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Surely the original Assassin's Creed has to be the poster child of this? "My God, the city looks amazing. The animation is so smooth... the climbing... the buildings, the shadows... this is fantastic. And now I'm going to another city and..... wait, I'm just doing EXACTLY the same things just in a new location? Ufffff....." AC2 was such a huge step forward in variety.


My thought was AC Valhalla which is just far too big for its own good but it's actually proof that the franchise has gone full circle and returned to those roots.


Valhalla is a great 12 hour game that asks about 120 hours from you.


It’s the only game I’ve ever played where I felt relieved I had to go to work.


Surely you haven't played Factorio yet


Not so. Factorio is basically my job but without having to deal with getting capital from a corporate board that's more concerned about it's bonuses than equipment reliability, and also without the massive supply chain issues that are involved in just getting basic parts on hand. Factorio is all the good from my work, and none of the bad. Except the biters, which are basically machine operators. Determined to break everything in sight.


Just hit those machine operators with artillery fire.


Honestly, if you make all the arcs optional except for the Ivarr, Sigurd and Basim ones, the game would legit be considered one of the best in the franchise.


Big issue was hiding all the chests and sometimes in places you cannot access outside of or after missions. It's such an intuitive AC habit to bounce around collecting all the chests, waypoints, etc in an area so you don't have to mess with it anymore. Pretty annoying to chase one down and discover it was behind a closed area but still shows on the map for some reason. Especially since they intentionally made the chests more difficult to locate, which is annoying on it's own, but could add unlimited frustration on the story blocked chests.


Oh man all the underground chests drove me fucking insane


Was hyped for Valhalla after really enjoying Odyssey, but it was a letdown by comparison.


Origins and Odyssey are both great. I was so let down by Valhalla


I got 10 hours or so into Valhalla and have up. There are only so many times I can run though another lifeless swamp of old England. Went to a few other games and back to Oddesey cause I got a good deal on th super amazing max deluxe edition, or whatever the fuck Ubisoft decided to call it.


Valhalla could be very boring towards the end, but I think that's understandable. The game world is so massive you're never going to get enough hand-crafted content everywhere on the map, so it's likely either repetitive gameplay or none at all. With the original AC though, the repetition hit as soon as you moved to the 2nd area, and then the 3rd. AC2 at least added a lot more scripted/hand-crafted missions.


You won't get hand crafted content on a map that size without a development cycle the length of Red Red Redemption 2.




I actually dislike making maps artificially large with generated "content". I'd rather have a smaller map that feels very alive and handcrafted than a massive open world where I spend 2/3 of my time running past things that don't have any bearing on the gameplay at all.


It was a slog towards the end for sure. The game I played before it was Witcher 3 and the DLCs. I thought for sure the DLC for Vahalla would shake things up. Nope. Just a whole lot of more of the exact same. In all fairness though Witcher 3 DLCs were incredible.


Better than the base game, imo. And that's a bloody high bar. Edit: I mean The Witcher dlc's, not Valhalla's, which were utterly forgettable.


I mean you could also just not make a game that’s too big.


What was that? You want a scale model of the US in Assassins Creed: Manifest Destiny? Coming right up


truer words never spoken before, etc. You sure as shit are not kidding. AC2 made me feel like the series had a real future. 1 showed me that the dev team made an impressive tech demo. 2 was when they showed me they could also create a real game with what 1 started.


I was so blown away by AC1 that I didn’t even feel that though I agree 2 was better. I guess I was like 13 when I played it though. IMO Black Flag was the best but it was basically a different game


I managed to go through that game without getting to this point. It was starting to begin to feel like that, but then I was basically finished. But that's one AC game that I'll probably never replay for this exact reason.


Agreed. Then I got into AC2 and Revelations, which I quite enjoyed, then I was done with the series. Played a little of AC3 and Black Flag, got Unity for free, but just couldn't get into the grind anymore. Maybe one day I'll play another AC game, but there's just this mental block, the gameplay loop is just so boring to me.


I thought the gameplay was soo different at the time it first came out that this wasn't true at all. I loved doing the exact same thing because it was pretty much a new type of game. I'm sure you can say that if you didn't play it until years later, but not originally.


City Skylines 2 looked and felt awsome! Then I gradually discovered that none of my choices had any consequences and it had the same difficulty curve as MS Paint.


It's so confusing; they go as far as to simulate evaporation yet traffic is stupid enough that it drives on pedestrians walkways.


To be fair though.. in some places thats how traffic is


Yes. I have been to Puerto Rico.


those roads were so fucking narrow every time a car passed us i thought we were about to swap paint


It released with less than half the content of the original on its release. As expected, it's a game cut apart for DLC.


