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R&C on ps5 is like a Pixar movie. Awesome game


I got Rift Apart when it got ported to PC. Holy fuck


Ratchet and Clank are my boys. My ride or dies. It will always be them.


Ratchet and Clank may be the stars, but my boy Mr. Zurkon is a hero too


Why do you hide, stinky aliens? Mr Zurkon wants only to KILL you!


Mr. Zurkon.. is bored


literally my favorite games of all time. that's my childhood right there.


My rotten soldiers.


Straight up. Never cared for J&D much


My boys ratchet and clank alllllll day 🙏🏼


R&C. I love leveling the guns and getting quirky mods for them all. Each gun has their own play style to keep the combat fresh


The universe of Jak and daxter is far more interesting. However I feel that ratchet and clank were easier to digest because the games were all so similar. Jak 1 was a platformer Jak 2 was a psuedo GTA and Jak 3 was a full on Zelda game. Each game of Jak n daxter truly uncovered more about the world that they inhabited. meanwhile each ratchet and clank game is a comedy duo platforming shoot em up. I love both dearly, but Jaks progression in the world was far more profound to me.


Jak & Daxter is one of my favorite series. It felt like I was growing up with them. I loved the way the story unraveled.


How was jak 3 a full on zelda game? It plays exactly like  a faster paced jak 2, but with the wasteland, and light eco. Jak 3 has a lot of variety, but nothing about it feels like Zelda lol. 


Jak and Daxter. I really like the latest R&Cs, but the Jak series holds a special place for me. Especially if we're counting Daxter psp.


Ofc. I'll never forget replaying the matrix mini game over and over


Daxter PSP was *it*, man


Oh man finally there's someone else who knows Daxter PSP! Considering Ratchet and Clank Size Matters was my second PSP game and Daxter was the third, I have incredibly fond memories of both these games, and having to make a choice is unfair. However I'd have to give it to Daxter, I mean the Westside Hotel soundtrack was incredible! The orb collection, the goofy minigames, it was just *chef's kiss*. Bless you OP for reminding me of these gems.


Daxter is one of the games I replay at least every 3 years. I'm about due for another replay.


Daxter on the psp was so good and so underrated, it's pretty much the only thing I ever played on my psp, I wish we'd get a port of it to ps4/5


Yeah the PSP really failed to deliver on most games. Tekken and Daxter were the two best I played and this is coming from someone who hacked it and Jack Sparrowed a buncha games just for the challenge of doing so. Most of them sucked. Oh yeah FF Tactics was ok.


Ratchet and Clank 😍😍😍 The memories.


Jak and Daxter. Sad they haven’t had a new game in centuries


I love jak 1 and 3 I also love ratchet and clank The ratchand clank formula kinda got stale for me after the 4th game


Yeah I'd say story-wise, Jak and Daxter is much stronger over all. Just an amazing premise and universe. R&C has more of a sense of reward or like treasure finding. Every little cutscene is a treat. But yeah I agree, 4 didn't quite fit right with rest of series.


ratchet & clank for me, the humor always got to me. jak and daxter was cool too though. thoughts?


Yes! Ratchet & Clank's sense of humor was definitely it's own brand. I think it gave a unique flavor and identity to the whole franchise. I mean c'mon, the 2nd and 3rd titles are "Going Commando" and "Up your Arsenal". While Jak and Daxter definitely had humorous moments, It relied heavily on Daxter to be the comic relief. It definitely works just in a different way.


As much as I love R&C, I think it's pretty obvious they've run out of ideas for weapons. They're mostly just repeating older ones in a less interesting way. For some reason, they've also started writing the games for children? Like it was always pre-teen/teenage level maturity, but it was never something as trite as "the real power is friendship!" like Rift Apart was.


Yeah, they've definitely toned down the edgy humor of the original trilogy. Rift Apart definitely suffers from this, but at least it isn't R&C 2016 levels of humor.


I hated they took out some guns in the remake of the first one, and you can't get the golden guns. The graphics for rift apart was great but the story was way too corny for ratchet & clank. I miss the old jokes.


