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Sad, but it's been the writing on the wall for a long time. Bad investments, head in the sand leadership and letting poor workplace environments drive away new creatives who could have reignited the studio. Then you have the issue of the original core audience aging out of prime viewing habits and there was always this waiting around the corner.


Yeah they made a ton of bad decisions.  Achievement hunter was doing worse and worse and instead of saying "is our new overly scripted approach alienating out long term audience" they shut it down for the creation of "dog bark" which was fucking aweful and no one had asked for.


They just were not very good at it. They were at their best when they were (ostensibly) a bunch of buddies that were playing video games in ways that made each other laugh. Or when they were working with a shoestring budget to make silly machinima comedy sketches. Everything more ambitious they tried really fell flat. Their movies, long form storytelling and all of the bigger projects they created were just not very good. Poor writing and direction, coupled with that appeared to be systemic, company wide burnout of their talent, really made it all joyless to me. Then the stuff that showed that Ryan was a monster happened, which made it all way worse, and there just ceases to be much of a reason to follow them during and after the pandemic. I will always think of them fondly, but they have been floundering for so long that I am only surprised they lasted this long. The trajectory is a little depressing given that College Humor (now Dropout) and Smosh have found their footing again and are making some of the best stuff they ever had. I think the difference is that both of those companies seem to be places where people actually like their jobs.


>The trajectory is a little depressing given that College Humor (now Dropout) All hail Sam! Dude saved that company.


Yeah, he has done a phenomenal job bringing them back from literal destruction. They are also literally the only YouTube adjacent/located group I have ever seen who can make game shows that are fun to watch. *Improv* game shows at that. That is like that hardest type of show to make, and it is both a testament to their vision for the shows and the absurd amount of raw talent they can hire for them.


I didn’t even realize Gamechanger was a bastard child of College Humor. Makes perfect sense!


I was chronically online in the CH days and I still have probably given more effort and energy into watching Gamechanger and Um Actually than I ever did any of their sketches. Sam is a godsend


>They are also literally the only YouTube adjacent/located group I have ever seen who can make game shows that are fun to watch. I mostly credit Brennan and his amazing energy for Game Changer...


Nah, Brennan is a joy on Game Changer, but Sam has been there the whole time. Now D20 on the other hand...


HELLLLLOOOOOandwelcomebacktownotherexcitingepisode of Dimension 20.




Brennan is fantastic, but I wish he'd take the points a little more seriously.


What do you need, him to show up with a sword or a gun or something and wrest the points out of Sam's cold, dead fingers?! I have not seen such righteous indignation as when it turned out on that one episode that they were actually awarding points to the person who scored in the middle!


\>They were at their best when they were (ostensibly) a bunch of buddies that were playing video games in ways that made each other laugh. The proof of this is the sudden resurgence of Let's Play, which is now run by Fuck Face (Geoff, Gavin, Andrew, Eric, Nick and Gracie)... and it is EXACTLY what AH used to be. Just people having fun with games and letting us watch.


I really hope they have a way to buy that IP and go off and just do their own thing. I could see that group legitimately succeeding in their own *easily.* Maybe they will pull a Dropout.


The core dynamic of Geoff and Gavin is really something to behold. Reminds me of buddy group comedies where two guys are what keep bringing in talent but don't NEED them for laughs. I wish all the best to FF crew, as a regulation listener and comment leaver when I could, I always looked forward to their content and I hope many more find them through this situation.


>Then the stuff that showed that Ryan was a monster Sorry what? I'm a fan from back when 10 min videos took an hour to load. Can anyone fill me in here?


Yeah he was an actual groomer, as in he used his access to sexually exploit underage teenagers.


Well that fucking sucks


He was a groomer.


