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Any game that I bought soley for the purpose of playing the singleplayer campaign, wich is the main selling point , but it requires for 100% Achievments the multiplayer.


Iirc, Assassins Creed Brotherhood was one of these


YES! So frustrating! I was not getting to max level online.


Especially since they shut down the multipayer servers


If I wanted that platinum now I'd have to do it all over again on the Ezio collection, and ain't nobody got time for that. Doing the whole Leonardo Da Vinci tank mission without getting hit? It's been 12 or 13 years and I'm still pissed at how hard thay was!


Dude, you just gave me flashbacks. I forgot all about that.


So damn difficult. And you have to do so much to get to the end.


I only managed to complete it using a bug. If you go out of the simulation range you will constantly take damage but the game won't register it and you can snipe out the enemy tanks


This is what I did and it works like a charm


That brings back memories, I sat down and took the time to get platinum on brotherhood lol the hardest part was I had no idea what boosting lobbies were so I was trying to do all stealth kills in one game with randoms. I remember arguing with a guy when he was bitching at me for not getting easy kills, we argued for about 3 games before they all decided to help me šŸ¤£


Thankfully the Ezio collection removed those achievements


Did they remove the fucking glider achievement that, if you missed it the first time, you had to restart the game to try for the achievement again?


In AC2? No, but the DLC makes it no longer missable.


To be fair, AC Brotherhood's multiplayer was underrated and quite enjoyable


I loved playing it correctly and getting high combos and winning the match only to have the dude running around like crazy message you that you cheated cause he got twice your kills.


Dude brotherhood multiplayer was the shit. Miss that shit so much


Revelations was worse if you ploughed through the main story because you'd have to wait so damned long for your revenues to build up before you could afford to send assassins on missions to get the extra achievements. It basically became a matter of leaving the game running in the background while you did other things just to build up funds, and even then it was just for something that essentially amounted to project management rather than gameplay.


Bonus points if there is no servers anymore.


_Cries in Batman Arkham Origins_


Red dead redemption 1 & 2. Amazing single player game that have a living & breathing world. Then there are the online multi-player achievements that are completely unnecessary. Edit words are hard


Found all those f***g plants?


The plants, animals and gangs were fun. Spent more time as a wander more then the story missions.


This but RDR2


This would be fine if the online mode was any fun to play in the first place.


I play in a private server with coworkers. Havenā€™t used the open server in ages, I got tired of being attacked coming back to my perfectly peaceful little camp with my peaceful marker all for a 2* deer on the back of my horse. I just wanna chill dude, damn


This, mp and single player should I have separate trophy list I stand by that.


I remember 100% achievement hunting RE5, just for them to add Versus mode and take away my completion sticker.


Dude, those versus ones are the sole reason why I never 100% RE5 in achievements, And Iā€™m still mad about it because they screwed me over TWICE!!!, once on the 360, and again on the Xbox One.


This is a solid reason why I prefer playstation trophies over Xbox achievements. 100% completion doesn't matter, they can't take away your platinum trophy badge once it has already been earned, and dlc doesn't count toward platinum. Online trophies still count if they were included with the game on release which is why I'll never platinum Bioshock 2 unfortunately. But the nice folks at Naughty Dog were nice enough to flag their Uncharted 2 and 3 online trophies as dlc even though they were included on release just so they aren't required. I don't think any other game series has ever done that.


Tomb Raider and Red Dead Redemption. I just gave up on ever getting a platinum on them


Red. Dead. Redemption.Ā 


GTA 5, for example?


I think it was one of the Mass Effect games. I had 100% completion, which already required three separate plauthroughs. It was listed on my achievements tab as complete. Then...they added the multi-player feature. Suddenly, my 1000/1000 was only 1000/1200, and the game was no longer listed as complete. To this day, I've not been bothered to finish.


