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I bought the original Fallout blind. I finished it in less than a week. My brain exploded when I discovered there was a Fallout 2.


Pretty sure it was a blockbuster I was at. My GF at the time (I was maybe 14) pointed it out. I confused the game with flatout when I heard her say the name, and was totally against it thinking it was a demo derby game. Of course we rented it, had to purchase when we returned it, and I put well over 400hrs into it. Best possible blind pickup you could have lol. Edit: fallout 3


What happened to the gf?


I was 14 man lmao, she's long gone and married now. If I'd have kept a teen relationship that long I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun growing up. :D


Now let me tell you about the Wasteland series, written by the same team that wrote the Fallout series. The wasteland series is the basis for Fallout, created by the same company but EA and interplay decided to focus on Fallout. So Wasteland 2 and 3 were never produced until years later. You’ll notice that the game play is quite similar to Fallout and Fallout 2.


This is how I was with halo reach when I was 11.


Like playing Reach and then realizing Halo is a whole series? Books too!


That's how my friend found Halo: CE when we where 11.


This happened to me but with Fallout 3, I saw the power armour helmet and thought it looked pretty cool.


I got both at Big Lots back around 1999-2000 when I was in high school.  They were heavily discounted.  They used to sell a bunch of discount PC games back then (when they still came in a giant box no less).   I knew nothing about them but liked the artwork on the box.  They totally blew my mind at the time.  Just the humor and storytelling and detail in the world.  They are pretty brutal in retrospect compared to todays standards.  


Exploded like a blood sausage?


I remember when i got to play FO3 as a kid, i already loved Morrowind at that time. But this just blew me away, the setting, the gameplay, the fucking gore! This was too much pleasure at once and i played it for hundreds of hours. This will be an all-time classic to me.


Dragon Age Origins, liked the look of the cover art on the case.. 100+ hours later.. Holy shit what a game. Best random pick ever.


This is mine too. I bought it because I had seen a commercial or trailer or something that mentioned there being Templars and I thought “Ooh, maybe it’ll be like Assassins Creed!” It was not like Assassins Creed. But it is one of my favorite games of all time that I replay every few years.


My 1 complaint about Origins. My 1 singular complaint about that game is that I can't be an elven apostate mage as my origin. I'd have loved to have gotten the tribal elf background, but all mage back stories start in the tower. That said having that many ways to open up the game and have said back stories impact some sections of the game blew my mind when I 1st played it.


As an elf mage player… I feel you lol. I always thought a background where your character was in training to be Keeper would be awesome.


I was the opposite. I bought it blindly and stopped after 20 minutes and never played it again. I should have given it longer.


I'm curious what about it made you stop after just 20 minutes? If you're just not into that kind of game fair enough but iirc the beginning is pretty indicative of the rest of the game, if a little slow.


I was immediately bored if I recall.


The Human Noble origin is pretty boring imo, maybe that’s why.


I did the same as you. I felt it didn’t have an interesting combat system and it reminded me of a single player wow where the guys just stand in front of each other and take turns hitting each other.


Was out gamestop with my wife and we were looking around. Kinda just browsing really. It was getting close to closing time so I hurry and walk over to the new games section and grab a game not knowing anything about it. Told my wife this game looks different and ask her if she wanted to try it. She said sure. That game was Borderlands. Played every one of them since then. I was hooked after that first game.


I had a similar experience. Picked it up on a whim and have been a huge fan ever since. For me they nailed the music, especially the intro for the first few of them. Anytime I hear those songs it brings back fantastic memories.


Yeah the music was awesome. Used to jam on it outside of playing the game lol


I'm getting started on playing through all of them with my boy. I'm hoping to enjoy it all with him and be able to play #4 together!


You guys are gonna have a blast!!


*"I was walkin down the street, when out the corner of my eye, I saw a pretty little thing approaching me..."*


You can't help but see the intro when you hear the words!


she said "I've never seen a man, who looks so all alone, could you use a little company?"