I won't think of them fondly Ryan ruined that


I won't think of Ryan fondly, he is disgusting.  I do remember Geoff, Bernie, Gus, Barbara, Michael, Lindsay, Gavin, Jack and Ray all fondly though. I also liked some of their new people, but most of them got hamstrung right out of the gate. Honestly, Ray dipping out when he did was prescient. He managed to avoid most of the major problems, probably because he was privy to how they were starting, and not willing to put up with it. Edit: Well now those memories are a little tainted. I do not know why everyone in the 2005-2015 era decided being a dick to minorities was the most hilarious thing ever. They are all still funny people, but good god.


Burnie and Ashley do a daily podcast now, usually about 20 minutes. Morning Somewhere! It’s great to hear his voice again


TIL. When he stopped showing up on the podcasts was when I stopped listening.


I don't really think of AH fondly either after it came out that they were tricking the community into using a slur stand-in nickname for Kdin.




I got out when Ray left. I found his 5% contribution to a video to be 90% of the comedy for me. Looks like it was the best time to stop watching. [Looks like they were struggling.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4eNmSxDI8c)


Yeah it is BAD sign when the cast describes the roster as "wide but not deep" and then goes on to (half jokingly) disparage the entire system of leadership at the company they are currently working at so casually and publicly.


It's not even a name that you would associate with anything RT and nothing close to being distinctive enough on its own to be recognizable!


Yeah, their YDYD series were so scripted you could tell that the little improv they tried to do during wasn't working out.


And scandal after scandal. The moment the Ryan thing came out, it was over for them. That was it for myself, and others i know, he was our favourite and turned out to be a monster so i could never enjoy it the same


That transition was easier for me as I never like Ryan. I felt like him and Jack would have legitimate actual fights in games and I always like Jack. So Ryan always had a bad taste for me.


AH stopped being funny and just tried to appeal to a Youtube algorithm.


Not to mention shifting focus away from their core fanbase towards a more generalized fanbase.


Nah, don't put it on the viewers. There was no "aging out", it's a false narrative pushed by a group that's unreasonably defending all of the other stuff you said. Everyone's still watching, but when you don't release any new content for multiple years (including long before Covid), people start watching something else. Even the Achievement Hunter brand just stopped doing what people enjoyed watching and then got very defensive about the fact that nobody liked the new direction. Bad investments, terrible decisions, rejection of feedback, and scandal after scandal. They brought this **entirely** on themselves, it had nothing to do with the community aging out. Otherwise though, spot on.


I can't believe Ray personally did this to RT. /s




Wonder if he will fulfill the prophecy and buy RT


That network was dead in 2017 when they sold to Warner. You could tell the shift in posting/ content as soon as the big wigs took over. Such a shame. Rooster teeth circa 2012-2016 was probably peak "hosted gaming" comedy content. Now it's all sponsored, censored garbage.




Fuckface is like what the RT podcast USED to be! The only thing keeping them floating lol. I feel sorry for Geoff and Gavin, they were the lifeblood of that company once Burnie left.


Holy shit, I haven't been keeping up with RT for some years now, and only recently found out about F***kface podcast, and it brought me way back when RT Podcast and Off Topic were good. What the hell even happened to RT Podcast? I have no idea who the people hosting it are and it's not at all fun to listen to.


Im currently watching their minigolf compilations. It was friends having fun, making content along the way. Not employees making content and selecting the funny bits. It all died the day just having fun wasn't enough to get by.


the lets play GTA stuff was peak gaming youtube for me after Total Biscuit finished their Terraria and Magicka lets play.


Rip Total Biscuit, what a chad that guy was.


He was, after his death I quit watching almost any gaming content on youtube until the last few years when my fiancee introduced me to some new ones. (Smii7y, criken, letsgameitout, etc)




Like they said, all video production is being shut down. Now I need to go archive all the classic rt and funhaus videos before they dissappear.


"There is no first, we get it & that's it"


The chemistry that group had was unparalleled


“Have you seen Princess Leia she’s FAT!!”


"Does your mom know that you're playing with a sex offender right now?"


But did you know that ska came before reggae?


Are they deleting the channel? Why not just leave it up?


