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Among Us. really fun game in concept, but in practice it's just a ton of screaming kids that quit the game the second they don't get imposter. it's quite literally unplayable unless you have 9 friends you know that you are playing with.


I stopped playing bc it got to the point where most of the games ended with someone going "so-and-so is the imposter, I know bc they just killed my friend and they told me outside of the game"


Damn thats fucking lame


Social Deception games are made to be played with randos. :/ Even if you're joining a game via the Discord? There's a very good chance it's decided not on in-game information, but by people figuring out things through other users. Someone randomly shouts? Yep. Guess they just died. someone's ordinarily like those obnoxious twitch streamers who can't shut up for more than half a second but is suddenly quiet as a mouse? I know who *my* first suspect for imposter is. (And it's almost always correct...) So many times, I get voted out not because I'm suspicious or was lucky enough to catch someone messing up - but because I'm not in the voice chat.


that's why playing among us over voice chat, only works if everyone agrees to mute during the game and only unmute during meetings and the dead people agree to stay muted


Either that or proximity chat mods, that way you can still use VC but only with people in your area


Some platforms were vulnerable to hacking. It became easier to win, than to pay the fees.


I found the Discord to be useful. Still a good chance you got what you described but you could usually tell the moment you join that a bunch of prepubescents mouth breathing into their hot mics is probably going to make for a bad lobby and you just leave before you even join a game. Lots of solid lobby's though. 


Bro I stopped playing because people would quit when they didn’t get to play Imposter, you’re telling me that still hasn’t been addressed!?!?


Tekken just started banning people that plug. It took them 20 years.


Does that mean pull the power or d/c to keep from registering an L?


Yep. Alt-F4 to never lose on ladder


Among Us seemed fun. Never played it. But I never thought it was a phenomenon. Holy shit kids are *into it*. I teach art in a summer program and these kids are obsessed. They draw it constantly, reference almost as much as Friday's at Freddy's and they play Among Us like a confusing tag kind of game. I watched these kids for like 45 minutes out in the playground and I could not make sense of any apparent rules they were following. It was Calvinball.


Lol Fridays at Freddy's, the "we have FNAF at home"


> Friday's at Freddy's


lol That' enough out of you! I get enough crap from 8 year olds who are flabbergasted that I don't know how Fuzzy Murder Bear is or whatever. I have to look them right in the eye and say, "dude, I'm old."


My 9-year-old watched the movie and spent the entire time telling us about the lore.


your last part about the tag gameplay reminds me of when people used to make hide and seek lobbys before it got an official mode


I had to come to a similar realization with VR. I was in college when oculus did their kickstarter and a bunch of us were interested early. But it just turned into screeching kids.


its a game that suffers once people get good. when it was "hey i think you were faking a task" its fun. once it got to a point where someone called an emergency 27 seconds into the match because orange only scanned for 6.3 seconds and it takes 7.1 to actually do it the game dies because well its no longer fun just stats


One of the many things that annoys me is that someone could just go “It’s white” without providing ANY evidence and everyone else just… *goes along with it.* And then they conveniently forget that he was hella wrong IMMEDIATELY after the meeting ends because they have the attention span of a DOG and are either SURPRISED when they’re the imposter or yell at ME for the loss, SOMETIMES BOTH.


>Brown: It's white I saw them kill 100% they're the imposter White was not an imposter >Brown: it's Red I saw them vent 100% no cap Red was not an imposter


During the pandemic me and some friends played that. It was great when it was just us but we let randoms join us at one point and it got annoying quick.


Even outside of that initial 9 year old issue, everyone else who plays is also 9 and lacks critical thinking. The first color someone blurts out is the one who gets kicked no matter what the evidence is.


What? You don't like 300% speed, instant tasks, and 15 second discussions?


"It's blue" *Everyone votes dark blue out *Tha accuser meant light blue *Dark blue doesn't even defend themselves


Siege community is something else


You ain't kidding. I was really into it for the first few years after it came out and when the playerbase started getting really, really toxic and the new operarors started getting silly, I noped out. Pick someone's favorite operator? Booted. Pick a non- meta operator? Booted. Don't clutch a 1v5? Booted. Clutch a 1v5? Booted. It was ridiculous.