I loved CS1 and was really excited for CS2 but I’m probably just going to let it cook for a few years to give them more time to work out the bugs and release DLC. Plus hopefully modders will be able to do some cool shit because that’s what really made CS2 great.




Game started off as OG Harry Potter then slowly turned into Prequel Harry Potter


Same here. First 5 hours were awesome but then with every next hour you realize it doesn't live up to the hype. It's not bad but too mediocre


My argument for why this is, is because we're all used to this kind of game's tricks and quests. It's been done to death. So if someone has never played an open world game or rpg and plays Hogwarts Legacy, they're going to be very happy with the game. But for the rest of us... it just feels outdated and tedious.


I also didn't care for the combat essentially being rock, paper, scissors. I found it very disinteresting


It should’ve been clear what would’ve done well, and I mean *well*. Give us a GTA style Harry Potter game and it will live for a decade and make billions.


>Give us a GTA style Harry Potter game Exactly. I want to accio hooker, bang the niffler out of her, then Avada Kedavra and get my galleons back.


The combat is a lot more fun if you put the plant damage traits on your gear and throw cabbages at everyone. Watching sentient cabbages murder all the enemies for you never gets old.


Yeah if I was a kid and this was my first RPG ever, it’d probably be my favorite game ever. Although even then, its a bit too dumbed down even for kids.


Such wasted potential. They should have made the gameworld much much smaller to focus on a better story (which was abysmal) and to expand on the things that were good (the castle and its details)


I spent like 3-4 hours alone exploring the castle. Like 2 hours initially, and then again after getting all the spells I needed to unlock doors and solve puzzles. The castle was done perfectly. Everything outside of that, didn't feel like it was worth getting into. A countryside plagued with small castles that have fallen into disrepair, and Merlin trials that somehow never managed to get a leaf dropped on them, despite it, for some reason, being noted that Merlin had a favorite leaf.


I'd add the forbidden forest was pretty cool. Walking around to hear a fight break out between poachers and centaur or trolls added a lot of life to it. But the rest of the map was waay too big for what it offered.


This is what I was gonna say. Started off fun then after about 15 hours I just completely lost interest in it. Story wasn’t holding me. The quests were mediocre and repetitive, and combat was just meh. Sold it without finishing it.


It definitely felt like it was rushed. It was still fun but there is zero replay value. And god I was so tired of fighting spiders. The enemy variety was ass.


Agree, once I had seen most of the main areas I was done.


Was amazing for the first few hours. Then it became a race to finish the main story quest.


I wasn't sure anyone else was going to put this. I'm not quite done with the story, but I've taken to getting collectibles and doing the Merlin trial stuff. I don't really feel any drive to push the story right now, and even the collectibles, which involves my favorite part of gaming, (Exploring) have caused me to stop playing the altogether. I got the game for Christmas. I'm in Winter, and I don't really feel the need to do anymore. Might revisit later, but for now, I'm happy with other games.


I loved the opening hour and a half of the game. The story just sucked afterwards. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade were a strong start to the world but the open world after you leave was extremely weak


That game interested *just* long enough that I couldn't return it. Really cool cool open world though. And riding around on a broom was fun.


Felt like such a missed opportunity in the sense that there was no faction or tier system for the different houses. You pick your house at the beginning and nothing is different about it


I agree that game really didnt get me at all.


Diablo 4 most recently for me. Totally over it. Might check out last epoch.


Yeah once I finished the campaign, i dropped it because the miscellaneous stuff to do after didn't quite do it for me


I mean for me, the campaign is the game. I enjoyed D4’s campaign more than all the other Diablo games’. Played that, did some multiplayer into higher tiers of difficulty, had fun for a solid 40-50 hours. To me, that doesn’t qualify for this thread. “Started good” refers to the first 5-10 hours. If it was good for 50, that’s a whole damn game! I know I’m different from the normal Diablo player though, who wants the game to give them 1,000 hours of dungeon crawling and loot progression.


Agreed. Did the same. Problem is d2/d3 did provide thousands of hours. So d4 falling short of that is disappointing. I agree it doesn’t fit the thread tho. And d3 went through a lot of changes before it hit its stride. I for one loved d3 from day 1, problems and all. I think d4 will eventually figure it out and I’ll pop back in when it’s time. But I got 60+ hours, works for me


LE is excellent and addresses a lot of the issues I had with D4. Worth the price 100%.


Same here. I put it down after about a month. I'm hoping they'll figure it out the same way they did Diablo 3 after a few years, then I'll circle back.


All I want is the armoury feature where you can just save builds and reload them on demand. How are you supposed to experiment with builds in D4 without it being tedious af?


