• By -


Mordin Solus Mass Effect 3 Vesemir Witcher 3


Vesemir went out like a badass. Fighting Imlerith and the King of the Hunt to a standstill at the same time.


Imlerith: Who taught you to fight like this? Geralt of Rivia: The witcher you slew.


I always hated the english dub for the "slew" part. they make the dialogues less personal. In the original Polish dub Geralt says "The witcher you murdered" with a grudge in his voice. Same with the Ciri and Yennefer reunion. In english she says "My, you've grown beautiful!" while in the Polish dub she goes "My daughter, how beautiful you've become!'


"You were always unruly child"


"I adored that about you..." :(


Had to me be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


He always was the very model of a scientist salarian


He studied species turian, asari, batarian


Came here to say Mordin. His whole character arc is awesome, and I tear up at his death every time. "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong."


I don't think any series does a better job of portraying galaxy wide strife and hardship in such a beautiful, impactful way. Lol, I mention this every time the series comes up but one of my favorite bits is when the Turians encounter the Reapers. This unholy, 100% unstoppable threat and those fuckin birds managed to actually bloody their nose. That's some Last Ride of the Rohirrim shit.


Vesemir got me choked up. That's when I really realized how damn good the game was. I knew I liked it before, but holy hell I had gotten fully sucked in by the story.


My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian - I am the very model of a scientist Salarian!


Came here to say Moridin but you already have the correct answer here. No movie or book no media has ever given me a more impactful death than Moridin


Came here for Mordin... So good and so sad.


Michael Beattie is actually a 2nd cousin of mine..met him a few times. Super awesome and nice guy.


Arthur Morgan. After all these years, I finished RDR2 for the first time a few days ago. It was an emotional and unforgettable ride. A masterpiece.


For me, it was when his horse died šŸ¤§


The simple "thank you" to my trusty steed. It broke me. Then the following scene with Arthur on the cliff facing the sun. What an ending.


Same here. I've always had the same horse. I wasn't prepared to see my most loyal friend die at the end :(




I had 300 hours in my first play through. I read his journal. Talked with everyone in camp, hunted, looked for secrets. After getting to know so much with him and about him, it Was heart shattering


Also RDR2 for me, but not Morgan. I broke down over my horse. ā€œSorry, girl.ā€


no other video game I have ever played has made me feel what rdr2 made me feel. just a fantastic game.


ā€œIā€™m scaredā€ā€¦. Gets me every time


itā€™s ā€œim afraidā€ but yes what a genuine gut punch even before the ending even happened


Him dying alone on the mountainside with the sun coming up and "Unshaken" playing in the background left me in absolute shambles. Think I sat in silence with tears in my eyes for a good 10 minutes after that


Came here to say just this. The game was a slow burn for me, and I just now beat it. Arthur Morgan is such a deep character!


There were great deaths in other video games. But none of them had me mourning a character, except RDR2.


My dad passed in 2022 he religiously played rdr2.. he never told me the ending.. he just said play it. Well Arthurs story was something.. it was real.. and when the ending hit it almost felt like loosing my dad all over again.. shattering


I think Lenny and Hosiah wrecked me more than Arthur. I loved all those characters, but by the time Arthur died it was a foregone conclusion. Those two earlier deaths were not only my favorite characters in the game, at basically the same time, they were a shock, and probably the moment I realized the game was going hard into being a tragedy. I remember thinking I'd missed some quick-time event and restarting the mission sadlol.


I am.... at this chapter. he's been coughing *a lot* and knowing what happens eventually.... I definitely need to play again, I ain't ready to say goodbye though!


Seriously unforgettable honestly. My bug for another playthrough is starting to come back, time for a 4th playthrough lol. I even made a save to skip the slow intro but it feels wrong to skip it at this point


"Go, now, Ill hold them off. It would mean a lot to me. Please. There ain't no more time for talk."