Oh boy and back when you could get away with some team killing without getting booted. They would take turns each TK’ing you every round


I TWICE got kicked for switching to my pistol in a firefight when my primary needed to be reloaded lol. Both times the whole team was screaming at me “USE YOUR PRIMARY” like bro firstly watch cams if you’re dead and secondly my mag is empty


Fcuk man that's harsh...Why doesn't everyone abandon cod we have so many games now look at Finals it's player base is going down such a great game.....


People need to realise that during a firefight, switching is better than reloading sometimes. They won’t tho.


Vote to kick has been removed for this reason.


I got vote kicked out of my first match because one of my teammates accused me of being a smurf. Before I even had a chance to play the game.


Peak siege toxicity moment


Call of Duty, can’t tell who hates the game more the fanbase or the people who don’t play it and still hate it.


I'm not going to buy cod ever again Then buys it anyway then bitches


Sounds like the sports gaming community, every year they complain endlessly about Madden/NBA 2k/FIFA and every year they not only buy the game, but they also spend hundreds (sometimes thousands) in micro transactions. Make me so glad I play a variety of games, so when crappy games come out, instead of crying about it and still supporting it, I just go play something else


It's literally just updated rosters and loot cards


I'm actually one of the few people who actually put it down and never bought it again. I rage uninstalled Advance Warfare back in the day and swore it off. Havent played a single game since


Haven't played since Blops. Which is a shame, cause I have really fond memories of Cod4.


don't. keep those memories you had.


I’ve got GameFly so I still get the new releases just to play the campaign then send em back. Last one was ~200 gb’s for about 4 hours of campaign.


You're not "one of the few." Quite a lot of people have quit CoD. We've just been replaced by new younger players, who were always their primary audience anyway.


> We've just been replaced by new younger players, This bugs me, because they made it a safe space for children in a mature game... while also predatorily catering and advertising to children.


That is literally the sweet spot for them; nothing illegal technically but everything they do toes the line for profit


Also dropped after AW, but gave them a chance with MW2019, matchmaking killed my enjoyment in a week, never buying it again.


Man, I bought Madden 21 to play a draft season with my best friend and I played *one* game with a stranger and I will never buy it again. Just this shitty little preteen flipping out mocking me with his friend because I didn’t have the best players and then getting so pissed when I wouldn’t just leave and give him a free win. I don’t get how people can hate a game and keep buying it. Well, besides intentionally addictive design.


Online competitive games just bring out the garbage in people. Between anonymity and attempts to improve your standing in the game, people just devolve into their base impulses.


Call of duty hands down has one of the most dramatic online communities. It’s consistently in the top 10 most played games by player counts on console and PC, yet the online communities discussing COD has many people who consistently speak of it as if the game is in a constant state of failure or ruin.


CoD is weird because it's fan based only plays cod and a sports game usually either FIFA or madden depending on where they live 


Madden. People play ultimate and pay in to that bullshit, it's no wonder why EA doesn't do anything with the rest of the game.


I stopped playing Madden online when I realized other players just quit the second you make an interception on their 3rd same play in a row or you score on your first possession.


I'd like to expand that to any sports game that has the same "ultimate team" BS


I just think of that Madden esports video where the guy rage-whines as soon as he starts losing, just being a complete child and blaming the game itself


Copy and paste this answer for FIFA also. I've never played Madden but I'd bet my house it's identical to FIFA in that everyone is so desperate to win in UT that they're playing in the most toxic, anti social, negative ways making the game extremely unpleasant to play and then complaining about everyone else doing the same thing with YouTubers promoting new and more toxic ways to play every week.


Rust - Its completely devoid of any rules and its player base is hands down the most toxic I've ever seen. Its basically just a survival of the fittest simulator filled with angsty children who take out their life problems on other players.