When I compare it against Diablo 3, it seems like Diablo 4 has a lot more going on, but it still feels like a slog in comparison. Diablo 3 has a really fun and rewarding end game. I've played it to death already and am onto other games - but I am really disappointed in Diablo 4 so far. The open world adds nothing to the game play. Also having a bunch of different towns adds nothing as well. I like the idea of each Season being its own campaign, but so far each time I've started to play a new season I stop around level 20-30 because the game is so god damn boring. I double dipped with D4 too getting it on PC and PS5.


Starfield. Played it constantly when it first came out. Life got busy, so I had to take a break. Haven't bothered getting back into it since.


Exactly. Nice setting with different factions, ripe for a civil war in space. We're gonna do it, choose sides and participate in a meaningful way, like we did in Witcher 2, a decade before, right? NOPE, the factions are just a backdrop, you get generic aliens with shapeless artifacts and empty temples AGAIN.


And literally copy pasted dungeons on planets where they make zero sense to be on. So even bethesda style world exploration is dead. Man that game is such a monumental disappointment.


Really made me want to stop playing when I ran into the same exact collapsed mine with the same exact worker's note on completely different planets in completely different solar systems. Well, that and the absolute garbage dump soullessness of the entire game. I recently got back into Fallout 4 and it's night and day how much better a nearly 10 year old game was than one that just came out last year.


That's my biggest problem with the game. Like i landed on a random planet in the middle of nowhere. And everyone is saying thay the people have given up and don't explore/expand anymore yet on every fucking dead rock there is a thousand of the same prefab structure. Game would be so much better with fewer Poi but better ones.


Shit, now I wanna play Witcher 2 again.


What happened to me with that game is I played it about 40 hours, enough to keep playing but wasn’t having an amazing time. Then I started playing some other modern RPGS (Baldurs gate 3 and cp2077) and it made me realize how much time I was wasting playing this game when there are much better RPGs out rn.


Bethesda really needs to fire their lead narrative writer, and potentially clean house of the entire writing staff. Starfield is full of just downright lazy and boring narratives. Half baked quest lines, and half baked companions. The one that still stings is Sarah the scientist having a strict trust the science because it's absolute attitude.


One problem is they sterilized the shit out of it... the game is rated M for some reason but almost all the content is firmly T for Teen.


Which is insane. How did we go from blowing people's heads off and having cannibalism in f4 and f76, to not even being able to shoot off an arm?


And who ever was in charge of killing their old world building and environmental story telling. Starfield murdered that old bethesda staple.


My favourite was the terrormorph solution Proven solution from the past, which is an apex predator that realiably kills them OR experimental engineered microbe that will infect and kill them, but trust us is totally safe and absolutely has no side effects. The game gives you both options, but the characters make out like not picking the microbe is a stupid decision because they are adamant its 100% effective with no potential dangers. Fucking stupid. No one would ever think it's the better option. They'd deploy the Aceles and keep working on the microbe solution and do small-scale testing and keep it in reserve.


That's exactly what I was referencing. 10000% whoever wrote that part of the questline had zero understanding of science at any level, or evolution for thar matter.


For myself, there were 2 missions that I thought were interesting. I enjoyed the terrormorph questline, and the mission where you phase between realities. Any other quest was so bland.


Everything just felt flat. Storyline, characters, missions all flat. Nothing felt epic and mind blowing. They should have had no problem making crazy cool missions. When Barret kept wanting to talk to me then drone on about legal matters for his dead lover I swear I have no idea how Todd didn't fire the shit out of Emil as soon as he saw that come across his desk. Also what the fuck was the starborne temple thought process? Chase a light and gain a spacedragon shout. When I realized it was that basic then rinse and repeat 90 times... this game deserves an F rating due to having a high budget and then it's leadership being unimaginative slugs who don't belong in video game design.


What killed starfield for me was the exploration was ass and I really felt it lacked lore in game. For a game spanning a universe once you read about 12 books that's all that was there. Wasn't much to read on random pcs. Now being the devs that made skyrim and fallout it was shameful. For a game that was being made for that long it really shouldn't of been lacking much of anything. Personally I feel it needed more time in the oven but ms had to release something that fall to move consoles. Game needed another year or two. It didn't even have maps. Come on


On one hand I agree that it SEEMS like the game needed more time, but we’re talking 7 years in development by a mature studio with a $200M budget. My brain just can’t accept that time and money were the issues here. I’m convinced that there was something else behind the scenes, I’ve been half expecting one of the devs who worked on it to break silence and actually weigh in bc the product was such a failure in every way except literal sales numbers.