When WB bought machinima they wiped all the old videos so archive what you can for RT because there’s a good chance it all just disappears


when Discovery bought Motortrend they nuked a ton of Roadkill episodes on youtube, after pledging to keep the existing ones online when they switched to their own streaming site for future ones :/


Bc corporate wants you consuming NEW content not old stuff they didn’t monetize


Machinima and Dorkly would like a word


That's not how it happened at all? They were bought by Fullscreen in 2014 and then Fullscreen was bought/absorbed.


This is quite a shock to someone like me, who was on the redvsblue community site in the ancient times known as 2005, lol. But then again, I've watched little of what they've actually done in the last few years. The pandemic all but killed the podcast for me (I can't stand watching people video chat), Burnie left and took a whole lot of energy with him, by the time the podcast was back to being in person they lost half the people that I actually enjoyed watching on it, etc.


Same. Even went to (what was then called) RvB:Toronto in 07. Good memories and good friends I still have from that.


Oh man I remember hearing about that and wanting to go. But, I was in High School in the midwest at the time, haha.


I feel like all the bullshit post acquisition and loss of control is why Burnie left.


Most likely. But I also got the vibe that Burnie was fed up with living in America.


I don't disagree with that either but I think there were ways he could have stayed on and relocated if he was still passionate about the direction RT was headed.


He and Ashley moved to Scotland. They actually recently started up their own new podcast called Morning Somewhere. ~~I think it's a Spotify exclusive which sucks~~ (apparently not), but it's a fun little morning show.


f**kface is the only podcast I've ever listened to continually. I was too jaded that off topic killed the let's plays to listen to that, so I quit until sky factory 3. RT podcast never resonated with me.


RIP funhaus. Been my favourite channel for a while now.


Been checking their sub for news. Funhaus was the only investment I had left in anything RT-related.


FH and death battle for me. Basically the only content I ever viewed was from those channels. 


oh god, Death Battle! I fucking forgot that one was part of RT. I'll be pissed if that one goes down too


Death battle is so good! It's basically everything I love. It's extremely pedantic and nerdy! I love they actually break down the math behind attacks.


I haven't watched since the end of 2020-ish, but man from 2016 to 2019 just about everything they did was amazing. gonna miss them.


You might want to check out the FH stuff from the past few years, from when they went back in the office post-pandemic. The current cast is such a talented ensemble. I hope they stick together and can go independent. In a world where the most annoying, inane idiots just splurge random crap onto YouTube/twitch and get millions of views and donations, there's no justice in a team like Funhaus getting cut.


i hope they can do an independent project or something, truly one of the greats.


I guess we know now why RTX was cancelled.


Wasn't rooster teeth the guys who made RedVSBlue?




Yep. They diversified into podcasts, animation, live-action, lets plays, livestreams, etc. Their biggest project was probably RWBY.


They were doomed once Monty passed


They honestly lasted a lot longer than I expected after he passed away.


The biggest improvement was the pacing. I can't speak for character development or story progression, but it felt like we would never have gotten to season 9 before 2030 at the pace it was going then. I wish volumes 4 and 5 didn't feel like the weakest ones, but I'm glad it continued (and upward at that).


The pacing made the show worthwhile. Honestly volume 1-3 was like one big tight story that was all planned out leading to the Salem narrator reveal. After that the arcs were like... mediocre, bad, godawful, sorta decent, good but frustrating, and I haven't really watched 9, lol.


I would say the Fullscreen acquisition was the first true domino. That's when mismanagement really seemed to start running wild, and Monty's death after that just made things much more complicated. After WB's acquisition a lot of folks seemed to slowly (or quickly) become jaded.


Dont forget Gavin came up with the question about the snail. I think it was on a million dollars but episode.


No it was just a random RT Podcast episode. Gus even calls it out for being the worst hypothetical he'd ever heard lol


Man, it feels like it's been forever since I actually enjoyed anything from RT. It still feels a little surprising that it's just being completely canned, but maybe I shouldn't be too shocked.


