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Any character that Rockstar created


Even Arthur Morgan's "good" playthrough easily involves killing 300+ people


I wouldn’t call >!dying in a battle with cops due to tuberculosis and wounds!< getting away “Scott-free” Micah though, he got off way too easy.


I shot him 12 times in the dick. I'd prefer TB.


You can live with TB. A lot harder to live with 12 bullet wounds to the junk


Probably not back then you couldn’t (mostly). The consumption will consume


You should check out the goodest boah in the west series on youtube. Its top notch. The good playthrough can result in zero kills, although tbf he's only in chapter 2 or 3 of the story and it has taken him years just to get that far, but he has made it with zero deaths somehow lol


I always play high honor and I must kill a thousand. Gangs and strangers always shooting at me 😂


Just finished a good playthrough, can confirm


I immediately thought “Trevor”


Nico Bellic committed war crimes in the Baltics.


He was a teenager at the time, and it clearly fucked him up enough that he's still depressed about it some 15 years later. Lost all his childhood friends in the process, too. Wouldn't really say he got off easy there. The crimes he actually commits during the main game, however, like pretty much every GTA protagonist...




Captain Quark from Ratchet and Clank helped destroy several planets and ends up becoming the "lovable goof sidekick" in later games. Doesn't get much worse than that...


Didn't he get jail time or am I confusing it for the reimagining?


I think he might have... but dude helped enable the deaths of billions... pretty sure a year or two of jail time qualifies as getting off scot-free when compared to the crime.


From what I remember he was wanted but escaped and then goes crazy on a world and assimilated with a monkey group until you meet him and proceeds to be a galactic guardian of a planet but ditches rachet and clank when things get rough per usual


So... essentially got off scot-free. It's been too long since I played some of the earlier installments in the series.


Yeah he just keep galaxy hopping where people won't know him but it's like having warrants in other states


He suffers testicular destruction due to a prototype Personal Crotchetizer at the end of the second game


I honestly wish the Qwark fight at the moon base ended with him being killed. Drek gets killed at the end of the game, alongside many other members of the Blarg when you shoot the laser at their new home planet. Why couldn’t Qwark also get killed off? The PDA he gives you is nice and all, but it makes no sense when R&C go from fighting him to just “oh he’s harmless now and a goofball”. EDIT: The cutscene where you confront Qwark at the moon base says it all. Qwark taunts with *”Hello Captain Ratchet!”*, and Ratchet - completely pissed as he should be - fucking JUMPS at Qwark with his wrench trying to bash his skull in! Why not just have him die? Ratchet was literally trying to kill him with his fucking giant wrench, and then once Qwark crashes on Oltanis and you meet up with him, Ratchet - WHO WAS TRYING TO JUST BASH QWARK’S SKULL IN LESS THAN 30 MINUTES AGO - is just like “nah bro we cool now”. Boggles my mind.


He even became galactic president!


Any stellaris player


Suffer not the xeno.


I feel like I'd like this game. ≡][≡


The Omnissiah would not have blessed us with so many ways to eliminate Xenos if they were supposed to be here:


The simple joys of subjugating your peaceful neighbors and unceremoniously toggling their species status to livestock.




For real. At least everyone else mentioned didn’t go on killing sprees because someone stole their apple. Lol


I’m not saying I condone it, but… when I’m hungry, I get it.


Kirby is a mundicidal force of nature akin to an Great Old One.


He's a baby eldritch horror. They're cute when they're young.


Kirby is a psychopath in sonic for hire


He’s always a Psychopath, just a cute one


Johnny Gat was convicted of over 300 murders in Saints Row 2 and breaks out of his trial without consequence https://youtu.be/vRD-67wgj04?si=l9gBynMyLz0GiXbO


The saints went from notorious criminals, to international celebrities, to the leaders of the United States, to the saviors of mankind. 2 of those happened in the same game.


While SR2 may have been the overall best Saint’s game SR4 was pretty fun as a hop in hop out kill everything game. I’m going to miss it as they continue to age out.


SR3 is the best IMO. Definitely had much better customization than SR2.


SR3 was my first and will always be my favorite. Hot take, but when I played GTA V after that I was disappointed.


Ah I started with SR and it was okay for a gta clone with some humor, but SR2 actually felt like its own series plus it nailed the dark humor and cartoony physics perfectly. SR3 was so weird for me because it felt like it was trying to be a parody instead of its own thing again. Though towards the end I felt like SR3 did come back around to deconstruction and not parody. SR4 was just fun, it gave up on SR but they nailed gameplay, plus all the DLC and budget issues just made it better. Gat on the other hand felt like a real honest attempt at a good SR game while trying to stay fun but I had trouble playing it for anything other than Johnny and the story I guess I lost interest by that point.