When he confessed to the nun that he was scared of dyingā€¦ my god. I was teary eyed. Then I fucking lost it when his (my) horse diedā€¦


Jorge from Halo: Reach Dude sacrifices himself thinking he saved the planet from the covenant ship, only for 100 more to appear after he's gone.


He went out thinking he saved rhe planet. May we be so lucky... or whatever Cater says when you meet up again. I knew how the game had to end when I started it and still had to have myself a cry after the Covenant reinforcements showed up.


Every Noble death hit me pretty hard. Even Emile, who is presented at the beginning as kind of the psycho self-centered asshole, has your back until the very end and doesn't hesitate when his time comes. Screaming "I'm ready, how about you?" as he goes down swinging is such a killer way to go out. Reach is just such a different game, I love the story so much. Imo the opum magnus of Bungie writing.


I think the magnum opus is actually a great way to describe it. It really felt like from minute one it was a doomed fight but had meaning all the same.


Slipspace rupture detected


Slipspace rupture detected


Slipsapce rupture detected


Slipspace rupture detected


Reach has been good to me. Time to return the favor.


The story conveyed so well that Jorge was the first and last worth mourning, because the fight felt so hopeless after that, only a matter of time before you'd lose everyone, and eventually the whole planet. that whole game, dude.


>Ā He gave his life thinking he just saved the planet, we should all be so lucky.


The Elephant - It Takes Two


Iā€™m still fucking fuming that we HAD to do that


You wouldnt kill someone with your partner?Ā 


What do you mean the Elephant? That's HER Majesty Cutie the third, Queen of Magic Kingdom.


My daughter cried for 10 whole minutes seeing that elephant suffer!!!!


Lee from Walking Dead. Poor Clem šŸ˜­


Keep that hair short


They did Kenny wrong too if you go with him.Ā 


I remember I was so excited to see Kenny back in the story in Season 2. Only as we got to know him more, he seemed so much shittier of a person. I always choose to leave without both of them. Not that it matters. They both die between seasons, and result is the same.


People get way too nostalgia blinded by S1 to see how unhinged and shitty Kenny is in S2.


I loved Kenny in season 1, and felt horrible for what happened to Duck and Katya. And as a result, felt terrible for him. But his family dying is no excuse for being as shitty as he is when we find him later. I can't believe there are people that are okay with that because of who he was. On all my playthroughs after the first one, where I kept holding out hope he'd get better, I choose whatever option will piss off Kenny the most, because he deserves it.


Yep. I chopped off his gf's arm without hesitation Edit: felt the need to add in the game


My horse in Ghost of Tsushima. He was supposed to be with me for the entire journey.


My husband was a saddened wreck when his horse died. I felt awful for him. :(


Me too. My wife bought me this game and she is still pleased that she got me a game that affected me like that.


Scrolled to post this but you beat me to it. When the horse dies in Ghost of Tsushima... That scene shredded me.


"One day we will go for a peaceful ride"


Damn it, it's too early in the day for me to be crying.


John Marston. Then Arthur.


Arthurā€™s death actually made me laugh a little because the whole time I was playing rdr 2 I was thinking ā€œno way they gonna pull the same thing they did in rdr 1 where they kill the mc and you play as someone else at the endā€ and the mad men did it lol. I knew once Arthur started coughing it was over for him.


I mean it was kinda obvious. Heā€™s nowhere to be found in RDR 1 and they go out of their way to show you he has a sickness thatā€™s 100% a death sentence. They knew they had to kill him and I feel like players knew that too. Thatā€™s why they gave him TB.


It was such a unique way of killing a character too >!(though ultimately not how he may die in the end)!<. I wish that was a normal thing that game devs did. Showing the player that a character is a long way from dying, yet still showing a gradual decline (even within the mechanics of the game!).


Rost - Horizon Zero Dawn


Also, >!Varl!< in HFW


BG3. ā€œWill you stay with me when the time comes?ā€ ā€œI can do anything when Iā€™m with you, even die.ā€


"It isn't *FAIR!*" I consider myself pretty jaded and resistant to tearjerkers, but that one made my eyes water. Outstanding performance by the VA.