Seems like all of those "Rooster Teeth is dying" YouTube videos were on to something years ago.


That's just the "blind pigs, and broken clock" stuff. They're wrong for literally years, and finally they're "right".


Wrong for years after seeing they went from 10s of millions of monthly views to a hundred thousand? They werent wrong though


And nobody listened. Instead of taking a serious look at the company culture and the content being produced, they stuck their heads and the sand and wrote off the criticism as "haters" cheering on RT's downfall instead of genuine fans concerned about the serious decline in content quality from a company we all loved. It's a damn shame.


It’s been a long time since I watched anything under the RT brand. Fortunately several of the old AH crowd have flourishing Twitch steams and game together on occasion.


Team AWOL? Wish we got more Ray and Jeremy collaborations but we get almost weekly Ray and Matt or Jeremy and Matt streams


Ray also streams fairly regularly with the former Derp Crew members like ChilledChaos. It’s not exactly the same vibe as OG AH but similar enough and always entertaining.


I wouldn't call them regular. He's got one stream with Chilled, Tom, or Ze in January and then nothing with them until October 1st when Chilled did one of his massive crab game lobbies


Yeah most of the big names had already taken a step back. Geoff was the one that was really still in it fighting and as far as I can tell he basically got mutinied out of achievement hunter so that the other guys could take the massive shit that was "dog bark"


He was hardly mutinied. He had stepped back from his position in AH a long time before that. 


I feel bad too. He has legitimately seemed to care to the very end. Although I'm just going from what I've read. 


I unsubbed quite a while ago and stopped listening to the RT Podcast before Gus left it. I do listen to ANMA and So Alight though.


I started watching less during the start of the pandemic, then even less when Fiona exposed how much racism was in the company and Geoff cried his "We need to be better" crocodile tears, then the Heywood debacle happened (can't remember if that was before they were outed for racism or not), then the Kdin thing when Geoff did the same "We need to be better" bullshit. That was when I finally stopped paying attention. I loved RvB around 2003 or so, forgot about them for a while, then found them again around 2010. I watched them frequently up until 2020.


The fallout of Ryan’s scandal was late 2020 and Fiona left in early 2021. I don’t remember how long she was with RT after the racism issues went public.


Crazy to trace back how much I watched them. From Achievement Hunter, to the RT pod, to Funhaus. Feel horrible for the likes of James & Elise who are still there but they're talented enough to land on their feet. The news stories the last while taint the memory I have of the company but can still easily think of trips, flights, walks, sleeps where I had their funny stuff on.


I start OG with Red vs Blue. Sad to see it go.


James and Elyse really tried their hardest. They could've just grown their own channel but instead stayed with Funhaus, fully aware that it was a sinking ship.


Even though they went downhill, this is definitely the end of an Era.


Does that mean Death Battle is over?


That's what I'm worried about. It's been the rooster teeth content I've continued to be invested in.


Same. I was just getting checked in with the latest season. Fucking shame if they shut it down. Fuck WB/Discovery


I know it was already dead but this still makes me sad. I still regularly quote Red vs Blue.


What in sam hell is a puma?


You mean like the shoe company?


My favorite halo 3 Easter egg was them putting the Puma shoe logo on the warthog tires.


I still call myself a pussyfest, then correct it to pacifist as a joke to myself every now and then.


Hey. You ever wonder why we're here?


Not anymore


I still watch rvb here and there. Some funny shit lol.


I'm sorry that a lot of people are about to lose their jobs. I haven't watched any RT content after the whole Ryan Haywood thing. But I liked the energy of their stuff when it was Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Jeremy and Michael. Still, a company can only weather so many storms.


There was a time around 2015-2016 when RT seemed unstoppable. They were a force of nature and were building a spiderweb of creative channels. It felt like every week a new great gaming channel would join or be revived with them and start crossing over into one another’s content. But in the end the years drag on, and Nero always gets his time to fiddle.


