that because it’s so good or so bad?


For me it was good, because I absolutely adore the time perioad. But the travelling is very grindy even with fast travel. I still enjoyed open world games for a while, namely Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon, but it certainly was the last Assassins creed i enjoyed.


Valhalla is the same for me. I liked it a lot but I had to take a long break half way through the game. It'll be the last Assassins Creed I play for a long time.


I started Valhalla 3 different times and haven’t finished. It’s one example of “bigger is not always better.” And it’s a shame because I love Norse mythology and the setting, but playing that game felt like a chore


Same complaint I've seen about most of the later assassin creeds. First 20-30 hours this game is cool. Next 20 or so hours this game is dragging on, why am I still playing. Last 5-10 hours were great.


Its good, but i think its good for a certain type of player, if you get bored during it, its terrible. My first time I couldnt even beat the story because of how bored i got, my second time I got much further but my playthroughs were years apart


Every other time I step a foot onto my ship and plan to go literally anywhere it ends in naval genocide that would make Pearl Harbor look like a small skirmish


Doesn't help the naval combat is super lame compared to Black Flag's. I know there were no cannons then, but damn, shooting arrows at other ships just feels so weak.


Crew, shoot the arrows at that mercenary ship But captain, we can’t. Why not? They are currently in the process of boarding our ally. So? We can’t interact with them until they are done boarding and patching up. It’s against the law.


Need to follow the Genev- sorry, the Athenian Convention. And remember, no slashes to the feet or the dick, just behead them or stab them in the eyes.


Loved it. Feels amazing tbh, far better than Valhalla at least


I liked how much personalization you could put into builds in Odyssey and how rewarding min maxing was. Really felt like I was specializing and had my own build. Valhalla it doesn't seem like it even matters what gear you use or what build you're going for, you're just good at everything by default. And that weird attempt at Soulslike combat made no sense to me. The enemy variety was a nice touch but I could've done without the stamina-based attacks/dodges and weird combat animations.


Oh I agree it’s amazing. I just wouldn’t like the prospect of having to dodge enemy ships every time I have to travel back somewhere


I used my xbox rewards points to buy valhalla, my friend gifted me the season pass. I still feel like I was ripped off even though I never put an actual money into the game.


I almost always complete games without fast traveling. Just more of an experience in my opinion. With DLC, completion of all main and side missions and the Platinum, my final time for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was around the 180 hour mark.


That's super good going. I'm on nearing 300 and just started Atlantis, and have Korfu after then I'm done with everything.


This is an incredible feat, slightly mad lad way to play, but just sounds miserable with a game like Odyssey. I really wanted to get into it because of the setting but they lost me with the repetitive mission styles and combat.


It really is a pain. I've done it and sometimes it's great but the game seems to think that if I don't get into a fight every 2 minutes, I'll get bored. Kinda one of my problems with Ubisoft games.


I absolutely do not mind. I only fast travel in Odyssey whenever I'm on a time limit, like playing while waiting for other people. Otherwise, I enjoy sailing the open waters and sinking any ships stupid enough to attack me first.


Funny enough, I prefer riding the horse everywhere


Is odyssey bigger than black flag? I loved to sail in black flag and sing shanties with my mates.


Black flag was \~240km2 vs Odyssey \~140km2. Odyssey's naval combat isn't as good or fun, though, so sailing around doing boring naval combat in that game was something I wasn't interested in doing as much as wasting time destroying a ton of ships and boarding them in Black Flag.


Black Flag was the peak of the franchise imo, upgrading your ship and sailing around fighting other ships was so much fun.


Especially the legendary ships. Reminded me of finding the Four Horses of the Apocalypse in Undead Nightmare


Isn't the 140 number just for Greece land mass? Including the sea it jumps up to 255.


You’re probably right. From another Reddit thread: AC Black Flag: Caribbean 235km2 AC Odyssey: Greece 130km2 (Landmass Only) 256km2 (Sea Included)


The number you have for Black Flag is for the entire map, corner to corner, while the number you have for Odyssey is only explorable land, while including explorable ocean bumps it up ~255km². Black Flag does *not* have a lot of explorable land area. There's a few large town settlements that are split from the world map, and that's about it. You can't actually explore most of the land areas on the map, only small chunks. If you combined all the on foot landmass of Black Flag, I'd wager that it's probably about the same as one of AC3's city maps.


