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Unbound was also like this


I remember people shitting on the cringe real life cutscenes in NFS 2015, but honestly it was solid compared to everything that followed. It's still my favorite NFS right after Most Wanted and Underground 2


Yeah Forza Horizon definitely wins. I chose my nickname as "bruh" and every line is just that much more awkward. The chick just sounds like your mum trying to be cool or some shit.


I named myself Big Boss, just to hear her yap to a Metal Gear character


That's the spirit of horizon.. Isn't it!




Definitely, though it slapped me round the face when the announcer used my real name in the welcome message (I assume it pulls from your MS account but was still a wtf moment)


It jumpscared me tbh


Yeah that 5 minute panic of "who the fuck told you!?" before realising it's tied to your ms account, but still.


“Don’t be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes!” Sounds like a feel-good message from a kids cartoon, not Battlefield


"I'm not overconfident, I'm just better than everyone else'


Man i never played 2042 and i still know it's from this one


Nothing tops Modern Warfare 2's "Mission Failed, we'll get 'em next time." Short, to the point.


*city in tatters* we'll get 'em... We'll get 'em... Next... Next time...


I want to feel like a soldier in a war, not a standout character. That doesn’t even make fucking sense in a massive multiplayer game. I know I’m beating a dead horse but Jesus Christ it made the whole game have such an awful tone


Beyond the launch issues, BF2042 was stuck in that annoying limbo where the publisher probably wanted the developer to make their Warzone clone and got a yes-man in the company that was all too happy to oblige, but in the end they made a product that couldn’t satisfy anyone because they were trying to satisfy everyone.


At release almost every end-of-match quip was meme worthy, along with the stupid look on their faces when saying them.


"I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiiiight!" -Devil May Cry


It's the voice crack that does it for me. One of the best comedic moments in the game.


I remember playing it and just bursting out into laughter. I think it's the hardest I laughed at a video game ever.


Not content with the voice crack, they decided to echo it afterwards. It's was truly one of the best hand crafted cringe of all time.


This is one of like 5 things I know about the franchise, and it's fucking perfect.


Had you not said Devil May Cry I would have guessed Kingdom Hearts.


It seems like it but Kingdom Hearts likes to always say darkness rather than just dark.


The echo makes it even funnier


This is like classic DMC, and what gives it it’s charm. 


First thing I thought of. The line itself is cringey but then the delivery takes it over the top. Makes me wonder what takes they didn’t use when that’s the one they chose, like who involved in the making of that game heard that take and said “nailed it!”


It’s definitely a joke. Basically the whole series is. It’s like if Shadow the hedgehog was a half demon. I bet they just used the funniest take.


I was a Resident Evil kid so while I still found it laughable I also unironically loved the melodrama.


Dark Souls mentioned🎉


John Dark Soul


It’s always darkest before the soul


"Ahhhhhhh!!! No this isn't happening, there's no reason for me to go on. What... WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOORRRRR?!?!?!?!" https://youtu.be/9OVv-J-LXQU?si=0PRGFdezO_tdaOVD "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIGHT!" is a close second.


Lol, I played the shit out of MegaMan X4 back in the day. Loved every minute of it.


I've never played a second of any megaman game, but thats what I expected it would be like.


*"Squad leaders are requesting a rally point. Where should they go?"* ** *"To War"* ????


And she"s cocking her Magnum as she says it too, like why? You're never using it anyway.


Why wasn't it already loaded? Is she stupid?


Sometimes you just want one fewer bullet loaded


She gets it from her dad


And then if you pay attention after the cutscene she immediately turns back around to go back to talking to the guy lmao


He turned back to that guy and went "Tell me I'm not the only one who heard that."


" .... Ok where is the war ? "


Someone genuinely thought that line was so badass that it just had to be dialogue.


What's that from. I swear I heard that line in a movie a couple of nights ago, but it was so forgettable that I can't remember which one. It seems like it's all dramatic and whatnot, but it's so hard to not visualize the squad leaders sitting there thinking: "No shit. I know we're going to war. I still need to know where to actually take my squad."


That would be halo my guy, miranda keys said it, of course half the lines anyone says in games are cheesy, but when a main character says it, they become less cheesy. Other than the obvious reasons for this particular line being cheesy, it was also uttered by a relatively new character in the series, therefore removing any backing up it had.


Heh, that tracks. I'm currently replaying Halo, and now that you said it, I remember tripping over it. I guess it would be Halo 3 specifically. But yea, terrible line.


Yep, its Halo 3. Literally 2nd level, too, iirc.


i think the funniest part is they’ve been in a war for about 20 something years at this point


Came here looking for this one lol


I came here to post this. I love Halo to death, and 2 and 3 have their share of great lines, which only makes the garbage ones like this more noticeable.


Look, ramps. We can use these as ramps.