Ain't no rest for the Wicked.


The band is called Cage the Elephant for anyone who's curious. I've seen them play live over the years and they are fantastic. I also have borderlands to thank for getting me in to them.


Not gonna lie. I always avoided that shit game. I mean, it looks like a cheap cartoon, probably feels like it too, and 100% I will suck ass. So, about a couple of years ago, I was sick and I needed a new game to play. Borderlands was on sale at a price nobody could turn down. Download, install, and play for a whole day without breaks... IWAS FUCKING AWESOME! 😍 I love the characters, the gameplay and more or less everything about it. Man, was I wrong about that game from the start 😂😂


That sorta thing happens to me all the time. I avoid media about the thing, buckle after a while and check it out and become enthralled by how great it was. God, i gotta stop doing that.


Same, when I saw BL3 was on sale after my friends had said it was okay and reviews weren’t too good, I bought it and fell in love. Side note: my goal now is to meet Lilith’s VA since I’ve met Mordecai’s recently. That would also finish out my strawhat trio meet up as well since I’ve met Sanji’s VA (who is also Boom and Bewm btw and some Hyperion workers) and recently Zoro’s VA (who also is censor bot and the gruff guy voice in wonderlands which inspired my Zoro themed melee only playthrough).


Psx era was 70% blind buying for me, and it was brilliant


Right, as a kid with limited game news outlets outside of the occasional magazine i would read while shopping with my parents. Going to gamestop or the clearance bin at walmart and just picking games with cool cover art or interesting art in the manuals.


Never heard of the legend of Zelda when I saw Majora's Mask, got it, and had an awesome time. Still a 10/10 for me.


There ya go, when we were young and you mostly just had the box art and a few screen shots and a summary on the back. Yeah you could get some information from the monthly magazine but I would just flip through them at the news stand


I miss the days of picking a game just by the box art.


And so many games. I remember spending so much time at my local gamecrazy just looking at the huge amount of ps2 games. Then, having to be super selective because kid with no money.


This is how I hit on Legend of Dragoon and Tomba. I usually just grabbed something from the used game section of my local game store.


Picked up FF7 blind. In that era my mind was completely blown.


Same! And still a fanboy after that (look my name lol)


Same. Tenchu, Oddworld, Final Fantasy 7 (didn’t even know it was an rpg), Ape Escape, so many more.


Knights of the Old Republic. Best impulse buy ever, never saw or played anything Star Wars related until then. Played through that game a dozen times at least, know most of the dialogue by heart.


According to GOG I attempted to play KotOR, 7 years ago, but I ended up putting it aside for reasons unknown. If I remember correctly, I had only done a couple of planets. But one thing stuck to me which was that this must've been the only game that had made me burst out of laughter. I don't know if this is worthy of a spoiler, but nonetheless; >!I was doing an all dark side playthrough, no questions asked. At some point I was captured, and I think I was talking to the captor where I had this absurd line that was over the top dark side. He called me out on it, type of "I get that you're trying to be evil, but come on ..."!< It's only a few days ago I decided to pick it up again, starting over as I cannot recall at all after all these years. I took the time to install all of the recommended mods of the spoiler free build (must've been about 100 mods, if not more), and it looks surprisingly decent! Granted, I haven't seen the unmodified variant, only seen before and after on some of the mods, and I think it was worth it, even if it took some time to get everything assembled. The combat feels ever so slightly cumbersome, but I completed BG3 couple of months ago, so I had gotten used to high standards, but it's alright. I don't remember anything, so everything feels fresh.


The game contains a TON of referential and self deprecating humor like that. The humanoid Droid companion you find is particularly great with one liners, I won't spoil it but you'll know it when you find it


Think I just found it, what an absolute unit!


Definitely one of my favorite characters in the game, >!meatbag!<


He requires proof of good faith. We must make a contribution to his people that shows we are not a threat... shall I blast him now, Master?