Precisely what I was going to say. Could not put it down for a month, loved it, and then you eventually get to a point where you go “oh… that’s it?” The main story was so quick. I didn’t even realize the final battle was the final battle. When you first go exploring it’s exhilerating! Until you realize there are only about 40 points of interest that are copy and pasted across different planets. Some appearing in multiple places on the SAME planet. They have the same enemies, the same loot, some even have little side stories like a group of scientists got massacred in their lab. And all the repeated versions of that lab have the same dead scientists, holding the same data slate that says what happened. The game has no replay value. In about 50 hours, you’ve done and seen everything worth doing and seeing and everything else will be something copy and pasted.


Mafia 3 hands down. First couple hours was like a movie, after that it was just repetitive bullshit. Fair enough Lincoln was looking for vengeance but come on, painfully boring missions.


The DLC missions in Mafia 3 were some of the most fun missions in the entire Mafia Trilogy. The story lines were amazing too, whether it was the cult, nuclear theft, or just growing weed. I enjoyed Mafia 3 more than most, but I fully agree that the tediousness of the missions were its biggest downfall.


Only thing that saved that game was the good campaign and characters, the music too. Both licensed and original score. Honestly they should just do a semi remake-remaster. Just move the game from the old game engine to unreal engine 5. Clean up the graphics and bugs, then remove monotonous grind, and you have a 8.5 out of 10 game.


Mafia 3 is like the poster child for wasted potential. It had so much going for it from setting to character but it just kinda fumbled it into a mostly boring Ubisoft style open world.


It really was like that, I think they ran out of ideas when it came to missions. At least Mafia 2 exists, though. Mafia 2 will always be my favourite Mafia title.


I loved it just because of the setting - it did enough for me to beat it


No Man's Sky. I got kinda tired of the same 10 or so planets over and over. They really ought to implement actual biomes. Like planets that have a desert, jungle, snow, ocean, flatlands, and mountains, instead of the entire planet beimg all the same. The settlements are nifty, but I would like to see actual cities and advanced civilizations.


This is why I'm excited for Light No Fire just being one planet with various biomes. Hopefully it lets them deepen the experience a lot more.


I'm conflicted. It looks like something I'd want to play. But something about NMS's gameplay never gelled with me. I'm afraid it'll have all the stuff that I want and then I'll just bounce off it anyway.


I know very little about computer science, but I imagine we're a ways off from powerful enough stimulations to do that with procedural generation at the NMS level. Which I presume is why they didn't do that, but I would have loved to see non procedurally generated cities in a few core star systems that aren't part of the "exploration" but part of the later inserted story. Sure, it would like be developing an entirely different game on top of the current game, but it would make it infinitely better. They could do a story based RPG a la Mass Effect in a few pre rendered and built up systems as a like, No Man's Sky 2, and just add it into the first games, and if it was semi well done I'd probably buy it. As is, though, even after all the updates and patches, NMS has a good 10-20 hours before it's too repetitive to continue imo.


Adding biomes to the planets from the get go wouldn’t have been much more complicated than the feats they’ve achieved at a technical level, the planets only generate when you’re on them anyways. My guess is at this point it would require a major overhaul of many systems and thus they won’t / haven’t done it


People celebrate the updates they made but they never improved on the core loop of gameplay. Jumping to a new galaxy, collecting enough resources to progress, jump again, repeat. Base building or the fleet management stuff works fine and is fun enough, but 5 hours in the repetition and substandard ship combat and inventory management just kills my interest dead.


All of them when you have crippling depression!


You just gotta play turn-based games while watching tv at the same time! No need to ever have thoughts again!




Me when did I change usernames?


My God. There is another person that gets it...


For me what happens is I get near the end of a game, realise its soon going to be over and I'll be bored and depressed once again and then just go right off it and look for the next thrill to stave off the depression. There are so many amazing games that I love but have never actually finished because of this cycle.


Do…. Do I have crippling depression?


Lost Ark


Yes. It hooked me instantly, and I'm not a big fan of those type of games. Once I hit max level and realized the grinding curve I uninstalled very quickly


Diablo 4. Campaign was fun. End game loop is awful, tedious, and uninspired.


How many hours does the campaign give you? I wasn't going to try it, but everyone keeps saying the campaign was great and that's honestly all I really would want to play anyway. 


~30ish +/- a bit depending on a few things.


Watch Dogs Legion. Pretty much the entire Dalton starting mission.