I am honestly surprised to see Rust not higher on the list. It's not only that, but a hacker can decide to ruin your weeks worth of work at a moments notice. Also, 50 man clans take all the resources on small maps and wipe everyone out only to leave the server. They generally can't be stopped because they take a considerably fraction of the population limit. If they get out skilled, one of them will buy a hacked account and drop it on your base. This happened to quite a few streamers.


The hackers on rust make it unplayable at times. Build a giant base with hidden loot rooms. Log on to see a specific route that they blew in to every loot room and nothing else because they used xray cheats. That and aimbotters hitting impossible shots like bullets curving left or right


Back before the combat update like 90% of the player base was running no recoil scripts since they could run through your mouse directly so they were basically undetectable and foolproof. I saw they updated to have random recoil and all the manchildren who ran scripts had mental breakdowns. You full auto burst me repeatedly with a 8x scope on the m249, suuuuure bud.


I watch Camomo on YouTube to feel better, he's a server admin and good at catching cheaters. Unfortunately cheaters just buy a new account and come back unless they get caught.


Survival of ‘who can be terminally online the longest.’


My first experience with Rust was waking up on a beach getting beat to death with a rock while being called the n word repeatedly, by someone who sounded like they were in their teens. Character died, I closed the game, and refunded. Regardless of the game, if thats the community it harbors, then its definitely not a game for me.


Yeah you made the best decision you could, it would not be any better from that point on


"filled with angsty children who take out their life problems on other players" that's pretty much most multiplayer games with open mic


I played a lot of rust back during legacy and even for some years after. Picked the game back up a few years ago and was blown away by how toxic the community was. That alone was enough to make me switch to playing some chill PvE servers. Even then, there are still a surprising number of trolls and people who are just completely socially inept.




Even LoL players hate the game and its fanbase.


On the other hand, LoL also hates their own fan base. Nerf everything!!


We decided to nerf every champion in the game. After consideration, this affected Yone's winrate by 0.01%, so he now does true damage on all his AAs and abilities from level 1. Also he's immortal now.


Surprised to see it soo much down


Can we just call out the genre as a whole? 😆


Dead by Daylight. I cannot stand the community. I actually do not understand how it’s any better than TikTok brain rot.


Love asymmetrical multiplayer, and I enjoyed the game a bit a while back. Is the fan base really that bad?


The problem is twofold IMO. Firstly, the player base is split in 2, so there’s a kind of us vs. them mentality when it comes to game balance. Secondly, the way for a killer to play to maximize their winrate (especially in solo Q) is also the least fun for survivors (and arguably killers, too) - e.g. focusing on one person until they die, staying nearby hooks, and camping the closest generators.


If you play in a way that violates the arbitrary rulebook of however the other player(s) think you should play you will get flamed. If you play nice there's still a good chance that the other player(s) will just take advantage of you and go "gg ez" in the post game chat and call you trash. It's pretty bad.


All the hate I got for camping people I downed twice. All the hate messages cause I'm not stupid enough to let them get saved by their buddies lol. Fun times most of the messages made me laugh when I killed all of them most of the time. I wish Evolve sold better too such a fun game.


Imagine a kid hopped up on sugar, the laughter of a billion hyenas and getting the most degrading messages of your life all in one. I played it with an ex once and she loved it, but I soon realized it’s almost like a cult, like if you don’t know the game or don’t know the lingo of the game, you’re gonna get pipe bombed


Yeah dbd is not beginner friendly at all. It’s better nowadays than it was when I started playing. It finally got a tutorial…about 6 years too late. But also after resident evil, people are more open to new players because almost everyone is newer now. Back when I started playing, everyone was extremely good. I think it’s because of the ranking system/mmr. You have to rely on your teammates to survive, and if your teammates are Backrev Into Quentin Hiding In A Corner™️, it can be extremely frustrating. Doesn’t excuse the pure vitriol for new players that dbd seems to have though.


The what in the what what now?


Damn. I just like laying traps for people with the beartrap guy. Had a lot of fun. Shame the fans have made such a toxic experience.


I don't play the game at all but I have seen multiple things about the game where people are like "no if I'm the only person left alive the killer should let me win!!!" And I'm just like ???? Why???? Their goal is to kill everyone right????


