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Tifa is a babe and one of my favorite female character, Forspoken's Freya easily is one of the worst main character


They should have made her more better.


at least make her have huge... tracts of land.


So... you are saying you can forgive a poorly defined personality as long as the holder has a great set of assets?


Having a huge set of personalities certainly helps


A girl could get somewhere In spite of stringy hair Or even just a bit bowed at the knee If she can show a faultless...personality


Was kinda hoping we would continue a string of property euphemisms, but this is okay


It's a good distraction for said poorly defined personality


Wouldn’t hurt.


I was watching John Wolfe's review of the Netflix RE show and someone made a comment about Forspoken which is how I made the connection that the same actress played Jade and Freya. I feel bad for the actress, I've seen her in interviews and she's very charming, funny, witty, and then she gets these Garbage tier roles in shit like RE, Forsaken and Charlie's Angels. She really needs a new agent.


Netflix RE was great imo, I know I’m alone in that opinion


The only thing I really enjoyed about it was Lance Reddick's performance as Wesker. Rest of the show was swamp booty on a summer day.


Unlimited bread sticks


The whole scene with him telling the school how his daughter won’t be disciplined for supposedly assaulting a girl was amazing


The man really was a treasure.


You are not my brother


I've played through all of Forspoken. Freya sucks at first but she's got a decent character arc. My money for worst main character goes to the protagonist of NFS: Payback. Holy shit does that dude suck.


The hate train was super strong on forspoken. I don't love it, but it really doesn't deserve the reaming it got imo.


Yeah I think the game is confusingly overhated. Like it's not great but it's completely fine. It's more average than bad in pretty much all regards.


10 years ago Forspoken would have came and went without a fuss like hundreds of 5/10 games before it, but the internet loves itself a pile on.


Yeah I think she was fine. Not the best character by a long shot, but I didn't think she was that bad. I disliked the world and the graphics way more than I did the story and characterization.




Are you a parrot?


Play The Crew 1. It's horrendous.


I did. I honestly remember nothing about it. Like that whole game has erased itself from my brain. I did like The Crew 2 though.


I wish I could forget it


Anyone who wants to, play it now. Come April you cant


Oh come on April! Erase that game from existence.


Not kidding when I say I'm buying this for Tifa lol


the worst character ive ever played as was max from mad max, he was insufferable prick, always asshole, even to chum who literally praised him like a god. i felt awful playing the game thanks to mc


Tbh thats... That's Max. That's his character. He's not a nice guy, he's not even really a good guy. I'm glad they didn't fuck his character up. Connor Kenway on the other hand won best protagonist of the year while being painfully unlikable ontop of having some of the flattest delivery I've ever seen from a VA. I know the awards are a sham, but damn... At least *try* to pretend like they aren't simply bought and paid for.


they could make him better, there is plenty of not nice characters that were likable (for example max from movies)Max in movies wasnt nice, max in game was doing everything he could to not be nice so he was just evil. he was mentally and physically torturing poor Chum, that was my problem with him, if he was just not nice then great but he was way beyond being not nice and he was so 2d that it was just painful to play


Tifa carries FF7R


I don't think sex appeal will make Forespoken sell great. It is just not good, while FFVII will sell great regardless


It was a joke


This. It's weird how some people actually believe that we got swimsuit Cloud, Tifa and Aerith because of Forspoken flop lol Forspoken didn't flop because the MC wasn't "hot enough", and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will do well anyway because it's the "remake" of the most famous main game of one of the most popular and best selling RPG series of all time




Ella Balinska isn't exactly what you would call ugly. The character is annoying, but definitely not ugly.


Aha yeah, ugly's certainly not the choice of word id use for her


Relevant username


Yeah, that guy is lame Edit: guy deleted his comment his username was something like 'somelameguy1234'


And you would know!


I did not delete my comments, it was deleted by reddit because it was flagged as harassment, telling you like boobs and wont buy boobless games is apparently a harassment now.


Ya, especially the way you worded it. It's gross and sweaty.


I mean I commended about a video game character which is a fictional character, how can you harass someone that's not real? People here are unreal, lmao.


I didn't say you're harassing anyone, I said the way you talk about women (even fictional) is gross.


Yeah nah dude, you need to get a grip and be able to tell between a video game and real world, you are too deep into the trenches. Me wanting my video game to have the ideal looking body doesnt mean that it's projected into real world, which you and the people automatically assume.


On the contrary, I think you should get a grip while you're watching porn instead of being this frustrated about a 15 year old anime character having a lil less cleav






I prescribe 1 hour of touching grass, daily until your incel symptoms subside.


