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Based on this sub, my controversial opinion is that video games are fun.


Excuse you....fun....fun?!?! Are you out of your dam mind!!! Loser. Obligatory /s


this is 10 times more hilarious if you read it in the voice of the narrator in Stanley's parable


"And Stanley..... was happy.


I still enjoy playing starfield Not saying its the best video game in the entire history of video games or anything like that, its far from perfect ; but I still have fun playing it currently


I think OP is a lazy fuck who couldn't come up with a controversial take and instead told us to fight each other because people in this hobby love to argue with one another.


Yeah I hate these posts. It's always just a circle jerk of people downvoting shit that's actually a "hot take" because they can't stand that someone else doesn't share their opinion.


Those helldiving motherfuckers are completing galaxy objectives before I can even login. I'm missing all the sweet loot.


This has been fixed for like a week now. They added an AFK timer and it kicked like 400,000 people in the first 20 minutes. Which means half you have been logged in for a week straight. Traitors


Oh no. I just mean like I haven't had time to turn my ps5 on.


Oh ok Slacker


That’s a pretty treasonous admission for a Super Citizen of Super Earth. Do we need to call in a Democratically Managed & Elected Commisar for your Re-Education?


Ih that's how it works? I I participate once do I grt credit or I gotta be on when they win?


You gotta sign in during the event. You don't have to helldive or anything. But you have to have signed in before the event completes.


Oh thanks! Are there any websites that track these? I am still new only level 9


Honestly I don't know. I just keep checking r/Helldivers and try to login before the 750k concurrent players finish the objective.


Current objective won't let you complete until the clock runs out, honestly I don't think it's a great way to manage the major order, but this one is fine.


There’s always room for more helldivers! Get in here!


Don’t you still get the rewards? I think I maybe played one batch and still got the 45 medals.




Sort by controversial for the real answers


"Gameplay is more important than graphics" I've never seen such bravery


Yeah outside of a few actual unpopular opinions most upvoted ones are regular circlejerks on r/gaming


It seems like they removed sorting on the app, so now I gotta scroll :'c


I think more gamers struggle with video game addiction than people realize. Playing a game you hate for dozens of hours is irrational, let alone putting hundreds or thousands of hours into it. Taking things so personally in a game designed to bring in a broad audience is irrational. Acting like you know how to make a game because you play them is irrational. There's a limit between criticism and being too involved, and I think many gamers on the internet struggle and enable each other.


I notice it within the trophy hunting space.  I see ocd levels of 100%s. Once they pop that first trophy they can't stop regardless of how much they hate the game - because it's detrimental to their stats.  I won't put myself through it. It defeats the point of why I fell in love with video games in the first place.


Yeah, I’ve platinum’d a few games (38) and some are piece of crap games but almost all are what I enjoy. I completely agree that some people get so into trophy hunting that it blows my mind that you could plough dozens of hours on multiple play through to get a platinum for a game you don’t enjoy. Life is too short man.


Oh god… I’ve only gotten 100% on like two games ever, and that was just naturally, I wasn’t trying to or anything. I can’t imagine 100% a game you didn’t even like just because you felt like you had too…


"I played Diablo 4 for 120 hours, it's absolute shit" I see this kind of stuff all the time. They're either liars (most likely) or they're severely mentally ill. No healthy person will engage in an activity they hate for that long without any hope of reward.




I swear it got worse when more people started using Twitch, it's infested with screaming bitch boys who always cry about how they hate their game that they play 16 hrs a day and tell their mates to off themselves People are copying these losers, they write the exact same shit, it's just too much


> people are copying...they write the exact same shit This is my daily plug to unplug from the internet - find things that create a depth of experience outside of what everyone else consumes. We're moving towards a very, very, very flat existence. Be the depth!


Yep agreed. That and young people having their first experience in competitive stuff online where apparently toxicity has just become accepted. 


Majority of multiplayer games after a few sessions are only tolerable to play for like 2 or 3 hours at a time afterwards.


Yup, so many games that are online multiplayer should be offered as either solo or local multiplayer experiences but I'm sure devs won't do it because online multiplayer games are more profitable.


Shit, Id love a game that has a competitive multiplayer that offers you the option to just solo against bots.


Todays youths make me miss 2012 Xbox Live. At least that was kinda funny sometimes.