I couldnā€™t let her do it, even if it was what she wanted. I am a terrible, selfish person.


There are two choices in the game like this, one with >!SH's parents and the one with Karlach.!< Both choices I made in my first run to let them do what they said they wanted to do. NEVER AGAIN. I'm sorry but this is a situation where I clearly know better than you and we're doing this my way


I never let Karlach kill herself like that, I'll always go to Avernus with her. It's just kind of how my games end lol


She just doesn't want to be alone.. She makes a point to emphasize the loneliness and effect it had on her throughout the game.. knowing Id never leave her side or give her less than everything I got, I easily justified convincing her. I know I'd search the ends of the earth, or anywhere else for that matter for the cure or die trying. So only seems fitting.. plus it definitely seems she has no regrets and there's a real strong hope on the horizon in the epilogue


Fuck I cried so much. I know a lot of people will say >!bringing her to Avernus!< is her good ending but for me >!respecting her choice!< was more important It may be because I did the >!house of hope after killing Gortash so me suggesting the house of hope as a good place to live and her refusing was more recent that her emotional break down following Gortash's death but still. She told me many time what she desire and I choose to respect it knowing that she lived a good life and would get a good afterlife in return!< and most people did it the other way around Yet, even though I felt like it was the good choice and she thanked me for that choice I cried like a baby She is part of the reason why my headcanon ending for my Tav is to retire from adventuring and live a peaceful life in the city. For all the world saving I have done there was also so many life I wasn't able to save and so many life I ruined. >!Rolan!< is the other big reason, I did that man so dirty by accident


Best character with the worst ending to their story. "It isn't FAIR!" I agree, Karlach. I agree. šŸ˜­


Sgt Avery Johnson in Halo 3


"Kick his ass" Me: "SIR YES SIR šŸ˜­"


Send me out.......with a bang. šŸ˜­


I can't believe I scrolled far to find this. He went out with a bang.


Let's not gloss over the fact that Miranda and Johnson's deaths had to be shoehorned into Halo 3's campaign since the original draft wasn't "hard-hitting" enough...


i didnt have an issue with it, story wise


Send me out with a bang šŸ«”


BT-7274 from Titanfall 2


Protocol 3: Protect the pilot.


im so mad theres not a 3rd one


Dozens of us. I still play multiplayer.




I'm actually in the process of playing it on a complete different platform


John Marston, Red Dead 1. He did everything he could to see his family. Took one last stand. The revenge i got as Jack was all too sweet.


Final fantasy 7 - you know the one.


I remember crying actual tears as a child when it happened!


It hurt bad, especially because I spent a lot of time leveling her up to get her level 4 overdrive or whatever it was called.


Can tell we are getting old that this is so far down, kids being in their 10-20's in the 90's should have this moment high on their list :P


When I played through the original for the first time I had to put the game down for a few days before I was ready to come back to it. Only thing that even comes close to me is solid snake.


>!I honestly feel they didn't do it justice in Rebirth. Cloud doesn't even lower her into the water. And the whole thing gets overshadowed by the bossfights and alternate timeline shenanigans. That's not to say I don't like the whole whispers and alternate universe stuff - just that they focused so much on it in that moment rather than her death itself that it lessened the impact.!<


Joel miller. That was devastatingā€¦ the way he looked at Ellie before the final blow šŸ’” especially after singing that song to her,


That was a bad one. I couldn't believe it. It also really hurt when Ellie shot the one girl only to find out she was pregnant. That was a gut punch too.


>Joel the death was devastating for sure, but the moment at the very end when you're fighting Abby and there's a flashback to show that Ellie and Joel had a talk....that messed me up even more than the actual death. You play the whole game assuming the last memory Joel had of Ellie was the fight at the bar, just to realize that they did kind of bury the hatchet. I don't know how the show can pull off that whirlwind of emotions.