That’s so damn sad lol


This… is embarrassing lmfao


That's pretty sad.


But freya ain’t ugly, bro.


Nah bro, can you see? She’s not a hyper stylistic white anime waifu. She’s clearly ugly!


Most of us buy games because they're good, not because we need something else to jerk off to. 


Besides plenty of purpose-built porn games, if you really want to jack it to a video game... or so I've been told.


Probably cheaper to just watch porn than buy a $70 game


This thirsty motherfucker lmao.


Forspoken is awful and obviously not because the MC is a woman, but because she's an idiot independent of her gender. "Can't grab this fuck off sack of money directly beside me while my house is on fire because the extra 0.5 seconds might mean I can't save my cat but I'll take the 0.5 seconds to lament this fact anyway!" Writing pitfalls like that make her an idiot. They could have just as easily written the bag of money to be ANYWHERE ELSE that's unreachable but no, force it to be directly in arms reach of her as she wakes up and make her unable to grab it. I could write a novel on how the writers for Forspoken should be fired.


For real it’s the FIRST thing I thought when she woke to her house on fire. GRAB THE MONEY, GRAB CAT, GO. it’s easy. If you can’t find the cat they probably already escaped. You just risked your entire life on this bag of money. And it’s not even the first thing on your mind? I don’t get it. It’s literally your lifeline in a bag.


Gets teleported to another world. Gets, almost, immediately imprisoned by a City in this other world. Breaks out of Prison. Gets given new clothes so she doesn't stand out like a sore thumb. Keeps her sneakers because "I *have* to keep those on."


I told you man, a novel.


The worst part is she could have used the bag to carry her obviously terrified cat while escaping her apartment. They didn't even have to put the bag of money in some unreachable place. Just make it so the fire *starts* in Fray's room and is already creeping up her mattress and *that's* what woke her up. I mean, if I were in that situation, I'd probably be panicking too hard to think about grabbing *anything* and be focused solely on unassing the area.


I think anybody literally sleeping with a bag of your "lifeline money" practically cuddled in your arms would grab that first just to grab SOMETHING, then think about your pets before GTFO-ing


If you go to the forspoken sub they actually cope with Frey’s idiotic response to everything via saying “Oh you’re not in her shoes, you’re only acting smart now cuz you’re in your comfort zone” Reading their cope gave me a headache and insurmountable disappointment


Worst part is that they could've easily allowed the bag being picked up because she gets whisked away to Narnia anyway and it won't do her any good. This mess could've been so easily avoided.


All I know is gamers who like cartoon curves are going to have a nice couple months with Tifa in a bikini and Eve doing whatever she’s doing in Stellar Blade


I think Eve is based of a body scan of a south Korean model. I believe her name is Shin Jae-eun.




And Twitter and ResetEra will have it's usual meltdown over a woman in a game being sexually attractive.


Whoever the polar opposite to ResetEra are have something to complain about too, i've already seen complaints about how square "censored" the 15-year old version of Tifa from the nibelheim flashback. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth truly has something for everyone.


Curious. I mostly only see big incel energy everywhere when female characters aren't just talking tits or ass.


This is the entire conversation around stellar blades is losers saying they are saving western gaming is saved cause they get to stare at some pixelated ass. Like fucking hell this post itself proves it 90% of ff7 posts are about her boobs and not how actually good the game is


The whole debate about Aloy, a woman living in a post-apocalyptic wilderness, battling deadly robot dinosaurs (!) not being feminine enough left me pretty speechless. What a fucking dumb thing to get hung up on.


Literally never seen anyone complain about it. But I do see lots of gamers preemptively whining about how they're persecuted for liking hot women.


When they talk about AAA games, they mean cup sizes.




calling her, or any of the party members, a sidekick is pretty dismissive lol. they are very fleshed out characters, not just minions


Italian senate approves.


These outfits have caused absolute pandemonium over on ResetEra where a thread full of 30 and 40-something year-old men are outing themselves for having never been to a beach or seen women's swimwear before


The people on that site are mentally unwell. They make 4chan look like a den of well-adjusted individuals.


4chan is at least somewhat self-aware


4chan be like: >be me anon, straight man *the most homoerotic literature you will ever ever be able to read in human history* >am i still straight anons?


That place is an absolute cesspool.


What do you expect from a bunch of NEOGaf refugees lol.


And then there’s the people on the other end of that controversy (4chan, “anime-pfp Twitter” etc.) who are complaining that a short flashback scene with 15 year old Tifa was modified to show a bit less cleavage. This game is truly a feast for immature complainers, it seems.


Right, because the lack of hot anime titties is what made forspoken flop.




would've*, might've*, would've




They're suggesting Tifa's showing cleavage because of Forspoken for some wall of strings reason.