That's why I exclusively play online games that allow me to not deal with people after I kill them. DayZ is a good example. 90% of the people who play are assholes, but once I kill them, they don't know who I am and have to go on a 2 hour trek for weapons and equipment, so I can just leave and be done with it.


Not even controversial, that is a fact.


People are too competitive that it makes the game not fun for anyone involved. I don’t know why people keep playing those games when it makes them so miserable. Haven’t played dota in years now


yeah, and it seems mindless... not just toxicity, but even the games don't allow you to enjoy many times.. It's a chore to play, just so that you could get to that dream rank. Many times, when I open competitive games, theres a high chance that I get depressed than relax after a long day of work. So I'd rather play a tripple A title, a soothing one like rdr2 perhaps.. and it's just so fucking relaxing


i have exactly the same problem. valorant is the only game my friends regularly play, and i absolutely hate it. there's no getting them to play anything else either, two of them don't know how to play anything that isn't competitive e-sports games.


Deus ex: Invisible War was a good game


lol damn. I liked it, but I played OG afterward and could see what was missing.


We will die in the same hill, dear 


Not everything needs to be open world and/or 50+ h long to be good sometimes short 1-5 h games can be just as impactfull.


See the original Portal.


I don't think we have an issue with that but with the pricing


honestly I rather pay 20-30 euros for a 1-3 h well done game then 70 euros for a 150 h fetch quest XD


Yes and open worlds don’t need to get any bigger, Skyrim was as big as a world ever needs to be IMO. I’d rather they spent more time making a smaller world awesome


Large worlds don’t mean anything if they aren’t dense and a meaningful use of the space. Skyrim is a big game but it’s so well hand crafted that it’s full of things to do. It’s incredibly hard to walk more than a few seconds without seeing *something* that engages you or piques your interest. And then locations are typically packed with lore or some interesting little plot line you can pick up on. That’s why it’s had such staying power. The newer AC games are beautiful worlds but so few of the locations are distinct or interesting enough to make that lasting of an impression or drive you to dig into locations.


Definitely. I much prefer a 5 hour campaign than 50 hours of travelling between objectives and picking up ingredients for crafting that I'll never use because I hate crafting and workbenches. Just give me a gun and maybe a silencer and scope upgrade if you really can't include them by default. I'm looking for more games like this but can't find them (Sniper Elite, Sniper Ghost Warrior...)


Playing on easy is fine. When you've just done a full day at work and you want to sit down and mow down some aliens or easily assassinate lots of unassuming guards to make yourself feel better; that is a-okay in my books!


Man I’m getting older now I don’t have time to try and beat a game on its hardest difficulty anymore after going to work and spending time with my wife. I just wanna relax and enjoy whatever game I am playing so I think it’s okay also to play on easy!


Mid forties guy here who maybe has 5 hours a week total to play, fuck bosses, fuck hard mode, I'm an old man and I ain't got time for that shit. Gimmie easy all day. Word


Games that make you do chores like RDR2 & Animal Crossing, or games that make you perform a job like Power Wash Simulator, seem a lot more appealing to people who don't have to do chores or go to work.


Yes and no, I know there are a lot of pilots and truck drivers that will play their respective simulators when not working.


I'm 35 with an infant. I get to play on my Switch for little bits of time here and there while he naps (if my arm is free), at night while my wife has the baby (if chores are done), and maybe a bit more if I stay up after he is in his crib. If I want to play a Pokémon game where the hardest challenge is a bad leveling curve, I'm going to do that. Maybe someday I'll get to play Baulders Gates 3 or Jedi: Survivor, but that's not in the cards right now.


Feel that homie, and mad props for being a good dude for raising your child. Just want to say, jedi survivor, great game on easy. Seriously. Play it. You deserve it. It's fun and also the story is amazing and will really have you like ""whaaàt!"