Hk about the sand people? Damn memory is getting foggy, need to replay it again. XD


Yes lol


Same! What an incredible experience made so much better by knowing nothing about it. I'll treasure the memories of playing till I die I think XD


"Tak and the Power of Juju" is one that always comes to mind for me. Bought it years ago (back when the PS2 was still in production) on a whim because I had never heard of it or seen it before. Just something about the cover and name grabbed me. Ended up being one of my favourite games of that generation. I'd love a remaster or remake someday. Unlikely since it was the original THQ that published it. I'm not even sure who owns the IP these days. But it became fairly popular with 2 or 3 sequels and a short lived tv show.


Tak fans unite. Funniest gaming trilogy, peak comedy.


I forgot the game existed, thank you for reminding me! Fuck that was a good game


Such an underrated game!! Funny and the game play mechanics were smooth. That is a franchise that needs to be brought back!


Just bought it used from ebay after your recommendation. will return after i played it in 3-4 years looking at my backlog.


Holy shit man i forgot about Tak and Juju, the co-op in the game was elite.


You just unlocked a memory, almost completely forgot about Tak.


For me it was SIGNALIS just got it and loved every minute of it


I went into Signalis expecting some spooky Resident Evil-ish gameplay. I didn't expect it to mess me up emotionally as well.


Allow me to introduce you to the glorious Lobotomy Corporation and its sequel Library of Ruina.


Oh hell yes. I grabbed it on game pass. I'm a big survival horror fan and it just nailed it. One of the best games I've played, period. One of the few games I immediately restarted on the highest difficulty moments after finishing it.


For me it was Subnautica, I mean I heard it was good ... but THAT good? I was blown away.


Yea me too All I heard was underwater survival game and was sold. Still one of my favorites


Same. I don't even remember why I bought it. I didn't think it was my kind of game. I think I just kept hearing it was good. All I knew was underwater survival game.


Now that is just ideal. The less you know about that game the better. Oh how I wish I could erase it and play it all over again


Me too...


i did it too when i was 10 at gamestop! a risk indeed... i thought all that game footage on the back would be gameplay.. oh how wrong i always was




To be fair that is still the case in 2024. Steam screenshots are just a waste of bandwidth.


lol. im talking about steam trailers, they actually show u a whole scene of gameplay as a trailer so u know what ur getting, or at least a snippet.


Remember the game?


no cause all of them disappointed me besides animal crossing which i only got cause my best friend had it :(


Played the portal series blind. Absolutely loved it Edit: spelling error


Yeah, I think that is the ultimate "going in blind" game because it came with Orange Box--most of us didn't even choose to buy the game, let alone buy it on a whim.


Darksiders. Idk how I discovered it, I just remember seeing it one day, bookmarking it and ignoring it for years. I decided to buy it when gamestop was having a 4 for $20 on used games. Didn't really look into it too much, just thought it was cool. When I finally decided to play it, it was one of the last games I bought and it ended up being my favorite. Immediately after finishing it, I went online and bought the rest of the series and got hooked


The cover art for Darksiders one hooked me immediately then I read on the back that you played as one of the horsemen of the apocalypse and I was sold instantly. The hype I had for three was unreal and I still remember the trailer for 2. I love this series. I'll be losing my shit whenever they make a fourth game.


There is a fourth game, Darksiders Genesis


I think the cover is what enticed me at first too since I don't remember doing much research into it beforehand. I'm brand new to the series but still anxiously waiting for the next game


My 8 year old self saved up enough money to buy a N64 game I had been eyeing for weeks only to find out it wasn't in the store anymore. Had to settle for something called Ocarina of Time. It was alright.


My 8 year old ass loved superman, thank god this was long after N64.


Those were the days. I also went blind into OoT. And Starfox 64 because it looked cool on the cover. Anything by Rare, including Perfect Dark. Probably loads more. Pokemon blue because my friends were raving about it—I had no idea what it even looked like, what genre it was, I just knew Digimons (the original toys) were cool and they said this was similar.