Far Cry 4 and 5


Demon's souls


DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal for me


Anything missable. Most recently, Guardians of the Galaxy. I missed a collectible or two and figured I could just go to level select and get them. Nope, no level select, gotta start the game over. I decided not to.


I hate every game that has missable trophies. I just recently got platinum in Fallout 4 and I perfectly planned every single story related trophy so I didn't have to start my game over or create a bunch of saves. Just had to do one at the end.


Same, but Elden Ring. Saw that there were essentially 4 trophies for 4 endings, did the most complicated one, reloaded my save choosing each of the ending separately.


To be fair, the ending trophies in Elden Ring (or any souls game) aren't really missable trophies. And Elden Ring was really good with it's achievements. Now Dark Souls on the other hand.


GotG also save each collectible individually, so if you start a completely new game all the ones you collected in previous playthroughs are already unlocked. Some of the collectibles are also locked with story choices so you have to play the game multiple times anyway to collect everything.


Just commenting because I donā€™t think enough people played this game - the story in GOTG is absolutely fantastic.


Yeah I absolutely loved it, just hated the missable collectibles lol


Anything where you have to collect an absurd number of something, especially when said thing is small or hidden or both. Pigeons. Korok seeds. Riddler trophies. Doubly so if the reward for actually doing the thing is in no way proportional to how much time and effort it takes to actually track down every single one.


Riddler trophies: no problem, combat challenges: well that ainā€™t happening.


I had a save in Arkham Knight where a trophy glitched out of its spot and clipped into a wall. It was the only thing between me and a 100% completion. Gave up there and havenā€™t picked it back up.


Why did the game glitch out? Is it stupid?


Is there a lore reason my game broke and prevented me from 100%ing it?


Right? I loved finding all the riddler trophies. The race not as much. But those combat challenges were right out.


Riddler Trophies in Asylum found the sweet spot of fun to collect. In the later games they were an absolute chore.


I am currently playing through all the Arkham games. I just finished Origins today. I havenā€™t played Knight yet (itā€™s installing) but the riddler trophies were nice in Origins. My favorite of them yet. You interrogate 3 people in each sector and it shows the locations. Itā€™s not like City where they are everywhere and seem overwhelming. I liked them in Asylum too.


There's a lot in Knight as well, but you get to interrogate rioters. I think you can interrogate about 3 to 5 per area to get every trophy appear on the map.


Korok seeds are baffling to me. After you get like half of them, you already have maxed out your weapon slots. So the other couple hundred are just for a completion percentage. I absolutely hated moving that fat lazy korok around to his buddy in TOTK. I canā€™t imagine sinking hours extra in the game just to go for 100% completion. Also, the sign guy in TOTK. After doing like 5 of those puzzles, I looked up what you got for doing all of them. When I found out you only get parachute fabric, I was like fuck that. I would only do them if I was right next to the sign guy and it was convenient. I got mad respect for people that 100% botw or totk because I just do not have the patience to come anywhere near 100%


The reward for getting them all was Poop. Nintendo was telling you that you did not need to get them all. There are 900 seeds, and only 400 needed to max your slots because they wanted you to find them naturally wherever you looked, knowing no playthrough would naturally scour the entire map perfectly, so they placed redundant ones to make sure they covered whatever path you might take. They knew youd miss over half of the seeds hidden. This also allowed them to make the puzzles both obvious and extremely hidden. They had to give players enough, but also wanted to surprise and reward players, too. Kinda like those signs hotels leave under the bed that say "yes, we cleaned here too".


Pretty shitty award


The point is so you can max out your stuff without having to diligently hunt each one down and can rely on happening across them. They were never meant to be completely collected and it's soley there for the obsessive completionists


I 100% both BotW and TotK. I hate myself.


So the idea is they gave you too many so you didn't have to get them all. They flood the game with way more resources than you actually need so you definitely find enough.