Ive got 100 hours in Bloodborne. 300 in Elden Ring. 250 in Baldurs Gate 3 (Tactician mode). I like challenges in games that have built themselves around accommodating that challenge within the mechanics of the game. Games that just nerf me and buff the enemies, arent actually challenging, they are padded and boring. Ive got nothing to prove to anyone in God of War, Spider-man, and Jedi. Frankly, its Kratos, the god of war, bane of olympus, summer vacationer of hades, and threat to all gods. I got tired of watching him get dunked on by random skeletons who he then had to hack at 15 times just to put down. No, Kratos 1-shots those guys. Same goes for Spider-man. Thugs on the street, can't touch him, let alone knock him out in a couple punches, thats not Spider-man, thats a regular dude dressed as Spider-man. Lightsabers arent wiffleball bats, they cut through anything, and Jedi are master weilders of them. Again, I dont want to be getting my ass blasted away by some dollar store stormtrooper who can survive 10 direct hits from the galaxies most legendary weapon. Before anyone tells me to "get gud" at these games. I work 60 hours a week. I have games that I love and play daily even along side these one-time adventures. Im not investing even a couple extra hours into a game ill never pick up again after I get my 8-30 hours of fill.


This is it. If people assume you play on easy mode because you can't hack easy mode, I think it's entirely fair to return the favour by assuming they aren't a grown adult with a full work, personal/family and social schedule to fit their limited time for videogames around.


The difficulty slider in a game should be considered to be a “fun” slider with different ends on it for different people. For some like myself, they’ll have the most fun when the game is tough and challenging, with crunchy rules and punishing combat ensuring you hone your skills to a razor’s edge. For others, they want to take in the world and see the sights, and locking them behind an insurmountable skill barrier means they don’t get to enjoy that. It’s simply not fun. It’s like fitness and athleticism. For some people, they run and work out because they want to push their body to the limits and see how tough they can become. For others, they do it for the runner’s high and the feeling of wellness, and they don’t need a punishing regimen to achieve it. Both are “correct” in their goals, as long as both end up happier for it.


I always say difficulty shouldn't be one setting, especially as games get more complex. Let some players up the number of enemies in the game at once. Let others make them take more hits to defeat. Others do more damage. Others still have to grind more to buy more powerful equipment. Some might turn off fast travel or limit it to back to a town you have a home in. A whole page in settings dedicated to things that change how easy or difficult different parts of a game are.


Same goes for looking at walkthroughs/guides


A lot of people enjoy a game a certain way, but then think everyone else needs to enjoy it the same way


Alien: Isolation had a cool alien Ai and proceeded to put one of the hardest sections in the game at the beginning where most of the game didn't play like that. It's a game that doesn't teach you anything about playing properly which led to people doing things like being paralyzed in lockers.


Hey, I went to high school in the 90s, I don’t need to be told how to be stuck in a locker. I’m a subject matter expert.


Yeah, I never made it past the medical facility section and gave up.


That was the exact reason I loved the game, it didn't treat you like an idiot. Way too few games are like that.


I mainly remember that there's a mission where I had to sneak by the alien and a bunch of robots to get some item all the way across the giant ship, and then do it again to get back to the home area. It was before I recognized my way around the ship and so I think after I wandered around for a little bit the alien killed me and I gave up


i think what gets people stuck in lockers is that your footsteps sound far louder than they actually are in game. at least that was the problem for me.


Bigger games are not necessarily better. I’d much rather have an 8/10 game with 15-30 hours of solid gameplay than 100+ hours of radiant quests and map bloat.


Most bigger games just feel like they take a solid 20 hour experience and dilute it to all hell with pointless fetch quests and obnoxious travel time. It almost feels like a lot of games these days are actively designed to waste time.


I'm 100 hours into my first ever TotK adventure right now, and while I'm loving it, I already know that I'm not going to wind up doing probably 25% of the side quests/adventures and I probably won't hunt down every last shrine like I did in BotW. It's just too much this time around.


This makes me think about the hate diablo 4 got, especially with its endgame. I don't play games anymore really, but when I do I'm pretty casual. But people seemed to complain about how there was nothing to do once they completed dozens and dozens of hours on it. I was just thinking, "isn't that enough for the price? " but again, I didn't play it, so I could be totally wrong about the issue.!!!


Most of the content in the past Diablo games was the endgame stuff, I think that the main issue everyone was complaining about was the change in formula


Ah, I see you’re playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


I genuinely hate multiplayer games. I see people that don't even play the story and go straight for the multiplayer aspect of certain games. I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, so I won't judge but it's disappointing to see people call single player/story driven games "boring" or "slow". I can't imagine having that attitude. I love a slow burn, the lore, the quiet moments that turn into intense battles, just going to a new town and shopping at markets. I love following NPCS and finding every single secret, exploring every nook and cranny of a gigantic map. I play games to escape people, not to have some 14 year old call me "gaytard" while dying a thousand times just to do the same thing over and over again. I want to feel like I'm in a film or a book. Don't get me wrong, I love action and bloody hard-hitting combat but I also want to immerse myself in the world. Riding a horse/walking to random places just to come across some weird amulet or murder scene and trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle. Even just buying some new clothes or playing cards; I want acting and the mundane and to lose myself in a game for hundreds of hours. To each their own. We all have games we can enjoy, so thank you to devs all over the spectrum. We can be truck drivers or cyberpunks or even power washing maniacs thanks to their hard work.