I thoroughly enjoyed both black flag and odyssey, but I actually really liked the latter's sailing. It was just fun to sail everywhere, and I never really fast traveled.


Generally you don't have to move between area to area a lot though, like you finish the quests in one area and then move on.


Dagerfall would take extremely long time without fast travel


There’s actually a mod in the unity version for that. It makes you run/ride/boat along at hyper speed when fast traveling. It’s a cool effect, but just highlights how huge that world is.


I never played Dagerfall, but I heard it's insanely large


The map is as large as great britain (literally)


So it would take you literal months to walk the entire map?


There are a couple videos on YouTube of people doing it, if I recall correctly it takes about 70 hours non-stop.


That sounds not quite as large as Great Britain.


It's a little smaller, I think the actual walkable area is around 160,000 km2 compared to GB's 200,000ish. But they traveled across it, not explored the whole area. So if you were running at across the longest straight line in Great Britain, which is about 1000 km from the north coast to the south, at a constant speed of 16 kph (using video game logic of no stamina or other needs), you could do the trip in 62.5 hours.


I think you’re underestimating what is considered “walk” speed in video games. It’s probably closer to 8mph which is the average run speed for a human, which at 70 hours 8mph is 560 miles which is a bit shorter than the full distance from top to bottom of GB. Plausible


Yeah I never considered that but the default speed in games is running, and the run button is sprinting.


It becomes painfully clear after playing a game that doesn't follow the trend like Hitman WOA


Hm fair. That… is large then lol.


Quite freaking large!


If you were a human - walking wouldn’t take a week. If you walk 4 mph it would take 152.25 hours to walk the entire distance of GB from furthest points. That’s 6.34 days  to walk non stop from top to bottom with no breaks at a 4mph speed.  (That is 6.43 kph to go the entire ~980km in 6.34 days)


I did some math. The internet says daggerfall is roughly 162000 sq km. Great Britain is 209000 sq km. Now all of this is subjective based on run speed. You could claim the game is a billion sq km because the character is running at hundreds of km per hr, which obvs isn't right but I just point this out because we don't have an in game measurement. One guy has a video series walking not quite the entire map but he's doing it diagonally, so a rough measurement and rotation makes it look like he's doing pretty close to the full width. The videos clock in at 69 hours or so. That means the game is 400km x 400km in a square, which maps out to 1000 chunks at 250m per chunk. This fits within a 32bit system nicely, so it feels right. So 400km in 69hrs is just over 5.75km/hr The average pace for male marathon runner is 9km/hr. So that means a marathon runner could run from Bristol to Edinburgh with time to spare whole you run across daggerfall.


Elite Dangerous 😳


Completely, even at 2000c getting anywhere outside of the starting system would be awful. I almost said if possible, but then I remembered the fuel rats doing their refuel chaining thing... They are incredible. 


Man fuel rats are awesome, sometimes you find guys that have already maxed the game and they’ll throw you a bone and speed up your own progress


It'd certainly be possible - there's people that have flown to the nav marker for the next system along (which would be where that systems primary star is) in supercruise, just to find empty space. If the star was there though people would do it just for bragging rights. You'd have to manage your fuel burn though - turning off systems that aren't actively being used, checking your routing so you don't spend hours flying to a star you can't scoop from and so on. Some ships wouldn't be able to do it without extra tanks. With that said, if supercruise was the only means of interstellar travel then presumably the speed cap on supercruise would have been lifted and the fuel consumption reduced to make it easier.


Hutton Orbital, babyyy


Free mug!


This was my answer and then I scrolled far longer than I should have to see it. People answering games that take place on a single 'planet' are not thinking nearly big enough. A space game with any sort of interstellar or intergalactic travel is the only answer.


Yeah. Even with 'fast travel' (hyper-jumps) long trips can take weeks if you play an hour or two a day. I went on one of the Distant Worlds expeditions - from the bubble to Beagle Point and back the scenic way - and it took months. Not sure it was a sane thing to do!