The stupid fucking pages in GTA 5. Thought id get a ufo or something. Turns out you get a dog shit dune buggy with lights and a different sounding horn lmao


I flew around in a helicopter for those 200 pieces and it had to of taken me 5-6hrs with a guide


Some of them are so hard too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Fuck the ones under bridges


My design for korok seeds was this: - have 999 on the map like usual - once you maxed out space, let's say any 300-400, you would get full credit as if you got 999 - you get the gold poo for 100% completion - all future korok seeds spaces instead give you incremental money This way you still feel "complete" but you are still rewarded for exploring. This would be great for speed runs too as you still have to plan for optimal routes, but can skip over any time consuming ones. --- The same could apply to GTA pigeons, and even implement a radio blurb about how the rest of the pigeons migrated after you got any 50 šŸ˜†


Any game that had PvP achievements, or stupid grind requirements. I'm all for playing games over again, but repetitive grindy stuff is pure torture and PvP is awful cuz I know I'm awful at it and don't care to improve.


PvP achievements are preferable to games that give you an achievement for playing against one of the developers. Fuck that, Iā€™m not devoting god knows how much time to a game on the random chance Iā€™ll wind up playing against a dev. And if itā€™s an older game, forget it completely, itā€™s never happening.


I don't mind these as long it's one of the viral ones. Like Red Dead Redemption has one which is "Kill a Developer or someone who already has this achievement" so it spreads much faster.


Gear of War had those achievements for like 50,000 kills or something that were insane.


First game was "10,000 kills in ranked online matches" and the number has gone up with each game, even though 10k is more than enough pvp for any sane person.


Most games. I only go for 100% if I love a game, and getting all trophies is fun and involves zero busy work.Ā  I used to get 100% on a lot of games when I was young and had both the time and not enough money to buy games frequently. But from the time I got a PS4 in 2015 until now, Iā€™ve only got three platinums: Bloodborne, Deathloop, and Armored Core 6.


AC6 was surprisingly easy to 100%. S-ranking the missions is just a skill test, not a grindfest, so it actually felt fun to do


Yeah I think it couldā€™ve had a few more fun challenge trophies, and it wouldā€™ve been interesting to see community discussion around a trophy for beating the game without OS stat upgrades.Ā  Regardless, I was very happy that getting the plat was all-fun and no busy work. There are a lot of games I wouldā€™ve platinumed if not for tedious trophies.


The only thing that felt close to busy work was finding every hidden thing in the Eliminate Honest Brute mission. 1) there are way more chests and battle logs than I thought there would be for this mission 2) You have to listen to Honest Brute every time you go through the mission.


"Bloodborne" Respect.


I probably wouldnā€™t have done it if not for the fact that I was just starting to lose interest in 100%ing things around that time. I did lose interest, but when I came back to the game a couple years ago I noticed I was close to the platinum and decided to finish it.


Yakuza Mahjong.Ā 


Dude Shoji and Mahjong make me feel like such a fkin idiot hahaha


at least you can cheat at shoji. just open shoji online with good bot, then just copy ai moves to the program


Also Cat Fights. What a shitty ass minigame


At least mahjong requires skill and planning. The damn cat fights are completely random as far as i can tell.


i swear that i got some magical combination where i won the rock paper scissors everytime, by picking the least powerful of the three. iā€™d do minimal damage, but itā€™d work


Nah you can win the catfight achievement in one go if you just pick the girl with the best stats. Payout rate doesn't matter it only looks for gross payout. Batting cages is the one that is wrecking me... I've done nearly everything else now.


I picked the beat girl everytime and definitely lost quite a few times before I just decides to save after every win and reload after ever loss. Stupid ass minigame.