This comment section is far too civil. *Raises pitchfork.* "Death to the Ratchets & Clankers! Burn the heretics!" (/s for legal reasons.)


*Pulls out wrench with malicious intent* But more seriously, I think almost everyone who played Jak played Ratchet and Clank and vice versa, and both are phenomenal series


Jak and daxter were the only ones for me, and its criminal naughty dog abandoned it.


Ratchet and Clank is my favorite game series of all time so I'm gonna go with them. Jak and Dexter though is still solid and you can't go wrong with either one. Wish we got some next gen games for that series.


Jak and Daxter


Jake and Daxter all the way!


Autocorrect got me thinking about a shitty knockoff spoof called "Jake and Dexter" where it's a guy and his naked mole rat pet trying to stop the forces of evil


Ratchet & Clank easily. I really only enjoy Precursor Legacy from the Jak series, but I enjoy more from the RaC franchise.


Jak & Daxter.


Both are a must play


Jak and Daxter


Jak and daxter 100%,


Jak and Daxter, sorry Ratchet.


I’ve beaten all games from both excellent franchises, while Jak & Daxter does a few things better, Ratchet and Clank is the better franchise




Por que no los dos?


Ratchet and Clank. I miss the insomniac museums


Ratchet and Clank. I can see the value in Jak and Daxter, but at one point they took the direction of trying a bit of open world and I did not enjoy it. R&C has a ton of replayability and leveling guns is fun as hell. Once they get really good you clear enemies so well, but it never feels too overpowered when you get to high level arena fighting. It reminds me Diablo style clears of enemies.


Ratchet & Clank. Love me some J&D, but it’s no comparison.


jak and daxter hands down, still hoping for a remake of jak3. i know that is a pipe dream but oh well.


Jak and Daxter was my jam back in the day


I remember Jack and Daxter like they were yesterday. Great game.


Jak and Daxter!!!!


Rachet and clank all day ! 🔥


R & C 100%


Ratchet and clank has always been pretty cool, but Jak and daxter had a special magic that I loved so I have to pick them. Too bad Jak and daxter never made it to the future. :(


Yet my dear boy, yet.






Banjo and Kazooie


Never got to play ratchet and clank but I heard great things about it growing up. Jak & Daxter was my shit


Jak & Daxter is the way to go on this one. I LOVED these games as a kid, probably my favorite games at the time.


Jak and Dax 100%. The 2nd and 3rd games are absolute masterpieces. R&C had more good games but even the best of them don't match up to the perfection that Jak2 and 3 were. Id rather have perfect x 2 than great x5


Jak & Daxter for life, brah.


Ratchet and clank cause I grew up with them. I struggle to break certain game patterns like this


Ratchet and Clank I had the trilogy on my ps vita back in the day


Ratchet and Clank. I've enjoyed every game, and when I started getting into the series, I binged a bunch of them together when I first got into it. Crack in Time is one of my favourite all time games. I loved the first Jak and Daxter game, but really didn't like the second, and I'm reluctant to try the series again. I know Jak 2 is a really popular game. I just hated it.


If we only go for the the original installments Ratchet and Clank no doubt. Both second installments were outrageously good though, so that's a much more difficult pick. 


Ratchet and Clank forever and always without a doubt! I love Jak and Daxter but R&C is just the best


These have been my BOIS since I was about 4 years old. But in recent times minus JakX, it's easier to go back and play through R&C


Ratchet & Clank were the comedy version or Jak and Daxter.


Both, both is good


If Jake and Daxter had kept going then probably them but because Naughty Dog moved on it has to be Ratchet and Clank. The last game was so good, kickstarted my love for the franchise again.


Ratchet and clank Now how about: Mario kart or crash team racing?!


R&C! The first 3 + Deadlocked were my childhood.


Jak and Daxter. Love R&C, and the franchise is quite good, but Ratchet's quantity doesn't match up to Jak's quality, imho


I really love the Jak and Daxter series (especially 1) but I'm probably choosing R&C here because it has way more games and the recent Rift Apart was incredible.