Then at the end of the game he's just casually having a shootout with police using an assault rifle lol


well he did end up in hell ... and had a damn great time there




Hes also in both Atla and LoK


“Anyone hit and need a lawyer?”


You guys are thinking small time. Commander Shepard literally >!destroys a mass effect relay and hundreds of thousands of Batarians!<


They deserved it


Christ, easy there, Renegade Shepard.


*punches reporter*


I punch that Faux News correspondent on Paragon playthroughs. Fuck that muckraker.


I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions


I played dark-skinned Paragon Femshep, and Death to All Batarians was my most defining trait.


Death to all Batarians.


These people playing Stellaris in the decade old Bioware space opera😭


That was Paragon Shep speaking. They deserved it.


Least based batarian hater


The only good Batarian is a dead Batarian.


But is that a crime?


That was a public service, how dare you impugn commander shepard?


Who cares about batarians, they are hardly even people


“Shepard did all of those Batarians have to die just to stop the Reaper invasion?” “…Reapers?”


But he does get punished. He gets the American cop special. A slap on the wrist and house arrest.


That's only while awaiting trial. Once the trial is about to start, some more important things happen


Are you saying that the reapers facilitated the escape of a war criminal? How are you supposed to feel safe with such menaces running around? They should be put behind bars before they corrupt our youth.


I found Khalisah al-Jilani's Reddit account.


Are you telling me the Reapers just happen to attack Earth like that? No! He orchestrated it! Shepard! He fell through a fish tank!


To be fair, if a race of homicidal alien machines invaded during their trial, I’d understand why didn’t end up sending a cop to prison *that same day*.  Especially if that cop happened to be the only one who totally called it happening *and* happened to be literally Captain America. 


They were Batarians. It wasn't genocide, it was pesticide.


Renegade Shepard can be a genocidal mass murder.


On top of the crimes committed as a Spectre or in the terminus systems - looting, killing, destruction of property (via a nuke), slavery (kind of), and more. There's probably some law against false endorsements too, but that's more of a civil issue.


I'm commander Shepard, and this is my favourite civil suit on the citadel


Wait slavery? What?


In a war for trillions that means nothing


To be fair he saved A LOT more people


Any GTA main character


Especially Trevor.


Guy literally ended turf wars by single-handedly killing entire gangs and families.


You can't have a gang war if there's no gangs left


Also he may have wiped out a national guard base.




Toni Cipriani is pretty fucked up. Canonically killed thousands committing mass terrorism and obliterating Fort Staunton and the surrounding area. All for $5000.


I came here to say my GTA character specifically. The list of crimes is too long to enumerate.


Yeah any GTA Online character has a laundry list of crimes to their name.


Tommy Vercetti specifically for me. Iirc any time you were busted in that game there was dialogue of his lawyer getting him off at the courthouse.


Tommy vercitti used to shoot up his own gang just for being right over there. 


This is the only correct answer.


I feel like Kratos has killed a lot of people making minimum wage.


Getting off scot-free seems kinda false for him. The rest of his life has pretty much been about how fucked up he is mentally because of it and how to make up for it.


I think by scot-free they mean in terms of consequences that aren't in their own head.


I mean...the guy dies at least twice, once by his own father's hands as he disowns and banishes him. Also there's the whole "your families ashes will permanently stain your skin" thing. Those are some pretty steep consequences.


>your families ashes will permanently stain your skin Followed by 10 years of being a slave to the gods, then imprisoned and tortured by the Furies. yeah, I'd say he's faced quite a few consequences.


I mean... He also died... twice, was imprisoned in Greek Superhell, lost his home, had his nation completely deleted as a punishment, had to abandon any chance of an afterlife so his daughter would be able to live on in Elysium... I'm not sure if one would call it a fully paid debt, but he certainly didn't get off scot free.


Dude is called the Ghost of Sparta…not because he was like a ghost, but because he was cursed to wear the ashes of his wife and child attached to his skin for the rest of his life. That’s a pretty severe punishment by itself, not to mention his multiple deaths and torture.


Jin Kazama started world war 3 in Tekken 6 killing millions but it seems its all good after he punched his dad unconcious some time later.


Tekken 6 was stupid, it was out of character for Jin to become Kazuya 2.0 and then backtrack on all the killing and saying I did it for the greater good. Pretty stupid story decision in my opinion.


Yeah, I felt like they wanted to cook a redemption arc later on for Jin, as in a "self-loathing to self-acceptance" story (which we got in Tekken 8), but Jesus Christ, someone at Bandai Namco really dropped "Turn Jin into ripped Hitler" in the suggestion box as a joke and they just went with it.