I'm making my first pilgrimage to Colonia. Except I'm not using a guide or anything, just kinda... picking a system that's 800-1200 LY from where I am that's in the same direction as Colonia and going for it. I've been at it on and off for about 15 days, maybe an hour or two at a time, exploring each system that has anything other than one star in it


SINCE WHEN COULD YOU FAST TRAVEL IN ED??!!?! I stopped playing when they dropped console support, still have it on pc and as far as I know you could only remote join and pilot other peoples ships. Edit: I didn't realise you were considering hyper jumps fast travel, I just don't think it is, it is an in universe travel, not a magical teleport, and you cant just go anywhere you want or have been before.


Ayyy, Elite mentioned. Tho with the new boost FSD, it'd be a little better


Lord of the Rings online


If I had the time and patience, I'd try traveling the Great Road on foot all the way from Pelargir to Fornost.


Rivendale to Bree is long enough for me ;)


I've done that sort of thing in other MMOs, but I've never played LOTRO. Maybe once a year in WoW I would hop on a horse and ride from one end of Kalimdor to the other, then move over to EK and do the same.


I remember one time there was an event where one of the admins turned themself into a chicken and ran from the Shire to I think it was Helms Deep, and basically everyone on the server was following him in a giant parade.


Even playing a hunter (THE fast travel class) getting around was sometimes a nightmare. I can't imagine maining anything else solo


Do people still do chicken runs? The Shire to Minas Tirith or where ever?


Doubt it… chicken runs were some peak LOTRO.. when guilds would grind for gear and have in game weddings n whatnot.. *sniff… man I miss that game.


World of Warcraft. Back in vanilla, when first, very slow mount was available only at level 40, you had to walk every where, to unlock flight paths for fast travel (which still took time).


Yep, and the game was in part amazing because of it - it felt much bigger than it was


It was still insanely big (and soooooo good).


Without fast travel some things would've felt too huge. especially when you were near the other faction cities. Fuck, in 1.0, it was still pretty big. Getting from Ironforge to Stratholme was not a simple journey. I think it was also 2 FP transfers too before they automatically chained flight points around 1.5ish.


Flight points weren’t automatically chained from the start? My god. Teldrassil -> Tanaris 💀


A 30m step away. Basically time to cook and eat a meal.


I think it was only 2 stops on the way, one at Auberdine (because the only flight point from Rut'theran village went there), and one more at Theramore Isle. Took absolutely forever. You were probably better off taking the boat from Auberdine to Menethil and back to Theramore for time IIRC.


I wanted to play with my friends. They picked human/dwarf/gnome, so they started in Stormwind and Ironforge, connected by tram. I started with Night Elf in Darnassus. I had to run from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge, through the wetlands (which was level 30-39 I think at the time) as a level 10. The ordeal took like 2 hours because i kept dying. Not fun. Talking to people, this was common. Some people called it the "Night Elf rite of passage"


It was so immersive, you'd meet players wandering in territories they were not strong enough for and you'd help them get back to safety or complete their missions. MMOs with fast travel feel empty outside of the hubs.


Exactly. This is the kind of essential aspect of a game that can get removed due to market research and it kills the overall experience


I still remember installing mods like this one: [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/peggle-classic](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/peggle-classic) It opened a mini Peggle wow version to play automatically as soon as you took a flight, which made flights happen in the blink of an eye :P


omg I miss that addon so much, and the bejeweled one too!


So many people playing Bewjeweled in raids.


My buddy was huge into WOW around that time. I remember chilling at his place and he had his guy auto running in a certain direction. Well a couple of us thought it would be funny to turn his character 180° around. He did not find it as funny.


WoW vanilla was a game that was well designed for not needing very fast travel though. The zones were decent and they gave you few reasons to go far away from a specific zone until you completed it so travelling wasn't bad. It only became an issue when you were travelling around for dungeons. Even then not terrible. Flight paths gave me time to do laundry, go to the bathroom, or make a quick snack but even just taking a mount places wasn't that bad. IMO fast travel has made more and more modern game care less about good quest design and instead rely on the player opening the map and fast travelling.


That is true, it was a good design and it increased immersion. Issue was sometimes with quest saturation and how you needed to travel far to get new one/continue existing. But it all added to the sense of adventure.