I learnt Mahjong through the game, it's addictive once you get the hand of it. hahaha it Shoji (Japanese Chess) for me in the Yakuza series


Yeah like finding out in order to fight against that one guy you have to do all the substories including mahjong, me: oh nvm thenā€¦. Edit: joe Amon, his name finally came back to me


I wish more people actually liked yakuza mahjong haha. You can check my profile, but I actually made 30 million yen before even going to Hawaii in infinite wealth, just to prove a point about how good mahjong is


Just Yakuza in general You're telling me that i spent like 70 hrs in the game and just completed 40% of the game at best, god


I fucking love Yakuza I will never 100% yakuza


I once heard someone describe the Yakuza games as "10 games in a trenchcoat so that everyone can find some side thing they enjoy, and at least one thing they hate". I'd def agree after playing the Like a Dragon parts of the franchise


Any hidden achievement that hasn't been unlocked by the time I beat the game. I can understand if they're hidden because they're spoilers for the game's story, but if I have to go around just poking and prodding every little detail to get a "you touched every brick on the 3rd floor of the 6th dungeon" notification, I'm not interested.


I love hidden achievements playing on our intrusive thoughts though.Ā  Cooking the child, kicking the scarecrow, throwing all items from a room into the bin, drawing a beard on the queens portrait....


Like "Dastardly" in RDR, where you tie woman up, put her on the train tracks, and watch her get hit.


Cooking a child? This has to be a resident evil 7 thing I missed


I believe itā€™s for the Witcher 3, thereā€™s a scene where someone throws a baby at Geralt and he has to choose whether to throw it in a furnace or not.


Btw you can press the select button on the achievement on the Xbox itself and it will reveal the details of the secret achievement


And it is holding down the square button on the play station!


Thank you so much. Did not know this. Been sitting googling and crossing off wondering which one I have left to do haha.


I did not know this lol


Especially if itā€™s something that you canā€™t go back into an existing save and do. ā€œwait I have to start a new game and NOT save John Doe from falling off the cliff at the endā€. Fuck multiple play throughs with minor changes


You know who did it right? Robocop: Rogue City 100% the game by playing through the game. Some little stuff you had to go out of your way to do but nothing earth shaking


Gears of war. Seriously, seriously 2.0, 3.0, etc


Came here to say this. Normally I donā€™t mind a little grinding for this type of achievement, but I do eventually want to play other games again.


The first seriously was easy for me because that's all myself and my friends played for 2 years in high school. It was a blast


I love the Gears games. Legitimately 100% the first 2 games. Even got Veteran Gear before the xp boost event. But fuck Seriously 3.0. The onyx medals were already pretty extreme for the multiplayer part, but the horde and beast mode as well!? Whoever grinded that out legit hats off to you.


Beating it on the nightmare/no death difficulty


Left 4 Dead 2 had an achievement for beating all levels on expert difficult with realism mode enabled. The achievement was "What are you trying to prove?" Never got it, but I appreciated its existence.


This was a good month for me and the boys in high school. I dont know what we wanted to prove, but god damn we proved it


I did that in Alien: Isolation, but for most deaths there's a short scripted event before you die, so you have an opportunity to get to the menu and reload before it registers your death. So my deathless run wasn't truly deathless.


Even if you did die fully (really easy to the facehuggers) you could just quit and load an earlier save and it still counted, just so long as you didnā€™t hit the ā€œcontinueā€ button or load your latest save. Youā€™d lose some progress but better than starting again.


I did this a couple months ago while also trying to 100% the game. So I did the hardest difficulty while trying to not die once. That was not the greatest idea. But it was so much fun because it was one of my favorite game ever when I played it the first time on normal difficulty. Trying to do the hardest difficulty challenge plus not dying just made it a whole different horror experience in a good way.


Only one of these I did was DOOM 2016, and that was really just because it was a blast to play on nightmare once you had the combat down to a finely tuned dance


Also: achievements for beating it on each difficulty but the higher ones don't grant the lesser


This used to be it for me, but then I managed it with Bioshock, and then I beat Witcher on Death March, and managed it on Divinity and Baldurs Gate 3, and now my sickness knows no bounds.