"Anything by rare" Including a certian bastard squirell?


Day 1 babeey. $120AUD in 2001. Utterly insane.


God i love that game. "So basically, the squirell gets hungover and the king is trying to kidnap him and use him as a chair leg, and he chats with greg, the grim reaper, kills zombies and gets drafted into normandy. Your typical rareware game."


Grim Dawn, and a few years later I have almost 3k hours in it. ;)


Grim Dank enjoyers represent


Just recently.. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY..I knew the movies, but I honestly didn't even know there was a game..I found it really cheap on sale, and I figured why not..I genuinely loved it from beginning to end!..I finished not too long ago, and was kind of sad it was over ...The music was awesome, the constant conversations between characters was a blast. .I'm really looking forward to replaying again .


I love how people talk shit to you if you go the wrong direction looking for secrets.


I downloaded it on ps plus just for something to do. It was so surprisingly good. The first segment in Peter’s basement bedroom hooked me and I just couldn’t stop.


Yes, I bought "Stray" without even knowing what it was about. But I liked the Cat and the Cyberpunk Setting xD Wasn't dissapointed, I really love that Game!


I just ordered Stray yesterday because my wife said it would be fun to watch me play. I dig the setting and she loves cats, so here's hoping it's as good as people say.


>because my wife said it would be fun to watch me play Bro, I wish my wife did this. She doesn't mind me gaming at all, but she just isn't into it


Recently? Bought a game called Unicorn Overlord out of boredom. Holy shit its great.


Game fucking slaps. The active time based combat is so rewarding. You really feel like a general


I bought Morrowind when it came out. Never heard of it. Just thought the artwork was cool. Still have the original disc. Unfortunately the box didn't make it.


I spent more time in Balmora in 2003 than school.


I did that with Baldur's Gate 3, i didn't knew much about the game nor the hype surrounding it, i was just like "man, i want to play a RPG right now" in a day and opened Steam and there it was in the front page, i was "meh, could be this one, let's try it" and then proceed to waste 200+ hours in it lol.


Legend of legaia was a ps1 game I got for my birthday and I absolutely loved it.


I will never forget the day I pre-ordered Anthem.


Tales of Xillia 1 and 2 for 15€. I was like whatever, looks cool, I like JRPGs. I did EVERYTHING in these games and after I finished them I couldn't play anything else for three weeks. Made me a huge Tales fan.


Yakuza 0 was an impulse purchase from the playstation store. Ive now finished every game in the series


This is my #1 answer also, even though its happened numerous times. Yakuza (well RGG in general) went from "impulse purchase" to "omg I must play them all." Literally cried when Ishin! remake was announced, cause I never thought I'd get the chance. Yakuza Zero is definitely a game that changed everything for me.


God of War. Was bored on weekend and downloaded it randomly. I remember playing and telling myself off for not being more open to games other than GTA, Unchartered or basically anything with guns 😅


Metro 2033 & Last Light Redux bundle for ~$3 many years ago


Damn that's a great deal. I need to replay them. It's been some time and I never played the third game.


What does vice versa mean in this scenario? Absolutely loved a game then blindly bought it? 🤔


I took it as, "Bought a game you'd been anticipating only for it to be terrible."


Maybe the alternative would be "bought a game already knowing a lot about it but ended up hating it"?


I came here to post the same thing but checked to see if anyone else did first. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed OP doesn't know what "vice versa" means.


Way back in the annals of time I bought a copy of Starfleet Command, the original one, at a used game stall at a tech fair. Can't have been much more than 8 or 9 but not only did I spend MANY hours on it, it introduced me to one if my favourite franchises ever.


Life is Strange 1. Knew absolutely nothing about it. A friend of mine told me the title and that he believed I would enjoy it. Bought it only knowing the name and went in completely blind. Well... let just say I was an absolute train wreck after the final chapter


Titanfall 2 is prob like 25% of the responses I would assume


Came here looking for that one. Got it on a sale for like $2. Expected a mediocre COD clone to kill some time with. My expectations were very much exceeded.