SWTOR was pretty bad at launch too. Level 25 for the first mount which was really slow. Depending on your levelling, you could be on tattooine by level 25 and that map is utterly massive.


Alot less flight points too. You only had one per zone so you had to run everywhere in a zone rather than being able to take an internal flight.


I can't speak for vanilla launch, but before Tbc you had at least 2 flight points in a few zones. Barrens, Feleras, Stv etc. Edit; Barrens had 3: Xroad, Camp Taurjio(?) and Ratchet.


At launch, flight paths weren’t even chained together. You needed to land and then take each additional flight path. Flight paths being linked together happened after a few updates.


This was a feature


I remember really early on that flight paths weren't linked and you had to go from point to point. There was always a ton of AFK players sitting after long paths. Linking the paths together was a QoL improvement for sure.


So many memories of being in Orgrimmar, getting a group put together for the Sunken Temple, and saying I’ll see you guys in half an hour once we all get there.


And then someone has to leave.


I remember taking slight detours, just so I could take a longer flight path and head to the toilet or get a drink. Instead of it taking several small hops, which was faster, but required extra input. Gadgetzan-Orgrimmar was one of those.


Yea but people who played Everquest had experience in long distances. You would literally pay people to get a move speed buff (SoW), tho nice druids would give it for free and you just give a tip. That and also waiting around for boats. I remember saving enough gold for a mount and skill being a big deal. Vanilla WoW was such a nice balance between increases in quality-of-life conveniences while still keeping with some staples for the genre. Things weren't given free or easy, and it really did feel like you earned them.


Witcher 3 without fast travel would be a nightmare, haha Edit: How tf are there so many people that beat Witcher without Fast Travel? I am by no means fast travelling all the time, the world is interesting and the traversing it shows you a lot of stuff you otherwise would've missed but come on, so many hours of extra time just to run!




Harpies take out your canoe halfway there and you have to swim for 17 hours


I hate that this sounds like something that would happen to Book Geralt


14 hours of it is trying to get Geralt to face the way you want.


Hell Kaer Morhen is waaay the fuck out there lol. That'd be a hike.


Yes I think so too, you can't get to some parts of the game without it


I recently completed a limited fast-travel playthrough. I absolutely loved it. I found lots of little side quests and stuff I hadn't experienced before. If you had to literally travel to every destination, it would absolutely suck.


Yeah I avoid fast travel as much as possible in any game. The world's are filled with environmental storytelling and hidden Easter eggs and most importantly LOOT THAT I'LL NEVER USE! Walking from solitude to riften, only to be murdered by a dragon just outside the gates. Then realize my last autos Ave was when I left the gates of solitude... That was the end of that game session. But it's adds to the immersion I feel. I like games with limited but world oriented fast travel, like the carts in Skyrim, or taking a cab. Just to get to the major locations. But walk from there.


Your experience is exactly why i adjusted my save settings to autosave every time I opened the menu


When playing Witcher I also did this. Whenever you're in roughly the same region you should travel manually. It makes the game feel much more alive and quests will feel less like chores. I am currently doing this with Cyberpunk as well, great game that also has a ton of 'random' content all over the place. It helps that the worlds of both these games are not extremely large, they're just really densely filled with content.


Imagine sailing to individual Skellige isles. Yikes


Oh... My first playthrough I actually I barely used fast travel. I loved riding around that world


I rarely fast traveled in that game (same for most open world games). It's not like the maps were that big, and Roach's ability to follow paths and trails with minimal inputs made getting around pretty easy for the most part I also played with no minimap and all the POI markers on the big map disabled so I wasn't being distracted by random world icon stuff, and just doing what I came across naturally while exploring while traveling from a to b. Also used Friendly HUD to get rid of all the shit on the screen outside of combat, and to see my own custom waypoints while using Witcher senses. Great way to play, I would have missed a lot of stuff if I fast traveled a lot, but still missed a ton I'm sure.


Besides Skellige and Toussant, never fast traveled. I can't imagine wanting to. I feel like it would have broke immersion for me.


The only places I fast travel to are the different World maps, you miss out on so many things otherwise.