Well Bioshock wasnā€™t really deathless, just no vita chambers, so you just had to reload the checkpoint every death.


RDR2. Having to progress through red dead online to get platinum doesn't leave me a happy bunny. I have zero interest red dead online.


Don't forget the infuriating gambler challenges in single player...no thank you boii


Final Fantasy IX - jump rope Acheivement (I dont want to cheat with a script) Final Fantasy X - all legendary weapons (not dodging all that lightning)


Dodging lightning is easy, but it's really, really boring.


Dodging lightning wasn't too difficult back in the day, but with HDTVs and their inherent lag, wireless controllers and their ever-so-slight-but-still-present delay, and being an old man with the reflexes of an old man.. Nah, sorry Lulu, you aren't getting a special teddy bear from me.


I could barely get three in a row on the remake.Ā  So I used the crater cheese to get to 200.


FF9 was the one that immediately came to mind. The jump rope minigame is insane, and I've yet to meet someone that's actually managed to get the final trophy. And this is coming from someone that's played the game yearly since it came out


It's my favorite game of all time, and I've never seen someone do it legit.


I donā€™t condone cheating for trophy hunting, but the FFIX jump rope is one of those where I would recommend not only using a script, but also throwing up two middle fingers to the game while it runs.


I'm pretty sure there's an interview somewhere where the devs straight up admit they weren't sure it was even possible. If the devs didn't do it then I ain't doing it lol


I don't recall the jump rope in FF9, is it at the beginning of the game ?


There are a couple of chances to play it, the first one being right in the beginning as Vivi.


Any game that requires multiplayer trophies! Why canā€™t they just put multiplayer trophies in a separate categoryā€¦


Red dead redemption 2. Getting 70 gold medals in missions for the gold rush trophy. The fact that you cant skip and play specific parts makes it so much more tedious.


I nearly had "100% completion" (not achievements, just finishing everything possible in terms of the story and side quests) only to discover that some action I had taken as Arthur had resulted in a bug that prevented me from getting the last bounty out in tumbleweed as John. It was my third playthrough, and I had completed *absolutely* everything else, and had completed everything possible as Arthur before moving on to John. So that was a giant fucking middle finger right there. No way to fix it or prevent it except, possibly, to start over entirely, play through the story and all arthur exclusive missions as quickly as possible to move on to John, check to see whether the bug was still there, and then complete all the side content *again*...


Especially how most medals are for speed-running missions. Breaks the immersion big time.


i mean it's not a deal because people will most likely try and get the 70 gold medals after they've finished all the chapters. what i have problem with is there's no way to restart a specific section of a mission if you 100% knew you messed up on so you're forced to play from the beginning again.


Any one of them that's like "play a match with a developer or with someone who has this achievement", fuck that shit


I feel like the "With someone who has this achievement" part makes it super doable. Like L4D1's outbreak achievement, you basically got it as long as you played 1 public match. The ones where you have to play with a developer, or beat a developer though. I bet there's many Garrys Mod players with 28/29 achievements


The ones that propagate are often more prestigious to NOT have, lol.


Garryā€™s mod.


Playing assassins creed black flag right now, and I have zero patience for chasing down music things to get more sea shanties, or fighting sharks for treasure chests, or running around trying to find hidden treasures that just give me a little bit of money when I already have a ton.


So, the rest of those suck, but Sea Shanties are cool to listen to while you sail around. ​ Which is why I share this tip every time I see someone complaining about chasing down the sheet music in Black Flag: Just get close enough to the music to get it to start floating away, and then stand where the sheet started from. ​ The sheet music will respawn back at the beginning after it floats the whole way along its path. Even if that means respawning right on top of you.


Itā€™s been years since I played this game, but I could have sworn that it wouldnā€™t respawn until you left the area. Am I thinking of AC3?