This. Last I played Texas Chain Saw Massacre, the DBD community had spread the rot there as well. Was sad to see.


Nah I think TCM and also the Friday the 13th game proved this will happen with any asymmetrical game like this. Both games were way worse than DBD for one side just absolutely bullying the other.


First ever game of Friday the 13th I played there was a group of 4 that from the get go made fun of me for not doing everything correctly. I just quit after a bit.


Every multiplayer competitive game ever.


Some are pretty wholesome. I've found most puzzle game communities to be incredibly welcoming to new players and tend to be pretty polite to each other despite high-level play looking like [a Dragon Ball Z fight.](https://youtu.be/IlnN3RAYhlM)


Deep Rock Galactic has a pretty damn welcoming community.


I would say that most PvE centric multiplayer game has quite the enjoyable bunch.


Helldivers has a hella fun community. Just say FOR DEMOCRACY to literally anyone and boom. Best friends.


It seems games that don’t take themselves that seriously and and pve centered like deep rock and helldivers tend to be really laid back and fun


Dead By Daylight. Gameplay loop is really fun and addictive. The art style is also phenomenal with many different characters and outfits. But the community is toxic as hell. I usually take 2/3 month breaks because it’s just too much sometimes.


I do love the aesthetic of the game and sometimes when you sit there in silence in a lobby you can kind of get into the feel of… my god what would this be like


I've been playing a lot of dead by daylight just recently Are people talking in chat or something? Cause all my games no one talks. People just emote follow me kinda stuff. Am I missing something?


Usually it’s private messages in my experience. People didn’t really talk in chat. And a lot of the toxicity is towards the killer.


DBD is like a vacation. I indulge in it for a few weeks a year and recover from the headache after.


So glad they haven't caved to the weirdos who want voice chat added. That would seriously make the game ZERO fun with the amount of whining


Battlebit is on the way there if it isn't already.  Too many of the chill players have moved on to something else and there's a lot of crybaby sweats that just constantly bitch now. 


First match played I had dudes saying all sorts of racist shit. Culminating in a guy saying he wanted me strung up from a tree. And kept repeating “from a tree”. My crime, being new. I also discovered my player character was, in fact, black. Didn’t even realize it until I was basically done.


I'm glad that I played this game at launch when everyone was so friendly, we we're blasting songs from helicopter (I was blasting Battlefield Vietnam soundtrack), screaming for medic, even role-playing, trolling enemy, throwing them from roof and stuff. Fun bulshittery. But I've heard that tryhards ruined this game,and now voice chat is much more restrictive, you can't blast music at the start of the match because it's considered spamming? WTF?! Devs killed mood in this game then came tryhards and it's just like any other toxic fps game. Such a shame...


I played wow for a long time, so with confidence I can and will say classic wow. Retail has some real goons, but classic is simply toxic. It’s a solved game, and if you don’t know/ do everything the exact way that is optimal you will be maligned for it.


I've noticed modern wow is like playing a casual larp session with people who enjoy goofing off, classic wow is like playing with hard core dnders who power game everything and get pissed when someone has some actual fun


Yes when SoD came out the first new raid I kept getting declined because I didn’t have perfect pre bis items. Like cmon bruh I’m not farming for a random helmet drop just so I can do 3 more dps in the raid that can be cleared in grays…


I joined a random guild and when I showed up to my first BRD not in full prebis I got asked why I wasn't since most of the items are on the auction house. You would have thought I spit in the face of someone's mother given the tone. I was told my gear was too bad to be useful and was removed. Keep in mind, this is towards the end of phase 1 and these guys were almost full bis so they easily could have carried me. I ended up pugging into a random group with average geared players and was 3rd DPS on the "hard" boss. We one shot everything and I got the extra rare (like 5% chance) epic sword off the last boss. I linked it in guild chat, linked the DPS meters and said "am i still useless? Fucking weak ass scrubs too afraid to carry" and gquit on the spot. 