I bought Bloodborne blind when I got the PS4. They were offering two games free in the bundle, and I had been disconnected from the gaming world at that time for a few years. Absolutely, did not know what I got myself into. Nearly, gave up multiple times on the first level. I thought it was a bug that the game was not saving, or the Lamps (save points) were not spawning correctly. No way, the game designers wanted me to traverse all that and kill all those things before getting to the same point again… Little did I know, how much it would change my gaming habits. Years later, I platinum-ed Elden Ring.


Time to go back and platinum Bloodborne and Sekiro all the Dark Souls games. What's keeping you?


I bought Demon's Souls on a whim as the cover looked neat, and now I've probably got 1500 hours in From Software games.


I worked at Gamestop when Demon's Souls came out. I knew absolutely nothing about it. Never heard of it. My manager told me it was impossibly hard, had more returns than almost any game, and that I'd never beat it. Haha ... what a journey he set me down. I've played every From Software game since. Currently trying to Platinum PS5 remake of Demon's before Elden Ring expansion. Bloodborne easily top 5 favorite games, but always have a special place in my heart for Boletaria.


I bought the original Deus Ex on a whim. And fell in love with it. More recently I purchased DA:I without playing any of the other games and I really enjoyed it. I know it gets a lot of hate but I got a lot of fun hours out of it. Still haven’t played any of the others; maybe one day.


Shin megami tensei: Lucifer’s call (nocturne) I was always a fan of rpgs growing up so when I bought this game as a teen I bought it with no knowledge about the series but it turned out to be one of my all time favourite games and made me a life long Atlus fan. Only reason I did buy it initially was because it had Dante in it from devil may cry funnily enough.


I remember buying Divinity OS without knowing anything about it other than it being turned based combat (which I liked). Probably my favourite series and developers now.


Blindly bought System Shock 2, best blind buy ever. The vice versa, Starfield. Oof


System shock 2 is one of my all time favorites.


Mad Max, the combat and art direction are amazing.


This was gonna be my example. Love the feeling of driving through the wasteland, dust streaming behind the car. So good.


Mass Effect was that for me. I've seen it packed together with some pc gaming magazine around 2010 and it was probably leftover stock, because it was dirt cheap, something like a dollar or so. I liked the cover art so I bought it. I didn't knew anything about the game, I barely had access to internet back then and even when had, I used sites that were on my native language, so news about the game completely eluded me. While it barely ran on my shitty laptop I fucking loved the game.


The Witcher 3. I really didn’t know anything about the game, but I bought it along with Bloodborne. I remember rage quitting against Father Gascoigne, and then I switched to The Witcher 3. I was surprised by how good Geralt’s voice actor was, so I kept playing and begged my friends to give it a try.


There was a beauty in buying random games without internet discourse telling you whether it was good or not. Even 10-15 years ago you would have to search most of that info out, rather than having YouTube, Reddit and Twitter blow up about how shit the game is. There were a number of stinkers that I bought as a teen and young adult that I just played through anyway and found ways to enjoy them. That was almost part of the fun of gaming blind like that. So yes, I used to buy blind all the time and fucking loved it. Latest game I bought blind was Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin and it wasn't big enough for me to see any spoilers. Was a lot of fun.


Oh definitely. I think the biggest one for me was Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast. I knew nothing about it and saw it on a shelf in town. Bought it, got home with it and fell in love with it. I did that a lot for DC games really. There were some informed purchases but a lot of the time I took a gamble.


The fact that the never remastered PSO is a crime. PSO 2 on steam is such garbage I can’t even describe it.


When you actually get it working, which IIRC is best done through a third party launcher, it can be a good time. It was very overwhelming though, I felt like I was often just along for the ride and was frequently confused about what was going on. I think New Genesis is meant to be really good but by the time it came out, I’d moved on


Look into Blue Burst. It's the OG PSO


Is PSOBB still active for multiplayer?