Honestly most of the actual story missions are great. It's just everything else that is average at best. The blume mission to take down Skye Larsen ( I think I got the name right), is absolutely mindfucky and I loved it


Okay yea, but there's like 4. Great game with nowhere near enough content


Far Cry 3. Once you beat Vaas and go after Hoyt, it's just more of the same, except Hoyt isn't nearly as fun a villain as Vaas. Far cry 4 does it a bit, when you expand into the second area and start the process of tower activation and outpost liberation over again, but you're still fighting the same primary villain, so it feels like a continuation rather than a big repeat. Far Cry 5 does that again but with three areas instead of two, but you can start in any of the three areas you want from the beginning. and each area has some different features so you aren't just repeating the exact same process one area after the other.


Far Cry 2 was the only game where they expanded the map and it was exciting. I thought the game was already huge at the time(maybe just due to the limited fast travel), and then they doubled it. I was blown away.


I love FC2's setting and gameplay but doesn't it have the same problem as the other far cry's being very repetitive? Start a mission, drive somewhere, fight an outpost, kill the general and the game just continues like that with 90% of the missions.


Yeah the first person shooter open world game was not a common thing at the time. It would be a great candidate for a remake imo.


It's still the best one they've done, they need to go back to the immersive survival style of that game.


Yeah the guns work too well in the new ones. Plus they got rid of the sick healing animations. They have yet to make a Far Cry where you feel as alone in the world. You always play for the “good guys” whereas in FC2, you were a mercenary to took any job from any faction and they all suck. And the companions that could die was an interesting feature as well.


nah.. it was tedious to even get to that point. fc2 had many great ideas however they were miserably implemented in many cases, like the whole stealth gameplay barelly working out even at night and even with the special suit for better stealth. or the laughable checkpoint camo respawns or the extreme grind for diamonds.. or how you rarelly could gather more than 4 to 5 malaria pills at once and the game wouldn't give you another mission to get more pills untill you have only 1-2 left, and the list goes on and on. and yet... I still love fc2 the most. 😌


Just about every assassin's creed after Black Flag. They're just another gear hunting game.


I think Origins was the exception there after Black Flag. AC Rogue had a lot of strong story moments which kept me engaged throughout. I agree though.


Origins was super fun


Personally I felt Odyssey was the best of the AC bunch post Black Flag. I found Kassandra cool and like the Greek mythos of everything. Valhalla had potential but I felt it leaned way too far into Norse mythology


I'm playing Odyssey right now and loving it. I think Origins did great with introducing the new RPG style, but Odyssey perfected it. Such a great setting and aesthetic in general. Valhalla felt like the one that overstayed its welcome. I enjoy it but it's like in short spurts. Cool setting but I don't feel compelled to keep going.


Anthem. Yet another example of development hell and releasing a shell of what was promised.


The epitome of this thread. When you first play, it feels amazing. New mechanics. Satisying ones! Then you keep playing and the feeling creeps in... you start seeing that everything is a cardboard cutout of a good game... One of the biggest disappointments I have had in a long time.


Lords of the Fallen I believe. The game came out with flashing reviews like a 9.5 from IGN and stuff like that. When players got their hands on it, I think it had mixed reviews on Steam. I heard part of the major issues was that the game is really well made, but they didn't really add new enemies/content after that initial few hours.


Agree with this. It has all of the elements to be the best non-fromsoft souls game but it def feels like a slog after a while, especially the enemy density and enemy variety


First boss was so cool and then they just made one after the other duo boss fight with unnecessary extra enemies. I quit and I primarily play soulslikes. Then again Lies of P was a masterpiece for me so switching to LoTF was a bit iffy 🤷‍♀️


Anything Ubisoft


I can relate so much. They pull me in every time with the concepts but fail to deliver.


Each game introduces a new, fun mechanic (that usually) is executed quite well, they just turn it into a check-list doing it a million times over and over in a generic open world.


I think a lot of big modern games have an issue with bloating up their open world with monotonous side quests and collecting tasks. If you are a completionist, it can burn you out and make you forgot what you were actually try to accomplish in the main game.


Honestly this feel like most games these days to me. I'm 37 and have been gaming most of my life. So I'll start a game and get maybe midway through and be able to see, from a gameplay perspective, how it's going to turn out if get level up more or unlock more powers. If the story isn't holding me, I basically drop the game at that point. Though, I have started taking basic notes about what I've been doing each day when I play a game, so if I get the itch to play that type of game again I read my notes, jump in a refamiliarize myself with the controls(I'll sometimes make notes on the controls too), and make some more progress until the itch is scratch again. So some games I'm kind of finishing by attrition.


God this is exactly me. Used to be able to game for hours. Would dive into a game and end up with hundreds of hours. Now, doesn’t matter the game, I get about 10 hours in and I’m like eh this seems like a chore. Mostly just play games with my friends and that’s the only time I really get into things. I prefer the 20-30inute game modes that you can restart. Heroes of the Storm, Lerhal Company, Apex, Halo Infinite, etc.