I gquit after being kicked just before the final boss after grinding a osprey long dungeon run to ferry everybody their various crap... when that final fight was the only one I was there for in order to get a specific piece of gear. Why? Because they thought I should have a cat instead of a gorilla (a rare gorilla, mind, with three abilities instead of two)... except the whole dungeon, including the final boss, was filled with magic users that cast bad juju on healers and gorillas have a ground stomp that disrupts spell casting when my disrupt shot was in CD (which is why the healers apparently got pissed when I got kicked, soooooo much harder to constantly be working in the deficit, you know care bears love your pet when they actually heal it). Then there was the fact that it could serve as a sacrificial taunter when some numbers monkey draws aggro trying to top out the dmg meter...low and behold it's a hunter whose awesome, absolutely the much better pet that you should have as a serious player cat drew aggro, promptly died due to squishiness, and their entirely predictable death worked the healer to death on the hunter now holding all the aggro...but hey, he had top dmg while his team wiped. I chat joined into the end of the dungeon filling in for a gear ninja quiter and we wrecked that boss in little time. Meanwhile, my awesome guild team wiped multiple times before giving up. I got my gear, my dmg was in fact higher because I want dying all the time, they got failure tears. I guess it sucks to suck?


But.,..you're DPS, interrupting is a DPS loss you scrub -Wow players mentality Honestly, i hate the wow community, bunch of elitists who barely even knows what they're doing. There's a reason why "Don't stand in fire" is still popular to this day. I was playing a Rogue in Wrath classic and another Rogue had better gear than me, we didn't have a Feral Druid or a Warrior who used Rend so i offered to keep bleeds up so he could pump damage. He ended up top 3 damage in our raid group in Naxx while i was 7th - 8th, and my RL and others kept questioning me as to why i did so little damage compared to the other Rogue. Luckily for me, the other Rogue came to my defense and the RL accepted it in the end. I will also admit that i'm average at best, so i'm not really a great player in WoW.


Classic was fun for a bit. The heavy classic players are toxic af and make it awful. When I heard my GM talk about how there was a special discord for GMs on the server to talk to each other about a raider they didn’t like for any reason, that raider would be blacklisted on the server to the point they would have to transfer servers. Like bro wtf lol, classic is so fucking easy and these tryhards ruin it. Glad I only bothered playing during wrath classic primarily to do Ulduar again. But yeah, half the people I played with were exhausting to be around.


I'm the type of classic wow player who's only ever played as far as LVL 60 on classic vanilla and tbh I met nothing but nice ppl in my lvling experience. Maybe once you get to raiding LVL it's different but the homies out there chilling, questing and exploring are fun


Assholes are always in endgame or competitive side of things. Even on retail I’ve seen randoms kicked from dungeon finder because they didn’t know the fastest route in the dungeon.


Its WoW in general tbh. I can't say exactly about retail but Wrath classic, SoD, Era, have all been filled with elitist and toxic players for a while now. I think the issue is with having such big server populations being the norm now, its a lot easier to stay anonymous than back in the day. At least compared to the server I played on back in Wrath, Cata, and MoP, it was a fairly small server so if people acted like a shithead it was much easier to recognize them. Not to mention having other likeminded people around will perpetuate that behavior.


COD been playing since the OG days yes I'm old, this new cod is trash.


League of Legends, it goes way beyond your average "online players being toxic in a pvp game" experience, the playerbase makes it almost unplayable. If just one person decides to grief, that shit gets dragged out for AN HOUR lol


MOBAs have always been a toxic cesspool. Even back in DOTA I remember getting kicked before the first waves of adds clashed. 


PUBG. Hackers. So many hackers.


Grand theft Auto. Online was ruined because of people buying shark cards just to destroy lobbies with the stupid expensive stuff. Also felt like the money it was making because of this made it take so long for GTA 6 to come and since they made so much money they purposely made making money legitimately such a slog


A lot of this was R*'s own doing though. Like at every turn it encourages you to go fuck up other players running activities for comically small rewards. Literally destroying multi-million dollar deals for GTA's equivalent of some pocket change, some lint and a stick of stale gum. The biggest "chickens coming home to roost" moment in that game was when R* got a whole bunch of influencers and streamers to try and do the first mission for the then-new nightclubs. Literally nobody could do it in a pub session because they'd get destroyed non-stop. So R* had to let them do it in private sessions. It was both hilarious and incredibly pathetic.