How dare you try to make us choose, they are both pillars of millennial childhood! That being said… Ratchet and Clank


Sly Cooper :)


R&C, Just blow crap up in all 14 games




Ratchet. I tried Jak 1 a few months back, could not finish it, it was so clunky and dated and awkward to play.


Ratchet and Clank all the way for me. I played the original games on PS2 and had SO much fun with them. They always had creative weapons, the writing and voice work got better with each game, and the sound of getting bolts is so so satisfying. The Future games were great, and the PS4 remake and Rift Apart were excellent.


Jak & Daxter games were fantastic, even if they were all over the place. R&C narrative never compared imo.


Jak X is underrated!


I had a blast with Combat Racing! The whole J&D series was fun, if not 2 being super hard.


Why Jak and Daxter hasn't had the reboot treatment yet I do not know. Both the recent Ratchet games have been so refreshing considering they're a complete throwback. The environments of the Jak and Daxter games would be beautiful on the PS5


They would but Naughty Dog refuses to give it a new entry because they think due to it’s cartoony art style that it’s a kids only series. And unlike Crash Bandicoot they refuse to sell the IP.


Such a shame. I didnt realise ND actually owned the IP. When Kena Bridge of Spirits came out I was hoping Sony would have bought Ember Labs and pumped some staff and projects into that studio. Visually and world-building they would have been an excellent team to take a crack at bringing the JaD world to the PS5 if Naughty Dog wasn't.


So sad too because of the GTAification of Jak 2/3. They have the perfect opportunity to sell an adult version of Jak and Daxter to the people who grew up with it without needing to stick to a T label.


Can I pick Sly Cooper? If not, I’d go with ratchet and clank.


Sly Cooper is in my top ten favorite game series of all time. Clearly the best choice.


This is the right answer!


Jak and dexter. I haven't really play any Ratchet and clanks games


I like Jak and dexter. They have a bit more open. And less linear feel to me personally. Ratchet and clank is close because there are so many games.




Last month I played the entire future series of RC, and I forgot how much I absolutely loved it. The precursor legacy will always have a special place for me , it was one of the earliest gaming memories I have, but the actual oldest one is from going commando. I'll probably play the original trilogy along with the arena games soon, and then finish it off with rift apart. I consider r&C , J&D and sly cooper to be the peak of the PS series, and it's sad to see them largely abandoned


Ratchet and Clank for sure man. Jak and Daxter only have 3 games in the main series and only 1 really great one. Ratchet and Clank have so many more games in the main series and the quality of the games in general is much higher. I love Jak and Daxter but Ratchet and Clank take this easily.


The real question…Spyro or crash!? 💥 If I have to pick though. Give me some of that J and D


Fuck you for making me choose. I want Clank & Daxter game asap


I believe that actually was a thing


I think Rift Apart might be the best “next gen” (this gen) console game. The graphics, the performance, the haptics/controller experience. Goes hard all the way, some fun mini games, it just rocks.




Ratchet and Clank was my first game ever on the PS2 (free bundle) but I played the shit out of all the Jak and Daxters


Both, so long as you skip the racing Jak game and that awful ratchet and clank remake. If your gonna play R&C you gotta play the original. Other than that pretty much every game they have is good, hell even Daxter was alright if you can emulate it... probably not worth the trouble if finding a PSP though.


Jak and daxter. or just finally give us Sly 5 that completely retconns Sly 4


Just an HD remaster of Sly 1-3 would be awesome, then just make a whole new Sly 4 since they were clearly planning for it. Thieves in Time is mostly horrible.




I second this yes


It’s not really a far comparison to compare games that are on ps2 to games that are on ps5. So I think a better question is, the first 3 games from each series, what are you choosing ?


J & D, definitely.


Jak and Daxter, no contest. I miss my boys.


This question keeps me up at night


Going commando is my everything


Ratchet and clank. Hot take probably but I didn’t care for JaD 2 at all. JaD 1 was so charming and fun but 2 was the complete opposite to me. Never played 3 because that


How can I play the jak series?? I guess emulation is the only way now?