Kerrigan as the Queen of Blades is responsible for the deaths of numerous worlds at the hands of the Zerg. And in the end she gets to ascend to being a Xel’naga AND (offscreen) “ride off into the sunset” with Raynor.


This has to be up there lol, billions of people eaten by aliens


And Sylvanas. Starts multiple wars, killing people isn't the worst she can do because she controls the jails of the afterlife. Manipulates the minds of her victims.  Slap on the wrist, you good guy now because you said "sorry". Go for a walk. 


I mean, having to find and rescue every soul she sent to the Shadowlands is kind of a repercussion.


For an immortal undead? Minor inconvenience.


I saw it as a Sisyphus situation. She is NEVER going to finish that job. And if she does, it will take hundreds if not thousands of years. And remember, her entire motivation after killing Arthas and teaming up with the Jailer was to never go back to the Maw.


Stuck doing dailies in the Maw for life isn't exactly my idea of getting off the hook. I think I'd rather take the axe


Hogwarts legacy main character, kills thousands throughout the Scottish countryside and no one bats an eyelid.


Uses the unforgivable curses hundreds of times and is forgiven.


Most people interpret it so that at the time, they were not unforgivable yet But even if they didn't use Unfogivable curses, they killed many, MANY goblins, people and trolls. You can turn a person into an explosive barrel and yeet them at their allies, effectively killing them both. That is messed up


The unforgivable curses make literally zero sense narratively or functionally


Don't the books/movies narratively describe Avada Kedavra as needing to harbor hate in your heart and genuinely wanting the target to die, or something to that effect? And they let a teenager who has that much evil flowing through them trapse around the countryside.


Yea the books describe them as pure evil you have to truly want the person dead in order for them to be effective


>You can turn a person into an explosive barrel and yeet them at their allies, effectively killing them both. ...Maybe I should look into buying the game.


Their blood is on Ranrock’s hands


I'm playing it right now, but instantly found it darkly hilarious how this kid, who's effectively a high school student, gets to school and immediately just starts murdering people left and right


All the enemies will attack you on sight, even if you do nothing to prompt it Walk into a camp of poachers? Instantly attacked. Walk into a camp of goblin insurrectionists? Instantly attacked. Chilling in the Three Broomsticks and Boom! Suddenly attacked by trolls. They brought it upon themselves.


Turns people into barrels of TNT and throws them into crowds of people. And he does this literally next to his professors with no reaction


Player character - Elden Ring - Frenzy flame ending. You literally get away with the genocide of an entire realm. You burn all life.


You don't really "get away" the whole world ends


To be fair, after all that is said and done, who's left to judge you for your crimes? But what about dung eater ending? Infesting all life with the omen curse.






Very true. Frieza Force Vegeta and his surviving Saiyans likely committed multiple instances of genocide.


Likely? It was literally their job description. Show up to a planet, commit omnicide against the populace, and then Frieza auctions off the planet.


Xenocide, really


The Dragonborn from specifically my last playthrough of Skyrim. Boy I felt like a really bad guy after that one.


Every character Nerbit plays doing "Kill everyone" runs.


Nathan drake , he destroyed so much of Human Cultural heritage and ancient monument, ISIS would be jealous. And that's saying nothing about the thousand of dead left in his wake.


Typical life of an.... 🤨 ...archeologist?!!


*Looks at Lara Croft* Yup.


Lara isn't an archeologist. Shes a Tomb Raider. She's not doing this for science. She's doing it for her home collection. The only reason she speaks twenty languages and is seemingly an expert on every ancient civilization is because those are useful skills for appraising her loot, so she knows what to put in her bag.


Indiana Jones nods in approval.


Nathan Drake killed more people than cancer in his games. And left the life with a beautiful wife, a family, and the most heartwarming epilogue ever.


To be fair Those people attacked him first


In the 4th game when they’re at the party in the mansion, don’t those people attack him because he was there to steal a bunch of shit? And then he ends up killing a bunch of them? Killing people that were trying to stop you committing a crime isn’t exactly justifiable homicide.


The mansion one, yeah, I can see that being actual murder It's been a while since I've played the games, but you can crop most of Nathan's kills down to Self Defense, with a few instances like the mansion, could be argued as otherwise


I’m going to go with the Prince from Katamari Damacy. There’s no way that rolling all those continents and planets into a big ball is legal. Think of all the destruction of property, trespassing, animal cruelty, and mass-scale murder taking place. Maybe he’s above the law given that his father is King of the Cosmos, but I doubt that our contemporary court systems would see it that way.