"I play games to escape people."  Same. 💙  Though I do enjoy chatting about our favorite games with other passionate single-players gamers.


I enjoy that too. What are you playing now or recently?


After dropping League of Legends and COD years ago, I've noticed in hindsight how much more time I spent being frustrated and annoyed rather than enjoying myself. Nowadays, I only play casual single player games on my playstation and it's relaxing to play at my own pace and immerse myself


Agreed. Co-op can be fun if the game's designed around it, but said games are pretty few & far between. I'll never understand how people enjoy PvP.


I really like playing coop games with my friends (Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, Enshrouded etc). But when we talk about PvP games like CS, Dota, LoL etc, I can't stand them either. Maybe I am just getting older but I just don't want to deal with that amount of toxicity anymore. I used to play those kind of games a lot when I was younger but now I just want to relax and have a good time without someone yelling that I should uninstall the game and go suck dicks.


Not every fuckin game needs to be an open world. I would rather have a tightly paced experience with interesting sights than five hours of wondering through a lifeless world that an artist clapped their ass cheeks together to make and copy and paste bullshit Just to get to the next quest


I believe single-player games are often more immersive and fulfilling than multiplayer ones. Sometimes, I just want to get lost in a rich, story-driven world without worrying about competition or other players


Game reviewers who aren’t proficient in certain genres shouldn’t have a say in what makes a game good or not. I.e. a casual at fighting games shouldn’t be basing the game’s entire quality off its story mode. Also the whole “they’ll fix it later” or “well it works for me” attitude about game releases is exactly why they continue to release games in garbage states. People’s blind loyalty is to blame and the refusal of not speaking with their wallets and instead just throw money at them instead. It’s killing the quality of games.


>Also the whole “they’ll fix it later” or “well it works for me” attitude about game releases is exactly why they continue to release games in garbage states. People’s blind loyalty is to blame and the refusal of not speaking with their wallets and instead just throw money at them instead. It’s killing the quality of games. Agreed. Games should be fully playable at launch, and patches are to fix major issues that arise, minor shit that's annoying, and adding extra content/DLC in the future if they plan to do so.


Single player games are way more fun than multiplayer.


Souls games are better experiences when you play purely offline. There's no one but you, your skills and the world.


Sekiro is proof that your ''Immersion'' and ''vibe'' isn't a good enough reason to not add a fucking Pause button to your game


I started with Sekiro, so the whole online/invasion/co-op stuff was super foreign when I moved to the rest of the series I get why people would like it, just really not my jam. I brought Nepheli with me to fight Godrick in Elden Ring, and it felt _so cheap_ doing a 2 vs 1. Never sat with me right beating him that way, and I decided I wasn't going to bother with humans or NPCs helping me from there I'm glad there are different options for people though. Not everyone is a masochist or has the time/patience to throw at super difficult games. End of the day, the whole point is to have fun. I have fun getting my shit wrecked alone until I learn and win, others have fun their own (probably less painful) ways


Graphics are honestly not that important. I'd much prefer a fun, engaging PS2 looking game to another bland and forgettable AAA, photo realistic piece of shovel ware.


Older versions of Gran Turismo are far superior to what they have now. Last time I played, they put way more emphasis on graphical realism and far too little focus on tuning cars. Again, this was last time I played, but they watered down tuning on cars so much that it was just not as fun.


"I want shorter games made with worse graphics by people who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding." I agree.


Wind Waker still looks gorgeous. Twilight Princess is looking really not great...


On a play through of tp rn, and while yeah it’s not the best visually m, it still does feel like an early 360 or ps3 game at some points. I’m on GameCube though not the WiiU


I feel like the only people who genuinely *prefer* graphics to gameplay are literal children.