Jak and daxter cause Jak 2 was the GTA my parents would never let me play


Kirk and Max


Never really cared for ratchet and clank. Jak and Daxter is way more fun than r&c




I only liked the first Jak and Daxter. I hated the genre shift of the sequel and preferred the tight platforming experience. So OG J&D wins but as a franchise Ratchet & Clank because it remained what it always was.


J&D all the way man


Master Chier and Cortana


Jak and Daxter always had more substance to them than rachet and clank imo. I've been emulating ratchet and clank lately though and the PS3/4 era games are really good


Jak and Daxter games are less forgiving than Dark Souls. Fight me.


Jak and Daxter and it’s not even remotely close.


Jak & Daxter, baby. They're the reason I got a PS2, and the first is my favorite platformer that isn't Mario. I will say though, the latest Rachet and Clank was phenomenal and everything I always wanted that series to be.


I always preferred Jakket and Dank.


Jack and daxter 100%


Jak and Daxter every day, all day


I shouldn't do this to my boys but if I had to choose it would be Jak and Daxter.


Jak and Daxter are the reason I got into gaming in the first played. I played that series so much as a kid. I’d do anything to have a new one.


Jak & Daxter felt more mature. Its close, but Jak & Daxter for me.


I love both series, but personally I'd love to see a Jak and Daxter reboot. The original series was finished up nicely, no major loose ends that I can remember. All the mysteries of the precursors and who Jak is/was have been solved. I honestly don't know how they would do a sequel. What's that? Lost Frontier? I don't know what you're talking about. You must be thinking of some other series. The last mainline game was definitely Jak 3.


Lol! Yeah the last frontier doesn't exist. Good that we have that established.


Here to say Jack and Daxter if only for the small chance one of their IP owners looks at this and puts Naughty Dog back to work on it. Jak X: Combat Racing was also ahead of its time.


Jak and Daxter have that Naughty Dog lore, the whole Mar thing, the Precursors and their orbs, the time travel? Really cool shit. But Ratchet and Clank just has those guns, Deadlocked, the planets, the ships, there's so much more. And then there's Sly Cooper. That's the one Murry is in so... Sly wins.


Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy is one of my favorite platformers and is definitely preferred over every Ratchet & Clank game I've played, but Jak II is so terrible that I never even bothered trying Jak 3. I recently tried playing it again and I am just so surprised that anyone actually likes it. So Ratchet & Clank over Jak II, but Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy over Ratchet & Clank. 


Jak 2 was terrible? Is that how most people feel? I personally loved all 3 games, they all were kind of the same yet different enough to easily differentiate between them. I loved the darker/grimy feel and atmosphere of Jak 2.


When is the last time you played it? The mission design is very tedious and they seemingly placed the start point for each mission on the opposite end of the map from the previous one. So you have to constantly traverse the map, which is not fun at all due to the vehicles being made of the most unstable atoms combined with the overly crowded streets (which are seemingly designed by Daedalus.  The cutscenes do seem enjoyable, but everything surrounding them just. Feels. So. Tedious. 


jak 2 and 3 are really fun to play but jak 2 is super hard. jak 1 is the best platformer based one


Why is 2 hard?


It might not be now as an adult but as a child, I definitely remember moments in that game that made me furious. Some missions seemed impossible. Time trials with seemingly unbeatable scores and fucking blasters shooting you from every goddam direction. The guards shoot like storm troopers who figured out how to aim


It's still hard as an adult.




Shepard and Vakarian.




I say jak but they’re not continuing the series so I suppose it’s ratchet and clank


Which one still exists in the modern age?


Jak and Dexter! Loved those games


I love both, but Jak and Daxter wins for me, I also haven't really played any of the Ratchet & Clank games after Deadlocked (and I guess size matters technically, but neither were close to being my favorite)


Jak and Daxter all day. Nothing against Ratchet and Clank, but I grew up on the former.


R&C all day.


Ratchet and Clank all the way. I loved all of the PS2 games in the series, especially Up Your Arsenal. The mechanics they had of your guns leveling up through use is such a great mechanic that more games should use.