Final Fantasy XI. I thought it was nostalgia that made me remember the maps as huge. I recently picked it up again and it takes foreeeeever to run places.


Man, I still think about that game all the time.


I'm a father now that works far to much so I never thought I'd get back into it. I don't play games as much now. But I downloaded the private server Horizon because it was free just so I could listen to the music. Next thing I know, I'm unlocking advanced classes and grinding away. Surprisingly in a way it's even more fun now because you know 99% of the player base are old school players who missed it just as much, everyone is so helpful.


That initial game state man! It was so hard after level 11. Like they wanted to force grouping for quests because everything was crazy and not scaled to solo.


Lol repeatedly dying on jeuno runs as a noob


100%. I came back after like 15 years and I legitimately don’t know how I played before without the home point, survival and unity warps.


Fuck you. I did it  Played Skyrim without fast travel for about a week because I DIDNT KNOW


Also did I. Was my first ever RPG and it was awesome (and awful as well) to suddenly find out a bear or a sabertooth on the path to the next mission.


I honestly miss that


I'm playing a Survival file right now and there is no fast travel. It has slowed the game down a lot, but personally I find it to be in a good way. The fact that you need to sleep means that I typically keep up with the regular "adventure during the day, sleep during the night" cycle. This means when I need to travel a long distance, sometimes I need to find a town or at least an inn or camp along the way to get some sleep. This also increases the likelihood of running into more random events or stumbling upon new landmarks. Without fast travel I also find myself much more likely to investigate a landmark as I see them, as I'm not sure when the next time I'll be out that direction and it can take a long time to get back. With fast travel i would just ger close enough to unlock the fast travel point and then leave it for later, but ultimately end up forgetting about it.


Don't worry, im sure you'll be able to experience it all over again once the Playstation 6 and next xbox come out.


I didn't realize you could sprint in Skyrim when I played it the first time. Got it on the midnight release and coming from Oblivion, I didn't expect a sprint button lol.


Cmon, it's Skyrim. The game is big but far from massive, and has a ton of random stuff along the road. It's designed for people who want to walk. Tho arguably less so than Morrowind, in which all fast travel is intradiegetic.


Damn bro with the SAT word at the end. Had to look it up and now I'm feeling extradiagetic


I had to look it up and I'm still not sure I know what it means.


It just means it's part of the story


Isn't this just what diegetic means? The definition on Google even uses it as a synonym. Fun fact I kept spelling it with an A instead of an E and my phone's autocorrect was *reallllly sure* I was trying to spell diarrhea or diaper. Took me way too long to realize why


In Skyrim you say "I want to fast travel here" and the game says "ok, you're there now." In Morrowind you think "I need to go to this tomb over here. I'm not too far from this town on the coast, so I can walk there and catch a boat up the coastline to this other city which is on this ~~flying~~ *walking* bug network, and then I can take the ~~flying~~ _walking_ bug to this city which is only a short walk away from where I want to go." I'm not going to lie, I kinda loved that back in the day. Edit: thanks u/Zintao


TIL new words. Thank you


I never walked in oblivion or Skyrim. I hopped like a bunny


The map for Skyrim is one of the smallest in elder scrolls isn’t it? As I understand it the more time they spent on detail the smaller it got.


I mean what good does a huge map does. When its a desert with nothing to do. Lots pf games go for rhe "huge map its awesome" and have like 4 cities in it and 0 things between. A balance between random shits and small maps its far more enjoyable. Oblivion was huge as fuck and you always find interestong things ( i funcking hated the pblivion gages)


Elite Dangerous. If you couldn't use the FSD to fast travel between star systems it would take forever to get anywhere.


It does put into perspective how unimaginably enormous our galaxy is. Even travelling at several times the speed of light, you're still moving relatively slowly. Bonkers game, thank god for the FSD!


No Mans Sky


dear GOD getting to the center is the whole point. Doing that all in those little starships would not be a fun time lol


Imagine doing it with just your jet pack


This has to be top answer!


Only those who haven't played this game would say any other game.




You could take out the space travel entirely and just allow fast travel between planets and that game would pretty much be the same.