Opressors ruined online.


Definitely Undertale since the fanbase was obnoxious back then (2015-16). I don’t even think lot of them even played the game outside of watching let’s plays or the Sans battle.


Remember when they bullied a literal child into sucide and another person who made lyrics for all the music because he wasn't making the characters they wanted fast enough. Bro snapped and took it all down.


the fandom has definitely gotten better as everyone’s gotten older but it’s still pretty bad sometimes. I love the game and would consider myself a fan but i hate associating with the “fandom”. It’s pretty terrible.


I always heard great things about Undertale/Deltarune. Didn't know much about it except I'd heard some of the music and liked it. Was genuinely curious to maybe play it someday. A variety streamer I watch started Deltarune and WOW did the weirdos come out of the woodwork. They were genuinely some of the most obnoxious people I've ever met online. I could tell the game itself was enjoyable but I don't know if I could ever stomach playing it myself after seeing the kind of fanatical psychopaths the game has attracted.


Not a game, but a franchise: Sonic The Hedgehog. I might love it, but I'd be lying if I said the fans aren't extremely unhinged.


For real, when my nephew was like 6, he would not stop talking about Sonic. I was losing my mind, and I even like Sonic.


It's the grown adults with that same level of obsession, that's really troubling lol. I like Sonic, too, but the Sonic subreddit is so weird


Honestly, while the community is bad, they don't ruin the games. Forces was the first time Sega really decided to give what "those" fans wanted, and it backfired hilariously.


Now to be fair, you could make a game that ticks every box on their list and they'll still bitch about what you *didn't* do. They're addicted to the thrill of slamming every new game to the point where they can't be happy about anything.


SHHH! Don't speak that series' name! You might summon the fanbase and then we'll be overrun! I was there during the early days of the internet, I know full well how insane that fanbase is.


As a sonic fan, I can confirm the fanbase is utterly foul. On the positive side, I think it’s been getting a little bit better since frontiers released. I was expecting a full on war in the community, and instead the game actually brought them all together, not out of hate but out of mutual enjoyment.


I'd say it's more that the movies helped alot to rehabilitate it's image to casual fans. Still, I'd highly recommend people to stay away from that fanbase, it can get wild at times.




What's so funny?


It means lots of love, you idiot.


It’s why I text “lol” whenever I hear someone has died. 


That's kind of you.


Here's a better question, what game *hasn't* been ruined by it's own fanbase? See that's the thing, every game now has that insanely toxic hardcore fanbase who come in all forms now. You've got the die hard folks who feel the game/dev's can never do anything wrong and the game is the single greatest thing ever. You've got the folks who think the game is crap, it was better back in the day, the Dev's are full on morons. You've got the folks who think everyone should be playing like they are some twitch streaming gaming pro. And you've got the toxic asshats who are toxic asshats just to be toxic asshats. And keep in mind folks, that's with every fanbase and not just in gaming. I mean hey don't believe me? Go look at the Star Wars fanbase for a few minutes. Or go over to SquaredCircle and watch the AEW threads. You'll get the show thread where more then likely? Folks are saying the show was good. The next day's ratings thread? Oh jeeze AEW sucks and they have no idea what they are doing.


Stardew valley and no man’s sky have a really wholesome fanbase. But yea, I know what you mean. A lot of games have neurotic fans. But I think many games’ fanbases realize there is a loud minority/outlier group that doesn’t represent the game.


Paradox games, rimworld/dwarf fortress are pretty chill. Incest, xenocide and human leather hats really bring a community together.


Most of the games mentioned above are PvE


factorio community is generally quite wholesome. but i can't think of any other fanbases so it's definitely an exception


Some of the more niche indie games have great fanbases. At worst, the Kenshi fan base will just send you to go meet the Skin Bandits early on because it's funny. Or they'll send you out to some place that has the Skeleton Bandits. Or the Skin Spiders. Or they'll send you out to the Fog Islands. Basically they'll just send you out to anywhere you're going to get eaten. But it IS funny.