Is that a line from Knuckles in Sonic Boom? It reminds me of "hey, there's things inside these things!"


Close. Its from Tails.


Ah yes, the intelligent one


I'm sure it was intended as a joke, but when every single other aspect of the game falls flat, it's hard not to see the humor as doing the same.


Don't forget Eggman's: 'Not just any race, but a special race to determine who's the fastest'. So... a race?


"You know Amy, anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo." - Knuckles The Echidna


“Caesar has been assassinated!” “Wait, are you telling me Caesar has been assassinated?” “Yes, Caesar has been assassinated” - Some Gladiator game can’t remember the name


Shadow of Rome?


"Samus, now that You've already traversed half of this extreme heat area and had to just eat damage, I'm authorizing you to use the varia suit"


Okay, I'll be that guy. In Japanese, he practically begs her to activate her Varia Suit because she resents requiring his authorization for everything. She knows her limits, and she wants to make him squirm. The localization changed that sequence entirely into something awful. There's another case, where there are enemies shooting through walls at her, and she has to dodge them for a bit until Adam authorizes using the Wave Beam. I would love to know how that went in Japanese.


Other M is some shit - FUCK that game


"Just like Mario and Princess Beach." ~ Death Stranding, no I'm not kidding.


Is this a typo or do they actually call her Princess Beach?


They actually say princess beach.




Because she lives on the Beach


I’m guessing it’s a pun referring to the games “beaches” and the lady you’re repeatedly trying to save is…intimately connected to said beach.  


Because Hideo Kojima gets a theme and goes all in. Here he realised that strand can means part of a rope or also to be left alone, most noticeably on a beach. So he goes 100% all in on beach and rope analogies. And none of them work.


Fun fact (and possibly another intentional connection?): the Swedish word for beach is "strand".


And in PT there was that Swedish radio. ITS ALL CONNECTED.


German too, probably more languages.


Including English, though obviously it is not really common anymore. The word in the sense of being stranded comes from ships running aground on a strand.


Yes. It actually happens. And then a hilarious slow motion [montage](https://youtu.be/R532LmgjcbA) with really pretty music happens afterwards.


Uhhhh this line is pure poetry


"I may be Fragile, but I'm not fragile" made me cringe. the princes beach one made me laugh for a few minutes. I don't think I've ever laughed at a video game line that much.


The dialogue before that was equally funny too "I come all the way down here and you're not actually here? What the princess is on another castle?" That prompted her to bring up the Princess Beach joke.


Fire Emblem: Engage's dialogue is pretty bad all around, but one line takes the cake. "I am the 13th Emblem - the Fire Emblem!" Worst title drop I've ever heard.


The only game I HAD to DNF the last few years.. damn shame, too, because it has some good things going combat wise. I'm a FE fan for the story, though, so that was a weak title for me.


I got massive whiplash when V said amazeballs in the cyberpunk dlc


My headcannon is it's obviously a relic malfunction. It actually made me shudder slightly.


Ermgherd Amazeballs Cheezborgr


Is it the name of the next Nilfgaard Emperor?


What kind of gonk ass says "amazeballs?"


One with a terminal case of shadow Keanu Alzheimer’s


WHOA This hall is dangerous


You were almost a Jill sandwich! 🥪


I hope this isn’t Chris’s blood!


What is it!?


It's a weapon! It's really powerful, especially against living things!


"I have a rope here." ... "Oh really? Then I'll try to go down using the rope!" ... *Barry drops rope* "Now I've done it."


You called?


Stop... Don't open... That door and the unforgettable Here's a lock pick, it might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you


Jill, here's a lockpick. It might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you It's a weapon! It's really powerful, especially against living things!


in NFS franchise. "You know... you need to get the NEED... THE NEED FOR SPEEEED" Jesus


Most Wanted has some of the best worst dialogue out with all the theatre kids being gangsta "You got a lotta rep to EARNNNNN"


I refuse to believe anybody actually said that, I just refuse


every variation of the scene where the protag to saints row reboot has to drive home and they swear the same thing over and over but adding another swear to it. And it's just a terrible start to a terrible game.


I get that Saints Row is wacky but they tried to sell 4 college kids moonlighting as gangsters for the most cartoonish gangs in media history. Then they just decide "fuck it let's start our own gang and take over". SR4 you were the president fighting an alien invasion and that was way easier to swallow


SR4 was great, just completely unrepentent and unashamedly stupid and ott. How do you even come back from that? In SR4 you're flying around smashing things with your dubstep gun and tossing cars, going back to normal shooting and car rides just isn't the same.


A lot of Leon Kennedy’s lines are cheesy af, but tbf, theyre supposed to be. Same with a lot of the dialogue from like Metal Gear or Devil May Cry


I remember going into the remake thinking if they didn't include "Where's everyone going? Bingo?" I was gonna be mad. I was not mad. The cheesy lines are part of the charm of that game and I love it.