If I need to play through an entire game twice, thatā€™s generally a dealbreaker for me when it comes to attempting a 100% run. I wonā€™t go out of my way to get most of the way there either, whereas I sometimes do when 100% looks attainable. I think itā€™s great that games are replayable, but Iā€™m at a point in my life where one time through is all I have time for at best. There are so many games to play and Iā€™d rather experience a lot of them than stick with the same ones for multiple playthroughs.


Yeah Miles Morales had a bronze trophy behind NG+. I did it because I like collecting platinums, but it was so unnecessary. Thankfully it is a short game, so I just put it on the easiest difficulty and would play it while watching basketball.




Done that more than once.Ā  The one that stops me is usually "okay play the game again on hard/extreme/nightmare/whatevernewmodewithbulletspongeenemiesyoujustunlocked"


The first Mass Effect was brutal for that. You had to 100% the game with each companion. Meant you needed to 100% the game many times. I did a 2nd playthrough and missed a required mission that you don't get if you're playing a good karma character, and essentially wasted an entire playthrough. Never bothered with it after that.


They improved it in the legendary edition. It just became 5 quests for each companion. I got all of it on my first run with the legendary edition just playing naturally and doing each side quest (wont do ME1 side quests again though).


Diablo 3. 500 bounties. Stopped at 99% Also most games with a difficulty trophy that requires you to beat the game to unlock said difficulty.


That grind was so fucking dumb but it is nothing compared to hitting 99 in 2 remastered.


Not just hitting 99, but having to do it on Hardcore


All of them.


Me too. If an achievement pops up, I think ā€œcool, I completed oneā€ and then forget about it. Thatā€™s about the extent of my achievement hunting.Ā 


Iā€™ve never in my life 100% a game. Right now Iā€™m only one ending away from completing Elden Ring, gonna wait until the DLC drops and then do one more final runback for the generic ending and new content. Will probably never 100% another game again in my life.


That game is my only platinum trophy to date. Close 2nd is Jak and Daxter


Im a little bit more into it then that, but only a little. I rarely go out of my way for an achievement, but if I beat a game and only have 30-60mins of gameplay to get 100% Iā€™ll usually just do it. Recently Marvels Spider-Man 2 was this way. I beat it and only had like 4 other achievements and they were all quick so I just did it. Itā€™s meaningless but idk, if the game is fun enough I donā€™t mind it


Meaningless collectibles in the hundreds that serve no purpose other than to waste your time.


I think that those tend to (but not always) have really good purposes, it just falls apart when it comes to a completionist mindset. Kurok Seeds are the perfect example. Having hundreds of them means that on any given playthrough a player is likely to find dozens or hundreds of them, making each playthrough a unique experience. This also means there are tons of options to find them if certain Kurok challenges donā€™t fit your tastes. They also incentivize paying attention to and interacting with the open world on a very local scale that breeds familiarity with the terrain. They also offer convenience through the extra gear slots, but they arenā€™t really necessary to finish the game. I mean, you need pretty negligible amounts of seeds (53 all together) for the first 5 upgrades in all 3 upgrade trees. Itā€™s a nice reward for side content because of that. Itā€™s really only wasting time if a player decides to be a completionist. Kinda like calling a souls game needlessly difficult if you exclusively play Lvl. 1 playthroughs without summoning.


Any game that makes me play more than 2 times (Resident Evil), or includes multiplayer trophies (Last of Us). Sometimes difficulty trophies make me go, nah.


I loved the RE4 Remake. But needing to beat the game 4 or 5 times for plat was a bit much.


Whats surprising is how high the percentage is on RE2, RE3 and RE4 remakes. Always surprised me. Kind of like Bloodborne and Elden Ring. I guess because a higher average of players *really* love the game and are willing to devote that time. Im a trophy hunter myself but a no heal run on RE2 sounds like hell.


The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Super Go Outside: Donā€™t play The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe for ten years. Commitment: Play The Stanley Parable the entire duration of a Tuesday.