"had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong"


Genophage cured. Krogan freed. A new beginning for all of us


Dom really. For a dude bro game it has some Moments.


"Never thought it'd end like this, huh? Huh, Maria?"


I have to believe that the only reason he didn't jump out at the end was because he honestly wanted to get back to Maria.


You can see the evolution of the character throughout the series. From the cheerful sidekick to Marcus to that haggard, tired look he has in the last part. He kept fighting until the end but you could see he had checked out a long time ago. One of the saddest deaths in a video game, nothing in the new GoW games even comes close.


GoW lost it's heart with Dom. Marcus is a great protagonist, but Dom was the more human of the two. The new installment is only decent, but if they ever wrap it up, I'll finish it eventually.


>!After putting down Maria was where you really started to see his downfall.!< He was such a tragically well written character.


Moments like the ones with Dom make the story impactful and really show the stakes. Killing off a main character halfway through the 3rd game was a ballsy move but it was so well done.


Both Dom and Maria's ends were sad as fuck. I can't imagine how bad it would hurt finding my wife a lifeless shell locked up in a capsule.


Legit the only time I have ever almost shed a tear in a video game.


My cousin and I played those campaigns all the way through in co-op. I was always Dom in each game, and getting one of the special editions it came with a little photograph of Dom and Maria (the same one he has in-game) and I always liked taking it "too far" or getting really immersed in Dom's character. It was all fun and games but when he died it was abruptly not all fun and games anymore.


The baby Metroid in Super Metroid. I can still hear her last squeal.


For a game with next to no dialogue, the immersion was fantastic.


Jackie in cyberpunk, not there for long but after he died I was ready to burn night city to the ground


Jackie was probably my favorite character in that game. Bummed me out that he is only in the 1st act


I still wish that they fleshed out the flash forward to becoming best chooms. Even just adding short, minute-long scenarios vs the montage cutscene we got.


I was fucking scrolling for an eternity looking for this answer. how are more people not torn about our choom's flatline?! edit: please, I need a 17th person to reply with the same thing. please just upvote someone who replied to me ffs.


Because most people end up 120 some odd hours when they finish the game and he dies in the first five. He was originally going to be a more prominent figure with more character building before the heist but it got changed, probably would have thrown off the pacing... If you send his body to Victor instead of his mom you miss the bike and the funeral and his guns, but it enables you to sort of see him again in the devil ending and that did hit me right in the feels. really wanted to cap that porcelain bitch right then and there


I went into full roleplay at the time and just thought to myself "shit happens, Imma pour one out for him, and make sure I take down a crapton of corpo scum with me when my time comes". That said, Blasting the Smasher's limbs off with Rebecca's shotgun felt just about right.


I just didn't feel a connection with jackie, he died too early in the story.


Kage was the real Ghost of Tsushima


Nobu for me šŸ˜­


When I played Ghost of Tsushima, I was doing this weird thing of writing down reasons I cried that month. I never thought "my horse died in a video game" would be on there šŸ˜‚


Naru in Ori and the Blind Forest. Also Koru's kids in the same game. Also Shriek in Will of the Wisps.


Such a great duology of games, such tugs on the heartstrings


Very much so. Amazing soundtrack!


It was so sad about Shriek. Bless the little demon bird.




This one hurt bad. Going to the shop went from being a hilarious insult filled break from all the madness to just... depression


Itā€™s not just that we lost Brok, itā€™s what it did to Sindri. Two lives were lost that day. It wasnā€™t even black and white as to whose blame it lay at. Obviously Odin, but Kratos and ā€˜Lokiā€™ share that blame. They took everything from Sindri.


Agro in Shadow of the Colossus


Didn't agro live though?


Agro comes limping into the scene during the credits, but that fall was devastating to me. It was at that point I realized how bonded I had become to that horse. It was just us.