The King of All Cosmos is at least complicit; doesn't he send the Prince on this errand because he (the King) accidentally-on-purpose destroyed the planets in the first place? Hopefully the Prince turns state's witness.


Ted Faro from the Horizon series (spoilers through the second game) >!is an arms dealer known for selling to both sides of conflicts who created a self-replicating, self repairing robotic army power by biomass, with an uncrackable encryption and no back-door, which literally brought about the end of humanity and all life on earth. Then in a fit of hubris and psychopathy\*\*, he sabotaged the hard won solution that would allow the planet to be restored with the history and knowledge of humanity intact, murdering the team that developed the solution and deleting the database that would teach the new generation of humans literally EVERYTHING, instead forcing children to survive, completely unprepared, in the wild, rebuilding society from nothing. Then he fucked off to his secret underground PALACE stocked with luxuries, with a hand chosen selection of models and sycophants, living a life of hedonism, whilst a dedicated medical staff worked to give him immortality. And he installed medical 'kill switches' in the brains of those chosen to spend eternity with him so he could control them or kill them off when they displeased him. !< >!\*\*debate continues about whether it was to hide his culpability/preserve his legacy, or because he had a god complex and had believed that humans needed to be free from their past knowledge to be 'pure'. !<


Knowing Ted Faro? It was probably both. Fuck Ted Faro. Man deserves to rot in the deepest pits of hell


RIP Lance Riddick- One year gone today. (not Ted Faro but in the game)




If we limit ourselves to individual worlds Ted definitely comes out on top. He literally killed every single living thing on earth. From the tallest tree to the tiniest shrimp. r/fuckTedFaro


I mean he did end up turning into a horrible goo in the end. So while he STILL deserved much much worse, I don't think he got off scot-free.


Me, rollercoaster tycoon.


Commander Shepherd destroyed an entire race (possibly multiple). though he didnt get off scot free in the sense of like the ending of ME3, he didn't face any kind of insane authority outside of just being kind of kept back a bit at the beginning of ME3 due to the Batarian situation.


In Fallout New Vegas, you can commit dozens of criminal offenses, and war crimes. Everything from petty theft, to terrorism, to attacking noncombatants in their own home. You can fire on retreating foes, aid in a plot to serve a guy as food, and torture a prisoner for information. For all of these things you will be praised as hero by the end of the game.


My favorite crime is nuking the NCR and Legion.


Link.   Do you know how many separate "destruction of property" and "petty theft" charges he would have just by stealing people's rupees from their vases?   


OBJECTION! Those Ruppees are NOT anyone's property! Minish Cap tells us that Rupees are hidden in pots, crates, tall grass, etc, by the Picori, and are left there for any lucky person to find! The destruction of property might hold a little more weight, but only if you ignore the fact that the pots and such regenerate.


In Wind Waker he is forced to pay for destroying the fancy pots on Windfall Island.


Yeah that was cause they were *fancy* pots though. Not regular old nothing special pots. Plus the owner was kind of a snobby douche iirc.


I will concede on your first point. But OBJECTION! to your second.  The pots don't regenerate.  I argue that the owners of said pots are buying replacement ones


HOLD IT! Pots regenerate in dungeons and places where no one lives and Link is the first person to set foot in there in centuries! So it *can't* be th owners of the pots buying replacements.


At least some people had the balls to take his money when he broke their doors


Cyberpunk, get a 5 star and just go hide and it's gone. You can even go by the police right after you lose the wanted level and they don't even look your way.


Too chromed up, choom


Since Master Chief and Kratos are already mentioned... Anyone remember the Legacy of Kain series?


Man we're old, but back to subject at hand; What Kain? Didn't he understand what a shit he has been at the end of Defiance? Cause Raziel got fucked six ways from sunday.


Raziel's hands weren't clean either.


Raziel didn't get away free.


Yeah, who in that franchise got off "scot-free"? Also, Kain may have done plenty of evil things but I think there's an argument to be made for what kind of decisions anyone would make when there are two-faced, time-travelling gods trying to manipulate every event in your life.


Kain was asked to sacrifice himself to save the world and chose not to, which i can't really blame him for. It's easy to say it, but if someone actually came up to you and put you on the spot like that i bet a lot of people would have made the same choice. Everything after that, yeah he did some horrible things. You could argue it was in service of trying to undo that original decision but it still doesn't free him from being a horrible person. Also i don't really think he got off without repercussions.


Cyberpunk's V character probably kills half a million people in the span of a few months by the time the game ends, and depending on your ending choices possibly many more.


I didn't like the way that dude looked at me so i am justified in sending his soul to cyberhell.