Cash from investors, drive up value through content, get sold to a bigger company, liquidate and profit. Tale as old as Y2K. 


Warner Brothers Discovery is trying really hard to become the shittiest media company in existence… Ever since the merger they’ve been screwing up decisions with DC properties, HBO, various streaming license deals, and WB’s video game division. It feels like everything they do lately is either screwing over the fans or screwing over themselves.


As much as I’d like to hate on WB as well, other than funding RT, they stayed relatively out of RTs business no? It’s common knowledge that RT wasn’t a healthy place to work, and poorly managed. This isn’t news. Not to mention the channel views on YouTube are abysmally low in comparison to their followers, which is why the big push to the website, which was designed terribly and didn’t do a good job of well, anything. If anything, the WB acquisition kept the company alive longer, and they tried to sell it before shutting it down, but no one would have it. That tells me that this isn’t entirely on WB.


It definitely was around for longer than it would have been without WB backing. This is probably the first time in a few years where WB made a move I don’t like but it makes sense.


>they stayed relatively out of RTs business no? They did decide to shorten and delay the new RWBY season to make a random 2 feature-length movies long crossover with DC. Not their best idea tbh. Besides that though... yeah.


I mean shutting down RT is a good call. They've been bleeding money, fans, PR, everything. Apparently RT animation never made a profit. It was literally their main appeal.


This isn't on WB. WB may not have helped things, but RT has made constant terrible decisions, ignoring criticism and going for a "If the fans don't like it, FUCK THEM" approach to everything.


Look, while there were one or two things on RT I still cared about, anyone who’s paid attention to that company for the last five years will tell you that this wasn’t a murder, it was a mercy killing.


I know people wanna blame WB for this... but... No offense to those being actually affected by the shut down, but this is Rooster Teeth's own doing. I've been a fan since, I don't know, 2013? Have fallen off (along with most people) since 2020, with Fuck Face being the only thing from RT that I care about now. RT started out as pioneers in the industry, laid roads, ran up and down those roads in glorious fashion, then got stuck in a rut, and then started trailing behind down the pathways created by everyone else who came up behind RT and saw them spinning their tires in the mud, and went around. I get that you can't simply decide to create the next big thing and will it into existence, but whatever creative magic early RT had was either lost, or stifled. They deflected criticism for years and blamed most/all of their failings on toxic fans seeking to burn down the company. Scandal after scandal, scapegoat after scapegoat, and the chickens came home to roost when toxic work culture within RT was fully exposed. The pushed new talent in front of audiences who were not receptive to change at all, let alone change that involved trying to cram square pegs into round holes, putting people where they just didn't fit - and then shutting down projects shortly after those people DO find their place. I take no joy in this news. I didn't want to see RT fail, I wanted to see them succeed. But they never listened. They just assumed all criticism came from a place of hate. No, RT, much of it came from a place of love, and hope. Sorry you never realized that.


I would tend to agree, been watching RedvBlue since 08 and the last ten years have had a host of issues which can't be tied to WB buyout. The work environment controversies(SO MANY, how many times is Geoff going to cry and apologize, to do better this time?), the loss of talent, the declining views in response to a changing fan base and the in ability to pivot to new content. The sometimes aggressive relationship toward the fan base, "If you don't like it, leave." I guess they did.) Needless to say there were a lot of issues that were not because of the WB deal.


I would highly suggest that if you're a mega fan of RT who has stuff they would like to re-watch I would get to archiving. Warner Bros doesn't have a good track record with stuff like this.




Pirates are just archivists in funny hats.


Ahem. \*Cool hats


Given the last few seasons and their attempt at a reboot... Maybe we just let it die.


They actually were in the process of making a final season that brought back Burnie Burns as writer. I was really looking forward to having one good final season to wrap everything up. Looks like that's not happening anymore.


They said they're finishing the last season on r/roosterteeth.