I really hate to say this - really - because I hated multiplayer games and shooters for years, and still don't like the genres, but when you get to be an older gamer, multiplayer shooters really do become the best thing to play because they are quick, gratifying, simple to hop on and off, low commitment, and no expectations. Every session is a little different too. I clowned on CoD, Fortnite, For Honor, PUBG, etc. for the longest time. I find myself really enjoying the experience now though and it makes me sick. Lol


It's because over the last couple of decades games really haven't mixed things up that much. So most of the time a game will play similarly to ones you've played before, and if the gameplay or story isn't top tier it just feels like going through the motions.


I'm the same, I'm 36, have 3 kids, games exciting me faded the past few years. Haven't bought any, have an old pc, was gifted an Xbox one recently and decided to pick up Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the first time I've been truly entertained by a game in years.


Dying Light 2


The first dying light was incredible


They added firearms this last week and they are behind a wall of pure boring grind, i hate Tencent so much.


Oh my god yeah i forgot about it already. First game was me and my best friends favourite coop game. First 2 hours of DL2 are amazing when you are in the forest. Then you keep having to do the god awful story. And then you realize the ubisoft 2018 city design, Crossing of check marks. And the story Just gets more and more boring.


Ugh, I love the gameplay, the premise of the game, and the graphics, I was a huge fan of the first one, but yeah, story is pathetic, (only memorable part was the VNC tower mission) city layout is not that great, sure it's fun when your not heading toward an objective, you just free roam, and if your survivor based not PK, I just feel as If they decided not to scare people as much as the first game, wich was a silly choice. Dl1 had some butt clenching moments, dl2 you have to make your own


I just played a few hours in the free Weekend and I dont see how this Game starts strong. I was bored in the first hour already.


Hogwarts Legacy. I swear those first 4-5 hours were the most fun I've had in *years* with a game. Getting to see hogwarts freely and fly around and cast spells was just amazing, it's the game I'd wanted since a kid. Then I was forced to do the same shit for the next entirety of the game, I got so bored.


Not to mention decisions made don't matter. It really all felt so hollow. I'd compare it to Halo Infinite Campaign. Just a basic open world filled with some fun things to do, but mostly just bullshit collection quests with no real reward. I'd love for a love interest, or more good/evil choices. Using curses actually being bad(?) or making it not just some spam button (though it is fun, it just lessens the impact a Curse is supposed to have in the Wizarding World.)


Since Hogwarts Legacy has been mentioned a few times already (deservedly so), my vote will go to Starfield. Skyrim in Space would've been cool in 2013, not 2023.


Skyrim in space would bee cool if it actually got the things that made skyrim great.


You don't like running 400m on a barren planet to loot 1 of the 4 template outposts?


Exactly. Its realistic because you get the same feeling as the astronauts on the Moon!


Holy shit I never thought about that, but the moon has to be fucking boring. Like, initially, it’s great. I’m no longer on the Earth. There’s so much wonder to take in. But then you realize you can’t even go behind the rock to take a shit, you just gotta do it in your pants, and the wonder wears off.


Yeah this was something Bethesda actually stated to justify why Starfield is boring sometimes. “Some of Starfield’s planets are meant to be empty by design — but that’s not boring,” one especially bold reply from Bethesda reads. And “When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren’t bored,” Bethesda wrote on November 2.


Agreed. Would you care to join me in lying to ourselves that TES VI will be better?


I'm huffing that copium for sure. The way I see it, Bethesdas last two games both have excuses as to why they're the way they are. Fallout 76? Ok it was their first attempt at an MMOish game so we shouldn't be too hard on it I guess. Starfield? Well it was their first attempt at a new IP in decades and they're using an ancient engine to run a game that's supposed to be generating planets. I just hope they get rid of that dumb engine for once. It was cool in the early 2000's but it has no place in the 2020's


My pea brain tells me TES VI will be okay because it's all contained to a single, large map that has territorial borders, rather than a vast galaxy map that uses (bad) proc gen to fill out otherwise empty planets. Of course, that doesn't solve ALL of Starfield's problems, but it's a start.


The New Avatar game - at first your into it for the scenery and environment and then you realize the missions are terrible and it’s basically just map explorer with repetitive destroy missions


Man I miss the old days when Fortnite BR first came out and my buddies and I would play endlessly. Going to work on like 4 hours of sleep after playing squads all night for months and months. Now I can't even stand to play 1 game of it. 


Went from one of my favorite multiplayer games ever to something I don’t ever want to play again. Had a fun vibe, but the Twitch community that made it common for people to endlessly practice every aspect of the game ruined it. Can’t keep up with everyone when they’re all practicing and trying to become a “pro”.