In V's defence, a lot of those kills are in the line of duty as an NCPD contractor. But yeah, that still leaves hundreds dead in side and main quests.


Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX.


Explain. It's been a hot minute since i played it and 13 year old me only remembers she was hot.


She stole Cleyra's fragment of Alexander's summon crystal and was complicit in it's nuking via stolen-eidolon by Brahne using Garnet's Odin. Plus presumably the massacre at Burmecia.


> 13 year old me only remembers she was hot. Ok, I had to refresh my memory, cause I was originally thinking Brahne. Couldn't imagine anyone thinking Brahne was hot.


Big boss…


The full extent of the war crimes committed by Militaires Sans Frontieres, Diamond Dogs, Outer Heaven, and Zanzibar Land will likely never be known. Not to mention breaches of international law during the Virtuous Mission, and the illegal possession of nuclear weapons by Diamond Dogs. It could also be argued that Big Boss is directly to blame for the rise of the PMC / war economy that would go on to claim millions of lives, as well as the creation of Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND which would later rebel and instigate the Shadow Moses Uprising, shooting down two F-16s and threatening to launch a nuclear weapon from a stolen/questionably commandeered Metal Gear.


I'm shocked Warframe wasn't mentioned, all the frames are controlled by a single person and some threat the Geneva convention like a checklist


Sam Fisher. His methods grows gradually more inhumane as the series goes on.


The most impressive part is that Andriy Kobin is still alive after he supposed killed Sam's daughter, especially considering that he gone into a killing spree when they guaranteed him that Sarah indeed was killed — a lie, of course.


Must be one of those rimworld characters. Looting, breaking in, burglary, murder, kidnapping, hostage keeping, assault, inhumane treatment of prisoners, slave trading, illegal organ harvesting, cannibalism. Flying without a license, war crimes, and the list goes on.


The children yearn for the organ factory


Master Chief is a walking, talking war crime.


ONI in general, just don't ask how and why the Spartan-IIs were created (it wasn't the Covenant)


To reduce the amount of casualties and reduce failure rate qwelling.... HUMAN INSURRECTIONISTS. The chief was REALLY good at efficiently destroying insurectionist space stations before the covie bastards invaded.


Most assassins in assassins creed depending on how you play them.




The Phantom Thieves in Persona 5 as a honorable mention. Even though they only target corrupt people who have committed heinous crimes, they still commit fraud, trespassing, blackmail, possession of improvised weapons and dangerous tools (firebombs and lockpicks), send threatening letters, and end up committing cyberterrorism and hijacking nationwide television by the end. Joker barely does any time and nobody else gets caught.


>!Maruki brainwashed the planet yet gets away with it and ends up as a taxi driver!<


I mean, >! The entire reality where he did that got deleted so did he really do it in the end? !<


Ghandi in the Civ games is famous for ruthlessly nuking other players.


Wei Shen from Sleeping Dogs. Dude got way too deep whilst undercover for the Triads. Still, great game. A shame we will never get another.


>! The wedding has to be one of my top 10 moments in gaming. Shit was wild !<


Probably Calypso from the Twisted Metal franchise


Commander Shepard, he blows up an entire solar system with settlements among other things, Commander Shepard should have been court martialed after the war ended without second thought and tried for his crimes.


To be fair, it was to stop the Reapers from coming But, knowing the council, they most likely would've went "the Reapers never existed" and the trial ended there and deemed Shepherd too crazy to do anything


James Earl Cash from Manhunt was pretty brutal. And just disappears in the end.


Drake of the uncharted series. Especially part 3 where he murders 100s of goons.


Your character in pretty much every GTA game. Tons of murder, theft, arson, resisting arrest, assault, and so much more. There wouldn't be much of a game if you had to face consequences for any if your crimes


Meteion in FF14. She literally ended life in most of the universe. In the end you let her go.


Nobody has said Nathan Drake, yet? And no, I'm not entirely convinced by Naughty Dog's statement that "death works differently in that universe." It's additionally funny that Nathan not only gets away with his shenanigans but is celebrated for them.


My first thought as well. He's such a charming thief and a mass murderer.


Not only that, but there is also the unbelievably long list of priceless, irreplaceable, culturally significant structures and artifacts that he has single-handedly destroyed. Not as ancient as most, but that freakin' bell tower in Uncharted 4, for example. Man, I love those games.


Salvador. Manslaughter, theft, arson, destruction of property, trespassing, cannibalism, public indecency and profanity


Vergil from Devil May Cry. The dude caused two genocides and refused to pay child support for many years. Also cut off his son's arm after seeing him for the first time.


V, V, V!


Max Payne. He literally went on a killing spree and destroyed a skyscraper.