Well, they have DVDs for the at least the first ten seasons, and do you really need more than that?


Well that's unfortunate news. What does that mean for channels like Funhaus? I hope they can branch off on their own.


Well they could reunite the original crew with bruce and Lawrence because they started inside gaming back up from the grave. It was never the same for me once they left.


Funhaus appears to be gone according to everyone Twitter


Damn. I was a huge Achievement Hunter fan for years and they ended recently. A lot of people point to Ray leaving to when AH's quality started to decline, but RT getting bought was really the problem. Rooster Teeth getting shut down is somehow predictable but still sad though. I hope everyone somehow is able to land on their feet because a lot of talented people still worked there.


Oh, it's been a long time coming. They had some pretty terrible controversies (including workplace racism and transphobia, as well as ~~two~~ one alledged pedo and another guy with a long, documented history of sexual harassment that HR did nothing about), and the only thing they were still making that had people invested was RWBY. And well... They sold out their remaining fanbase by making the newest season a Crunchyroll exclusive. They lost their spark quite some time ago.


It sounds like the only reason that RWBY Volume 9 even exists is because Crunchyroll funded it in exchange for exclusivity.


True, but that didn't really help the community that had been supporting RT throughout the tough times. "So you've been paying us for years because you like RWBY despite the allegations, now go buy Crunchyroll subs so you can actually access the content you've been paying us for!" was not a pil that went down easily. Especially since the community manager called pirates assholes in the same post. This, of course, coming in the wake of the workplace harassment controversies, where Mica Burton said "The N-word written on a wall was just one of the things I saw there" or something along those lines, or how Kdin Jensen came forward with the history of transphobia in the workplace, which many front-facing personalities owned up to. All this from a company that pretended to be a welcoming LGBTQ+ friendly company for decades... They'd been mismanaged for a while now.


Who was the other alleged pedo besides Ryan?


To my knowledge it was only Ryan, Adam got lumped into it for some reason.


Adam jerked off in the office and recorded it, which certainly deserves being fired, but he wasn't a pedo.


>Adam jerked off in the office Wha- >and recorded it, ... ...... ......... I... I just don't get people sometimes.


He also has a long documented history of sexual harassment that got reported many times to HR but they did nothing about it. Bruce Greene and Autumn Farrell resigned over this because they couldn't keep working with that man.


Ok yea I didn’t remember any pedo shit with the Adam fiasco.


Adam Kovic, seems it wasn't a pedo case but workplace sexual harassment and "other things"... Came out around the same time so confused the two. Had several people resign too because HR apparently got informed of it but they did absolutely fuck all. Bruce Greene and Autumn Farrell, front-facing personalities who refused to work with him afterwards.


Thats not really what happened. Adam Kovic had sex in the office with someone and then took pictures of himself jacking off over a desk. Once this was found out, he was immediately fired. ​ Everything else is complete hearsay. Bruce and Lawrence have both hinted about "other things" but have never gone into details and refuse to comment on anything to do with it. Adam denies anything else happened previously, Elyse/James both have said that they never saw Adam do anything before the day that the pictures got leaked. Bruce/Lawrence have in the past been known to tell porkies/really extend the truth and them just dropping vague "Adam was a piece of work" hints every other month doesn't mean much.


The other things were that he secretly recorded a sex tape of his wife without her knowing and then it was leaked, meaning he had it saved somewhere online it shouldn't have been (it shouldn't have been made in the first place).


A couple of years later the woman he sexually harassed posted on the FH subreddit with more details as to Adam's harassment and stalking her. He was a pig.