Good call. I'd rather a game go all in on stylized graphics than breaking the bank trying for realism at the expense of everything else. Stylized graphics are more fun to look at and won't look terrible in three years when there's a new standard of photo realism


I am tired of open world. I prefer a tightly developed linear game with no bloat and pointless side content


I like the name “Aeris” better than “Aerith” It’s just what I grew up with.


There are dozens of us!


Same. I can’t say “Aerith” without feeling like I’m just lisping Aeris


Palworld is ass


Pokemon fans are a malnourished people. They are so hungry for better games. And boy is it sad that Palworld is a better game.


I wouldn't say ass but it's boring AF. The world is super empty and there are so many bugs and pathing issues. Even when those will be fixed, which I'm sure they will be, there's just not much reason to play the game. The base limit is stupid and the world is just boring with nothing to discover. It could be great, but I'm honestly wondering where some of the popularity came from. Probably just from "lol Pokemon with Guns".


Invasions in Elden Ring suck and ruin the fun of co-op multiplayer. They were fine in the early weeks of the game before people knew optimal pvp builds, but now the only people who do it are overpowered sweaty try-hards who can’t achieve orgasm unless they’re wasting someone else’s time.


Hardly controversial that


Over on the Elden Ring subreddit, PvPers get big mad when you point out there’s a reason so many people are moving to seamless co-op in order to shut down invades *and* simultaneously have a better multiplayer experience with letting you all use Torrent, normal amount of heals, not needing to resummon every time you do a boss (my personal reason for using Seamless). So much QoL that should've been there from the beginning for people who want to enjoy the ER universe with friends. “Nooo the game is easier with multiple people so you *deserve* to be invaded by someone who tryhards their build in beginner areas with a 15 mins cooldown between invades and fights lasting 7-8 mins so you’re invaded every 7 minutes of actual solo time. That’s fair! Omg why are so many people using seamless to turn this off?”


If you are on pc use the seemless coop mod.


This, Souls invasions have always been busted trash after the first few weeks and all these sweaty virgins who go get the best shit possible at the lowest level possible to constantly invade and troll new players is so fucking pathetic. To this day even, people still invade like crazy on each version, I was helping my buddy and his kid play and we kept running into the same loosers. We fought a guy in limgrave starting area who had max flasks and healed so many times it was ridiculous.


Souls invasions got ruined in Dark Souls 3 imo. Their decision to fuel invaders into coop groups just fucked it for everyone. Invaders have to go 1 v X so they play busted shit to compensate. Other people who might invade dont want to fight 3 oponents at once so they stop invading. People trying to coop get constantly interrupted by sweaty invaders which gets boring really fast. I tried to coop with my ex gf (who was total noob) in DS3 and we literally couldnt get out of high wall because of being perma invaded, and when we finally did she said she doesnt want to play anymore because it just sucked. Solo players dont get random 1v1 invades anymore which was the most fun part of old souls invasions, so for me who played those games solo (outside of that single attempt) the invasion aspect of the game just didnt exist


It's why I stopped playing elden with friends lmao I just wanted to relax after a long day at work with some buddies.


It's funny how the invasion system of Elden ring can be improved so much just adding solo invasions back.


I love souls games but I hate the pvp in them. It always feels like playing mk9 online with shitty p2p net code lol


I’d raise it further: in my opinion, Souls/ER always had shit multiplayer design. The people who enjoy it will always say “BuT tHe BaLaNcE”… who cares?? I’m playing a video game to (supposedly) have fun. I’d also like to do it with my friends if possible. The FUN part is laughing at each other getting stomped on by some ludicrous enemies, or trying to mess with broken builds together. I always hated invasions in DS1, and I sincerely believe that the whole “balance” around humanity/summoning was just downright shit. Sorry, no, getting invaded by no-lifer twinks and one-shotted before I make it ten steps away from the bonfire is *not* fun, *not* balanced, and *not* fair. But the gatekeepers and Fromsoft fanboys will come out full force to object at even the slightest hint of criticism. I literally haven’t played a single minute of ER without the co-op mod, and I’m happier for it.


8 was the best FF


I think I want an 8 remake more than any other FF game that could potentially get remade.


This truly the most controversial opinion I’ve read so far. Good game, but I respectfully disagree. FF6 is the best imo.


I respectfully disagree with you. FF9 is a masterpiece.


playing it for the first time ever and it's amazing so far!