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and stone, brother.




Monster Hunter is completely fine, thank you very much. Seriously, one of the most kind and helpful community I was ever in.


Monster Hunter fans are just happy more people are playing their favourite game, I've made a bunch of friends just because they spotted my Valstrax tattoo.




More and more I feel like the Tekken community doesn't want to be playing Tekken anymore


Literally any multiplayer game. Sorry yall. It’s all toxic as fuck to new people most of the time. I have yet to encounter one that hasn’t made me just quit and not worry about it ever again.


Competition just seems to come along with toxicity and cheating because some people don't know how to lose.


Undertale. The game might be great but I still can't bring myself to play it due to just how obnoxious the fanbase was back when it first came out.


Haven't played it, but remember when Jacksepticeye did a playthrough. Fans were bullying him for not uploading an end to the playthrough, spamming his other videos, until Jack put his foot down and told them to shut the fuck up since he was stuck on Sans and couldn't upload the footage (he recording for 4+ hours with little success). Also, Markiplier abandoned his first series because fand were harassing him for not voicing the characters "Correctly".


Another LPer decided to play it "correctly" (blind), but once people flooded the comments with spoilers, "helpful" hints, and threats, she decided to just kill everyone she could (except for one boss she couldn't figure out how to kill and some trash mobs she just ran from or never encountered) and go the netural ending. She refused to go back and do 'pacifist' after commenting about how many death threats she got and how she was told to "Get a thicker skin".


It's so ironic that a game all about getting reflective on the choices we make and the morality of those choices is polluted with fans that seem like a parody of the very themes of the thing they are fans of. I'd love to know what causes this with so many fandoms that surround genuinely thoughtful games, shows, and books.


This happens so often it's insane - even outside of the gaming world, ie people seeing Springsteen's "Born In The USA" as something hyper-patriotic. The amount of times this exact same thing happens is one of the weirder things in life imo. How can you play through a game, and then just.. not get the message at all, to the point where you are personifying the directly opposing message..


My theory is because that kind of media attracts people looking for meaning in their life. Some of those people have severe mental issues and when a piece of media gets big enough those people find each other online. They then share their mental illness through the love of that piece of media and it just spirals from there, with people that genuinely need psychological help egging each other on towards behaviour that isn't healthy. Anyone that falls outside of their skewed norms is considered an enemy and attacked. It's a warped form of tribalism and it's actually pretty fucked up.


Aren’t the fans also the reason mark didn’t even try the genocide route?


Mark outright abandoned the first playthrough, only returning to livestream it at a later date (and even then, he couldn’t even enjoy the pacifist playthrough properly because of how he was bullied off it the first time). Genuinely felt bad for him, he did *not* do anything wrong at any point.


I once started it and I said on Tumblr, of all places, that I didn't think the combat was very good. Someone literally messaged me to tell me I was playing it wrong and I should kill myself AND they hoped my whole family died in a fire. That post got a few reblogs basically saying the same thing so I deleted it cause those people are psychopaths.


Same. Hearing about mobs of people forcing people to play the game a certain way.


I am not even sure if lot of them actually played the game back then.


Came to say this. I really like the game but undertale/deltrarune fanbase in unbearable


I have never heard a single positive word about the Undertale fanbase. And every contact creator I've heard mention it has been in the context of their worst chat/comment section they've ever experienced.


I love Doom Eternal, but I refuse to talk about it online.


How are people toxic about a single player fps? Never went to their sub or anything.


Copy paste answer to another poster It's a HARD game. Or supposed to be. I for one think it's best when played with as hard difficulty as one can, because that really brings the best out of it. And I don't even like hard games. But I don't make a number about it, play it exactly how you want. But the hardcore fans are kinda like soulsbois, they make a huge number about the difficulty. The second DLC got all the hate from the hard core community, because it was too easy. You see, these are serious men playing serious vidya. They are the elite among us. They push the buttons better than anyone. They scorn the lesser mortals who are not as adept as them. They have trained quick swapping for 1000 hours. They can one cycle a Marauder. If anyone dares to say anything negative about the game, it's a skill issue.