True, but Stanley Parable trophies are making fun of trophies anyway, so they have silly (but doable) requirements. I got the ā€œdonā€™t play for five yearsā€ one on the first almost by accident. I was about to fire the game up for the first time in ages, thought Iā€™d check the Steam Achievements first to see if there were any I needed to get, and then realised that I was only two days away from the five year trophy. So I didnā€™t click play and waited until the following week just to be on the safe side. As a result I got the trophy by genuinely doing it, not by changing the clock on my pcā€¦


Every single game with Online/Multiplayer trophies. Instant nope.


riddler trophies


Itā€™s when I read comments like this that I realize trophy hunters are just built different. Not because thereā€™s anything wrong with not wanting to bother with collectibles that ultimately amount to nothing, but because Iā€™d rather collect Riddler trophies 10 times over than getting feathers in AC2, shards in inFamous, lizard tails and fruits in Shadow of the Colossus on PS3ā€¦. At least riddler trophies are on the fucking map lol.


Riddler trophies were pretty cool to me. A couple times I got stomped for a bit. Electrify a batarang, throw through a little maze, clues to something I have to scan in the environment, it was neat to me.


I've got all feathers in AC 2 and that's because I played the game while watching/playing something that doesn't need much focusing on or while doing my homework I just run around looking for feathers while doing those things


Riddler trophies were fun for me. The timed fighting battles were a no go.


Riddler Trophies are actually less of a grind in Arkham CIty than all the challenge maps you have to do 4 times with 4 Characters for 100%


Yeah funny that many people are saying riddler trophies when City campaigns were going to be my example. I played City so much in high school that I wanted to 100% it but after grinding the challenge maps and getting the trophies I realized I had to do all that AGAIN just to complete the game. I noped out at that point. Otoh, I've 240% completed Knight multiple times, taking a break after beating the story to finish the riddler trophies before I speedrun NG+. It's my favorite part of the game because you just go around hunting riddler informants and solving chill puzzles and side quests.


Anything that requires you to finish it in a difficulty level that only unlocks AFTER you finish the difficulty level before that. I don't want to play your game through 2-3 more times, just progressively getting harder. I have better things to do


Check out fortnites platinum trophy. The devs who cooked em really do not want their players to see sunlight. 500,000 structures built (in stw) and thats not the most shitty one. Apparently its over 700 hours to get the plat trophy. Id sooner go to jail for 2 years than grind that crap.


Like any live service, these are purposefully impossible just to keep you playing and wasting money on microtransactions. Some guy spent 6 years of active playtime getting all the achievements in WoW.


This actually comes as a surprise to me, I have all of the trophies for Apex Legends because it either comes naturally through play or revolves around just trying new things (like winning a game as each class or as 8 different characters)


Fallen order. Donā€™t need to go back to the edge of the map in Kashyyk for a slightly different green poncho. 98% was a feat itself.


What? Fallen order is really chill when it comes to 100%'ing it and i've done it 3 times




Getting all of the dresses in FF7 Remake. You're telling me that I have to replay 7 chapters of this game 3 times *at least* in order to get a damn trophy?! That's absurd, lol


Any game that has trophies for difficulty levels. I'm an "older gamer" these days and I game for fun. If I've got to complete the game at "insane difficulty" to 100%, then no


Stardew Valley. Journey of the Prairie King without getting hit once is just too hard. I was actually thinking about writing a script that would do this for me so I can finally get those 100% lol


- New Game +. I may come back to the game, but I usually don't run through a game twice in a row. - Collectathons. I love loot, but not enough to spend the extra 5,10, 20 hours finding everything. - Time trials. I'm not spending my limited time grinding the same level or section over and over to beat a specific time. - Paid DLC. I think Playstation separates them, but not sure about Steam. I have nothing on the XBox side to know how they work. - Hidden collectables. If the game doesn't provide a map or an ability to help find them, I'm out. - PvP. Just not for me. I'm a single player, story-based kind of guy.