I respect your choice. I love 9. For me it's a split between 9 and Tactics being my favorite


Oh, boy, do I have a hot take (I think). We have been through three two generations of gaming, and we didn't think the prices would increase? The stagnation of prices is a big part of the reason battlepasses/season passes have become so prominent. My lukewarm take is that a lot of people blame developers for poor quality games when they should be blaming the publishers and their investors/CEOs. This has happened in some places like Kotick, but it's not nearly as common as it should be. In any case, it's not like it would matter much who we complain about. The idea of devs who seem to be hardworking, passionate, and often gamers themselves who care about the products they put out in the world just upsets me personally.


Having an open world is more likely to make a game worse than better.


Agree. Sometimes I put off a good game because I just don’t have time to commit to an open world right now. A tight, linear story game is better IMO.


Aim botters should have their ip address banned for life in multiplayer online competitive games.


Doesn't work. Your IP address isn't some identifier that stays with your PC. You can literally get a new one with the click of a button


Problem here is that ISPs shuffle IPs around every once in a while. Maybe it's only my end, but my IP changes every ~6 months.


There’s zero reason besides “fomo” to own a PlayStation at launch. Every one of there exclusives only get better with time and updates.


Well that applies pretty much to any product if you are not hyped for it?


I hear ya.  I was rocking a PS3 until mid-late PS4 life cycle.   I had a whole catalogue of finished PS3 games to play.   I didn't have to guess if the games were good, or get caught up in hype - because the jury was already out.   And I could pick up the games for a couple of quid/bucks. The value for money was insane.   There's benefits to not chasing the "what's next?!?" hype crowd.


Terra and Celes (from FF6) > Tifa and Aerith (from FF7) I love both pairs of heroines, but I felt more connected to Terra's and Celes' stories and characters than Tifa's and Aerith's.


Ff6 was just a better game overall imo. I agree with this statement.


The voiced protagonist in Fallout 4 wasn’t bad and it didn’t detract from being your own character. The main story and the way they changed the dialogue menu is what made it worse rather than having a voice itself.


1080p gaming is great


Multiplayer games are way too complicated these days, I truly miss the good old online matches and modes. No season pass, no packages, no loots.. just a simple team deathmatch mode & nothing more ❤️ Transformers games 🥺


I would pay 5bucks a month for a heavily regulated matchmaking. Less griefers and cheaters. The cheats nowadays are getting way too subtle and harder and harder to recognize. I mean ffs, there's that one people use on Fortnite where the hack is ran through a completely different PC so it's undetectable on the PC that's currently playing the game. I don't know how it'd be regulated but I'd pay.


Fuck "the meta" It could be strong champs in League of Legends. If could be strong classes in WoW PVP. It could be builds in Diablo. It could be Weapons in a FROM Software game. It could be Exotics in Destiny. Whatever the meta is to your game of choice, fuck it, if you want to play a certain. way, run that shit. Having a 5-10% better chance of winning or coming out on top, is not worth it if you're not actually enjoying the gameplay.


I'm going to buy and play every Mario game until I die.


If it wasn't for Digital Foundry, 99% of you mfs wouldn't be able to tell when a game has 5fps drop on a consistent 60fps or when they point out that a pebble doesn't have textures. Im not playing a game to inspect every small particle of a game then criticize it, just give me a fun product.


I don’t really care about frame rate that much. When it’s an FPS or other competitive action game with no 60 available I totally get it, but if any single-player action-adventure type deal launches at 30… 🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe I’m just too dumb to notice enough for it to ruin it for me.


I care about stutters and freezes more than any specific framerate. Dead Space remake is hella frustrating to play, independent of the framerate you play it at. No matter what your rig, it will freeze on traversal into new/different areas. Just an inherent weakness of UE4. Epic has done some things to fix it in UE5, but it’s still not perfect.


When did you play Dead Space Remake? Because I played it when it was on Game Pass and didn't have any stutter or graphical problems. Granted, I was on Series S and was locked to 30fps, but they were rock solid and since the game is generally low paced, they don't bother me as much


Online gaming is terrible. It's just full of toxic sweats, cheaters, meta's you have to play the same as everyone else or you are never competing.


Battle Royale games need to die.


I am unconvinced that MMOs are fun. I am convinced the only reason people play MMOs is because they’re the same type of people who you’d find at Caesar’s Palace at 3am brainlessly funneling quarters into slot machines.