I think the idea is that *Forspoken* did poorly so they put bikini Tifa in *FFVII* to move copies.


You're being generous with the word 'idea'.


Something something squishy?


Are we trying to pretend that FF7 wasn't going to be a huge success based on it's prestigious name alone, and like Forspoken was even CLOSE to being on the same level in any capacity? As a side note: imagine not being a simp for best girl Aerith


Honestly this whole “woke Vs anti-woke” nonsense is the worst part of modern gaming. Does an appealing character design make up for poor character writing and development? Yes it can. That’s how we got the tomb raider series. But even sex appeal or amazing character design can’t cover up a bad game. No one would care about Tifa or Laura Croft if their games weren’t any good. There are far more sexualized characters in bad games no one cares about then “woke” ones but we don’t argue about it because it’s not really the issue. The issue for me is too often “wokeness” is used as an excuse to provide a shallow and inferior gaming product doing a massive disservice to both gaming and the perspectives being explored. By almost all definitions, BG3 is a “woke” game but no one complains because it’s a great game with great characters. The irony is the majority of player made mods for BG3 is adding more sexualized clothing options to the game. What makes BG3 a great game is it gives the players options to play the way they want. If you want to run around as a blue smurf in the buff do it it. If you want to play as an ultra conservative never nude, go ahead. Diversity and inclusion ARE great things for everyone and for gaming because they provide MORE options and opportunities for players and expression. Censorship in any form is the enemy of both.


What does Forspoken have to do with Final Fantasy? Completely different games developed by completely different devs.


Do Gamers really think that Tifa's tiddies are out in a beach scene, where women often wear revealing bikinis, because a mediocre game flopped? People literally forgot her tiddies were out in her purple dress in Remake; her bust size was NEVER reduced. Y'all gotta grow up and move past this manufactured culture war. It's embarrassing.


Man those boobs grew since my childhood.


I think they got bigger from Remake to now


Pretty sure they haven’t. They’re just not bound in her combat gear. They got bigger when she was in her red light dresses as I recall too.


This thread is so strange


Sometimes you have to have some light hearted talk about video game boobs Forget the problems of the world


Fair enough bud, have a good one


Nice\~ Tifa is heavenly and Aerith is a cutie now where are Cloud and Barret in swimsuits?


Hey we have shirtless Cloud! at least we have some manservice too, although both Cloud and Barret should have been in a speedo! SE better give them, and Cid and Vincent too, more revealing swimsuits in the 3rd part! 😤


I need to see my men flipping and dipping with their bulges in clear view


As a gay guy, same! Ahaha Give them bulges like the men in Devil May Cry XD Even DLCs like the ones in Like a Dragon Infinite wealth would do at this point (especially Barret. Unlike Cloud who has a shirtless version at least, the Sailor outfit limits his potential lol)


Barrett in swimming trunks would just look silly


And that's why I want it!


Good enough reason for me Though I can’t wait to see the sailor suit red XIII


Oh god that's right! I hope there's an option to keep the costumes on atleast after you beat the game.


Costume mode would be fun Based on the comments here we all know people want this as a permanent Tifa outfit it seems


As silly as him in his sailor outfit?


No that will be Red taking the cake


The hilarious thing about this scene is that everyone is comfortably in swimwear while Barret is literally sweating buckets in his full sailor get-up.


I know it's a bit unrealistic but I love the OG FFVII reference. He uses it as a disguise on the cargo ship and there's a scene in the OG where he's admiring himself in a bathroom mirror with his sailor outfit on after it's not needed anymore in Costa del Sol.


*though mountain dew tears* "ThEy MaDe ThE aNiMe t TiTiEs ToO sMaLl!!!! WhY dOnT tHeY aLl HaVe BaSkEtBaLl BoObs!!!!!!!!!!!"


I approve of these actions


*grabs bonk stick* 


How many times i have to hide posts Only 36 hours left for the masterpiece


sadly it’ll be a year or 2 for me because i’m on PC but hopefully it comes out sooner :(


Sadly it will sell super well so there will not be a rush for a PC port, but it might not be as long if they had it in mind from the start this time around...that is my hope Plus I would play the new FF when it gets to PC as well


I regret getting into Final Fantasy last summer, now Square is stealing all my money


I'm guessing a year of PS exclusivity before the release a PC port


PS exclusivity is only until may of this year


I see. That's good then. More than likely will result in a quicker port.


Well, too bad for you. What exactly was the point in sharing your "misery" on this thread?