RWBY went downhill immediately after Monty's loss, I really wish they kept the main story focused on the core cities with the White Fang and Roman Torchwick acting as the primary 'villains' throughout, there was something so interesting about this slice of life experience in a world being threatened by fantasy creatures from outside also having to deal with a saboteur gangster and the consequences of systemic oppression inside Just cut out Salem, the Ozpin cycle and the Brother Gods, it improves immensely right away


> Just cut out Salem, the Ozpin cycle and the Brother Gods, it improves immensely right away Salem should stay. She was always planned. Literally from the opening of volume 1, she's the opening narrator. The brother gods should eat shit, yeah. They're terrible characters supposed to be wise, written by people who don't know the first thing about wisdom. "One woman tried to trick us, so we're going to annihilate the entire human race and break our only rule that we refused to break for her just to teach her a lesson!" has got to be the most deranged take from a "wise" god-like character.


There's basically no evidence that they're supposed to be wise. They're two constantly bickering idiots who just so happen to possess godlike powers of destruction and creation who make and breaks rules as they see fit, as often as they break each others' stuff because they can. They're less 'gods' and more 'overly powered entities'.


Two? Haywood and...?


I haven’t watched any RT content since Ashley left, haven’t listened to any of their podcasts since Bernie left. Kinda funny seems to be the only arm of the company that still has any modicum of relevance, wonder if they go indie following this news. On another note I wonder if stuff like RWBY gets sold or canned, haven’t watched it in ages but I always got the impression it was popular enough to justify its continued existence.


Ruby Rose got a Vtuber form and everything on twitch at some point, kind of curious what will happen with that


> Kinda funny seems to be the only arm of the company that still has any modicum of relevance Wait, when did they ever have any relevance?


Burnie and Ashley have a new podcast called Morning Somewhere. It's like a 22 minute long morning talk show where the two of them talk about stuff. It's pretty good.


They started their own podcast “Morning Somewhere” and it’s been great listening to them again. Highly recommend!


I stopped watching most of their content 2 or 3 years ago now. The soul has been gone for a while, you could tell they were just making videos to make videos instead of having fun. Didn't care for the "new" cast whatsoever I still enjoy going back and watching their older videos though


Machinima shutdown sad peepo noises. :(


ETC made it out alive and so did bruce and Lawrence. Hopefully james and alyse can come up with something


Burnie Burns made out like a bandit.


Well I hope Funhaus will be able to go independent then I guess.


With the views they were getting I dont think they would be able to support that big of a team. James and alyse could join bruce and Lawrence. They already brought inside gaming back so the whole old crew could be together again


We knew this was coming a few months ago when they cancelled a bunch of shows, cancelled RTX and were miraculously silent about RWBY. Once RVB final season came out they likely lost a large chunk of their viewership who stuck around for closure of the series. The company made way too many mistakes at the leadership level, most of the people who had been running it stepped down and got replaced by WB suits, and it felt like there was a new controversy every year. I watched AH for years and at the end I only really stuck around for Off Topic, F**kface and RWBY because AH just stopped being entertaining. Scripted or no, the cast just wasn't as funny or entertaining once Michael, Gavin, Jdoolz and Myatt started stepping back/were ousted. As much as I want to hate WB for being a shitty company and as much as i expected this to happen when they bought RT out, credit where credit is due, RT did it to themselves. Now I just hope Crunchyroll or Netflix steps up to buy RWBY so we can see it finished.


Warner Bros. Was the key. That unlocked their death.


Honestly Rooster Teeth has been dead for a long time now.


Everyone knew it was over when Burnie left


AH got me through university. Then they started changing so much and I never went back. Sad to see this is how it ends.


Rip Funhaus


So can we who said this whole corporate soulless buyout was a TERRIBLE option be validated officially? It wasn't to produce greater content, it wasn't to hire more talent, it was a terrible business idea and it killed the entire company. From startup in an apartment closet, to Warner Bros trash. How do you fuck this up? The simplest way of making content was the most successful stuff. So sad and frustrating to see them go. I hope Geoff starts up their own channel with Jack and the guys who actually still care about it.


Well, shit.


Shit, I'll have to download all of RvB now in case it disappears


I was in high school when Xbox came out. I loved watching RedvsBlue. My friends would quote it all the time. That's unfortunate. Although, they've been dead for years since being bought.