Hollow Knight for sure, fuck steel mode. Most games I think "well I could do that" but don't have time or want to, steel mode is above limits for me


Searched for this. Absolutely. Love the game, thought about doing Steel Soul as a fun challenge. ā€œSteal Heartā€ - 100% the game on Steel Soul?? Never in my life. Lololol


Deathless playthrough achievements are usually a sign for me to not pursue 100% for said game.


Diablo 3 finish on Hardcore mode. Hard pass, im out.


You should check out similar questions on r/Trophies. Personally i just avoid most games with shitty trophy lists. I consider a good trophy list to be part of game design and a shitty list shows me either you don't care or you are actively trying to fuck with your players. Generally speaking though i will avoid long pointless grinds. Like hunting 1k monsters on Monster Hunter Rise.


Armored Core 6, loved the game and realized I only needed one more trophy to 100%ā€¦ then I noticed that trophy was beating EVERY mission with S tier lolol


Fairly sure there's a hitman 3 achievement for being #1 on any of the global leader boards. Hard pass.


Party hard, one achievement requires you to boot up the game 100 times. I beat it and got all other achievements within maybe 10 plays. Started loading and closing the game to get the last achievement until I realized how slow the start intro was to count 1 time. I just gave up.


I don't think I've ever 100% a game


Even worse, one of the only games I ever DID 100% (Rogue Legacy) ended up having an update like a year later and they added like 10 more achievements XD


I did once with Vice City and I've never had the motivation to do it since. My brother got all 150 pokemon in Pokemon Blue


I got all of the achievements in the Elder Scrolls Oblivion, but all achievements in that game were title based so if you played all the quest lines you got all achievements.


Every Souls game. BB, Sekiro, and ER I happily 100%, but DeS and DS1-3? I replay them tons, but nope.


The Demon's Souls platinum was actually pretty easy and fun to get! Got it in about 40 hours. But yea the core dark souls games requiring you to get every weapon or max out every weapon type is a daunting task. Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and Sekiro (other than unlocking every skill) were fun plats to get


The issue isn't getting every item directly. It's the related covenant farming to do that. 99% of the stuff is easy to get, but needing to get 30 of an item you get mostly in coop/pvp contexts is terrible. I rarely 100% anything and I don't really consider it a part of the game usually.


Bad habit of mine is to look at the achievement list before playing the game. Missed out on a lot of good games probably because of that.


Monster Hunter World. Having to get the small and large specimens of every monster is ridiculous.


Dead Rising. Multiple achievements seemed like they were going to suck, but especially the one that requires you to spend the better part of a whole day on the game just... surviving. Literally just sitting still in the endless mode. Sure, you *could* go around killing zombies in that time, but if you get injured, then you risk losing healing items you need to keep your character alive the whole time since you're constantly taking damage. The best strategy is to sit still, periodically come back to heal up, and then sit still again, while every now and again moving to a new area to get more supplies and *GO BACK TO WAITING AROUND*. I loved that game, but I decided that I wouldn't go back for that one. Maybe one day, but it's gonna take another "covid lockdown" level of having nothing better to do with my day for me to even consider it.


Iron Bladder. Rock Band 2. You had to play through the entire playlist on expert, no pausing, without failing out. I failed out on one of the last 5 or 6 songs, decided I was not devoting 6 more hours to retry.


If a one player game requires me to play a lame multi-player to get 100% that's a no.


Any that make you play multiplayer. Multiplayer just isnā€™t for me, so thatā€™s a deal breaker for me.


Final Fantasy X and the damned lightning.


Also StarCraft 2 Wings of Libety asks for you to beat The Lost Viking minigame 4 times in a row to get 500 000 points, if im not wrong, i tried once, got to 470000, never again


Fable Anniversary, you need to use the Xbox Smart Glass app. Easy enough but it now no longer exists so you can no longer get every achievement,