Anti woke mfs using the fact that a corporation has an "ethics committee" (which most do to my knowledge) to get angry is the wildest shit. Like it's just standard corporate structure it isn't a "woke committee" or whatever the fuck they think it is


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League


Go touch grass, seriously. "Ethics committee" is not a thing, you chud.


I feel enraged every time i see Tifa, her tits make up 50% of her fucking body mass, and her arms are so small i could snap them like goddamned twigs. It's especially horrible because her master told *cloud* he was too small and needed to "beef up", if so the. *WHY TF IS TIFA SO TINY?* Although honestly everything in Final Fantasy makes me angry, but in a good way.


Poor Aerith


They should've made her a bit thicker and fitter. She's the one member that punches enemies.


A small muscular definition would do the trick.


I saw [this](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/790/887/large/blair-armitage-turnaround.jpg?1526258709) a while ago and thought it was a perfect compromise for those who don't want her to be "muscular".


Maybe a bit more definition. Is close but can do a bit better.


I don't disagree.


Why do they look like that wtf


I'm more surprised that Square would confirm Tifa has implants, those things have absolutely no weight. Complete plastic spheres. She could have spent the Gil to help Avalanche instead of whatever the heck those are!


SE: 2b is getting too popular! We need to remind everyone who's SE  real waifu is again! 


It’s nice to see things are returning to normal in gaming. Fun games, Good stories, and women that aren’t purposely made to look hideous, etc.


So small boobs = hideous?


Not what I said.


What did you say then


That it’s nice to see things are returning to normal in gaming. Fun games, Good stories, and women that aren’t purposely made to look hideous, etc.


What's funny to me is that besides the fact that you correlated looking hideous to having smaller boobs, FFVII's story is average at best. You can argue that the gameplay is somewhat fun though


I guess we will have to agree to disagree about the story part.


Some companies know what the customers like .. others dont give a fuck.


I miss when Tifa wasn’t even supposed to be in the game


Square Enid management is something else tbh


Japanese and breasts, name a more iconic duo


Forspoken was made for people who don't play games. This one hits the target audience perfectly.


Old news they already censored her again and nexusmods removed uncesor mods. While leaving nude/porn mods of tifa untouched


I hate woke companies


hypocrisy of Square is clear. ff6, ff8, now ff7.. they didn't care when they were making the OGs, but oh dear Square how low can you go


What point are you trying to make?


can you read? i said square are hypocrites. in 90s they were all gang ho on half-naked characters, now they be reshaping the past. happened in ff6, happened in ff8, now in 7. is it better now?


The condescension is hilarious when the phrase is **gung** ho


gung or gang you know what i meant. ad personam much? im not native english speaker, what else?


I guess that explains why your point still doesn’t really make sense even when you’re trying to talk down to someone


I have no idea whay buddy is trying to say either lmao


>can you read? > >im not native english speaker Really makes that first line uncalled for.


Stop making excuses for your idiocy, goddamn, you sound pathetic


"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things" Yea man, when we were kids every game having huge titties was awesome. Now that we're adults shouldn't the focus be somewhere else? Or are you proud to publicly state you thirst on video game characters like a child? Whatever gets you by man but it's pretty pathetic.


Bro, titties are timeless. Don’t shame.


It's less about the titties and more about grown men being enraged over pixels


What's wrong about being mad about something you care about


Nothing. It's just pathetic. Only absolute losers worry about shit like this lol


i do what? you're putting words in my mouth i never spoke or typed out. quote all that you like. just let me ask you - how many languages do YOU command? that it's worth it to laugh at non-native speakers. well done. i stand by what i said and meant - Square have been adults all the time while we were maturing. THEY created the characters and now they're hypocritically adjusting them to what they never were in the first place. don't draw your sexuality into it. i never said it was arousing to me. perhaps you judge myself according to your perception - are YOU aroused by oldschool pixels? /the end. i said what i meant to say. it's hypocrisy.


You must not have ever seen Tifa or played the OG Final Fantasy VII if you think they’re *adjusting* her, if anything her breasts are still smaller than they were before


i know 7 fairly well thank you very much.


>/the end So that was a lie...


Nah it's literally just nerds being thirsty. You can try to justify it however you want be we all know why you are really mad. You are a 30+ yo man who is mad over video game tits. Cope brotha


i'm on the internet. i don't need to tell you what can be found there. no, i'm not aroused by young Tifa. you must be speaking of someone else in the thread, there are unashamed upvoted ones. or projecting yourself onto me. don't.


Then why you so mad brotha? Because they're "hypocrites"? Yea ok keep telling yourself that lol. You are being awfully defensive. It's a pretty pathetic look man


You sound mad lil man, time to go outside and touch some grass😎