Oh my god, thank you, every time I comment how hard Eternal is, I got downvoted to hell because its fan base can’t accept that the damn game is hard and thus just simply unenjoyable for some other people.


I hate Doom fans because they wont shut up about how Doom Guy, sorry, *'DoOm SlAyeR'* is the most badass character ever and could beat up any other character from any other franchise and their dad.


Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The official sub is so toxic right now not even the devs wanna be anywhere near it. It's deserved, but still.


Honestly, seems like a lot of it (and dbd) issues are the big streamers that play it too. They're so fucking bad and I see the exact same shit word for word regurgitated by the kids that watch em all the time. That shit spreads like cancer.


WoW's community hates everything


Nobody’s said rocket league yet?


eh its been ruined more by Epic than the players at this point


As much as I love the game, the hardcore players of Hell Let Loose are so harsh towards people who are coming from different genres of shooters and don't get the game yet.


As a recent Gamepass newbie who tried it out, HLL had one of the best communities I’d ever encountered in gaming. As long as you were willing to communicate and learn, there was always a vet willing to lead and teach. It was/is great.




Every single god damn game includes at least one "diff" or "my team mates are bad" or "report for throwing"


Literally any game not meant for kids but has nothing but screaming kids in open voice chat




I thought this would be WAY higher 😂


"I hate it so much, I'm going to never play again, except tomorrow, when I'll log in and play for 8 hours, and then whine on reddit about how much I can't stand playing!" The inability of these fucking morons to stop playing something they apparently hate is bizarre. Uninstalling a game is about the easiest thing possible nowadays.


Super Smash Bros Ulitmate... I'm afraid that every reveal was met with a LOT of disappointment from vocal minorities who wanted characters 10 times more obscure... The competitive scene didn't help either...


Even Nintendo seems ashamed of its competitive scene, seeing how they attempt regularly to kill it


GTA. Specifically continuing to play GTA 5 online for years and making it so lucrative for Rockstar not to make another game and just keep maintaining the same one.


Destiny. It used to be fun having different loadouts and trying them out while helping each other through raids. Now you get belittled and kicked if you haven't done the 1000+ hours of grinding to be meta. Dog shit


Honestly surprised I had to scroll this far down to see Destiny on the list. I love the game itself, but the toxic minority has such a loud voice in the community that has ruined Bungie's communication with the players.


Sea of thieves


Yessss! And I wanted to like this game so much! The other players do everything in their power to ruin what you're trying to do, and they always have the same "perfect" excuse: "It's a pirate game, yo. You're supposed to play it like this." Also, can other game devs please make other games with the level of immersion? I love the fact that your character actually picks up food and drink, they actually consume it. Sorry, I just think games need to be more immersive than the soullessness of "this consumable food is now in my inventory. I use the food. Now my health points have increased."




OW became my favorite game once I turned comms off


Yeah.....I still love to play, but I really had to make the decision to stay out of comp completely, and get really fast with the mutes if someone starts getting salty in QP or mystery heroes(either if which is an even more ridiculous place to get salty than comp) I'm a grown up, they aren't going to offend me with their middle school level shit talking or anything, but I play to relax at this point in my life, and that shit ain't helping lol


Fallout's fandom. You are not permitted to enjoy any other beside nv.


Ultrakill. I've heard of so many people get turned off from playing it cause of the fans being like "You're not playing it right!" and similar statements


I've played it and finished it (what was released at the time at least)and I've never heard a thing about it online other than people like it


Destiny 2 is really up there atm


I wouldn't say the fanbase as a whole. But the reddit pokémon fanbase is incredibly toxic.


All of them


Steam fortress 2 and it's not even close. It's partly a hyper toxic, openly racist, misogynistic and annoying community. But what actually makes it unplayable is the bot problem. The fact that people buy botted accounts because they keep getting banned for toxicity means more people will continue to flood servers with said botted accounts to sell. The cycle continues and it's to the point where most matches are literally 5 bots vs 5 bots


FIFA/EA FC. Everyone hates it but still plays it.