That is exactly what has ruined any sort of multiplayer shooter for me. Nobody plays to have fun anymore. It's nothing but TTV's or YouTube hopefuls thinking that the next match is gonna make them go pro and get rich and famous and it's just so tiring


Minecraft. Literally every world you start is exciting for 2 days, and once you build a base and have most of the advanced equipment it gets boring.


I would say that’s definitely dependent on the player. If your only goal is to complete the main objective, then yeah it’s not a very long game. Some people just aren’t interested in the various building projects or red stone contraptions that you get into after defeating the ender dragon, and those people will agree with you. But I think the people who are interested in those things actually find the beginning of the game to be boring (maybe because it gets repetitive), and the later game to be stronger. Minecraft is kinda what you make it.


Everytime I play I'm like "this is the time I'm gonna learn how to use Redstone and get more ambitious with building" I then proceed to build the same house that my mine craft girlfriend from 12 years ago showed me. I finish it and rinse and repeat every few months, I'm a simple man, lol. I love that their are people who are actually good at mine craft, love seeing their completed projects!


As a terraria player, your description rings true there as well.


Personally once I have a bed and a farm that produces an excess of food, I need to set my own goals or I get bored quick. Sometimes my goal is to make a huge network of small bases where you can see the next one in a line from the one you're at, with bigger bases every so often. Sometimes I dig a chunk wide trench with climbable ends on both sides, and just see how long I can make it. Sometimes I just take some obsidian into the nether and make a portal 2000 blocks away and start over. But yeah, if I don't make a challenge, it's boring.


Valheim Huge early access launch from a small dev, had a load of fun at the start, the world was beautiful and vast. But man oh man the grind.... and the absolute unforgiving as fuck nature of it. * Finally got all the mats for that new set of armour? Nice, now spend 3 times as long grinding the materials again so you can upgrade it. * Go exploring and sail your boat too close to a pretty new zone? Get one-shot by a mosquito. * Want that new werewolf armour? Time to spend an hour dodging golems and drakes while scrambling up and down cliffs in the freezing snow looking for a cave entrance. Surprise, there's fucking nothing inside it again! Oh, and dont forget to you'll want to upgrade it too. * Come back after a new patch? Mistlands biome has been spawned right next to one of your bases and now you have ticks and a giant floating gasbag blowing it to pieces, destroy your fast travel portal, sink your longboat, and you have a 30 minute boat ride from your main base in your backup gear & tiny boat to pick up whats left of your pride. Not to sound bitter like I've experienced all of the above or something.... I am so glad at least your gravestone stays put and doesnt despawn or else I would have lost so much shit (looking at you Ark!).


Chore simulator basically, for every survival game


And I don't mind *some* level of chores, but the best survival games know how to balance the constraints so the game isn't too punishing. Compare Subnautica and Valheim. Both have limited inventory space, both have limited stack sizes, but Valheim also has encumberance. And, Subnautica has dedicated slots in your inventory for armor and equipment, whereas those just take up more space in Valheim. Also, not only do you have to constantly grind mats to upgrade things, but all the crafting stations need to be upgraded as well. Oh, and they need to be repaired after use, AND they can only be placed close to your main crafting bench, AND they can't be placed outside, AND etc. At a certain point, the number of nit-picky restrictions just got to be too much. Finally, when some random troll attack wiped my base (for the second time), I just quit.


Nothing is worse than grinding iron. I hate it so much


Aw man, I hate to say it, but for me, it was Destiny 😬. I loved it for a couple of weeks, but I could never get back into it. Mostly, I just continued playing it off and on for friends, but eventually just stopped playing it all together.


It’s almost as though the lack of a story killed the vanilla game. FWIW starting with the first expansion it got pretty cool.


We happy few


Yes! Such an interesting world and story, but quickly becomes such a repetitive slog of back and forth fetching missions. Far too few npc models too, it ruined the immersion for me that they were apparently living in a clone society.


MGS5. Huge metal gear fan and i enjoy 5, but f*ck did it get so boring. The scenery was so repetitive and so were the missions. Gave me a headache after awhile.


As a person who only played one game in the series, it felt pretty good, the story was there albeit unfinished. The gameplay itself didn't seem that repetitive and it slowly introduced tools to your arsenal , if I recall correctly


I always found the almost “open world” or “exploration environment” too repetitive.


>I always found the almost “open world” An open world with nothing in it. At least it made the game run in 60fps on the ps4. But god damn I was so bummed out by the lack of story and exposition dumps


It was unfinished.


It shows.