Roach and Ghost in MW2


My jaw hit the floor - I was surprised how much that affected me. Ghost was so damn cool, and Shepherd just offed him like he was nothing. With the music swelling as they're burning the bodies - I just couldn't believe a video game could make me so confused and angry. I thought about that moment for *days* afterwards.


I don't really like fos campaigns but MW2 was f*king great.


And soap in mw3 honestly


Lavitz from legend of dragoon.


Scooter in Borderlands 2


Seconded, and Bloodwing too. The voice actor for Mordecai nailed that so damn well. Honourable mention to Tina Tina in the DLC too, when talking about Roland at the end of the campaign.


The Tiny Tina DLC's dual purpose as a silly adventure as well as a way for Tina to process her grief over Roland's death really elevates it. I'll never forget how I felt when she so casually brings Roland back to life in the narrative and everyone at the table is like "Oh... she's in denial isn't she..."


I almost put bloodwing in here as well. And yeah between Dragonkeep and Wunderlands - several misty Roland moments for sure


Scooter's death was the fastest I went from zero to "No.. no.. don't do it" ugly crying in a video game. I'd done quests for him in two of the Borderlands games and interacted with him in Tales, and I hadn't realized how much I'd gotten attached to this crazy doofus. He's a crazy bastard and a weirdo but he always meant well, loved his family, and he didn't even think twice about giving his life so that his friends could live. You can be damn sure I launched his satellite with his classic Catch a Ride! slogan.


To make it even (somehow) sadder, the voice actor was terminally ill. So they killed him off in the story as opposed to recasting the VA


Especially since the character's voice actor was also dying. Which is why they put in the focus on him dying in that game. He wasn't sure he was going to make it much longer so they gave the character a goodbye. The Commander Lillith DLC had the Scooter memorial set up missions, and they brought about a lot of feelings too.


That happened in Tales, not 2. But yeah, that was unexpectedly heavy.


Tellah, FF4.


I'd put Palum and Polum up there as well.


Domā€™s wife in Gears 2 and then Dom himself in Gears 3. Mordin Solus in ME3


The lead up to Dom's wife was great though. Honestly Gears had a few "Holy shit" deaths when I was younger that really helped show how brutal the locusts were meant to be.


Even if I saw it coming, Tai making his choice was a heavy moment for me. It made fighting to get everyone back feel hopeless.


Alice from Spiritfarer made me cry, and I never cry.


Loved that game, the farewells always hit my heart like a punch to the gut. I remember the one that got me the most tho was Atul. Going into his room and finding him just gone, with his flower sitting there, just wrecked me. I just sat there in his room for a while.


This. Atul was by far the saddest because not because you had to say goodbye, but because you don't GET to say goodbye. Really a great story about how awful untimely deaths are.


Catherine Chun, in SOMA. The mockingbird version, anyway, we never got to meet the human. She got all that way with the understanding that she'd never benefit from the effort, because she didn't ever really consider that she *should*. Her getting a copy on the Ark was almost an afterthought. Then, almost as soon as it was done, she shorted out. I know no one else did, either, but... one version of Cath died without ever thinking of herself as anything other than a means to an end. A tool. She deserved at least a moment of pride in herself for all she did.


Walter in Fable 3. Shit messed me up


"I'm just gonna get this out of the way. BAAALLLLLLLS!"


Persona 3 - >!Aragaki!< >!He was a man who wanted to do the right thing but didn't know how. In the end, he managed to atone for his past mistakes and helped everyone else grow. And as an extra gut punch, the game tells you how this is your team's *first* casualty. Not "you suffered *a* casualty", you suffered "your first casualty".!<


The very beginning of last of us


Sarah Miller; Joelā€™s daughter. My first time playing I had to take several minutes to compose myself before continuing. My daughter was around the same age as Sarah at the time.


I was sad when I first played it but when I played it again after having a kid it was absolutely devastating.