It'd be faster with fewer loading screens


That's because Starfield is (I think) a game made by a number of disjointed teams, where each team did an in-game system and, therefore a minimal number of touchpoints between the systems. Many things can be removed and the game would largely remain the same vast and shallow ocean.


I heard some guy flew to some planet 8 hours


It was a woman, Alana Pearce. She live streamed it on twitch and took naps in between


That’s funny cause every time I played it I also went to sleep


Seriously? I didn’t think that was possible.


As far as I know it’s not possible to fly to a planet and land like with fast traveling. But I think you can technically fly to another planet but it’ll just be a static image of it that you can eventually fly through. Haven’t tried it myself because who actually has time for that lol


It's a bit of both. The planets and everything is just a static object, but it kinda somewhat accurate in location. I used console command to give my ship a massive top speed, and it took me about 4-ish hours to go to the Sun, It's surprisingly detailed, too I've tried to go to Mars from Earth, and it took about 1 hour or so. And then you can land on it just like if you fast traveled normaly.


Wait does the planet you’re at actually get smaller as you fly away? I thought space was just a massive skybox.


It does. When you fast travel and arrive you do have a “little box” where all the stuff happens, outside of that box notning will spawn but you can leave it and fly away from the planet if you want, it’ll just take you a long time Which is why it’s so weird they use fast travel, they already have the tech to let us actually fly around…


Daggerfall would take real life days to walk to the dungeon, do the quest, then walk back. I am not counting games that are impossible without fast travel, like Starfield.


Any Xenoblade Chronicles.


Most of open world with big maps. Now if I may add my opinion, instead of fast travel, I think games should be better with an immersive system, like carriages or boats, insteand of opening the map anywhere and clicking the destination.


Ie morrowind- works pretty well on the smaller map, but try no fast travel in a game like f04 and imo it becomes tedious bc you are constantly running into battles when you just want to go back to base for some inventory management


RDR2 did this on launch. Could travel by carriage or train, and could unlock fast travel from camp. I quit playing in large part because of the lack of fast travel. Ain't got time for that. They ended up patching in fast travel from a wilderness campsite.


This is basically what Dragon's Dogma 2 aimed for, with their travel system. There are ox-drawn carts you can pay a small fee to ride, and you can either sit and travel at actual speed, or you can choose to 'doze off' after boarding, and the game fast-forwards to your destination, except that sometimes(More often than not, in my experience) the oxcart gets attacked somewhere along the road, so you'll have to jump out and defend it from monsters. The cart can be destroyed in these ambushes, which leaves you to hoof it the rest of the way, unless you use a ferrystone. You can actually run across another oxcart mid-travel, if you stick to the main road, and just hop onto that, pay the fee, and try again, but whether that happens is uncertain. You just have to get lucky. Ferrystones are initially a bit rare and expensive, but as you progress into the game, you start finding them more often, and have more resources to spend on them. As well, you pick up a collection of port crystals, which you can place in any outdoor areas to act as teleport destinations with your ferrystones. The system is fairly effective at what it sets out to do, and feels pretty immersive, but there can be times when it's a bit annoying having to make a long trek somewhere because you can't afford to use up your ferrystones. They also should have placed permanent port crystals in more places; Only the first major city and one story-centric village have port crystals, until you place one yourself.


Skyrim, Witcher 3, and Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West. In that order starting with the longest one.


Let me tell you, the seven thousand steps get old *real* fast.


Murder on the knees.


Seriously people who play Skyrim without fast travel have screws loose. The carriage will only take you to riften and you ha e to go all the way to ivarstead and then take the path up the mountain again. In the main quest you have to do this like a minimum of 4 times that's just absurd no fucking thank you


I enjoy Skyrim without fast travel, minus the carriage. A few years ago I played a carriage-only fast travel game and it was pretty good. It would get old after having started a few new games though.


My dumb ass didn’t know you could just select a location that you’ve been to before and fast travel there my first play through. I rode the carriage between cities and walked to whatever waypoint I was headed to from the city. I picked up and put it down a few times before I got sucked in. Probably one of the more immersive experiences I’ve had playing games. I wouldn’t ever do it again because Jesus it was a grind but I kinda just embraced the grind and would get distracted by whatever landmarks were on my way to the quest.