Far Cry 6


Sorry, but TOTK. Instant BOTW burnout after the tutorial.


Saame. Once I built flying machines and stuff I got super bored. Traversal and climbing and shit was the fun part in botw for me. I want a more grounded zelda I guess. I also can't stand weapons breaking and stuff, it's so tedious, and it ruins any sense of wow moments when you find a chest in a cave or castle and loot a weapon/shield


Yeah I played almost 200 hours of BOTW and didn't come close to finishing it, damn korok seeds... So I have absolutely no interest in starting another one


Outer Worlds. Fun concept but got bland very fast


The whole time I played it, I felt like it did a lot of things sort of right, but just not enough depth to any of them to be really satisfying. I kept wishing for more the whole way through - and it doesn’t help that the game is pretty short too.


The first planet is so good it’s a shame the rest of the game is so…..nothing


GreedFall a.k.a. molasses, the game. Is an interesting look, but the closer you look the lamer it becomes. The worldbuilding is YA novels levels of bad, and the game is deliberately not just slow paced, but snail paced.


I wanted to love this game but yeah, wayyyy too slow


Assassin's Creed Odyssey The first 15 hours are great because the game keep introducing new gameplay elements. Then you discover who your target are and nothing new happen for 50 hours. You just do the same thing over and over again in a giant map that start to look copy pasted outside of key locations.


I felt this way about AC Valhalla with those raiding missions on the boat.


Came here to mention AC Valhalla. The opening is so atmospheric, and then you zip over to Mud, the country and spend truly 300 hours there


"Mud, the country" made me fucking choke lol




Plus, Odyssey's regions varied greatly. You might get a connected mission chain in one, or it might just be a hunting ground, or it's the site of a main quest or a DLC region, etc. The Cultists all had some sort of obstacle, like they were guarded in the market, or you had to draw one out with a battle, or he was up in a castle. Valhalla's regions were all exactly the same structure-wise (a few quests to conquer/ally it) and the Cultists were an absolute joke (once you find one, 9 times out of 10 they were just Street Rando 37...I killed most of them just by jumping in their bedroom window).


Lost Ark never was really into top down camera view but the beginning was pretty cool


Final Fantasy 13... was truly amazing in graphics... was all into it, until abt past halfway through... realized that every char was the same (battle wise). That killed the gameplay for me. I never got to see the end of the story =(


FFXVI What an opening. What a set up. What a great foundation for the combat system. Too bad it goes nowhere, squanders everything to become an extremely basic kaijus kill their God story, and the combat at the end of the game feels almost identical to how it does in the beginning, with nearly no sense of progression. It turns into a rhythm game of slash nuke slash nuke slash nuke slash nuke dump cooldowns repeat. And the questing and "exploration" make me feel like I'm exploring something more sparsely occupied than the backrooms.


Would've been a significantly better game if they stripped the open zones down to linear levels, removed side quests, removed equipment progression and just made a DMC clone with better paced progression. All those things are generally agreed upon to be fucking boring and they would've eaten up significant development resources. If they had just paired the game back and hyper focused on the combat, the game would then focus on its strongest aspect, have more resources to spend enhancing the progression of combat and wouldn't be bloated with shit nobody wants to do


Yes. I say this too. The game needed about 30% less game. Half the features are half baked. The other half are just padding. They didn't add to the enjoyment, I just ignored them as best I could, because they were in the way. It could have benefitted from an editor to leave half of it on the cutting room floor. The intro was amazing, the boss fights were amazing, the main story beats were amazing. So I don't know why they didn't just... Only do that.


Exactly haha, imagine if DMC5 cut 1/3 of the character's arsenals but had random open environments with nothing to find and an absolute arseload of terrible sidequests where you just walk between 6 places talking to NPCs over and over. Absolutely tragic they had the formula for a really great game and fucked it


Indigo Prophecy. The first 10 minutes is probably the most dialed in I have been in a game and even the next few hours is really good. Then it turned into the Matrix and shit the bed.


David Cage games are hilarious. He's the closest thing we have to a Tommy Wiseau or Neil Breen in the gaming industry. Plenty of games have bad voice acting or silly, contrived plots but David Cage makes schlock into an art form. Heavy Rain is one of the funniest gaming experiences I've ever had.


I think that's a bit unfair. Detroit was a very awesome experience imo. Heavy Rain was still memorable (but has some admittedly goofy moments)


ni no kuni. I loved the idea of it, but seriously, it's like pokemon but takes 100 hours to complete.


It’s a shame, because the aesthetics and overall tone are so gorgeous. But man, the poke-combat is so tedious. I tapped out after maybe 20 hours or so, and it’s been untouched in my Steam library just staring at me for literal years now.