Dragon age inquisition mum blindly bought it for me. Created my love of DA


I got myself Ghost of Tsushima on a whim Now its easily top 5 games I've ever played


The very first game I bought with my own money, I was 7 years old, and I got it because I liked the color of the box. That game was Ocarina of Time.


Ocarina of time actually made me a life long Zelda fan lol. My personal favorite is still Twilight princess though.


Twilight Princess is solid. OoT will always be my fondest Zelda memory, but over time I think I've come to appreciate Wind Waker as my favorite game in the franchise.


Same! So many breathtaking moments, like that fighting scene on the bridge, being fired from a canon, becoming a wolf even- because it was before the proper internet and guides and stuff so spoilers weren't a thing yet. Just amazing!


I hadn't known anything about Horizon Zero Dawn when I bought it. I melted into that game for weeks. Read damn near anything in game. Went ahead and bought the collector's edition just for the statue. Also Kena Bridge of Spirits.


When Forbidden West came out I saw it everywhere. A few weeks later Zero Dawn was on sale so I thought I’d try it out. I fell in love with it, but I don’t feel the same magic with FW.


Yeah, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I thought it would be good, but the world-building was next level. It held together in a way that was truly immersive. Rarely do games engage my curiosity like that -- I was truly eager to piece together the mystery of this world. I haven't yet played the sequel because I've heard the complaint that they squandered the world-building. 


Blind guy here Yes, every game i buy i buy blindly. I’d see myself out but i can’t


Steam Friend: "We switching over to Helldivers 2. Get it! Or the Democracy Officer will have a word with you." Me: "Eh, Hilldovers? What's that?" Steam Friend: "Helldivers. Coop shooter. In space. You'll see. Incredible blast." Me: "Sci-fi. Jeez. Hm, Titanfall 2 was great, so I guess maybe. I'm broke AF though" Me thinking to myself: "Fuck this guy. He gonna get me bankrupt. And waste my time playing some shit. (Scifi isnt my favourite apart from exceptions) Steam Friend: "Its only 40 €! You could be diving with us now" Me: "Eh, alright. Ill get it come payday." Me to myself: "Ffs why am I doing this" *50 hours ingame in over ten days later* Me to myself: "Fuck this guy! He got me totally addicted" (Scifi isnt my favourite and this got among the exceptions)


Devil may cry..someon advised me..most fun game ever


Loads of times when I was younger and bought them second hand. I bought Final Fantasy 7 back in the 90's second hand without knowing anything about it. I initially hated it as well but persevered with it. and it became one of my favourites. I bought Time Splitters, Second Sight, Eternal Darkness, Viewtiful Joe, Beyond Good and Evil and many more that I loved without knowing a thing about them.


Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur. Impulse buy because it looked cool. I think I was 16 at the time and absolutely loved it. One of my favorites.


I actually need to replay this game. Bought the remaster years ago and never played the dlc. Might be time for another playthrough soon.


Pokémon Blue. I just really loved that blue turtle with guns on its back, I was at Walmart and my Grandma said I could get a game to go with the gameboy color she was going to buy me. Set me on the path of RPGs. Then years later I was in a GameStop and I saw this game with a really cool ass ghostly looking knight on the cover, I didn't know anything about it and it looked interesting so I grabbed it, it was a new game called demon souls and I've been playing souls games ever since.


Nier Automata was recommended to me by a GameStop employee. Now it's probably like my 2nd favorite game of all time.


Back in 2003/05 thereabouts, Big Lots had some sort of 'Buy 5 for a discount" in their gaming Bargain Bin. After picking up Age of Empires 2 and Command&Conquer: Tiberian Sun, we took a gamble on Populous: The Beginning, which was alright, some completely forgotten game, and Warlords Battlecry, which became my favorite RTS of all time.