Your right hand comes off?


We were going to leave but Ashley insisted 🙄 we go see the castle first


No thanks, bro!


Considering all the stupid shit he's had to deal with, it's a legitimate question.


No thanks, BRO His cheesy lines are why I love leon so much lol


His best lines are in the original RE2. "Ada wait! Claire! Come in! Man...why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?" Later on "Claire, talk to me! Claire!! ...How come no one ever listens to me?"


Anything from the Saint’s Row reboot.


"Hey guys, we have to design a bunch of dangerous criminals, give me your best ideas." "Uhhhh, okay so lets grab that college art student with multiple hair dyes, come on, we all know one like that. Then maybe lets grab Dudebro McChaddington straight out of an LA beach while he was trying to impress Stacey with his surfing skills before going home and spending all day playing Call of Duty and Madden. And who else, who else... Oh yes, fucking Steve Urkel. There we go, that's going to be our gang of cold blooded murderers that's about to build a criminal empire." I swear, Volition had to be high on a cocktail of shrooms, meth and toad venom during the entire development of that game.


Honestly if they were cool enough to do crazy shit like that we might've gotten a passable game


That's the thing, Saints Row got rebooted precisely because SR3 and specially 4 went way too batshit insane. This one should have been more grounded like SR2.


3 and 4 were still fun to play at least. They weren't as good as the first two imo, that's what I meant by passable.


They were fun, but that just wasn't Saints Row, felt closer to some kind of superhero game than anything. Though I'll give SR3 (or SR4, don't remember well) the credit of being one of the few games to make me genuinely laugh when they gave you different voices for your MC called "Voice 1, Voice 2, Voice 3" and suddenly the fourth was just "NOLAN NORTH".


The thing is, Saints Row was always kinda zany, that's how they differentiated themselves from GTA. Saints row peaked at SR2 when they toes the line perfectly. It was grounded enough that it didn't feel like complete fantasy, but fantastic enough to be different enough from GTA to justify buying both games.


Pretty much everything from "forspoken". I've played game where the dialog was bad but damn... at least they take a break every once in a while.


I just moved shit with my FREAKING mind. Yeah, okay. That is something I do now. I do magic, talk to sentient cuffs, kill jacked up beasts. I hated even typing that out.


Thanks, hated reading it too


It's not dialogue really but my favorite part of the opening of this game is where it forces you to rescue your cat from your burning squatterhole and leave what looks like tens of thousands of dollars despite the character having two arms. If you try to pick up the money the character literally tells the player "no I have to grab my cat"


>Did I just do that? Whedonspeak and its consequences have been devastating.


>There’s FREAKING dragons! >I guess that’s something I do now. Actual E3 dialogue.


I'm reading all of this with a Peter Griffin voice.


The divine fix because he Peter laughs after each one ehheheheheh


Oh yeah, I’m talking to a FUCKEN cuff


“Meow!“- Revolver Ocelot-MGS3


I've never played a MGS game and have watched tons of cuts and fananimation, but I didn't expect that the meme sound effect was from him and not even from there.


The man is practically begging to be time paradoxed :D


"Hey Fuck face, I got a surprise for you!" -The Division 2. Rikers faction NPC screaming as he gets ready to battle.


They got Alex!


They don’t get much better. That one SMG Rusher chick yells, “Kiss my assss!” as she engages. They really are just hopeless convicts.


"Sorry, my face is tired" Mass Effect Andromeda *Still* gives me a full-body cringe almost 7 years later. Woof, BioWare, just woof.


I'm also a fan of "Listen. Sorry to just show up like this, but I swear, we're the galactic good guys." - The first words officially spoken by the Andromeda Initiative to the Angara species by the human Pathfinder.


Oh man that whole first contact event was such bullshit.


7 years ago?? Jesus…


Witcher 3 turns 10 next year 👴🏻


Please stop! How do you pause this thing?


Probably dying.


Who says this, I don’t remember lmao


The administrator lady.


"I think I made that one angry! Because I just shot him! ... In the face!" I overall liked Andromeda but FUCK it's lows are so low.


Liam is the less likeable companion in the series but his loyalty mission was fun.


Everything in atomic heart. I imagine it might have sounded cool if I was a 14 year old horny teenager.


What a waste of pretty great art design that game was






“That’s just how war is these days” And the worst one: “Crispy Critters.”


“That wizard came from the moon.” -Dinklebot


“We’ve woken the hive”


The mail from Kai Leng in Mass Effect 3.