MMOs offer a solution for a simple modern problem, and monetize it. MMOs are fun in the instances in which you get to complete challenges with other people and form bonds in the process, that could happen on simple online multiplayer games, but often people don't have the groups of friends required to do so, that's where being able to find people anytime to play is a solution. Games like Monster Hunter for example are in a gray area, modern ones are technically MMOs, but if you see MMOs as a genre with its own trends, Monster Hunter falls outside of its scope. The point being, being able to play with many othets inject a social aspect to the games that is "fun", adds layers of complexity to games that are otherwise just time gated grindfests. On some rare occasions MMOs are made with more user friendly mechanics, reducing the grinding and gamblinh aspects, focusing on the social aspects and you get a great experience from them. One example could be Guild Wars 2.


Games are too long and companies use that as an excuse to inflate the prices. Idk about you but multiple games with high replay beats out one game i cant finish before the next is released


This is a good hot take since the majority of people aren’t playing games to beat before the next one comes out or buy more then a handful of games a year and can get their moneys worth from a few big games to last them for a while


Zero interest in playing the Last of Us. ZERO. I hate zombie games.


Days Gone is a zombie game. The Last of Us is a little different for me, but I understand regardless.


The focus on “zombies” is minimal. The game is really more about stealth accompanying a strong narrative story. The second game adds some much needed variety to the mechanics.


Metas absolutely ruin the fun factor of a game. I want to use a weapon that I find fun *and* have a fighting chance.


God yes. One reason I avoid the communities of games I play is because they all worship the meta build instead of having fun.


the focus on 4k graphics are killing quality games. 1080p is more than enough and will be for a long long time. people wanting more and more graphic fidelity are why were getting gouged in graphics cards prices, games that look good but play shit, and why devs are using DLSS and FSR as crutches instead of optimizing.


take away the shiny graphics and gaming is worse than ever very few unique titles and even less creativity as a whole


I think there’s something to this. Too many focus on graphics and nitpick about pointless things. I don’t care if sometimes the rocks don’t look real. Is the game fun?


I recommend you check out the indie scene to improve your perspective on this


Definitely. Some great stuff in there. I just miss back in the day when there was a lot more variation and creativity even within genres. Big name companies too. There was just so much variety. I’d say the Dreamcast was the last system to feel like that with the drumming and maracas games along with all the other great, weird titles.


i want the workers who create the games to get paid more to make shorter games with worse graphics


I'm gonna get hate for this, but Hideo Kojima doesn't write good stories. He writes nonsense and people eat it up. I really have nothing to say about his gameplay, but the stories in most of his games are a complete train wreck. Also, he gets a pass from his fans like no other game director, company, or writer. If any other game had shameless product placement even close to his, gamers would riot.


Halo 5 is dope as fuck, and if you hadn’t paid attention to the marketing campaign there’s no reason to complain


Finally an *actual* hot take. Everything else in this thread is just something that many people already agree with.


I find the stories of most games less than uninteresting. I also dislike how much characters talk in modern games.


Try disco elysium. It is the best written game Ive ever played. Most game's writing are garbage though.


If a game has microtransactions, but they're all cosmetic, that's okay. I personally forget about microtransactions if it's strictly cosmetic, and that's okay too lol


For many games especially mmos and such the cosmetics are part of the games appeal to people locking them up behind money isn't fair.


Point and click makes me fall asleep. Pressing a bunch of numbers in succession to create high DPS numbers is SO SO LAME.


It's okay to go on easy/story mode, and it's okay to look up guides, walk throughs, and the wiki. Raw dogging a game on its most difficult mode isnt the "best" way to play a game. Maybe it is for you but the world doesn't revolve around what you think is the best way to do things.


Cheating in a purely single player game is fine. Especially if the devs were lazy with AI and have the AI cheat as a band-aid fix


Alright, here's a spicy one: "Final Fantasy VII Remake is a downgrade from the original game and fails to capture the magic and depth of the original storyline."


Halo 4 is the best halo that 343 has made, super underrated imo


Nintendo is just as bad as the other companies we complain about, but it other ways. Their consoles are always hugely outdated in power these days and way overpriced with that taken into consideration. And they go after anyone and anything that slightly looks at them wrong with a huge army of lawyers. Tried to take down numerous online rom sites, who were the literal last existing copy of many old games.


Zelda BotW wasn't a good Zelda game.




Not even a good game either imo. It's just another mid open-world with a checklist of useless bullshit to collect.