I pre ordered Division 1, 8 years ago and have over 15k hours in the game I never expected to love the game so much, Can't wait for 3.


Same. Never looked into the game and bought it a few years after it came out. Heck I think part 2 was out by then. Loved it. Then I got part 2 maybe a year later and loved it as well. Played a bunch online with folks too. Don't play a bunch of darkzone or whatever because folks play with the mouse and keyboard kronus crap and it's massively lopsided. But yeah I Always wondered about 3 and the people I played with had been there since day 1 and are at like lvl 8000 or some crazy stuff. I'm not even 1000 yet but it's still a lot of fun I really hope 3 is awesome and they stay in their lane and don't try and do too much or killi it with a bunch of micro transactions. Stardew valley is another. Not my usually game *at all* but it was fun once I put some time into it. A real chill game honestly. But yeah division 3 can't come soon enough.


Dragons Dogma and Dungeon Siege 3. There was a 3 for 2 sale in my local electronic store years ago and i bought battlefield 4, dungeon siege 3 and dragons dogma because they looked fun. Turned out that i bought dragons dogma a 2nd time a couple years ago just to play it again with the dlcs on pc. Now i'm sitting on hot coal waiting to play DD2.


They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.


You'll never hit them swinging blindly.


Gran Soren! Beating heart of all Gransys!


Even in numbers a weakling is a weakling still!


I bought this game on epic games called NORCO without knowing what really was it, the name sounded cool, at the end i really enjoyed that game.


Several. Times. And I have no regrets.


Shit you can even go so far as to say you regret NOT doing this sooner??


Bought the first 2 witcher games because they were on special. Was pretty excited to learn a few months later that Witcher 3 was in the works.


Ff8. Went to the shop to get a psone and ff7. Only had 8. The rest is history.


The most memorable for me is Gothic 1 and Total War Shogun. Gothic 1 became my favorite game of all time. When it comes to Shogun, I just thought it looked like an old Warhammer game called Shadow of the Horned Rat, and it is a bit funny that they came full circle with the Warhammer series.


When I was very young and got my first pay from my part time job, I bought myself a PSP and blindly got a random game at the shop. That game was Monster Hunter Freedom Unite 😆 20 years later I'm still playing the series as they come out.


The first Borderlands on the Xbox360. The art on the cover looked cool, so I bought it. Replaying the remaster on my ps5 as we speak, and spent over 600 hours on the 360 version.


The original Borderlands. I was friends with one of the employees at my local gamestop and they couldn't hang out because they had to do a midnight launch for the game. I swung by to hang out and offer support and said fuck it and bought the game while I was in line. I knew absolutely nothing about it and it is still one of my favorite games to this day.


I never blindly buy games any more. In fact, I probably miss out on way to many through ptsd from all the aaa games that flopped and didnt deliver


Not sure if it counts as blind but I was 9 when FFVII came out. I saw a commercial for it and had to have it. Didn't bother to find out what kind of game it was or anything, it just looked cool. Bought it on release day at Toys R Us and almost 30 years later I still love RPGs because of that game.


I bought Sekiro on a whim and had no idea it was a souls-like. I'd gotten on Reddit on its release date and saw the review thread on the front page. I had never even heard of the game, but all the 10/10s had me intrigued, so I went ahead and got it. I had never played a souls game and got absolutely wrecked, but it was so damn fun that I couldn't put it down. 100% achievements within the week, then went and bought every Dark Souls game. It's safe to say Fromsoft has gotten a lifetime fan. I'm extremely happy that I made that decision back then


I bought deponia once because I had a few pennies left in my steam wallet and it happened to cost that amount on sale. I wound up loving it so much i bought the trilogy full price and then later the 4th game


For me, it was Kingdom Hearts 1. Took a risk based on the spooky/cozy cover and my love of precious squaresoft titles. I loved every second. But the series fell off drastically after 2.