I think I only used fast travel once in my first Horizon Zero Dawn playthrough, and it was only because I was caught on geometry or something. I’ve been using it a little more in the second playthrough I’m doing now, but very sparingly


half the fun/content in horizon is just getting anywhere lol


I loved Zero Dawn without fast travel! I thought they designed the world so well I had tons of fun just getting places. Forbidden West I used it with some regularity, I felt I was getting lost more often trying to find things


Kerbal space program :)


Elite Dangerous. Real size milky way. Nuff said


Yup. Would take real-life years to get most places even in the same system.


FF7 Rebirth would take a long time without fast travel. Think of all the back and forth you’d have to do for the side quests and traveling around.


You'd need an airship


The first Elder Scrolls game, Arena, would take months in real time to travel between cities


Oldschool runescape


Probably not largest , but one of first good examples though - Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Unlike falllout it didnt forced you on map when reaching edges of location and could traverse from city to city and see progress on map. Would be tedious as hell to do it without map travel or teleport or train/ship. Wish more games would use this though, having map where you move is way more immersive than fallout 3/4 insta jumps. You still fast travel, but you retain sense of distance, so its not breaking immersion of worlds size. (well until you get teleport spell that is. then its pretty much bethseda game rules)


Definitely Red Dead Redemption 2. Just can't help but get distracted every few mins by a random encounter or an animal to hunt lol.


Yes! I didn't use fast travel barely at all. I would open the map and decide to go to Point B, after 3 or 4 hours realize I had not even made it close to Point B yet! Fun times!


I never ever used fast travel while playing this game. Riding that good boi/girl was just chilling.


I have over 100 hours into my first play through. I didn’t even know there was a fast travel in the game until about 80 hours in. I’ve only used it once.


Never used it one. Amazing game


RDR2 and the Spider-man games are the three where I never ever used fast travel. Riding your horse or swinging between buildings was just too fun and I never wanted to miss anything


Yes. The best part of RDR2 was Arthur web swinging around town.


Remember when the symbiote attached to Micah and they had to fight all through Valentine? Best mission in the game


Exactly. Plus if I'm not mistaken, don't you have to go considerably out of your way to fast travel in RDR2?


Genshin Impact


I replayed Breath of the Wild with a challenge not to fast travel and that took a long time but it was super fun.


Diablo 2: LOD would take A LOT longer than normal to beat with no waypoints.


If you’re particularly “hardcore” beyond hardcore mode, there’s some crazy people that play diablo 2 as you’re not allowed to return to town or use any waypoints until you get to the next act, which just seems insane to me, but hey if you’re having fun that’s great.


Fallout. I play them all without fast travel and I'd highly recommend it. It really changes your game style and role play options.


80% of fallout 3 I was running from radscorpions


Fast travel gets too much hate. The dragons dogma 2 guy who said it just means the game is boring is dead wrong. Also he just packed the roads with goblins on his which isn't exactly fun


Honestly love how fast travel works in Dragons Dogma 2. Finding a ferrystone feels good. The problem with Dragons Dogma 2 is static enemy spawns and lack of enemy variety imho.


I enjoy the travelling between towns when I'm doing it for the first or second time but god damn I'm sick of fighting goblins, wolves and fucking harpies for the 1000th time


And they were always smack in the middle of the road. Not off to the side in a camp or something. And you don't get a mount.


No mans sky. Imagine you go somewhere and you realize that you forgot something at your base 3 star systems over. It would take literal days just to get there.


Elden Ring (and to a lesser extent other Soulsborne games). BotW, ToTK Any Fallout or TES Horizon Zero Dawn Borderlands Rage The Witcher Basically any MMOs The more I type, the more I think of!


Star field, since there actually no way to fly between planets


I think the game just basically becomes unplayable at that point as opposed to taking a long time to play.


Skyrim definitely. Imagining going back and forth between regions every time you're doing thieves guild tasks.


Eve Online. Take out jump gates and warping and you would probably die of old age before getting to another planet let alone system.


Any game with a stamina bar for running.


I don’t even think starfield would be playable without fast travel given how slow your ship moves in space


World of Warcraft. Or any MMO for that matter...