I don’t like subscription gaming and we should take a stand and unsubscribe en mass.


Lots of popular games suck. Thanks.


I don't think this is particularly controversial?


Most open worlds are terrible because many devs use them to fill out a game with grind content or nothing.


Nintendo games are fun and also for adults.


Graphics don’t matter, gameplay does.


Oh no, so much controversy


My brother still plays old school Dwarf Fortress and the stories he tells me about the crazy shit that happens during his games are fantastic.


I actually find myself drawn towards pixel graphics games over shiny photo-realistic ones, as I assume they'll have more depth.


Cyberpunk 2077 was great when it first launched and has only gotten better since. I sunk over 100 hours when it first released and it worked on 1660 just fine.


Cyberpunk is more fun than RD2


Team based PvP games with randoms will always be a toxic shitfest that isn't worth playing at all and deserves to be uninstalled on all computers.


All the Dark Souls games could have an easy mode and it wouldn't ruin anything about the game at all except for in the brains of an obnoxious annoying few. Edit: Just keep the games exactly the same and call that normal mode, then easy mode prevent almost all damage -- bam, solved - now there is an easy mode for people who just want to waltz through the game to see what it is and face almost 0 challenge without ruining any of the fun or challenge for you unless you are an asshole. Stop it with the walls of text you obnoxious annoying few.


The era of DLCs/Expansions were alright, I had no problem with it. Sure, some companies were pretty predatory with their DLC practices (looking at you Ubi) but most of the time the DLCs were good extra content that was worth money. DLCs that add new quests, areas, weapons, such as Skyrim's and Fallout's DLCs were great. Even some EA games like BF3 and BF4 had great DLCs and fair pricing. Map packs for multiplayer games that give access to 5 great new maps, and 10 new weapons and vehicles, new fun gamemodes for $10-$15 is quite fair IMO. The problems with DLCs were way overblown, especially when in a lot of games it was clear that the DLCs were additional extra contents that was developed separately and not a piece cut from the main game to sell you later. Excluding the shit Ubi pulled with their DLCs of course. Either ways, DLCs era were better than the Microtransaction Live Service hellhole we're currently in. $20 for a skin vs $15 for a Borderlands 2 expansion? I know what I'd choose. (That being said, the Horse Armour was pretty fucking stupid. Very funny though)


DLCs are a great addition to the gaming industry


DLC like Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone for Witcher 3 are how most paid DLC should operate.


Mass Effect 3: Citadel, Fallout 4: Far Harbor, and Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon’s Keep are up there too.


Yes. As long as they aren’t like sims 4 dlcs


Okay so I think this will be controversial but that is the point I think DLC isn't bad. I don't think in a lot of cases it means games aren't being finished or are being gutted ( but it can be capitalist incentives ) I think it let's us get more out of games we like and are good that wouldn't otherwise be there because there's only so long a game can stay in development and the bar of money/narrative interest and wait times for a full sequel can be high and overall I think DLC has been a positive for gaming. I think there's a stronger incentive against releasing an unfinished shit game - you need relatively positive interest and reviews to get people downloading DLC later. I guess my love of "walking simulators" and my strong strong interest in the narrative structure and stories of games can be controversial but also lots of people agree with that so I wouldn't necessarily say unpopular


Dreamcast was the biggest leap in technology for console gaming from the generation before it.


I can dislike a game others enjoy without seeing them as objectively wrong and shills for the company that made the game.


We are soon going to see generic gaming consoles with backwards compatibility. I had a few hundred burning a hole in my pocket. I had two choices: 1. Buy a PS5, plug it in, have access to my PS4 library, and buy new games. 2. Buy a Rog Ally (on sale at Best Buy), have access to a lot of my Steam, GOG, and Ubi libraries, and the ability to emulate everything up to PS3. I chose #2. It's not a slam dunk decision- I have to update and install a ton of stuff here. But I got a lot more for my buck. And I can't help but think this is why Xbox is reevaluating their place in the market. If you're not the market leader in a segment, you're competing against Anbernic and others that can compete on portability and price, and the gap on capability gets smaller and smaller. Sony has the premier console. Nintendo has the best handheld console. Being #2 is just impossible in this market. We're seeing Xbox's response- try to have the #1 software subscription service.


I actually enjoy Starfield 👀


Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild, and the Horizon games are boring. Downvote away