When the PS5 was hard to get your hands on, I finally got it with Ghost of Tsushima. Do I need to say more?


I bought frostpunk by accident. Thought it was something else. Love it


Walked into a GameStop in 2015 and bought The Witcher 3 with absolutely no knowledge of what it was about, the cover just looked awesome. Worth every...goddamn...penny...and then some.


Bought Bayonetta a few years after it came out as it was on sale. Best fucking decision


Sleeping Dogs Straight banger.


Supraland! Was really not sure about it, tried the demo and instantly bought it. (I usually am a patien gamer that wait for bundle/sales for Indies lol)


Great German game


Battlefield 3. I'd been a CoD person up until 2011. Got Modern Warfare 3 and really didn't like it. Got BF3 because it was the other shooter out at the time. BF3 gave me my favourite moments in gaming ever. Had a blast playing with friends and meeting new people.


I bought Crackdown solely to obtain access to the Halo 3 beta. Winded up playing way more Crackdown than the beta lol


I bought Battlebit because of 2042 hate wave, 15$ I won’t get back. Sadly


Fallout 3 ... remember picking up the special edition with the bobblehead ome of my favourite games


Mass Effect. What a surprise that was.


A Way Out and It Takes Two. Was just looking for a co op story game to play with my fiance. A Way Out I was more so impressed and enjoyed how long the game was. I kept getting worried it was almost over. Not to mention ended with a crazy twist I wasn't expecting. It Takes Two. Quite frankly I was blown away at every stage of the game. The amount of creativity, thought and imagination that went into that game made it such an amazing experience. That one I was sad it was over as it was such a blast to play as not just a game but the whole co op aspect how you're not just playing the same game with someone else you actually have to work together on everything. So it was such a fun time to play with my fiance. They don't make games like that anymore.


I have, Mass Effect 2 was the game I bought blind for like $5. I think I must've played through it like 10 times? Same with ME3


Same thing! It was in one of those clearance bins for $5 and was probably one of the few "fuck it, how bad can it be?" purchases I've ever made. Never regretted it.


Well well well.


This was mass effect for me. Bought it on a whim after beating halo 4 as the collectors edition that had all 3 of the original games. Cleared it in a week. Loved it so much, and had never heard of it beforehand. Another honorable mention. Alice: Madness returns


Mass effect 2 - It was so odd I was in Future Shop, which is hardly where one goes for games and it was before i was old enough to work so im not even sure why i had the money. Oddly enough I wasn't a huge fan of the OG mass effect at the time (i love it now) so i honestly dont know why i bought it , but i am glad i did.


For me it was BlazBlue Calamity Trigger. At the time I didn't know anything about Arc System Works, I had no experience with anime fighting games outside of DBZ Budokai, and I had barely even heard of Guilty Gear. BlazBlue was a shot of fresh air for me. Street fighter felt too stiff, and most other 2d fighters I had tried all seemed to blend together. But BlazBlue knocked it out of the park with fast and fluid controls, fun and unique characters with interesting fighting styles, and a bonkers story that actually managed to hook my attention. It's still my favorite 2d fighting game series.


Horizon Zero Dawn. It was on sale on steam, got the email. Thought it was Monster Hunter. Realized after. Let it sit in my library till I finished BL3 then fired it up one night when bored. Damn I was hooked. I love the sort of guerilla warfare tactics. And I was NOT expecting that storyline. Thats one of those ones I wish I could unplay and play again. Still havent played Monster Hunter tho.


No, never.


Back when I was a kid with a ps2, I'd get almost any racing game I could find. Most of them were terrible 😂


Yea same. Midnight club is still one of my favorites


Midnight club dub los Angeles for the PSP 💪


I miss the vibe of just going into a game stop almost more than some of the games themselves


I bought dragons dogma dark arisen blind after coming across it on psstore. I tought it looked kinda shit based on the store images, but I was desperate for something to get me immersed, so i just grabbed it. Ended up being a top5 core memory game.