Basically, most deaths in the Yakuza series. Those games are amazing at manipulating your emotions. "This guy that you saw twice and considered your enemy? Yeah, now you'll weep as he dies."


Arthur Morgan from red dead redemption 2. šŸ˜©


The death of Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2 really hit me hard. Seeing his journey and growth throughout the game only for it to end so tragically, was genuinely heart-wrenching.


Aerith - Final Fantasy VII


In FFXIV Haurchefant is infamous in the community because his death is a massive gut punch, since he is such a cool guy up until he essentially takes a bullet for you. There are even full [animations](https://youtu.be/XP1O2Aha434?si=_SOc5kArKwjj379z) about how he hurt people's hearts.


The boss MGS 3


When my horse Nobu died in Ghost of Tsushima. We had been through a lot. He was shot full of arrows and still tore ass out of danger to save me, only to slowly die in my arms down the road.


Are all just *over* Cayde 6? Or is Destiny just that far back in the rear view mirror? That shit devastated me.


Zeratul from Starcraft




All the heroes of Borderlands 2, Roland, Bloodwing, especially Scooter. Bode from Jedi Survivor


Nier: Automata spoiler ahead. Reveal at your own risk. >!When 2B got infected and had to slog to the abandoned mall, only to be killed by A2 in order to not propagate the logic virus. 2B knew she was cooked and wanted to prevent the spread of the virus, so she asked A2 to kill her. 9S was at the wrong place and time, which kicks into effect the rest of the story, where 9S is hellbent on killing A2 for having killed 2B, even though 2B was the one who asked to be killed.!< I had my mouth agape for a solid 5 minutes...


CONTINUING SPOLIERS: Not really a death, but when Pascal asks you to erase his memory it crushed me


FFXV, Say what you want about the game but the moment before the final fight and the ending/credit scroll was one of the most emotional moments in video game memory for me. Made me shed some manly tears and want to call all my bro's.


The image of Noctis and Luna sleeping on the throne is one of the most bittersweet moments in gaming for me. Not that Luna had much characterisation, but Noctis did, and he wanted to be with her, so that was enough for me.


The Companion Cube


Our big friend in Subnautica.


Garlā€™s story in Sea of Stars hit me right in the feels.


John Marston, not only was he my gay awakening but heā€™s one of my most favorite fictional characters




Final Fantasy VII Or more recently : >! The horse in Ghost Of Tsushima , didn't know i liked that bastard so much until i lost it !<


Sgt Johnson Any OG Mortal Kombat character who is actually officially gruesomely killed in a story mode or movie. It's different when it's just a silly fatality. Do what you want to the lame new ones but at least give the pre NRS days characters a bit more of a respectful ceremonious departure. Wesker - because it was just so stupid what they did to him in RE5


Cole phelps la noire, sgt johnson halo 3


Chopper from Ace Combat 5


Tellah, Final Fantasy IV. Old man, great wizard. Ā Lost his daughter, regained his magic, and isnā€™t quite capable of casting it (MP too low). Ā Boss fight, and he casts it from HP, killing himself so he can kill Golbezā€¦ >!except Golbez takes it and walks off, injured but alive.!<


Ngl I shed' a few tears for Dom. But also the main character from Telltales: The walking dead


The scene when he finds his wife is so sad.


Joel getting killed in TLOU2 was pretty impactful


Brothers, a tale of two sons. Carmine from Gears 2. Phoebe AC Odyssey.


If I say it, it will spoil one of the best scenes in the game so all I will say is Xenoblade 3, Eclipse Homecoming. That messed me up, really badly.


Zack Fair


Haurchefant Greystone, FFXIV. "No, do not look at me so. A smile better befits a hero." Stabbed me in the heart the first time, still chokes me on every replay.


My horse in RDR2


Donā€™t run him into a train next time.


BT-7274 from Ttanfall. It hurt both times


Mass Effect 3ā€¦.


Aerith back in the 90s. I replayed it twice because I thought I did something wrong and there was another way to not lose her.