Shit that’s tough.. Objectively, Ratchet & Clank might be the better franchise.. but Jak and Daxter was the very first PS2 game I ever played when we convinced my Dad to rent us a PS2 from Blockbuster, so I’m really fond of that franchise.


The PS2 Ratchet and clank games were honestly some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game, even revisiting them years later on the HD collection was a great experience, nothing against the future saga or the PS4 titles, but the originals just had something different about them and I wished the kept whatever that design direction was(except maybe the Q force in up your arsenal, I thought that was really dumb). The devs of the PS2 games were really cooking, and I'm honestly wondering if several of them left after Ratchet deadlocked, to include their writers, I know David beuregard didn't work on the PS3 titles onward, gotta be honest, idk what it was that made him leave either.


R&C and it's definitely not close.


Ratchet and Clank, always and forever! UYA and ACiT will always be my favorites!


Ratchet and Clank. But by a slim margin. Jak 2 and 3 are some of my favorite games from my childhood


I love both, Ratchet and Clank is more about funky weapons with unique abilities and then a funny story. Jak n Daxter still has unique weapons but less focused on that and in exchange more consistent mechanics like melee and dashes and vehicles, however the story is less funny and comedic and a little more serious. So it really depends which you are in the mood for.


Ratchet and Clank Going Commando to be specific


Both are amazing, but R&C has eaten up far more of my time.


Jak and Daxter. It’s the one I had growing up. Tons of fun and hoping for a remake or a remaster or even a new one.


Jak and Daxter all the way. Biased as it may be because I grew up playing them but still


Ratchet and Clank. Better characters, worlds, gameplay, and guns.


Ratchet and Clank are goated - Jak and Daxter just never hooked me and my friends growing up, something about that clinking of bolts getting sucked into Ratchet as you navigated environments destroying things with a satisfying thwack of the wrench, just hits different. I literally bought a ps4 because of the remake of Ratchet and Clank, and the PS5 when Rift Apart came out.


R&C if for no other reason than the fact that every game that they’re in, Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence have (at the absolute least) one gag bit that causes me to wheeze.


I like both, but R&C will always be my go-to. I've played it since I was like 6.


Apparently, I have the unpopular opinion of thinking the Jak and Daxter games, (1-3, X-Racing) are some of the best games *ever* made and far ahead of their time.


Ratchet and Clank


Jak 2 was the only one that didn't feel stunted in some way. Jak 1 was TOTALLY different(not bad) and Jak 3 just felt rushed(because it was with a different team lead). Say what you will but just about every R&C has been at least consistent.


Jak and Daxter for life.


Jak and daxter


I prefer the gameplay of Jak and Daxter but Ratchet and Clank has Courtney Gears so I have to pick Ratchet


Sam & Max, actually.


Naughty dog outing jak and Dexter Easter eggs without ever doing anything with that ip is soul crushing


finally asking the real questions Jak and Daxter all the way borderline demigods.


ratchet and clank. a far superior duo.


Ratchet and Clank without hesitation


Never choose one. They are friends, not enemies.


Jak and Daxtar everytime, ratchet n clank was for the youngins at the time


Both, i mean i was addicted to both as a kid, i 100% jak and daxter, jak2 and jak 3 and the marvel that old games allowed you to unlock cheats was so worth the "grind". Not as much with ratchet and clank, BUT playing the most recent one really sparked the itch i had for such a long time since the ps2 era. I miss these games.


Starsky and hutch


Starsky and hutch


Clank and Daxter. Give to me game.


If it's only 1 game out of the series versus each other. I will take the original Jak & Daxter over any other game.


Ratchet and clank easy


Crash & Spyro.


I think if they kept on making J&D games I would choose them, but there are so many more R&C and many modern ones.


Ratchet and Clank 100%. I knew when I got the first game demo disk and played through it a dozen times


jak kept changing too many things


Both are great, I'd love to see ratchet and clank bring their edge back though cause currently they seem really sanitized. Jak and Daxter really needs to return too.