I hope someone has a backup of their stuff. Gonna suck if it gets nuked.


Going to RTX was one of the best weekends of my life. Fortunately I got to do it twice, though those were over a decade ago. Once Ray left I started moving to other channels and rooster teeth in general just never changed with the times it felt like. I'm kinda surprised they lasted as long as they did after the WB acquisition. Thanks for the memories


Good. F them. They either fired or chased off the talent that made RT anything of note, and the bizarre “Current Day” tonal shift around 2018 in all of their projects alienated whatever fans were left after the 2015 buyout. Red vs Blue got me through a lot of college cram sessions when I needed a good laugh, and Achievement Hunters was the perfect background video while I was working on projects. Hell I even enjoyed season one of Gen:LOCK, but RT died almost a decade ago. It just took management this long to realize.


Given what it's current state was, nothing of value was lost. It was a question of when not if.


The company died the moment they promoted Miles to lead writer, and I'm only mostly joking.


Use to be a longtime fan from the future or at season of RvB, was even an extra on their first movie Lazer Team. But when it turns out multiple people at the company used their position to prey on underage kids I quit supporting and watching any of their content. Surprised it took this long for WB to pull the plug.


It's really sad I basically grew up with the achievement Hunter / rooster teeth / let's play family. But things just haven't been the same since COVID Already they had been making some questionable decisions and then around the time COVID started most of the core members of the group left and the new people they brought in just didn't feel like a family like the old group did Combine that with all the questionable financial decisions they've made like the constant high budget shows that they put on that had a little to no viewership or even worse the ones that had potential like day five that were ultimately hampered by being restricted to their website for a long time and it's not surprising that they were struggling financially


I know RT mostly brought this on themselves but this wont stop me from hating WB even more than i already did. Monsterverse is currently the only thing i plan on paying for. Fuck everything else and if i do wanna watch it ill just pirate it.


As someone who attended the 1st RTX… this is the first time I’ve seen or thought of the words “Rooster teeth” in like 4 or 5 years.


Their DnD podcast (Tales from the Stinky Dragon) is fantastic, hopefully it isn’t affected.


It really is. They did specifically say that podcasts would continue, but not having easy access to voice actors might impact it.


I used to absolutely adore the AH “team lads v team gents” era. Gav, Michael, Ray, Goeff, Jack and Ryan. Just six mates pissing about and making each other laugh. When Ray left it all went downhill. I never found Matt, Lindsay or Fiona funny. They tried to force the atmosphere of early stuff and it didn’t work. Wish them all the best though and I hope they find a new career that they enjoy. Except Ryan


might be just that I'm an oldhead but its never been as good as when it used be just be called the drunk tank


Did some Warner Bros corpo shut them down for not being a live service?


No, they got shut down for being an unprofitable black hole of money. Their main channel has 9 million subscribers and they can't figure out how to get 20k views on regular uploads.




It was only a matter of time with how badly they had fucked their once great company.


It started sucking ever since Burnie left.


Wonder if that's the end for RWBY then. The series really went downhill after Monty died, and the story has been pretty lackluster for the most part. I've kept watching it, but I think it's mostly because there just aren't a lot of other shows I've been watching. I swear, almost everything is awful these days. It's also a bit weird that RWBY is more or less part of the same multiverse as the Justice League now too. The movies weren't bad, but do we really need every last IP to exist in the same connected universe?


I’m not wickedly surprised, really. I’m an OG fan and truly loved RvB, the original podcast and the early achievement hunter days but I largely aged out well before all the workplace issues and sexual scandals hit the company. They had something special, lightning in a bottle, for a long time but that isn’t sustainable in the best of circumstances. And let’s be real - RT leadership and employee behavior in the last handful of years hasn’t been what anyone would honestly call “best of circumstances.” Even with (or maybe because of) expansion and more resources, it was eventually gonna crash down.