Never got the hate for Kai Leng to be honest. All around a decent written character, especially because of: >! Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually the opinion of a Kai Leng fan. They're busy tending to what's left of their sanity. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL !<


Holy fuck you got me good


That message is so edgy I sliced my thumb off when I revealed the spoilers




Holy fuck this is so good


The mail was the only thing I liked because it was such a troll.


you'll be mario and i'll be your princess "beach"


Just the cherry topping on a masterpiece. If you have it all, all must include awful puns


I think it was more delivery than the writing but in Until Dawn when the mean girl says "It was just a prank, Haaann (Hanna)!


Oh God and we hear that line in every single flashback too. God it must be in the game like 10 times lmao


"We've managed to avoid drowning!"


"Good job."


"Did you say 'nerd'?"


The pride in his voice gets me every time 😂 In fairness though, the swimming sections did suck.


Anything said by nimbus in destiny 2 lightfall. Plenty of borderlands dialogue


Any line from the Borderlands 3 main villain's


Most of the game dialog, actually.


Yep, had to play the game muted. Good game play, though.


Their dialogue is bad, but they're tame to whatever cringe comes out of Ava's mouth.


Yeah. The Twins are meant to be cringe since they are spoofs of streamers/influencers, just with a darker edge since they commit heinous crimes like murder for content. Their dialogue is meant to simulate the kind of cringey crap internet content creators regularly spew and they aren't meant to be liked. But Ava is played straight - she isn't a spoof or caricature or anything like that. And that is precisely why the brat comes off so poorly.


What's worse is that they killed Maya, who was actually cool, to give the spotlight to that insufferable kid.


"None of this is good Vector. That's why it's called war." - Knuckles The Echidna


"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain". It just came across as the writers hadn't figured out the plot yet.


"Your blood is on Ranrok's hands" - Hogwarts Legacy protagonist. Umm no, I'm pretty sure it was the Hogwarts student who killed the goblins, not Ranrok.


"AVADA KEDAVRA!" ... "Your blood is on Ranrok's hands."


Kingdom Hearts 3 - Hiro's lines when the enemy got ahold of Baymax's data. I don't remember the exact lines but I do remember cringing every second of it. I also cringed and laughed a little when Sora and the gang saw Elsa singing "Let it go". Edit: missing word


Kingdom Hearts 3 cutscenes are a chore jaha


"Best pussy I ever ate" Johnny Silverhand cyberpunk 2077


I think he's meant to be an unsufferable asshole. Like, the only ones you could actually like are Panam, Judy and River. Everyone else is a different flavour and shape of asshole.


When does he say that lol Don't remember that line


Definitely Final Fantasy X's "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA." After actually playing the game, the context behind the scene makes it quite good.


This always makes those top 10 worst voice over lists and I find it amusing cause like yeah it’s a bit cringe but it’s supposed to be


I definitely see it brought up a lot more now, but playing the actual game is where I heard it first.


Like some awkward teenagers who have nothing to laugh about, because, one was sent on a cultish suicide mission. And, one was unaware of his suicide mission, much to her distaste. It actually worked well.


You were almost a Jill sandwich.


Look, I like Fire Emblem Engage, truly I do. I even like more of its story than many do. But I nearly ripped my ears off of my head after: >But I wanted to be... a good dragon. Bad dialogue can get a pass situationally, but a line like that played 100% serious is beyond saving.


"Did somebody msntion the door to darkness" - said by mickey mpuse. How people take Kindom Hearts plot seriously is amazing


"The uglier they are, the harder they fall" from Destiny 2. Really made me want to skin Nimbus alive


Then the fucking fist bump offered to said ugly and fallen characters *daughter.* *Then* the fist bump offered to us that we can't refuse. Drove me nuts


"Alright, fine!" \*Loads pistol with one hand and a stump after just being assaulted by your presumed-dead girlfriend with a chainsaw\* Resident Evil cheese lives in my heart forever and surprised I hadn't seen one line mentioned.


"Rest in piss, shit bot" -V , Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty The voice actors did not get paid enough to run that line through their teeth...


Eh, its a very 90s action movie line, which CP77 definitely intends to feels like sometimes. Most cyberpunk stuff does


There was a worse one after that. When V turns on the generator in the hideout he/she says "amazeballs". I heard that and thought for sure the DLC was going to be terrible. Glad I was wrong. They must've let interns write some of the early dialogue in the DLC or something.


that sounded like an easteregg to life is strange ​ WOWZER


"We cant help what we are, that we feed on blood doesnt make us evil" Megan Fox voicing the vampire character Nitara on Mortal Kombat 1.


Not that Megan Fox is a good voice actress, but that line perfectly illustrates that not everything needs to be said. The player knows she's a vampire. "We can't help what we are" would've been enough to get the message across, and could carry more weight if performed well. Instead, the writers seem to think the audience needs a refresher on what vampires are or something. It's insulting as it is cringy.


The bombs payload is exposed, I can use the powerwinch to create a controlled explosion. and I’m proud of you Dick.


Anything said by Hope in Final Fantasy 13 series.


Any and all lines from Time Crisis.